HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-3-2, Page 3Motel B*Arnetl.'' TIM Ho101 know u the "N•Iiltr House," kept by Mr J W Ptlarls, was totally 4.- atr_yed by tire betwun, 8 and 9 lest night. A,* .00f...*W. tote twceired aoonunts o f the distressing tabid. of M r Jan Moore, Tuckersautb, and &trident to a bey in Colbortle, but aro compelled to loam them kuttnr orer, along •itb other Ratter, till neat • -• row we-s*agrtete 116ilaps ,y. - THE M,ARLs'1'O FXCELEWT LAND. arm a ,1,•4"-=W..7.1•'•�" _7Ira1..L'cr . Uuderwh, rob. 28. 1871. I pfRau rBu Maple and Bark. le utile. mom Fall Wheat 01:35 1 1.40 L 'J.derick, Yo, ele abr., brlue •aet.uy 111 tering eat W 1:35 1:40 acre airon Mom beak n 4, Name.. Di, wu Aekaeld. Flour l 6:60 4 0 W Aw•• n •U to wasruN gALu. flats , ... Barley (4 Peas (4 0130150652 ((q Potatoes ... 0:35 (.4 0 tarn., Kgg' Mast vVawauoah Wood Beef, purcwt Pork Nett :10 (Ig 0:25 '. Hay, p ton 8:00 (d Hides (green)....,7:00 d 3:50 5:00 (4 7:50 (Ib 0:30 (4 0:00 (m 3u0 (-4 2:00 (4 Council Room Feb 14, -; 871. The Council met Chi. day ',unguent to ad• elockwo, „or pair juernma.l, Privet D. Scott KN. Reeve, wow e nd Maur Taylor, James, McKay, and RI tees Polder Cueneillur. The Moines of the two • las previous meehugs were lead and approver'. Cummulticaton from W. T. ILys Req. M. P. P. Mau teed slid ordered to be fyled The Clerks Bond wan read and suepted. Moved by Mr, Jame., seed by Mr. Taylor, that Mr, Armour he tdmoved from S. 8. No. 10, to 8. 8. No. 13. and tbalthe Clerk be authorised to draft a kyLawcos0rmiug *bemuse, to be read at neat meeting of Cenci. Corned. Moved by Mr. McKay, seed by Mr. Putter, that Mos Orin. leap ($13.30 for 1870, M remitted. Carried. Moyed by Mr. Taylor, seed by M.. McKay, that lire Ann Wedge receive $0 e0 the same to be lel* in charge of Mr. James, W be laid out for her eupporl . he being in indigent circumnt.noe.. Carried. Mored by Mr Putter, seed by 4.r lenses, tier Jahn Iwerufl get 510,00, 10 go tui - wards supporting Mrs Cheeseman, Carried. The Auditors' Reportwu read and approved. Moved by Mr. James, s.c'd by Mr. McKey, that::the Auditors roceive$T O8,.cb, Carried Moved by Mr. KoK.y, seed by Mr. Potter, that the following debentures be sagged vis- cose in favor of E. James ell 00 for support of Mrs An Wedge ; John Coutts 825.00 for brushing and elating swamps Con, 1.2, and 13, Lot 28 ; John Beecroft 510410 for Mr Cbeoem.o ; Mre Ifengongh and Jams. Edmond 57.00 each for eervice.a. Auditor and James McCallum 84.00, serving as Tabtrn Iu.peUur. Carried. 'rel.der for the office of Ameuor, were received and read from the fiBuwiog persons ,is -Jima. Tisdale 843.00 Fountain Taylor 845.00 ; Georg. Mct.owin 045.00 t• Jame. Clow, 535.00 when it Mau, Moved by Mr. Jen.., we'd by Hr. Twylor, that Fountain Taylor be Aaemor for this year accord:rg to Ins tender. Carried. Th. only tender for the office o* Collector was from Joseph Dunbar salary at 850.00, when it was Hived by Mr. Medial, seed by Mr. Potter, that M. Dunbar b. appointed Collector. Carried. 1t hl.ving new trsnepired tart Fountain Taylor was n ot eligible to act as Alienor, (being de lcien1 in property qualification). it tees riart rj 1lr Pot r. d 411.1:a1/ tesR vee lac• ettl ` .ya1[�1rro in amendment by Mr McKay seed by Ido Immo,- than Mfr. Llaw.115.asiei.or. Motion Carried. Tb. Clerk was ordered to write Mr Girvin Ruse of West Warranter, re- speedo' the building of Culvert on the ,onndary line between Eastand West wawa- nu.h on the 2u41 Co.. the understanding at first being. t'•at both townships were to pay an equal .bare of the money required to finish the same. Moved by Mr. Jame.. . ee d by Mr Taylor, that lh.'Clerk get 250 copies of tbe minutes of last year, Auditors report, and Treasurers abstract printed. Parried. Moved by Mr James, seed 9y Mr Taylor, that fleury Deacon Sen'r Esq. be Tavern Impactor CA. the Current year. Carried. Moved by Mr Taylor. sec'd by 31r James, that the Council now adjourn to suet again On the Zed Tuesday (14tb)of Merchoett, Carried, P Porterfield T'D Clerk. e -es Tot • Hoagies. -It is to tb. interest of all who own homes to keep them in healthy and sound condition . esperience hes prover, that "D.rley's Arabian (leave krmedy and Cesdiiion Medicine" is the moat efficacious,. it bat been used by thousa•da who will earefelly confirm this statement. For Heaves, Co.ghs, Cold., and all diseases which affect the rind of boors it ha, no equal, tsor is it equalled at • condition medi- erre i It prase@ the blood. corrects end improves the appetite, and soften. *h5 .kin ; in fact. so great is the improvement in the condition and appearance of the animal u ta bate led army to doebt if it could be the ..me horse. Remember the noise, and we that the signature of Third it Co, is on each page. Northrop is Lyman, Newcastle, C. W„ 'proprietors fur the Caned. A, 8oid by ea 1l,dirisa dealers. Apides 0:50 Ino derich Shalt, whol 1:20. (7d tusk.; f u.b. 1o1 lbb 0:40 0:70 0:63 0:40 1•:0 TAME Ines THB PMaN11001 OF Tile: *'both 0:00 hi amid, Lot 16, ate t:o.. uud.rluh Tn.YJ.P a4wt 141.00 1.1 IMplemIi last. • owl auJ bit* stet" dale , 1 7:uu masa old. Th. arrow r.l... ed W parti,ewp•rly, try 0045.415 tea take It arty, TA fei.YU.INWM. HAVE JUST OPENED 2 TAW Rod.drb Tp at ►eb IgM .a at 0:30 • SERVANT WAN'T'ED. Ku la.. a Sur,yor Feb, leu, 1.79. .e.t tf - BTEEE ESTRAY. E. , 43 i:,.. I 1111'11) 111[111A/7•p<nuvWaWwlw�.,,.��. MARTIN, I w.:' sone nlnhrow w Many ,raw, •e IJ`�h ter,. r, saes•... ilia' r.'j -'• ;Y nr„fu �. ,leer rev.t5e 7.ta,; nkd Mrd -0-- uve 0'^'a iroug111411..1../1:y1..."7a‘ •Yr.wt .1 M . , .1.6.nk s�•1 aore)ri ares 110' vie"• IY! wen yamNlly amkg, h.„tel xn,a 5uge01I w•h groat .wor. m ,-s v,,,t+Ile Yea 11.utr l I::' Ilpuhlen{14 ...,r : NI 11 of nn .In.ro ur+ an.Mll. i. r , , e b xr ane.t drlWlF,.Ir ' S oftolensI.wu'ndn,,i.,n•„,.,l:•,1r7( rj itra*0•ntld4 xfrnr17;:; fny1,.1I..�1 ri�.e1 •X111,& a au.pkir,d a• nor. tr .mssWnmolu.10n*11..ca.10,rein.• I. .ly. ten M some 01fl•l. x..100, , elle. 1101 4.1.5 a0' r War of bbNaha ton., elder ,res die 11$116or e[ awaw 111, vdel.. In the theta, Was,. eke .air M welded; din ibe fl 1. u e Mays a 161.14. fig 6111.1141 s,a51 4. Ike flyer. w M •1l se& 5 N .. A uI4t15i re& Mahe N.�{� 1 ,g.w, +»151N1�..0. .nersI a arktwl t4• r,lk � . Mang. ywett. ori'. 1. asd WlMetame , .1 rip, w4 ai' gU ..0 .h) Y•,nf tld./... ry. All �_ T,Sare 4w/AS.... Jan Rte w Loy. rear,, foal* 1tA.ew, A,, . N,1.J, .11 n .erre .1w. A' Arrr fen, roll oUwr •,, 4. Yf v411.4 from. ,I login, .so r.' JI..•...a - th fan mom rot...wad forum, Y for ar bow, OM. I.M. Mal the t..Mx, 1:144••••••• Y( u,1 CLOSING OUT ! ! er's -- �asarfgav eT- (C. D]0' Ft. .ass (''o 0:03 ,t Dorn servant for en•ral hour work ti, W 4:00 11. .t tour. Was.. di* per mural. aft et 2:65 , �Uod Mara.lo rob, Nth, 1,71. esK1[___- HOUSE TO E.. NT OR SELL lilLnton Illarkota. IR, MpnrW T.4jnph for t s Moat. Clinton, Feb. 28, 1871. Fall Wheat 1 (is 1:40 Spring du 1:1 1:36 Oats 0:45 0146 Barley 0:48 (4 Peas 0:72 Potaoat 0:40 (15 ►60 Flour 7:00 ((aJ 7:00 flatter ....... ......... , 0:417 ,. dila Pork. . +.a 7:00 (4 8700 if p...... 0:15 ratlike. Special Notices. T11E GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Moses' Periodical Pills. rr111n1OVaLl'ABL. MY.UICINE Ie UNVAI1.1K0 1 Ibe este r,r 8:1 41.... pau/.,l sod dangerous 0...aes w which the (cootie cormli ...n .. ..leer, 11 ....der..• all racer ud' remove all obeuecuoa., quid •*pretty earn ma' be reled on. IV ■..0455 tangos 11 a pc...arty...Md. 11 will, la • .5r1 time. boas on the nwuthl, Trod rob regularity. These 1'11, .10,14 .4. m ,•hen•, rna4., Ju ....if Dr PIRNT Til HAIL MOAT HA t(Yryreueee ., sago Sri eon leO Onager. M.r.rrepa.e.04 wee .,A.r time Mag try f, Iw all Cs... of 0 end ,pma1 A3',9om., Peon 1w IM Flare moil lune, relit Ise .6 Ikhtele..,.n. P.p14- Inao4 to bean. Il,.ler.ra. and whin.. taro. 1'.4. adwest. • curs Mab ,0 •0 other meas.• have failed itea •Ilww,h • powert.l r:meds, J-. a..1 contain iron, abwel,.oI.amry, es •uyibwg hureul 1. the cines.- ter.. Pal 'direct ion. In the pamphlet am.. each package. whoh eh.,ld ta euadlly Tremor. •ear, new vow., e.0. rmrrmt[rr•. SI 01.1 unl 111 erns, for patsy., snared 1. Northrop Iwni,.• mma, w,ll ''.•Ile, Ino general ate.. ter IM I1.un • buttle,.on(aluine ore. beg,11a, by cetera mail. Newcedte,t:..V.,g risen; forl'an.d, 4*'d.sld+.Aera..wR by Perk.'' t 0•trfsi..• Y , Jordan & Gaither.. .M Co., eeyt 40 ; ismer; Ikhll,nm, Mogul vale • J. Picker/1,E teeter; J.H. Combo, Ohnton. 3. ewd, Lucknow; E. 11 lett ✓ m. tlwsl.rth. tad tel: Medium. 1J..lnre. will CAAA91A11 PAIN DESTRSTEK A Pettit Medich., well and favorably know. tonbe paw leo yea. , never failing in a single lataee to pee permanent rely .hes timely ■ od, a. we hare pryer known • single rage a d.ubNarlion ween the direction' have bre aeoprny followed, ba oe the enamel/ all are delighted with its operslmo, mad speak In IM b,jb.ml threw of •te Venue mug Msglr•1 *Eats, THE CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER bas Mann bac itself . repatalte.,ana blwnl pun del, sIter•Irve .toln%orb ion r, e.o.m./tied sa.4 in the bluo,y 1 f merit ca l p M •bon.• 11 r4I n tab fie coo* DJep.mlioLever Complains, I.dtg.e., tins, Hiparde'a, R.ck Headeerr, Kidney (: nm. plaints, Ae:A Stomach Pblb.ic or Amb•,., and teetwee to t ata; activity the system debt /doted by moaning aid dtaraqq 0. magical and aonJerlul .nova. in Merin, emblem told*, sore throat, Cong., fhpthrna pal In the aale,hona anJ bark. name Ig,a,4.o,5 ache, rhenmanc end other pa. n* m any part to/ the h..Jy ate Ito. Whatever rants, has porn n • pare in every hou.ehold au! .lest auperwed- tnr all .other Trepan. ion• of the kind. It . ale. an r Teal •. prompt remedy tor Scald Born*, Brew{ Rppata.. ChdMalas, Trim Bites, Cramp* in lb. Rtoruarb, 0,),a., Lathers morbus, Bd40u* Cholie. ChlAwti 151... ge Dyaw.terv, Stu. APO/. rely 25 rentt r bottle. NUB 11110F5 LYMANI t_- NeweaMk.C. W. -- -T Oenen l Agent (r Calade. 11111.614•10 i. f7ederwb by Patter do Cattle Rad P Jordan; Gardiner k Co. Say6.eW; -ken Bentham, Rod,ery llr,J. Piehsrd, Ii1Merr ohhe. Clialoni 8ereed,L.ebuwl K Nicker.. .00.10201. lase all 11.05.0.. &.mels. r18 - W Aal the (.rune& system loses ice ten* an ev igor the whole b04y wiles 14 ern -1 ergq ems ; but frequently some one organ . ulRrl more than the teat, hence the nrigin of Heart Diseases, Coo.umplion, Softenio of the linin, ie. The 010.1 direct method et tan lin in restoring the ,ital principle to the nerve., which inmost easily accomplished by wing 1'.Lt.ows' COMPOUND State or IIrrornoare rn. row. on .le. home: 6 hi, 1741. 4.1.1 by r� amend by F. Cuedl11 4 C.., wholesale agent. 111. N,ver be ashamed of confessing your ignorance, for the wisest men upon ..rtb ie ignorant of many ttings, insomuch that what Me knows is a men nothing in comparison to what be doss not know. But we aper. - heed were kw are ignorant of the wonderful effects dile "Canadian Pain Desiroye•," its a groat acre and tepid tree for colds, rheum- &teem. Sold by ell medicine dealers. .}Two or throe colds in eneeeuion will, with many constitutions, eeeurely establish the geode of eens.motion in the system, lhes converting *h.1 was originally a simple, corable affection, into one generally fatal. Ordure'? prudence therefore matte it the 5 business- of everyone to take care of a cold mntil it is get rid of. F• rtnndtely "Bryan's Tulmo.ic Wafers" rte thoroaghly adapted to remove speedily ell coughs and colds and ore equally .&orer. in the primary stages of ennremption, asthma and Bronchitis. Sold by all Ilreigiel& *IA 00001 y dealers, Frlee 25 ct.. per bog. 11100711: 141w*T-i, St. Lents, on 17th Inst., Mrs. 'Robert Lind Henry of a son. .,ptmi.. i11thritsisett its To the Electors of North Huron. nARLI7Y'S ,NR BIAN 0I L • GENTLEMEN, THAVE SERVED you in the Local Legislatnro of Ontario for a period of four Sessions and Intend again to solicit your acpprrt in the enminQ election, in tase'my friends desire me to .lose. 1 trot f htee dime my duty not only in relation se the interests of North Huron, bet to the 1'rorince generally. 1 AM, GENTLEMF,Y, Fours obediently W, T. HAYS, Feh. 1311, 1971. .u512in-- Reform Association of North Huron AREFORM Convention for the pr- ppta. of nominating • Candidate for The Synth Iti.ling of Huron in the Legis- lative Assemblyof Ontario, will be held at the wilier of rneefeld ..n TH*'R.9DAY the RECOND day of March A D. 1971 at '11 .'.lock noon. The following will he the nrimM.r of delegates from melt Moniei- ity t Township, of Stephen, slworne FOR HORSES & CATTLE. A NEVER FAILING REMEDY ; I'll IS VALUABLE PREPARATION Cl1MH10ER 1 .0 the n.edwnal .Irton. of 110....nir4. watch Ong riperwnre Ma proved I. purr. ,5a Mast oto •Ph1 Illeant mongol. fig tire age M Mesh W0...1, It , ()elle M all 5110', (:re5.4 Hrr4, terim e.1 !imam, Brew., *towhee l'f Ores,. n4 Memo*, Lame.. Menge, Whnh,w., Oar, Mal CrerO., Eaunder..l Peer, 11•wn n.lempnr, $walonp, and m.,y Jir•r• will h bur..• mod rtitle .re eal4ecl In, Tate eele',eted Liniment 1.. Men mod Co many resit,mrd , ern pothole. thoroughly toted, ▪ , .e rmrMwl to he the damped aid most re - awe remrdrrew all external w. pt,nte ever offered too. pear -if Yeer fate when timely geed a. lei 1111.uy.1,paed. I..�by1..1 ol.11 nn11i.4... Cowstry Merrhanla t►rua[bo.l to Dominion. Tree 200. per thole. NIORTHRUPa LYMAN, N....5 Oat.. Proprorlon Geld m ftooerieh d Po Cottle and t Jordon 1 (4.r1tner de Co. 8e '1 to : J•mes Beetham. Rrd[ervllei J. Ptekard Exeter i. H. Caney, Clinton ; &Mond, 1.... mon E. Mutein. Be.fonh, rod all Uralic, 110,4.,,. te r N'els annertfScments AUCTION SALE or =3EST8T is 1N THE TOWN OF GODERICH. WITHIN 10 MINI TIDI W.01.4 oh' 1 04,• 1' Will 401•JK, WYtaiuw. II ,,,on. 041 0.0 and p .1q. wub- g.0. I g."4'.., roller and *ea Apply at 0.,. a 1k. w non ENT w11SO0. Uw4rlcb, Telt. 2015, 1171. seb4-late• • CHANCERY SALE. (1.. JAMES WATSON, 1'/.-1JNTiFP A0u MARY ANN BREATHCUR and Vtllg0a DEPRNDA 1Y rJl.- • DEa(ILUBT PUBLIC AUWIOA or ;Jr *4.urea y 054 ewe dated the A 0ll A. B. 1e7eand the as&ord.r dated 1�NmrtMi A. U. 1475 •. alk IM •peneers•S u( *•11110411 Le... KW.Ir. th. Naar or tit. amorsha 1',wn at Hau,Ilton°. Wednesday Sal day of March A. D. '71 at14e hour of It u•c lock Soul. at the drel.on Roo oru of Georye Mind. 7'rne,riun 1n the To -n of 14.4•00. that mle.h% farm ett*ate l■ the low,mlup ••f M..r.n.n•1 County if Mor•.n..n.po.. sr' .f the Smith Wind ,. nrr M Lot No 111 In 145 5th 1:..property y , to rel newh 5.. M Merl., formerly the 4.10 ofut. Martin M•,.re Yd afterwards of the late Robot Melwnoug0 Thr.ay farm romWan 1.'1Rr Aerrr m r kr •herr. .lerut twenty v,e+ are c4.n•1 and ihtny w In. or I., I.00, ,oar ruler timber TLe 6r11 con- mte of GIST loan. mud , ., w windy bans lisita yh property there 04• erecta • I..j house and TIN n0.. (7 all he pot up at Mh epee pore of 0111 411 0URF U l0.LI.nll . The Pon-Mrr.hel .t the acme ..f nlep•. done a deposit 1. the poq..etu.n of 5111 for .,.ry poo of hle tun.. mosey] ter the teed... ..r 0.h.xor and .1.11 i.y the remainder of his porch.. looney .,ll, interest from the day of ..4 within one mouth front the day of sale. In otherre.p«te and except •. •Irene !lone eel the ....edit 1 male as. In be the steadies Codi - 1 o.1.mJ el tke .m.. of the %enders yoliettw o, et the Mab. • of V.•re Mahkrin, w.4 u1W.o. Doan iter. ,1/smitesa or at tea ekes at J.m.. n.1u..J4r. Barrister, Ouden.0. Date at IlamiltOS Ude 7th dal el February, A. U. 1671. Mute, at Hamilton W5LTER R MAC1o.1ALU, sou. Dur for teador. B.mllte• Out . MIL TCNIAIL TABLEAUX AND VENTRILOQUISM RUDA* A will .ppwr In Me wni.I.th1 per• 1Ti f•,em5.ra 1. Vntnhq.fim In oras« 11,.1, with IIOIi-ORTH'S (JR.4ND,PA NOR.1 1f lilts Lf11f Aft P*RRDIRIEl1S.r rabb's Hall, on Tiesdsy & Wedges• dao .rni.p, Pebr.ary nthsed Mon -b 1•t. Valued*, pore. given alfa] b our pruMH. Y 5.511, S14)RR P.M. .t 7. W rwnn.nr. .t 6 p m 40151.100 24, CHILDREN 1x e. Teti. 214, 1071 •wt. ->M, 'I'O LET. A TW) STOP 1 hems, .. near the Ksr5it Soar*. Apply to C 11 O.d•rleb' 5, rob, 1041, ra•11-t ' s Cases new SPRING TWEEDS, NEWEST STYLES AND PAT FERNS. SEVERAL CASES BOOTS & SHOES, VERY Choice Lines In Prunella, Congress d. Lace Shoos. DRESS GOODS AT TEN PEA CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. J}qty DE TLO R S. CO. aalerieh, Feb. '14514, 1571. GRAND CLEARING SALE OF DRY GOODS, &-•.,Q-,__ CLOTHING, _ AT - HII1m`.am■S�1Im,., f��1.'g( ''1�a■. �©\ ��rM��rrn(� fi V / {a {a 1a li 10' 0 IN ORDER TO EFFECT AQOMPLETE CLEAII.ANCE AND TO 50LhE ROOM FOtt SPRING IMPORTATIONS b determined t, offer for ole, for vim, or those ere.t 175 ret 4n.t1y m 4,•,.4pa•0, t5. who!. 4,7 .wpatacewt Mork of a0' P•a.r WY'••••,Iw Cloth e are Tbl. a r a1y eared-/ .. \,. n�-e••-erre �w.._,�. •, &NYTHING AND EVERY.FH;NG IN THE STOCK WILL BE l51OI�D t ten Immrme InrUnn fnet reudar rat.•. ./i.... ,. for • men short t1.% so Ms g6M 0,1 pug ,bur• Memo s.saat►e4 a•4etyoa Um atter. Ihrr .r. o.,r )0A$ yards dross goods of various descriptions 5,000 yards Cotton Gooch 5,000 " Woollen Goods 200 Shawls, and Mantle& • Large Asoortmunt 2110 Suits of Clothes Any amount of Fancy ties, any amount of Paper collate, any amnnnldH.ts k Cape, dr. IN FAT THE STOCK NOW OFFERED FOfSAIA 1T AN IMMENSE MEDI'CT/ON 19 1'rtt'1?9 IS WM'-eott?LKTE ALf. ITS VAR- 10 AR• 1Ol'S Lw:l'ARTSIENTS YOUR WANTS - Now SUPPLIED. - -- f11ylr n,.1.v11Mr bowing p.,1 M.ol a r0' ter Int of timber and Mo. arta the 00.t .v;wen•d work In.r1, will he able to .1tpl•I1 any quantity of PINE AND CEDAR SIIINGLES JOEN HARRIS Oetkrk►, b\ 175, 1e71. roS1.11- JUST STAI�TED ANTI) •1 the pered et notice t std the lowest ,.nrr ane is n e. p.ryrM to oti the higheethet were foe pine tel za� ` " ' �uezza2 other timber .rehab • fur ruskiag thing]. deliver*" gra /a Sib. - -I PETER LEONARD. NB,. Feb. 0th. 107E 4e -tin • MUSIC Mins FLET('HI:Ic1 rhes 0., In.tnrl Nn 14 )1,. rmllmena M lnnrnmentel Name, merle eft ratorday et 2 ealw., P w Torte. -$2,00 Pro plater. bed/gab. Jan. 16th, 1&701 .62-1f - SALT TERRITORY FOR SALE FOUR ACRY.8 OT LAND FOUR Near the old Railway Station on the Huron Road. This pro- perty has great facilities fur . Sett Block, being near the Rail- road Track and having four roads anrrrinndingg it. Apply t.. JAMES MILLER, nn the premiere, or to O. M. F.MAN, Auctioneers Land Agent. IT • P*brary 11th. 1101. wt./wren-1m - W1lA, k »y h P.M4 Ambles al w Sole Rooms Wilt G. M. TRURMAN, AUCTIONEER, la the Tows MOe4en.0 ns Tuesday 4th of April, 1871, at teen. That .•In•hl. re. rate, •Ideate nn K1,5•tea elrnl bade leL 14 noon . Ib well... bark. INSOLVENT AC T OF1869 I NTIIFMATTEROPC'iIARLESI)AYS Onlann An In,nlreot County of R1 .Inn. of. devil of Henn, To tell Arignmrnt drily ma. by 71110 ABOVE NAMI:11 INSOLVENT To MY. AND all other powers enabling e 1 .1..11 offer for ma at the Roma of dr. Benjamin llalehnnl A',rlt neer m to Town of,;wl.r4h at noon on T*.ndq,the (north day of April 1571. All and .nyder (hal ee•thln Tared or tort M WM, and premisel ideated lying awl Mine In the Town.bip of TunMny In the County of Huron, find Province of Ontario : tieing composed .pan if Pit Mo. 14, 1'0..4.10. 'C In the mild Towenk1p M Tornlwrry Cnnlalning two .r lane M the tar.. more or Inn... morn p.rti.nl.rl. d« ..rl54 .n • deed from t5. . ,ten W Chale. Jaye Menlo[ lair t5. Inlh day of March In the yea of nor Lord 1464. 11,, th, above lands are • dot chi.. betel torn.. •• *4.y. ,10101 •Ilh .40'. vary 15.�property fit onde w� the ...In (:ravel Road and lea wFoorl Further Parti: ultra ►poly In I. Ti. (41RIMIa1 Rfl,14. Ond.rieh, M IM 4.rt.ener •r N the ..4.10.506 15. &wipe,, SANUAi. POLLOCK Aerate. I ine,n.4.1anea1 Net ICI. Ides g AUCTION HAWS The f Mork wJl.ling M p.r.,.t wrrup4a •a Pnndn' .nth . 11 ..m., of ms • 11.40.. Nr.. Mit TM 2 M tweet al141n lately aeragiod u a Public MeGAW and MULLEN 11 - III /SOS' .dla1.,oglolq lei* bnattlesd, bus deter d oO S.11.l.ING OUT - Ili+ *We Arab 'Sr' Dry-Qoola at READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS ` S0s14. -' THIS IS NO HUHU D. FERGUSON is not to he caught unprepared to supply his customers with .veytbing they n•quire for But an actual clearing CHRISTMAS AND fAfiTIkyt WJ15UINO.TO SECU EE B: a RGAINS TOCECEIVE PEOPLE& THEN SELL TEEM GOODS At the Usual rates, Affil) •wd� • -- N YEAR SAVE SO per. CENT 'v OLLLING AND PURCHASING FI:i)M He has now received A. MAUTIN a splendid stock of GROCERIES COMPLETE FRESH AND CHE.111', a (Vest door to A. Smith's Clothing Store Market Squste.) (1.I,r:.h, the. Mb. In*. 5.37 t1 • TOWN LOTS IjFI ata x01.1,10 GunElucB. APPLY To 1 w ALLEN, 0.A on Ilan.'1 •.5 f..,det4:h,lat I.hre•ry, lath. t. U Wanted to Purchase. t u1N5U n.1LT 1001.1. t .fes It h 'w1M.n0e erste, preferred. 0.1.15•.. not. 1„11 particulars and pita .7.''aLiNAL 14,x. Ik 11•70. _ .12.11-• • Non r Mao., POI,f rr r,h err. far red n, -new• n),I.n,a. w las arpArrte.1. *'..o.w1.o.1 M..'rrrtef ywa...rg La.". rurrd Iry 11, 0h. Wlrl. . M,na llum I. nynlnd Orr pin,lolwgiontes ed tgat• 5,.1•,10'•In In •1J1 ra.. Amt lug r..tthuetl I,.e .1 11,4. ,.,IM -bo.. W roles 05, complaint /.whr,A.w or M AHP., f feria.o. 4•rl....ti...., /'+.A. Ja4-...a..n �wr- pun)lny ILIA Invigorating effort- 11 lunge Igen,. kUYtlens,. f,r each 0.. .n found Is our .11n,uee, Peppt, griped , srrumul.tlnn.t•1 ca nna..a• and nurL lb Um fiord, Ned /pinkly to It. Y ate L4ry torpidity, i'..eo04.r or r./ees a<IA. 14r•r, WWI Jar.Alr., etre e0' do, Mona the matlthr m 'rate a.4fz4r4fiLL4 taw• "'goes. ear for the .trean5 and •Iger e( the •ors, W .n L more and 1414 ., bwr errs . 14.y4w, and troubled eM5 .t eek.. .dam 11 Mev .r ear of try .q.�Ufr► patent. f WOOk.w, ill awl In�npr,w•.ye.aof by sod rlrelag et Wee.. of Ms rut,r�n opus arthL P R Ir P A R E D R f inn. 3. C. ATEA & (e., L.W.1t, tt*••)y .Mairt ed and unlaYan mord b IM Proola,W woad A..1rrte.r ('A.airm�ee�.,.tt SOLD BT ALL Datff11111•6 IYLBYWtir�.' 111. 1• a Inti, .\, N., ...Me, • rel., law •.a Atool, 1,.. I srd.• r '.W le tomb rod. b. t•e t t., 11.•d 1..dpw, QuJlulrA l.err,•r. Jemn 11 h Il.dg--r,1I. J *1.4.04. a..t.• J 11,,,u.l a'a.0 ter mood, Lanka.. b. L..\rem •eef.nlh .u.I aid 6.4k ow Ir.yi. *-17 FILT IIER_EITORY. Li It ?LE, IV 1 fCI4i' NI I N_ML( C*..1 U r nor,: } Ir a 11 ,) .10'•.1 .r IuJ..w,' &5.0'0' 44 .4...r1.461 4 ../.4 • hug *.AS• I..r.l tr ehn.Io... frg4• Ae op- pr. f..:(: S'1•. rh'• f •e •. ea,, w•, I1A1`bPLEASCREIN INTIMATiNO TO THE RE.s1NENT.OP ow)E1fJC'Tf AND VICINITY THAT THEY HAVE .1 USTOPENED TILE GLASGOW IIOUSE WiTH AN ENTIRELY FRESH STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR k FEED, AC., AC.. ` qO Ih•1 nrr J, erruin51 to ..ore Uelrunden.-e and rel p,rt of the pnh1414 keep.,n; on!) . 6r.4 rte 1r' .rtlrl.. and SELLING CHEAP FOR CASH. stir Fresh Oysters direct from Baltimore always on hand M and M's Motto is Small Profits & Quick returns e� (':ILL .4 ND SEE THEM ',J* All kind. of Farmer's produce taken in elcluing N)0 michula1170 (Ilona aced wanted. unclench, a.0, 14(5. 1671. - 60 if JL, THE NEW STORE IN FULL BLAST GEGR E A,CI3E N Islnow settled in his New Store and doing a rnsh- T ` tJi- L 1 lei I 1'/NM .Ins stack of Dry-gnnda, Winter Clothing, Fords end Shrine, 11as,e1s and et.rytbtng In THD LiN E I$ FRESH, GOOD AND CHEAP. 7th 701. le 05.' .0 y0' - W'sl ..trbl�- beaunue for Sell tt .1.. or lh . .r•. i,..., 1••r th • ant tet of t.a.,lrgr .tel 11,. r . intuits... ..f wool. a.., f.rlhrt par tailan .1.1' " THE SIGNAL OFrie r: " - le..1•.reeb, S,.r. 1eth, Ilk. •.fr if • .- NJBWAY_o&Pse nolo !wry* 1 tem Iwwla..0 Y mil 1 •r14150o r r.mhegn.••IIy •fru. Mair eewl. -1, i Maboosb tto-4y,pwa awYtmr with y'.wa... S M A S 1 der.wlly Y Miry .J1 only be furr.h.. w rte, 1t. 1wsVuiLt. Goofed. It. IBM. alb, 1.:e. .',elle CAUTION. �I� n�OT r*IDal10 till FE Itx1,h6 IO17U 7Tnra I. 5104rt .., , *0'u �.y,imbe1 . n Ma., 0.11 .f 4inR LAO, 1'to.a'.Mrl n. m HAS JUST Receibe*1 a Ma�mticent Stock of B BROOCH/A, SD •eRDuaoCass; JIT R.w'viu, $CART Poe, rweA FULL - STOCK GOER CB RIIUA, UafB 1tC1uA, • . SILVZ. Roos, PJATa; W11 1, Caen{ Burr. l'au Bows, CARD S Fl1.Aoa CR SSTS', NAr1i7 RINI:s. 0� At OREAt1y BELUCED Picea • ANY QUANTITY OF .4 41.. A SECOND SUUPLY JUST TO hand co..Itling 01 he latest rfllrr of BUTTER KNIVES, SPOONS &c•, trial of the newest designs, k two mate: H. I]UNLOP Ateu.sdM RTr SAI!T. lee I.,. w{ MJ _1XE MAhING; qx Es- rltlls SnMerllrrb.ja 16. MO the ..a.-.trrlr ..41N,rayl/tt on l0 A M: llanurr1wr .a 1 .0 Light Moira Mrsre. In..h 11. ....indent .115 the ..,^owes M PM, 11.P•1,..gn'b.• 1 red, a Sen nth •e. thy. a .d4 W try .xh., maker M 54,.. teal boron p.,wbY).ly ,1+war•. • :r ley AYa's. w eb4.0.0' pat liar.7'. -11Ws5!! REDUCTION IN' PRICES JOHN ilePIIEltdVN, dwta44 15.w. Pa 0410. • Ready for Winter: -- vial. ; suitable for the condng ereso14, when friends are Illtr,- • changing premuts with each other I _o_ Also a large Stock at BRIGHT & COLORED GOLD JEWEI.1,Ef1Y ,g sFTTF, or by the aiugle piece, all warranted. JWATCHEB& CLOCKS. Best Malec,, guaranteed Al repreAcnled, and :cheap fur cub. 1V. F. 1). Cl IR RfTERMIOE,D 114141 A l 17. .nnSNo welt.. m 14el'er) , •I .11 (I•. .111. .1.,p $1,01 .0140 Al Jewol'erl • L rent Twee doom. 41.4*., 1111 after the tete I ear. LADIES' & GENTS' WINTER Z�.iap$ZR•s. • SOO9L'13 Cit hildren's 6. 1:i It Boys ALL OFFERED ASTONISHINGLY CHEAP dotton Yarn $1.50 per SPLENDID GROCERIES -°'' THE Finest Chitsimas Fruits at the SI r,„, oon lowest PRICE DRIM1011DS & WOOL SHIRTIMIS (DROCERiE8, FIATS, CAPS, FURS, Ooderieh, Dec. 20th, 1870, nth) ia, &o. nehled, Ta 1 .terry lelrk building at proms neenpied by Commeiscillg Friday ening. 271b Lest, Mrs Filthy - O - - - Tide pr••pwny le tern 0t11at«I fr hminn,, lwln( m- j) AAELE111: RRT bout the roan oftbe Too, with a entree• IMn the y) 1e In.ltlMM by 4. M. Ree roar as ret, flay •(riot ago, to sell M• entire •t0,0 by Anrllon. 1M.me,ing TENNIS O/ MALE 1 ria the rth prat, and .v.unob( dully. lulu la .brain rel Ow Cock la enamel net. T5• ;Wok win h Ott 101 A the three rtnry Arta R011.11.g, nn real. .01.1 without meet, 1n the highest bidder. 11 yon mining' doe. If.nuaeel .04.11171. ge.o- P.ymrnt went gram. et your own porn 4.. of fail In attend .0.11,4 by easy ImWn..nm. (54, tate. 11. HAZI.E1Il:ArlT. On 1, t. It and (; -Term. CYh. Tor Nether pie. Aul.Mnnnrr. Henan apply at the Mie M to &stirrer, In (4,0U. O.d,01),, Jon. rt1., 1.71, rich `t mtllr.,h.npp of 0a.nnw, Mete, Cape. Fag, A '4.Man.44 Pn*..oryleth, 1111. 0614 i' (*0em• Nnt.hing Inn 1* erd..N•ly TM .,,1, .,PIM. *w• In Intimate In the piddle that (44.15.5.. pnmbard a largo end bared o*enrtrn,nl of R.. ('00', rel pots' Meehhrtln mad ler., for erring awl .Mammo w.•r, *a,h he ell rind for Iweprtl..n anti CAMS TO THE r*RM15Ra OT TIIA UPPER W0, ire 10' 60' of Mereh net M.rin. • Mortoe5 .Lead. IoM e, Cin. 10 N n, Comm., alwat let bnnedeAi•M t5. Ila, Cep end Per 1000. he wile l51on,h. bac A 000.p. Ta owner I• 1..,w.al04 10 14.4 15.1 the pml14l. PIN M Miter milted In tai 1160. prow• property say .',.saes awl m5 -thew. .*.y,- lug stn, dory Met Malo•r reeforeely h•.InF 4 mol ,04tH etrle of 1h• n•weal •M mood Adana ESTRAY SHE EP. pp•�I1 the h 1 51.y, irnokeremith, Stanl y, Ond.rich.nd_ AT the town of Orwlerich itoIT sash, the. (nlhnn•• 1Mb Feh. tot ' village of Se•fnrth rite. It m desirable that meeting, ihnnld a ones be milled and delirium appointed. full attendance is r.gneeted. IF. T, (`OR, J. .4..41N[LAIR iemretary, Chat rase Tib, 23th 1871. 1,53 td arewa.w erre i"'. erre. .r...,rrrn,.wrA..e.'�awmm► • or ^•" .M, ;••'4e In wort fres. end . Tram. that 0111 de .h nth ,y 60.ep0111cl.. Qooding's Banking Offloe PREPARE FORv�inceys irofri 12'0 cts WINTER 1• ()laid drp ,s -goods front 12 1J Wh ite and tina'let flannel1 from 28l A iBk m� Irr li • �r�, Albs • ��ti 1�1 =i w WILL CLEAR OUT THE1 STOCK OF (w +N It-C<)Ari 1 ALSO A FEW UNDER -COATS, PANTS AND VESTS ATC T n., heavy►Wincev Sh' I:geoeted in 11-e brat',style and with pate•, by • 4rat.clest jeweller watch maker from London., des and W. F. P. SIIAHT. None Genuine twine mood L hers Insolvent Act of 1419. A rare chanoefor Mi113r3 fiIla6natter of *11.1.1AM RT.*0IIl'RT, of large.. i .III••, "n (14, Rent. r THE GOO RICH STEAM FLOUR 3y v(rin. ../ the pp•• .r it/rl Iw m m Amlpn ql tAr..telrnml•ffrteMtM...,.itn.GMleel, AORIST MILL FI)R SALE Trier 1 Maw one. Io., . tl t0' '-h. In t e enrol M, i Trdrd,..n, In IM Town ..f liwlrn.a, In t0' cnnnly M ..ra•:� 14.15,, rater,005 {/`p1M1'0A EA .4 len ran 04 .t a0'•, lire/ M 5. TA,i,udotl; 1A. I?N doe of April ctrl, v, '•Mal. i I', ••.�aig,.dlly: e4A .1.r; 1loo nosy received .4 'Isle .',yli.N,"• ..r Winter rvweeds, Meltons• Orercoatingg&ci NTT. S L. 1, pr-po-d•. n.,. .,ref FASHIONABLE IA) GEO tI N THE SHORTEST FOTIrra. iN'i:1;:\1)Y-tet flJ*' H hu 0...061 a tryselr.t.M It, .hb►M a3 CHEAP FOR CASE. .t full a,..tin-1.1 M.1erl..un•I..rrl.udn4 Oe.,. . owl Urnls IeneJung. grotto ally Call and see styles and fpriees.' (Oct. lith. 1870: $4104 NORWAY OAT. 1tII.. YC u. tonnal.... 1 n , .' Off Ln •.IN1�P 1'..m Tn..-.I 74 *4 her per 111 •, Pae eery by the ,eon .Em d O rel W r i O lin. Jen. ,4 time. 14me••n. Emery Goodrich ,rel Obi«e R1l tysitq. ......1..1.1.1111.• w111 ...II her r 14.1 pr operas tsd.•L ,0 ,rnw,n p r, , I •.g ro hw.hei. 1r .(.rte. ton t m at 7a••, ler loom of Twe osteo, ter .A tom to Mme awl fr.+hem otMr woo I:uwAlIA trete& Jen 41t1h. 1,71. _ - BRANTFORD BREWERY THOS. SPENC1 B PRO. if Spender's -XXn Meas A Porter, Sponcar's Bottled Ale in Fine condition, Fponcer s -'lots ten Pur:: cheon, barrels and Half b'trielii, at the GODERICH DEPOT; MARKI'r SQr.1411r. GEO. GRANT: BLANKET FROM i 2.511 Ladie' Long Shawls et the h^nr.4IM1-y., ;Work wenn, all IM right sad I.t ,'en r,Iy N w7..;..*,l I. l,.0 a ,-110, .w l'•°'..) .r I lw salol ln.•rlrrn 1041 .seam .0.1 nth ns N.r pA Ihl .4 Ila 1 1 MIh ne minat.l w U,.' 1.J 54.10.50 Nr..9 1. Q.M. f (5.9.4.of .ml and 4illM"resit* nests. 1'nlyylrig 00" P.0lelr.e rn' mill ,areaCO.40 en h.5.15own .w.'. 01 • w.. t0. tor gt•fh. To.r.e gr I log... 1r 4, ,u 4. l sten r• 0l01 * mill denten • .,,'Ongh, w. relfm eta • he thea mt., m...," Ton ate feet. agmen, S 1,0110 : ,,,I.r...r Mn,7 m,salt •I 10 at, an.+. 1 • o set*. .4 .0 .11 .alJ (,..44, 1p of err' Mr ml . f try 0. rn . t1.r.. hs,l.I an m.l......lwk•w riL .'ll 00 1.11440 C. I.a.,,, t frrf6yn M fen 1u 1 morn For peels oma, ap .Il t•t • r 1, , •. t0'' Wnvn, -Nn of The lrnrlyi ran un.rp 4, �... rte F.Rrll.l.K Nor .. 8.,041, rontelnteg h. wlw,Unnawn/ Mei sn i•gr, M I.yN•1f IMM.. ear • 11w a. fdaterkb Jan. to h. 1071, .1 tie- ."f rrnlenlr. app( In •0'..r) A..h.rdvn .0 - --- _ - ._ -, TIMI• 4,4. ikon. 0.wn14 r0''- Mr 3atr,g, r,nlnnr5, .11 m liwaolrnlgw•4. JAWILY 111. PIIINTKR. wr.M.10A, P•h'y alh, It71 .414 NEW STYLES CHAFE A RARE CHANCE. Gill [ARV AND SECURE IA TO CHOPPER& TIE t hmeg thT 1110 nmfrrl M4S ter',0'.011511 ••/I+•t, 'ter worth .411"'"enrilr...111"" Ig ART11trtRI'MPRIa/.Rw- A87w►I.AR1:rQL'Ar- e.w,l,..ISwl. 7n.,mrMind .dk.m,4elogs• 6 411 Mlrsal/wOeln Nr Made wen w h. FMK FOR SAL•F: W Il[• SAVAGE, • A W1i;RT STREET, O(MRRICH, NOTICE. 44' f • 1)rye ntrnlwk., Am•W1n 411.. ..4 Ilan•• vsa..M ry MmIha{Nl"H."410.1.1"' 4 r., 3yds C36 i ln.-.. .0.4 wow. Korea 11.r.aw1M *Mp r.b•eM any Ae Iwee(1e. kS. MIhMe. and p4sM ter e • far otem leder Iter,errs nos Ma bre PM loaned .r tarred Mrypy.. lisprwu twed•rJ . ..,,,,nt.„ha.pM Up n'.., m•. for one dollar. .a, one. M, 11101•[1, - Iarl1.1:5 nye .Ks. iioa(l n aaii I ,170, tllril►l ■ 1.4 II MI w a 0,1401Irh TOWS'. - n.rn,....1r... , �ee1.Mb+~ feb:1: ebr . e own- hw.at.w a,4 Inst 'It .110,1401:11 -_.1.�.r•;nm► +.orer w.�+... ...WIMP..., Maw,. --.mete.. 1..... wYlam.•w.ew.e• . It ..mmeean+emmei•.• 0 nwt-.raer4. - .ar...w-*..r.wm..sasNIV. .w"".' m„ -pear,. • , 1;1:74 .n•M.N. .•e•t'•r it rel Jr• Y, Iwathrs MM prow ret,d.-. I. M. 'MI 111 IM noway of Interest y a h R BAH tit 111 1f . eT.(trlenIrmo ag. ' 4,41,4011, hk 1415',/70' T' ANI]RRW WAUD4l4, Aral. MAR%FY Rrere& (od.rieb, Ndr, 2 t , 1 TO. a5derieb, 1511 r.h.. 1171. no 011 I • t` 4- ,1 : --4 • ).: *ter-:.eia.:e... • .r e 0 rtlll ruflingS'^"L4 • t'i_:_i:.:t_.arc