HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-3-9, Page 41- S T R E'1''T 01 aZ ■eN lax^-l'.•rtLKY. dslenurd, '1 woohd really be mere au eiume l 001•3046811 - about it, Air; said Allaa Grey. - 'It sill be perfectly is earuest shoot •eau AlclosNT ass A rua•AaM. it,' said Rohe . 'Tell me, once cestui Lost Saturday a young lad stout 14 whet is Iht tenths,' We will begin tie year ,d ag. woo.' Edward Klrklutnek, NOVO. 61 am tired of Eastland,' said Roland. tear I em n spoiled child.' dor, 0e are ItrtH rhe ear y %tt.lirum- ble, at ell e,rule. %pa are lel• in •pplytug, Mit is. consider anon til your fattier i .errtc.s, we will du rve,ything •• possibly au fur you. You may c.wider the matter as set- tled,' And so Re canto cut• looking brighter about the eyes, taller and grander than Owe be went iu. And there ant hour the rumor ously tall man, with a very Regale, q .iel, and clever lace, who said w his, 'Is the !Mule ter Mien:Avid, sit T' Aud Ireland, knowing who he was, and feeliee the pride that any honest lad feels for serving show .he have p,oved item - selves really Ire a,d great .meets of the dilate, said. '1 .111 ask the clerk, my lura.' •1 thought you eters the clerk,' said bis hardline. laughing. •{'ray forgive me 1 Rut the cloths aro getting to look so like soldim Meow they hare totem to the mustache. that Pne as',umle 1. i am the Colonel Heavy hes plus;rd 1.110 the Audience Chamber. - Are you in the army T' 1 almost date my so, my lord,' aid Ro- land. Lard X- sighed. 'Are you going as fond for powder T you me old fur the army, a, • 7011 001 T' 'My father was a Waterloo mon, and the miuister hu promised mea somm,tevi. 11e was Carat/Ma Roars, 31 the l HAI. • 'Wm be is the 'House T' 'For two Parliameuts,'sad Roland, tie old times,' Yea, yea; was he Erato . f Tyny-Bald. or Evan u( Llaudavid, ur Evans of Eelwy. w 6d 1' •Neitber,my lord; he was the Evans or. Sutton.' Ar, ay I I see, i see, A Shro{lekire Evans. I thought you were a Welsh Evan.. Yes. yea! Y+ur blb•r manief a daughter of old Cecil Mered,th,wka ratted on Catholic Emaneilutio.. The present man, 1 am 1.14.11 c enpple. - Yes, -your giandlsfh•. ►lered.th was a silent member; in fact, 1 never heard bim open kis mouth. Mom Meredith, y, s. And w your father is decd. Dear, dear I how men drop. You bore come Min the whole of Streuon, the,. T 'Yrs, my lord,' mid Rosnd, agaast. 'Well manage your property. It will talla yon ell your time. Yuu have actually more acre than I have ; but 1 find it bard to du m1m L. would wish 11T eel ^n v into l'arhtueet? Yuu can't manage your property if you go into the army. 1 supper,' added he, laughing, 'that Miss Mordau,,t wants to see you in a fine coat T Uo into the yeomanry. Yuu will look quite ea 6ne in her eyes. Stay, 1 mom go ; her. ei Ile colonel coming .51 Mind, lastly, always t� keep to your (other's priuciples; he an hottest Whig. at he wee, and you will come 1. so grief. Good bye.' Roland left the room lost in wonder. Here was s man, wkom be Lad ween once ur twice, in holiday, vitas te the Hoes* of Commons, receetly ennobled fur great service ; •man whom Roland alae- c,eved to be Imo, g the kin,;. of men. A nd this man knew more about bimweit thou he did -R dead had never dreamt that this man had ever heard uftimu ie has life; bat he knee thing. tVby, he was only wrcng on one tingle th•np, be hid male a mielelte about Ethel ar.nl.ent. .gang her name, when he meant Mary Maraud. it -- _. wai a miracle to ,,Roland. What earths interest could the great mar have in him and his affairs? The reason was not very far to seek. if Rol.ad bad known any thing at all of the world. Hia father bad `dropped,' and he (Roland) wu tae head of a home •7th very considerable territorial i.losice. i Ooggleaton, by hook and by crook, had reported this about Roland. A splendid n aencumbcred property, tenants well treated, who woulu work like sheep tot the Whigs, Carries with him the f.m,be3 of Meynard- the bead of which house has just married hie e lder -and Mordatnt, to the eldest young lady of which Lowe he ie engaged to be maned. 1Gdsid wu a Most important yoseg man. He never dreamed it; bat with a meadeta diwetetioe he ewe. ' - - A Liberal Whip knows all about you, if you ere of any importance. Beta Tory Whip knows about you and your friends too, if you have any. That, one would inspect, ie see of the se- cleU of the Conservatory orgameation which Inas buten u, here and there, just lately - If 8ir Spiom Uoggleston, she would prohahly have foar.d out the relations between Roland and Elbel. One effect of which would have been that Roland, while be wu walking to- wards Allan Gray's lodgtnes, would net have been wondering why the great old Whig had made such an abominable matelot as to con- nect his name with Etbel'a But the struts were empty, and be whutl ed as be seat. I as going to dispute your olaiyl to sou of Alexander Kirkpatrick, who live os.the 6th line inheritance.'Woe CM gn 1s. Lis father's shrew, and went out fur the purpme of shooting a crow. 11e had not been gone long when his sisters heard the gun go off and immediately after • loud shout. They dui not Icy any attention to the all as he was in :Lc habit of &hwthug while 1U the woods. The boy sot return- ing, hu sister 111005ht aot•ething mirk{ 'Biretta' 1' 'Exaelly. My egad is complete, and is a very atroug one. What is yeem 7' •••• 'I have not the wildcat idea,' said Roland, IaurLiug. Allau Gray was aetuall/ Riley. '1 never believed you frivolous,' ho said, rtoarrily, 'end this is frivolity, sir. if it is iuteud,d IS OA insult 10 me, 1 despise hare happened -and went out to look for it.' hie. She found him lying in the snow, Roland was ea the high horse at one*, eta which them wti a great deal of blood, '31y good friend,' he aid, 'you hale! •ud •hero hs had tato fur over an hour, wiled m., litV"loSe. NOW It s wrl' ;The bxrnl of the gun lay on one aids of k°.wY roe l:&t doer I ms be, I am not . the tree, and the Mock oil the tither. It J ar.bean that the gnu au to. Iteavil that.' charged ; and in going oaf the barrel Sew 'You aro treating a groat queetioa very out of the stock -the Iulnwer striking him frivolously, air.' on the n.ee, guar the left ear, and cutting 1 duds krow any thing about itsbein1r • deep hole The pint fellow has sintered • Karat sUrltI0 ,' .ltd Roland. 'It 1s ab great dual since tarn recglr.sl. 'l'hinsumid la,s*ible enough th t ycu May L hair to l"' a warning to Icy■ not to handle tire - the property which L at pre*. n1 conned:, cruor sapecwlly if, tLny ass. the ▪ the succeesiou has Leen disputed • 0,fure our. 1 am not in the (cast degree Tuoteremlth.l luvodo us w 'dee when 1 laugh at the I of g Jlwus*in wnh us. a (ucrtios which BCu•1ba.-It 1a our tad duty to 0 g record 7 1 t,ofurs tf da liuial ed, wtU bis di.en&wd h1 the {bath o[ James Moore, of the feth gen, the beet legal Loads in the land. You Tuekeremith, who died by his own hand, upon forenoon o [ Fridmay the 24thnave instructed your attorney*, 1 SPFo.e? Thefact14nroa•rafollows-M r L shell at once instruct mine. Awl from dohs McKeon, • brother-in-law of the that mumeul, wy dear Mr. Gray, the deceaad aerated from t.mforth on the lowest messenger in the courts of law will morning of the 24th, and not Boding Mr Lay., more tutlueuoe over the ease than Moore at his house enquired for him; he yea or L' was told by his wife, who was tee in d-ltav- This obvious piece of common sense •'np been lately arn6ned-that sh• ud' wu in the bush. )tr McEwen .m- ing no tout marks leading to the bash, did not go there. After dinner, however - deceased not maktug his appearance -Me - Ewen went to feed the horses and (bend the body of Moire dangling from the raft- ersof the .table loft. Information sea immediately laid before 1)r Campbell, ut' Seaford', Coroner for the County, who .0 iiii,;,aalr-c urferijury- for' 10 oeTook cert day, 25th, when evldeuce was •dduo ed to show that Moore had been subject to tit. til tompnrary insanity sine the be- ginning el the year, haunt( freene0tly threatened to hake away hie life. He had troubled himself very much in reference to sonic School mutters and seemed to be- lieve that the people of the section would make lion pay the. teacher himself as he rather staggered Allan Gray, but he mid: '1 intend to dlrset m1 Iawy.os.' 'M tee,' said Roland, 'are, I am happy . to lay, not fools enough to allow of any ooseelferauce rlutever. Aro you trained 1 the law 1' 'Noel -.atter •.raid - Roland. 111- ie aaaiu.t my ilterest, but 1 will give you u purse of ■dyke. You leave your lawyers shine Come to India with me, and let them fight it out. Oily dou't let us quarrel. Yours is the old Cecil claim. Have you got any money 7' 'Nu,' said Allan, quite unable to eope with Rolsnd'.extreme coolnees. ' l Is.0 ]four s.11eio(�� can saltcy tit ""7 111 1 . 1, .sr ,,,711 is a gree apece- iatto0. We knew of it before, you keow, sod era eau turn teat *very porn{.- - are your men T' Allan Gray mentioned a house, 'mor' undeniable,' u the horsey men sly. Even 11•.leod knew their names u those of was dere the tic u y of • and dad tot incline to speak to any per - but seemed tint• tuil.ki ar•imply all the time, After examining five *Mnemes the Coroner charged the jury, who in a few minute returned tee verdict "that deceased came to his death by hanging G 1)A% I4 4 •--- .1".•• •• GRAND DISPLAY OF NEW AND FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS A I': n. 2.OM ] :Piga• Assortment Unusually LARc�D. NEW Fr.'t'b Reyna. ey groom sip. vied 1 NEW t Isom freed• 1 o 70e• Ire yud. NEW 16.;11.,. Clete--Bennttleel goo4t NE%I'+Prgtvs, Steppe & Lurtee very ,bray NEW Black Legatees 17.• to HO pot 7.d. NEW Black Silks Itome t00 et.. ord. NEW 1;IIk Poplin Ures.ea prlcea A L 8 cD PILO, .darteries Flasaacls from 14 , tuts. PILES el FaSCy Flannels from i5 ,rel.r ard. ,,,•P N iro C PIL►:Aoll�/ roan reed r P1Lra71 eiWool t'hatvlr Irum (1.10.•11 _ PILEH of Bed Blankets from el to I.. r ALL GOODS SOLD AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. H. 13. SMITH. OMertee 7th Oct.. loo., roma LANDS FOR BLE AT MAYFIELD. O'tI KO's. it g Ti BarrbrI.n Ncseslox Rohm -nit. e,wn•rt°Ina 14e scree Mine er8able .Lout Y mils. .l ter Marr. .ybot,l. There 1.a,Is.1,m.•un Sold sas ...lily be , , o,r'srl tr Ill civil, The l Raker gyolfd wpleudld ar,,,lb..0,. .., ~ wweanrllsdh. re,, tall awe A T.wu•Idp 5taukt, • timber Reg Nasetity ado. to 1br stir hales ewes M **Elver Reynold with . cosodoeble •Strait .twb could be made .rylaWe fur mates o, EXTENSIVE tEt'fi PREMISES TI.E. LITTLE yANZEH. THIS LITTLE FAVOtIITI IS THE MOST COMPLETE F 1MILY SEWING MACHINE. EVER INTRODUCED. INTO NORTH AMERICA OEURUPE steaOd$etudhlg V•'MY15ltly• . SW teras apply to, JANES(U. ALLEN Uuey,h. or w, W. CONNOR, Esq. Reyles. Guelph, Aug 15, 1870 w30 A BARGAIN. e((aY .0(110S, East 1 of Lot IV, 10th ,on. ColioM CO. t/ prune 7oo elearal ° ��d good tug house Clear Du, fur 115w rob or for$.I out third do.,, end the omelet's, In. wool m.talnwta with ietereat at. 10110,51 100 soon.. apply to AUYAHAr 850 10 Lumley 6 Fept 157u •34-1ut Mueheet Tailor AVER 16,000 FAMILIES HAVE BEEN SUPPLIED WITH THIS MACHINE l within the lot two years,. and have made for themselves hosts of friends, and ranted the ....toast tun of beteg mo, todl.len.ahle &anti.- Thor Machines are patronized Lr all grades of .wietr hon shy .uode.t Farmer's Wires old Daughters w the Stolidity wd Royal Fiona. of 7.uro15. u•H£ LITTL.E3 WA1'TZ£12, out of oritt and lees liable to el la ctuie managed. watt 1 K Is bo Muleteer. Irl rill a she enter variety or "•Y• t J V a 1 .lel, with Turks° Marlette n complete. K of ran, eJ Kt e w lighter N.0 wy olberdbuttle "r. sty Machine man • ry 1 ,dbolder. '•Thr.W Oder,- Fee enL..l 1, Screw tn..gr. l;ulmn.,•a 0 Stolle, ..e Irond.,..l, lin 1 Urnrr. t io..le.ou n h,ullr•, L,I.wl of mood, ad Prints d luawaclt„ua w 1611 as o stable WI) tare• n. us. .ad tet Ha Mochas In seder Ryer, I land 50.1,1 e is Mutant,' on • Marble Slab, and perked 1n • meat hole ew, sad I. Old foe Ila M LITTLE WA NEER, wa an. Iron Steed, with Tante tare. Stand And wood Casa with Demon on• al 00 w r l., • Case caw W 01 NU t R. M. WANZER& CO, . NOTICE OF REMOVAL, 1(R rmlrrlrk Armatr.uo. 1.0,4 Ag^iL he. aemorer 111 1., the. 1..11, Huth Uuell. I.,tdt°g. twat dose 1., 0,. 1•..,t um.,. int ..t. 0.,... mad w,14 Lamle foo olio au l Maury 1 1,555 int tray re°.uu 4e term.. U.d0noh, Nor. tare 0018-tf- AND AND LOAN OFFICE. Monett to Iwindon MortitsH�P At 100 eta as can • oblalerd ynlhen' f,, 00ass lauds bought and wad. Tues. and Illag, lute 5.1e. Melo of Canada Comlaaj s rods Negotiated and atoll I..•la of Lands to W as.0 •t abs *Ike of the .ub.cnber, LEWIS W. OA, West mewl, (5.derieh. Dr0m'ar 1.d 1170 aw:Wtf FACTORY -CORNER KiNG AND CATHARINE -- 1RaIKTe, HAMILTON, ONTeR10. SHOW ROOMS -64 KIND STREET EAST. AGENT AT GODERICH ABRAHAM SMITH, XX*CSANT TAILOR. Hamilton, Aug. 30th, 1870. w4-3mest- HURON FOUNDRY! 43) CC3 w R. ��Y :Y-' 7 I}wINE• gid. 0 sTCAM.LNGINE• RKai RUNCIMA N V 1d'c d j bead I I JUST REGE71VD7.;) AT Shepherd & Strachan'e, 20 TOYS 0['' BRiT, SUORTQ L MIdllagN, WHII•H Tlltr WILL Sell Cheap for Cash. lir,lrrieb, Aug 15, 1570. owl SIGN OF THE BIG VALUABLE TOWN & PARR LOTS FOR SALE. T int sea Ile smile! ew. ernwo. meg. and Neat Nr1a � W iw a e ,w 1W 0 54 C1e. ; - w ..11lu. .reeMtsa• Ica �ww•f eb Tows.. Ter aelneesigely t. A. et _'-...KO o U.derkh.F. .wiS 4. _.___ --- TO BELL TIME EAST 11ALF OF Urr NUMBER ., POUR terulh r u,...,... ,.f Ilullen...a the Weeder, Ilor hear,. u Blythe and a.ltuu,l..t ugh .., h way - 1, 04 lor0••.d ,tart •IUs ■ anter tailorsk and lading s spring AIe1 wen , 1... by Ili. n 1•orr y &CM.'ta.I. ern tes.rd. 77 acres lis all. 114 hoar nil bora., Omit lug orchard,* kid, of plums, tam twiner nod rot curourte. poo. nd and yell.. g.w.rlern4. For forth. r pat.. eine al.ply tn. the grew mow To MA NLIDI(yAWSUA ll.18.e5$$0. FOR SALE. O - 126 ACRES OF BOSH LAND IT ►V 11;::::;;71:251,1611 7YUOR Uolnne8. our pamsulan. • W . D. ALLEN, Hume llutell (Menet, I1 Nov , 1470 65.1 1 HIS DAY REMOVED FARM FOR SALE ht1Jself while laboring under a fit tempo- la . - el leading and most rospe.tshle men, • -very insanity." The mortal remain. eters 'Hy Jove I' bo said. 'slave tlrey taken laid in the grave the mme day (25th). - o p the Cecil claim T' Deceased leaves a young wtfe and four TO 118 '1 know no l;eeil eivm,' .iJ Allan °h'ldren as we:l as &iced parents W mourn Gray. '31y claim owns, from the Ample 411unum.ey,'Ind fact : I bays the meet unimOrachu I -evidence that I am goer elder brother be Hew Portal Regulations. your fathers pr.vtous marriage. Of that ill POSTAI? W POITMAATaas.-A general there is 110 earthly doubt whatever. The circular hie neently been issued from the names of my attorneys will guarantee Port odin Department• giving effect to that. Their reepectabilit j, on the one time deesion arrived ati relauru to the new mode pr"105 ,1 (or eompun.o tug the 10.1- ha0d, and their well heave cautiousness, Masten 0( all ot5.,es, cutout tiro mvural on the other, would be guarastr 1111Weity emcee, throughout the Domaf.ua. f ttherto,Tri respect to meeting post - 105170'l, that ayet•m peen ' tag 1w ()niseis they woul I not bays takes up the rue dl • prnni!eee jeweller's joururyuauo• epee*. baton unless they believed it. 1 am, I la followed in Nowa anNi. M] elder brother 1' said Rolled, ter Provuuee differed from each other in this matter. Thele has now. thoogh,beea 'Undoubtedly so; :said Allan Gray; a.•hunzed a uniform system, *Mai will "sod, what is more, your legitimate elder have the effect of placing 111 pstrnadtera brother,' and way -office keepers on a common foot - '1 sae not believe that part of it,' east tnu u regard. the scale of compensation Roland, after a minute's thought '31y Iw willcMhas fol o are tos. pAd minimum tither must have known whether he was salary til gl0 per annum will be a16,wed to married to your mother or whether be was all offices where the postage reveuw for nut; and to aced** him of neglecting or t14. year dues nut exceed 125. A salary not ackoowleding • legitimate sus, u to equal to 40 per cent. (instead of 321 se and Quebec hasdilfered in prluciple from believe, perlcotIv sur4 of that part til' mthat t U ed N Scots d ti ca** . y Ilruruwu.k whilsthu practice two lat- insult bis memory. I assure you, In the most temperate manner, that perm miles wrong in your estimate- of my father's character if you consider him capable of such • ttiag.' Henever knew of my existence,' said Alia.. 'A fraud was practised of him by 'a foolish woman who loved him-' Well, that is all a matter for the law- yers,said Roland. ' You need not show your band to me, of all people. We will fight it out feu and pq'lare, lawyer to lawyer. I don't see any rearm for toy Perennial rancor between as. I want to know nothing at ell-' Reload. who had been sitting hitherto. rose at this moment, and walked hur- riedly upand down the room. Allan Oray spoke three times to him before he au steered, and thea his answer seemed testae scarcely to the pure,**. 'I went to ask you one gncstinn, and one only, se trout one gentleman to m- other. I assure you that at is only on sentimental grounds, and can do you no berm at all. In the list dila. watnrsaes which you bate to tall, is there one Mr.. Maynard, of Maynard'. Barton 7' ' 1•here is,' salt Allan Gray. 'blah I thank yon. That will account. I will ask no mere questions Well, if you can prove yourself to be my elJer, brother, I shall not be salaamed of you. Ito your duty be Oil tenantry. I shall be sorry to lose my money. but probably yo a will do yuur duty by these few sheep in the wild,•rneee better than I could have doge -for I am lick of England. I will be a bigger men than yeti, even if gnu gain your point Well, guod-lye, add the worst of luck to you to this matter, and the best in all others.' 'I can not conceive that pow ua ler- stand the groat gravity of your posit inn, air,' said Allan Qray. 'Have you read -yew tether ssW_..- You mean, do I know your strong point 7 Yes, I am ■ very clever and shrewd person, with a very high educe - cation ; Boat unwed to debate'either, And from the bogianing of this conver- sntioe 1 preeelved Ibe ateful hold wh.cn the wordiug of any father's will gave you CHAPTER XXVii. 'Wriest Roland knocked at the door of Allan Oray, he had forgotteo all about the great man he had seen, and all the things they had aid. For he had re- ceived a very canons letter from AiIan Grey, and he wu thinking over it, The door was opened by 61r. Grey, whom Roland knew. II. was very polite to her. and he parted into the parlor on the right, where Allan Gray was sitting in 'tete, with papers on the table before Allen Oray, ice trained than Roland, bowed solemnly, and brought him to the fire. 'indeed, and it is cold to -night,' mid Roland. 'A fire is a good thing, and in this instance it amounts to a perauna1 obligation-' Allan Gray could not make hard or tail of this beginning. 11e bowed stay, and said : 'I bad not anticipated the honor of this interview.' 'Lord lope the man, you said you would not object, and new I have come, you may that you had not antiripatel--and so on -' said Roland. 'Why, if any two men in England want a great talk together to- night, it is you and I.' 'I theeght my case was go semng that you would .carcley dare to meet met moept by deputy.' 'Lord love the men, again. What dr his case T An for daring, I tell you point blank, that I dare do pay thing, sacs wrong,' Allan Gray had never seen coolness of this kind befi,re, Ile said : 'Yeo received my letter, Dir 1' 'Tow,' said Hoisted. 'it teems that you are going to dispute my anonesaion tel Htretton Castle. I can't ask you 00 what what grounds, beeline., don't you see, that would be unfair and ungentle- manly on my part. 1 can only as, that, from .11 I have ever heard of you tram 114dy, yew At* meek fitter o have it than 1 am. I kava the will to do good, end you have the way. Why 011 earth should we talk about the molter 7' ( wivh¢d te talk business,' said Allan Orgy, utterly petaled. 'What on mirth would Leona of the lawyers if We talked our own Modistes OWN,' said Roland. 'Ilere sm 1,gaiett.d out neat Ter,day My hear min, how me 1 talk berin.r .1th y00 T 11 you had get a new and my glorintlegioner before Tf11. *nw14 roe SPAM to 11115. oft buafnesa whirl had rues better be left to your lawyer 1' • heretofore) on aur,unt of revenue to an CAM from both letter and newspaper po w- age, ... ... g 88e70 per annnm,gradu- steal at the rate of 82 psi annum for every 73 of revenue ee as to avoid fractious. 11 hen the revenue exceed, 1500 peramsuln malury on the excess of the first 8000 will he at the rate of 25 percent. Where Mgt t dot, is performed, the salary oft` the first 1800 of revenue, or 1•s* amount, will be 60 ler cent, on such amount. An allow' aunt will be male in aid of office rent, feet end light, where the revenue exceeds 12,- U01) per annum, The money order and savings bank commissions will remaiu as now. Special allowances will continue to be grade for forward and distribution duties. The salaries thus determined will Ie revised every two years, and will be in lien of the commissions heretofore charged u well u the stationary allowances, which .ill bn diwontiuued. A general aimplifi- cat..,e in the terms of post -office amounts Is also to W iutroduoed. ( 10\1 110D1OUS NEW BKLGK BUILDING (NEARLY OPPOSITE FJOHDANS 'DRUGSTORE) 17onreei/lt to the Market. His 'sleet 0I-Bs^#ol I8LURGE ANN, DOMMSTE n-: )OKTlltlt 15•.57 Ur ANTTRI001!t Si In• Isil .{U sere mune) b, ua.petng hl° rick belt pis, foiegrMr•.b.w. All KiNDS OF JOB WORK WILL Et DONE THE SAME AS USUAL. MANITOBA. The Nrlrs Letter ears, arrangement were on foot among the citizens to glee a ball to the of ic;rs of the Ontario and Quebec Bat- talions. 1t was designed to come off on the 1501 Feb-, and from the prep•ratirrs in promoss it promised to be the grandest and gayest of the mason. The psblic Library of Manitoba is now temporarily fitted up and arranged in • room in the government building•. it is a comfortable and cosy room, and will, when finished, present a handsome ap pearance. It comprises about 1,000 vola, cheilly legal and standard works of refer- e nce. A painful rumor wee in circulatiota.'to the effect that Mt H W McKenney, of Portage la Prairie, had been fruun to death while tromp( tawraise bwtwseu that place and White Mud. We are Imp. py Ito state t'.:mt there is no truth in the report. 1t prebahably arose [act that he got loot between thugs places; but he took shel4!r l8. •.hay attack, remained there for the night, and reached home all right in the muntiag. i aittlAR T Wennien--Werinceday, in °linnet,ljlq#ssrrd ono of the liveliest and most enthusiastic scenes we llama ever heard of in that village. On the occasion of bliss Ful:.n•• wedding the whole vill- i, you con only prove your' 'entity and sae Limed rant to gra'wt the marriage party h gflimaoy. The will rens, 'To my eldest .,how their eeteetn fur the Iovel, bride son,' never mentioningm name. I saw deo her as happy si their f and is T Glow he u happy _u their [riendp wish that ptiot a little lame ago.'them.-COM. 'Uponmy honor, sr; i did not give you credit for such shrewdness,' sai 1 Never h, s•h•me' of onnfemle your Allan Gray, honestly. tT i r Relaid drew his heed ap end laughed ignorance, far the wisest man open earth is ignorant°( many Dings, into ech that what he knows is ,)a mere nothing a comparison no what he (Imo not know. Bot we a pee heed eery few are ipnnr.nt nt the wonderful effect. n( the'Canad,hn fain ih.,, ,oyer," i1e w most sere and repel cora fnr colds, rheum- atism. Sold by all medicine dealers. nearly pilently at him. 'You mean Il:at you thought yeti wield match yosrin- tellect with mine. l'oor dear I I nen show you a few ether points to &mute you, if you will. Faddy in provided for by his aunt, and my father has omitted his name altogether. My sister is men- tioned as'My only daughter; and 50 Tie 'isn't hart her. Good -night; and as a parting piece of advice, never word your own will if yea make a dmon.' And so Roland departed, leaving Allan BLAKE FOR BRUCE. we were glad, the other night to see • hologram from Edward Slake, night, an n onneingrQ his intention to come nut for South firooe. That le the r' lit arise Gray lost in wonder at Lia recklweuese to the defiant announcements 1' the Gof and bonhomie ernmsnt organs that lie "dare" not at- Grey, having lived a narrow, mobney• tempt it. lie dare to attempt it, and we seeking life all his time, would not under- 'iso 1" Predict thea he `etll c,mptetaly ant stead Rnlsnd's earelesenem .t all ; end to unite Colonel H root of "dead hone* w efts, long thought, risme to lbeeonohtsion cetalebrityg thn,,gt(h, hw ie auppoeed to be on the lght" that Roland thought that was perfectly **fi, .nd ibat heneeSante his nary bearing • MD' Remember 1 Binart'a is tie bast (To d. Ibntir.nr.1) place to boy or **Il Oreenbaeks. Co.Wn. if 7.1 Jn',y 1.11 em MONTREAL OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Lath TiCSETil to ad from L„erpmlLondo, der • 1' or (ewe, e-47 fee.r.,er0mor•We -tNey,grey W 1'. 11 t.11t11-IL Alpo, lowed keel Solway. Goderich, Aug 15, 1-70 .'SANUF'AC'UIER OF GRIST & FLOURING MILL S I in le, COY. Is, w D. C(1LBORNR. 1m ACRNR, L w clewed, good dwelling ►tore. form atm.iii eat, a ,. m,dwue kat lieu .too ►M. .dw g.,,l tarn Miley awl doh aaw.BT111E. Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrash pig Machines, Sepe'rators _ --1107Ci 6 I's \t-.sEl.', 1 )ra ,(jFInws, IRON AHD W OODEN PLOUGIIS ! With Cslk oe 8151 Boards, Drill Ploughs, Gang Musks, r1 nK wt.. t., „tkr. r.....te A ...nt(w t. t. n.,arid.' tl. t.r.,,.,..... t AIORNE • HOTE CultivatOYS, tahlld Ratters, Straw Cutters, el•.t^•"'•'lira"ng 151. and •'a g.r ,.,wry, our p-rtmuw. ayldy Agnynllurs Fe{tijpfs_, Putuh Kettles, Sugar Kallen, Balt Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes, Joun fcRlxlK. COOING, PARLOUR AND- BOX STOVES, sod abed aer.e,modallou, good lean, 1/1 ow lord. well e at reel ly t.. creeks rutin., ynoh .wr* tar farm end mot :ReUuefrgrl.milefrom I..niMruLrUF.11 .5. 4.drmur. e u ,gued. ur eb7 u, go.? 1" STEWART. Aagmt 16. 1170 .30 r thdrucit. 1'A 1)I.O(JK"e Ili Dui • D. tutu'. Ns STT erne11 ra.esle al 511 ce. PKTw.1A, P1.14a1twr /i. M. 1.IC11103* ecr•,p,ee., N -- 1 rH Lura Ow PITY B. 5051. 5. IlWul). .4s. November; 7)AR1I0TE l) tifl..nteri Oudr ric lis AK! Kis. no. B . A , TTnore n,, 11 , tare, low..... 0" a'1MISTI 1.1 to Chou .bli •J... •1 BA R1T'1 SI -, a.n 11. L. Dora A11 IINTI ono te os• t Nr An• 14_ 41r.'"" d 0 w '5 JS. - „DAJRDiNtit &. • Rooms •i4past 14 cal ATT(IRN, ti mI• linger to Lod Patrol Jul )Seas. ADrs/ • mkt 111 until K•. VILLAGE LOTS FOR BAER %.rk.t & ur., Oederie IN BAYFIT.A. Asg. Web, 107 BA RI,T Clan. Galen. h, Jul, 1 O 1010 •.tet of the moat imoroeedklnde. Braes ('tiling, made, and Blacksmiths' Work and Repairing farm for Sale. done on short notice. Call and see the STEEL MOULD -BOARD PLOUGHS, u TOO an let one very cheep for Cmh. Ooderseh, Aug. Idtb.1870 t.. A GUINNES'S CELEBRATED DUBLIN POR TER. /31„14.1.:,147,1,40.1.1,1,1";;;:f a n1A•M TIIE MAN{ FA1.TQi - GEORGE GRANT, GROCER, WEST EIDE :SQUARE, GODERICH PRICE ONLY $1.7'PER DOZ. BOTTLES IN EARLY CALL SOLICITED. To be 11Jd in Wood or Bottle HOTELS PROMPTLY StiPPL!EIt. Godenoh Soot. 23,1870. .w lO-tf Oldest Establishment in Town, Vgift s30 CODERICH. E. MARTIN, Proprietor. - IOry fir •.d fit, payed Conwrewios: la taw Good Accommodations. Ample Citable J Tnwneblp l,l Uoder,e► Coaltnep lK •eras, p .r Ihear ever a0arm,Innd web prod Fame It.wm- Otarn, rod Los Houma, about at mole. Iron Fur Derma 05 &Sit •ppb�,r &1 Ike a vaunt ('our Wire'at did...eh. er to 11 r, WIUOIhO TUNi on l -le prem,..•, (luder:ch, Aug I5, 1070 w30 NEW DRY DODDS Salt & Floor Barrel HOOPS. (} Thin is admitted to be a First class hour kept in (toed Style. Angora 1.057, 10:1.1. .el-tt MRS. DAYS' HOTEL WJROZETZ7A. -- - - - Y HIS direct Coed from Restore -1' to C1IQIa SELECTION of NEW said BEA GOODS Is JUST TO HAND AMTRtI.h starry. rf •ental ►. w te.u, . Walkerton. Every necessary accent' noel, sad an ropttsasll� Luy,.e Oran 11..9x. T , JOHN HARRIS '"'"'°""°'°° " as ` ""'°t Atyh'o modal iontorthelrar.IliA1puhh>:. e IwtirrinC.mpbdln7;Ctiaif, 11ar,.,.1. HANNAH DAYS. Oodseieh, Apri112th1870.' w12 W Ito,4, Jannrr ova .1441 Wroxeter, Seg. 16. 15x7 w30 • GODEI{ICIi WOOLEN FACTORY, (KNOWN AS PIPER'S MILLS) .Te INCi-LIf3 Rr Pi4O1Ni143, I) ESPECT FULLY intimates to farmer, and others that they are prepared to fill b all orders in ROLL CARDINC- MANUFAC1 URCNC. Cloth Dreselug, 'u,tom Spinning, Dyeing, Satinctts, Fulled Cloths, Winceys, Flannels, Blankets On the shortest ender. Parties wishing to exchange their wool for good home made goods, will find it to their interest to give US a call. ea we are satisfied we have the goods you require. Parties coining from a distance with wool to get carded may in nearly every instance rely on getting their wool home with them the same day. MARTIN AMANN B,.(787:0 INFORM 1•119 ULU CU" f1.v1F. pa 1J the 4 ,. till ante W enol for cash, nt the °weld rates, ALL RINDS OF FURNITURE. At hie shop ow %iagne* etl'iM, eppoeu' the Huron Hotel, tJodeneb. rase tum it c. Goderieh. Awe 16, 1070 ' ' e3e 11 TAI LORING D. dD8M1g N'IURNS HIS MO$TSINCFBE'rtiANgt' forth,.rerylslternp0000arerrmrnl h. h.. eeelvreht,eohe rummeninrd homers• ,n Itmle irh,nolle,npeMeloase,ele over one -he I0 hrorder.oroephl to bun Imller0Mn Term, •ow seraredranthne.fo t:arryinRon Business Extensively ow Af0L WORK Gotc,erich Woolen Factory, Aug. 15th, 1870 WARRANTED. w11 CARDS & BILI; LEADS Plain and Fancy, Printed at City Rates e-.-. ItElt Its) -AL M3 ABIZZ lsuohl etas July Lists, Voters Lias, and em In tap none Ant anl•rla•.Iredreme. 1 1 A nd.• U. 5.. bed umae►uespwsace as Culls:u ernndto Orme, n t he Phoveee.5,"er.rnedoa nominee r,tenmve, y andaweceMfillyl n Remotion, pprinnp.IlynrM-c ea h•vmp b... f.!nllrn n nor of t he Prine$pal500.Mio5m...t. ht,im Mvgh,.ientland, he .ane**ly,late 10 a CLOT}1 N(ipohltel CAN J E MADE beerninb, . . steN,•s,a.n eq°.• n!he 1".141.8 unison Tomato or M.,.l, I. Goderie►. Asa 16. 1838. *3 Auction & Commission. (lOL)1:RIC11 •CLINTON I:.ttahlimhed 1114t1fd, • `'A I.RO .f Iti.eetonene• Property is C01.nok .7 evert Slatnrdey.aed 15 Clinton entry Wed. •ort• y. Mnnsyedveneed on Properly Ie.r in1Myt. rtean4ppnn.mp •M Yarm rdt.rk and Miler Melee p•nMadly.ne.d. 1 Wen. m. 'din throughout 18. enmity, ) a.m., ItBEMAd'R AeM.zi Msn. yak""a..e.,uea",em dT rlIE SIGNAL OFFICE. • Notice of Appointment, Oath of qualification, Convictions, Patlinnasters' LISTS' 1a.., Ea., ke. LAW E3 L.AN IKRIl, Printed to Order. DIVISION -CO BLANKS Prim. moderate, FARM- --. ,eI . w5tc eIIV•w ON THs BAYFIELD GJLVzL ROAD. 1)EIN( 1..t 11 next nmetisiee (hdety 14•11110d, 110.. re, M, ,.f.h ct. aro cleared. a Mow YIMW ark runs theorist, the I.n.1 The M M .Ilasted s 111• °mo d road stout 6 mine h m tbe I.,.s .w God. vetch. Tau land le . rich .fey ham. Iota very mgt. able for .heat or fruit Knowing Th. tut .111 r..„4,1 rhr.ppand ...^Rey Oro. Poona/tie '055510 0',. 104 .5,h.ler, for par,rnlars and ones. •rpiy Ina to raatt/Na.,r te J. 1,3015,5, Ert. twdenrh Uodericb, Aag 15, 1870 - .30 A MERRY CHRISTMAS •. Arra I.... 17.'m Amy 1311 217.7: ,•de a.. CIVILuK n V (OHN' HICKS, Proprietor. Thie is tk isirgels nd be.lCuunlry Ilolel s. WeMer i•Afdednd enamel. 51 m.,lente a ee7 Hea. • Thiene!! atone Propraelnrtloodetabltnp for IUGHonea hors., And 1•relaaeaf.0 Hae es door14al Not,.'. 'ig.r'f HURON HOTEL, ZURICH. Co, Buses; JOHN PRANG, (-' Proprietor. 585. Mom le Intel up with every ronrenlenra ?of the tnveui.a stabile. - :O: - p amMtabnalt and morn pt sttemlasee ROBINSON & CO., a.. la. 1470 wts•a HAVE Ul.FANORIIN INTIMATING MAT TRF., XMAS & NEW YEARS. ARE NOW SUPPLIED WITH F.VERYTIIINO SUITABLE FOR THE COMING CHRISTMAS AND NEW TEAR '1.:.,NN, WHICH THEY AEE PRKPAKKU t0 SELL LIMP. TE3ASi 4Pets, GOtrts, 7ITe't. and *1.04) F RU I 'r S. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF VALENCIA, LAIER, & SEED- LESS RAISINS 111 pounds OF t ,o,ui.v,.I FOi181,00 11 p nmd, or It. nn• ;for di m PEELS of all G<Ktine GOOD 'AND CHEAP. Inc A large quantity of salt water Herring on hand. The lnrg•ot and Cbayrnt seek of Crnrkrry le town. (loderic► Deo. 13th, 1070. .w3 -t( PIANO FORTE AFIR0T CLASS SEVEN OCTAVE, PTICR .ed mean, nw.pMOW.,o,MM, try) Weber a Cn., ,sae by Mt Mark F.rm 1. Wad., Piano ted (ergs• f f ore : to he even at EMU* 00 64npv Rotel U.derleh, rb Amami. 1170 520 OHE1 SE, CHEESE. Shepharo Strachan, GROCERS, GCDSRiCB HAVE been ro_appointed sole agenda al II God•rieh fnr the ale of the celebrated Exeter Fselory Cheese. _'meal dealers supplied at the Factory Prion. ARENT ARD 1 STR ACHAN. w30 Carriages, Soul's , Wages, fall kind•, Intl 1(5110 (1 1 0005. Or, A meet.. Ment ran.. rl,..'.a nn hent end fnr eel. 4.51,5,1••••15 PrIro of All cell,. In the I100 that .111 .mmpn favorably .110 any In th. I'o.nty !IP All work w., eked • irettleoler Mb.tee mkt to Wenn and pucks* Re- •toe, R..1 WHITELY. Goderich, Aes 15, 1870 .18 -0� Apo.. NE Reese. PART Cal try Oodrr.I Ieslt • =mend SANTA CLAUS invites his numerous patrons to call at the 'STAR' OFFICE BOOK, fIrK, ItFa___, fano tasprt the rmmenw alae! boo HAS PROVIDED FOR THEM CON0HITINO Or TOYS, FANCY GOODS, JAELRY, BOOKS, t°. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIME 8. THE O(SWH ARE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. O.ledrh, Ile. 10th,1101e, Ontario Carriage Shop, Wamdlo%'.St , (lorkrwP. R. J. WHITELY, T.11!) to full operation, and la Lornes out mferM. Goderich,'Aug15 1871' TWO FARRS tor SALE L'OR sale two very Muule FAR 50 In the T.,, o ▪ ehfp of Roderic', fnr ,eknl.n appy to //011E1111rPR A aVRoom Rood Uoderkh Township tagust 15, 1870 •30 DEE] MONI Ort 1'.i, WHC tf" N (1.4.l NE IIPe oPPos 1111 new Sank the Sank bend nd .. FUl9 R.•1,1 materiel, 1. tart 111 mart A i"T R.' m.. a At Radom MA NE1 WE OR( Nene- 00.1,5