Huron Signal, 1871-3-9, Page 3 Ol- r. - a ,r_ #'• ''L"."."•.- - .. . . .`', _ ...►•'i w'r'• •� ` r . '. 'p'r`'T`-'y6'�
v I; I �•
-__... -_.____ I A
h e..
0 -r
sew�wgssrwslwi•+t�sr.Tll _ ..
PuCanap on the War Path• -Luckuow• . ullaton mi ruotr. �A �+t�p ��'- - - -"' r i��� I
Nle atet him oa rho G,gdun Road,arm-� TR"l-AIEP,r1.N:.0 Dleude,y,Cho 97th UW s� 1111I. GIORO S � CLOSING
r toy AIWW h nyh fly the,Ieoial. g g Ayees Cherry 1Feewral,
ed with w wigrty prtw,wt arid a girt A tnamuntw:Yra held mtlwN.i'.DletLrr aT',
bundle"f lanae:Carliup('s addresses which'di At ch.lrc4 horn. Notwitlutaudiug'-the 'Chutuo, (larch 7, 16T2. WILL I , �. Toe Dwaw of uta Plwrt ant Lurtaa•
he was Billy
i„utin up when Iu,bod was ♦pone of fast eleaiul o uite a nu=Ler tea,Fall Wheat............. 1.20 (al 140 arcs r Ceusits• Cuts, w
k 4 ,rosm,t. t K I Spring Ju.....•.•....... 1:1.11 m-i;45 Address tha Electors of � M !i, .� /� M A R T I Gough, 0ruirususup un """"'s
lotiliu• st hue. !lis srr,url rite'nthnr l The fiat thin in order was a �u ��� aorta.
uut of ort%uluasy,and asliamwl o hits, fast c"INctiou of the ehui,:ust edibles* W I Okla. ••.•• •••. 0.44 .(,4 045 1 e INfun-
OUTH HURON � Frobswy,newer ser.rn hl urc,ww,la RbYrrl.f
wluehthemultitude did ample jlledC.IOrly.........•F...... It{8 ( &.65 n ! notx-irr.aa. .,miox......•wkud,... . eree,,
Bel/. ' Mr. A Mcl,ttyro,merchant, was Drawl k.,Pnaa................... 0:72 (4 tt.75 Al THE FULUA ISG PLACES, - oto...the 1".s.d. ,.r owut.wL w-u,L,,A,. e,
Q},Vantu4•rwu"compels us to inert, the chair. Hn ill a few apps,pprtats, re. Yulrlwa................ U't0 ('Of 0:&) • .'. • . O r-YwdrlprI...)".. ar.r,a„plm„t.. -r,.,,hw•j
narks con'rttulslyd rite els flu the fluor.................. 6:5U (t$ 7:W VAILYA--Tessday ,th instant, at 2 p. m, .urrr.a yr.u.,s"•1'a,u,,,lx I.,..t or u,.n,lrtu(
out sounu elrunntutaat,"r,,lrauucil meet- A+ peat _ toes a ha,,i.,•n L,xhrr.oJ a, .•r lis,tare•.Its,, '
fSun• 0:10 (ill 0:10 GL ItIGH-Wldots,ey Nth I 1 A.U. L� ut wivw of clan ul his business,has two,as N a•.I„raa,w Wtwr Yu we. u.unu,•rl.'�
,ui.I Qa..until our next. -, Vrearut gre.ttll• uuprn,vod appearotco of l},rkd- 7:UU (,a 7:3+1 Y p lis �- v• D�� .� �A .tut ru. ,ud.ut 1«...r
_ thochnrch, 1Ln'ltur Mr. Jackwu, ,htii " IIOLHiBRVILLK-Wwlnrsda rah flat i rlulrwwraml tnrdr.•tw•rarinu.,no•In,u, --r
-� - „ I k•:is•••-•• O:1L (a4 U:1G 1'•AItQURAIi-'I hwaJ,ry 9th rust rt 1U r m-i \��p,.]� /.i nrthe luul�+uml tyrorl,hulrwat4 it kn.�ao.n s n.
Cnvtu' Dmup atx'x,-St, Nln rheas wtunwed pastor, acv• full uuut 1 • ••• y P LlL! LINGf OUT- 1.0,lu tore l-- asmu,t thea., W4W wl.rdr•t 1•I
Church star Goder,e late( erw:ted 1' K '- -, .-�-� t'RMNC S1011yV-Th tiodn thrust T ", esti,turturu,.,-roti--4-c-ntwywluttchudr,»,.u.(
Ingsold# ruvwhich ad the most "Its. _ HAVE JUST OPENED 2 Case new , Irl,n.wtaet"a.pjo-w".t,apl.:d II.&lv,ol.fra4
h. Y y'ItELrU.YI1lIBCif•Pritar 101h foul.IU a w.
three, tagaxl etturd which was uo mlrt rte-, I9e16fOTLh�d6rtit� b,•R-"-A ria•umP.•eI r"u.ulula,'n••uml Ys,dslr
kh the indefatigahlu energy ptrd flu- ( ,CItBUI'I'llV-•FrirLy I Oth inst. at G p.m. his
tiring seal 4 Mrs Ov,,rgo Brown, • idem- factory teaturn)that tar amount rwluirAd 8T Pp"W Td••x,.nd t.we alau.I. ELI31 VILLE-,Saturday I its inst lel r.m. whole al„ok et Dry-goods at coat.I "'�• u:i.NI i•'uunii.�1, i��ns�.,1�.wwPi.}
Wt of the cru to dull,was a,ened for to liryor Mo the debt incurred was nearly
¢ K I I 1671 111::1k11!=bund w• err lam:n,awl Lnhvrl u sl.
Divine service on Nunday,the 26th Feb., all■ubslrrA,r . Dfr.L'Ifffq &:howl tetu:Ler, Seafif I Mhirrh T,I1% Noon, 1 March'adv i (�t • t�,(J \g,\ , .e ..,w,•tio,.•, „u•p•�r in c.Jd..„d•r••altlw,atf -
Y 1 Y the next■ ta P 6 ell W heat ..... 1 33 7(.a 1 40 s ID It uN`a 1 r• EGD` Q tiu.ut.l tau•yr,u,1u1 moth Uur nnmh,w our Wim.
b the Lon,Bishop of Huron,rssidnd b P• keep a kn un the wNuewe I I]1O�p lc
J tl J ��g/ 1�ry .t unnuxh .rW,'J l»,..unr, u,•re.-ht IN.
fila-Chaplain the liar. Calvin El.Lod °f K'"'d Iiteratun on Society. He thought >Spring 11'heat.......... 1:35 ou 1:43 MVffi1iQ 7 lU NO HU HUMBE ru, her .utl ire:u u,unhrr.of warp.•IIs,41_.
• _ .:1 rtl.l'r,ll..l s,l!).'J,11,"l.IMv'n r1•,,,pklely."-I.
Rural Lkan,and the Rev J 1)'alkelr,'kural that tau un hdk o!mea west k,all rinl••st I Pleur u r fir........... 7 W1 (o. 7a1U I ISS PKIMSll4GN, 'l'EACFIF.R OF •rel Ute Pnu.,t rn-muni w,•soul hr.4h by uta
Secretary to the Church Society of the 'class of pt,niturr y o u:J11 t lltuia our Plwnor„rt. .nd Crbiue NEWEST STYLES AND PAT'rERN.g. �BECEIVEPEOPLE&THEN r•a.rry t•..r•.r.,t. �„ „', I,, i.tis.wn,wrr
w."e;,c„taLle rxtuut moulded b fast lea poop,,, U:47 la; U:47
tour n...h•,�nlvr,of Uur•11"..,WK
usual wcleu}s J sutp hatiu stylr,eKivingluu 1' t„r of this church inlhsh usual i Rarity 0:48 (, 0rgam. 1 Eksls-�6.W. r quarter II - nu"w.t,1I•c,„.ol•ur tn.•.a r4,Gl t,n. ,4hwi I,wh-
Lordship P tau luta ul
Potatoes ..... ...... . 0:9.5 0 0:10 lx S _ ` / T r r [ s�• G ` ` rR I-t%l„,til r,':,,n Ih.•.........I r u,.carr rev•
nmunt,"1,ept (I, advance. T L.• SELL ilir,.1( VUI��L�,7 v
mllW rtalm W411d ut the gnat truths ut the P the audience m • paid of I Pani.................. O:i:i In, 0:75 I ..rut uwy..1.,„ie:mil Ju:,
ISU411tcr Y,(It It,s ha Gaderich March Id,2871. awfiiJeu- l �, V eravwr•.."d lepers AP.uaers x;.J p,Irt fly.
i•■y • a•.0 n stoops n.
Churl. e& the od-t%iltirruaru service the auucdutrn. lin .tatcd that.thY,gheLuck York ......•....... G:UU (w 7:11,y At ill@ UgU31 rates, .r.ra opo t.always reN.vcd end on.n wWI11
Church was cn,wdnd-the 1„suutul tiers- stew' sea w>t LnLitid ut ur e,z ins E __ t,,,h0i00 Lines in Prunells, Congress b Laco Shoos earwl l
mony was listened to with great Attu. p g.s.................•, VAG (a U:18 EaCELENT LAND• � y it.
tion. Between services,nnaly of the con- mural point It riow,yet lietelievwl Call- --- Jbw.rhu4 L xu.rraur cured by team•moi
` ('Array 1 r,lnrnr u-ut:ill n..l Irr.l ue,.t Jurw.
(re stiou were entertained at the hos ata- adians were not lip to their privileges. Alr Ant an actual clearing `u."•'rnliy a,;J1,11,
e)t+vlrtur.sues`art w•a.a
yt K ! P P K MONTREAL MARgL^Tt1. C SIR';" .i U, bi.fdvear D••ilo lealk,rill t p f
LIs I aosi,nn of llre brown,who must incl Yung of the "llurun Rittual" was next lr aWI•n„1,. Y„r.,I el.n.p, fusty W G kt.pobad.12orerun_.w.,•tusalbrr•. rdnm.r,t -.•.
",",",,ad„nut erl account ut hu abennW _ - w r.•el ler 5,cue."Us- r.I'llI —A•nn.ld, �� ` r/ `(l `' � m A.u,,,Us,Public Wet Its 4uahli,t.a•ref(
thsbkful the gas!work,She has helped flu (Ry a,,,iJ Td«ir•ph w lba'elEasl.') Apfdy w TUUA wKAT*lURALO. D R(ISS `/l/l l DS O11! t� i i 1
w well,haA truly been accuatpliaLYd.-Coy. I eau only imr' Itis speech. I can only --- 6.s1aa„A aene''rr
suppose it tobeontheoumingsloetiuns,the Montreal,March 7,Ir, ' lo='.I" AND PARI'llES W1N111NOTO ' C
Goitown Town will ins ,,beet Oib aurFhu(ends,end.titer I llwttuus which .. '- ' ort•.teal, txa. swaYtt- A er S Ague CLlTe
g e=tlrceesutesrfull L FLOIIR-�„ . AT TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. 1SECUItF BANG AINS ' y � '
buns•majority of not tars than 200. y the politicians of Cllr rwrior Extra.. 6.G)Ql,0:09 S�1�t�L� i INS For Fewer and ARue, Intezmleteot Tetrer'
�, day, The Iter lir MiNvomi,s, the Next„n Extra............. .... 6:so (n; 6:9U Amt✓ R EMAs. f CL+tt F���w�•,, H.outwts. lever.. Dump
FAlle -any- ABue, Panudioal or nilious Ji-ever so.
the pivgraums,apuks or Ute superior aJ• Y-••••••••Canada•- •, Gaily(,y 6:701 .. ANE INT.)IIIC PlillwI ISR•1 UP T11K C\Ut:lt- and Indeed all the•flection• whl.h an,>I
BTAd LEY, "Autagas of(:snadlana; .hair unnt palled- `ll(1•tine I 1terne .6:80(.h 0AX CAME
I,"IY,sol l ren,c,.ilr 1,T-r .I„ j R (! Co. SAVE
V} r� Oa
11 N•u,.t rJ C. U1�TI 011 (Tv (,tJ.tiYE rG0 per 'CENT front ntwrwb, or flu'_;_•^
rhe("Miled met pursuant to adjourn- echo!evatem,theirhealthy climate, and Nu I Il'Ybtn wheat.6:9u(g U I10 fit 4-1-D'110.n I..t.a rvd a„d wl•it..arf, nuns t • A . r
their reli sus virile as H• also a iAs ' No t 'I- 5:90 (% 6(10 ''•'•"bl. rn.n..-r.,r ,'...kd i, Pv,.Ps,Perly. A.W ns,ne h.,d1e•.It a,ti. CYM.ref 4u:.4
n,eut at,lis !'1dLcks Hotel,laybelJ,os P K ! ...:.. Pq e,f..w atm l.A.u..p• Qu,lsriab, Feb.'. lh 1871. -BY- all. cnnaun.x nciwcr Arrnl..y.l,rta..ttl.,.uu,
DS„nday the_"ill F.A. All the members °f the triumphs of the English lalgua`s, nag Flout.....I.• .... 3-00 (u; 3:30 Ito.Ituulsaur. ,
resent. 'fhn (leer•,ti the chair. Mwutra Mr.Smith of Guderich, made a tongt6y i (e9 15 Ust.rkn t• sr r.b.tree. ewe mor any u ,gisse1,1 nr,,,_,,n runruwh.
1 wtlEtT (.sadaFali....l:Is I: . scot CdLLIN(} AND PIIBCHASING
of lilet m.suna road and rcpt ,rea. Iu- red excellent speech upon -the duty of lipring... 1n4U 1;46 y s. _. enae.n.1t it,, nowise b.lnr.e an.a.r,•a,a Th.
���� w,rg., rt=0114
wy u;1_1
4 cost.In No yry•,flt;
WNtern .. 1:14 r lab Neu,era ntt,,,,�...{{�1�wv,md sn uta,and..'h•11•re
C►cadiansaoardin W their ririls ea. Flto ld wuh-utnparafle�lnttl.blooW, ♦ .,eh=
speclon tint napp.per ntad. A atter from Y P ¢ 4
the Clerk of fli rolatire to the Town Th. Laugtide Choir rondrntl superior OAT.,;--Per 32 M.........OOab f•6 0:38 �ttu
y ` \ our prof.I xratl0..1 by este a taor M.I,.c,.t.,q
wrvicn b the ver able manner in which BARLEY-Par 48 It,.....00:56 C4 o;w A UV T I O1\ SALE 1 L lS A. 31 A R T I`, ('"' nr radw•al Lev..:-Wd U. .tyhou.-
line read, T6s herr•sou autherizrd to Y ) � J ,
have lir. William T.n er's Deod and plan they diao,llned a uuulber of select places BETTER-!airy,........00:19 0:22 aver••.an.l.., „u rr rowamw.kW mime.alt.._
of road on IauL 19 B. k,N. leading to his "(music. lis each dopartuwnt the oteot- Btun Paa:krd..........OSIS(yl U:19 OF l:aaremnar.t }�n,�n .Itn.r .s it. e-,--
millregistred. The following parties r.• "Ig was allusedby all to be a complete ASHEN-Puts............6:95 (ay b!J5 (Nut J.,or L' d.tirn,th'• (':u1hi"( tib,re NItell nrukiligomla.wr'Xcv, CUluW,wAllbsp,r
YALUABLE REAL u.,a.t S, Is For brafl-p.fufw Ci,r dell.
success. T,.,n,lleh credit cannot be Pearls.................6:66 ) /w,re,an,k,r wvLicensn w ddn
gtwtd certificates for 'farenl end Sbu glum, (d; 6:i 5 strum Llwer,a Is a.•:','inti ryu.sJ era.{,. 3
calved cit hcates been she■n that they sillu the Iter Mr Jackwn fur the unnritrg PORA-Mer'......_.....22 W(yX9:50 GRAND CLEARING SALE OF DRY GOODS rw l hili fast M"•I lc w•l y,
1 /Week►,D.r silk Is e. or:f row Rillnnt D 'o-l"
e.1".",r..or t-1,121.
had ora hed with the law•ad G Ito s energy his is constantly em lis m ,u the DRESSED HOGS .....7;50 'u8 :W .� .n e,rru.n" n•u,..h, l
pp J Y P Y i e_ E3'1'AT=` _- pis,re m ...or Inly
that twhalf wia fur 'Para n. lams" Interests,,( his people. In adduunl lis PEAS..--....... k/ (u, U:9i qR
,. rt.nk rurv,.,wlw•ro•,Wer rn..IN•tn•w heel all•.•.
Lcnlg an able still sealc,is preacher,his ,, IN THE TOWN OF GODERICH- r r \ r kt_ , 'i•ra,.n, by ■.J.C'.Aran a en.,and S
Shaw, W llhao [Ja 1st, .Loan Turner, r r, \ / �(� T/�r�rQ tar l Anwh tkd mi.b,Lowell,y(ay„and
a c"ustant worker in behalf of the mural (,old lit New York uta Natunlal ser �J L VJ 1 H I N G , L C. +•+ _+.•/aq sur^Ywltuww d.
Richard Citing,ALn D,).dA,., Afar I, stead at 111. /tMt Bit MrL1;IS WD61tlC1I. ArrLi'To PARICtr 81.Om "a Aerms.
Yull,wk, William 6utg, d.1hr. SL,rgan, wr!(urn o(tLu community. Y 1
James Williamson, Altrcru, Jnl,o Ill.l'aia•'Rs.-Nuti.ithstanniu¢ the Huu.Mr.Trutch,of British Columbia, �i7tuf be old br Punu.Aaru.n•t tae A.1.14,u,.. AT
J.rlin,Edward Elliott. Fur she u,Tud.,r •,nn:at ice proclautiod betrneu Brcholordoul'has arrived at Ottawa. r w,D.AIJ,E•f, A "RTIt•'P a Lvste s,Nooio ,oo,u.t ..asst
( - r -7;,2Z,
.nt, Z,t-ae,,ti oli,a
0,M. TKCE-11AN, AGV TIO\'EEk. Cudr,I.h at Fair"".IRTL ..a-u Jn,a.,,. u.rd h,rra r',, 'L'ol'IJ. aa.... u.ow
soil 1latnn+um ,rho leading belligerentsI fluor•O.•a). rrdd n tr..1«den n.r..4r,s-Cates.r Y.
Marks, lir Inert ltonison, huuu:t Ifuuce. 1 g � � f t
Mored by Dr. 1Y,a,ds,arc by Thus liry•1 It this place, Lwtihli'ns have begun, _ - u WeT. •.,ru.,.Wncr uta I 01i 11 N 111 r� A 1A � � - ..""", ,".1"►.n1.E,rtrr. v.
710AR1t12I). I tiiii%%%% lJ/ a JJJ IJIJ x„I , IL,.....I...ser
__ .t tau wunoil dues not cuuudrr it i•u. It a pndsbl rant nothwg milder than tis. r•+towel,1st.h+tow C. une►:,r r.aariti .kJ
p �� ....- Tue�(la} nth of April, IS71,at Loon. a .It urJ„,u•Loo-".
W: uirlla rw.L JII _ _ O _ w.l i 1.
Bunth .;lodary,than the Cowlt) Buutid lila,indefaG sbls Cu id has in been ow Vulliiii -- .
liar a Ilse .tion,but is willing to 9 p, bride's mother, East street,ou the 1►t � 'I _ - - --- _ can O 64 'T -_
_., •gPtj•-jri�llfVte u7lrilt�6T1rY"M ftlt!{r-�B'4 't 0• 014w1fy lA Lbasp ,..HE - jit.(,aq�,,ly.-jfaylamlrl tV ilauLL-tY -,•h l„u„n,.W...d Dri,v. ^t'•rLq Ar. -
Hay,aluniui lit shall ex stud an a uin- his agau been making ell,ri alromm�t•ef- '..tory,wh•a 4n1MIas ••-t+r•1 IiPRII1iQ IMPORTATION$ --
Pa Y , 1 Ann Mc4otuldl,.al6ut Oalerich. - es, .y
fact totluuo'ne expended by N lura to etlmodel societ Mrs. Tits see., -• b.,u. •,w ,.th,• .f W. ..m.,„a H.ow axv.d.1trinfitedt•eRr fin, I—lottttrofw ti`Arry'nA•-,14 .1,,••Ipr, tar Ir le ,r. ` 40. tk, 4-m lyIf.if- rM- !..aaw,
,laulev. 1 �B
Carried. Moved livor Castle',arc b cess he met with in the car of tar late At St.Paul's Church Clinton,on Marchtke ••rrr.l. I ,•anis e,t•v,k,dm.n,r.w►.ver cry,.....d. ,I u,lnx :.. T,... a a..n,4.1,wn ,•r«ly .R., ,i Itl.U1`K t,UY�IAI _ _.
Y fp Y r"eLJ,a 1 6nt,b the ken Mr Caulfield Mr ThomY to ria pubtk ser buy,e:nary,;y t,p..l..t al,..t x",n..n per,., ! Ten„t,bmm�,.ut.I s•a -.r~
L. %V,Youal,tthat this a,uncil grant the here IIY ppyrn him au amount of Y $ }taw.Ia rw ,n,,.w.Ib. IA
confidence in his ability. Ou Wednesday_ Clew of Torona, to Beatrice ode ia"v A.11Y'PHIN(3 RIND EYERYTHiN(i IIQ THE$TOCK"WILL BEI .b•.euAnl,•d.nnf..rlan.r s
elm of t?lKRy fur the improvement of rnn• Y• y syrylwA4jkline farcy er,aalra tae.I•utttc r'll «
. R., .I awl
eevsiva6rldifl this Tuwnuhip Err 187E .s
the 17th-ult M. C. Secord,Alereher.t, daughter of George Fult'.n Ereq. of /lM.l, -�_ - , _ JBOLBD , n..1+ t
$100 W,sch has aid alike sum to (fay- here hul.od his destiny with(lir.Eunlc- Meadow wale Farm, � ep
.I an h'.r.r nI itak,l fare lesser nth. il..0 ji r i.. .for• stew +hurt time,w lbs qulck•r per --Christmas pre8ente I 11.1.i.,m, d the rat '.rawer
Geld and ranges. Carried. Mored by Treleaven. 11e can only wish them• The tssegkrkA buuJ,~Jet Prs..nt •.•rupi..Iny ,.t.a•,c.,ytw•uJust.lhetr..lw;twi•ta•nttt.r. Ii,r,. ur��.r �'
Locutions fur Salt, Lhh.
Aro CrUn, Thos. Keys. that as herpes present end,earl agreeablennt rutin. __-- __ -- lid I-p." 30.U1y0 ]aid,dew gtxxls,.f various drseriptiona -__T.- . .rrun.este u.r•a,u,z•.r t•v,.,M
This urtt anucable alliance amici rip,lI. 1t .flh"' ..h-1 hr h.uw...Ira.a s.un Ih..e,a w.
theadlturil has finished the tructed to pst.d 9�eC191 NOt�Oeti. 6mturrrntr.,,rtnr',so--f-W he 6,1100 yawls CottnnGo.•Js a� low,iw, f.1-1. tis,Wool— t..n,Yi.n.,pt, •7
eatufaeturily, the Rnare be instructed to a in the ease a he dry gw,J►merchant well __ -_- -_ our.a.t,usl.d.%r L 5,00(1 II Wm,llen (:, tr_(�`!' "THE SIGNAL OFk'IC d.."
• Ines w under for_his, ttaWL Osrr�e,l._ adlanawrl un the degrees of our unfortun 7'F,It.Lil OF f!A yr F,t 20U Shawls,and Mantles a Large Assortment t a-,tr- 1 lf.d,n•a,Nnr.fete,I+tis, Y
Moved by Dr. Woods, Geo Cawtli stor-f scbortnn -c , tm1 Ito ,..,- ,,,,oil TOE, GREAT FEME REMEDY
that Dir.Sllsrlu be"Collector ler 18i 1. IifUr talks(uf,tLe')\'eJdingday,'that die °"-t"'•w'�ak""t"'►iw..r a.avir....t�.L 9r)0 Strife ut Clothru 1
ny,rr)•H... rn i.,..i,..anyur,tr. r.yu,,.t imytiwriuntof Fameytoys,mymmount f Ps)ere..ilrrw wweamtgintof(lata. _ ` + - -
rwrrru,is Met et hat it announced. It,. Job Inoses herldieal PUIs. ,•,ri•R•t h •LII,.•ea. IN Ff1T'p'$I'.STOC$ NOW OFFrEBED FOB SALE `-
-- -
Carried. Me rad b
_ ,CAIS.
shied. !hw. Ker, sec.b Y pro- T 4.y�µr
y c Y' liable, huwnrer, that it rel tmr".a.J/.ttL,..r.rm.r..t ►"rfue',nar
Dr. Woods.thatofthe"1'uwo- will be befun ..,, attt,vRw.rurc.tu,onut,r,,.uJc' AT AN V - )PRM:\anAyWt.f,._L I.MPwreeds•dial
shi ufficxn be the utile thin year sa Iwai, Kptnr Kend•w next. and w mule it be 111,ISr.t Ll'.t nLK ylUltylwB U CX/ajLIRO r¢h. v nbn In ru n,l.ta a,11r.rte(.
p Ynw,s%Icu the N'onhi tel Sir Ih ut and roll ,h...,, ,n.d 14.e f.,i(.a al,+ ls/an•.. u„denan.►.anrryt,W,lets, we,d IDllSENSF. REDI:CT[OR IN PRf('FC IN Dtt)sT CHMCLISYE LI[- ITS vAR- 1 ��r
so,i_that a by-law tie[timed►std passed to P p 7 a All',.' wa,.h,he„ 1s satyrrr n,nl.•ri,•,y h.„.rn wenuryt.«.1.:t ..;
tike}ety„M, cam.- M4r�h. �W 1h0 mwtulanll of lbJl Lrothrcft 1x01 a Ilifi) 14 •trn,r. 1 r....d rtnr,t..all.b.uset-u., IOLS UEPARTMENTb • , n i) I.r,,mi.h..l.....% _._
' G-ast_4, Thus.Keys,that tM rem I&--erred tfela the boles of aaroedBF- :#:=.;I!••+t•Y: U'elEd w JOHN HARRIS
dt 92 bo refundtrd to Ge Ftwk• sod Pr Y IBMs _ -- lII llU YA�L flaw_
nuz cause a his ices An - v..w.sstwa.wr.. ESTRAY. `
"IC^ , Be3attx;rrtt trta lsTi.'_""`.`""`-'. � r•,.trn-n Ill., ill,1,:0.
85.33 to Valentine Homan. being back lure.o.rwtew' "09 tbo est•6lialwgg „f s A"r•w+�W--ed a pees,wa shun time,same, • p 'Y - d$ rl' -- -`- ---- -
I Vw.F F• ,8
he m.•nfnry pen ,, r_vj6 Titr: r1tRMi." Is, Tnt. umt)PA (A (�
A h � �1AI [:\rllz
Ln W Ylll.t society'
uClet , CAII ape fuA,.n t'r-ul,.d.rl.r ,A I...... • •' -
, taxa wrongly charged fur 11l1t6. Carried. Y I,s'ucurs • roll . N . I v t,.n wo U. udt»aw, ah.t bt ..._ J.;A$ JUSP _ .
llnred by D.W Youwl,see. by(;e r Castle set'It bo,ks,!wlgn-emblem•, Ac at much rrA..r ruxr r v xtw.v,f f•.reen,, u ra y nK ti•.r.n.r cool,31.. P. Yaw..."r aA to
that Dr. Woods be a"thoriaed to deal with kel.,w c,rst, by addressing(Pre-pnoid)yuur �n.66.1..Soo"• •.•1.I w a./.parr'is..err I—,, jell,P.)rxfrs•exaae note.. .-
Luc►n,w Corer sdent. tats t►en a..y, TT T
Hr:Lamer re for a ru►d-way, thmwgh the y �° s,au ca.r..{\e.e r este Ap,,.I AQ r,n..., uin m -- 4tJlit!I ReKK. J v ST S .i• ART E D -E(fXIYCd >t BG >v6eent Stye k of �rpNAO/q�
luta Suu:h of the market eq%re, to avoid B the way, dnnn9 lora• this Afatri- one It.•.oo x, t'•dl.,ran,IBR Le.IM .b a tel\r
4o- Ism(,.11h,u,„t.„ah„•,.n w, I'al,nr- si• \`�
IIIUIIIaI aralll wIL11"Ilt mist Ua llw(seta m•d one h..n, f1,N,n,•. •�d wart•. ,kir 1'.n m L�� _�
Ike art or making a n,ad through Udder- I{n K Y w,,,rR r,.,an.1•:n.d,,,".r m..,,. hero r.anl: G�Ooding'ti Banking 01ffiCe 1�,T Go1 BRrfol7lRB• -
dal•St,procidod that this Council be not "(an aalJeut that befell a cautious(.the, .,„1.�,h.....,,.l.,"'w1, mrd, d, raw rn,,non,rpm -
asked for more thou+40. Carried. Muy- a kh,rrtduMtnce fmm this while endeavor- ret...+,s•aaw..r,....anf,h,.N 4.".'t.lw Ibe"run.n,._ - e_ .-
ad to discuver the freaks of a 1I'E5'r STREET,G011EItICH,
ed by Oar CYtlo, Thl Keyv,that a amun•t and .ibis,hemi. 1".lit.Iwmped,t.,..,.I.-h k 13rys unnnrwt.. Am. 81028BaUalr ]3 ����
sin tie. The Ginner a pee s•, 1 Bran ege.r and th.n.. �t v
this Council do now a1j,n,rn t" meet on ,,enunage of the wh.c►.hu,W urr•rd•4I' prnrrred. C,..1 F.rmnr\ntr.d1.r.nma.1.rel prmk.d..l, , g
bachelor nnant-m had f •r.rn,saw„o, .flu nnnerr.•. wnn.y b.•.•d o.t)vial trnrtxa.r.IMpo.,b n,til..d
the first Monday a A�rel,st? o clock p. 1•• ur some tier i r" .n.P.r a..t i.awt w•Ine•..n.
1Vs,a E,,, JBT BROCCias
back been m his attention to the el ut rent.rnr P.oaae,.n.ared In N.rlemp Al hxlw wAUDR1.L.A` a =`-
m. at Ju►. 7ttol�aaa IIIAtmI, 73gTfUld. paying )
(:arriod. isttttr,the daught r of a wealthy (tanner. A L.,n... Srwsw•r, rear s'•r1•I semi.rnr,a. c:d.d,n,loth Ph, t.ct a l' ,t: eat PI
- •q
,a I T1i�.riii ;o,7irh�.,4 A•!cF, )f...r.,t�
In mr,u�i stn.rears a,p„Itth,.ywlslau.ow.r�
WILLIA1i PLrNKr" rhe ofd man not'Rking the aortrrshtp dt.1 ,i - ___ ----- j•
r I•`ir7, _____ _..- -. 1,n�1� K
gV x1 .1 .,r rlrw ,...I.n I�V
Tip Clerk. all he meld to break up the affair,of __NORTH Rfyp*- T11AIf, .. 3bwn.i.smlhxcr, ...h,"rl•:n�.:tha �..I.1 ll,..Y-Ur:rvl.i
FOR SALE. ---- I 111-
which the young I!) man become shortly Ntwtsw4,t:.W.,gesaa - .. - ---- .- . - '
Y`'' 1. n ter
>wism. After s Ainerter bur . , asratferCarl.d. \OPEN I;; , , I ,1 r 1'uLDtSa ' , nC`• _ -._--`----- GOLD Rtxua, M My A--"1.erW..dtrt R.r.y,'e H.tdw N4
Tho Meeting at$BttSorca, " .at brbia.t, - �T
the would-be huahaud.the aid man Huiat- y Parker F t•,a[He ra , z TTTC 111
till'R•)d l a 6..Mnrh b L lJ
Tho public meeting called at Heararth . NlrJi reg I-A. F twdu i flitd,n.r s Co.,)Myr lid; J.rnrs _-' `�
Sn)..xr ,t,.n., N INTR
f:•dn i,h IIvr4 Zt,1 1.:1 w7at w r _ •'"� -
. tinCoeF.0 roti s, She at length lo"in that her lfrr(bum;Oberrnitt.;1r Lilies,t .9; '+
IL R.ItTuesday night, cam(der acct L. H.d K q yVXbr, Ohn/ua &cord.Lursnuw;!;.H.•ki - -..- "-�. --`�------�-------_--_,.____ yvrxc• P1.ATxu WARP `,i JOBS D[cPItI:IGSOIr��
1R B.R schema, came "R•ocor8inj t" Ether sou enc ngeable,decided flu her- yo•.d,afunh.&;a.I: N.dislse U.slwr.. will YOUR
` x silo_\ - _"_ �-- „- u.:1.Rvk Mew.Rtk is-'o.
modes, and was larvety attended by in- Ing recourse to stratalfein rather than 1 O�It WANTS NOW • rt t __ _ _- -
fluential resident. The Reeve S 11 life- strength, site made an Arrangement with - -, SUPPLIED. �; - -
l;aw fi presided. the gallant young man that he wY"tilt- f,I: 1-91Ar PAl7 DESTROYER - .� t�h , o. SI TTx I `U �'
- ¢ M,lray.r p . riAr C T, Y 11 i I
Tflr tie aa fmm the I�,trdon Nnard t" come Sfter a certain hour, whet,the `O� ! a$�ttt0 tLM } ow l r.D edea, p f er,
Ready for` 'raw`
A Fum,ly Medicine, -s still,.e i Wa known 711 R:-.,1- rr w,twt Pnmlwed a r-or I.d ur ^�-,!•_-J t'111 It BAa.iB�.... _,.r-•._"__ y =
of Trade,Mears. .l,weeph Atk111erm,E.vv old man would he in bed. She further (,"the pea len yran,n,ver:A•imx in a nn.)r l I;•.,..r,na,t-.h.ri„c tn.m.,.t.warp,. lsark. !
lltmam, R. Reid,anti John Wdlnwllr graved tucxtend tar„pe fmm the chamber Inrr is •Tf �V.NLOY
' slndd b which she was to natsace lis g,toe lx rman,nl relic mica timely 1•will Mable tn,"i,I'iy say Sweat,.t • t CANn gCsrxRR,
dehvuted/orcibleaedeonriociegadl,trres. Y pull atm up urd,and w.have stew.,known a taw ie con. s, •
Their arrlments were show stcouded by III the sitting room upstairs. In the,meaq• urdr•au.a,non wherelhe mr el.n•have been pl'tiE AND CEDAR SRiAGLES M fwd t� �� �� ` i L tLAnaEs tixrre, ut '
tome the old man became nor uaitited with far�ac `new received -a lat'g.
It- alusl nn, Messrs. if P I LI, ut Lab 1 .rup.•r1y followed,Ru,oe the eantrary all an d tar,hear,.mA l .h,tbn lowest pri". Dr I.d (y- ww�aer rw,eeVi/to
h"ral Ganadrm Il•nk; Mr.J to. nn,Nr the affair,and r,n that evening he remain- 1•-r.rrd t..ab tar I".it," eras rpi., n u M
K Jeh hied wish in a nnnns,and • •k m the till, umlwr..lab a ba".it,",Min tr.Jell,rte•1 a yarxrx Rt•r,R,
ed out till • short time a dao the h"or AriBGAW and Yi V LidFaN eNtOn�,
H.Taekeon,and(,there,while Nesse Kidd, w c,nted. Perin K Kixfru farm.oI:a V,m •red Afarreal emtrb, till,�i1i' ` Overooatln�s8,d �`
Malcolm ►std L'ene"n, spoke against fhn PP' Seeing the daughter 71/E CANADIAN PAIN DEA,TROfER PETER LEONARD. RAI'CI•LEA8UIWfN�171Tr1MATIN'G To THE l?_rs111ENT80F GoIJERIcif BUTTER 01VES, SPO)NS &C., wbi, ' " (.:r•dwrrkaf,tP,
Project tele to the arrangement, he concluded Co, .10,P.h.uh.tri L,...
lay hold of the coni and'try the rope II• hs.most luritsefi a rcput•una,a.a ht-it per, AND VICINITY THAT THEY HAVE * �1 r
Atter an animated dineusuntr,,n which, W Pu A star
..nee stomaep ton r,.. tl"W l m the FISMONAIX ��Y�
however,the lwmdon 1 illy• scheme n ing extir•rimen`t, The heroine at .tree'hlau.y"(meJ;calprclurwuuns. f1 •ehlomtuls \ tT all n(thn nrwra drains,h b,•l mate:
tt, Y pulled tip her tri p(sr.ea" foyer,ad'utance nr,nn 0yaprprie, Llrer 6"a,Pl.m,•t Notice t0 Debtors. JUST OPI✓11ED TUL GLASGOW HOUSE rialn;suitablefor theenlnl„q (,N
- esired many hprtyaxprssions of anptx,rf, till she discovered who she wY elevating um1.IfearlMwn,Fick Headache, Kidney roam_
K r,ason,when rrieods THl'<T]'�OTI.H:
the following mled y ser offered d tar, k,the pisnadeof tame. Orer-a,me with �•'nu,Arad:Atoms,h Phlbuicor A•thme,and 7.GY1'.11R...a S'A"._1bTn TRR I.11 I 1RKw T=sMR ,:
A nnanw..a ya r..n.i Rnhin .n a un ru,e r «'ITiI AN B. RELY FRES11 STOCK OF are,,it,r.
Coleman,►ecmnled by Ilr.'trayr,and tis• the app.aranee before 'her she let ^Ute by oludr to t an ■efe.y the yttem debt.rated •..ted m orello n with mr.m nr h.f•a.",.t 1►.. changiti prtvnta%till cloth usher.
riodalm�st ttnanim"n.l - K bynl6ermRaneA,.yasa. ty � reswta..•anertwtdiGall newness winlr IN�ItT•�Ai7F`�'[•�f17��'.
7 rope ahrnitrag 'Oil'tis'CII hand Hie tit h•m•ttral.n ft thr rlul •.rill•,m eating sesta PROVISIONS "-o- raw r qww .■
"That thin meeting,atter hearing the man came down with •'coflnlnux'{t stent •.Arlen vol•, Ror. throat•Cosns, Diplhrna r r,rte.•,Af rk;wni.•b a• MI5
ex isaafin"aofthe i./A(ondSle ah"n,do wm.noRlsl s• 'FEEID -` Also a, larg3 Stock Ot CHEAPFOfl """'
p word.) He no* s i �se that "co I b Paint rheilma.le,bod he Leek•it, anyusawhj FLOUR•k
ledge r,uraetrrs that s null the g ache,rhenmadc and ul her pw, any pert of t.•7eick 12 Ike.ISTR •w;at \
Y P g ain't the Ymo u it used to wY." I bo- CROCK Eft,AC.,LC., a MU n..eta „r n
Londom,Huron k Fkucw lialway be built list's him! the M Jy enc in,...w rii..r 1:."..,kss Rlvrw it .1.lot,* ,;,•.,
through $es(urth, to giro it our utmost a pdere m every household and a(ssr super.ed. ,t 1YU t1„T.n drtrrtnfnN to e.•rure tnr;,nadsser.y,d...rry,rt.,r ut. p„hhe hT n;only. 0a(,Ia BRIGHT&COLORED GULL rel uI a M4.hi.r•pnn.ny
so port and encouragement." __ - ,its all"Iker prepars,.,na"f the kind. !1 •r"'' •"d Oall and alae st la .
$200 TO $2000 Y s'►nd prio..e
pp ltudwu.4.aleluA D."m t rert1..1 s�L LING CHEAP FOR CASH. JIsR'Ia,,.k,tY Ix SEl'T4, 4".117th.I8 H. wA:•d
TM Leafiest D.putathe returned Mme R P y Inv .
calla, Hutton, Hrsine•,.R rias, C'nnbl.m+. rHRTriAUF., RIT.AT.tnLR RT Isa.Ahr or by the single pivte, all warranted.
yesterday,sl,tad with the gratifying result Croat holes,Compp••,n the It oto rh, uta,loo., Be-B - Fresh Oysters direct from 8altiMore alWlt s on hand NORW AY
of their mission. TO TILE IMEE A19D INDEPENDENT L"OMf•morbiu,Nlihuus Cho e•Cholera I"lau• O m,nl•(-,A Ih,eI a .),.Irnm 7 W IS Ir.,. J y I A j flta
Y - N°tnly 5I.,rrnt M and M's Motto is Small Profits& Quick returns SWATCHES A. CLOCKS. __/Lal
�------ Al"rel wnt26Ittr. //11fR•t'R+r•RIItRN,healplvq rtf IM s,'Rr.{,
It ls expected that Pie F.Hincks will ter ,4Prwe only fb emir Per OT,1, ►Ynr,v I l t ft 'larkrramnh,h•.1..r lm(•Ivy
D�t y0a7 HKU a LT(L1AN, freely 7. t�CALL AN)SEE•T))i:,11 4" Brat Maher, ,nranleed as represented,and 4...Iny A
day bring down the estimates fox the fiscal ELEaTOai� Nrw,eedle.C.W. Appl t. - g� P eh. rrk:n,rd N Ii,w.T„tilt, Aler.-P.1, our,
1 ]car ending June.1872. (General Agent for Canada. r f,WALKER All kinds of Farmvr'n produce taken in etchang 6(NI Bushels Moo CluYcr coed wanted. aehasp our crap u,1Z Isle t;•n,Id,. .ant TH''Iq iv rTtr.)Rln
Aullret,r 3I,_' `1Wou`.h•1.6,)lib,1s71. - tae it 1,r.,•,el.rhMh Ar will•.rl h,r 11 re pis,mnut,/,I%O.,
OPTE>f 711Y?•aulA;n Q,r(rnrh by ranker dt Calif..ed ,;,.,Irri,h V Jan....1971," An'l
It is reported that the vernment are F. Jnnl.n; (Ianitat,h Co, eSviWW; James _ ..44,2. IET.IIwt\rn In nn A t'"^"n pnr.•h.•i.R ten Inunnb r npasnl..y
IN R^ aeath.m,RnAR.ry lir J.P. a --. -.__. _., _-. _-.__ w P.
ClCf I nor u..n,AI:¢e 1-;,.h4. The K.n•ay(Is.s elk
arking arrangements for a third mete to f l/rd,Exeter;J.If. W.F. 1 . S. ...mist. tm.lnw. I.thrift.,. Ire,In nam..nd fn.nn ,
Fort GArr U((_i'1�1; .��!� +V .0 B tau.Climon;Award,Laekenw,E H ksnw SALT TERRITORY FOR SALE _ ad.til sl.• .uh r...,pier..rah M Jesep.r,• is,+the eon..
y' •`�! CA7.arla-a aft lla6ale.Daniela. wrg0 .��- ��� 2a cane pea•n(m,uu•aralh.till•Ito,th.hew.tear. ,:IIwARn TL•Rwm s.
, _ - - THE Fn (\( �-!*- join:OW,IaTL ow
The Nora Scotia Aretwt,; asked a .)/Tits --. t:R.CREOU.Ca;eD NYW MTOR� I� i� B .
r F RxnIPAIFtto:is ri;ci LElf, a TW) N•rueY
repllutiml diuPproYing of the A.simdati an Near the old Railway Statiom ^i���
of thecurnney. .0AR11M_ZIS Y h"Ills. .Irony the MarkA1' .
on the Alegre Rona. This pro- � � �J� �n], ExY,ate in 16B kcal:style and wish es u t ll.auara. Appiv to-
The isdeathpo of Commander C.G.LindsayCount of Huron. rl hAn r[,�eJI
K refN,rtod. 'y Pa y great near the
for • palet', by •from
L,)as• iewellrl nd L.DL LK7t it
ARABIAN OIL _.Salt Block,being aid near th.Rail mace melee frons[nndon.j +•nek",h smb,y.h,IfirL • .mss r(
__My Ulsdslorto is nporled iv be In and road Track ata having four --C- -'__---T
-~ f-.� roads surnitindingg"' h now settled in his New Store'and doing a rush- W. F. pa SMART. BRHTFORD ERERRY �
ens 7i�,i►.tend him ptarliamewtary duties. FOR HUIt.4Et3 b CATTLE. A 1►to JAffiEld M1LLE
The Cnnc lien IIIY.trnt•d b rr, , for the nn ptpn "" ZT � �II� �� I
E N'TLEMEV, 11 promisee,or O. M. -�.me�t _.,-• �� }
week is •Inrallycehl nsmbte and the A NEVER FAILING REMEDY T : MAN,Austionoer ALand Agent, m I 1`10•
Cour•rain telly sell oaxrtts l,ereral A,the nominee of a full Ridiri mta _ Ishreary His.19-f. w/f..ed nn_ HIS stack ref Dry-goods, Winter Clothing,Ikota And Phnr; Flannels and everythf is 1 1 '--'--L---
- _.___
`l at fan Detre and Portraits of proal- tion d)onlyion fmm the 9^nth Riding of rtn IIA VALCARLR PRRrARATInS rf.N1+IN"Fit --- -- THI7 LIIV:8 S9 -"----
stentGmadirneangivom, therm M of Huron, f baidatte w an no.u, wirtr.of m,.r.m,b..'hn',, INB4LVENTACTOF1869 Spencer's XXX Aies x POrt9p/
nmlrlCe myself u a Catdldtab fir "11r "•r•,P.neer.h..P,,,,,,..r.,n.,wot.,.r,.nn .
sofrragesattheylPmachin y •mei•"' 1ill--, 11. Inc rnr• nrC. l dna.,l.. FRESH GOOD AND CHEAP IRON- IN-7HE'BLOOD. S noon ,
*$'A common cosrh Afr cold should g electron; and .,.won.,Rmlr., pall,nr•n fora., grarh,e f ..I., nsA t
I do en,mot only from the can that r.tnt•n.- 1 a �S�k �`S A C- a Bottled Aad in
newer hetri8ed with, ofl hen ore leered R"sy4in,►,nel+,ww..n• 13TIIF,.VATTf,R(IF(Y/ARLS•4AAY3 1' 1 s /� Ftne COndlttOnf
s the Relprmers pr Porlth Huron desire my N,,�e*,8,x:.kOc;w:'�xs~.b ICI,t., I..-....
.,,4..4 O.I.A. A. I.-bent S'PI��i`\'I)I I) GROG RRIEI� �r•
ft a romonary ins,• r he And generally candidature,but with the ne„Iloetion that rest• It. Dia
fate(pulmonary disease. The men prod.nt, •aper, {wr,m.., fly mm,;ma„ I,,,' of 1r Ry,Inn•of a d,v,t tit l �� t' ('neer'lJ A
arca» efths tum tl eke ' Br ti'sPul. hytheactinn of the C"nfmrerted Elec- dl'••"'wMrhh..r..ndrmk.n.utrr,,n. ttmm�-Tis,uj A.•Ilmmhdd�lymM.hy r 10S to PdR'
!! r I ra'--« 1nlmeao n.. h•.n ere r.•, r 1 Finest Gh1lslmas F�uifs at the ver lowest PRICES f s rh(Ion,barrels and
I tions,Committee at the ,,at I,egielatire rwi.,.ern eano.e t.n.,l IIB,tIN.cISANRtiI]wiLt't:StT;I Mt: Asn
anile Wafer■ •euratire which nss nos-. Apembly your opinions wore i nn •"''o r• e.n•n n w Mr d• y T nU,abrr n.t�r„1 m, h.0 ,.A•r I- 1 ON Half brim e18.
at the
-thol its reputation Ton rnr over twenty yeah Pi R red and ce.P , .ml ,ser,, p,wn• r I• T GODER
ebbs r.m."„ dl en•rna rn pima, ., .d .en adv tit•:..m.tit rnr. ,+At.,li..l.•A„r.l A„tl- IC$ DEPOTI
-lh. Are 111.linfluence
.ce notklI and BroncfIrthial
a T^li wR ii TRA,TIdiiet i uta/RA:n'H tarn. AnM pnblk-n cane/alb rh<w"mUy'u.•A ad nnrrr m IA„i'.,wn nlr:,.hraA At mann nn in•way,tAa `-17w11fFiBk,lkc.2()lh, Ili;l),
F My pnDlio coed, in rho t is a sof, futha+h.Id•11.n.
most Mn.bei•I ingeenea nn tali law Rmnchid pA, .. fn.rtn.l.r nrnpru ls:L AU.nd.+n;;.darin.t,
ficient guaranty tut m faith tf 11ner in Iris tn,,.Ihnn"r.n n,,w:n.rn rnwnrn 7l,r,k.nb ror'+1 nr nae,.r 1...11.ed Prrnl.r. .nndrl, ntliR O w s
sad pdmnnary organa. Rotd hr sell DrsA` r thtwrll.auwll.m.,m• r.w,xm.f.rM.,b. ntwmvintis.Tuwn.MPnfT,nhentbrlrr•nnnry • RO DiAIIiCi':'P�Qf)AR1:.
gists and country dealers. Price 25 ets, tntura; and I need only sty fait shnnld atonrniiCr A LVNAxt .f U„inn .std rnrrtm.wr,roann P.ux r.,,npn."I pSY U00 Q E Q, Q R A.N T:
per box. yon see fit to Pr nonnce in my favfar in N•""A Im,..r• Prl.lan -f Pit",.f lel Nn, 21, t'••r;^ I. lh. ..1d T,erT.rTTyIANsTRrrfesa,rth.w•eh alr.n�
_____ �� t he coming a•ntwyt(,hell, while syoidin 2,.611 to Hmlrrich d� Pa Calll• sad ! TowMldP •I'nrnh.,rry Amainl�xlon r..,. nr Lnd er.A ea 1.oft Supplying f` 1•ri,h,.Len.T'hh Ina.
¢ Jnrdun I li.nllnrr Co. Ra t h• ;lames 1,.IA.inn m.,rn r;1.1_
.r Iw...d i..rn P.,, M. tau 1 eke b,o,41 wtra areal-ly-
TH>0 MARK=21 •
reckless Adherence to any PArf v, aeatham, R.nlrendle; J. Ptrkard F'a.Iro a'rlira m.n.rd nn In,.ern.„ h. ,„..Ir. stew• c.n.,'s raw+TnAcitixo AataT-rRON. T r .--------
�_ Pince nil-elf in nppnsition to
the general 1. H. Cumr., I:ImtalA I :SeroN, ,wnlnR n.t,uta Ino,nA,,.f Nan'h...tis. Sar of A ��/��tT *r2 ('swrt.w.--M tars na Int prn.nan Fr..p 1'Ai' FOR qA�F' '"
P K InnI I.M.rho lhr.t.l-ill.•n . . not rL.. I El'1J��h FOR I♦ INTER ' Fan,' ill.aMn/t..1•rornrlq.
(Itldorich. March 7. 1871. Pnliq othe rexent uvernment Ly wh,/Ae n"N E. kw.-ksoa, !loin bnh,and ■x Me,11,s '*A kis,ren.•IMr.H„rot-ill. ,raid• J I nice rrro. J.yi
/ Rn.x.l rr R.x[wteoc u.. A RARE Cl#ANLL:
anawthfwinttd expwnditnre of the 11bhe '4a rn. ser Tn,Pm,»sty Ie nn tis.NA b,r„A.el Itnad Awl 1.• mu1J Dr Dr - .
FRiT Wheat............ >f l:i(1 1:36 p torr)d.drabl orf �•
R ring Wheat...:.:.. 1::10 I:36 moneTo and confirmed diaregArd of T,IR __ ),' I Farther PaI Ci,"Ularta flVlti 1'Nn^FA I.P AIlliLC AAnR(M
�pp /yam nR IRRAI, IRTRRRwrR or TAR /R M,A the • NC 1ript.y 1.11•tMwwtk x.Ir.Il,n, t •I ago,
Flnnr, ......... 8:60 (,a g{p Aro1 en J.n unNl.,N n r„urc a de.Irn..ts In. �- oftlwrnwn l't"I„ . .•gra,,,u rp Ii••si(
"' step Ica of Representative Oovernmont, Rnt••1...,Ian•1. r d B
(aa.................. Oa6 O:dO p Aulttm».rn,r",n,,,n,l,.1f.'.l-(I'.tx. wn,•rra,l,a s; war.
Th Aeon rte out .o nlird but in( Insolvent Act of 1889• "'Ir r.W+ V
Prr.................. 0, ri O10 1 J Toa To the Electors of North RArtIAI,ruLIA,CII Aaal.nee '� Rraai.n.1w, �sts �,.
Aotatoe............... 0:81 (p 0;64 manyirrisencekquits, rerosent representative.
II uetedsnJannansatIs;t. .Lim WII,Y, CLEAR OUT THEIR SOCK 0�
""' Ptarn..••.••.•,•.... 0:46 (^1 o:60 i Mchosen f loner nal interests
a,the Huron. -__ --_ ,_ _ Intheer nr we I,1.1 A X RTANRC RY`,of Dar est tknMr.winPis.ep,A, ire-hr,n,nCq, r
l.IrAnrement"t the FOTiCE TO CHOPPEEB. ,tis,..n Inc dost... 1R1Tr.•a
Ngp. ........•. .,,.• "it 4 (:2ry general GF,NTLEMEN, Tttn"..,Ilfr . .,A In neA.A..,x..ed �d�a+►OS'sw 0. • :w.
Eggs..,••...•-•.••.e.• 0:98 0110 Riding rend the dere("Pment of its ma _ _
Hs1,tpMn............ A;00 I
ifl,aa t.ri.1 roarm"Pa Shall u heretofore have IIAYE RERVF.D tn.r.t.t.anr,wt-1..rle .t.-t (; I 14 rtrd,•n.•a14a:.Aftrrw,(Iv;e . ,tf6
d t A ril►.RI"WRInBJt WARTR A LA1mP. CAR. AY •tit.1 will neer/,.r a•I..t llw ul,n+n of r:.nrd N
Mir AArnMI Atf.nti"n, I yell !n the Iw.eAl /♦ th',ifs stall N,h. Rk Mw nA,,rn• _~ I ��� �� Trn.M,an,in the T'wn of("fl„a, In,M t'"a n,y „1
tilde*(green).......... T:00 7:0(1 .row rine n li."p.w, FOTICE:
Thmigh by the action of the gnvornm,nt [Algulainrn of Ontario for a pen,lfl of foie Mer I' r urn loots I...Pad Int b fee'..flaw r.,,,"fA{',rxl....... ........ A:60 A:75 in naming an early a dAy(,or the eleeti"tis I`}°siesta and Yntend AgAin to anlittit ynnr I•sty'm•. TFrr..f^rr,the 19th,ley of APrif weer gh•,.hr x,..A•,.A,r.i am'o ve _
ALTO A FEW U�iDER-COATS PANTS AND l A.,.).,4,w'•,n,1 r e„'h I,h,,r1..4,#.,d p
llret,asst cwt. ....... 61.10 (!(1 7;f10 ill.nIRr RR " .nth. bnnr•A t.refrl"•rhes n'erR�all rh•Mel.r anA .,ra,
Pork Nett ............ 780 tilp�o tire* (nr lor'srortHng the ranvsr is sr Ppnre in/be c�minpg oladiue,in rALRo mY 1.4 114%one,n,.(wrl,h T.wa
7 n�eessanly saner, i hnpw t/ h•rw an n (wields desire me M d1)w. i renal 1 here Omlelra,l.t I.wt113. r•I f th-.:11,m m$it. rerlA,n pn.r.l,w uAATPT,ilfrrra
Chickelu r it ...... 0:�11 0:30 PP^/ mus tr t of rrwrLwa treat..lyl,lr dmf h.env to
7» Ila trinity of meeting nn all,And rex Iain,l� doles my ditty not "nty In relation to the _ VESTS AT COST }h:T„wn•hp,4,, n, (•..,. A..,h�It„t' d.,g,
tVrwrl.....:..:......i. 0:110 Oi13 nK Y P r d f.-.."I amunn.n •• 1. . Nn.A.I�1u41x.wd 'MI.r t•v.r•� Ino tra 1 _o!
Q a.00 to ym,parunAlll my views noon the t)smt 1810 to of knob Ruron, but b, the Con>� Ott RaYtsfen I Pl,r-,m Ih..r, feral t.)eT ten - gOIISE R,fit OB BBbI.
,t T.w..hlp n ret
1,s 4:00 mlssllrwa n( the reel meet tae well p PlroTim:ego1ee Il " ',_1,Inf.r Ij. .,lwe.rn'el., 1d A..17"i.n.,r■ _a
•••••• 9♦RI iP waiijwt rtwestla lirewlsyi•tinn.M 1 A ,(IEN�L Toutw ntlodinntlT T, wI i u Treat
:M a••n,aa.0 hr bNd.... R 1n�^,•,m lh, s.•t.n.M.r,r rA.r.wtA.r" A.r11R �11 fr n Ly NI IAII r+ mA
al/ll � 9:28• M rn m/tk two ill.rf►ttftTfRmN .red Ay1(r�a nwrfh.I nnt.alw.Mo,",:'Imre too Ran ntrtkrlt M I P rt+
Apples 6:60 (di 0:681 'Msedlt l nA.a► , 1 g �Q Wincev Shlrt)n for one dollar. . ,,, ..�
tlodortoh Balt,whotwlel t o.b,pia ibD T r fly+ aeaL st Ent r.),a8etk ids 36 ill. heavy, rh.I•. e ---
r.r,ern»..tle.•on,ea.w e f r p "peps... .pip,. Is, ft,..r., akfw,d...♦ 1 •tie... ale ..•k.v
s srwacae. *hep r itOBERT(7111IIO ff1. W. T. FiAYR, J►rr•N wrrrry, rel) it,. A•,",,. w.edh - N. r.w 1,.ekreK tli": fir''"'M'•� hit 1
ae.em lt!:.,,.�.rr__--wP__ ddBAltkr llor.7AtA,IAT': A y. tat7
7i,rderich 3rd Narch 18R1, `-s FK. II1si1: n53 21re- T..s.k,p Clerk, _,r:r
i Ranh till,1•'1. - ._-1-u,� •r In IM"..Ir.•i"nl JAN/:A N.rep Mrr:R. �••
4 „friar 1111 . Rpt rat Wt?I"
•-,,,- 1 wee1/•le..s./r►'y mb,1.171. w.M a.N,rk.til..mrA,n• -
Sr I . 1 t
. - O
t R
"un of, ,
V( -_;7A I s __ � - __
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