HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-04-06, Page 1016 Property For Sale HENSALL - 103 Albert Street. Two storey brick home, 3 bed- rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, oil heating, good basement, Evenings 262- 2409 or days 262-2119. 14-15c EXETER- Modern brick ranch style home, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, hardwood floors, panelled family room with fireplace, near Schools, private sale. 235-2023. 14tfne NEW HOUSE with attached ga- rage, 118 Mill St, Living area 1792 square feet, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitch- en, le ceramic bath, family room and utility room. Elec- trically heated. Sewers con- nected. Harold or Jack Taylor, phone 235-0674. Stine MODERN electrically heated brick home, two blocks from downtown, garage attached with paved driveway, five years old. Includes three bedrooms, kitch- en, dining room; living room and bath all on ground floor. Hardwood floors. Full basement with laundry room. Sewerage recently installed. Phone 235- 1066 or 234-6420. 10: 15tfne GRAND BEND- 13 storey stuc- co house with garage, well in- sulated, electric heating, full basement, 2 bedrooms down, 1 large bedroom upstairs, 3 pee, bath, living room, sun porch, kitchen with cupboards, Call Mrs, Josie Love, Executor for the Estate of Melvin Lightfoot. Phone 238-2476, 1 Kitchener St, 13 For Sale 2 FORMALS Like new, size 14 and 16, Phone 235-0512. 14c BABY BUGGY; electric bottle sterilizer (never used); bottle warmer; baby sitter and bathi- nette. $50 complete. Phone 235- 0159. le 4048, 18" electric S n b e a m lawn 20 RABBIT CAGES and f e eld4..4r1r1e 5st; ii mower, 100 ft, cord. Phone 236- 92 ACRES of land; 75 acres under cultivation, No buildings. One mile north of Shipka. Call 236-4695. 9-14* EXETER - 2 bedroom home. Modern throughout, broadloom- ed, full basement, oil heat, landscaped lot, 188 Carling St. Phone 235-0642. 14-17c EXETER - Modern family home, 4 bedrooms, le baths, good basement for recreation area, connected to town sewer system. Asking under $20,000, Phone St. Marys 284-1483. 10tfnc 2 STOREY SOLID BRICK house plus self contained apartment attached. Large lot. Excellent condition. Apply Bob Luxton, 365 William St, Exeter. 14-15* GET 4 ATTENTION 9 Services CEMENT WORK of any kind. Call John Dietrich, 237-3374. 17tfne TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13tfnc WATCH AND CLOCK repairing, Work guaranteed. Fine selec- tion of watches. Bluebird dia- monds and diamonds re-setting. Trophies, Hess Jewellery, Zur- ich. ltfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate service. Butler Bros., Lucan. 227-4312 or 227-4254. 10tine Ford Rent-a-Car or Truck BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter 235-1640 5:etfeic HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON, ONT. We are now paying $5.00 to $15.00 for fresh dead or dis- abled cows and horses over 500 pounds. Two trucks to serve you bet- ter. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free as a service to you. Call Collect 482-9811 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY Call us first - you won't have to call anyone else. License No, 237-C-71 49tfnc PLEGIST.NRED POLLED Hete- fotd bulls, serviceable age, large selection, eligible for gov- ernment grant. Andell Lee, Ailsa Craig or 5 Miles south of Cred- item. 14.15* Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 .pitni Livestock Feeders We have over 15 years ex- perience in laying out and installing. BADGER - Silo unloaders, feeders, barn cleaners, liquid manure equipment, forage blowers and wagons, heated cattle waterers, mineral feed- ers, etc. FARMATIC Automatic grind- ing and mixing equipment, prices start at $630.00. Augers, feed tanks and com- ponents available. We instal and service what we sell. Evans & Thompson Ltd. RR I ST. MARYS Phone 2e9-6442 13-14c 10 Livestock For Sale CAN AM YORKSHIRE offer pure York boar .84 back fat in 151 days, loin 5.2, Call John Jensen 262-5728 or 2.354404. 13tfrie 13 For Sale PLEXIGLAS - Clear or colors. Snowmobile and ski-boose wind- " shield plastic. Signs by Web- ster, Exeter, 235-0680. 48tfnc TO BUY OR SELL ANTIQUES CALL ONCE UPON A TIME BRIAN GARLOUGH 262-5146 HENSALL 10tinc COMPLETE SET OP 4 Astro mags for Cl lvl product including g dust caps and chrome nuts, us r ed summer, $75.00, Phone 14e raga EGGS - JohnCamp- bell, Hit 3 Dashwood, gg7-3415, 14-15e APPLES - Northern Spys arid Courtland, excellent qualit y. Prices very reasonable. Bring containers. Ross Middleton Stor- age, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river. 11-14c 2 MAO WHEELS; 2 nearly new rain tires 165SR 13" for Toyota. Sprinter, $100.00; double edge hedge trimmer, new, $18.00. Phone 229-6462. 13-14* 16' CEDAR STRIP -- Fiber- glassed hull, steering and pow- er controls, lights. Reasonable for quick sale. 21 Hwy, at the cut. Phedford. 243-2955. le-14* DINING ROOM sung, table, 6 chairs and buffet, modern, wal- nut. Phone 235-1715 after six, 14tfne 18 FOOT ROADWAY TRAILER. Sleeps six, Propane frig, stove with oven, and heater, toilet, electric brakes. Phone 235-2495, 14-16* 30" LADY KENMORE range; 12 cu. ft. Cold Spot refrigera- tor. Phone 228-6394 after 5 p.m. 14c GARRY AND RODNEY oats, from foundation seed; Concord barley; hay; straw. Phone 236- 4765. 14c 1,200 BALES of hay, Tom Trieb- ner. Phone 235-1934, 14* TOWERS TOWERS TOWERS -- 37 foot tower with antenna, $79.95. Complete line of Channel Master antennae, rotors, boost- ers. TV technicians do the in- stallations. Free estimates. The Tower King, Max 's TV and Ap- pliances, Grand Bend. 238-2493. 14tfne THE PAINT POT QUALITY ALMATEX PAINTS AT DISCOUNT PRICES Next door to Exeter Co-op Phone 235,0680 10:8tfne COMPLETE LINE OF Sunworthy vinyl wall coverings from soft patterns to vivid accents. Call today and look at our sample books in your own home. H, R. & S. Painting and Decorating. Phone Ron Heywood, Exeter 235-2087 or Jack Robinson, Kirk- ton 229-6406. 5tfne DEKALB SEED CORN FOR YOUR SEED CORN REQUIREMENTS CONTACT VERN ALDERDICE RR 2 KIPPEN 262-5494 11-17c POTATOES - Ontario No. 1, 81.75; No. 2, $1.00; 75 lb bags. Ben Wiendels, Klondyke iltiotthade, 43 /4 Miles south of Grand Bend. Phone 238-2669. TREFLAN WEED KILLER for beans and turnips, Phone Pat Cronyn, 228-6217. little ADDING MACHINES, typewrit- ers, sales, service, rentals, sup- plies. Jerry Mathers Typewrit- ers, 92 Main SL 235-1840, 2tfne ALUMINUM siding, windows, doers, awnings, Free estimates, Expert installations. Thos. B, Walker, 17 Nelson St, Phone 2350722, 6:25tfnc 11' KONCISKILDE cultivator, complete with levelling bar & harrows. Phone 227-4$58. 14c SIIPEDTWIN wash- er and spin dryer in brand never condition. Phone 229-8844 after 5 Pen , 14-15* 2 e78/14 TIRES on FOrd rims, gone less than 1,000 Miles. 235- 2747 LAWN-BOY lasen Mowers. reek to last. Sales and SerVice at Milt Robbins & Son, Exeter. 13tfne 11 Poultry For Sale 13 For Sale 4 TIRES - Size E78/14, belted, like new, reasonably priced. Phone 262-5234. 13-14* 16-RUN CASE GRAIN and fer- tilizer drill; 11 ft. Kongskilde cultivator; some other farm machinery. Grant Amos, Ailsa Craig. 13-14c RED CLOVER SEED - Double cut. Phone 236-4180. Jake Hov- ius, RR 2 Hensall. 11-14* EGGS - Farm fresh, Call Bill Rammeloo, 237-3228. 10-15* GOLDEN FALCON, CITATION, Flyte Travel Trailers; Baron Tent Trailers; Crestliner, Chrys- ler,. Springbok Boats & Motors; Trailer Parts, Hitch; Tents, Sleeping Bags. Camp-Out, Sales, Service Rentals. Hwy. 8 west, Stratford. 12-26c POTATOES - Call Tony Mar- tens, 234-6488. 34tfnc OVATION GUITARS, sheet mu- sic, albums. Guitars $13.95. Post paid music, discount prices, free list. Henry's Harmony House, Seaforth. 48tfnc PITTSBURGH PAINTS - Com- plete line of interior paints. Blender, and shaker. Wallpaper books, Simms' Brushes. All dec- orating needs. Bill MacLean, 235-2934.' 46tIne TV TOWER installations. Lease With an, option to purchase; $7.62 per month or purchase outright. For particulars call Lucan - Exeter Electronics, Lu- can 227-4621; Exeter 235-0540. lestallations anywhere in south- western Ontario. 13tfnc WHY BUY an adding machine or typewriter? The T-A has an attractive rental-ownership plan on Victor adders and Smith Corona manual or electric port- ables, Btfnc MASSEY FERGUSON 4-row seuffier; 2-TOW bean puller. Call 229-6515 after six. 13.14* USED PIPE, 1/2 " to 6"; new harrow poles. Hamilton's MA- thine Shop 13tfnc MAPLE 84i/ HIP - Phone Len- nig Gingerich 237-3281. 14.15* R.J. ANDREWS & SON FAMOUS STARTED PULLETS - This year we have two breeds. K, 137 KIMBER LEGHORN, a big hen with large egg size. 808 THORNBER, a smaller Leghorn with terrific feed conversion in the laying pen. These are really lovely birds, quiet and nice to work with. Dubbed, Deheaked, Dewormeci Vaccinated for Bronchitis, New- castle and Marek's disease, We cater to the producer who has a special market for his eggs. Pullets arc available for all of May, PHONE 527-1106 RR 4, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 14-15c 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1971 FORD PINTO - 4 speed, $1,400.00. Larry Elson. Phone 294-6162 Parkhill. 14c DACHSHUNDS, ESKIMOS, Wire- Haired Fox, Toy Fox and Man- chester Terriers, A. Macintosh, Clandeboye, 221-4598 (Ten rings please). Closed Sundays. 34tfne PRIDE SEED CORN ALL GOOD VARIETIES IN STOCK DOUGLAS LIGHTFOOT $2R 1 CRECIITON 234-6287 13-14* 13 For Sale WHITING'S ANTIQUES, USED FURNITURE, APPLIANCES 8, THINGS FOR SALE: Portable 9-track stereo tape player for home or car or carrying; pianos; organ; accordion; guitars; tape record- ers; chesterfield suites; hostess chairs; platform rockers; rock- ing chairs; combination TV, ra- dio, stereo; colored TV; coffee and end tables; studios; desks; bird cages and stand; dining room suites; buffets; china cab- inets; bathroom towel pole and rack; beds, springs, mattresses; dressers; bureaus; stoves; re- frigerators; washing machines; automatic dryer; utility tables; odd tables and chairs; chrome sets; card table and chairs; pole, table and floor lamps, ANTIQUES: Settees; rockers; hall seats; hall trees; round and oval tables; flat - to - wall cupboards; Captain's chairs; oil lamps; hanging lamps; tele- phones; washstands; toilet sets; china; pottery and glassware, etc. 63 MAIN ST., S. Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-1964 14c- - FINAL CLEARANCE - SNOWMOBILE SUITS Men's and Ladies'-Reg, $27,95 Now Only $18.95 Children's - Reg, $19.95 Now Only $15.95 SNOWMOBILE BOOTS Men's and Ladies'-Reg. $12.95 Now Only $8.95 Children's - Reg. $10.95 Now Only $7.95 BOOT LINERS Reg. $3.95 - $2.00 11-PIECE METRIC SOCKET SET Ws Drive Reg. $15.95 - $11.95 SNOWMOBILE TRAILER Used Hall Dozen Times Reg. $189.00 - $135.00 JERRY MacLEAN & SON AUTOMOTIVE LTD. Exeter 235-0800 GIRL'S BIKE-- 24" Wheel, very good 0586. condition, $20,00, PhOne 23e- 14* FARROWING C R A T ES, feed stalls, gates, carte and repairs. George Troyer 262-5282, 14c 1969 G M C 1fALE4ON with trunk topper.. Apply Grant Skin- ner, Exeter. 235-1023, 14* CUB CRUISElt 18 ft., 40 lep, outboard motor with trailer, Phone 262-5020 14* 14c BARGAINS!! APPLES No. 1 Spys, MacIntosh and Delicious Per Bushel $2.99 TABLE POTATOES 75 lb. Bag $1.89 DRESSES - RACK NO. 1 Crimplene, Jersey, Arnel, etc. Regular up to $29.95 Sizes 12 to 2411 AT HALF PRICE DRESSES - RACK NO. 2 Variety of materials. Values to $19.95 OUT THEY GO AT $3.98 ALSO LADIES' SKIRTS Values to $11.95 FOR 911¢ MEN'S DRESS PANTS with pleats, values to $24.95 All shades, sizes 32 - 34 waist 5 pair only waist 36 FOR $2.99 PAIR Vernon A. Schatz General Merchant DASHWOOD ONT. 12tfne TIMOTHY SEED - Good qual- ity, both Climax and Common. Reasonably priced. David Blacks well, Parr Line, Phone 236-4820, 13-15c GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE, good condition, $9.00; baby cir- cular walker, very good condi- tion, $4.00. Phone, 235-1333. 14c STROLLER, equal to new, $20; carriage, pale blue-white, hard- ly used, $45; blue car seat, padded $10. Evenings 235-1 188140. * 4- PIECE WALNUT bedroom suite, reasonable. K. Elder, 262- 5993, 14* POTATOES - $1.00 a bag, Bill RamtnelOo, 237.3228, 14-16e 1967 GOLDEN FALCON 15 ft„ fully equipped with side owning and screening. Phone 235-1023 after 6 p.m. 14* CHEST FREEZER -- General Electric deluxe, 22.5 cu, ft, in good condition. Apply Helen Klenike, 1411 1 Centralia or call London 434-6700 after 1:00 p.m. 14e WILL CLEAN, do housekeeping, babysitting, etc. Phone 237-3207, 14c BRIDAL, FORMAL or casual wear made to your own design, No pattern necessary, Barb Dougall, 235-2747. 11tInc DEAD ELM TREES CUT - Phone 262-5075, Ted Oud, RR 2 Hensel'. 6tfnc 1971 FARM AND personal in- come tax teturns completed. Contact Harry Dougherty, 235- 2156. 5-17c INTERIOR PAINTING & paper hanging. Thomas IL Walker, 17 Nelson St, Phone 235-0722. ltfne REDI-IVIIX CONCRETE - De- livered (washed sand & stone). All types of concrete work, Free estimates, McCann. Construction Ltd., Dashwood, Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422. 14tfne ORNAMENTAL IRON Porch railings, column posts, inside vinyl crIvered etait rails,. room dividers, etc. Elroy Desierdine, Z36-4622 or 236-4242. 1e-21.e VACUUM SALES & SERVICE to all inakee. New and rebuilt. Supplies for these models: Fil- ter Queen, Compact, Electrolux, Electro Hygiene, Clinton 482- 0574, 202 Ratteribury St. R., BOX 113 Clinton, 41.efne DEAD ELYL trees mit, PhOrie Samuel Huber, 262-5356 Or David Gingerich 2e6-4738, 7-18* SINGER SERVICE-. Repairs to all Makes and nledele, Sales and service on new products. Singer Co, of Canada, Phone George Vriese Shoppe 235-6991 or Gerald Courthey 221. 4884 Lucan, evenings, 36tfrie Page 10 April 6 Class• ifications 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found. 5. Help Wanted 6, Bueiness Oppertunities 7, Teachers Wanted 8, Situations Wanted 9. Services 10, Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12, Cars, Trucks For Sale 13, For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14, Wanted To Buy 15, Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19, For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales Help Wanted WAITRESSES for evenings and weekends. Apply in person to Burkley Restaurant. 14-15c PART TIME MALE typist. Ap- ply in person to Guenther Tuckey Transport. 14c HOUSEKEEPER - Mature per- son to look after 2 pre-school children 53/4 days a week, in Centralia, Phone 229-6542 to ar- range an interview. 14-15e COOK - Required to maintain cook-house for 10 to 12 men on road construction. For further details apply to Sandy Contract- ing Co. Ltd.,RR 5 Goderich or call 524-88n 13-14c LADY TO LIVE in with elderly woman in Grand Bend, Room and board provided with small salary. Only duties required are to provide 3 meals on time daily and sleep in at night. Young girl would be accepted. Reply to Box G T S The Exeter Times-Advocate, 14-15c NEW IN TOWN? Make friends fast as an Avon Representative. You'll meet your neighbors, be welcomed into the finest houses. Make good money, too, in your free hours. Crediton area avail- able now. Call evenings: Mrs. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave. London 32, 451-0541, 14c EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR A PERSON TO UNDERTAKE GENERAL DUTIES INCLUDING RECEIVING IN EXETER STORE APPLY IN PERSON TO MOORE SMALLEY AT CANADIAN TIRE STORE Main Street Exeter 14c 8 Situations Wanted DUTCH WOMAN wants house- work or any type of cleaning. Phone 229-6365. 14* MAN LOOKING FOR part time work, preferably on a farm, Phone 228-6910. 14* 9 Services 9 Services VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES BOB PECK ZURICH ONT. Phone Hensall 262-5748 48tfnc Wilson's jewellery Opposite Exeter Post Office WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Week Guaranteed for 1 Year CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER Pleasing you plot6dt8.. -6:tgatit LUC,AN RENTAL AND Small En- gine Repair - 128 Market St. Phone 227-4412 for your small engine repair and rental needs. 47tfne HAULING - Livestock, ferti- lizer, gravel, grain. Jim Siddall ez Son Trucking 229-$439, Live- stock and cargo insurance, Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto and surrounding areas. 8:13tfne DRESSMAKING and alterations done in my home, Work by pro- fessional. Excellent rates. Phone Frances Nash 228-6793. 5:2Stine REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 2e1.6321. 23tfn e GRINSVEN AND BUTLER, Lu- can Dead Stock. Phone Strath- roy 245-0838 or Lucan 227-4312. License No. 202. 11:5tfnc TRIEBNER'S GUN SHOP * SCOPES * VARMINT RIFLES * GUNS REPAIRED PHONE 235-1907 EXETER 14-17c SIGNS BY WEBSTER Specializing In COMPLETE SIGN PROGRAMS FOR ANY TYPE OF BUSINESS PHONE 235-0680 EXETER 38sttnc BRUSSELS PET FOODS DEAD STOCK REMOVAL WE PAY UP TO $15.00 FOR FRESH DEAD OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES according to size SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE AS A SERVICE TO YOU. DIAL 887-9334 (Collect) JOHNSTON BROS. Props. 9tfnc CUSTOM KILLING 'AND PROCESSING - 2 Butchering Days - Tuesday * Beef and Park Friday -- Beef Only Pick-up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237,3314 Dashwood 19tfne - SIGNS tot; ALL TYPES ee RR 1, Dashwood 238-8242 Wane CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION 20 words $1.25, 5c per word thereafter, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS NA copy changes, 4c per word, minimum $04. SI X INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 31Ac per word, minimum 70c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION $1.50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTION - $1.30 per column. inch Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch. BOX NUMBERS to this office - 25c per insertion, BI RTNS - No charge MARRIAGES Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 10c par line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. Subsequent insertions deduct 50c • 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE 155 PM TUESDAYS Phone 235-1331 WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES Still At Terrific SAVINGS Stoves, Refrigerators, Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers TV BEFORE YOU BUY, GIVE US A TRY BEAVERS HARDWARE Main Street Exeter Walk Through AVCO Finance or Use Our Rear Entrance, 14c 14 Wanted To Buy TWO-WHEEL sidewalk bicycle, Phone 235-0159, 14nc HENSALL - Home building lot. Phone 235-0773. 14* 16 Property For Sale TIMES ADVOCATE 235-1331 EXETER - Enjoy living in this contemporary ranch style home, brick and stone, extremely well built, wide open planning, extra large lot 243' x 100' full basement ideal for workshop and large rec area, attached garage with double drive, 3 bedrooms with second bathroom, and dressing room off master bedroom, study, mud room, carpeting throughout except Corlon kitchen and mud room. Special features include 17' x 22' family room living room with stone wall, open kitchen with built in stove, dishwasher and garburator and 10' pantry wall, central vacuum system, floor to ceiling stone fireplace, extra large closet space, cathedral ceiling, main floor laundry. EXETER - 3 bedroom brick home, modernized, living room, family room with fireplace, sun room, new gas furnace. This is an ideal family home, well located 2 blocks from centre of town, 80% first mortgage can be arranged. • EXETER - overlooking Exeter's Park and dam, livingroom, kitchen and den, 3 bedrooms up, oil heat, sewer prepaid. GENERAL STORE - well located, established 30 years, annual income $8,000 - $10,000, selling grOceries, meats, hardware and drygoods, Sale price $20,000 plus stock at invoice, CHOICE BUILDING LOT '- Dow Subdivision 88' x 105', homes built either side and across street from this lot, all services included. This is one of the better lots in the area. EXETER Lot for sale, 88 x 105, new subdivision, King's Court Crescent, Exeter, Fully serviced. Taxes $7.00 per year. 5xETE41 - serviced buildings lots, Dow Subdivision, M.J.GAiSER Phone 235w2420 LIMITED J. A, KNEALE ex ii