HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-3-16, Page 3.4 4 • OCIL1teNNW TO : prof des JlarUM ML'Ral: Mew Ae Met met.. $$ ww''e 1411 Ya .. Io, .11 mobaW1Y1,a11..t W W,Wr•wut.J Lt.:the Ir wn.YuYr.'rw«tdlale(uIJ- tru. •.o w, r Tana* a ar 1tk.r time polls tWe reek eette1 Cello.*r We l.OI( dewpw .•w W . ..M.. Io, W MA las W; hot era lie yth. ea Us. uW „gk,,h W aW- Wbtl .afwl* (4o, styled 11 w. 1 JM+au -/ rya YY iW d il.ai..- noelseereneed !lar .i J essas to gent Kae..111•1, iln,,{C-ty,,,anrl rfY.t eu run:J rAr,e, force n.•r Utml•ryh •14 110111 -rile, and ..col w sear'. 1.41, fere t1• earl Y he nth Mr. /•watt Pe.e4 lW Mw 11.1 rd ..p(o( al We .1 „hot 1•0.Yelllt tem .111. 111. .ys re. fa sad pulr.ow wheat the hnnelltY of the .01410,, oh tee .01414 he,l•y.aa.d by the Hawse les 1141 1.1 Md.. 100,4•., Me. Young etpatar acid /J'140 (A O. .3la the nil.re•Ilty The apology' Y .t'rneptadal 0. •l Wair. •ad a goal Mr, (1. l .1111 Mel*. Mat the ball . al 1utllatl,g Gat to t Um pl.ewwlepe of tw 11yea, . ▪ n meg `,rung •u1J 54a im g• earoe*dleg to Mut urn awl mrrohs, our •.IIry.red 1a Ser. 11. s h •• ttU11t..1t11 11r.J cad ‘4V44414.4.MNuY. w. .hawr•r .i ••r--- 00 Tray pr.otko, 1, 1W, rt di... es ha ebtM W waking, lu 111.1 t•inghow1 oh hee.1 1.11e for the; ,gmtl . 1 .1 telling WW .ijd ween wens 10 11.0,. - weal all its had wo,nd 0 0 lI l.,7lkswgkulm. Out Harbtoroth./ f Ndug•, et- wee yl!pr 11,11(1,. d e •heart .Io't brr ee Levu pre., .vJ by W Ino haire wall) {aha w. T laps. Aud snyed •• 1"", .. •, Asp. Sur all lit Jur L„e u"s.M. u..ut • J t lour t0 11114 J J,.N✓a out of hut...it lee lot. Ile mmid.. he was la s,u„w001 .0 nu .wu• 'tt Wr op4 sml satiety l pir.111 that • the man, 1101 hal. . wenw,lur•Itour he was lutarruphel. mud 1 uade.slwol ase &flarer.' threala1W to *et W. n0 broken fur lusty, the ,oclSwVboa l.qu.4tam our uuu.h•r. Au 1 convinced that Ikon, Was w L'iea,11 of dews wu . . adjourned W soother r.ma1 wed appnlut 1 ....r Delegate.. 1 here 1111 Ills 1.1 go• you f.rth•r 1 *011 W'Iawl ,.. it this owner, metes in tune We guar lad weekly 1,.. Teen 11117, A Rarl/0Maa wait 0101 11111RT, CLINTON. Same Stew. --The annual Seed Show ender the auspices of the North Huron Agricultural Society, fru held at Clinton, tea Wednesday lint. The fulluwing are the flames of the ■uc oSmful competitors :-- Seeing War41-1st, Joseph Lyons ; dud, Henry Ford ; 3rd, It Cole. Rurky-1st. Chia Proctor. Logy (Alts --1st, 11 Cole ; Large Peas -let, Jam 'Lod, W'm l'autelon.minau Pe.a..lst, It Cole ; 2nd 11 Ford. Clover Stud -Lt, R. (:ole. Tomah yNerd -1st. Joseph Lyon. Early P,4,,fo •-lit. R llotetlock ; 214,Ju Mc- Michael. Late f'ut.ltor.- tat, R Gowen - luck ; 2ud Ju Laudation). FR ID • 0.1d. Trueman's Sale Register Vara, 0 " 1.f Fenn Stuck, Abraham Akauu, lot 4.1LRale l,Mrnear Mac- chest6r. " 12 l'hadeery Sale of [ands lot 1 A 2 401 Cou, Greenock Co. drama, 1'amnr"n & (Jarrow /Solicitors. " 20 Farm Stock John Slum but 3 Con. U W U Township Ashbrld. " =s " Mets Eeiuknanlot 13 3 Towuship Colborne. " 2144MortsageSale oflands atMart,Bonth 60 acres lot 2, Con. 6th Tp 1l/rru, J Silelair Solicitor. " 28 Sale of Marin Stock & Household Fcrniture, Colin M01112.1101 10 Con Yd I$•ylield Rohit. April, 4 Sale at Auction Mart of 3 large Wallace trick Stores kiiuru as the rl RL ck,- K ingstou St. GI,3erich. i' 8 „ " .e " Insolvent Sale of Real Estate in Maltltbdytlle PlanleLllr)'e Store. • " 12 Murt46Je Sale at Kingsbridge lot ' N 1 d Ni lot 1. t Cru AahIeld W R ScDouald Solicitor, Hamilton. Special Notices. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY 1 .1 Feafortllllltar!<ata """'°' 'ASIIIONABLE try Op, lel Tel•,U.phW Um *grad.' m1814 SKIMMINGS, T114C1IER OF TAILORING. Musm fur 'laut.(orho art. Cabinet Snafurtb, Huoh 14, I871 Noon. Organ aEIt51S-40.00 per quarter iu Mall Whet SSSS. 130 tat 1:95 advance. . Spring Wheat . • • • 1:30 (ed 1:N1 (Italerich Starch 1st, 1971. ,w64.7m--. l: Flour per its 6450 (4 ' 00 Oats 0.47 ('4 o- 7 Rangy 0:46 Cw Potatoes 0,.4 (r4 0:40 I'yes ...... ......... , . 0:76 (i1 Rune.... ... ........ 0:17 (rel Pork 6:60 (.1i Fgga 0:14 (14 Ullnton Markota. Ivy Special T•Iesnph for me Signal. --e-- TWEEDS ANL COATINGS, NEW ALPACAS, NEW PRINTS, dm. Clinton, Starch 14, Is71. ltrtalF:In'n,iH rjaalia+114Tu...Aµ,t t •Ig.rl. 1: all Wheat 1.20 t •1:46 let srYt, L1rr 1..1. , ,rd .na IJY Saner. rleing t pring Ju 1:211 (, 1:33 year. old Tw v.,. o 101111-1.4 w Y"or. Yrvwrl7. Gudrrich, March 61h, 1 "71. ale ........ 0.43 4345 7.) tape.., 114 tato a salty. M1. rid 1N. win, Ill. *o . 0160 sin, at 0.49 7 r1b t 1: tr -h T Y eJ K Tr 0.'b . , M l) Harley Pens 0.72 Potatoes Ut40 Fhtar 7410 Rutter 0:15 Pork ' .6:75 Eggs 0:15 coo EZCELENT LAND 0:77 i (1,4'01111.0. •'th M.ple are P.A. le intl. front 0:17 l begin t. h. Fur rl,• *amp. losing terly 111 urea of lot J, son 1, CYlerr P.m,. A.M.. o 0 .,, 1y W TIttWIMuyls., • j SELLING OII"1' „w11W, l0'l tf _ . THEY, HAVE itECEIVED• NEW ' STEER ESTRAY. his whole mug of Dry -goal at cub ,We' _ Fa 7i. WAIL' HAVE ENGAGFI) A YIIt.ST•CLA4S CUTTER, • • • 1 .. __ ."....w,p•mw ` w.r..a.•wm ref • t ""r VI 2 1 .`. SSSS-uJ'T•r•w'r': - - ,-:.- - BLOSING OUT !t A. MARTIN, ' in view 01chantfing his bugle's, Y„ AND AItE PREPARED TO ifAKE--SUMT3 TO ORDU ATcgLLPESTEATis, . . determinedyn '(337 MARILrre . Odderich, March 14. 1871. 1E1 1519011.70 j' Fall Wheat 01:30 la 1:3'0, 1:30( 135 5:50 (aj 4:00 0:45 0:46 0:70 (t 0:70 {r ll.l- by •e1J by Eu111c duan. at the male hoot. nal 0:52 11 or (d4 0150 U. M. Tk4'EJf.4 Y.. AUCTIONEER. (4 (:90 to 11. Terra of U.de.ldl r OOO 1.00 The d of April, 187 1, at Looe. (y 3:15 e Walla. Week. 7.tfe Th11 .etger7 ►rtck I1YrWln`` Yt ▪ prwYl uatY pled Y 0:311 1'naU ... rW uLu of W. "How tl11u.• 00(3 .w1ra•L (oi 2:25 --5 4360 ( 4:16 AUCTION SALE (( asst (ie VALUABLE REAL Spring Wheat Flour Oats.... Job Ems' Perfedleal Pills. 1'e" Barmy ....,.... 0.60 IN THE TOWN OF GODERICH• THIe1!n'ALU.ter-t (101101('1401 Is UNFAILING L n ;01 tome w au 0104. 70.114 and d.n "we Atria.. ,o vett. he (.mea commotion 1l ler 1. It moderato, au rare. and re ere. all olatrlcuoaa, mad e.p1Wy mire m a. M relied.*. W N aa.a,an LAW. Potatoes 0:45 Butter ..... 0:10 0:25 Eggs Hay, PSou.....,,..... 9:00 Hides(greeu) T:W D w 7reWedv.mmrl. II will, in • •0401 Lau, brut Wo d- ... 9:60 w..wn„W) permed . oh re...Ay. Bed perewt. 6:00 Av rg(, *10. 4 • 0 4 etre e, r,. oI.. Jur .t dA, Pork Nstt 110 7:00 11 ftl'1'fINIRMU-YIHa fPrrm..rr. Y wren chick",y...poir 6:30 Sar, nen,..• V,eerriuy,.awd W any oilier nm. err Wool 0:30 Inwl'o..od4ervoo...IdSpinal .tge.h.n., nun a Sheep -,-,-_3410 Me hare.(W 14wb•, Vali, ue o„ shghtcas neon. l'elpnw- Iambs 2:00 ,. I t5reean. Il )•r1rm!i .,J wM. e.. th1.r 1..k ,Irtrr.•ear:we:g.d.nne.nra. n,.. fuurd; Apples O:oO (4 0:65 a..1 ebh.e.ee • p,welml r •1•143, a .. .cosi.... Il Mlerich Salt, whulwb, 1 o.b. trot Ibb 'r•6w0d,.ultewiy, or auytlatug hurtle] iv Ike (*00y . L...t 1:21.. a Vollireslbleer. the newn,Wr( er..o0W . 10s prllg.. ,__- ________ . which *wad las carefully preo,reed. Jw n.er, saw roan, sots em.rs.rna• 4:00 AIN. e1 00..W 114 .rute tor postage. ew.lw.d 1.. Norther" GREAT & L. ma, 51, rule e, tial, g.Mm.l •genu bar IM • Dwu,omu,, Will 1.014 • wtu.,rOntaluwesel, wf the. Bordeaux, Much 10. -in the National v7 ,tl.rn sing• Assembly to dad, after a speech by NORTHRUP it 1 YMAN, Newesate,t . W.,g Thiers strongly urging the removal of the •gent lort'a,.4. . A,(k1P41 to Versailles. The As.em y [r'add,i O„denrh hr Poser \ Curer area _,.-Ra.-B, M.4..j.4:.J•a.r s-Cw w J amendment demandingam iwm ae r ,,wr t l ,T.Ttks,F7 - Jars le, '!1,tw Jo cord, I,ock.uwf- C. Htekt - rremoyal to Peri'. Whereupon the pro, ,n,s.,b..torth, aatl rel aledrwJlwMrs. wIP poe;tioo 1'.i i iiia iir'to %Sitsal',el was- - SELLING L LI N G adopted by a vote of 407 to 104: The f1! 1lll1N PAIL DESTROYER OFF frit publics satiny wilt be held at Ver - CLEARANCE rntruiss O tP1- milli, on March 20th. Paris, March 11. -The Melte news- paper $uoounees the death of Henri J[ucl fort. Thirty German wounded soldiers were killed by the recent accident on the Ven4il'.es Railway. The eity is quiet. Forty thousand mobiles have lett Paris is severance* with the demand of Von aldtke. A Fun.ly Med:c,ne, melt end fwor•Wy known furIbe pa* leo years. nevo frlwg in • single instance 10 give permanent nbe oleo timely u sed, and we I,•ve never known • smite rate of Jr,saL,01, I.un r>era the J,recl.,ns haw. Lee" eroperty tollnwtd, Sul se Ibe teootrary Cl are J•I.gn:ed wan ns operational', tad speak In the hilther throw ul :u Virtue lad M.meal effects,. THE CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER hu won lor,t•elf• rtpulau0n,as• blood purl 6 e,, demhve stomach ton r, uuurps..erl in the h.sto, y of Medical prep.mnone. It •ehrom fade Ito cure Oypepene, Liver Complaints, lnA,t.s- United .41.45 3. atm, Hearlhue'1. n,, 4,H.adacbs, Kidney f%tMn- plainte, Aral nlomarb Phtlnwe or AM\M, and Washington, )arch 1 0,-Gen.Schenck 11103.01110 .. t.i.3 .el.0oly .04* •ytern deb,,,t•ted • Lr.muderea. Rgaggiagots.•antertained he High Coou,issoi Ila m.en•al end wenJeAal selievlas'ia irtJS- , at dinner this evening. They were sudden e0L54, Sore 01Mole Chimtkd,.Af na afterwards retired by Secretary and r;:'..• a rhe .n1e,h.b•ea.oe wlwls,Hulr `sey purl of , r .e so' nn r pane to Mre. Fish. Secretary Roulwell has re- the body neo (rm.wbaleretr note, he. given 11 eeived a,iviee, that the new loan was put Oft the London market to -day and that a Is there regarded as geed as the fire: twenties of ire/. Washington, March 11. -The Arneri- i:an Commtssoners l et yeeterdey morning let the State Department and remained in jeeeioa until two o'clock, when a meeting f the Joint High 42ommiasion was held, • ,dere m every hou.Mdd and infest supLeyad- ng all other prel1ralu..1 of Ise kind. 1 It u ai., an .6e, foal •sd prompt remeJy forBrumes,tles, Hurn•, H1ve•t Sprat... l:hnhla,n., ("reel Hire, Cramps a Px fton•rb, Das rlla, Coolers moan's, 514u 1wa Cbol ku , Cholera lets . u • , I)teM eMMY, wr. f Ptwe only Li rens. pm bottle. t11OMTP4 LYMAN IYwk vean,C. (M, Niger. l Agent fur Canada. Lich continued until nearly four o'clock. he weather continues warm, and Justice Nelson oompleirtea err fatigue •t the close of the session. Of the English Com- Wia.oucrs, Sir Stafford Nortbecde an 1.'arl de Grey oath experienced feelings • ry...d.t 4 Coders. We Parker & C.I,I..ad F. loaders; (;mediae, h Co. Heyieldt lame• Bentham, R.dgendhi1. ?rte.d, Exeter; .1.s. eu) he, latet0.; Jr++ srw.r.d , L.eknow(C H.rke.e O. lawns sad all lOwikllr remakes. wilt • ARLAaY' 3 of prostration from the !Ferrety of the----- -- - - .g REDUCED PRICES ENTIBE STOCK SHOES AND &c., acc. PR,EPAR.ATORY aro. impo.Qyl..upoa ;them, eap.oia,ly t ARABIAN . A.f.. ......' they are net accustomed to the tem pc, attire of this climate. FOR HOR13E8 & CATTLE. Elai gement The (;erre.-.%luseter eililyd, Von UIQ_ l'residoat yeatxrdarto.000.ry a 3111101 A NEVER FAILING REMEDYfrom Emperor Wiiliam notify lag him of his assumption of the title of Emperor at the request of the other German goverig01 and of the free cities of Ger- many. The Bill permitting marriage with • de- ceased wife's sister, hu been passed by the COWmons. -.---_ TO TIIE Free and Independent ELECTORS Of the North Riding OF THE County of Huron. I;EtiTLE.MfEN: The Input of time has again brought round the period, when the privilege of •lectin/ 000 20 represent you in the Local legislature has arrived. }bang been .naei- measly nominated, by the Reform Convene lion of the Riding held at Blyth this day, N a candidate for that honorable and impor taut position, I respectfully solicit your sap port. Should 1 be •necfluful m the election, it will he my endeavor to serve you to the beet of my ability, and also to promote the ffener*l intimate of the country, so as to maintain intact the privileges .4 the people on the one hand, white sot *.eking to in. Hinge upon the prerogative of the Crown red the other, Al is well known, my principles am liberal mid rrogreseire; and I shell eh- de.vor to secure amendment when needed and the meiiRehance of that which is gn*l. Theory and preetice show conclueirety that, for the Slue maintenance of eons/Un- r (111. 48LI'A RLR PIt1I'-8RATI0N l',M111N{:( A. 111118e med.•m.l .-,0.,.4 of t4,rrnrle• which one ea perr4 w -e hoe le pewees she m•». Sete sea relranl pn•nefles A.r theare 01 rleeh Wosml., N,aame, ura.ee• Oen. of al, keno.. *'meted fleelr. Rnmlpue, .Snarl& I.Ilow./Mel+ !beer nay, totem on▪ Pnon,o. %waif he. or Gres-.. ronin., lameness 01eoee 010, 4,0. e. nen4 crack•, F.,undere,i Prem, 14.a .L..,rmp.r, hrr.Lna,, and many other Jima. * nit h..rv• and esale are wlyrrt In. Thr celebrated Inn,menl ha. keen geed 6.r Inast yrs..,sad its CUMLwr pe„pertir. Ih.r.n. lily tene ▪ e et 4 rnn,..edal to he the chew peel and mon r• - ▪ rem.. tor all es,..roal roe pkmta ewer •Sant Ad. pule. .t fa. when 0.011, Brad sed raltbfnlly mooted. To lw(hn.3 rel all Dnerr:at• and reentry Neaten. A, lhngho.l the Item I' .' 26r. per balk. Nt,HTI1MCPA Lt0IAN, 4e w• •.. Ont.. Proprietor. Nota to Ooo,•ric\ dy Pa Cattle sed F Jordon ; C,•nllner at Co. Bs a low ; Jatne• Beeth.m, Rodgervdk{ .1. P,eksrd Elvin J. H, Combo, Chelo 4 Pecord, 1,1m now( F., Ywka.., Rrfcrta, and all Medics •4aIer.. W11. TO THE FREE AND INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF IRS is() erre' R. a I) I N f), rig TOR County of Huron. r, The 1 .tory brick bundler Moly occupied o, . Muhl.. Ik In.B, d Tb• tilers Iwok l0.::rlw4 .t pre.eul 1,e1v1.1e4 ly Mn Furl.). Tai.1001.0) 1. well.,t,010l for hdainr., hong a 4.,,1 tun Credo rel the 1'404 wttlt.ien'wu• a fr.., Ws etar on et, 1111111 sta.'•,. TMI1919 OF BILE t el. tat A We 'hr., ,bore IMI. k 1.1111.104, no cast. regained ,l,.wa if •..II.te,.l ...curdy 14„11. 1'p^umit ,rpt,d h 7 tu.Wu.. uta. fn, Lots gT, •1 C-- F',. Cash 7.e further per- lirulanappl, .t the vane el (1.e .lurt.. cr. Iu limi.- n,l. ,..lanai, r.Wr,' Ugh. 117,1. weld of Premises EBTEA'! WEEP: I Tana to roil Pttwwt0aR OP- Twee 01714.4454- (, .IWI. 1,1 0. I ,.1, 10 11' D. C„ILarete, .rut 1st Y.,wmlwr W1, J thee(. the owser 1s loq*.okd to firth• pngwrtr pay Ypr010 cod lake tMul AN URS; WIG R ERR. 1011. Fab. 1411. 1a.•M4 Gooding's Banking Office WEST STREET, C01/EIOICH, ICra Coen.. k., America. Willer and Drafts. tlo,el Farmers. Notre elleeuull.4 rel pun'L..al, motley I,30nr1 0. Chattel M.w1pe.- ilepbsit• ..,-loy.1 a1 t per eve/ !.tare. pay.. .s.all. ARaaw WAUCat s at. 0.4.rkle tet1. Pt\ . 16/1. ow 6.1 YOUR WANTS NOW SUPPLIED. ,fin+.. .1.7.•a•Xifirsiee.Jmg* R W1p7NFNs: 110,rr h•fitwM' PINE AND CEDAR SHINGLES et tar •b'rto.t scare YJ tl.. lowon mire. Ire 1. w 10 er.rrd 10 cart. Ahna0t price Ae pl"e o1 any Aber tember.o,taW for m.kr.g shingles deli, sal at W Nita. - ,, CP 3E1.1 II XVI • J- c'. .z rt x C7o • HAVE JUST OPENED 2 -Cases new l'I►1 G T%VEEDS, NEWEST STYLES AND PAT'rERNS. THIS 1S NO HUMBUu SEVERAL CASES BOOTS & SHOES, VERY! Choice Lines in Prunella, Congress & Lace Shoes. 'DRESS GOODS TO DECEIVE PEOPLE& TB EN At the Usual fates, ! But an actual clearing AND MAO N wwiisltl%o TO SECURE BRGAINS -will- SAVE 20 per CENT CALLING AND PURCHASING F'L:011 A. J1AUTLN SELL 1 THEM GOODS (Seat door AaR1Ih1S b*11 ,Slot* dwlrrk►, 1114 MIA. 11T0. ,.r-tf- TOWN LOTS 3111) 116 0111.1) IN 0UD81t1CII. API').? TO 1 w. 0.A 1.1.RN, 1(1,ua nn1M. 1 .1.r0S0 let retwear7, lett • ..41.13 AT TEN PEN, GENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Wanted to Purchase. A -0001/M MALT WELL. es h•eilboWe Awl. preh,m•.1 8.)4re . e'i•-'. ..w....+. .. .,...•14!444.1, .10•1" Mtca .„..yNW1J N41, .1e C. DETLON tC CO _>r.. , Qedurisk, Feb.24ah; 1171. GRAND CLEARING SALE OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &C. PETER LEONARD. \Ile, Feb. 431.. 101 41 Tm $200 TO $2000 t011011iAGY., ItF:rA TA HLR 0 1T 5 7.• 111314r.,1. slut• pet u. rl,.u.,) m from T W l Mosby 4 rem cyst 1 le0rlr 6 .. Yearly • Goderlt;k 13 Jeer, 1171, •. Y. wAi.[ru Ilulkyw a r. SALT TERRITORY FOR BALE Arrival of Spring Stock. JUST RROEIVFD A LARGEASSORTMENT II1TI.EMEN, • As the nominee ret . fall tenements - tire delegation from the South Riding of• the County of Huron, 1 beg again to en - !tonnes myself u a Candidate for your suffrages at the approaching election; and Lionel principles. Ihere melt Ae . rigor'.. I d1. so, not only from the cnn.ictinn that opposition, goiereed by principle n.1. by the }tefurmer. of Strath Heron desire m, (actino. All (60o4 m0Mero0, .ill candidature, but with the recollection that b*have my .upper►, whether emanating from ms Ctheommittee tion of the the enlnstertad EI o the opposition or the ministry. Anemhly your opinions were Ignored and No administration Is so perfect but Ihat H mUt be "mow,. The premm t M n0 0.. TOE WIRR PRAeTl1'A TAY rel.►La1'R1MRn. ception to the rule, u it seems to have been My public conduct in the past is • 1.1- the aim el the ministry to welt 44,, Reece- felent guaranty Inc my faithflllneao in the lire above the Legislature (more especially future ; and i need ;only say that should in the expenditure oI the people's money), you see fit to prenonnce in myfavour in which ghonid Ire corrected. the codling contest 1 shall, whie avoiding Matters of loeal denslopemrnt will have a reckless adherenan 0" any party my careful consideration aed,i54p•rtial sop- neral piece ret he present f in ltion to the vernment by whose' -- port t need only say that a it m earnest de- unauthorised expen Rnre of the public 7ylnit nwlecnIrtcI h,ring • t,Wm6.n the whnlr.tght y mane 1 and continued du mrd ret riot 1 of.'nln.,n4.-.renin. tip ,en.n the e'n,mtr .7 T r+'ff Irnrin,. ^r 0,1Ann. I1.C. A *Otaln . maim emitted u Ilrs•t Hnerm r to that ed they re ntNmRAL IRTERawTll or TAR PROTta the !Zoe 43;60;1 'TR eY11I4U kd win as ;of Te11tM Britain, sed Thal traitors I. di.trrherl of (;(4.n4 and tinted A John Oma rATnna.. h t A principles of Representative Government r+ r ^"" their A deserts.many IMatantea quite subverted. on t ' Mnvas fur revers. that ale lief the rdeelton to visit all ai vAnesmcn n n general in clam a Marrs .ts, lr 1 •.0 V -OF- . Summer Tweeds. SLOPPY WEATHER COMING I 1 FOB- CHEAP RUBBERS GO TO D. FERGUONS'S, AT iN ORDER TO EFFECT A COMPLETE CLEARANCE AND TO MAP.E R005I FOR SPRING IMPORTATIONS T have drvnnlaeJ w ole r for Salm, • two three we.. only. .t gr10utr ,d..nl pnre . ed.!. of my uu.nrrnt .4. k ,•f •n 4 .ple an4 hoes Ihrtio 1. 1'1.0Mn4 a,'. rm. 1. an oplwra "the afforded 1.. 13, ,11 1 .1 W.. Wt Into „e( really g'e.4 g0*l. •t'l.,ul ,orOon mire, ANYTHING AND EVERY THING IN THE STOCK WILL BE BOLD it. OF ISA N8.„ a . Neer the old Railw•j Stations Go,lerir\, 7.b. 1Tu, 1671- on the Heron It,.ad. This pro- pert•v has great facilities fur a 3 Salt Block, being near the Rail- road 'Track and hating fuer roads surrounding it. Apply to JAMES Mn1L$i1., on the prennses, or to G. 37 T ' MAN, Auctioneer A Land Agent. - Vete.arrl)t\. 1171. f.oderieh, March 1st, 1871. sw56-tf- NO I COAL OIL FOR *41.13 BY THE BAG RREL, .tan in mono, ndertlnn from muster rate.. R. u..mt.r tar eat, 1. for . eery short IIm4 e, the gntehrr en, (0r.e sad make their Ykat.S U. Letter. Hope ars „rr 10.000ardh dress ns gooof various descriptions 6,000 yards Cotton Gosals 1 5,000 4' Woollen Goods 200 Shaws, and Man:les • Large Assortment Suits of Clothe Any ibttihnt of Fancy tied,ASynthiMitt of Paper cotters, 16y arnmtnt rel Hsu k Cage, Re, - IN FAT THE STOOK NOW OFFERED FOR SALE AT Al IMMENSE REDUCTION IN PRICER I IISu E14 Most 'OMPLETE IN AL1. ITS VAR Ayerrei Mair Vigor, For restoring Gray Nair td Its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at CHICO. acre CHble, healthy, and effectual fur preeertiug the hair. Faded or gray hair is won restored to its original color with the grass 00.1 fres]. Mese of youth. !'Ilio (lair ie thit3- treed, felling hair checked, and bald - nese uneu, though out always, eureJ by its use Nothing can restore the where i •l , • destu eft hour bre u the fo1Lt ud ere y or the glaud.s atrophied mud decoyed. Hut wadi as remain can be saved far hsefulnees by this application. lastesa4 of fouling the hair with a pasty mull- Meet, ullfneet, it will keep it clean and 111(60 un.. Its oecesienal Use Will prevent the hair from turning gray or 1'alliug off, and oonaoqueutly prevent baldueu. Free from thou deleterious substances wbiell make same preparations dougg:rens awl injurious to ilio hair, the Vi, ur tcoaqq ouly benefit but not barla a, 13 wauentf merely fur a HAIR DREa,.4SINd, nothing else can be fut." so 111eaawwmt- ('onuuuiug neither oil nor dye, i1 dame not s0i3 white cambric, and yet shoal g ,, lung 011 11111 hair, pit :dg it a rleb shoal lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., 1'11 c-r1CLL AND ANALYTICAL CMYI1nTd4 LOWELL, MARL 13605 01.00. NORTH•'P t 1.13135. 14. ..l'., 1151., 1...', ,lgeula 3.r l .,.,4.. ' TryoLl 1. ,:,W. rhb 07 Pori,r s t'Ym. S t. J*ot.o. Gentle.* Co.. Nalfield Jacor. U•.eiu, Ibelocrs We. J 1'4.8.04, hasher. J 11 *.,tall.. Far. ton 4..nl, I., . k10w a. 1101.0111 .....,LI, .,.1 std M*Jn.,u. lrai•n. w-17 • ELLT 'FERIE1TUBI. 4: • BLOCKS. ON RAI 1.WAT Track, 101 y.w..t,.r..6 W eti,paaaat4 al„at I detail. •r..ew•l Io,+ e. . _._. !ki•enr 11.1.V • ta.dengtoolt1 ,o Wen. yl' This 1. 0r or me /bins estw4. h'tatwus nor Sas Works n tits ..to,w for tk ..mems ef Lades awl The .o.1wYJ.l pin to. W mewl. Ter rYIMI (arks•L? .pp. se WF.P..8MAB 1 HAS JUST -.Received a Maguitieeat Styli of AXE M A K`iN4. Cane Baoocute, ,OD/4 " THE SIGINAL OFYIO Goleneb, Noy. 1011., WN. 1.01 - NWA? , OATS, AR I,tal 5,10.7mt. hemewl. 1snprp...a a. 5403 ornvr. 1.• fie nal.& • 4..n1117 oflets Jn,U7 e.ee ral«I ..trt7 Venue. *11.004 and WIIles.• s/% 4.r tan** ow, win oat) eloh 11. 114111144L11. 1 Goed.nrk, 11c.. 1N. 1170, 1147.1. 011.1 tt B•ooce as, Jet. B6occet•, }il'Aar Pie., J seaman Ritere, Got* RIP.; R11,04,PLATED WANE, Bonita -Dews it -- __ BAU*TI, t- Coq Senvtoa, F Iwuata NArti1 RI1o1, IABRANAM 91171T11, Goderich, March 9th, 1871. 'oAUTION. the puhlk „nen. n. • 0terer rt o the 1 orrly rwn/an en) nus. •gala., Inhinging IAa IMminion /lily m.y be fobttd wall reemiq Are been not only jeopardised but in rlght..In con doing IMry nal h rt., 1144, due h' d. 4h 11 AI.1 ci' ,rf*e.R FRAI►R. 1t w111 bre Impoelble, in the short Sim. 1 he rh.son as your representative the N. 11 -wdhl. a .0101 lime the Coney will he 1 t f th I t s f !h 'I' INSOLVENTAClOF1868 iV TIIRM.4TTEIIOFC'IIAR .ESI)d )-'0 t,nt.r,n i An Ilwrdeent 1 -oust r of r Ry ridne or• deed .0 11uno,, To eft 1 A.•hp.ncnt duly mad. M rut: .1RtR1VANI[U INSOLVENT 1.0,l•4F 1•WII ME syn' 1 ea other rivets . VW sa1. at the Itwom, el Mr. II,ujnmin llulehur.t A tot.- ,., the Town ef..onench At noon on Tueolay,th* (ninth rear of Aril 1871. All sn4 eingulr that certain petreel ..r tact ..f I.n I, and townie.. ,Ranted, !pug awl loving in the Township of Tnmllerry In the Couu,7 o/ Iluron. and 1•rothece el Imterin : Belay e1Inls,rel ,Apart of nt No. 24, Cnnresen.n•'(" in the Ytd Towsel.l(of 74r.Lerr7 Containing two 0• rra of land he the wt. more we lee., rd mum particularly 4e wrr3Md In • dee.1 from the Memel to Charles Day, heaming date the 10110 day d Male h. In the year of our IoM 1121 lin the stew lanae area first class lintel known we 11.7. lintel with Wahl.. The property ism. the Main Unmet Brad 001lla a eery .1ealra1Ae •fwd For Further - Partisulars Apply toe. 11. MAIM /14 lnll.•iter ( leri1h, to the Auctioneer or 10 'kw un.Mnigned the Aulgaw,, *AMUA1, roLUH:K Listen.. U,..lenrh Jen nary 01.1 1871. .1dm ryes ore Ridin and the development of its me - the ltd' b 1 will d aeor to overtake My t 8 P y minims attention. ns marsh Riding ss poaiM,, no that i inn give terisl rosonrcee shall t heretofote have farther expressionto my tieing. i remain Though by the lotion of the government Veers rat►Llly, II AT welt know.. Mirk Aaddlne. the HOTEL FOR BALE in naming so early a day Inc the elections -` 0 e- THOMAS 0(81401(, he time for ecemaanly short, hope oth v an oppnr- he *maim is T n 1unity rl mooting yon all, and explaining HAITLANDVILLE HOT'EL- 01n./M sr runt of Rri M aka tlM.. ,. 'village of Ysin,nA, .nr.Iw lM Mead,o est/ Aklrsrl of \l', r. r 1r r. f th Mareh, ia7l vnr personally my views uncut the put HF roe MHa/Ind In roomer, Rewrit h I r l be b h frit A M Pnrt TIC E -TO CHOPPERS, An T1111 .rIMJ'n1RrR WANT* A 1.0(60Ir 7 QCA- ,Ity .4l,l.liwl. ID. He wow n44,. In ^hopper*, • few mutt. Maher per .nrd than ho, Sae Mid JM by any tin, M. Ht0(ER. Lot 1(IM 1„11. Rm1.riM TeOn'p, OnAwlr1., rpt 170.1171. •eek LIST OF LEITBRS I)I.WAINIOn 1XnnTPRln.II rosrior7TC24 L THC 7th MYeh 1171, M,Onene nth Bawler .<.nh 116,"47:1 Mme E. N. 1*1 IWhc Cook Aden torr 11(.1. J 8 RlYesgep rutin once P,pM rim.* C,ml*,n Johunu Colton t.. bark. John, Jr.J (..lo?,Lm M. Corder Peter tlelphl Mrs. F1.hrr W illlan tfono.it I,J 31) Mn lacy G,IIOn F: Vary (Palfrey 13 Th.. Hitch Charter /Igen hive r J Mnl, Il.nr7 Mean Dote. )I•ren,ll John Meson P 4i4,. Milhnn John Math..John Mn M• Ln Nine Mone Thin, M.Renele Alet. M. Ne - :lei. 114411: 7 (1.114 M. le.nold Mmd.1 pp M. ken.le (6010,101 11.mllOm John' wr Ke) 111106 Mts.: Juhneten John 34.111. Tin. JohMan Thea, Mary' Char.* I0nl10 Dowel • Mummer 10161.1 Rtnn lin. F:d1•rd Wllrm lobe RcMI F' lame. Wile n 144. 1e. .tel.. J. W. Manner March, M M,naat),rMrs a3I ((64010(0104terse. Mrriuttsn Mrs Mary111ryIMUM, ACH. DICKSON, Pust diaster, New Butcher Shop OPPOSITE HENRIR[ARTIR'S HOTEL, HAMILTON ST. : ,- /j11I1: unlrrnl re h,e platten. he Ietlwel1A, fleet h. 1 ran ,omen.& a Rnlhrr nor el The •hnn ad,lrww AnA he .111 he 7r030,M to enp ^Ir to rhMret g0wln7 ref masts st • Inert trice 1661 lawer\,n 'a t Pl., Oman eery ..117 ,- n,4.,. 41(IInr0 10 011 port• o1 460 1.010, .1 .11/:.%),4,74.4.11,115.771 lihonr. of to 007, ..H -U - JOHWRARRIU JUST STARTED MUD 'anti 13131133 fileGAW and MULLEN iy E t Y S '5 Tn'nnowil.rlwg. 1. Infom, IM .056 Mat is 1. •tin r.rr7ing r u. A 7C u: M..•f...r 11 ,r 4r ,,,, keel .a 1AI►t f1..01*1 rwS4 1.4..4\ 3 a Nes .111, IM Ma./11•.. 01.4 1•., Ili• 1 M 01. M .e L m,h w seer a,. tkja M sold 1.r u,y uUer a1•Ltr.ws inn Mai a U. MP. pandoeing .M.0.r. 53 u Io, IW ciao ea1Ma.1 Mt R..y a 6a1wrk w Y . _Ursa" ON IN'PRICES e.: J0118 MsPUERSOE; - - Fi , S - O)LM* 001. it► 1.70. 5a BUTTER KNIVES, SPOONS bine., ('Mall of the newest 4.017ns, k best male rials ; suitable for the snow.; mason, when friends •re inter- changing presents with each other. Also a largo Stock 01 BRIGHT & COLORED GOLI) JEWELLERY is SETTS, or by the single ,piece, all warrnnteI. (WATCHES iCLOCK8i add Makwi geanintee4 t reprglented, and , :cheap let pasha - RAVE PLEASURE IN LVTI,Y►.4T(VO T' TIIEIIESIDENTSOPGODRRICII AND VICINITY E G LASGOW HOU SE JUST OPENED RITiT AN EN'TIRELT FRE831 STOCK OF I FAMILY OBOCERIES, PROVISIONS, ?LOUR k FEED,• e.C.. kC•, ARD Io7 a14 01110 to serum Ilolev74.001 a- 1 of Mrt of 300 pnhhr hr k.lnag NIr e1.4-15401 .et1r....b SELLING CHEAP FOR CASH. ow- Fresh Oysters direct trent Baltimore always on hind M and M01s Motto is Small Profits & Quick returns 1 r:1 (I..1.',l) ser' rimy .24 All kinds of Farmer's produce taken in excllaltl1 Bushel' 1870 (9ATat seed wanted. ilMTlrh, 1 sA 1410, 1071. THE NEW STORE IN FULL BLAS P• [L 31 bateaRINRI, 'M tin A 1 A7. runtime a1.).r.. le 11,1. 1100, .red .*11 give *Oh .Mere 61.00 worth of Jewel/.) a *cent or musk era.. 411) Mier lW new Tear. RRI1'AIR.19• Executed in the brat ;style and with des patch, by A 4rot •clnes jeweller ;and welch maker tram London., W F. P SMART . Ms. lith 1171, 61149. 3few0eaa'ae Weralpld 1. Insolvent Act of Ina MOm matter of w117,8AM *TAN VERY, of Hirgen *111., en Imp hen,. I/7 virine ,4 flu. power ,-,,,..b 1. m/ A, A••ipner of T/ the eetwer andette, the elm.`, nemr•tlm of at, I s 111 olio, hr .,Ie .1 the e.lery* of Orem, M. t I Tnteum, 1I. the 1 •, m * rr r.,.Aenrh, in the Count) of nmmn, eaar..^I.1 4 Therr[Ay, the 15th of April west, Ready -for 11' inter, lIu 11001 recelv'ed •• large Moes .,t Winter rvreedsl Mettons, Overcoatings&ci FASHIONABLE{ IND CHEAP THE SHORTEST ?OTI':I'J. 1N'1t}1. 1) '-a1ADEM' IIS.. ..1,,.1 • .sr) x1011 Wool, .6lel M win CHEAP FOR CASH. 1 Intl awelm-iii ahlrN,....1MOy0 WM.I j no l4-n(n Ylrol.hlap pnma117 Call and see styles end bribe& Oct, 17th. 18:0. 1,8041 r 1) LET, A TRO STORY I house, near the /Whet Square. Apply to L. Me1NTOSR, U.kra\ alth. tSb. PIM 614/•11 BRANTFORD BREWERY ! THO8. SPENCER, PRO. Spencer's XXX Mos & Pok - Spencer's Battled Ale in Fine condition; Bpenoar's 1oi in Phil• sheen blirrels and HAI barrels, et the CIODERI0H DEPOT, JIlA11KE'C SQUARPI: OEO, GRANT. Gr4., *h, Jon. IMO 1471. .*(I FABM FOR BALE. ' A RARE CHARMS. 1 11117 1'ROPP all HT T117 1,.4101 i3rttt71 n.rr17 IMrg the anwta llur'4l, 4, Rea r rat ,f thee.,n rust. *1,1,1,1. 1•.. 1 Hann, tit fes .1 first ,Lw ai1.l. TO ••Ta clean (: •IM. IeMell, 0 ea nn h*nl 'Teraina Very TT..Rennml4. Fait ,a. 0entr a to ten -etc., .he. ala \11,1 1M 1(1171,7* ,rr•1►R, Irarrater•Go.erfe*. M4•rlrh hwmnMr 7Sed 107* NORWAY OAT: 011: al'Rn'RIRRR, Rta*nl0O nye IM 111,- 1 bre. , d M A,• ,or tr inn w a 1 rx. 11 ^/ , twelve nrpwk noon ell the l eA u 4 leen/ 7 •1 /lire he, d A the r.1r r a 1 Vr tight ,teal II ^ T O LTR. W.w r.wy u n.nh pal la that r In parcel or 7 ;ewe rel M ulA 1 rna e I Meowed 1 {I •, 1:01 r r.er nor rl.•n, n IracA a,.A 1110010.1 w ,Tt1K )T 1 '1 k tract of land eel ..Mt ale. lying and twin In ....1. which. 1111 .1:1 fe pain x , I rm m..: t;tk r..k. J IA.T r T ^nA rye m m w. I•. 1 n Ian hn,hnla .w •Ma n.n.h1 orinitrrne.n IMrouel rd Prnrmre 1 ., m . ,. .t( •InMeelel. amt ennwe Y L•1 :4n 4. In lydg• ant neve loop at 71', per ...owl Th, Kw by Oat• •h Is now settled in hit i<ew store and doing a rush (ern, to.In TareMlp n/ 0•111,a0w 11(ne An I In.. W 11.104....rlire linin ..tlrw INC# IjtysriIBl3 nr Rork letter I. harks • 'reenter M grw Port. more I (DW ARD Tr8474. r 110.4. lnaa4at11* In ed50lr.meat half •n:s. 1, ti Jo, 1011. 1.71. ..If at Ane aft the 1. .d1 M 1 • ..ether. Item. el t sheer( Flannels and ererjthing in i,.rp.r+i mi+r.In Y...r,. Rkrnl.n, t - i38etneko( Dryglodw,W'intsrClnlhing 11e)rla y,nb.,,ehrn.r. Mr Ie .oxen, I `OR SALE. IS nr H Ile nnJr,l,iaA JAtiam MrIrH}kTRR. MnPrl►RCOOT AN .tor. An Nen. irot.11 }t• THF} -1,11"3 E wmrlsl rY, Pr\'r .rhe Ir7t l,etnlW A 1n• A meet M►Irh ler Male cheat• ---- _ L roast, FRESH, GOOD AND CHEAP. ti kr DebtorsRe *te, Mame lath SPLENDIn \j[1` IIrJ RI ES 1.1.1 ANTIRP 11n7NTRn Tv1 Tw7. AT0171RMR Court of Revision Mer lowest PRICES AOrWMrn,tertro and norm l'tint • waCOIRTnt'R•tlminl•MA ■r■ A or 1•o mute h nm .,rA Sol m WoreHowe) hart T•IwnAI1, ,a N'rq to, awsw...h .d . / 1HE Eioest Chilsimas (roils al theJ end Yve en*..e•ft, IM1•late.n aeed•sts IFIU >"1«))u,nem •d Ap.0 nyl *ted L N rend ,w.e.e.rslra. •t 16.'.M t • m w•l. R:lwl\M\- JAMsa Rre►yy, dw M.ta'<b 11 Pre. NTS. esaal irRa.alyT sR'e , s6n Hie' ilf[1;I ittnq' M.yyl1 b tsnl.. ,,, r -Malt •eta.a,e4-.. dmasnrea of the government ns we'll as Rewritings repo l m fin ions i e y to tong t t n.,Nr,r•A A1.* vnr. ,naw 17 aeon t parte-Vote, opt? forward Inc1 slat •nn terms . , 1 a n NaarOn10t • a legs shit eer11n7ntT1w1 '. iv* action, motet It noirmi. EMMET -a 7,11,11117,11,11110,S, lel, arx11 _ G,derich 5,4 Merck 101, Moab (b,1l7I, tea (3 - o.derirh, 141101Y61w IMaeg saw. 014 11013ERT McLEAN, Rall r.,r,In stWINA or perll1MM apply t3 Mr. JAM® Ia. 3TMZEL f , Mock Much 701. 1r I. wT-- .my *..,., ...... 6 wow • wmaRnuE►'