HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-03-30, Page 14Pogo 11.4. Time*Advocate, March. 3Q, 1972. Lucan Safety film. concludes Lent Learning series The last session of 'Learning for Lent Series' concluded with the nursery children joining their mothers to watch a safety film. Constable Joyce of G,P,F, showed a film to the mothers about hydro safety. Children were then taken upstairs by Joan and Jane Lockyer, Karen and DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Spring is here TOP HOUSE LEAGUE PERFORMERS -- The annual awards banquet of the Lucan Lions minor hockey league was held Saturday. One of the coaches Jack Tutty is shown with best goal tender Jeff Field, top scorer Colin Wildfong and most aggressive player Mike Paton. T-A photo Carol Mason and Lynn Melanson. Twelve ladies finished their cathedral candles, Coffee hostesses were Mrs. Reilly and Mrs, Sinclair. An offering was taken for the Bunny Bundle fund. The ladies in quilting group, finished their crib quilt which was sold to a member. After coffee break we read in unison from Mark's gospel and Mrs. W. Tupling summarized the four morning studies of "Opposition to Jesus." This series has been sponsored by Wean United Church Women in the hope that learning and growth in the Christian life may take place in the lives of all people of the community. 1 where we plan our resolutions etc. for presentation - it's im- portant comrade. Here's a quote that I came across the other day which I think you may enjoy "Cooperate! Remember the banana - every time it leaves the bunch it gets skinned." How true. Stick with the Bunch, you bananas, where all the action is at Branch 540 and you that are in arrears of 1972 dues, don't get skinned, get back on the Branch, go active, go 540 we have the programs you will enjoy. Mustn't forget the Ladies Auxiliary have their general meeting on the first Tuesday of the month so that makes it April 4 ladies. Don't forget now, your election should be coming up soon for are you keeping the date secret). Of course this is not true - keep this date open ladies and have your say as to whom you want to run your affairs - it's too late afterward to wish Branch 540 takes this op- portunity to wish each and every one a very Happy Easter and what better way to get it started than to go to the church of your choice. and that's 30 for this week. Remember - never look for trouble - just let nature take its course. Easter Flowers Easter Lilies Miniature roses Hydrangeas Pot mums Mixed pots Streamliners name officers March 15, the Lucan Stt'eamliners Tops met with 16 members answering roll call and Mrs. Jo Ann Ball, leader, presiding. Nominations for new officers was made: leader, Mrs. Birgitta Van Geel; co-leader, Mrs. Ruth Williamson; secretary, Mrs. Val Neils weight recorder, Jo Ann Ball; assistant weight recorder, Miss Brenda Hodgins; reporter, Mrs. Olga Bond; photographer, Mrs. Sue Wilcox. Th April pnrei izafficers will take of- fice Members played broomball at the Lucan arena recently. The members divided into two teams, Hats against Non Hats ending in a 2 - 2 tie. March 22 a regular meeting was held with Jo Ann Ball presiding with 14 members an- swering roll call. Plans to attend a convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto in May were discussed. Miss Hope runner-up to attend Lucan cancer meet Vicki German, Dorchester, runner-up for the 1972 Miss Hope, will be present at the annual campaign meeting, April 5, at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. A talk on Virus in cancer will be given by Dr. J. A. McCarter, UWO, head of the Cancer Research Unit in London. mune.. ...... Lucan personals The meeting is open to all residents of Lucan and area. The object of this year's campaign is $2,000 and will commence April 10. Officers of the branch point out because of the degree of unemployment the need of support from those who can contribute is even greater than before. Money from the canvass is broken down in the following manner: 65 percent research; 5 percent administration; 25 percent service to patients and edutation; 5 percent for cam- paign. Lucan residents have been invited to share in the Great Ride for Cancer April 30, Forms may be obtained from campaign chairman, Steve Storey, or treasurer, Marshall Webster. Rider should line up sponsors and listen to Bill Brady for starting place, time and route, Prior to the door-to-door campaign, a canvass of stores and other commercial en- terprises will be conducted, MI ..... 11111111111111111111111“1111111 llllll II1}110111 lllll llllll New T-A reporter tertaining the troops in Vietnam has accepted our invitation - this should be the event of the season and the first time 540 has been privileged to present truly professional entertainment. A word of caution however - from the response received so far - better come early, Saturday, March 25 two cribbage teams from Branch 540 took part in the District A crib- bage play downs at Strathroy Legion and one of them won a berth in the provincial playdowns to be held in Parry Sound at a date to be announced shortly. Congratulations to Comrades Walker, McGregor, Garrison and Shipway. Comrades are reminded Wednesday, April 12 is the date of their next general meeting - This is a most important meeting as the time is drawing close for you to consider whom you wish to run the affairs of your Legion Branch for the coming year - Yes, Comrades believe it or not - we are not afraid to announce the date of our election - and the time is at hand - come on out to the meeting and make your wishes known. Trust you are remembering that the District A meeting will be held at Windsor on the weekend of April 15 - 16, make it a point to be present - if you are unable to attend for the Saturday sessions - it would make an en- joyable drive for Sunday - take your lovely lady along with you, I'm sure she will enjoy the actiorf of the meeting at District Level. This is also Dominion con- vention year (Regina) where legislation is passed to govern our operations for the next two years and the District Meeting is By SID DALEY The calendar advises that Spring is here, by the looks of the weather we are having it makes a party wonder, However I have noticed the odd youngster braving the elements and riding his bicycle. The other day I was cleaning out my archives and came across the following - which I feel is worth repeating, The following are the ten commandments for safe cycling - if our young friends abide by them they certainly will have a safe and happy summer. 1. Thou shalt not ride two on a bike. 2. Thou shalt not hitch rides on trucks. 3. Thou shalt slways ride in single file. 4. Thou shalt always use proper signals when turning. 5, Thou shalt ride on the right hand side at all times. 6, Thou shalt obey all traffic signs and signals. 7. Thou shalt not do trick riding on streets and Highways. 8, Thou shalt ride a safety equipped bicycle. 9. Thou shalt keep your bicycle in good repair. 10. Thou shalt dismount and walk at busy intersections. It might also be advisable to remember the 'KNIGHT RIDERS PRAYER' 'On this bicycle I am about to ride May the Lord make me truly careful. Amen.' Happy bike riding kids and do take the time to study the above, Comrade Carl Stuckless has some fine entertainment lined up for you in the Sea Land and Air lounge Saturday, April 1 and this is no April Fool - Slim Gordon - back from en- Mr. & Mrs. Martin Slade, London were Sunday visitors of Mr. & Mrs. T. Emery Sr, and weekend visitors with their grandson John. Lynn Emery spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs. Margaret Hastings, London. Mr, & Mrs, Ray Fischer were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Catherine Fischer. Mr. & Mrs. T. Emery attended the monday night euchre at Elimville with Mrs. Emery winning high score. Mr. & Mrs. H. Bond Sr. are the proud great grandparents of a baby boy. The second great grandchild, son of Mr. & Mrs, Les Kerek, London., Mrs. Frances Saward was overnight guest of Mrs. Will Smith Lucan, Tuesday, attending the Lucan Women's Institute while in town. Miss Jean Bilyea formerly of Lucan, now of London visited Lucanites at McCormick Home last Saturday. Out of town guests Sunday of Mr. & Mrs. William Darling, Lucan, were Mrs. E. Gamble, Milverton; Mrs. & Mrs. Charles Rhiel, Sean and Dana, New Hamburg; Mrs. J. Chalmers, Stratford; Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dundass and children, London; Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hotson, Kitchener, and Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hotson and Mrs. J. Darling, Lucan. Mrs. Eleanor Darling, has been the Exeter -Times Advocate's Lucan correspondent for the past few months and has resigned because of other commitments. The position is being filled by Mrs. Thomas Emery, Sr, Mrs. Darling expresses her appreciation for the co-operation of Lucan residents who have made her job a pleasant one and she asks that they continue to support Mrs. Emery in the work. Mrs. Emery is a well known Lucan lady who is active in almost every phase of- the community. She will be pleased if you contact her with your news items. Her phone number is 227- 4702. Songs, crafts for Explorers Lucan Clandeboye Explorers held a song and craft night . Placemats and table cen- terpieces and posters were made for the 19th annual Bunny Dessert Tea to be held in April. Chris Stutt demonstrated how to put on the gayle, the headwrap worn by African women. Kathy Fenwick told about the Explorers Live Love project, missionary Miss Frances Walbridge in Africa. Girls were taken on a tour of displays on Africa, India, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Canadian Indians, Brazil and Mission Boats along the West coast. Next ex- pedition is April 3, roll call to be answered by the number of African Countries each girl knows, Blue Star girls are to bring in their collection of pic- tures on the "Wonders of God's World." Tuesday at McCormick Home sing-song guests included Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Stanley and among a number of residents from the extendicare hospital was Mrs. Kay McAllistar, the former Kay Hodgson of Clandeboye, who is a sister of Murray Hodgson, Lucan. Mrs. Elearnor Darling at- tended the Christening of her granddaughter Holly Darling day at Lucan United Church. 1_,e service was also attended by the baby's great grandmother, Mrs. E. Gable and her maternal grand mother, Mrs. J. Chalmers. Jess Leneve, Sarnia, eight year old grandson of Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Robb, Lucan, was chosen to play in a hockey tournament in Listowel, Thursday night. His team won their game and will return to play Sunday. After the game he visited with his grand- parents and had supper withthem. Mrs. Winnie Jolliffe is visiting Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Dupuis in Walkertoin for next month, USE NOW! VALID ONLY TO APRIL 8/72! Mr. Dealer: Upon presentation of this coupon by yout customer against the purchase of two 40 oz, bottles or three 26 on. bottles of Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Ltd, will pay you 20e plus Se handling, Applications for redemption on any other basis constitute fraud. Invoices showing your purchase of sufficient stock (in previous 21 days) to cover all couponS presented for redemption must be shown on request. Coupons will not be honoured and wilt be void if presented through outside agencies, brokers or others Who are not retail distributors of Coca-Cola, unlesS specifically authorized by us to present coupons for redemption. Enter opposite 102 on Coupon Debit slip. 'for re- demption mail to Herbert A. Watts LiMited, Box 2140, Taranto, Ont. Offer to consumer expires April 8,1912. which identify only the product of toca•Cola Ltd. 3240 (Also valid on 3/16 ff, oz. bottles) Both Cocatola and Cake are registered trade tha USE NOW! VALID ONLY TO APRIL 8/72! MOST IMPROVED PLAYERS — Trophies were presented to the Most improved players in the 'Licari Lions minor hockey league at the annual banquet held Saturday. Shown front the left are most improved Doug Trevithick, Den Carruthers, Tint Fortner, most gentlemanly Andy Mykyta, Paul Groenewegen and Kevin Duenk , T-A photo THE MIDDLESEX LIBERAL ASSOCIATION To: THE VOTERS OF THE FEDERAL RIDING OF MIDDLESEX Your member of Parliament, Jim Lind, will be retiring at the end of this Parliamentary session. A Federal Election Is Imminent Under the Democratic process it is essential that you as a resident dnd voter of this Riding, have a say as to who will represent you in the next Parliament of Canada. A Nominating Convention will be held in the very near future to select a Candidate to contest the Riding. We want you to be able to vote for the Candidate of your choice. Under the Constitution of the Riding, you must be a paid up member of the Riding Association 48 hours prior to the Nominating Convention in order to qualify as a voting delegate. In order to become a paid up member you must purchase a $2,00 membership ticket from the Association, which will automatically register you as a voting delegate to the Nominating Convention, if you are a resident of the Riding. Fill out the application below, now — today to ensure that you are registered early, and mail it with your $2.00 membership fee to: Mrs. Mary Baird, 499 Briarhill Court, London 25, Ontario. A membership ticket will be mailed back to you immediately, and your name will have been registered as a voting delegate (if you are a resident of the Riding), and a memb er of the Middlesex Liberal Association. It is extremely important that you register early, so that you will be en our delegate mailing list. Then you will be kept fully informed of all Association activities and potential candidates, to assist you in making your decision. HAM I LTON WALSH, President, Middlesex Liberal Association Ye ll • • • ... • . • • • .. • . • ...•. • m• •511 To: Mrs. Mary Baird 499 Briarhill Court, London 25, Ontario. Bnclosed is my membership fee of $—for Membership tickets in The Middlesex Liberal Assoc. Name Telephone No. — — Address xchange No. My age bracket is: Under 25—, 26.89 40.59 50 and Over