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Huron Signal, 1871-3-9, Page 2
• 'L ••• a. r .. I',O -,- f ' .y - •_ ,,. , .. :•.•kyr . I ' ._ .,r ., 'w. a .t'e•'•• ` - • Z •. . w ,.a •/'„% r at ' •rt _. 1 ` • 'm"" r t<Ka,r,'• ►1► ".,:,7"w"w p .. ,_ .'• I ' „ _. T),.,saurderoreoutl. xaa .a that dw.ro adth•Ark, aut1 RATS FOIL TIIE MILLION ! chi„rr a fat mwlrrct (lir anulhrr;in•Iuvt lM,wllw.-r wu a+mtyittsiJ,wkKht tremble',n,but hu^piuinlY and peat reeoryl wt r• -- eve 16 1 u' wilt u,denlaotu theryut,a i,,q the rwatiro of•third iuw se •pl•Aa• to agsiu(Ano the men••n,bier prtrilgtu ae11-fallown t., tate friends beton•hiw. The followin•am co w of resulutkuM a d l 1 a s D v p pp nut ewave a thi ;snJ fixing Ib* ••attawra; sw1 oa wh•se baarb u aewi• "limit the tfuuy came he woubt be proper• 1+as.v 1 L W. uairnwl wuw:mwn W rw,u Lho Karon THE 5II88^ EA irABLI$IiED IPi7- g"` oil 4, ww•t Iur.W. T. Hr]s,wlhh.wt \ M tlw auuual&uaatup„t toe Right pa sture• of the earth uu A downhill run „RIBLIR HAVING ESTABLISHED AN EXCLUSIVE all.paluce d s nuwbwr sure b)liberal tiro rod high.-sptntwl w'n, M w cruelly rj f a)iyg,and Si hu Iwai tv W auona•aful, runhiplut, Pruvlucial Onand Orwu r frow Ararat! In trot,wine u(-"I-yuad- t,nnu to their a•us4t,wncie•; that Is lauw ern,.:•,1. 'ti e'feuwo,•n thti •Encs td L.txl a[lir Outrn"Eaat,held at IfruukrJ e ria s,er Malall tkwt of lktl Huriva Uoww lf4T, l'.4P,d:Xf/R HTUHK ll--- e-1 Ibu Atwruoy-Gewxsl gab wiarolauwut. Irkn Huron Is as iacspablv.1 bnr ...it In' Alk 1, he fo!t almost uvetp,w-rel lun'l urwl•Y aud\\'edunadn Frbruar Jl Pad k y ` wit the Aouor dune him. He wmtld have y, y awned w have I•st all ivcullwctwu ul the In the new building,Greeted by hiuteslt,tut termer, on Wat 5ude,Mu kit y nun at,res of Ilue Ir.rho to Albley his al.giktw( salt a hu kuua+u Ou alio bwuks of the liked w Nti wulr bettor nun in,the flshl, and 2•J,1871 : Gey{gphueal position of localities. •rod ou r heat•'1 uP yr auiaw.' Cuuh'1„at u,tl,e lthulo,nrrd wa lank to tho Urrmad olwtuw /Lwltsil,--'That the (}rand Own a IS VOW RECEIVING AND WILL OP EN rr j Iov l 1, - Ill ntngth thus xuraghlw)usly procural, he of S„ath 11' ro to&,eyge theut•elvw 0u but after all he thought turn-about with a an ttbuu Ill) Ilia east wind, and fanning i T Mr. Hay world Only be fair. Ne hared I.udgu"( Ontario hast regrets that the unee Inure the voeaiLeblr anrfaw n( Terra fur the inspection of the public, on !,mef.wt-o sot■iousatruckatllie ro1d1d'he,ehO, •K h,u-tbutrn tient s,letrtl-doutdo, wunlurvn of Our law Brother, Thomas Fir,nu, erevted their rnwftl upyn,rlayr+ nmdrn,eutrl alalia of ilia vn,.tu r os, ) roll wuuW,iy Ltheir best.ander•.would be. On Saturda the 4th da of March, 1871, ♦ g There wernllhon euon hsin North Haire y• g p tutu ever curer of stir wutinu lir o,rkacrew ' 'Brothuy Jolui'e roan w.wer. \1'. g !3ax,tt,rt 1''urt tiara still v ua unuh«d' Y 1 y y i fiat their inve.,ber• shell her"lite"ut,rr,row,,led t.,lytta the awm"'I'vulaStan,. t tri give hiiu'at Last N heroin a majority u •nil tAetaufKcivut lfurti'«w.have nue bem' stnwwity slid thrown, u, their chive° LARGEST AND C11LAPit T ,ontrol a•f lit•public rxlwudttrtro_ los the iJvut Of IIAy.dirt his Tuwn• y• mettle by tlas propor authnriti e w brio;( tnawra ky true *crutul feshF„n, dsehod The hwqut dud liana J(uck u /ION,(Lbw,uud Xurnis/tir,g(Ia,Jr rrrr Gruuyhl to d,afc,irh. , uAgtl bull,and w the wwue:non ul Gorman r"• I Yr. H• rtwt 4,'1'uronGa with,tut rime. C.o.l.0"..r the n,...n Atrke..t Inn g Ne w..uld wt'•ice moLtk• arreyyyn,rnlr(Or tla guilty hart ink to justice; but,ou the ug tut snorting And bwllo keg ea illarattun, pubic;bnilJyig•, he wnth,mW Boll inf..r- alb us,TW"t MCrD%tU"aur .rKUR"Lart I & oaneldian Fashionable Silk Qa Beaver BOOK & STAT ION EKY ,«at:on fru,Iwrh•mm,t lid,in the unmt OibMw■, meet nlga. The err wil;hr.r,rrh,.,e)...r.is- ou°tray,frow facia which have trerupirwd (oath,forth int.+the dnitt• mrd foroau,m ]?,nglish,New Yorke + rle•potrems., d•nunda'IJlrg'gr.uu and We believe it will. 'That,s the must prac- r,l Hutt h•wu au eatr,me man,that ha •tail any traria fairing,it wrlxm•i•their eeea(a eacuniuu ramblra,d llutanicAl disalwrr ! Ha•ts, Fur & Wool Felt Hats rrhlual W toll whew .w hive lie tuwnJ,d if,•al weir to arrDKn lhu inndu, aud nght war lSruwnurI and eo un. Ila mevaraaw we"winked rt by those whose duty it wu gut the imw s`urtt u()'nbroar]eau Int I e rs led thea, Tae Lutory u( :h. the n von( )Ir.Gibbon■ sufrarsed is our ,i r. Brown but Once, 12)care eau &tad.%I to•rrwt Murderers,&tilt the Crange In- yet stimly subdued; he wesunly[nater-I Al SU,Silk and Cloth Cape,ul the latest Styles and Paturss fur spring wort• Al oat of tom'I'O 1 C I:I Iw►110 cruse,let us euro w"Ix In his- Let .vervl the wfo dutanca betevenit the vi%itor's atitutiun of the Uuminwn being num t y I p• y I,allel-Illr and GuiJoo A..Iowa u a P"•w`I art hu wucmur fur r(ria boon h wfwn- tbu btoek hu Men mwdn r n*fly to m order, rod es I claim to have a thuruugb infero the people and w Ill form money ire rnfomler do his utm,rt tnuuet the usurper, gallery and thkk a,of the House;and ho I of luyel Btituh subjects, they incl that Ing dural the dupwlttun lit yrture fat Ord ►uo.IedKr of the k{A l'autt C.11'bwinmu wi,l be able (with alio I&rgn ro«1 varied stuck 1 the rair7 Mat wall Gam be erecwd urea hu w!lu,with the asautance of the daogeroms „rrrr spike to him lir wraatr w him.I they ba1v•right to dunuutt that Brituh rr w}ave his ranine* bn,tthnned nut a ba•ti un brad r..d rr euotiuurllr ncairing,) IS V p•litioal green. Drainage extravrtauoe is lo:10-'ntent ha supla,rts, was able w uueu Whilu he freckly aekndrledged that he usUN bre uulungerlttilrrml,but twpn,mpt• little,bet twreieru)g tJtat y&burr Boa.not I TO PLEASE THE EYE AND FIT THE HEAD OF THE MOS T M u Iweveainar 4.orae untrnd•rathorl.•euhar;frir,nl. anti follow-citizen•, known awl thought Canada,f„r miry you.ns,used• iY applied to the murdurun of mthor duipOseJ to favor buy altL one miscued 1Ij 0 0 R ai 0 S E'S + ra:• will soon lis unf,ddal Uyt Ihu cline eswemwl iy their section of the county f r,debt of gratitude t„ (;areae Bao an,there $wtt mora than lite Corm she haal ordained him, k'eslidioua,Gad•t pews that will defy eomlrtivat. a a o f deslwuu iu.pertineloe sea.rcxhod )•t ars,to be univatly treated we strang' eau Rutuls.e o(thing,is to tld nut agave Reaulerd.-That a ropy of the furoguinI( he broke one agalu with a vtrvhencr Dwyer W e M. S AV A C E• ' ..hea tl.e brazen prul-weitiou mora lee-ilei inland ix o,n uh,Grrmnarl o[nulesisal w, .kill him iia,said be thunght he eau gaci• Ramlubon be fur.erded by the Uraitd m(uallod befurn,aturmingand vumttuug hu I 87 j,.t inn the aro a f au chwli w, l.lea P P ally deficient iia taut, r try(n.mmn euu1J $eorotrry to each open througAuut the boreal inNkcfiuns nvso in hu last email- Guderich,MrreL 1st,1 1. tiles.pendAturoufrnrilli.IneetdahAlf,dtb. litepraoticll dufraitchi•oment of the wa' entirely age.to-gother on any mhlect. Province,for publication• N lite Might situ breath. He bu lots' us therv(urke- g I 1 ff NORT i ASIDE OF I e„jde's dw,lwy, without check iustiluted, jonty of tile+dedturs of Suuth Huron. His views oA some questions migl.t differ Wurihipful Grand Mester way direct, much m the same plight u that w which ' A [lir lV1 K • ( 7 „r owlur•tah,hug cone tai, lir infusntrtlo.l. from those n(gentlemen before him,but it Tile above hes boon u:nt us by A J. he(cued us; only a little better prepared IF YOU WANT RtALL'Y A GOOD ARTICLE OF MARKET `QUAIM Nbrdel,nr ndjectelrunrlydefined,anywhere I would be it's deaira alwmra b.atriko • Vey In nu,hmuJ 5ycrvter rnd'we have to distrust Lt future, all trwxhoruus nlaur!;owthatextwragrnoe.rsdfds'e:est• TSE B.J FORraceMPJlitiH, f _ _ ryvlid medium iia every ive to,t that 6a witch leaa•,rm ,ubluhwy It. we fuel Pruwues. I REDCWYEIt,ALSIKE AND WhiTERN 'flYU1'lIY SBEU •• ler ria,noi ht elect.Thy ftef^ra,uo• mi ht Stare W c„nsider. P I g Pa,.txaavUNAL-Mr.Ward(out Artem• -., _ _ hostt own}tr.t:, gle,IRbnt'rIJ'and moll los Iknd I - Nora', Huron Rea17. r' sure that whatever a few lu:ulon u(the lir- us) prufeuor Of VICKI ymsic Iia lately You tae gat it at-Iba) r lit--_--- After a voto of thanka W. al. f31•YA(JB. ,t details in udraluce of the appiiea't"""-"'. a a to the eatw•nke1 Chairman the der in London may briny; themselves, in opened a elate ter in•troenon to this row *`OOi17 T 1 r T (♦ M ,inntoschemeaofthepublicm'nun),askinglT130MA. G11L80NUNANIMOUSLY mentint adjourned. Altgetker it wags tbeirsubservteucytothoreivutry, teem• 1',dge room of the I.U. T. wad having GuJ*rirh, Marek2yd, 1871. •I T 1 1 o j`1 •Ian w be t•.!d through the Unt,ure NOWNATED. splendid success. it .,igen well for Mr. body in mmulutiuoa,the members of that never visited the institution during the ., r of therewluuous..f the uninistr)',u - I ; 'Bon'■eleotioa that all proem waw• •-I time of practice I cennut venture from th« LAbut-Au■or Yawl:.-)les,o Ie the must influential boil are thorou hl in accord H cLLATT is bound,single Landat, tri 1B^,••were nue b)one armed at rev that /a_ y 1 Y 1 eridauce of rely iron sural cepu4ty, raw beautiful language in the world, and the A Reform Cha•sties, for the North,mlinrat men fmm•heir?a1;'"uas•rtwn. We •ith the sentiments expressed by Mr. from any eaperienee I tea] abrogate to P'dl such • ♦tete (lir Thumu("bre. mind that 16111 *is Itelod mut be in r HAS IN auA"S..Ix,dy. ilia%the Cabi o'.had ratoly- .aro partt:nl•rlypleaeod t Nnd Ma Ww.' will make huelsetias r[octl seouw. ett to set iwdep*uAanth lit Prrluuuucnt mOd i Riding air Haran,eau held a Qlytt,or' Blaks. It a absurd to ser that d a citizen myself m tM theoretical lir vocal praclp- N y blissful, harpy a ate; bra w ams the mind Yo';ugtq t',e chair.'l he glorious aoolan4 of Untariei■brutally murdered by a rebid, tea of the Dir eke Sc;eltce-t was an CI-INTUx S ILLAUt rill ire Thes Gib / F pp p p rnnst7Cnt* iter![ for W. „orasiou iglu an'Alouday Gth roar.,said very largely al-'wehrar trunk every Township e*nrince in { 7 8 be free ro calm Gail ssSain the body moat Sfoek f li Su lies o every - thelsgislatnroufthel'rormorLa¬sright dlwct judgment uD Mr. \Y'a marts ua Boa a large majority. be frNtrumailment and sin, vett Boa knu. 0 PP a.,&uta ouscutire. New mined ilio Vltvt,tended. Wal Youul- Esq, Reeve of that if AIr,(Ltwn s eronporten only de fy diwuu alis nutieu wed h titow p .i%"twn for tea pauple to decide as thea'Colborne, was called b the choir and thuir duty,the North Riding will once"PiD q T {m• t*rctar,nor yet un tit* poskapa e,tha oy -- of for the w w•f gkallptedto be,rot aortas ss ls;-Do a daiw to ro:ain, ma Dui urge upon tAs pauper ruthuruu•■,who aro hie claw; but I esu led W wlppus that is Xur tAe Ilwraa Biyisul. er for the ern of wldi,ec.g►s,rhearrtun. p^t )'•• Ma.H.W. II unt,t;orria, epr,inted Sec have tit•g-Odfortune to have its interests nutoriouslyshirkiug their duty,the united bath re•I1ecIa it is ver satlsfaet„r w the neural ia, summer mom SOULS- Ja.,a 1Ke wmalittltnen provides that you sh„Old,.rotary. Thn Grllowing deleo+tw presented and th,re of--the ProTince watched over 1 T y HURON'S AWAKD. g 'enttre etutrot lit the *a(aludiCare n(the: 6y a thoroughly reliable roprwentative. demand of the r*]fate that the murderer tunrtses t tenlsehes as the exereues iia sue al;awa a pain I)counter.' Fer sal•by DESC11 P I01 i Urn v,.a pay ; in fact, whet re-f we`their ercdeurialn !a order W•eo•rel permanent at should hebro-ightwjwstice.No.uchshame- yed,mu ,c, aro, at intervals enlivened b► all Uru uu rod eu&atr deslerw Yrlc• knisa Bt JrAar CAattcx. tit y _ Iles*, eespc nsible goverumaot or wlnute•I t+OLrUKN s, Pelrr Rubrrtwn, James tion,and protent the p,wlhtlity lit slur- tolrest on British law. John A 11"O ald othrrawusiyg Grad rwvnwti•e kownlwntuu - erne 1'rr Iwldr. --- - - -Olf Steuart,John Glenn, Abraham Nicholls, rine at w«]L•iulru time,Yr flint mnvni of a more meA,-dnsatfac ck&racW; the He-..-Ne I s.tn•sras,ka.Pprw b”. nal dep*Wa f I Nillism lirecn, 15'illiam Yours•:. prim)Ir l'kad ec.the(lie,Ur[[oft ninveh is guilty of the neglect of dot) which u Muse 1'erpuchure and the laughing little t.aadvy looa4ku, 1-.,d,...d,.eau --'_` it UTIK- "_ "-^ Ti av GrocT. John Al.eser, Archibald Riding ku(orm he formed" with Aty brmgind shame un us all. Ssndt;old Mse- duty MOmua utliciating u,umptrutn i H• - your t.wM,m&kid .sou.tilt.mere..►• Aa Iaault t'3 oe Aventred and a dunalJ u hu servilely nbedieut hauteosyt. thew neeasions, The class,uumberin ab art Fisher, \Vllliam Co las, Jahn Powell• Leckie,u is filet Yreaident. Carried. Tho oath,iq this mater,deacre w bre 8 N w bo w.appWa,bmealN y ear UB the 2Tt6 February,the wife of Mr W A Fooheep W coat;LOW Righted. 1 nut fifty, mints seer] SaWsday'canning `, "--> Robert Alotf4t. Vr John llurdon mored un'1 Nr C Gtrvio hurled from atter b the net mdtgeatioo Calbick,of a dang bier. • *ec0nded,that Mr SOmorril!a N-Secretary P T I and all ppaarte. stem W ruluh their uwo verI nava,'tM1 r".m-un t to gai`•I.".r•. Letter , Note Pa nasi IV, WAWA. a.CharlosGiryln,David of title ponplB. 5Vtl baro tb• ol.p,rtnm y joint arfurilwi-A■withwnsiderable ustu r.tun r,.u,p.odor«.,lid w s•,•7'..r.nrt•,.t-- _-_.___---_-__. -- p it is aha b••a■t of l'Aru.ln That imml-' Canned. Tits tollo.ing gentlemen were I { 8 t1..rs,pw•••hr..e•a••.d ww,Aa Uoay..w Plot.,Rrkd, TAkI, Furviyw,Ord TiwfeJv rrz,u of every nationality,IauJuago and l Nellwaine,Willaw Gorolon,JOhr Gordon, aplointed auoitaAle pareons to M atm. of unseating the 1leuwnaut u,sw and the whilst the wrnwndingxhotw scam r i.fr lirt.ymm w.nw.,aW It-.Do•tgo•.'A,on New IMDL11rU1tRgitts erred aro welcome in b:acotve citizens of James Somerville. municatod with b]the Secretary when it mu er can be dealt with 6crcdter. To it all diruGaur juynlrly lalteD wtt4 their _ I.er wide domain, &lid u such claim equal E, WAnAwtna, George MaBay. eau ueceswry w call the munici tides yield that the Provincial Lo,;ulAturs hu jubilant sounds-ors«cue! A"d.h.t D the A•.whn,b tar?,lam tr,••'l n•Jir7 For Si Tei T .li;.robet purr) d p h. a n..d AT LO WESTnTE$_ Robert Currie, Thomas Taylor, Pantdd o)to acti„n:-JOhD )lesser. Turnberrv, oo rigitt to petition the Comia,mv,ie.to Istraovaatrns-tin Amtwrly there u al- r m..wt.••p„es.v-,t .”w•uhio,.pOonad' Hl: .w. haltmt.re•t m n.h-,mr,$renuaa nelits and enjoy orqua1 privileges under: ield the right of the Munici al Councils ways a steady increase in business mod in T.wrty•ardwa•.•d t►ru..,laa.t •T Lt—row trnntw t".rut oru.,w.w,r,k. flee uoldu eonstitntion uyu;rcd throu¢h'8obcrtwn, D M•8hauhoek, James Mc )I,arrie,llThOnau^T vlsr,Y F,rW'awoauosA, Yo tition Parliament,and of the ophm POPulstion 6roiny un_ Every now Kink •ml t°^"' o1,rr.L rm taruber I"r"`al.r.. •vd1`" Gowan. Pr Pr „ eau la. art year .ylha,s w• tea thea w w..b•m,br” v lain w3eriags Gail atnsYgles of flu galLut -_ J wlulnilt,W.Itll,l- W "tina.sUol'1llean l,attia. 1'Lc naught t he`D.. a s INofbuildu.g is Nen in t i;,•.t.i,.t• - - - - WaaCa xuxYu.. -- - --- - - _ ______. - .rd.w-,area.-sraA. .. - t_ 4H rnnw<le klflr resentlsl'0 the r .trach mni " c-ahllh n, u to o ititiv'•' i aeon TY s pear w fast un the inere••e t at severe --- T y' g tf:' em a Uoyonl"ck,McK,11op,W Yonug,Culborne, which should not light) bit arteJ with. p www.m ,ria l"a Oat t..uuy).w,eatt. --]ta,lCtw•e. R.(lovenleok,Jcba ElliuLt -ikle L,cliaelrHullatt.sad Juhu Lcekiu, Y f' of alt*tuhabltrnte seem 6rml diepuNd to gi Q ,ble Tailorinpprr _ _ Land.,f feilowatilp, find more dews ring of Public alficials sea not our wasters but use all available meana.-uf leasing s largo p• ' William Black, Robert McMillan. (,.toy u lir«til rr Lot.•,n sum we bit.) .e, -w..w __.. _... _-_ . .... eonuteu►yce,mind encouragement than tilt CLINTUw, iG.bert itathesnn, fhomaa our sr the r sue.,to to they m wroo•we rola n lithe set iy u rounds, es the i W~4 t, t+a K k rut 1t•ud ul' 6"hwd.m, .).'.hue ad M•e ___,a— - .[ Aod.h.•r tl,rm.o.r r.r •r•whl Iia Hans►alum xava A AIAaTfrn. '; 1;erman population that has settled in Our_Jackson, tV H Hit its,Jamas Keine. !ao arrlplenly eau t • tailing m (very claim lbq right to tell them w at all &vada to the vanutw mumwrxW.g district Lnah, weer'b.rbmd.d w. ilk. til. KAY " n.ilst. TAeir umremal intell once ►tad 1 FicL'arr,T A1cJlichsel, '1'h•ap+N)1ouD, of bI r Gibson, that, t ou(Ih Air \V, T.I titumas well az when they c.,utc before us ■chtx,b are w hunthentahly,ot of repair Aa•,,,,,ba,,,lie=i,.r.w punt ai amu. lrrsecering iudnstry IeVs, .ith few•z• (,e'prge Cunnitsgham,Juhu Alorgam, J Ay Hays and a comet Vt partisans were un the fur election, fur mut pert of the you and toe uvur- ICIAVE engng.•tt A Filet-claw cuter,and _ r and u the C.ensTention row divulssiuq . . p)wenng w be travelled by the tiny feat- Than ansa e.atss•re Ham Aw ria.eater a,m•. 11 are -r - F eepnuns,trowuod their learn with cel"- )fan,Jcee(+h Gianotti Joseph lluustuo; K" e.. _ «•retain w wall mis J canis ui _ _ _,_ .• . Julep Neebndgo slid announced a meeting for 4 p. in.the] UERMANY AND FRANCE. utter,rc.crcts. The muyeglnnteherofore An theirt.J.:rt.Ma.rtww o ly►r name 1• ►. PEEPABt:D TO . 'patency;while their warmth of heart wad I Aaxnato,W Mal►rev h,R CiendsnuiH totally failed w get an audience- Wail Asd d-l"'..W,rt plt.l,n..•M-1•y•rod p• liheralit]uE sentinreut alwxr'■wase them ! g g' dt«ue,Nwtb---HIYur-1 13114 work murk, meet" a laudable one and may,if pushed :•s sl'ITS TO ORDER Ar CRSAPBST' taxauderMeckruair•AlezanJsr 1''rmAer. work! + Tullproliminarisofatreat}•ofPeace eqe ticallv,bea 1•carried intoetiict, deerye,wyate.1"ro,..ArrieaiwHamur,andwan► ' desirable members of an annmullit HowlCK,H W Hun T Wilson, W )Ic- - - betwoen German and Franc•lave been rrggtltl P■"dl) hived $. M OR T + 1 1•- t, _ -.« _ y Gu rhva.i Ambevly'. let ' 'eterrssv ry'be A..t.tava(esr.[.i0.unw«rJ1rp coati.ne.11aq, a• O`-'`_H r n"i:hout luparrgiuq otkerwltlrn,Ilutvn',_Kercher,Alexander JvhnaGm,Dr N'urth• formally exchanged and ralifie 1. It will your time hmaa -ad motto, They rod lit•n.p.rt1'.at ..ah .int.rah,".." Thq Aare rer•ired New 2taaeia taA1 La tM•tklthu indebted to tearless energy iia tun,John Outwit. R A Resident Member for NortII was sk tssy p.'t.•• wear"m.rr..Bor.'s Cuetings. New Al JAM - _. _ vA a that Fraise cedes to(}erolao M_1 Y, -,lt.. Iia wt-erected a ki, __ ,f uaxu,Ihpuald Ha.t Dr 81,en, D B -_ Huron. - M r + 'r for her prae&t prwpenty Kai thechitr cKinooD,Juho Miller, JObn VcCme, start]thewhok of Alsace and a portion Sero-utss11 oe the Ey(htNn mild cresk,• rw.srn": ;,yes9Mwtswp nhAah.rt p^' ' 8 slo lj* ( yp } Wr n'te a w thiss with :he desire let of Lorniae,the great forlreas of Abets Dew shingle .uttiug appu•luar mod is torten,tl.r.a-s.'.Tart, r Crdsrich.March lRh,1871. sw6g-tl- d'11' t .Ddl•' `m{i ' I dreg et many ••s dweller by the castled ['star Thuunsun, Thoma Holies. 4 T P• included: Bel''ort in Ailace i• retained emipeWe r,Z f... -4ug thataxoowdtty m Thn fulluwin CanduLtes wure then the elect,,ri of the North Riding that they any mimuuot let abundance w wit the lib• _ F,)IBK-LCIS t ' omdl homesteads as the fruit of their _. P y P ' 61m with their Orden. tuNa he ndpenn o+►lel 1 n uo1 tall sei'he -- - - ti8 ileal 6t Thoman(lilmon Ear, of %V ruxetr, can Ann 1 elli.uncnt, a Keutleman resident demote and auto the pai l wvaan t tee Tits th the t be re ro!ific inths oat of c aa.se --_ -. _ Rhine,"own pntat to not a few of our most 8 b France. An eoormoav moat 1n- Doz r Ksow lir To DO.- e nominated :- ahnuld have,ar their re resentative to the J ma,d.of.11 who ma choose W fronts. '.---•h -.ujo. )!Mild k-"., _+y -_J.dru Man er Ian,•el ltla•yalm, .. tkcro and tnitwrste3 11mlFilied wttA tweet J z, t'u ing ry p Ml s tie matter wit h "ee gas WaMu■ •' IA.laM(Iss ylp'vrba prefwds as Gas John Leckie Fey.let Ainley&'ti. y tredtj ere fulgtlei the uorthaaste put swpplya[Jaatsrials witabM yrs o w•pal'*r 6maiato batter&sae;' t f eppe s M la EVE$ .SL / ►ft p lA G; James klem•rVthe i,wek interest•. B e.us also heartily at ^ns our nia in Ansa ihit department to `t• w'w` of Seance e to remain to Germalty pw P•ragm'h•,] r 'groves re edyme% , MnasmKbirtMir V FIEROV a0" .._--- - _ _-_ Robert Mistbeaon try,of C1intOn, with them in wuhtn,t t•,get led of the very session. The treat havigg been tatifl 1f qu•rt•r• as well as m i1L Ire Gender reach• reard]safe, ahem tai-wgaetaal m — - ` -- Mai'as to•nweragw immigrmitiOn.would 1 - .- ---.- . La Slomin, of Illyth r■ amen u a mail..f the law,who aha necwity of trlLna heck nn the iruiF '►II suety Jlsny I,elecse rob deal n bones -- ;are 1)aen alum to shower insult and in- Ms. Lacx[A said tit*mind of alis lei ( Dy the French A7newbly, ite German ,ul reaapunra of then awn Ina wtioa in SE LLI N 01- .. '" ! peop now misrepresents them, los exchange,for trop s hove. wholl evseuited-s aria, g` Bse_Iw►ge qu■nuttes of it. and amity tbad I ■ © _ t ___ jintio• un tit* German settlers of this was unaeimuus and Traumas ib►on mss f 9 - pursuit of matter wherewith w •muse or iia tinea are moat s.tsfactory, Ow*horn A K t1..unq•. \ghat rengefld and poisoul thsiru'hoice. The feeling of the Nurth the very fine sp.•cimen of a roan of the which again presents its old appearsace. .retract your readers. My imaginative dealer informs esth•t bu 6o,rsee col.diva. - _ arwtt.ill soy ui 8aadfield'e minions w_ ltiduag oma tint they should not havo.w people,Bohn is the noiniese u(the I{ofurlq The army wbic5 a to remain m France t•cdlnrs hower,rc,cot Mirsg of a vary pry rad eopeer.nce aft w much mprored by.n A, T , twin frill ahy u( .t sur but citizen if burrow a man from another tiding but Conventionbyuwavinunu rote.The Reeve will be wmmanded by Prinee Fam.EA1CK pnxluctive under, to far as originality u I use tbat they e•11 oKKo meddy Nd for "R elect wt.of themselves. Hr had lie am• ,d Colb,,me very fdreibl]and sensibly said CUAALAa,whose headquarters will be at concerned, 1 am often (cubbler hke)con- bigher prices. The article u '•Darla . 1 TII TII, al it i■pnwibb the p irpse of that n ndir•blet bition iia this Gay and would mak his pro &twined to do • Arabian Heave Iteredy and Condition REDUCED PRICESI tymnt will,far even a short time,be sen- I",sero to withdraw his name. They ahnuld that"we baro already iia Parlirnlent mew the rah. The iii', alth of Ysom is on golal dal of tcbw) t and make oW anb'ecu Lk*clef baron) to Ntdicior•" Nothio else u e Gal to it,or oil Dr it f W Hued nut dilate uu this take hold of olio man and rah hint milon then endo I of vo&r law en and white- the whole tranquil, although tome ouL ( g _ 9 p 6- dl y .hirer rep fresh an novel hke by iotrewlar ilia Gama ar Dae. Wf1GL 'SAL & RETALE fact that in l8li; Itubact Gibb ns eau In Me++rt telt tefnl toLis r^ raga have been tromroitted amcl tit• i a [esu indnntmenb Ot Dew amwrisl, P P P gra p pmm- gloved arlatocrxy." IC a aim* Iur the ng Remember the name, and see that the en, but rn'mt re* ectfull declined the wghdrawat of the Germans and the ..Itcualed over with a ee t aridad- 1 iTIRE $TOCg t numptantly returned, by •majority rd Goner, Hr lad n,rse iwuvns lowarda the .groat bopdy_uf the peepls br AunOI fAe N and u s k ter bitted of ry K osa] aiE*:tare of/!rn/d•1'0,n un encb page. _., - .-. --,.., ---_- - &meeHigewre fAat rtia(s among "Can.. peop Prc Pea J 1 limit-@ species of Black BAIY t,,r the vim- Ne"Arrp a LQtridr, Newcastle,-U A„ the nnpurc)a■eabke electors of the South r.fAce and had u muc cenlidence lit Sir velvet•ala bring int their own commireialf, their late visitor, There are several position of which I claim the distinction proprietors for lbe Canada s, 8011fy aB _or_ - Riding,in the teeth ut a most s sWalously Gib•on uuw as in 18(17. Tb• lime being ynw;hutical•u'1 agricultural brethren w ramours about the et-Emperor Napo- (however egntuticmil it may ao"nd) of b•- .hors,•new roan haul un time to canvass. ltediei&enleelen. AT THE VERY - rvrrept oppsitiou, to reprasumt win the fight their batU.s-m the Halls..f I,egulA- Icon-Dna that he intend• to live in mg the original diseowrer and root*pal*n- )lr.Oibr,n was already well acquainted tion. Such ahn,e have actually had ell- Bohemia and another thatbeu expected tee. Apr„pr to these remarks i would W'learty!Odom urea eaim Isom. When r 1 a • kwgislative Assembly- Au hnnest man in with the o,le,slid hethou ht he was ilia in in renovated form introduce to the T ES D 1 ' i1e 1 a neci cd lit the poopit li a to, es •and won ix Ee'•Isnd. ^- - " lit'nom lesson is •it •allow ttrknot y T O l j 1J IJ i the bOUN N w,x•th;u the Pwmier]rata ria r luau w the W e -_ o. .. ._-....-._ nutlw of ler readew m (Junndam H!ro pp P`f _-....__-......_-.--_._,._ _"-_ _ .._-_ Y__•._..-.._-,-- _ _......__-- _" _._..._., 'g p lm• p pe plan*. necerihc•;and Bon aliened tkke tr;ase fewer ) " y •itiai*d Rlnod and IinheaTCh iscretioer. By ' b,ase,and we cam lab ine the b he- Div- 6Lua. resumed he was only no- 1.1. Y. Kos se acted from the narrow L - the representative of 'The Ancient• of - itg imp. P Bois Fn.rawa' Currorzo BTacr ler N C lite Le ww silt of when the news reach- minted io Order Tu et a pnliutal speech Inuits of ti,e Is al r fession and more A Srti-fAL TRAot.-Ws would direct Benbecula' wAuN Laid o'Cuek n a a- R BOOTS AIV D "HOES 1 '2Zl : a g' T from him. His opiui'ou wma thAt unless ,( p„ st T HrronosntTcv roRularly, and oMeniag ed film, that the people of South Huron Sir. Utbwu could be nun with success,Do fnan nunmst din honed skinnier),enter- advertiser ent,awn u in R'.t l Savage i tam of roaming mot with•ice serol lower the disettsions accompanying each bottle for L_ peeing u,emhanle sed skilled arhsatu of advertisement,amounting that lin u tO ing conzymmatiun oq •re.rnt ,version. &few wetks,fee+ blood brco,,e• pun,the .e Q had elected R•rbert (Abbons- We ran man could. Tho people wmit a residarnt'lite cuuutn. 1'a,cciAll is such atehan a devote hu chief attention w the(fat,Cap Or returning to hill a ristelea residence, 1 member tore nt their haunt intervals. i ] K f"' secrohy.t e the body well diapa mo the akin r i undine tun,hew it galled•'brolherJuhn," Prose ucerasary in n c'metitnency whose repre• mrd Par banrlea. Ws doubt not aha on that m.;uowbla occuiun, ate prix ills-I F.eetth,,the features spume a mora]oelb• - . . - 'fake ilio railway matter,for etamplo. Ito teutatua-u is so cntlrel 6 P' 'ed chief p led red grievoltsly for I fel sppeanr;ee,'wbileb•oyoaspirits indican rite miuisteq to bars laic Carling(cu y unfit fur ale honer_ knuwlal a of this toad* he sscesna and car' whom he could always calculate,to inns-I Hays baa dune nuthiAtg in it,bncaiuse Lis «loin rid rrer••mtible prpai/ivn es,we ria- the sonceatrativa of his Inmaeas .cutin savwl days and nights on the awkward'tM Hurn ilf ttwrltb. PREP.4 R AT O R Y ' pirate inwnrt eau entirol] oplxrue b• ret L,s.ty,. . Ha)s hu )rived himself into the one channel will p ogre g rob fita.betts•e krITso. awl,i by ar.,the- g 1 .age hu Ston stats of hu domestic r mme,cAewln ____ - nobly multiply hu own vote by two slid theirs 11 Mr. Gibw,n ono be run nor to be,. A j•'ri:al fell .w no doubt he may be, the centrejoflhe;;st,Cali and Fur Trade. Nae nails of insulted dignity And bitterly emrtwsy f. Genua a um., -h•sr.w•s•.t• To, - thm make him an impurGukt row to his 'nae Can, and he(the Dr.) would respect- talk,,after wAtcoui his cuurse.'tuth in and BLv cemmentin (m the weakness&lid wilful- Glint e•L full decline• g ILtai.'-Mr.Rsctanl Yarkeq wjlh 8 s rta.tcr)els.:wd w stay at home. At any y out of the Hmise, w•bi ye cuuic to t/•. Ilia uvenile choir,held a ver successful ties•ut woman,and warering between the L(Iargement of Premised )la.SerARVILLaaaid he could n1,t fur a j 1 :Ile,tMy laid their Leads tugnther ate per- .lid is th:t,, e a pnLlic ma^ nIs wool cancer%at ldannliller,un Fridm evmiirs horns dist a peculiar dilemma, in astaa Mcin Srrrea his is then tike o ndeoa nranded think of running, A[r. Ilay's had '+ y K' ntlail dlstrute.l,and winch■fes iy•sou nledieinea; mind this is not to he wona*red pease • destles'c untto,i yrs Ithe I,rreded himself u s L:ar in hi•own ad- and hu bend aro alike;mresonroo. Thn Ter ptrrance an consisted of surd music, y --AND - mru of the pnr,plee ehuice,t..inntlt in eke Jrews. There M said:-'d uI•ed dean the man who kat poi:e aulplesrnr*ural]in Tenutvrance and iutolltx•alal wogs and of discouwlrte misenthrupy; Miry(almost at,u tb• earned)is ufes worse than tit* sat cowardly insulter the Oernun elec r'g the iocecse ui ea,hination that follows the brou ht to etheran a.d.unee of oi•er 2U0, goaded w frenzy at the thotught lit Ming disease. Suffers from coughs, told•, ton, and w practically disfranchise the Guvewmeuk the payment of'TMlntpror•• bio,•.,o, a witticism, m ere resembles the who were well satisfied with their enter rebpo.d b]hu tum n,and asrcasticelly infl■era, Bore throat, of tsodenc to _ raf .nnm■jurity uI the Scoth Iliiin•.- 'neutFuud,'andamhAppytoat.Wthatl'ci,utervut►eA«i.-tx, full ofanimsls irifa ninment and lin dJlr. l'Arker would •hoer*rl,andpomledatLytheotheryouth• Consumpttnn, will find iwDa Wiu,•rI prriraI of UDrlllg Ufock, p 1'lw election eau wntrererted,ail,l w Coil- •Rall in a short tisua hr m •P-#,;on to aud toady wkth ani fibbing aIx L,gj fur soon resit them agate. ful virgins of the bush- At lest in•fit of lis'm n of W ltd Cherry a remedyse agretleble MOOR H OUSE unites,having a majurity of ministerial Payr over to mv. 1Siding this spm of$M,- bad rea y w thin the man of mature exaspera ion, which happole to be the to toe palate u effletualin remo•ingdisease. arliraua, w iniad to tr it. E•er I o' Mr Hay's represented nothiri o[ ----- __ incl le heroism of hu nature; he mad6 JUST RECEIVFD 1' Pf"' 1 J year ssptring t0 take rack anion t A11ggERLT. u Lie mind 'w enc*more•wooin ------------ --- - A Mj '( ; faeliit Boa. tarn is the ti:ionw, carr• bl.k,,d. Hr promised t0 aiq,pert r. statesmen. Sir H• s is a,nsanued witch P a A IIAPGE AScORTMENT H,AS RECEIVED ,AD y K i'• s BIAke,Lut then h Ile had been lei hu seat ] 8o,musterin u the necessar armour, DUf rltSrlNMff a olstsel*thtuwn in the Boa]of the defwce, g an innrdmAre rarity, +litchi throughout (►nim ono o.n corl..lr,rdewt.) 8 P 7 •- ......... , 1 I U and such an exhibition kiron,of unjust A few rnkI yaw bo6ae,and appeared there Lis f itblw rarest, has led him to aacnflp --- viz:-(inning and elf confidence,he set zansLi, and ministerial hosfihl to • fyw Liinutes dear,he art,mbsenf at the ever thtn btu even manliness of chvae- WAATnIa--Fohnru has last finished forward to pry hu addreases to acertain Te) TII6 I Y ref!; ■1)'I the gorernweu.% in spite o(sll ] a+ T ] young Widow,one in easy circumsLancet, -UF- electoral rights,o should be sufficient to ear, said the iuwrests of hu eon- his brief but ri id rei n after a Nno* of make•ver rtriti eche desire to a,hold Mr, Blame and hie supix ge grs could du, stituente alike, that his lir an of 8 8 and gond by i ed lit•considerable 0r ts•eoastiCuUon,flu hie best to snulikaw have now power to deduct 2fTpertwnt from eel,-esuem uli•Id lea t;.kt.d br i little wildly sporadic effarta G>tt•rds long*vity: share o(;trminine ttrunoye M•idee, a Free and Indep©ndent summer Tweeds• tA• Pstcet Cumbivatiun. (H neither the,r ansount,iia Ilio name of c„st of a,lleet• cheap applause Hu cuurwa hes be*o own fyglike man]other pretty tywots of earth, fair rotund Alam, to bar out hunger on a Leber) cur cunuptiml could Jia Gibbons O17 wad can pa]the asyomnt over when, of Oman,ural misenbb vaaillstirn; Nek- the ids&of dissolution seems to have start- rainy day,but with what amumtt of ane• L'`LECTORS SLOPPY W EATI IEK and Yum &ten be aa:uard; bet the •Oil haw they I e.ue cud Air. ktays he, in• w tnickls l0 3audficW J(aedunalJ, cess, T lose* the reader w judge from Fpo d led him into a sort of frenzied state; aril m lib ohs eau made 6 Ira* Carlin nu mow euntrul of tt thvu lis"Ir'11•.e 1.14 whom irreverence he high) a reciatea, the sentinionts embodied in the following , 1q y K i■ the stiewt. Mr. Ila s hu been in y PP h• appcaw w h&tie laboured under the vcnce im ruviaed I su se,for the licca- M G 1 f BALES OF NEW STY- rqulut aurae 7U f)eraau viten that they T g” g while at tb•wamo tints trying 4, pnC on P P[1O Of the North Biding COMING}.. wen persons who were nut legally qush. ^mind chopping hu hand un ilia prick*t and before hu constituents a dims] mask of •&O1• erroneous notiois u the others that cion, find b,rite at the said election,h remain telling a(ria Ignorant p•+1ple t lit 6e 6m 1 lictfnuw trade ndauce. The 1ue of wumiag acertsln dupla)of self sufficency ll.un...t L,d..l.t OF THF. FOR CHEAP RUBBERS ,$OLw W A jT_p 1 . 1 pe 8• H.na...aver mr..I t r L!+&w d their unot hiring iwen,u the]in fact cewlues (lir the 869,01)0 thew. As if .amnia and faces-'u too old and hu buy and buisteruus humour,might ward ofr a w'h.t rn t ror.•yoar.ol. wen art,aro nut ntbjocts of Her Alajwty ip,vernment dared trust hi,n with tou often exposed, fur Mr. Hays with little Ivo en the inevitable uff whereby i n'I•"`'ll.toot? ,vox.; County Of H U von. GO TO either Ly birth Or naturrlizatirm; but, un cheques Iur th:,t smoant to shake in the brazen front and warden vuica to succeed I P r..m,10 h.au t"rn.nR•my m•mm the eattrar•,wer•e,and are,ati•:n.whohad electori facet. When Mr. Blake Beloit Old Father Time eatinguishes the daystar rd r.u.r,r I k itr Unwat- y , % playing a Drat►gain in North Huron. Y"aA r»tta trek eau nn,r 1 I `' ' S H I PPE D F ROM wt taken the nocessar mewedin s to Mr.HB s rah he did not w port him a. .4t"uldu endent' member is nnnalIlly of ever]dynuly. A few days prior In Li■ nunpta b..rt than,"r .-, I D FERGUSCN S 1 1 K J J P , { K used..•,wd•a-w OEVTLB.tTBN: • , n.lnle Conn reslxrtively b.th,fratichuro he Promised''O,"he maid. •1 paired off folk•ilia Ci,inese mato, we road about. demise,his temper wftennd duan a g"'I The I&pem of line hu slain brought Prirdege ,d rOt'tng at tLe electiur of the earth McCall,I' A1r A1eC■ll way standing%Iuri-lc W'. T. Hays, yon can rocugnkao deal, and the icy bonds in which lie held 1 die.&Ilk•y-r"d tons"e. nand the period, when the privilege of • . wmlbrr fur lir houuurable house."- 1:u,dtirld 1fatJ.mald u the muriyr war; nature bound fn•stat•of boreal thraldom, N•'-re Keay twiatt o'w Irwal I T•' IA and seid"1 paired off with Lutur. and P" t th.t..t.Ith the..-" 1h,eq I eleetinfa one to represent you in the Local ' Ashl on the strew th of the fact that the I "'I'd'the Premier •gain. John A. sin LIVERYtOOI. trni•I technicalitg f rocurin frow this don't knew rnythiox about Fl aye." ►tat enthroned; while within John A., thew during the former portion of his reign, T.,.y•prat.m"I th.ua.w'1 ..a, hghlrture hu mrrived. Haring been aovn6 ] I' g' I what better could be et eted fnwn a mousi nominated, b the iWorm Civilian• Goderieh,March let,1871. 191,68-tf- • Quarte* Rasions,mi eertiflcate of naturali• Po u n Hr(le spring,whic4•leetk Frenchman rapidly dwolrod leaving the brown sarth, lion of eke Midi Aeld at BI t6 thit da se .aria,itd besv u laoteJ,it asa earrird I man robe, thea anallA d.or_nntrathfat,.liber, Illatce as he leases, and all tA• E KI . eY i P and soars of iia greenapat•raj*ioirg Ise a ---- t... ....... .. l _.. --Zg _ 1t y, ,/e TRas I by lka tdArlah ■n rtes of SandtiOld's gcas,said he was willin• to sign a cart:• m,sts down to the•'tndn audeut' rne,u Yesn} ts.rw, dnmr 11r 9 art positio ,I lest ctfully sol aDd im PPu s• I 1 I I little while, los lbe suR tighe, tens and TT•Ya *a mq,whet hon&:her. ur,t poseuon,[ respeetfally solicit y*ar Bop ,♦ , cur opt cabi,.et, m curupluncc whist the"6cnte that ''he had brio s li.lr frow hie bar Jnnw in wncert.It wua right to judge aw110ma 7a'4 s•,rr aver p.m.1 I WK of the to inn commii ce that the r' Mr da • the a tine h Aia ro.si9" slumbc,a of a Springtide stmupher*• Aland..••blas•.r Part• AND MAY BE EXPECTED 1' chi;Jhwi. Alt Gibson,on tilt cuotrary y •Fr' Y P 1h*uld i M sueeerfal in the election - amm (1G Gurwan rotate recurJ>d fur but now thea ealistotheracordanddwo- Many were the sturmiNs kn the minds of - is a mtrui,;ht forwaral honest wan. Last pF A"r,"Pq Pride:.1•un•em print 1 it will bs my endms•or to mens von to the '— n Glbbum-why Awl resided in election ho wine advised to lime Ili,lime deme•hun. ewehtheCoautyover and you men, u to whetter or not, this might in A",f ar..•t,...►otr.l),14%t1".t, (5..1)sdt from IU to 2l yen,eying pin- To—.r1n•h um... a.a a. .lade 1)esl of my abihV,aud•leo IO promou the New$utchEr She /,runt fn municipal aril other o:ec- Wolm as A[r 11 rays,but he turned round could oogfitidamto moreoppesite,in every reality he the evidence of a subdued and i,, hi, .s.• eau to-la'..v general interests of the acacia), so m to In Three Weeks TlMe. m"{m!er r,be.rare e,lirilol iia thin ■sd replied"I otwuu le'•." if Iaw.makinR retpeet, to Alr 11:ye than Mr Thomas thoroughly reigned apint lid tit•pre- n.ad...,Lie•.w. rwmuin intul the pri•ilega of tM people OPPOSITE HEW$Y MAB, IR'S •` Gary el, !,.Av /sa,v C irli.y him•&/J- was a jAo then AIr [lays was ilia man; Gibson,the Dominee of she reform party, curmary eympton of the advent of the ear- _ on the one hand, while not seeking to '" HOTEL,HAMILTON ST• ' ba sernck off its Yoll limas.-I fmr,wean down in Toronto, he funnd 11 is private character is without a dole. nal year ; and I think the very birds and fringe upon the prerogative of the Cro-*on ea ane nsma of tMrsa ill Hale min There isootonewhoknowshim,but e.tecnta ballets seemed w act as if they to.)really HAY• the other• A•is well known,in principle -o- 11;TP4 that he was acknowled;ed to be the crack 1 acid Remi citizens, sti matimed b Isaac - and res cte film,good would be rc Gantt Lehered tfimt tit• spite of the gyri]winur aro er to sed re a oiw;mod td n ded ryAa.^IwrAb.li tenerAl-V-t the at-,'..tit..» " K 1 jOCer of the Ilouae. Beat when Irgislation Pc P P ,.tilt iia dreary twin of iauumerable and CAauwO ON rx■ItAMPana. deavor M tecoro amendment ttMes needed T be-1111 he 01-1rr•d to•nPPlr LM r•hMvd q"Jal G {( W H E N (brkrgY'Aliers,'withthsourktbernf Teale,I eau cunae:ned he was resent or absent to stake evc,ylhing uFyn hu honor• Ilia g „f+na.l..t.b..., 1-o b." el.e,.nrrr L,w.n. J K u 41 18f7,which the lied raided in' P inde•c ibable 1privations hod at Last)ietd- ■led the mgontensneo of that which is nod. rr y st it witrd Lim. if tLu Norte Ri.hnq very rape is uupreaaod with the eonesty ed (rrmrnnstiy to the amclinrattng in• Air. Carling and hu attendant setePite Thor] and pnetion chow oage]mor•l, nt,r ho".a t.ry r.11. l aasa S Ike"are now unpin their round•in I.t wanted • ood hnnest man,who would of Lia n;lurc;mod sine re, whpje aouled 8vouce of• (romhl ronluitated soli me- i, I P 8 that.for the dee mve M st h of eoasdw- ^n,r.t delay. Iia w P.'s•.r tai• t".•,al J.,ho laph*r rt, her,21, ) ] the a peOpl ob set ba crave fhe ail rt id JnAq Uerelurt, 2U, not shirk a vote that mac rose Thoma serntalnees of porpus8-lt,'t'tlhcs kn ever] mnsVhrn. 'fhe chattering and loquaciwu P-- j PPr) conal prine;plee,tMrs mat b* • v oroos •y noon of its e.y. J•kn Rhnmuker, 15, Gibson. word he speaks. in thi County Council, little Jay flitted •bunt on bider pirli^ns *f the pe qde whom mit tut election M w opgceilion, govern*d dl principle lit t Ay RO1TJiRT)KoLEAN. JuAn'Ahmna, 1', TheuLjoltof lLerannas sominstiunm t'mlit shused. We don'twon,leritlikefew aaeasora, win m••.nertrn w.rrl.,ln,1e1. -T- COMPLETED hie ooaduet aetou,ad him the hearty good• Amongst the boughs, uttering 1i■horse have m All good __ - ------ J-hollelSocks, ]to, will of ec oullea Give a•won of but hmippl n"les with Bon enthusaism snore whom he/rennet lastylthiik Gan b• ro- Mve ry atlpportt whr4Mr emsoaitrg from vitt:=to gat lhn geifticnien named to tt 11° pat ha 1 loud than mellifluona; (end • AOOalit,but we built)think he ern do it 111&oppo,since or tM m'ni•try. IaIST OF Tar''ilT' J-4m Iturkhetiner, Ito, cxprtas thcti opini+na-Raring been Judgment and sterling integrity,whose few i guy Io [ themm the sin ; tti A •gain'rith c"tint"j•it mnaeY. Me Carling y'loatlmmertr►uon is mo perfeet bet tAat J.bre Mash., Ifl enuroc wAa Geo frow Loth Gvoritiea and P ri rale dem^;it will better than canvas- it must be watched. TM peeaent is no ell- y tltA1w11fO IN Ootital^,x fM OMCI o:t `V i is r♦ I,♦XCEED J.lin 11'el «r• 1 , abundantly served,■led that to the in- recesaas of Poverty Ncti-m tante flap ing Payy R THB7Tn rich len. I r fsetieusnca. Saoh will be his styndin if sing Hey forvotes, tVe are confident that tv tion to the rule,u It seem•to been been Henry iK.ta•r, 1 leach and prfillt of ell e^ne,•rued, $ went) .long 4+ards, the vicinity a the the anal eswe of the electors will re-elect the aim of the ministr to exalt the Ex"er- n,..wden n... Iraq,"Line. 4a when rna•d to tit• more honoNbla and beam,and stack uds,crackin nut•reit (+ y ►.r.web war t.A.rott Hermann Q•rant, t AIr LICICIa tooted and Dn 3Loty 8 y Mr.Carlin 10811 that r! n( Houot rive&berm LM iwgslrture (mor+ es cull err Jamb R•ha't, 1:1 areanded,iia alis warmasl lermv "1'hst onerous office of 1,'yri•lator. Wo adjure strain of o)mphments los ilia spirit of the Y p P■ 1 sen..r•.r. K- n.l,.n which he so inn and fsklh6dl tree isd in tM et nditere o1 tM peoples money), p,,,a AYm a.rr a illi a m netle$a.7, Renry Lrhadd, 11, Thotaa Gibson 1:•q, of wrexcler, el Mors to hive nothi•,g to do any more season ter his welltimed ennaiderstinn of Vim: flu til n bet thmt hu litricel which ah Wil he corrected. 1•o1.dt'+e"•n r.P.l a'unu a That of any other ti l.a,b I4m Ica, TJ, oe uu*aimoaah romiusted,ns Ilio•anti- with the"independent member who their peculiar eircu m.tanres, dovbtfnlly , i'^ C.rlwaa a.,sps•. 1, °'"p im•ginin that w feelin of titnde az- pImr tvtwi,.es despite him being • 'jail y g,x,d Matters of Inca,developement will here couw,I,,,, r.a.IMMu• Je Kh,m Borck, 12,' dew of lnia ouuvcalion,for rludti0n se the Putalw hie invu&tienlmore oyer the per• q K gra fe11.0, will condemn him to ar ignoble my rarefnl consideration wad lap•rlial sup- t rna J e y r• Y•r'•,„,•1 a na E`ST to BLISHMENT lineage H g.rr, 11, rr vesent•live of the North Hi'iin of fact retie of a poo than how to aware the tst'.waaed t^ pmridBzce w! such w Nawn pn litical death. Hay's Ilectow at lout port. P R might prove suMcient ap,h•gy for consign- hr.e Horn utterl die este •t the votes f need onl sa that it is w Barnett de- ` 'r`"'peer math. a"ke i Jobs Hess, 10• Huron in the L slatwro of Ontario,and I ut.rrtanP•thlt eoanCry; snJ to elect Mr. in to their awn im "wishe,f cr) what- 7 a 1 1 1 p.lsnt art. Us",. nr"raw rr.. IN THE DUMINION, At this mint the machinations Of ilia that we 1.1 ourselves b do all in our Gibwn, who hu ala bralas and the e,K number of ursus lin beetles *r Le etas given since h•occupied hia seatfc sin that we may remain enited u Oreo o r•rwi