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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-04-20, Page 17Boost
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INTERNATIONAL COSTUMES — Costumes of three countries were worn at Wednesday's International
night observed by the Exeter Girl Guides, Brownies and Rangers. Shown above are Jean Luxton, Cindy
Prest and Barbara Armstrong. T-A photo
Stage bunnyhop
Elimville Institute elect
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The April meeting of the
Elimville Women's Institute was
held Wednesday evening when
members entertained the 4-H
girls and leaderS.
It was the annual meeting and
a smorgasbord supper with the
conveners of groups on the table
committee in charge.
The president, Mrs, Elson
Lynn, conducted the business.
Roll Call was answered by paying
fees and a written suggestion for
next year's program. Mrs, Ross
Skinner led in a singsong and the
75th anniversary song.
Joan Lynn from Club III gave a
musical number. Club I favoured
with a Sound effects story.
Everyone joined in the Bunnyhop
for some humorous exercise.
Club II led in a singsong ac-
companied by Judy Parsons and
Anne Johns on the guitars. There
were 21 club girls present.
Mrs. Delmer Skinner gave the
report of the District meeting in
Hensall. The District Annual will
be held in Egmondville church
May 17. Elimville Women's
Institute are to put on a display
"Pollution of the Highways".
, Mrs. Ross Skinner was ap-
pointed to attend the May Con-
ference in Guelph May 2, 3 and 4.
The Forums and Training School
courses were discussed,
Mrs. Floyd Cooper gave the
report of the secretary-treasurer
and Miss Ruth Skinner gave the
auditor's report. The reports of
the Standing committees were
read and approved and Mrs.
Elson Lynn gave the president's
The election of officers was
conducted by Mrs. Ross Skinner.
The executive meeting will be
held Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Lynn. Mrs. Ivan
Brock presented Mrs. Floyd
Cooper with a gift for her term of
office as secretary-treasurer.
The slate of officers for 1972-73
are: honorary president, Mrs.
Ivan Brock; president, Mrs.
Elson Lynn; first vice-president,
Mrs. Philip Johns; second vice-
president, Mrs. Howard Pym;
secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Carl
Gower; assistant secretary-
treasurer, Mrs. Clifton Jaques.
District director, Mrs, Delmer
Skinner; alternate district
director, Mrs. Ross Skinner;
Directors, Mrs. Lorne Johns,
Mrs. Jack Blair, Mrs. Freeman
Horne, Mrs. Floyd Cooper;
examiners, Miss Ruth Skinner,
Mrs. Murray Coward.
Pianists, Mrs. Thos. Hein, Mrs,
Thos. Campbell; nominating
committee, Mrs. Eric Clayburn
and Mrs. Jerry Grubb,
Burning Rectal Itch
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Clandeboye native dies;
Institute chooses officers
Times-Advocate, April 20, 1972: !age 17
By MRS. SUE g.P.GINT0,14.
Cecil George Flynn of Port
Colborne passed away in Port
Colborne General Hospital, April
9, 1972, after a short illness in his
62nd year,
He was the son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. George Flynn of
Clandeboye and attended
Clandeboye Public School,
Surviving are his wife Betty,
sons. George, John and Jeff; one
sister, Mrs. Marjorie Riddle of
Davidson Funeral Home, Port
Colborne, conducted the funeral.
Interment was in Overholt
Those attending the funeral
from this area were Mr. and Mrs,
Murray Hodgins, Lucan and Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Carter, Clan-
Long trip
J. F. Farm Machinery Ltd,
leased two tractors and trailers
from Lew Mar Leasing, Clan-
deboye, to haul machinery from
their plant in Exeter to Brigham,
Utah; Mendon, Mass. and
Bloomfield, Conn,
The drivers on the trip were
Garry Heywood and Larry Lewis
hired from the Lucan driver pool.
St. James Church
The annual meeting of the
Diocese of Hurtm Brotherhood of
Anglican Churchmen will be held
at All Saints Church, Hamilton
Road, London, April 21, 22 and 23.
All the men of the church are
invited to be present.
The annual meeting of the
Diocese of Huron Anglican
Churchwomen will be held. April
26th at 9:30 a.m. in St. Paul's
Cathedral. Dr, Helen Milton of
the University of Windsor will be
the speaker,
April 27 the St. James ACW will
meet in the home of Mrs. Karl
O'Neil in Lucan.
The April meeting of the
Clandeboye WI was held at the
home of Mrs. Groenewegen.
Members paid their fees as an-
swer to the roll call. Reports from
all committees were given and
Mrs. K, O'Neil gave the
nominating committee report of
officers for the new year who
Dist. director, Mrs. R. Cun-
ningham; alternate, Mrs. A,
Lewis; president, Mrs. C.
Coughlin; vice-pres., Mrs. W.
Scott; secretary, Mrs. R. Wor-
thington; treasurer, Mrs. A.
Conveners of committees:
Agriculture and Canadian in-
dustries, Mrs. D. Kestle;
citizenship and world affairs,
Mrs. R. Williams; education and
cultural activities, Mrs. A.
Hodgins; family and consumer
affairs, Mrs. Dejong; resolutions,
Mrs, R. Neil; Tweedsmuir
history curator, Mrs. A, Hill;
public relations, Mrs. Wor-
thington; auditors, Mrs, M.
Simpson, Mrs. A. Lewis.
Mrs. A. Lewis conducted the
A bus trip is in the planning
stages for the June meeting.
Stewart Samis, Jim Oke, Steve
& Owen Fear all of Oshawa are
new tenants in the Clan-lan
Development Apartments.
Milfred Cannon and Ken
Loucks have also moved into the
Mr. & Mrs. Orville Taylor and
family of Brockville formerly of
Lucan visited with Mr. & Mrs. C.
H, Lewis, Saturday.
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Carter and Mr.
& Mrs. Clarence Carter and
family visited Sunday with Mr, &
Mrs. Andy Carter of Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Isabel! Simpson
entertained Sybil Stephenson of
Ailsa Craig, Mr. & Mrs. John
Simpson, Rosemary and Paul of
Kirkton and Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Banks, Cindy and Krista of
Bright's Grove, Sunday.
Mr, & Mrs. Harry Murless
arrived home Monday after a six
month vacation in Florida,
Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Lewis
celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary in Ottawa. Mr. &
Mrs. Lewis visited with Mr. &
Mrs. Lloyd Atchison a former
resident of Lucan.
Ron Foran, Karen and Bobby
of Blyth visited recently with Mr.
& Mrs. Stan Preszcator.
Chris Dye visited over the
weekend with Mark 5th-es of
Mr. & Mrs. Don Dinney spent
Thursday in Toronto and also
visited with the former's sister
and husband, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
Taylor of Georgetown.
Mrs. Aaron Wein spent
Saturday visiting her brother J.
E. Truemner of Chesley,
Mr. & Mrs. Milne Rader of
Zurich recently visited with Mr.
& Mrs. Aaron Wein.
Lorna Glanville spent the
weekend with Pam Schroeder.
Barbara Preszcator spent the
weekend with Joan Klemke.
Mr, & Mrs. E. O'Reilly,
Edward and Mary Margaret of
Barrie were Sunday guests with
It,Mr. & Mrs, Fred Parkinson,
Margaret and Janet. Mrs, K,
Cacciotti who has been spending
Sometime with the Parkinson
family returned to Barrie with
Mr, & Mrs. David Wheeler and
Mr, & Mrs. Glenn Copeland,
Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna
visited Sunday afternoon with
Mrs. Jack Cooke and Rev. & Mrs.
J, P. Cooke of Thamesford,
Mrs. James Miller is a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital, London
following surgery.
Mrs. Marie Mills of London
visited Sunday with Misses
Blanche and Rhea Mills.
Congratulations to Janet
Parkinson, Patricia Cowdrey,
Michael Brine and David Strahan
on the prizes they won at the
Stratford Music Festival,
Achievement Day for the South
Huron 4-H club girls and leaders
was held Saturday at the Exeter
District High School for the club
"Sleepwear". Provincial honours
were presented to Karen Ker-
slake and Joan Lynn. County
honours were presented t)
Eleanor Johns,
We welcome Mr. & Mrs. Har
Murch of Petawawa into o,ir
vicinity having purchased the
brick residence of Alvin Cooper.
Mr, & Mrs. Wm. Routly visited
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Mills of Mitchell.
Vnited. Church Women.
The April meeting. of the United
Church 'Women was held in the
basement ,of the .church with 22
members present.
Miss Rhea Mills opened with
quiet music. Mrs. Ted IrMey
gave readings on "Spring", read
the scripture and led in worship,
Mrs, Lloyd Jaques read a story
entitled "The Miracle of the.
Messiah". Mrs, Glenn Copeland.
gave the study book on Angola.
The president, Mrs. James
Miller, conducted the business.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Johns,
Karen and Kelly attended the
Webb-Prance wedding at Dash-
wood, Saturday. Miss Kelly
Johns was flower-girl.
Mrs. Don Willcox and family of
Kitchener were Thursday guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Routly.
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Skinner and
family, Alvin Cooper, Mr. & Mrs,
Harry Murch were Sunday guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Don Parsons of
Hensall celebrating several April
A car so advanced, it can tell
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Remarkable new invention in every1972 Volkswagen.
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LOOK. . It's Our Annuall
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Savings Are Tremendous
We've all been through it.
The agony of an automotive check-up.
You sit nervously thumbing through old magazines,
praying that somehow you can get out of there for
less than $50.
Then, the moment of truth:
A Service Manager telling you that one of his best
mechanics thinks you need a new generator.
Those days will be over soon if you own a 1972
For instead of a mechanic telling you what he thinks
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Sound amazing? It is.
A car wired like a space capsule.
When Man went to the Moon, the success of each
mission depended a great deal on a highly technical
computerized system that told the Astronauts the
exact condition of their space vehicle.
A similar system is now built into every 1972 Volks-
The system in the car.
Running throughout the car is a network of sensors,
each reporting the condition of various parts of the
Most of these sensor points are located in key
areas like the engine or the electrical system, but
many are found in seemingly insignificant places like
the heated rear window.
The information from all areas is channeled to one
central socket located in the rear engine compart-
The socket is about the size of a pack of cigarettes.
We mention the size only because of what hap-
pens next. And that's what this amazing socket can
do when your VW Dealer plugs our new computer
into it.
Checks wheel alignment in 10 seconds.
In 10 seconds, you'll know if your front wheels are
properly aligned.
In a minute, you'll know the condition of the corn=
pression of all engine cylinders.
You'll know if your battery needs water.
Ignition, dwell angle, generator, electrical system.
60 vital checks in all.
All checked out without human error.
In effect, your car will be telling you how it feels
From that one tiny socket built into the back of
every 1972 Volkswagen.
Results printed out in plain English.
One-half of the system is already here. Built into
every new Volkswagen.
The other half, the computer, is on its way.
A computer five feet away from your car is print-
ing out in plain English just about everything that's
right or wrong with that car.
When all 60 service checks have been made, the
printout sheet is yours to keep.
A new way to look at a VW.
It started with economy, back in 1949, when it wasn't
fashionable for an automobile to be economical.
But since when has a VW been fashionable?
Since never.
Obviously, the Volkswagen Beetle hasn't made it
on looks alone.
But then, that's always been the plan.
While everyone else has been worrying about how
their cars looked, we've been worrying about how
ours acted.
And now, after all that time, we've even
advanced it to a stage
where it can speak. EE
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