HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-3-16, Page 4a • 1 1 II II •= ■ 1 STRET1'0N. IT rex'KY a1NO4La1. Cosal.ntlyd. • t.,..t - deceived every one, said now she has lee '1t Is too late, "MI.' 1 it all out iu her dump, Mn. ()ray. 1 'Why, you dust Suppose, ds you, that am not going to ta.k OSS word more about nab a Hirt as that is likely to allow Ir.1 the wooer. Your brother Jimmy Is self to be played fast and loose with, as ticomiag hone to par his examination for you have played fast and loose with her ; the army, at''hnleoa ilwpital of all places and to he iusulWJ by • clot of a Mary • as if lie was a woodoD-lettg.d peesimser, May•urd a you have iroulte,l her ; and .,even to drink and language. I suppose W be 'Ethele l' as you have 'Etls.lul' 1 you wire say that you didn't kuuw that her ; and then Iiste. to's word you hove ' uei' 7' gut to say without-withoub'-busing But it was gaits otherwrac. To Rn- 'Indeed, I did not, Mia Evans.' your stupid care T You dont suppose hind ahs was shrewd, clear-headed '1 know she would; win A uut Eleauoi,'thut 1 on T 1 don't. Look at ber' t.•{low, matters 'looked extremely ugly. with Raoruful triwuph. 'The next thing What un earth was there to proton' his she will say is, that she does nut know lather haviuL( mlrlmu in a secret way that troland is coming bare to his house, before? It was quite likely. Many this very night, to dirks and deep, and to wen had dime so. If Gray could prow say good-bye to us all -that will be rhos, rho foolish. wordia,g of his frther'e Hs neat thing she will say ; 'nark any will would puiot at onoe to Allem Gray u words.' his father's heir. And-- 'lodeed it will, Miss Evans; said lie determined to knock up Mr. Somes, Ethel. the Mad of the Loudon branch of his 'I knew it; said Aunt Eleanor. 'I $hrtwabury lawyers, and speak to him knew oho would ay that. Ilowiver, Lboui it. Mr. Some* was over hes dessert, child, it io true, and as it is too Into for and alone, and ituland, after a tew pre- you to go home, you had better stay and liinioary civilities, opened the matter to make the best of it: le r+ Aunt now, fur the first time. nt tlrman. And Goo 'w, F ta DI r. JuSwum.a young mac about thirty, Eleanor looked at h hel ,.and duoored •with lung whiskers, looking Tery much that Ethel bad tensed, and way looking •Ike a cavalry ofioer without mustaches, very steadily at her without speaking. fix. d Li. %Iuew,1 bold eye on Roland's ■t 'Yes,' said Auto. Eleanor, quite coolly once, nod begged Roland to tall him what 'pod are perfectly correct iu your sup he tough( of the matter. position. 1 arrange this meeting here to - Bullied gate him the news which has might, and so you may keen your eyes to been stated Cativo, and added, 'I wink yourat'lf, child. I thought proper to do wear seriously of this busioeas,' so, and I did it : I never rete any further Mr. Sauna nodded. 'Go yore know reaselr fcr my conduct than that. anything of this young I'erkin 11 arbsck 7' first of all communicated with Jimmy to he edited.• know when he was cowing, and I got bin 1 only know that he is a yoalg mac to promise to be here to -night. Then I of the very highest character,' arid Ro sent and ordered Eddy house ; in fact, he land. "lei. a great friend of my brother's. is at his father's house now. Then I Ile is, I believe, adwirabls i• ever. ordered your brother John to step across; relation of lies. I know enough of biro and lastly, T scot for Roland. And so to say that if be did not tally believe in they will all be here to dinner; and I ave 110 own claim, all the tortures of the In• going to scold the cook and spoil the question would not have made hiu1 ad- dinner fora quarter of an hour, and thea mance it.' I am going to dress. If you ay a word, 'It is an ugly business, Mr. Roland,' I will be civil to you. Go.' and EtOel said Mr. Somcs. 'It way go well with went without a word, and there w6 us, and it may go W. I feel it my duty silence iD the house. to tell yea so. What arc his proofs f' Not for long. A wild storm, which 'I have not the slightest idea,' said had been for senor 'limo progressing to- IIoland. 'Mrs. Maynard knows souse- wards 1'ulverbatci (raace, now broke , ions.•=•arc ilei matter.' Mrs lhynsrd of the Darton T Yes, a client -Of ours. Wi essay half Ghr0p- ihiro for our olicots in eonsqucneu of our Shrewsbury connection, you know. The mother oftho future Mrs. Evans,' be added, smiling and bowing. 'Why, no, Mr. Soaves, said Roland ; 'Multi' off ; and ..,rood thing too, for I am going to India.' Soma showed no astonishment. 11e wanted to know something more. '1Ya will hear about India another time, Mr. Evans. 8o Mrs. Maynard is one of his witnesses, and there's nothing between you and ?dim Maynard 7 1 suppose there is another gentleman in the fiell, handsomer than you are, though we Sh,etppinieapeople used to oonaider you sot bed looking 7' 'I believe, Somas, that poor Jasper Meredith is uu minor there. But what does it matter to me now ?' Soaves gave • sudden start, but Roland did Dot realise it. Very shortls after, Roland went away, and young Souses, filling himself sums claret, took • letter frets his pocket book, and read its fol- lows :- ' Bonn. 'Deas Sorsa,-I have made such a thundering w of myself, and bate nut a soul to 'Atlas bre. 1 am sowing at once to England. 'I have so far committed my,e:f in writing to Miss Maynard that her mother makes her write to me every day, and writes himself three times a week, ceiling .me by my Christian name ; what on earth shall I do? 'I have no one to advise with but yyo__tg You have always been as much of ■ rrii3i as a man of bwiuers. Do advise me, eco. ,'ey An I indeed she was well worth 'Diking at, boiling her brother James's shoulders, d look angintubii etcawith geol.. tendert . n mottos to examine 110(dg• built un tNh cen,,,,et,n between 44 `15 and report a - Mat meeting of tiownwd. is the nowt •12 to be l'md sosatrwoS,r, 0n son IOU'. Moored by Mr. Durnin sue. by Mr. Kinr- han that • Town hall Ise built on the rear ut tot 18 colt 0 38 ft by 28 ft. The build- ing is to be cnt.structed, ae needy as array he, like the Colborne town hall. 1t was unutinfowly rewlred shot the Reap pro- cure the services of any competent Iverson et, prepare three enpb9 of •apecifiwtiou of the work rwtuired to be done and that the work be let by tender, or otherwise, at the nest meeting of Connell. Nured by Mr. Wilson see. by Mr. Gaunt that the council adjourn t.i meet won on 1'ue.da the I l an curiosity: fbr Ethc1 sae a w,:11 worth'. Aril neat. Carried. 7 looking at as any 700ng lady in the good I JAMES SCO1T,T'yClerk. ' county of Shropshire that day. 'Bolan 1,' she said, atepptng forwardI U,mgannon March 6th 187 1. and .wiling ou him, 'and so you aye going Dealt Ma. Eutroe you will please give to Indian : mercy on us, how lonely we l since in the columns of your Wuekly to i eland b. and how the times will Lave this 1 teee u ( culapwul t 11 o e n lb Dea th of ohinged1 1 .4a11 stay with Mins l faorasecoTT,who wasshotat Fort Garry, Era^s altogether, dela will have me The Loyal Sp,tt sat Canada ITS . She wet quite Pelf -possessed, much The untimely death uf'1'hutmas Scott • r went. sat beside whir to Ked Saver ,. t w wasdsa and as be t n:or • w b siu•• he and or to her all rarer LT a - lett d W thought wore soil wore what •fool ha Ili left ka par to h°tueawLfrienda, had been. Atm/test ta Ltrtuue for to try, Ac .0gat;hu rod skins of the West, CiI.1}''fElt iC\[X, IJ tae.othute West'rea sky. • • t 1 1 'LANDS FOR SALE AT BAYFIELD. I(Yrs NO'S. 71 t 72 BATVIIt(t ., ,NCa111WN I loss whip ,./ l.,d.r„ Ir..nyorl.Ing 145 erre. ntahe best ru.ot) 01 1. 4. •,ileo .I.,ut Y oar 0114. Yarkot poser sat the Tow„ „f It.) need. Then le • nears,. of • Baer. aloe r,..1,1 ...Illy h. ,r.lrrolwr „op. 1h• n..lro o1 tl,r earl'. el,u,ely ,.w, rod allls the brat of 10.1 •.'.l maple told....,( .laendl4 growth, .n ra• wheel '.4 pears ou two.ldr. of the property. wi.,rh 1• utn.le.l ,, .,ld sol weal ..tread uerehl.,urhlw.l. A l4lK/1. 1.,t 14, Range A 'Towu.lol• ..W.Ir1. ou Wrfu.p MAYS of veru rerned Ina,. food, .1,,, 1, would proles, e • large 9u.ttp or ar.wo.d to the sr,,. The 1.41 rues to me Mort Ite)a.Id •elle •r.w•dee.4W water fan rash ,von 1,r made a01ltlLe for 0.11114 u, m..ul.etanng parlors Fur Mrre .ggely w, JAMES D. ALLEN Guelph. .30 TSE LITTLE WANZER. THIS L[9TLE FAVORITE IS THE MOST COMPLETE F 1MI1.Y SEWING MACHINE. EVER INTRODUCED INTO NORTH AMERICA ()EUROPE ITS* ' In sorrow may lament • ROLAND had been in bed soma three hour+, w hen he was Awakened in the dead of might by a host's hoofs OD the Ruoff ; and while he was still lying wondering, a *errant entered half-dressed, still a light, and pat a thegram,lu his hand. , 'The Colonel of the 140th Dragoons to Cornet Evans :-You will instantly join 10 id-q.arten, and make every preparation fur wiling at ones, Cornet Marlow baviog met with a severe accident. No delay can be permitted.' ilia first astonishment over, be bads the servant dress hiwaelt' and help pack, while he weut off to rouse Elly. Eddy at. truce determined to go with him, and ON the very last of him, and they spent the utght in packing, having determined ouly to tell their mother what had hap - pea, d in the morning, and then only half the truth. e itlte doer and _held.. "silk • - -The parting form his mother was not T hia was summoned to Ute head•qusrten .of hta_rog ..e..4 ...N. aaat a t13/11pu1 Data rho servants did he Dee, but had driven off in the otrriags long before any of the Mordaunts were astir,_ fie looked aeross the valley at their house in the fresh peaceful hall. . trait oolill' ih„Tr. trrr,d,mrl,6 Iter - clear= MaiEDITH: CH APTER'XiV I l r. ,hu was putting on her brooch ; and as arts-• listened, her-- face grew -`awl amid worn loukiug. And she did a strange thin;. She knelt down at her dres'in_ table and prayed, -prayed earnestly, until the first paesiouate spirit of her prayer had . morning air, nod the house was closed, gone by the were iteration of the words, and 110 smoke was coming from the Thor, like a good ('hris,isn,she rose from , chimneys Moab was to pea before he her knees, strengthened, reigned, but saw them again. perfectly self possessed and determined ; Ile was very silent, but very gentle and and with her head ta,the air, went down , kind in the train. During the whole of staircase, saying, 'My bonny boys 1' ! the long do's journcd W Chatham, ha liar bonny boys were misoondocting'talked only w a wondering, eager way Ihem+elvea in the most outragoUsmtnncr. about chi fature : where they would send Jim Mordent had gone straight to him ; how he should got his neoeaaaries Stretion Castle, and had drivenoTer with, together in so short a time, and how Itoland and Eddy ie a do» -cart. They hod thet-Rolesdsbooal"ait ho - o, e groom, ii,3 that Fly should driie, to which Jan ee had agreed with a calmness which to Roland fur - boded dlsasler. Ile had propo.ed to drive, but sea at once objurgsted b) Ed ly and Jvme*, as deplrttng fron l is given word ; and no they had departed, Eddy driving. Bat in the first dangerous lane, Jim Mordauot discovered that he wanted to drive, sod fou.ht Eddy tor the reins, Eddy resisted, and Roland found it necessary , to interfere mildly, end to send the groom, who was con- tut for Hsiu lama bridge; J Gemmell fur ruined with laughter, to the plunging (lemmllli hridge; K J Evans for DridlLe n side line 5 si,d 6; 1) Haugh for Joob s, horse s head. After long recriminations Fadie'ya tl Greys Bridges; Wm Corium James was allowed to drive, and merle 'J Hogg for the %inghaw bridges; John ETHEL was more than ever with Mir Evans in these time, ; and thea two gut more and more Curdled to one another. Ethel, watching her friendrasw that she was more and more diistrattLt and anxi- ous at time went on. '1 am going to have Eddy home,' she said one morning abruptly. 'He must do something for himself, for goodness knows how many I may have on nary hands men ; and the army is not so expensive as Oxford, and so he had better be seen after. Ro 1 I "appose you know that Roland has got his eommissiou, and his exsmulation easily.' parsed y Ethel was very mach surprise.!. 'Ah 1 you may well stare, indeed. A nice mess we have made of it among us. delightful it would be, 1'ha moment *ay got to Chatham, be reported -himself to the Colonel, who seemed pleased at hu diligence, and complimented him. (Tu be I,:uot.r.J) Turn Derry. The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, all the member present, the Reeve In the chair. M t.s of last meeting were real and approved. The following persons were appointed to attend to the bridges in their neighborhood during the ttn.eof the spring (rwheta, sit : H Hamil- the hors* run away (fictitiously) in the Msswr for the 'hoovers bridge; end W H darkest of dark 'places; andbyicteotilk-',ZiaL'1 for the •Morriabank bride. )(caved haudling of his whip knocked. snap's hat , bj Mr Haugh, arc by Mr Curnyn, that this off, and pretended that he could Dot,pull'(. f10c11 tea • By -hue out is the his horses up to rceoverdtt.,t Yetruchio building of the M,irnsF,ankto bridge in con- lunchou with the Council of Morro and It , r 1, ,, tt'M7s eetwa'ppad asJama rho* ilia Clerk notify the Morris Council was that night; and so, when Aunt E1..1 t, that effect, and that Messrs Mesar and nor same softly stepping down the stair- . Iseeli stoma the first aitting of the Mor - ease, with her candle glittering on her , vis C eonc❑ Li regard to the budding of diamonds, she found Eddy with biscurls!said bodge --carried. in disorder, and the rain -drops glittering I'.nn•I ti repenler 1871.-11. Porter, C upoo them, scolding -fairies and appeding . ta,Dt 15chnek and H rw Hat ngs. Mrs ys, Wet Sion, to Roland ; James ssdately exculpating I t'un'e I oeuer•-R SioKee, C Gerry, T himself, representing the whole matter eel M &int.n, 41 B stave., W Green, John an unavoidable • accident ; and Roland McLeod, J W Walker, W Thompson, J standing by Iaughiog, and ayiny n tater- McEwen and J McGee 3rd ave. vires, 'You fxtb 1 you fools I' Moved by Yr Hogg, sae by Mr Leech, They dad not see brr till she said, that T Pope receive a debenture for $2.80 well, young men, have you boon having being rale bill pard to 5 S No 16 Grey and Howick, AS he u 4 miles from the School s^mo fon 7' Their good -honored, kiedl riot sass House i■ Lia Soctionycarried. The tol- 1 lowing penny applied for • renewal of stilled in an instant as they cera towed! Tavern License, vis; W Rotas and J John - her. She was a strange lardy this, yet elan, Bhseval., Mrs Days, C elriffinn,, WinQ- one who could give a Tenon for her ham, application grunted, hloved by Mr actions, too. She passed Eddy and Ro- /fogy, S. -•C by Lesch that certificates be land, awl going straight to James Mon granted to all Tavern keepers for a renew- duant, and kissing him on the forehead, whispered to him, 'God blew you, my boy: you are not the 8•st, and you won't bo this last.' And then leaving him suddenly, she shook bands with Roland, looking at him steadily. After this she I am sure T don't know whatever we turned to Eddy, and aid, 'Whore is your 'ball do. 1 suppose you have not heard hat, air?' that Sir Jasper Meredith is engnged to • 'Ile knocked it off on purpose; Mid Diary llaynar d T' Eddy. 'Impossible1' cried Ethel. 'Why, bleu the boy, his hair is all 'True, young lady, fur all that. Mrs. wet,' said Aunt Eleanor, making on ex - Maynard announces it ererywh re, most openly. Well,' she continued, rubbing her noes, 'I ■m sorry for the little cripple, bat it has eared our Itoland ■t all events Now, perhaps, he will believe peopie when they till hire. l don't myself knew what cure to pose tier hand over the curls of this '.arum dsput.' 'Go and dry it, sir, up -stairs. No, don't ; you will not hurt. Come into Cho parlor.' But as they were going the door was opened by one of the men. and a gruff the man's iotellect is made of, not to see soies tusked, 'Is my brother here?' And through such a woman as that. In some Janice went back : for it was his brother, senses he had better go where he is going; a nil they made' their greeting alone. he leaves no fool behind to watch his 'How goes it, Jimmy ?' Raid the interests.' elder. Will he so abroad with LL regiment, 'No better, old man ,' said the youn- then, Mise Evans 1' !ger. 'Lord bless you, didn't you know 1 ole!'That's bad, old chap,' said the elder is going to India for years and years. 'Keep a light hart, sod you'll soon forget And when, with kindly shaking hands, it. Hy -the -by, the bay mare has come she had administered the blow, oho was down with Tom, ie Donnington lane, and silent, leaving the girl to h+reclf. is knocked sll to bits. I always said aha Ethel was silent also. At one time was too straight in the shoulder. The ohs breathed a little quicker, and there Governor must have squinted whoo he sena flattering in her brach, but it soon bought her. le Ethel hire?' stopped. Aunt Eleanor took no notice 'No, Johnny. Why 1' for a little white, and then went on with 'Ileum a mho a'n't at home, that is all. affected petulance. I suppose she is somewhere.' And so 'Of coupe he most go end fight some. they went into that room which Miss where, none of our family would haye Evans was pleased to call her parlor. Molt health if they wan not fighting Aunt Eleanor made Roland eons and somebody. I am ■Iwayf fighting the it beside her, and a she talked to him Board Geordie ., or the farmers, or Deacon Msedingaway, or you, or Eddy, or tome of you. The dear fellow who is gone fought at Waterloo and in India. It is ell very well for his mother to sal that it is ridieninus• I doo't gee it, !Ie could make Himself' a rich man and a agamous one by going to Indio whereas he 0ht1.1 do no possible goof in regard 40 h. Iswaate by Buying hers. I think it hest thing.' ''flee lawsuit 1' said Ethel. ' What Iluit T • d s about his resolution of going to India and of this wonderful lawsuit, she not Galen satsament for that rear ; whom r only mmeago?d to tarn himself arn! kyr- elllettowt No. 4 has 'teen rpnr arra er:'. Ifo,irn to Ih fi t d f L4t4 87 d t' 4 election h m n f t M ut4s al of License on application and producing the inspectors .rtiseate and paying the License money. Mored by Mr Hogg, albriath re - ewesby Mr Leech, that John G ewes 025 ter damages in regard to the breaking of a horses leg on Dun 10 and 11 -carried. Tendon ?ere opened for the office o1 Anterior front R Miller 048.50, But he wee such • Lnyal Youth, Nu plenum dui he Lind Amongst the rebels of the West, 1t sorely voted bis mind, To *es sync insurgent band With IOC' at their head ; Eneetimg Ann British laws To till the Laud with dread. • • OVER 15.000 FAMILIES IIAVE BEEN SUPPLIED WITH THIS MACHINE ani .oand o friend hints} •n and have i e n ane forthemselves thin the last two years, ctet 11 rade. of •lot aver.Machette. • In int r r (tomrowed nor repot., r r being •" d Ltaan a • to TMP le m h • a now the ned..t Farmer's •',. r. and Uarghlen. the KuWtly lead Royal Yam,;lee of AuroVe. i'HE LITTLE' WANZER • In th..inrplo.` .ill do the Kre.l.+t .•n.iy of work, I. more early meuged, Ise !IW. to get amt of order. and I,ght•r theu ray „mer +Sotto. •.•„g Y., hm. marvel., i orrd. Esrey 5.1,1.. la r,.mplrt., .,Ile Tor long Gunge, 4,ening Oa,.ge, 11.ea... 0411Se ear. rem, Rnldholder. • Tbmd Oiler,' (ill's. elle, .,11 sell, 0..•. id.,,, 4...Mon. . a N.edlr., 1 .vpool of u.roe& awl Petrol l.atructBe . ea 1411 Ae w anal,'" .ay Wr.w h, u•r owl keep rho M,r1dn,.a anew. a.oey bland Marloww ea weaseled o. • Marble ash, .W perked Ina wallahs eve, sad 1• saki for 0r a LI1TLa WAN IAB, on ..ser iron Aro'. mat Treadle •• •• Inns Stand tad woad Car, .Har Drawees 34 rue Non ft e half tease 1.11 Cu. sea R, M. WANZER& CO, FACTORY-CORT(MB KENO AND CATHARINE 1Taaar1, HAMILTON, 07,74510. Those laws tb,y made Soon did impegn And thet nihall his might ; SHOW ROOMS -64 KINC STREET EAST. For he was Loyal to the Crows AGENT AT GUD►•:RICII ABRAHAM SMITH, MERCHANT 'TAILOR. And seers that he would light Agnnst snchbw usurpers As lace and his band, Who fwd themselves by plunder There in a Dr,tah land. But Scutt he tell a victim 'Tet ltnel's cruel rage A monster and Imposter, -_ The greatest et thio age. So bears S zet was shot by ander And thus di . aryr -- The foremost in the land. • His Death as not avenged, f- -r- ---r .ARM FOR SALE. Hamilton, Aug. 30th, 1870. e4 -3m.. HURON FOUNDRY! or W, w. t'1N71011, ►:el Bayard. Guelph, Aug 15, 1870 A BARGAIN. " MrMM;5.e1 i of I,u:rat` Tull `r5s. Cl lyr :u.e• Clem tine for IMw.0.1 .c feet 5001 sue ibT ,I town 5r. awl Die r.walud.nn 4 .urudw.Wtrwlr ve wtrr..1 at* Vet rent per Doe `,. VV )AB.AN AY nr ITII 1.umk,• depi 150 N04YIu1 Yr,r 10.1 Taelor V NOTICE OFR REMOVAL, r 11R e'ralertek Armstrong. Land Agent. rerimed lanoline W W. Hugh nw..Y'• ba lilt ., Mal d,.,r to the Post Int 1,.t eat . none sad W.W Lauds for ads au 15o..y w Iwo tea .try IMAORAW tern. WJereeb, Nor. lath 1o74 .►ILtr- w••. AND AND LOAN OFFICE F'4,(>•d i TF'ee.d 11 JUST R.EOEtVED • AT Shephard & Straohan'e, 20 TONS OF GRIN, SHORTY 1 V'il'lage, w51Cr T1111 WILL , Sell Cheap"for Cash: Gnderieb, Aug 16, 1070. owl SIGN OF THE BIH Weary to L..nd on Mor'twarr ole. At re lir Ir. n• urn Ir orator ) where 1T L.W huwa1t aW sed. Tors .01 Wags I.4. Arc Male" .4 Canada Company's IW. Negotiated sad. .01.01 i.ot. of Lada W be loos •l the areae d the .rha.Tl4er. LEWIS W. OBD, w..t mrna, 0.der,5. -D.te•ba. sad u». .waau VALUABLETlOWN & FIRE LOTS FOR SALE. LOTs we. IN amine es reieleree mu. tool .mat Mine, .reran Mt means 5.111.04 t once. .lob ,a Teo, earls aerobia.. wino me Ile of the Teen. For partlru4r Haft W A.5. }MFR. Goaerlta. u.1.rhi, Feb. sit 15713 •wu.tr-- TO SELL TIto RANTJIALP o► Ltrr sitinia a, poi's. 1u.ib 0,5.5.,4 ed 'lulled, on 11. ho,.,tq .+..7 • - Itek hrurrn 11gt%.•u.la11Wa,N,rtor, •van hsay- Orr hu,ls.•d , Sawed wan • ..t telling , ,r4 Col and ..... r le,I, ng .(,ring Aloe •rA' lose by 1hr hour rew '•r- . •, lees well lea, /I, 77., ,..t me. Ary, UM, /WA, brrd,n %,nd•,f Ilam. PP,,y rte ......rc c'-e- ,tt,r`1,.r,6:';I.. nr .t:• + t••1 r'1LtA AIN,La Nnr N and h,. Int►•I -74,. ,1^u, want/ .111 r,- ✓ - •- • rutty ., ,e go. I1l4 Lfpr IIi,F r charred, , with w ear - .- rW .Ant •r ,.r. d by a"nn 1..n. (i,.e ort aakn,gW wonder Jer And now no a By some Imperial order; But justice u derandsd. For still Ins Blood is crying For veugalrrrfrom the ground Take venoms on vile Reel, Whesed by ken leant/. • GRIST & FLOURING MILLS Comp•,aed by a old Volt/MOW of year 38, Dougaouua. a 0 I-.'1'++. L„-.rs„ .__1._I I "}, • }, CON. 10, 5 b ti,LRnN\E.IOo ACR/J1. PtJt''3TEAM[NOIN[•WORKreiN i.t.. any and, good'dw.uer, 1..... for a '4005. sed ktl.M. .maW1. also woad ban -ym4u+talion. w'+eel l+arng en lard, tell two .She .0.1 05 t►rwah Her.” (aa..rd v nor mu. n..n, g,a..l ... t, •• aa., new YANUF'ACTURFR OF For po'th-ukn stir on the pmm ns to ,oro Mr, DF.ryers, VW/V.0 Oudot sen, C. alt [DART. R. RUNCIMAN Good News From Bruce. BLAKE CAaiTING ALL BEFasa 111M. Walkeron, Marc', 9, le71. Mr. Blake, M. P, Y., arrived in his Riding on ,Monday ',ening. and had a grand ovation, lis vas met at Clifford by a cavalcade of three hundred persoos, headed by a brass hand. His aeeling at Glenlyon was attended by eight hun- dred persona, much eothusialm was mani- fested, and reallatuna approving of his amuse and pledgiugsupport were passed nlanimoualy. The prapect of success iA excellent, Mr. Bltke address(' about 230 of the el,etors at Ma'oolm, Centre Brant, Meeting Comet aasioona in his favor. Enormoae meeting bore, Great enthu- siasm\ t t hands 1 1 ;Maley ana Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrashing Machines, Sepe'rators, list's -roe Powers., I)1•atpv Sit -a., IRON AAD WOODEN PLOUGHS ! With Cast or Steel Boards, Drill Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, Agr.ultural Furnaces, Puts,h Kettles, Sugar Kettles, Salt Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, of the most improved kinds: Brea Castings rude, and Blacl'amuh•' Work and {repairing done on short notice. Call and see the STEEL MOULDBOARD PLOUGHS, a Toa ems ' Set one very ?heap for Cash. Goderi7.'Aa. 16th,1870 w20 NEW DRY GOODS ! assn manifested. - ,t meaty •n were held up against the resole j^u for faTT Blake. Ilia opponents hare weuldnat,.LCIIOICE SELECTION of NEW AA BEAUTIFUL GOODS is JUST TO HAND fosse the music _ s all the members present. The minutes of last meeting were read and appru.'ed. A petition from Joseph Tlgnt and eighty °then, ratepayers praying the) Council to open the side line 3 & 4 E. as4 to build a bridge over the neer on and ode line was reed and ordered to be filed. A letter from William Andrew, the Collector, was read.. Applications for tavern heense, were re - meted from Anthony Blak and Dan 5.101. D'.ngsu.r n .01 J. ,rph Comer Sat Tatra Leaeh.rl f.uckuuw. Tles+onlnre,p„r .e. pee Uuta , brr t lrnelehn o, the tonne, .e1m:lt'al . ruts ter three freeholder' a nq,pmre fur (h. ✓ epo" al of the C"'' l who dire 04 Sr to Fore smother rot to here hie tend noel b4 the urn stet Ing et Connell. Moved ley J,.hn r Anne., re.. by J..or Crawford tyal Jane. Hata le arm.. fee tN' p,spat yore. Carroll- Mont ley !area cowherd sec. by John Y, Aaltew, that the t:.Boer W .l ■ Ir,. be give, n order for A' 44, '.rat toe' eau .out ,r , ►rmn of taxes against i .1. SOT 4t w. JOHN HARRIS. (iederich, Apri112th1,870N toll • Ashfield Council. 20th February 1871. The Council met this day pursuant to GODERICN `WOOLEN FttCTOIRY adjournment at Copland's hoteL (Lucknow, Port Albert, ear arrears loving Wen -.. 'r ptl r th. Cewtsty hvao nob,.1 :fro. l:arr,M Yo. -..1 .1.n,In Crnwsl 1 me .alar Y. 11 .I... ,,u. wad• , be 4.1.5..4 ,, t .AlSyl tO)0l n1,.,,, a. lot Isar ton dayu4tud ..onto h. arA tonne Iron Jao ad ,wt by me . th 5 I a ,.aM.d. M14 4y' JMee Cree/.M, fn t y M Oa to. enµ tea fmm sah,ol recti. t.w.l,net. ens„asoil.4 4.1 41 kr N fisal l.0:. 17 4 , 1 . Aol a,,.,d by Jamk. by a authorised by J , 1 F. A i,.,. reel sae. Gest A) for . rel•,,, Inebrr 1n•m Ina I. • ha dad for 111.10 imparting and that ., are handed m within one hunt. Canwt m,n.a Ly (KNOWN AS PIPER'S MILLS) 3'. IN(TLIS At. S NS, D ESPECTFULLY intimates to farmers and others that they aro prepared to fill lb all orders in ROLL CARDINC- MANUFAC1 URINC: Cloth Dressing, Custom Spinning. Dyeing, Satinntts, Fulled Cloths, Winceys, FlaLnels, Blankets On the shortest notice. Parties wishing to exchange their wool for goal home made goods, will find it to their interest to give us a mall. as we are satisfied we have the goods you require. Parties Doming from a distance with wool to get carded may in nearly every tuitanee rely on getting their wool home with them the sane day. WARRANTED. I). U. $g al?'AS WO GioYerich Woolen Factory, 511 Aug. 15th, 1870 - Joh. F. Andrew. re by Junes cn.fM, tont , - R A Graham 57.0 O Barton $140 and Robe ens se emsr to the treater et'l, ant ter n,,. 1 Me M Et I Ce, 14 N n, c•nwd"n 0 114' 1 Guru's' 649.00. blovedby Ser. Hogg see- her a ,e beteg dee the Section '4.="64;1k14' n by Mr. Han,h that Rnbt. Corny,' J,.., F A,Dew oast r tart A W. C,. t t,."emir t be Asinine. or the present year, Philip.. he paid'! charged •eawt h's ,0 cu- i Lon roll rue • dngfor !WA he 'Mould see i....),„..,'' w lap 04!1 -carried. Tenders were open- •,team- . carried. moved h John I ••Asn., .. ed for the office .l Collector from H Mo- b yFerrell 1 l. . 1U .a amino Co a sa „no„ Ewan 147; T Powell $60, P ')sane $50, J 1,3.. h•, ,oMln` . AWeera. in r k nn "'7, Farrow 045, R J Evans 844. Moved by ,•arae. Crev0.,d M'e by Jnhn ►.;Vi.. 14.. r,,,lw 51r Curnyn, sec by Mr Huagh, that Peter Sow■rt resolve en oiler for 0ypa r tr tea Ir dm, Derma be Collector for the resent ear L' liar•.m ruh.1. 011 wnh Ge ere,,4, cs,n„1 p 1 ra.w ny J•m,. cre..M, rel M Jna• r Arles., salary $60 -carried. Moved by Mr Cure rna the Clerk nams aoxl-4w. e.,.p, one, rw,ng tlu, see byMr tl. that Mr Griffin re- nr lea..,9t usher nr ,, nbe.75. 40 t a neem. y liege, wl„re lorh ;Moak o,,i ane .re erhk to . anlst ceive the sum of 818 being for expenses in lernleee or n ... e,1wrt•,.lor. tbe smr „n,,,,d the 1 tend 1 In re rd to the W O end B!r.trwMM bY ch.' j LA tare to krt"' taking delegates to Alma m the interest of ....titer..., b.,w th.m.asea n.el. or w a ,,,•e„ raveled u i p' ga tre,WC, n Railroad -carried. Adjourned to meet at do gleeto Me Port Albert Jnla AtarY rtwar,n:,:iesi":.:,1Vm loam, 3rd M^oda pal March. tbe en•reary perm!••.. t, meld .pier atrr,n g y .nnh).ermlremarwrnretMin• inertyansemJA i JOHNSTON, Cierk. 110:.,r(r .. wte,osnMtnr,int ,,..tuna„ Feb. 20th, 187 1. bole,// piers or eem.trnrGng hareem. e. ped Moved by Jerre Cnwb'M, sae. by Jolts / .y,,•, -- West - ! •- '- that the AwIlieses report of the wwndrlp arn.,,;, 4 yr Bret W•wan 0alL rrrv•hed Coned Moved MJ ■ Arnim, o, h/ J Crawford that the Poole. of 0 01111 ,..tie, Nn, e be lad the earn of N for thenar ef tM W.. 4 ,;....- Feb. . Feb, 27th 1871 la Laklug the ll. sae 111th met he the at, , ser The Council mit the day punuan t to set er the e arelee ReaCIAO!, i10 700r rni. • Set 1e„ , adjournment. All the member% pre+ent. we rnr then prr.e'ea n that ,o,..aa terry, et The minutes of lest ,Seating were read geld Tender. for Ieanrt.r of mlie... oat' ••s,..er confirmed. A'`IutWr was received from, Ti'nn'A"' Reelily an•t rat scats, i,h. ► Andnw, r.e by f'ot ncY peel, al lire,! I, Clark of Fant Wawanmh respecting work appointee Trv.rn Inapeeb'r esti Mat 5.1. PM 7a on town line 2nd eon, hill amot. of said rents h,r , rh tavern roosting In his Dolor Mm., by 1'rtrleh Cls., ser. work ordered to M paid on receiving an ihn,m t. nluer.r rnr lha prepare year. rayl k account ofamount eepooled. Ballot WiI ....teem by JohnrAndrew•wnMJ•a.atn•kpl eon for telann Iced to.las, Walker, path- thrt ,01 )1 A,dne he .meas*.. Ta. aw.rtr,l gar p O rr-I•d Mnvwt by Jump Cne•,w4 1 a ton master near Dungannon amounting to g6 that ehla Contra do (.4. altarnl le the Pnn A.K and R. IMnglasn bill for mending scraper Joint r . vie anPti (t M,nnney to he m, ra ,•I, 7 Sc. wars ordered t, be paid. Mo red b7 ..l c ase tut u. art nMr nr nMnr a bl Mr, Gaunt, gee. by Mr. Durnin, that as ., ,.o. tom nate ta. tu4 ...too ^4 (:,,mot tablet Clare tat . IA. wjntrem t (tarSed on.brei .Aly Mut. tjtrm rot nue the School Sections No, 4 & No. 1 Union t a Mnr et Ise a'"wym" am e m by a FOR SALE. 126 ACB,ES OF BUSH LAND I11 ?rnr T,,wlenile Or C0Lt4lRNp:7 MILES room J p,doneb. For pent•el.re. Apply. W. D. ALLEN, Hums Hotel nat.n.Y 1! "Inv .11170 'OWI • Kinks have been erroneously the lSaAA01 retest.? 1870 by reason of • mit referred Attlee n.wt masheteet y of 0.111. 1 fee4 EXTENSIVE NE IN'' PREMISES l I I J t ' ill !' (1, N, I) fail 1$IS DAY REMOVED - NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP• V OTICIt 19 III:RRnY 1:11.15 that the rann.nblp 1• herrofon emitting between PA RK1.R t I. A TILE sa 1Toml.t• and llrnggln. In Own Moroi. !bittern and Oo4rr,eh, has been this day 41.wlved ny maural cu*int. All Syler. nwing 1n the Bald P•r,nemhip In findmrh 1m. M p,1,1 M . 1 11 ►: GATT (who will roar• tinny the Rnrineee ,n the old stand), and ill glows ▪ wirer 4d 0,15Partnerehip en , ..rb•h re to he trwent M . mid George Cattle. by whom the same will be ▪ w104 Dated 1a Ood.rl eh the lab July. IVO .wait QUINNEB'S .._ CEtLEBRATK,ODUBLii PORI M.P.Zy flRF,'TFRO5TH1 5ANUTACTUR I er,.W 1014 ,rtnm.ly low by GEORGE GRANT, GROCR. WisT SIDE SQUARE, OODIRICH• PRICE ONLY $1.7' PER DOZ. BOTTLES 0 EARLY CALL SOLI:ITED. To be II id in Wood or Bottle ,HOTELS PROMPTLY SUPVLiEP. Goderich Sent. 23,1870. awl0-tf TAI LORING h b on d ,1 of the r M i t by i t r atm rnt'i r~a TO Ell S rr ' Ii 8 L sell away iron the re •, Of heat 6 JuxN VarRY •e,t.•c4, h.eommoer4,d business ,n nn.l. also, in the heat of her aaeun000 that she wasentt101t to ; that No. 4 received tf' f thetownship treasurer sad that am,s .rpt .pis ntOreM, a• g7VaRE HIP MUPTRItICaNETHA ,wards 1h. door stun ,, art Non . von Ala t, on Monday, I,t Ain o 1:1phg, at the lower and of the long room, bot received that amount in Breese w at Tp rMtt (",t' JMODIOITS NEW BRICK BUILDING rortl. •.ryOaltenag .e. irk sol A.,agrhlet.emerin. over new -A5 1 t M has would manage for his interests in the best 17. n fl.cti^n ott^. 1 P sea As robe h^Id it, the door opened, and- some of Tmateee of maid motion No. loo being Kinto. repay rid - ♦, cotntrit.d t^ got hold of hie hand amo.nnt to tnwneh ip tr.C.tnreq by peasant ase amt in with a oadie In her hand, certified of the equity M such a1Ta01r throwing the light upon her fen At meets by the township Clerk W. WawM- elaspod tightly on tho wrist by Roland; • eerti&•ate h'ws J Snm•rvlRs and slid Very gnielly : 'You might have flo'1's lntpeltor rel ltwad e I no I; akin ayment of $50. wbieh time Aunt Eleanir found herself neh Mit of the rete to beimpo,.rl this:yattr 'Law, child they are going to spate g Nit saeeeoei0n, ^r sr„ngthmg ,.f akar Bort ; found ther out b Aore, Von may well vested by Counml 9th May last aodsir R1v / If 4wt''T'ert' That d me Wash -wed alwc,. uade.dr iLe16• Yn1i1FA'af47 -1n b• salALit ,• ndrr A, you "lay 11.41. 1 won't "01a yarn n$se of Coll•etnr was let by tender to Auction & Commission, • Ced3DEit1U11 ULIN'ru4 T:setsb11tshtact 1Mdi1i. J.EmeryIt.81 M 7 ••l •itemiseyeperreouw' ..r le T' n• Property fer IssmM,e. Ave• m1een^ ire* •nonan. m. Pawn trek •arA .wMr q.lrs panMpally nine. dile lbreinhwll the cowry, (NEARLY OPPOSITE F JOttDAWS DRUGellen IL) Cemvenient keordereleronett to him IS+leeneo• Aileen/ .ow aerero d Siarht or are Larryinffon Business Extensively 'redeem.. 10 the Market. and ernplr'y a( Aare bell sem-ser r'reA ♦ e AAAA•D. A.hwhevn A's ee parrot, as Caner • Ilia restock of stoves wrnAee linSOlteretMP ireeem.Am m Hermon, MaAM..,twtt..'yaatisttwee.rb d hem, e" 1,4,►. IS LARGE AND' COMPLETE L. 1. .e of IL* P4,.etpa 1 gmaN,.hme0 1' Wt.b tR711a1 IN WAIT n► AKTTN1No 1N , ,Ir,,,,,,gk, Ke'Mbtrlle ke • umk h.... ho uno rid sat. worry by isq,euss his irseernl. .Mie t los t N >AE •SBADE C NG CA All Eiti R Well tc at.'.taMsaM••'•g••a; "e''"" g' 'able .4 August 15. 1070 .1130 Farm for Sale: ---- --1 Ielft; 53 .ad 5d, Heyerd ('enemas. a IM , Townehlp a Uoderr'h''n 'nominee 54 sen., of Ihr.e ,.re, 50 sem rk.rad loth gone Frain. Barn, and la'5 Hone, about et emirs nor t 4n.a. For Terre sal sale appey at the D,•rroa (wort tiee at G.eleer'a, or w Mr. WIGGING TON on the partum.- -Croderiihe.344 13,11110 w30 Salt & Flour Barrel HOOPS. CAMrIlFl.t. RRfrc ..f Watford have n...l.atty Leal. .n4 are went1.a.11) bunare erre., Hoops. We hate over tar ma, for le t prevent. Aminy i'y lens to r rept" II Ion.., Rus 51 , ttath•et Welfed, rosary 1011. ■1441 FARM FOR SALE ON TiIE BAYFIELD GRAVLL ROAD. B53501ntl! finl,nnrra.um nr.Mn.b Town.M'p Ge arr... 1.' ,f.1mn, are ,'•real • n.,.' floe. reek ren. throng% thtal Tl.e lot le allotted e. the Gavel rued about a mile. from the L..• 011.4- rirn. Tbr lead .• rle b, l.y lore. beim .m.nn. Ale for .hot or felt growing. The Int will I. .,Id -h.{,.W noe..y I.rn,•. P.rmhm .e go•••Isl rtnrrwer-i'w 1w.. 1,A . twoww '.oder Iwai. -a(.,. PAH., ,511 „r L' J. 1111w.a, it.,a /ialmrA Goderich,Aso 15, 1x170 .30 A MERRY CHRISTMAS 34 - - ROBINSON &. CO,, IfAYE I'L.Anl.,1a 15 INTIMATING fNAT TWIST ARE NOWSUPPLIED WITH EVERYTHING SUITABLE FOR THE COMING CHRISTBIs 1111) NEW TEAR sMA1g1Ns, WHIOH. Tsar Ass cxear. ro SELL °is A lOcls, 6(11.1., T:a('4* tend $1.00 F RU I T S. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF VALENCIA, LAIER, & SEED- LESS RAISINS 19 pounds OF CURRANTS FOR 31,00 13 p,unda of 1t tom ;for $1.00.I PEELS of all NOG na 1 GOOD AND CHEAP e A large quanta, of salt water Herring on band. Th. laryt.t and elrp..t Asw► of Corker) In town, Goderieh Dec. 13th, 1870. sw3-tf PIANO PORT APIRRT 111.459 /WV EN OCT8TR. POUR mnn.l tarns 8nwwe•d Plan, b Weber r Ifo , toe sat Ay Mr Mak 1:. wed., 1'..n Pe/rear! llrg.• T •Ser to he seen tt linter Ery long• Hotel _p•a/adlb As Anoint. 1570 eel .HEI.SE, CHEESE. Shephard Strachan, 1'8 DLOCK. 1V a 1 0, H. QABDINEB & Co-, Dhaka Pierre, Oviedo Aug. 26t01, 1870. - COLBORiYE - 110'fEL,_'. CODERICH. E. MARTIN, Proprietor. Good Accommodations. Ample Stable Room. ' Thie is admitted to be s J'tast clans house kept in (Good Style. Aegesl 1241,. 1.70. ewe MRS. DAYS' HOTEL 0 Y the direct road from Seaforth le Walkerton. Every necessary seem modatioo for the travelling public. HANNAH DAYS. Wrosels►. Mtg. TL'. -181'7. w30 cossiemore/mle•te4•IIltelet IC•W area (OHM HICKS, Proprietor. This is th l .er$r•t•nd MaCuantry 11,14,1 in Wage, J.nada..,J rougea as mod.ru a .■y Hems • Nnrheil. Yue, Pn.peretor. (iood•'e.t.h,,(or 100 H,oaes Horses ■•d carriages for Hu.J •s 41orte.i Holten. 1414 IiURO` HOTEL, ZURICH. CO. IIURON JOHN PRANG, Proprietor. This More. 1. Attn.1 up with every convenience fnr lh. trawelline pnbl'r, K 0...l+l."mg and oeorpt.tt.ndan•. Arg I'•. 1-:o .15 n I WARNING AND VENTILATING. REITH'S PATENT, Sot Air F•urrnaa.00, RAo rrgANsurttiAT• nEAr uE►•naen I en and ere AM s CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, PURLIC BUILDINGS, ,4IOR.(3 AND PRIVATE DWELLINGS. 0.nlne either wood er owl. p' 51001 o In thee so, then ran refer low C Cameron F:al M 1'., Ie wher, mlleeee the gMct., Ira erect - 4 rrelrna., Farr fur that pottre•re. ,Apply . the Patentee, J AMEF4 Ii1h7IT14. r•, . Ont. lath See, 1170 s•Iil'aw • • OROCERB, OCDBIIiCM iIAYE been reappointed sole agents at 11 Ooderich for the sale of the celebrated Exeter Factory Cheese. :^cal dealers supplied at the F eton Prices. BITEPHARD•STRACRAN. Goderich,'Asr15 1870' w30 Ontario Carriage Shop, (ilesmilfn). Rt , (1od,ricA. R. J. WHITELY, i.0111 In Intl operation, and Is lumens mit .npMe Carriages, Boggle', Nam" 1 ell k1.40, ALRtmu CUTTERS. M. A tombs' MAS. else* Remelt... Mont and for era .hr.p Awes* Prie«nnn •, 4o m the Ile. that . 11 no eveeshte with err ,o Poe Cnenty Ir All wok wgnnted r.,t5s etewates peel . Warm awl Curl.,. R.. •Ina R. J WHiTE.LY. S OF lOB al ,tow 011111e qlb, 1870 ago 1.41140011411 "1ef11fC w7 rsoswsl •9'i{2Il /Syrtis. That woman hat you haver bun aver that matter.'tnahan as lo or :Akio ammo old trot f' ukocrespu s jou are going ly WA, Boo, ]faVmiat0000l eta mgy, iiia oMs_Of Ethel. h -*ender. you sear riaretim 1 Lo liini'c, whit a fool Idliweian to 1V amp ► r i'f NarNt WaarerUsttlwn,a 0e4r,,a,: d Darns wore 5PPoinlat i atJlty,lAre •w .. t _. .. •'4 X MAS & NEW YEAR. SANTA CLAUS invilnt Lie mourn. patrons to calla! the 'STAR' OFFICE II3O(1.11C ij'i'OI1E, Laud In.p'M Ow Iwamoto eta.0 I. HAS PROVIDED FOR THEM CONetaTIKO OP TOYS, FANCY GOODS, JW SUIT, BOOKS, ic. PRICER REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIza EB. THE 000178 ARE 114AW OPTtl1 FOB INSPE(TIOJ. Onn.neh, 1.. •1Mh., lana. TWO FARMS tor SALE ti"fl sale ton ver, 'enable PAale In /A. Toss U stint of nonan►. Fm 4 o p .e(5 50.4 JnNRPS en AIvfnl/ August15, le70 le i .'ar,APs- .sJts ooi