HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-03-16, Page 8Page 8 Tunes-A4ypic e, March 16, 1972
Facts N Fancies
By QWyn
70, 4440e art
Noe to 44,04.7
Nowhere does he indicate what
the exact length of a man's hair
should be. Rather he seems to be
saying, to me at least, that the
'shame' lies in a man looking like
a woman.
Well, that's one thing I can't
accuse the editor of as long as he
has his beard. But perhaps, if we
cut it off. he'd be su cute there'd
be some danger.
Best to leave well enough alone
and let him keep his bush.
I'll just keep turning the other
cheek against his slanderous
May you he in heaven a half
hour bePre the devil knows that
you're dead.
Top 0' the mornin' to all you
_Irish readers!
FOOD.26.z 2/35
SLICES 16oz 93
Jolly Chocolate, Butterscotch,
CUPS 5.z 4/59 0
Kraif oz,
i r
photo by Mudge Studio
Nabisco 18 oz. A.
Fresh From The Oven
49 0
3/6 90
630 8c off
24 oz.
Wax Beans,
Cream Corn, Peas etc. 5/89 0
10 oz.
t tlq imitullimottOttl I! IA 14 J 110 I! 1.1. 1) OIJIMI!!!!10 ,t 1 11110011W 1. II . S! 110.111 11 IJ 1111A kt) II i,411.111 tl
1 W11111n11111111onli0114111,1111o111 14u1111 4mo1ii.11 111111411111111111 I,,
Cooks Qt The Week, Gentlemen.
Hats off. to our nine cooks of the
week who made this series such a
A more good natured, better
group of people we have yet to
work with, Special thanks to Ross
Haugh, Howie Wright, George
Grace, Herm Dettmer, .Riff
Jarvis, Ted Day, Sid Daley,
Adrian Bayley and Bill Smith.
Famous western barbecued beef
4-6 "Calgary Cut" sirloin 11/2 inch
1 crushed garlic clove
1 cup Canadian dry red wine
1 2 cup melted butter
1 tbsp, dry mustard
1 2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
dash of pepper
few drops of Tabasco sauce
2 tbsp, marinade
Place steaks in a shallow glass
baking dish. Add garlic and pour
wine over steaks. Cover and let
stand in the refrigerator g hours,
turning once, Combine butter,
mustard, Worcestershire sauce,
and 2 tbsp. of the marinade in a
sauce pan and heat over low heat.
Barbecue steaks on each side for
9-10 minutes for medium. Pour
sauce over steaks for serving.
Wine to serve-St. Emillion &
1, Chateau Cheval Blanc
2. Chateau Ausone
We wind up The Cook of the
Week scrim -th, a cook par
excellence, '''lliam Smith of
Lucan, Mr. S. 'it's cooking
experience includes 5 years as a
chef in the navy during World
War II. Interestingly, he was at
that time, superior to Marcel
Reedier who is now the head chef
at the Royal York Hotel in
Toronto, Mr. Smith gives us three
recipes for meat, fish and fowl
with his suggestions as to the
proper wine to serve with each. AN OLD NAVY CHEF is our final cook of the week, He is William Smith of Lucan who spent five years
cooking in the navy during World War H. Above, Mr. Smith shows his expertise in preparing a fowl for
the oven. T-A photo
There is no ideal 'Scriptural'
length of a man's hair; this
trivial detail is left to the society
in which the man lives. Absalom
cut his hair only once a year. and
the Nazirites k including Samson
never cut it at all. For the
Nazirite, uncut hair was a.
distinction, along with his
teetotaling, that marked him out
as a man of God,
Admittedly, I Corinthians 11,
arouses some difficulty.
However, many competent ex-
positors disagree in interpreting
it. The ancient Romans dyed and
decorated their hair to indicate
rank and perhaps Paul was not
so much worried at the `length' of
the hair as he was about the
danger of believers becoming
obsessed with its care.
Roast Duck
1 5 to 6 pound duck
1 2 tsp. salt
tsp. curry powder
rind 1 orange
2 apples, peeled and sliced
3 tbsp. butter
2 oranges, unpeeled and sliced
1 cup orange juice
1 4 cup cognac
Wash duck inside and out, then
dry. Mix salt, curry, rind, and
apples together, stuff the bird
with this mixture. Place duck in a
pan. Cover the duck with a soft
butter and arrange orange slices
over it. Roast at 325 degrees for
approx. 212 hrs. Remove the
roasted duck from the oven and
place in a serving dish to keep
warm, Remove excess fat from
the pan. Add orange juice and
cognac, blend well, scraping the
bottom of the pan. Cook the sauce
slowly for 5 minutes. Pour a
ladleful of sauce over the duck;
present the rest in a sauce boat.
Yield 6 servings.
Wine to Serve-St. Emilion &
Pomerol, Bordeaux,
1. Chateau Cheval Blanc
2. Chateau Ausone
Wedding bells for happy couples
West Coast baked salmon
4-6 lbs. salmon
1 large onion, sliced
2 stocks of celery and leaves
coarsely chopped
3 sprigs finely chopped fresh
powdered oregano
salt and pepper
1 2 cup melted butter or
1.1 cup green onions
tsp, ground thyme
1/3 cup finely chopped parsley
Remove head, fins and tail of
the salmon and wipe inside and
out, Stuff fish with the sliced
onion, celery and parsley and
sprinkle well with oregano, salt
and pepper. Bake 15 minutes per
pound, uncovered in a 350 degree
oven. Combine the remaining
ingredients in a small sauce pan
and pour over fish during the last
15 minutes of cooking. Remove to
a hot serving platter and garnish
with sprigs of fresh parsley,
baked tomatoes and parsley
parisienne potatoes. Serves 8.
Wine to serve-German Rhine,
(Liebfraumilch) (Blue Nun)
The maid of honor was Allana
Chipps while Bertha Ens, Karen
Seltzer were bridesmaids and
John's Lutheran Church,
Aylmer, March 4, 1972, with Rev.
Greibling officiating.
Shirley is the daughter of Mr. &
Mrs. Nick Ens, R.R. 2, Aylmer,
and Paul is the son of Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Hodgson, R,R. 2, Ailsa
Given in marriage by both her
parents, the bride was gowned in
an empire styled dress of peau de
sole with net overlay and a fitted
bodice of wide crocheted lace,
The A-line skirt and train were
bordered with delicate lace, and
the elbow length scalloped veil
was attached to a lace tierra
headpiece accented with seed
pearls and crystals. She carried a
bouquet of peach sweetheart
roses with trailing ivy.
sister of the groom and Cathy
Miller, niece of the hride, wore
deep purple hooded dresses
styled in empire lines. They
carried bouquets of yellow and
purple carnations and daisies.
Frank Miller, brother of the
bride, was best man, while Floyd
Westlake, the groom's brother,
and Jim Woods ushered the
Following a reception in the
church parlors, the bride donned
a two piece blue and white pant
suit for a honeymoon at Niagara
Falls and St. Catharines.
The future home of Mr. & Mrs.
Westlake will be at R.R, I,'
Octet SO eefe6
This week the Exeter-
Times Advocate is happy to
wish Happy Birthday to.
Mrs. Lillie McFa Ils, R.R.
2, Lucan, 92, March 22.
Mrs. Fred Wilson, Grand
Bend, 83, March 17.
We are always pleased to
honor the birthdays of our
senior citizens, If you know
someone who would like
their birthday to appear in
this column please let us
Debbie Hodgson was flower girl.
They wore gowns of peach taffeta
with flowered overlay of chiffon
and carried mums and peach
roses intertwined with ivy.
Ronald Scott was best man,
Larry Scott and Ed. Ens, brother
of the bride ushered the guests,
The ring bearer was another
brother of the bride, Mark Ens,
Helmut Tinnes provided the
wedding music at the organ.
A wedding reception for 250
guests was held at the Lucan
arena after which the bride
changed to a spice-red hot pant
essemble with black accessories.
Following a honeymoon in
Northern Ontario the young
couple will reside at 1132
Adelaide St,, London,
70e4da4e,?I1 Welt
Rev. Glen Wright united in
marriage Ruth Ann Miller,
daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs.
Anton Miller, and Harold Edward
Westlake, son of Mr. & Mrs.
William Westlake, Exeter, at
Exeter United Church, March 4,
Baskets of yellow mums and
daisies decorated the church and
Robert Cameron of Hensall
provided the wedding music.
The bride was escorted down
the aisle by her brother, Andy
Miller, and she wore an empire
styled gown of satin figured
French velvet with chapel train
and a French illusion veil held by
a crown. Her bridal bouquet was
of miniature white roses and
The maid of honor, Margaret
Miller, sister of the bride, and
bridesmaids, Lydia Westlake,
Paul Robert Hodgson, R.R. 2,
Ailsa Craig, took as his bride
Shirley Marie Ens, Aylmer, at St. STOCK UP-SAVE MORE
AT 1111 Dial
Fresh Frying Grade A Oven Ready
ChickenS chickens .45
Vac Pak l's
Lee's Crushed
Maple Leaf
Wieners lb. 59
Maple Leaf
Side Bacon ithvaepah ,h75
Beef Steakettes Ib. 69 0
2% to 3 lb. Cryovac MARGARINE
I'm sorry I said all those nice
things about the,editor two weeks
ago because as his last week's
column clearly pointed out, he's
nothing but a blabbermouth.
Can't dream up anything
horrid enough to retaliate unless
it would be to catch him napping
over his typewriter one day and
cut off his beard.
I'm obsessed by the idea that if
only I could debeard the fellow,
he'd be putty in my hands
... just like Samson was in
Delilah's after she sheared his
On second thought, maybe the
sight of the editor's beardless
face wouldn't be such a good
idea, When looking over
newspapers of a few years ago
I'm often confronted with
pictures of his smoothly-shaven,
young puss shining out of the
pages with such a look of pure
innocence and baby trust that I
don't think I could bear that as a
daily diet either. Those photos
always make me want to pick
him up on my knee and cuddle
Perhapsit's just as well for the
world if we let him continue to
hide behind that fierce un-
derbrush, pretending be's a
rough, tough, mean and not-to-be-
fooled -with editor instead of
revealing the fact that he's really
a sweet, lovable, sensitive old
Anyway he's in good company.
As far as I can tell, all the
heroes of the faith in the Old
Testament were bearded gen-
There is reference to King
David, feigning madness,
slavering like an idiot, so that
strings of spittle foamed on his
beard. It is also written of Aaron
that the holy annointing oil ran
down his beard. Every normal
male had a beard then, and they
only shaved in times of extreme
wild grief.
In those days the beard had
immense symbolic values; it
stood for one's manhood. To cut
another man's beard off was a
supreme act of contempt, short
only of murder or mutilation.
When the Ammonites cut the
bottoms off the garments of
David's messengers and sent
them slinking home 'greatly
ashamed' they added insult to
injury by snipping off half of each
man's beard.
So great was their mor-
tification that they hid out for
months waiting for their beards
to grow.
Julius Caesar ordered the
conquered Gauls to be shaved;
beardless their humiliation was
Beards could be handy . . or
dangerous depending which side
you were on. Joab took Amasa by
the beard pretending to kiss him
and disembowelled him with a
sword instead.
Significantly, it was the war-
like Macedonians who introduced
shaving. Alexander ordered his
troops to shave so they had the
exclusive advantage of the beard-
grabbing, sword-stabbing tactic.
On our own continent beards
have come and gone. During
George Washington's day beards
were definitely out, just as they
were definitely in by Lincoln's
Many 19th century preachers
wore beards . . .full blown ones,
and these men were often
shaggy-headed as well.
Obviously those godly men
grew beards and wore their hair
in styles that prevailed in their
h 590
Burns Sweet Pickled
Cottage Rolls
Maple Leaf Breaded
Home Made
Head Cheese Crediton Brand
Franco American
,40„ 2/390
Pi "where the better buts are"
E.- -.7., Specials Effective March 13 to 25
= Family Size = V05 Hair Spray ,....- Pepsodent .-4
P. 18 oz.
Sugg. List
Sugg. List
$1.39 $2.98 $ 1 .4
'4 1 a E. =I." "" N114414111111111111m 1",,,,,m(40 lots.olt.miniltlull1111111111u,''uuu11111111p tesommitIttmcilitgionitritmiummitittmtiiittlitmmtitirmmittlitelittituuttm=
8chneider's Heat & Eat
Breaded Chicken 1'/2 lb.
Wasilkoi TOES 25 lb. bag 79
HEARTS 39 Choc. Chip, Oatmeal,
Walnut Chip, Sugar Cookies
Your choice
Florida Pink or White Arrid
Family Size 890
assorted 12 oz, jars
Extra Dry
Anti-Perspirant Bright Side
180's SHAMPOO Delicious 880 6 oz.
Sugg. List
Sunkist Navel
GRAPEFRUIT 5 lb, bag
Colgate 100
i7iz List 990
Trial offer 8 Dz. 490
APPLES 5 ib. Fancy
Snow White
Fadelle 'Royale.
2 roll pkg,
Red Rose
1 lb. bag
79 irs at O. Anti- $1 09
7 02, 77 perspirant
Salisbury Steak, Turkey or Chicken MAIN ST.i EXETER E-- =
235.1570 = =