HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-2-23, Page 4%TR ETTON ussm utsestsr. •-- asitinve1. r's • - St. l'aul • ?' salrel 'aliv,•,' said Raised. 'There wet Pleienee of the • I - ' 'Yes, wise, de,' mid Aunt Eleanor company aka tut reale. WWI '011d he was in lom with ate ors, and I traelerrn Radleal.r ant in love with Mu now. What do you By which it way be seen that at tido think of that, ler testatrix 1' time Boland was as good a Reddest toe Ethel bad nothing to say oa Gaited). the rest of us. Mr, Disraeli was SO irel ; but fur woo or something to Pay, better Itedusel than helmet ,jr. Wight Tan was peels iuly a "hit' tor JoinMor she said that the seeatut, from Aunt wee Conservative compared to but. lie! t bl"anor's description to levo had a happy had asked hiemelr the qie•sii whi.h all daunt; but he returned to the chugs, - "You elou't some up fur the Fisuch Re- voletion, ohl fellow T Iteland said, "I do. It is ties thirst thing that ester happened in Erin ru•Inn 'WM,. 111.1 It Wil tili wurds, :aid oil out 011' .11 sat them went farther that11 l al id be iii - 'Ile is au ohl may, end I ens an old any thing... • stilted ter v. 144/011., Maxat erred in intense love of hie ennuis.; e.„1.,sents, in iii./ W"use, and we are nut gaing to "titre ryit," fru be rontiloo puritautaie; pftlalftn in his wordy ferocity. 'tumid Aunt Elector. ' Ihin 1. be pit , d., 1_ Carrier al Id never have butt sent to lexchaugo shots, and 1 will tell yon edam. 1 0. 0. F. Nantes; h• committed errers there, and 1 thing. %shied is mad. lteland ill - eras a draamill. °amino Deamouline era I „allot than all the betters at Lineole The 1.0. O. F. is pe•mheseing with tiler • peefrot fool; but we exist by these usen's I and Bennett's : he is in oue or his tuo.ide I ecioite rapty in Onterio. For DMus d.els, mid let we spit *lieu we emitted" ye•rs Lenaon has taken thee lead 111 these 1" i -one of theme moods in which he has W011 III‘ in'oraliip, and we understand, the ilio .• " But, Roland," said John Merdeent, hi. boat raoes. Ethel, the OUnT'll 1,11 it, , r e lir •• t tient are now III 16 IlenItIly Sala ;•r•• A regular dei}Y llase (4 steamers from Montreal to Chimps lianas at intermit. , • t 641 11•00111 US 1111 O94D in navigetion. Doinini•et Parham I amstubled at lft.tan m Weditudey. • The bankers of Paris are prepared to 1 the city the 200 million trews in- escape from Roland. JOSS); MOS Ut any gO ask theme kintitalftit/4 by Pointe. `Hu the than of St. Paul's • cob-'tli•t. le it all sbou 7 W li it till It b 011 111. hr,iin kits, Ess„, "kid ?' And he lied itimwer d to litnoelf "all this itifertial Itoligettaft about SI Just--" "1 did set mention him at all," said Ro- land, ••yen nientimied him; it was you who brought the WSW* of that Auttnuus of tato Revelution into the dismission. I siippose you will clieri,-e bls beauty agltinst him next. lIw hand is red; but was Devid'a pure Must slew; but what slid Josheer "What ia the meaning of this fantastic salelerdaah, ItoLeud 1" ksow. I am sick of my life, the, property uid be disputed, :aid Th. coy woo't elect eald his address bii to- Ulu laroat number of 'nowhere ot at' Lodge ef this' order 1u Outario, and it. 'Ili+ succession ili.pnted said Ethel. roll is c•eistsutly increasing. The EilreLA m 30•1 l'ounnioa 'Ledges are also in a ratio too. Your fath,r li.e been with me t, r,r;:riii.statencielllawueift,oa" day, and bee We of ly Mg, ich „`" teinl"“gte have been Institut:1* at I never ilith 1 toll Lou, what 1 believe mininenville, Ezeter,Hamilteu rind Petrie. to he the truth at thu tim.t, that lia. pien•mere have apelie.1, arid will be Hie claim wits 11161 0111 The disarituneitt,tti FTSHOO 0141X0113901- 11.4. 'Cue treaty is tr• be s' end the tierm.sis truela will dm Paris to the Str$sbu 1111011 le.t o as tplickly as.tratie c ewe, .ured te emivey them. Sir John ltose and !fir Stafford North. c..t IIA V U 'wen 0 tre rad posit Mill the ''11' 111100111111 appointed for the est- tlement ef 011 questions at Mime between tiroat Britain and the Conant litotes. -- The former dechues stud the letter so- viets. 'The Chinese trouldes hare by the latest &deices, +morel, subeided. Motels has eontrilotted '70,000 to the relief of the Friineli euiferers. A curling match for the Royal Cshido- don nudist was played 00 'Tuesday at lie g,reill. Weudatock scored 63 fur the two nuke aid Ingersoll 46. A rich !taffeta of maple sugar is pre. inaugurated III the next few weeks- s thcted end that there was no danger from it. II,, thielph, Whitby, Usheidge and Harriet*, A relattve uf Father Riebot'i has twelv- e /el for So te661110111 -at leut for 011 reason [does not like the look of matters at ald, rills. trd at Ottawa from Fort Garry +au 111 secret MO. I have aleays had (leery tbiug erlick oto 1., „a, ta. dunk,' mood, ev.ry _,L., 0. Courtly Linos or Sours IICIO,N. n'illAii1":61 Ctotiltyh.,.telinak4:01.1t:kporn poetessdied which "1.6 wr.‘ch"1 "theti"" e" "ire Led 103 says that, unless st I can move cmuld make life boantiful some I Sad It• • thin will go if 0, i0,131). ;.to annual meeting 5115 LOW at Ow( ,,, N,. y„rt, aged to yew.. child, mid 1 eau sick of it. What Ls before g wrong. And the Hall itt Verna, on Tuesday 7th inst., when The Imperial Parliament nnanininnalY me f The achot,le 1 Bahl A duutde.m.,,, .-eolieitors lime tteeu here with the the rearming officers were elected for thc voted • 1, ory of I:31.000 to the Princess aml the compliments due h the huller of Prue isions of his lather's .will. . \V le":0, 1 II 0..,ii 7, e,t... y,,,,Tuiy ibu...-pn,, Ile•,,...,m,,..1,i1,...,Its,. ;,,yo_. L., i au .u.1 4.4. of 1:6,000. positten as a country gentle:nut 1 I tell ten years, and ho promised to alter Glfe,' ra./.:....t 4 .'.."*""r ''' A ',hat tikm7 was caught near the °sti- nt). college. AnJ then to drop back on ale have denounced them as emote tor it ee 1 wt tieil• •-•,. .L... ...,.........0 ; it.st;,,,,,, you that 1 am utterly asek of, and that I but he has not dents in. Your Father,- "s'""" memo.. y uf Carom . The utterly loathe, lay whole future career - titlig was very largely atteitiled and Mordsunt, says the estate won't carry the From this moment I give it up. For memost harutoniuus. lawyer's expenees, if Robind don't 'move. to drop back on to Oxf,ed honors and tt vII ..ti. groat" nunn„iinn ea, OLIN esON• turnips -Ill have nuns ••1 it. Vivo Is Re"volution am for Intl/a." c,er known., ne..-- Hu!" sd old Myrdaunt. "You 'Hut who chais Eolant's estate?Itasr-A few Jaya ago au_ itemeet going w neglect the estate which God has asked Ethel. was held on the body of James Balk will, given into your hands, to go a 139m$3, ......„ .0 All. G • •ii A t Ei Loreto "1 iineotind mind, aged alatott- no an ray, sal un eauor bucklering among half -armed natives, are I rubbing, Ler tiose• ' seventy, who had vrandellhd away from his you I" - home near Exeter. and a week ago Satur- 'I suppose that is about it, put youir1- 'Allan Gray l' said Ethel, 1. nee‘sis day stayed at Rattenbery's hotel here. Ile heard of hiw. ' And who're the witnesses left cause dey which was a very cold one, "And about Karat nowt" *.id yob, to his claim 7' and was found' ou the following Wednete way," soul Roland. Mordsaint. "I Meek you said that he '1 OM Oftrry to isay that I mm one,' day on the farm of Mr. Samuel Crich, amid his thirty thousand usassina. Bali 3iise Evans. 'Old Mother Gray and Tuck ersmith. Dr. Iteeve held an Invest and Mr. Manning of Exeter, who chanced • .3""i'mfet Kt . ... I f ' 11 his species 7. I Your father says it is a lie from hr.:inning Italli will was nt inium, went over and idenit- - - of the reou Johnny; yon don't itiviiii tigel the holy, winch wait •reinoved by the it.'buld eel " Yen IWO travelling out ' to ced -but your father is your tattier.' ' Will-Eel:ma helell- a beggar r asked.' friend. ,,n the f dlowtreterhtyr-Vene,- se the every thing. 'I will lie duel' here and ge ' Ethel. "-__.. ...r.=_. third care Ift death frees Geld in this_vici- And he went to sleep, and honest John ! 'I don't know seem. meevere,' said nity this winter. • tu sleep." Mordaunt watched him and said, bowEvan'. *HD wort luors so). FEARFYL ACCIDENT -OS Tuesilay,about tihte to tune. Poor lad . and so 115 111.5 mo y. isn't'', out just like James. You never ' il.Dat a .1,Lndia thing that will be for sou of M -r David Hemet., cattle buyer,thet11 1 „ , know what is in them. It is the Nurse 1 hini l' said Ethel. ,‘i• eh it gill h..; it i„ with R sad arid prebably fetal accident 1"P l` matted. blood. 1 wonder when this unreasoning i making of hi,: f 1 ad of Ininher passing over his leg, , turned oat iu the streets. ..Instel Le Haleri• 111?m kWh Jalv. 1070 sw9ht SOW Wheal 1.110 world gets between them Elearor. 'Well, perhate oes ; am or. consolbttion en -the cue; and &invitation Rut 110a rays i'rerideut Grant for II • so. a little boy about five years old, 11401 near this winter. The l'anada Weeleyan Methodist Idis- ainory society, T,;routu, are "'king for an ect luee•rpuratiou from the Dominion Parliament. The stylish slipper for gentlemen is made of fine black cluth, with s light em- broidery in gold. The assassins of Gen Prim have been 115 c•Ivered, but their named' are meantime kept secret by the authorities. It is thought they were in the pay of persons in high °dine' positiou. • • • GRAND DISPLAY. or NEW AND FASHIONABLE 'DRESS GOODS Assoitmsnt Unusually Xa.A.rt.C3-33.1. N EW reetie Siert owe (rum $TO (11011 Na.W class Piasda I0c to 110o ire yard. NEW halts ets elets-ilentatireal rftdo NEWSeree.t. leepps At Lustre NEW Murk Isnatris lie to 180 e. • iset• NEW Murk Silks irons 610 eta. pod. NEW alk Poplin Dresses pricer A. S P1 1. ES 01 seas -lei Amine la from to rem.. PILES we Flukey Fansineta from trot...mud PILES ut from Ide liar; of Woul e Mau is Crone SAW neck PILEs of nod Blankets from $1 pen. ALL GOODS SOLD 1: trlf -ilk • • •••;••••• • • THE LITTLE WANZ ER. • 'THIS LITTLE FAVOR ITE 15 THE F kMILY SEWING EVER INTRODUCED 11110 WORIN MOST COMPLETE MACHINE. AVERICA ()EUROPE • ..1""s" r '41 • t I _._ TO SELL 1 ralluttztaeLittiL4a•Ltu.n../,_,4 ,r4 Wens nlyila old Xaseet 0=h war - • u$$$ koelbeoel, 5. tato let s • • orytm i „mix,: , ....,.. Maly seam Ake tension I.) I ,p.., aro ciaorod. ton ontoolh...E.swee its • - kerne awl UMW. a Waiving cre , 51111.40 „. IdeektridInue ova tenser, to. , nal not ) reeebrwlee. Fut further pelIblette• apply rd. pnrnilow. TO SAN liatilik•V•0 aftd 1111. Sothrt AM IASI, leis, ene it Is 'LANDS FOR SALE AT BAYFIELD. I II;IrMe '1"r: jilt i' ii,!..:,`.A.!!.,1 V .P.:+,',7; • .1-pia....:77::....1,,u,".1:1::11:1[;,',,,:T,....:::0;t:::,.1,,:;:1:71y:d.11:1...1::tir....1y4.1.0..1..:47::.:r.i. j":.14.4::::::..e.:r"it.a....7.:6.,7:::....51. ... ' eelrent rout plux4 on toromdm ur tire Hui...11y • blab • ,. le AoatuLls4r.10.•• au ,••,1. ottail 111-1.1,..ettAtoki T,,,,..42...L..‘.1.:1,.....t. 7. 110111•1105410 eons a ern nvenot tanker Lod, raw 0 441 5., tlel'47:'"t,11 '57, 1.1° 117....a ' Hl.. . . a • torus ma S....eaor:::0.041:ral r.spoyA47.014,..:7,...wii,:ird.8,4.,:oimsurimal,letir..ate:.srulcur.:4...4611abg.te,„.. • .. 530 A BAROALN. (AVER 15,000 FAMILIES HAtE BEEN SUPPLIED WITH THIS MACHINE "-s uithin the but two veers, end have mule for themeelves heaketif friend', and tat 4 Icin an indiomftos Ide art c.1.• Mft lotto. aro ptrrcniar4 br enemies of eeelety Wukic•t leruser'o N ins and thortilturs to Ilse (0night) au/ 11041 I wallies ct mak/ .1 t re im •••ri • g 'NAT.A.1\TZEll Is Sat simplest, ,.,II,(,, the greatest variety work, la mere mull, motored. leso irable 10 got ad of mi.,. end Oeep, Miry{ (leer, 11.0.....er, 16.11 lee Ina, Onller. itrublIghier • •114. Oil Cos 611.1 with senor runs IV., thou any ••ther Shuttle orreh g iftlhoura• lured tr.') Mer lose le wll, Tu king 001114.5. Nrotlento...414pfte1 tantel,sua Plow.' Inn.. non no hat 04ruablc an) (1.11545(41144 554 lq' 111. •• 016 OD itaared Harbieekie leoualed oe Ruble /lab, mei perked Lee *est 11Ule 01101)..04 soe (es selsol FARM FOlt SALE, cv• Clear 111(11. 1.11 soh .0 fur gnat unr 1111.11 .4.. • met tko masa/J.4ml 14ttu infthok at mut pri ncomi I1(Il-0(4 +111111751 I.umIer 11 SeApt".1'6); o" ‚.011011 MCI( haUt TWIll,/ AT LOWEST CASH PRICES R. B. SMITIL Owlertels Ms Oct.. Ind Auction & Commission. SHOW ROOL18-64 KING STREET EAST. AGENT AT GODERICH Veistralslialted Sitio:T-2s Hamilton, Aug. 30t11, 1870. ABRAHAM SMITH, MERCHANT T A I L.04R. GODERICH &CLIN ION Naos R. M. WANZER& CO, . Lai 24. C014 roormaii. Gederich,"etniusinisso 80 acres ubtott 55 ocrcteleired, • truer cowling UUESe lth Mk GROVE ten, nines •b mut limk, efttar us the senftnesig, Ilittnag Noce, turn Foe,. Iv 91,111.01, ear eaor bairees.. . Boot. rent, Dein Erman Frelt Nerietze .00111.51.a) mune tram. barn Itnall Cwt. Melies slit loon.' 7 fr.. SW Suburb Gooi atieboodi Of IA wa Au • aenot root tee. sew mull escizsiost_V :C*Ni7:ieks'ittna"rtelleglaisme. se wUrr .14= mur he bad rnw &WM Allay w Juno mina sue, Iraq ,01. PrOW1110.111 01 l“ IL • TILES MK land 0111.0. Goderlde Goderieb, Are 11, 1470 1.30 • LAND AND LOAN OFFICE. • FACTORY -CORNER KING AND•CATHARINE 17111111111, HASILTON, ONTARIO. S4.1'52 1.1•11,3=ylia, an= POrtu"itv e"weCr; 1%.9%16- • wale y Money edranced on Properly Les rintnetkAle- 84';r1"611.:Z".:4171.471/: Wind a: y elle Ode- •nti co ed lbranghottl the couety, They skin hides in Buenos Ayres by 0.M.I. ttU EMAN'S Anct•es Mut, " pumping cold sir Iseteeen the skin and • stmt.. easiareselloilenela &oh. A miuute per hide is the time re- NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF. -A ireii .,-,;;-,41...eux,ell'IrEuir.- ---Imazatisalials- 14 last. whit lee some yielded 250 bar - At 07 le F. IS 1111111611k GIVE% nut the 5'u tunship TWO Itier .1,...... li....neent. s_..leaaParti tat Z5. .13. - • i A %111,E acres heiniging t' Parson arm said Thee sou...), ..1 gyint• !navy ,..I 'remote. . . eueluerese a...t...a. mt. Mu duo/riled b744111441 . esureent * Ail aside oft Mg to the sold Pertnerobtp In limlencb • When die St. James Hotel; Ottawa, ,..I.A be (wadi wo OlOoltO0 C.1.11'11.) 4:Lib:lb:III! 1.7.% burnt d"wni tile 114° J"s"Pli "°w• u°11,1th:eili"1117i7.Z.,(5`);i11:' =.;< v. I for the unfortunates rto asettioerge Cede, by oboe) UMW IMMO Val be Berserk strain in it will be bred out, 1 ng, our I aid Antis...Dm_ , above the knee, and ernelong it 111 1)1101.'1 brse teti!ion said to be "doe* at we shell bare peso. it 11,0001in' Wants niaki d f _cots 51cMiirelim and Reeve aro in ConsameretallloteEllitelswl MON and their 55311.R. lint fancy Roland go- )o 15 a beggar, he don't ourue of a beg- „iii be performed if the chikl emsbear protectiou from the exterminating Cana. iug kterserk 1 1 would noveriave therm- ging sort. Ile sha'n't want umney The father has been telegnsphed to Chica dins. 11, lrOHN RIC115-7 Proprietor-. VOW -it -01I od of that." though, eve') ir 11.0. to rob Edde. But go. A universal feeling of sympathy im em- The Chicago Tribune wants Canada I .ereeceee bestCoontry Hetet '11 West% Eddy ehall give it to him. I don't ap Peet...eel 'ward the afflicted parents and • oot to be !oiled 'span u a "set of imbecile JniswiitTid„.7477,04apeZto"wiwr. ZVI." :44.71,,,,H57.01 the poor little child. It is •an oppertune CRAFTER XXIV. col.' tie. " sod cuunaels mag- pm Horses Humes end Carriages for Nadi ea prove of Roland, iityselt,, I allow. And , peak of the dangers children run . , not for all the Rolauds oa earth shall 1. 10 i 't 'aid treatment, fair midst -- Ilse tet The inners) was over a woollyxscal 2.1.- Eddy lie one many 1 jil in our mildip streets from furiouftzdoicarekti land .." ID pesmisigar de_ eau: .• • . Inse dnvim end MAW( Intiliftirk• •41Ct°' " Itamia-iia.v.-.Taivamssaa7'"" "re "u" *kw)" denr. if thing"' Parouta aboubLiensibt. .0, id, . wrong with Roland. 1 hate BO, bul rare bageterm-sheigha..mig "hereby they This gm. Lirogoing; beam., an they pa-'. 1 *•1 work int; the pig busi would prevent neeideets 1,411 1110 entwine, aorta of things had to be done which could nem to mike 1 t, to Eddy, if 'bugs go and annoyance to the farmers p• . And would not be done without him; the will had to wroa, •i•la Rol d. Eddy sha'ut suffor it not be %venter our chief utagistrate .rd- er be preyed, among other things, for which tb o tables to keep a strict watch on Roland was necessary. Mn Evans, being in a state uf iinbectle grief, was of no nee whetever. The family solicitor took the will orer to Aunt Eleanor, at Pulverbatch, and saked Dat advice as to what they were 1. do, no answer being procurable from Roland. Aunt Eleanor told them it was no business of hers, and vianted to knout what they would take after their drive.- Itsland's actions were becoming 7e17 eccentric. The @elicitors askid, "Could ah.' give them Roland's and she answered, 'Mord bless you, no." And the solicitors departed. Aunt Eleanor had her trusty ally, Ethel Mordanut, with her, and sbe told to her a deal more than she loia to the o tilieitotm These two, no simpiltirly afht in Char- acter, but so far removed from one an- other in years, sat before the fire, in El Evans's room, at Pulverb3teh, and Ethel knew that Aunt Eleanor was going to tell something, because she was ma eery moos. 'Get some wine and water, child, and let us go to bed. Don't sit there looking so ridicnlooalv kendsome. What have you done with your beauty, child 7 It is • rift. Have you done any thiug with it 7 If so, what 7' 'Much the same as you have done with you'., Miss Evans," auswerad 'Nothing.' 'Thst ie pert ; don't be port. Eddy is pert : but I allow him liberties which I should never dream of allowing to you. LOW you ever get it into your head that you were • great fool r ,1 have thought so for a long tint,: and have thought that, in spite of all you have said to me, you encouraged am more as fine a fellow as any who feught in my folly than any one else.' 'Are you going to give up your folly Ts Waterloo. But all this was insufficient A Wieconein man, who was bitten by • 'No, Miss Evans. There aro some for him, and his future was fairly before small dog, three weeks ago, became sp- follies which we cannot give up. 1 sup- hits now. Ile hated it. And the prehensive of death by hydrophobia, and, pose that you ore the only one who knows man who had mettle hint hate it worse citodayert that catastrophe, commated am - in any way ' 'Row )cin lora Ed4T 1. udd Ethel, ;. thou who drive 'furiously thrittigh our " main streets, or teat o their teams untied, a wondering way. and bare theta fined onee or twice, as a 'You must love something, and I love i gentle reminder that the by-laws should hitn,' said Aunt Eleanor, suodeoly• 'I ' not be infringed 1 Something IMould be have "urea of suppressed love in my done, or not a winter will pass witheut heart, •ud 1 have given all that I could serious acetdents. -Nee Era. _ . _. spare from the Dean of St. Paul's, and • Iron, you, and .froua your brother, John NILII.-On Thursday, February Oth, 31ordauut, to Eddy. And 1 promise you there was a grand Orange demonstration that there is p.neions kink int, for joiv!lell.1 in the Uniou Hell. in this village, Studer the auspices of L. 0. L. No. 1.052, three to divide among you.' _ - notwithstanding the storm thet was , raging, the entertainment (051 11 grand CHAI'l'Elt XXV. seaway About li o'clock p. no. the people THAT Rolled behaved likes fool I du began to gather from all parts, and in a not deny. Iled he made mush • fool of sport time the hall was crowded to its at. himself at thirty, ho would not have been most capacity. Shortly atter seven, re - worth writing about. But lie was only fresbutents were served in the hall. The twenty-one. nronbers of L. 0. L. No. 3t3 were all I aur nut excusing him; I ant exeusiog present. The Hee. Mr. Jaokson, of myself from • charge of improbability. Lucknow, end Rev. Mr. Smyth, or Itoland was • very., xtrsordisery young Goderich, entertained the audience with_ man.. 1) 11. bad nut be.en, we would not addresses nn Orangeistu. After the mull have told this story, but anuther. ooinpliments the Band played "Got Save the Queeu," mud the meeting closed. lie WeS sick alit all. Ile hail looked ••••••••WI • 1111101414, 501 mutual respect s' Amen D. 19.1870. VOTE EARLY AND VOTE 01 TEN. THE COMING ELECTTON; 4i2EAT EXCITEMENT 1 -I, .• . • - • - -• .f.1., otc mutate the r. ••• .•,•• 1.4 • I. • 1,•••: to nog preparad kr. cf. •L I • • • O. ant Clothing Ilcum 04, 11 cr Tor••••t • • Th• ..• .r not twin asked ter ran 4.4 .r .••••• • col.rish cone. orun't 1,111 . Fo.i..1• • to. run Me Lugo mak • •••••pl• -t • st .1•••• Overvata st arch pros eiu .101• •••t• 'I' be I.4111i1115 pInteee for I. Pat. ries° s bent Abra- ham op.,,t..-nommtnnntitag row a, te 9 p. re_, awl oatmeal liatithutler melee O lastiesamagusiewes weenolise 74111 118411, Trio resat% fur Ilret-alftwoVt7Sciti 115.110. Aloe er.00•Ory, the omit no ontinver. Abraham Manials, Werebost raw 11 1(.51 &or Ire A Hermes be.role blare Markel 11" 1100 . 'N. 0 -lf Nom 11.0e14 tele. year me. ' S serum h otwe , ter GREAT DISCOUNT SALE tow•••••••• _ ..4,17111.E r•c• r 113 G. 11:13MIrri.-• CP FL ...10 OFFER THEIR. ENTRE S1'301E OF FOR SALE. 120 ACRES OT-SIISE LAID II oney Lend on Mom j7 o so los rate. as can le ol•totmd 0115 10. Leads bueebt awl ntl. Ten. .o4 blase. sale. Sale* of Canada Company'. IA. doe4.04 .04 Areal 14.4s ut Laud. man et the allk • .11 0.. 4115. wawa. - Vs( Week, 1przzra-. razor_ •• /ftly_ ...^.514 170 11 YIRST CLAW4 500 0" liCTATE, MCI% /1 Pastor turner Ilowesuol new. by Seker lee ..1. 0 Mot Z. WA.% Peoefeele met ma. r . 'sweat 11,1.1, 1' bangs Hotel •atteru.b. Stb Atlanta, ISTO Ill -- READY MADE CLOTHING /11551IIT flYrnT.SININST WILES SAWS .0.*44404. 00947 'Ir. Etat Mar, warm wessip--. • Goatee' ItSmr, 11170 earl -AT-TEN p Eft CEN_T DI_SCOUNT YAltat r°31/"X" . ••••-nw-sv. Jo. TT P rol.WORNE NW AVOW, - -- L$1111 dem& end dwelling Ways. hew Walk dem Mirk. tow 0:4. 61.). $.wel bent HURON ;10TUL. LADIES' AND GENTS 10UN PRANG, ••• Proprietor. T TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT. 0.rhtitt=P21:61," wilb "5" 5.51."....." 81•110.1V. a" "."Kasta COLBORNE 110TEl„ CODERICH. E. ',MARTIN, PropritISOT. Room. God ACCOMmodationd. Ample Stabie Just received, a third 'lot of Canadian shirts and Ladies' Hoods, Clouds, Sontags, Breakfast Shawls AT TEN PEE CENT DIfft•Ot N7'. SPECIAL MAINS IN DRY GOODS (tie Thie is admitted to bo a First clam home hop" ise-Goeil Stile. ingest 1111r. ISM ewl.tf Notice to Debtors. A LL P11571101 I 0 PF.RTYP THF LATE FIRMS /1 of lbehlwon• Yew. ae.1 Howell, en. 5.Id 55 Witte up wit% moult ur tufo, Tiot Ile •. avid semwOodll.a. altar that •rairoll ...MAW M111 be seed. • Wo. RODITInnN - (Iodate\ 11 Dee. let Salt & Flour Barrel at, it, all and it seemed that there was There was a brilliant welding in Soli,,. 14. 00 PS. not one spark of teeth in it from begin- •113t, the ether 41!, and all parte . ning to •nd. His qualities were,• sharp, useournied the happy couple to tile do - clear brain, a powerful, well ordered body pot, 5 erre the new husband tenderly ludo h , 11 for tte tune and she and a never-oeasing, longing fee excite- ment and power over his fellows. As started off un a wedding tour with her At Greatly rednced Rates of Interest. 11 011113. The gentleman's Misoissa would if I f i b bee t this *easel of - - MONEY TO LEND silent and as beaut u as a nx but w rnitt his a nee a ne all the largeheartedness of the any -the the year without incerring poosible losses T fr.„....,'.':.:..,T,',".7,!'"`:".`1..".,`,7,7,7,:',1:"."t animal who can not be taught ellas die and losing important business opportiiiii- tot 1,,,,,•,• . ... ,. , - ,,„„,,,,,,. tinettoos. He had been ()Hen excited by ties, and ho believes in attendiug to Misi- 110i1r10E EIORTON his fatheesermy stories; they had warmed nom, before Pleewurs• en enthusiasm which needed no warming; evening shoe I Pr riii.er for the it'si nada Per. sod he bad tried to reduce them to The latest novelties Sochi y . of Toronto. practice by boateraoing. When h3 won for ladies telt areeemede with glt. huh" nr"" nt "'Wiling & "wing. and very great deal of gold embroidery , wh the University sculls he thought himself over the instep and 111 40110 t,o the toes. INSURANCE CARD • nu pc ••• • 1 anything of mine. You lave never be- than any olio was little Sir duper Mere- e. 11.3014 510 7' dith. Florence, Feb. 14.=' -The Chamber of the 'Child, child I you have betrayed your- Sir Jasper Meredith had a very strong deputieshaa approved of the policy id the self • hundred times. Child, where is Inv., an almost feminine love, for RolandmieiltrY relative 10 th. inri°14biditY of the mirl of hie, which poor Jim cut from Roland was in a waylltis go •. The litil • the Papal residence,. Where is that curl r bad a large brain, and so he used to lie AtheadluDtr • copoitraionNfo.iFinrednrcoc hr op bldpiiicin Ihne his held, and sent to you snin • letter 1 man amid make no physical effort, and 'It is in my dna.. Ras Jim betrayed and dream. And he need to lie end onyi it ono be eared by inhaling hartahorn. me 1' ..---......---, dream of all be mould do if he W1111) Ro- The inhalation by 111. 0050 should be seven • , dear' • obi on told me the land - and mofeorer, what he would sot or eight time in live minutes.. whole business yourself, you know. You do if he were Roland. And he came te Saturibiy night Iiiiilieen elinstM 'by W. bis encrgiell I), tbiaridiculonsbost-rseing, York tiltra-fashionables as reeeption night. Fli Shn is the name "f tb+ "11001 "f the 11011SE ORGANS, I - really ehould remember. Du yott love him the °occlusion that Roland was wasting MELODEONS, 'Yee, Miss Evans.' and put the matter before him emeriti Chinem deities, hut his name got reversed _ . Piano Stools, dio.• &43 , x u.__0__ stili r• thought he did I'd say so' hut I don't which -was quite another. Buoz (la_nal SU0001111. R. TmS. .W0 . tl!... tl: nl.. tit , NI, Arn 08:,.. 4C. ?h.: D;;Tmo; :tio.0 sr r 0. • trni17.74Rillbe:',tb'f.n.el:i.;11:"IAr.":11tt:T4yrni'"nt.til i 7: :::::::::Ine"": , kv. A7T......1:47.11. you. you know,' said Aunt Eleanor. 'If I but he prorated lloland's eareor for him, , A Ilaamfartar01 br the celebrated RIM or 611113h it, and so I won't 911 it ; and yeti '31y career I. said Roland to him. 'A The Saes Canal promises to torn out a led and MOW for Top• OWN wire, W she didn't do what hit told Ire silly. Belionie, 7011 gay. 1 maid ,lo re:eipts from tollsif6or twit., 7,,,..,.1, tirof Irliaseceomf rrtyl 15 undersigned toc.. r,.. 1.11,,,g,„ 0,0, g. 0,,, I.;„,„, • l'retaitildtsch."...bert"tr,italf:•hd6171.;migub.r°7:M.tibytilltr7li. 1 eppnleteel wont IcrIluderich rind the annul/01ns "u"...rfflUM*1,.%11,47,1, ,P,,js1,:mr* *coftoine•PpetP rprretor are well out of it. Isord belp that man's brave one foe • man like me I Jasper, you remunerative investmcnt. The revenue -...--- her l' well there -and then ? Look at' (supply iler annenied to 5 0, . meetly Ot the Al., Ill.t1) ...i•111•fr4 AMW. oot lo pre• . •• ,,_...m. - • 'Roland is very gentle,' said Ethel. the name for yourself) 'Isendlorl ? Why 1,05 illion (1.•Pare re triy. an in me top- beta ed te ull .11 o•11.1.-• made by them at • ". '''"" ""1"' quality, that or silence. Ile can hold his 4)50, my teniper is not sufficiently good, pat on•z• the Suet route more khan tiny ''' doll•rs. The ship °entre of 0 t Britain ..711.Aelliaw..11,14,47.:1:..t..w:,114,7.47,......,,i,,ES• er'onr.,7".-1^(( 4...h L'I''' .1.1'505 " finny an experelituro el forIVIlliore of .rle Ire "Yes, my dear ; but he ha. • terrible eny one maid be that. Megistrite ? DANIEL GORD0N..". ."'"" ". 10". toogm for dart and days ---------4torstmy prejudices are too strong. I Other mitjut in ,,,,••gogagg, of iiteir large woman into eithet utter subtuission or every thief. Chairmen of einarterme Rollo recently made the p•sasee from mg u o grand jar), 'Get your idiotie businees over so you can, sod let turd out of this.' 7,6ostikt deepening the canal proceeds vigor- , you boiro of ,...,..:ido...1.14,..etn‘ tolOttrottn. evmr.:.:inu.riahotr,tr. And to the rity jury, thundering idiom, if you Fit there in a leseepa, the projector of thecanal, is shut up The SuluerN f • .1 r•r the followIng lindftleew 'neurone.. ' ii niece pip 110 0 F.1.11•1.1. DRAWERS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE. J. DETLOR & CO. Guilerieli, Jan. 7.4th, 1,71. buying 1 cell • qu. IT U 11 N hat it wt et Ofti,frno fcr mi. at low -wont. Apply (.7 I/ tter 1amphell liru, Dos , otroi .1. wr6.6-41-, %Afore, oreery Steam Engines oft Sale Cheap. N F. 15 bone power, Dearly new by Waternne ad Reartfonl nos Engine and holler are attached Il 11A1115•••it 1 ,1 it ,,,,,i together ao I are In perfect working:order t prl•••• 7025. PIP A 1'.• 1.1l. • 7 i.,4".4, (11,e Ill h,5 purer with detached troller has been IlltITINII AM, Il14,.(, ni Yonontn. ft oml eery little, price 16816 1 do 41.1 1•10.01.1 1.1,er hy Heckel of Eftnr•tne juice 5200. n,••• row. - Fire so ltlarlite 1•111,4114. does at the lowest .in b.' 4"11**".11.14'40 'h " 1?" ‚.l4' l'ne.* to'n.0 *tea ere In no roomer% Inferior te new. Por nutInt-/ UORACE HORTON '' 'Office Market Square, fltlerkh. ‘11°'irlY:i'h. D'' 19th 10'11 j• a KILLFY. blaelsit.1•1.0rolerlfl• .60 -57 -- Sept Nth, 1670. w345 -1y• VALUABLE TOWN & PARK LOTS FOR SALE. if 'FM PIANOS "0"1 ;on tn.Tirftwhop or tuttwerli4. uw,11,031.4411;5gle rd the • 'tkiiiwoo, 9 tiodertch, FOAM. IATL 'I don't believe he ear's twepence fee &sans of times ; whieh was one matter ; Farm for sale.. CliTJRCH ORGANS, in Americas. GOI/Elialln Gist puha, will madden a highepirited should omelet every poacher, and let off (nide with China and Indio. The steamship Goderich, Aug 15, IVO 1 furionarebellion ; 11 1. a toni•p which. sions 3 My dear Men. 1 should sly so the Gmvuend to Calcutta Within Ibtrly five days, 'Is that so 1'said Ethel, only ha • r I outs The understanding her. 'Tem it is so,' said Aunt Himmel., It1,4 ; 'yes 'aril. anderstand, of nearer. ora over believed jos oonld ; but row after your hvat verdict. I II shy some. to I tote Eddy MIL Ihr told me of it fine; Eddy I thing *1 (011 ;' 11111 that wouldn't de, you . - - slays that when they are in for on. of' , know. I don't rank the intelligence of Children will imitate their elders. A num 48ain. little girl, with A howl niverrl with heron- thnse idietie boat -rues, he never knows I ray eel:Internee high. Roland s Wietwel us ty IP . slum ia farlitls Eddy to .Pk, nalese loose bit 1 with my rape.; ; but four , tnether the leiter exclaimed, with 'surprise wider orders. And stain, here 1.. tett" !thousand pound'', yon know. Lithe dear 'Mary, whet have you been dente with ham a "mania ()gen.,' 0„. shoat hilt , MA dad would tell us what he spent, it your hair 1' To which she responded that Item Meaner, is imports, (hi a a ps,.,„ . yo, kn". . v mi. g idy Yes did sot knew your father, di 1 you 1' 4tirlineeli ha knows Eddy 1 'your Roland "Ns,' "I'l Mir imPmr• Not Mother ? Theo you don't know Ils emes I , ibk Hints when 111,-•••••••aet him; 0; Owes i• soma 1,14 Illist 4 1.' A Toe mean their death /' fel cuts went away by herself one dot til • o off mil 1Jasper as member of Parliament. I am *l) int .11 etraeg aha her • would be nigh twelve thonsinds poinde she had cut it offend IMit it away in her hoz ; hut that also Wooded to put 111 051 again to -morrow, we Amit Nancy did I Th. clergy of Sas comity', with owe Atirrti .11.• (wt.. wo Whansfllsrurc. a te.e., nit with the 11 ••• 11,,,,, kl! _.6110 Ms. a I Z.1.1.1rdluitt,;,..n.h.h,„". onegregation hay*, 411011Mfflese,' us there is in Alias Gray's. ',In, 1 don't! in the tanst fd 10077 nISOOler, 011/MpOil- Aetet Eleasior„ elhbinf hoe ogee 'Toe come into eight dimmed a tie Ittni to receptive • Dahill' f •T the prose w30 FRESH IlYSTERS bit; Ja • r fnu or.). wh:617212'2•T O. .A.• 8 ttiTeUkr. ems. m ess sio, ourroupool M:th Doe of; 'Ai'd id "" Ow" 444Wiir 1111 pent) bmlt.y=10 Nrelholutuete timers 1' • Go•(lok, ass• WM ems? eadesessid. oraiswrir. _ _ C bILNALT. August 15. 1570 ViLLAGE LOTS FOR SAEE IN BAYFIELD. T IS ants/craft, otrer• Icr .0'•• oUr• •WU/ In A1 tla 0004. or flat 01.110 pr.101.8 ate • . -1 fr •••• 4 • • Aillka, 5114 t•41017. poetic...Ant apply lc _ JOIINICROOK. ••7/1t Jely INA 1570 Farm for Sale. I Oro 53 and 54. Ksykld con-groo,a, 511 me 14 Toweelve ol thole...eh Conut rung 51,serve, • ut thew uree .04 arm ftWerod w.11 1,0.1 40510. Here, end Lof House, stow. ft Mile/ froot !Moe. For ern. ul sole app., Itt !Le Myles. (boort w•fte et “oloileta,„ 1..• itt. Wltalilkitt TON Lot the prertosee. Gbderich, Aug 15, 1,70 iv* FARM FOR - SALE ONTHE BAYFIELD GBATzl. HUD. wen 11(90, IMO ennnu•isn Modern+ Town•h•p 16Yr 11-#4••••••• steakealars artered. • 50r1 Is14s.- creek S. through the 1..1 Th. Art 1.• ..5 th• Grate! rue/1.1.st Smile. ft cr, Su Men rof Gob - rrl• h. Thalami u 11. 1. tiny wm. lw If tr." .414 1•144. .11001 or fruit eon lli• lot 5111 11 N I) 1 cry unna. 1....0,1••1,41 NM NI nr portlentem and tense. away te IS 5.5R/0.0e or L., J. SO V1/6051. Genner. • Oodorieh, Aug 15, 1070 w30 ; STEiti'viENtilgeWORKS 1 . R. RUNCIMAN, 'IANUFACTURER OF GRIST & FLOURING MILLS, Maley ana Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and toilers, Thrashing Machin es, Sepe'rators, ic,r,..,fy I 7'rs worn, Drag trots vets, • IRON ADD WOODEN PLOUGHS! With Cut or Steel Beards, Drill Ploughs, Oang Ploughs; Cultivators, Land "biters, Strew cutters,- - Agmelteral Furnmes, Potash K.ttle , Sugar Rettle,s, Salt Kettle., Wagon and Pipe Demo, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, of the most improved kinds; Dress rulings made. and TlIsehemithe Work rind Repairing , done nn Ohnet notice. Call and see the STEEL SIOULD.B0 A RD PLOUGHS, ss vos car get one very sheep for Cash. Goderich. Aug. 15111,1870 w30 WAGON WiltRIADE A MERRY CHRISTMAS GODERICH .WOOLEN FACTORY, (KNOWN AS PIPER'S MILLS) INT CA- ILA I PI /1/4. fit CO INT S, - :0:- ROBINSON & CO., IIATF. Ph10-1711:RM IN :INTIMATING ,ritsr THEY ARE NOW SUPPLIED WITH ... eveitvriliso SUITABLE FQht'IIIE COMING ClIBISTILIS IND NEW TEAM einksmi, WHICH THAT ABA PIMP WU TO SELL CHU P. RESPECTFULLY intiniates to farmers and others that they are prepared to fill ch 22 AA I's% t cze v ROLL 4CARDINC- MANUFAVI URINC. all orders hi • TH K Setae ohm would um...nee lo 40 pots- ' in of Heron •••11 0111061. lb" he .•""* "'•*- lifict swing EMI-.Iiea CarrIageo, Waggons, Sleigh% Outtcarae, ',loch ho• sold CH It A P CA5101.11 ..P AS:MORS, „ h, Aog l'. 1,39 w30 Cloth Dressing, Custom Spinning. Dyeing, Satinetts, Fulled Cloths, Winceys, Flannels, Blankets On the short -ere notice. Parties wishing 50escheats their wool for good home made triode, will Ihei it to their interest to give um a .all. u we are eatieSed we have the gnmix you relnire. Perties coming from a distance with wood to get carded may in nearly every eimanee rely on getting their wool home with them the same day. our ir,L WORK WAII.RAIfTELI, Gearerieli Woolen Factory, I I 11114zap 40cts, 60cts, Irstrts and 51.00 TY I 'I' S. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF VALENCIA, LAYER, & bEED- LESS RAISINS Is poen?. OF CT7 ERA- NTS FOR 81,00 '1"57o^"•70*•••••,....-,. 131..04. Re •11117., Con PIEELO of all NoliDeg GOOD AND CHEAP. Cr A large smantite of salt water Herring on hand. Yu ftrirtat awl Cloquet Mork Of Crontery In town, Goderish Dm. 13th, 1870. swam ' GUINNES'S ane ULEBRATUUBLIN FLIP,1 16114•11TEtt 11111-T 01105 1.110 IISIOCF1t TER MOM GRANT, CRUM, WEST SIDE SOU ARE, GoDuttut. PRICE ONI.V $1.75PER DOZ. BOTTLES AN EARLY CHI SOLKITED. To be Had I Wood Or Pottle HOTELS PROMPTLY SUPPLIED. 0c -deride Sent. 23,1870. sist0-tf MRS. YS' 110TEL nu.Nt 151* 4517005 rmee41,„ r o R 0 E.REATNNEAliikTs....4„. modal ton tor the travelling nahlo. Wee:stet% Aug. 17, 1507. .11 .....swesswompro..., ••••••••MWSW 01440 4-