HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-03-30, Page 1811/2 MILES WEST OF HENSALL Will Be Closed Easter Weekend Next Week Fri. & Sot. April 7&8 Dancing to Joe Overholt Fish Fry /Jr .ma .wewaneemeeil P*9* 18 Timac-Advocati, March 30, 1972 VeeeiSemeosea4 Institute at Crediton marks fami l y event By MISS Et,LA NIP131•00( CnOITON Family Night WaS observed when Crediton W.I. met at the hall., March 22, Around 70 enjoyed a smorgasbord supper arranged by Mrs. L. Hodge, Mrs. 14 ,Wein, Mrs. R. Finkbeiner and Mrs. D. Davey. Mrs. B. Shapton presided for business . Roll call, "What did you enjoy most for supper," was answered by 21 members. Motions were passed to instal lights over the kitchen stoves and repair cupboards. The new handbooks and the wornens Exeter fair prize lists were given out and members were reminded of the 4•H achievement Pay, April 15, Mrs. W. Weber was ehairladY fora short program which in- cluded a reading by Mrs, E, Neil and a piano instrumental by Elva Finkbeiner. The children enjoyed Bingo and . the adults played Court Whist. Winners were: ladies' high, Kathleen -Gielen; loW, Mrs. E. Neil; men's high, Eric Finkbeiner; men's low, John Gielen, Lucky number winners were Mrs. E. Neil, Mrs. E. Fahrner and Bruce Shapton, Shelly Weber won lucky chair. Program committee was Mrs. W. Weber, Mrs. H. Gielen and ANYBODY FOR A SAMPLE? — Grade eight students at Exeter and Precious Blood elementary schools visited South Huron Hospital, Tuesday afternoon on a Careers Day tour. Shown getting information on blood sampling from Mrs. Audrey Bentley are Marlene Bertens, Margaret Westelaken, John Jablonski and John Van Gerwen from Precious Blood school. T-A photo List euchre winners Golf View Restaurant Opening March 31 Many feted at Shipka Village Inn Grand Bend Dine & Dance Sat. Night 9 till 1 Music by: BRUCE SHARP Be The Country Folk PIZZA Now Available Eat Them Here or Take Them Home By MRS. HUGH MORENZ SHIPKA Easter Weekend Specials Nine tables of euchre were in play at Shipka Community centre Wednesday evening. Winners were: ladies' high, No. 21 Hwy. ih mile north of Grand Bend at Shell Service Station Mrs. Cliff Russell; ladies' low, Mrs. Bob Adams; men's high, John Dietrich; men's low, Fred Gibson; most lone hands, Mrs, Harry Sheppard. Tickets were sold on a ham which was won by Bill Ram- meloo. There is to be another card party in two weeks. CWL hear top speakers 2itaatiliiiiiniamilanliniiiiilitaiiimitionimiaan01111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM = Ft_ Ei HOTEL HENSALL .- F. = P.- --..s Waterloo visited Saturday with Mr. . & Mrs. Lorne Devine. Diane returned home with her parents and little Loriane is spending this week with her aunt and uncle. Fred Weiburg, who has spent some time visiting his family in Waterloo, returned Saturday to the home of his daughter Mrs, Devine. Mr.. & Mrs, Don Adams and sons visited Friday with her parents Mr, & Mrs. Allan Collie in London and Sunday with Mr. & Mrs, Darrell Adams at Mitchell. Mrs. Arnold Keller returned home Sunday after several weeks in South Huron Hospital. By MRS. JOSEPH CAREY MT. CARMEL Tuesday evening the March meeting of the C.W.L. was held in Precious Blood School Exeter with a good attendance. As entertainment the winners of the public speaking pupils of the schools of the Parish presented their speeches. Mother Dominica and Sister Rita Dietrich spent a few da3.s with their mother, Mrs. Christina Dietrich. Couple back from Florida a, a--. featuring = P.: The Funk Family = = = Et E--- Fa Thursday & Saturday 7-=- TI1111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111101111111Milliniffililid Personals Ray Howard, clerk at Mt. Carmel store, is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Judy Hodgins spent a few days with Mary Eileen Carey of Toronto last week and visited a friend in Malton on her return home, Donald Carey returned to his teaching duties in Glencoe this week. Elizabeth and Theresa Dietrich have retuned to the Motherhouse Academy, London, after spen- ding holidays with Mr, & Mrs, Chas, Dietrich, Mary Theresa McCann; London visited her parents Mr. & Mrs. Arnold McCann, on the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Mittleholtz and family visited with Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Hogan, Sunday on their way home after spending two weeks holidays in Florida. Mr, & Mrs. Joe Hogan and girls Exeter dined Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Hogan. Mrs. P. Davey. Personals Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Hey were in Detroit for the weekend with Mr. 1$z Mrs, Austin Hey. They saw the Ice Capades at the Olympic and toured the museum at Greenfield Village. Mr. Hey was par- ticularly intrigued by a 600 ton locomotive • the largest in the world. Captain and Mrs. Earl Whalen, Shaun, Derick and Tracy have returned to Petawawa after spending the week with Mr, & Mrs. Sam King, Mrs. Don Mahoney and Kerry Lynne also spent the week with Mr, & Mrs. King. Heather, Bonnie and Tracy Baxter of Lefroy visited last week with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Wuerth. Mr. & Mrs. Reg Finkbeiner and Michael enjoyed a holiday visiting friends and relatives in Kitchener, London and Chatham, One day they drove to Lake St, Clair to watch the flocks of wild geese, ducks and swans. Melville Laverne England, brother of Lloyd England, Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner and the late Mrs. William Roeszler died suddenly last Thursday. Relatives from Crediton attended the funeral at St, Thomas Saturday afternoon. Historical Tour Mr. & Mrs, Dave McClure and family visited places of historical interest in the United States during last week's vacation. At Washington they visited Mrs, McClure's cousin who works in the Food & Agriculture Division of the United Nations. Places they saw include the Thomas Jefferson homestead at Mon- ticello, the restored colonial town of Williamsburg, Virginia, the Portsmouth Naval Base, the sand dunes of Cape Hatteras where Orville and Wilbur Wright took their first flight. They also visited the tobacco fields of Roanoke and Durham, the cotton textile mills at Dan- ville, the Mammoth Caves and the Lexington horse farms of Kentucky, Abraham Lincoln's birthplace near Glasgow, the Stepihen Foster Memorial and Theatre at Elizabethtown and Louis Bromfield's Malabar Farm. The .drive through the Cum- berland Gap of the Blue Ridge Mountains provided much scenic beauty though there were some areas of apparent poverty that made Huron County by com- parison seem like the Garden of Eden. Forsythias, magnolias and azaleas were in bloom. Following a freak storm at Kentucky's Mammoth Caves, they took- pictures of flowering forsythia bushes laden with snow. Cubs assist crippled kids llllllllll 111#111111111111111111111111/11$11011111111111111111 lllllll 11111111111 llllllllll 11111111011111.1111111111111/1111 llllllllllll VAAL' ANNUAL MEETING South Huron Hospital By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRAL VA Mrs. Emma Tasko of Watford who was spending a week at the home of ner son, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Tasko and family was a visitor with Mr. & Mrs. S. Molnar. Miss Wilda Pollock of Kit- chener visited for a'few days last week with her sister Mrs. Lorne Hicks. On Thursday Mrs. Hicks entertained her grand nieces and nephews from Kincardine and Lucknow. Mrs . Hugh Hodgins ac- companied by granddaughters Susan and Sandra Hood of London and her son Mr. Ivan Hodgins of Greenway were Sunday visitors with-Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hodgins and Marikay, There will be a Good Friday evening service in the United Church at 7.30 p.m. for the Centralia and Zion congregations, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Greb returned home recently following several weeks vacation in Florida. The choir will provide special music for the Easter service in the United Church Sunday morning. I The senior citizens will meet in the Community Centre Monday afternoon. Bradley and Lori Shoebottom of Exeter were weekend visitors with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Shoebottom, Personals Mr, & Mrs. Harold Taggart and daughters of London spent some time at their summer home here during the school holidays. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs, Jake Schroeder, in honor of Sue Anne's confirmation, were Mr, & Mrs. Tom Gittus of Hen- sall, Mr. & Mrs. Art Meininger, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Meininger, Bruce and Lisa of Detroit, Mr, & Mrs. Bud Schroeder, Connie and Becky of Dashwood, and Mr. & Mrs. H, Morenz. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Baker were hosts Friday evening at Shipka Community centre for a 25th anniversary party for Mrs. Baker's sister and brother-in- law, Mr. & Mrs. Les Locke of Trenton. Mr, & Mrs. Ken Baker Jr., Bonnie and Tracey of Stratford spent the weekend with his parents here. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner, Bob and Joan and Mr, & Mrs. Bill Finkbeiner were Sunday dinner guests with Harold's mother, Mrs. Margaret Finkbeiner in London. Mrs. Ken Baker, Sandra, Nancy and Donna were hostesses Saturday afternoon at their home for a surprise miscellaneous shower from relatives for their niece and cousin Jody Reid, of Wallaceburg, Sherri and Ronnie Sweitzer of Stratford spent some of the school holidays with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, and returned home Sunday with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Ron Sweitzer, Anthony De Groot of Stratford, and Mr. & Mrs. Claus Stadelmayer and family of Avonton were also Sunday guests with theSweitzers. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner attended a 25th anniversary party for Mr, & Mrs. Russell King of Crediton Wednesday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Latta of ***************** ASSOCIATION * STARDUST * Restaurant And Motel * 411, CREDITON WEST * * Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oxenforth of Winnipeg are visiting the latter's cousin, Mrs. Harold Prance and Mr. Prance and other relatives, - Norman Vincent of Grand Bend was entertained at a birthday party - his 83rd by relatives and friends at Blackbush School near Dashwood, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prance and Mr. and Mrs. Rpbert Oxenforth of Winnipeg, visited their cousin Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Holmes, Charing Cross, Wednesday, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prance entertained relatives at Niagara Falls, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 12, 1972 8:30 Auxiliary Rooms Please use the Anne $t. (North) entrance Q: What kind of a log is not made of wood? A: A catalogue 0: What do you call an empty parrot cage? A; A polygon. By MRS. SUE EDGINTON C LAN DE BOY E Lucan and Clandeboye Cub Pack held a successful bake sale at their regular meeting last Wednesday. Parents attended the meeting and purchased the fresh home baking. The boys made $11.45 and took it to Bunny Bundle Saturday morning. Art Bates took the boys into Bunny Bundle CFPL program and treated them at the Red Barn. This week the boys will be selling Hot Cross buns for Easter. Any parents interested in helping with the cub pack please phone 227-4243. St. James Anglican Church Sunday Joan Cunningham presided at the organ for the Palm Sunday service of hymns and lessons. The lessons were read by Glen Cunningham, Allan Cunningham, Susan Hill, Darlene Carter, Joanne Cunningham, Catherine Cunningham, Marion Cun- ningham and Rev. R. A, Carson. Anglican Church Women will meet Maundy Thursday in the home of Mrs. Mary Carter in Lucan. 006 *Easter Weekend„,,,,,,,,. DI AL Baked Ham with Pineapple Sauce, * Mashed Potatoes, Buttered Peas and Pie $ 4 9 ****** For Fresh From The Oven BROWNIE'S DRIVE.IN THEATRE CLINTON - ONTARIO For the purpose of receiving the directors' and auditors' reports. For the purpose of electing directors. AU Individual contributors and presidents of organizations contributing are members and entitled to attend and vote., The public is invited Mr. Stan Frayne, President Miss A. M, Claypole, Administrator llllll Ottisioloutitttlimitusitiiiittoitietittotti lll Personals Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Harper of St. Pauls and Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham attended the funeral of Mrs. Mina Houlston in Wingharn, Sunday. Mrs. Emily Tomes became a grandmother again, St. Patricks day, to James William (Jamie) son of Tom and Phyllis Tomes of Centralia, PIZZA OPENING FRIDAY, APRIL, Watch Next Wee'k's Paper For Program Phone 2341-6395 CKNX RADIO 920 Look Whos Talking., JERRY CHCM REPORTING THE NEWS 1. -f Huron Industrial Park Phone 228-6735 Enjoy An Evening of Fun and the Finest in DINING AND DANCING Every Friday & Saturday AL HARVEY AND THE BLUEBOYS THIS SUNDAY Enjoy the Fabulous Buffet and Entertainment In our Licensed Dining Room 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. Club Albatross, DINING OUT IS A PLEASURE AT THE Dufferin Hotel CENTRALIA SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY THE COUNTRY TONES Monday & Wednesday Special 4:30 to 6:00 6O A SHOT EVERY MONDAY 10 Steak Dinner Buy One At $1.99 And Get The Second For Only One Penny DINING ROOM OPEN MON. TO SAT, 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. AND 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Take Out Orders — Phone 228-6648 DAILY BUSINESSMAN'S SPECIAL $1.25 EASTER WEEKEND SPECIAL Sweet & Sour or Pineapple Chicken ___ $ 115 Sweet & Sour Pork Phone 15 235-046 Chicken Fried Rice ____ For Take-Out Orders $1.45 Open cChickenwm hoein $1.45 Good Friday Noon to 10:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. Sunday Noon to 10:00 p.m, Above Orders Include Shrimp, Chips, Fortune Cookies Tea Coffee Milk Take Your Pick of These Grilled Ham Steak & Pineapple Sauce Roast Beef & Horseradish Your Choice $1.75 Roast Turkey & Dressing Above Orders Include Soup, Dessert Coffee, Tea or Milk WALLY 'S RESTAURANT MAIN ST. EXETER