HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-03-09, Page 9SIX CHURCHES UNITED for World Day of Prayer service held at
Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle, Friday afternoon. Shown above are
some of the ladies who participated. From left, Mrs. Norman
Stanlake, Presbyterian; Mrs. Bob Russell, United; Mrs. Ralph Batten,
guest speaker; Mrs. Bruce Cann, soloist; Mrs. G. R. Doidge, Anglican;
Mrs. T. Wynja, Bethel Reformed; Mrs. A. Zandbergen, Christian
Reformed and Mrs. Austin Gedcke, Pentecostal, who led the service,
T-A photo
Rea/ estate agent at school
Many players attend Clandegirls' euchre
CCAT SCULPTURE WINNERS — The senior class of Animal Health
technicians at Centralia College won the sculpturing contest held
during the weekend winter carnival. Shown with their prize winner
are Carol Turner, Sue Mitchell and Darlene Cox.
photo by Norm Hyde
The Winner
Mrs. Toni Smith, 122 Anne St., Exeter, won the 9' by 12'
Harding carpet and underpad in the draw during Dinney
Furniture's open house and is shown receiving the prize from
bob Dinney, The draw was made by Ed Osborne, of Flexsteel
Industries, Stratford.
Many thanks to all who visited us during our open house
and sale, Your comments regarding our expanded facilities were
much appreciated,
Still Many Harding Carpet Specials Available
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MEET FOR WORLD DAY OF PRAYER — Ladies from four area churches joined together in a World
Day of Prayer service at Our Lady of Mount Carmel church, Friday afternoon. Checking the program are
from the left, Mrs. Max Hodgins, Greenway ACW president; Mrs. Bill Regier, president of Mount Cannel
CWL, guest speaker Mrs. Douglas Warren, Crediton; Mrs, Alvin Finkbeiner, Crediton UCW president and
Mrs. Ross Brown, Greenway UCW president. T-A photo
GIRLS SING AT PRAYER SERVICE — Chris Cann, Mary Triebner, Ruth Thompson, Maryke DeMooy
and Cecile Hall sang at the World Day of Prayer service in Exeter, Friday afternoon. T-A photo
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District women unite Thras.Advoca10, March 9, 1972 Page 9
Women throughout the world of
every Christian denomination
gathered together, Friday, to
participate to a World Day of
All Jo y Be Yours', World Day of Prayer topic
"Deeper and Deeper in the Heart companied by Miss Madeline
of Jesus." A group of girls, Glavin.
consisting of Chris Corm, Mary An atmosphere of oneness
Triebner, Ruth Thompson, prevailed as the women joined
Maryke DeMooy and Cecile Hall hands to repeat the Lord's
also sang selections. Mrs. Gar-
Praer field Thompson gave the Asocial hour followed in the
benediction. school gymtorium .
Forty three people attended the
Clandegirls euchre party and
lunch, Tuesday evening at the
• United Church. There were nine
tables playing and everyone had
an enjoyable time, Ladies' high
was won by Mrs. Cecil Neil;
men's high, Mrs. Tom Emery;
ladies' lone hand, Mrs. Verta
Morison; man's lone hand, Mr.
Ross Jaques; ladies' low, Mrs.
Bill Tupling; men's low, Mr.
Ralph Lyn,
With the success of the party
the girls have planned another
euchre for March 14.
Guest Speaker
Tim MacFarlane and Mrs.
Jerry Edginton of MacFarlane
Real Estate were guests of Mrs.
M. Carson at South Huron High
Members of Greenway U.C.W.
met at the home of Mrs. Ross z
Brown, when the devotional was
taken by Mrs. Jim Eagleson, who
also gave an interesting topic on,
'They say church-meetings tend
to be dull'. She said this need not
be, if everyone, would feel free to
attend these meetings and ex-
press their views,
Mrs. Joe Horner showed an
interesting film on Africa. This
film, showed how, these people
were being taught to "com-
municate" with other persons.
Opening the business period
Mrs. Ross Brown, read the
scripture and led in prayer.
Mrs. Seb. English gave a brief
report on the Huron Perth
Presbyterial held in Stratford,
February 9.
The roll call was answered by
giving the name of an Irish Song
by members, present.
Plans were made for the pot
lucksupper, being held March 10
and the Spring Tea to be held in
The stewardship convener
gave a reading "The church is
This year the service was
prepared through the co-
operation of women in various
European countries, east and
west, under the Women's Inter-
School March 2. Mr. MacFarlane
gave two lectures to Mrs. Car-
son's grade twelve students on
real estate, mortgages, and tips
on home hunting,
St, James Anglican Church
St, James Church Cemetery
board met last week and ap-
pointed the various committees:
property committee, Tom
Tomes, Bev Cunningham, Austin
Hodgins, Roy Cunningham; the
finance committee, Alton O'Neil,
Alan Hill, Earl Morgan; rules
committee, Ken Carter, Jim
Cunningham, Bob Hodgins;
chapel committee, Murray
Carter, Joe Carter, Clarence
Rev. R. A. Carson, Jack Murdy
and Andrew Carter are ex officio
members of all the committees.
Lunch was served by the
hostess assisted by Mrs. , Joe
The members of the Willing
Workers of the United Church
held a bowling party in Parkhill
Friday evening.
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Hicks of
London visited with his parents
Mr. & Mrs, Fred Hicks, Sunday.
Mr, & Mrs. Charlie Campbell of
Sylvan and Mrs. Henry Hodgins
of Parkhill were guests of Mr. &
Mrs. Norman Hodgins, Sunday,
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Eagleson, Mr,
& Mrs, Lawrence Curts, Mrs.
Edna Woodburn, Evelyn and
Manuel Curts visited with Lloyd
I3rophey in Grand Bend, Friday
Mr. & Mrs. William Curts of
London visited with the latter's
sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Lovie,
one day last week.
Fred Bullock was on jury duty
in London last week.
Variety supper will be held in
the United Church on Friday
By the way - Some husbands
are like wood heaters. When left
unattended they go out.
church Council of Canada,
In Exeter, Mrs. Ralph Batten
was the speeker at the service
which was held at the Pentecostal
Tabernacle. She .carried through
r Y.
Plans were laid to improve the
look of the cemetery and
cemetery chapel. The rules are to
be changed to limit flower bed
size and to ensure that rough
boxes be of cement rather than
4-H Club
The Nifty Knackers 4-H Club
held their third and fourth
meetings at the home of their
leader Mrs. Harold Hardy. Seven
girls were present. The girls
discussed, type of fabric chosen,
what they knew about the fabric,
fitting the pattern, sewing with
knits, pressing tips, how to use a
sample binding, and self trim
edges. The No. 1 unit decided on
light blue book covers.
The Sporty Spinsters and their
Flying Machines held their fifth
meeting at the home of their
assistant leader Mrs. Clare
Paton, Saturday. The girls were
shown the self binding neck
finishes, which are required for
sample in the note books,
Clandeboye Units No. 1, 2, 2 and
Lucan 4-H girls and leaders,
enjoyed the Ice Capades, and
the theme of the service, "All Joy
Be Yours."
She said `Joy' was a happy
choice es the theme in a world
beset by problems. Joy, she
hope to go again next year,
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Murless
have moved up from the Florida
Keys and are now staying in Fort
Peirce, Florida,
Carol Cunningham, daughter of
Mr. & Mrs. George Cunningham,
returned home from the hospital
after an eye operation.
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Lewis
returned home to our snowy cold
winter after a three week
vacation in Florida,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunningham
and family of London and Mrs.
Elizabeth Knight of Rodney
visited with Mr. & Mrs, Wilfred
Cunningham Sunday. Mr. & Mrs.
Joe Cunningham returned home
from Florida last weekend.
Mrs. Isabel] Simpson en-
tertained Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Banks, Cindy and Krista of
Brights Grove for the weekend.
They attended the funeral of Mrs.
Simpsons brother, Jack
Stephenson at Ailsa Craig
Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence
Carter also attended the funeral
stated is quite different froM
pleasure and happiness, Joy
comes from loving God and one's
't'he speaker suggested we
could train ourselves to be joyful,
With effort and practise we can
'think joy.'
The next step for the Christian
is to affirm that life is good, The
key to this is faith in God.
Once joy is affirmed in the
Christian's life it must then be
spread to others.
Joy comes from what we can do
for others; by using our talents;
through a sense of being
redeemed, and by administering
to God's glory.
"Wemust saturate our lives with
joy" she said, "study the words of
the Bible until we can retain their
enthusiasm and joy."
The reward comes through our
own joy increasing as we help to
give it to others, Mrs. Batten
Mrs. Austin Gedcke of the
Pentecostal Church was leader
for the service which also in-
cluded ladies from other
denominations. Trivitt Memorial
Anglican church was represented
by Mrs. G.R. Doidge and Mrs, A.
Carter; Exeter United by Mrs,
Bob Russell and Mrs. Gerald
Godbolt; Caven Presbyterian,
Mrs. Norman Stanlake and Mrs.
Wm. Sillery; Bethel Reformed,
Mrs. Harry DeVries; Christian
Reformed, Mrs. A. Zandbergen;
Pentecostal, Mrs. S. Prouty.
The soloist for the occasion
was Mrs, Bruce Cann who sang
Homemaking Club
The meeting place for the
Dozen Dreamy Dolls 4-H
homemaking club was the home
of assistant-leader Linda Jones,
March 1. Grace Dykstra read the
The girls answered the roll call
by answering How I Plan to Trim
my Sleepwear,
Senior Citizens
The March meeting of the
Senior Citizens was held at the
Legion Hall with 60 in at-
A musical program was
presented by the Stephen Central
school choir conducted by
Principal Don Finkbeiner with
Mrs. Soldan as pianist.
After an hour of cards, lunch
was served by the ACW.
Take risks to
Learn to Live
Mrs. Jim Hennessey and Mrs.
Don Geiser planned the program
for the meeting of Xi Gamma Nu,
Tuesday evening at Mrs. Geiser's
Guest speaker was the Rev.
Bruce Guy of Dashwood who
spoke on "Learning to Live." He
passed around several articles
for the members to observe to
test their senses and ap-
Mr. Guy said, we feel more
alive when in contact with other
people. We are free to be our-
selves with no reservations. To
keep growing one must try new
experiences at the risk of pain
from others, instead of remaining
too comfortable in one life style.
Mr. Guy stated his aim in life is
to 'live' as long as he is alive,
Isobel Gascho, a former
member was present,
Refreshments were served by
Mrs, C. Livingstone and Mrs. P.
Lady of Mount Carmel
Over 100 women from
Anglican, Catholic and United
Churches participated in the Day
of Prayer Service held at Our
Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic
Church at Mount Carmel.
Mrs. Douglas Warren of
Crediton United Church spoke on
the theme of Joy also. She ex-
plained how complete joy can be
found in everyday life by those
who have faith and who put their
trust in God. Mrs. Warren was
introduced by Sister Viola from
Mount Carmel,
Others taking part in the
service were Mrs. Ross Brown,
Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner, Mrs, Max
liodgins, Mrs. Bill Regier, Mrs.
Russel Brown, Mrs. Bob
Morrissey, Mrs. Gordon Ratz,
Mrs. Greg Flemming, Mrs. Clark
Hodgins, Mrs. Bob Cuillerier,
Mrs. Allen Finkbeiner, Mrs.
Bryden Taylor and Mrs, Newton
The soloist, Mrs, Richard
O'Rourke was accompanied by
Miss Helen Nadiger. She sang
Bless us, Oh Lord," and "Show
me Thy Way."
The group singing was ac-
World Day of Prayer was
observed in Elimville United
Church, Ladies from Thames
Road shared in this service.
Mrs. Jackson Woods gave an
inspiring talk on the theme, All
Joy Be Yours. She stressed the
importance and value of finding
joy and living joyfully each day
as it unfolds.
Colored slides, shown by Mrs,
John Batten, gave meaning to our
time for expressive meditation.
These pictures depicted many
ways to find joy.
Miss Doris Elford and Mrs.
Don Bray favoured with a vocal
A social hour was enjoyed
following the worship service.
Hensall and Chiselhurst women
met in Hensall United Church for
the Day of Prayer service, All
Hensall churches were
represented and women taking
part in the service were, Mrs.
Ron Mock, Mrs. Bill Mickle, Mrs.
E. Rowe, from Hensall United;
Mrs. Harold Parker, Chiselhurst
United; Mrs. D.W. Windover, St.
Pauls Anglican; Mrs. J. Soldan
Carmel Presbyterian,
Mrs. Dave Kyle, the speaker,
spoke on the theme "All Joy be
Yours" and said religion should
be a joy, and we should feel
gratitude for the things which
God has given us: health, free
country, love, freedom to wor-
ship, etc. Everyone was asked to
try to radiate joy wherever we
may go. She also said that only in
the love of others, can we find
fullfillment in oorselves. Even in
sorrow, heartbreak, and death,
the flame of joy never goes out.
A vocal solo called "Be glad in
the Lord and Rejoice" was sung
by Mrs. Bill Fuss, with Mrs. John
Goddard presiding at the piano,
The meeting closed with the
Mizpah benediction, and a cup of
tea and cookies were enjoyed.
The women of Brucefield
United Church and St. Andrew's
Church, Kippen, met in the
Kippen Church March 3 for the
World's Day of Prayer meeting,
Those taking part in the service
were Mrs. Arnold Taylor, Mrs.
Alex Townsend, Mrs. R. Elgie,
Mrs, Bert Faber and Mrs. J,
Mrs, Wallace Haugh Brucefield
took the topic "Joy."
Mrs. Fred McGregor presided
at the organ, Mrs. Wm. Bell and
Mrs. J. Mustard took up the of-
A social hour of fellowship
followed the meeting,
Greenway UCW plan
supper and Spring tea