HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-03-02, Page 16Ply* 16 Tirnes-Advocate, March 2, 1972
A SLEIGH RIDING WE WILL GO -- Most weekends, Bob Tindall of Biddulph township is busy taking
area residents for old-fashioned sleigh rides, Sunday, a couple of Lucan families took advantage of the
horse-pulled transportation, Shown from the left are Mary Lou Tindall, Jack and Donna Foote and Kelly
and Jim, Anne and Ross Holden with Jane and Michael and Robert, Nancy and Bob Tindall. T-A photo
Growing continues
Phone 227.46'144 Correspondent; Mrs, Eleanor.Darling,
Area cattlemen attend
convention in Ottawa
George Eizenga
For expert, low-cost preparation of
Financial Statements and Income Tax Returns:
Farmers' income Tax Service
Box 35, Lucan, Ont. Telephone 227 4851
What is familysize
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The electrical industry put years of research
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Cascade Was the result—built by qualified
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Get the Cascade with the capacity that's
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Cascade, the dean, safe, efficient $ electric water
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Lucan boys to Jamaica
Comrades, as the years roll
along everyone expected the
ranks of the Royal Canadian
Legion to deminish. Here it is
over 25 years since the cessation
of hostilities and we continue to
grow much to the amazement of
everyone, that is except the
The formula of our success is
very simple-Service, yes,
Comrades-Service - Service not
for self but Service for others - in
fact our service within the
Community, the Provinces and if
you will the Nation, are so
realistic everyone wants a 'Piece
of the Action', thus our mem-
bership grows and will continue
to grow as long as Legionaires
keep remembering the high
ideals upon which our great
organization is based and the
Sacrifice upon which it was
Few people realize the great
impact Legion Service has
within the community. To sub-
stantiate the Legions claim of
Service the following represents
the results of a survey conducted
by our Provincial Public
Relations Committee for
Branch Youth Projects, including
Minor Sports, Scouts, Cubs,
Cadets - Annually $600,000.00
Branch scholarships and bur-
saries awarded since1950 $300,000.
Publicspeaking- annually $24,000.
Value of aging veterans housing
An ever increasing number of
young people are now actively
engaging in Ontario Command
Branches Service For Youth
programs which includes minor
sports during all seasons of the
year, scouting, guiding, cadet
Honor birthdays
at Sunshine club
Sunshine Club met at the
Masonic Hall Thursday afternoon
with 25 members present and one
guest, Mrs. Joe Carter, Clan-
Mrs. H. Bond Sr. presided over
the meeting and Mrs, 'P. Emery
Sr. social convener, organized a
This was birthday day for the
club; five members had bir-
thdays but only two were present,
CecilRobb and Mrs. Ivy Little. A
cake was served in their honour.
Lunch was provided by Mrs.
Mary Hodgson and Mrs. V.
chairman of the building com-
mittee for Victoria Hospital
which is planning for a $29,000,000
renovation and expansion, at the
Family and Childrens Services of
Middlesex he is Vice President
and at the Western Fair he is a
Director and member of several
In making his announcement
Mr. Recker stressed the need for
a member who is familiar with
all areas of the riding, an active
person who will get out into the
riding, someone without
preconcieved ideas. but who will
listen,learn the problems and put
forth the needs and desires of the
residents of the riding.
The Middlesex riding takes in
all of Middlesex county, the
townships of Warwick and
llosanquet in Lambton county
and about 60 polls in the north
east corner of London bounded by
Adelaide and Cheapside streets,
have the time of their lives. As
you already must know Timothy
O'McFarlane and the Cardinals
will by supplyin' the music —
Branch 540 will be supplyin' hats
befittin' the occasion and the
most generous portion of Irish
Stew at the conclusion of the
A word of caution however - if
you are intendin' to participate in
this grand celebration with your
lovely colleen - and to avoid
dissappointment - get you tickets
now - rememberin' there will be
a limited number of tickets for
sale - when they are gone that's it
- the committee are making
sartin' there will be plenty of
room for dancin' and celebra tin',
If you are attendin' get your
tickets now - none will be sold at
the door - admittance by advance
sale only. All we want is to be fair
- fore warned is fore armed.
Our branch sports program is
always available to be of en-
joyment to you. Comrades, all
your Sports Officer asks is for
you to participate. He offers
darts, euchre, cribbage, shuffle
board. If you desire any other
sport just make it known and
Comrade Sports Office will do his
best to implement it in his
And speaking of entertainment
Smilin Carl has entertainment
laid on for every Saturday Night -
This week who knows - Carl's
surprise — come on over and get
in on the fun.
And that's 30 for this week
remember - Many a person has
learned, to his sorrow that it's far
easier to run into debt than to
outrun bill collectors.
Young couple
is honored
About 50 relatives gathered at
the Corbett Community Centre
Saturday evening for a family
shower in honor of Nancy
Woodburn and Howard
Lawrence, bridal couple of this
Cards were enjoyed, after
which Debbie Windsor, niece of
the bride-elect read an address
and the young couple were
presented with many gifts.
Both replied fittingly, and a
smorgasbord lunch followed.
Saturday evening, Lorene
Mellin and Mrs. Barbara Wein
held a miscellaneous shower at
the home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Russel Mellin for Carol
(Brown) Sayeau, bride of last
Fifteen members of the former
young people's class of the United
Church were present to shower
Carol with many gifts and to
enjoy fellowship in games and
World's Day of Prayer will be
held at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Church, Friday at 2:30 p.m. This
service is for all ladies of the
Morley Eagleson of Waterloo
University spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. & Mrs.
James Eagleson.
Weekend visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Gordon Woodburn were Mr.
& Mrs. Bruce Woodburn, Wendy
and Linda of Waterloo, Mr, &
Mrs, Clare Woodburn and Lori of
Mitchell and Tom Woodburn and
friend, Gwen Schell, of Peter-
Maxine Luther of Kitchener
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Irwin
Mr. & Mrs. Selbourne English
were in Detroit a couple of days
last week.
Mr, & Mrs. Don Reid visited
with Mr, & Mrs, Russell Brown
Friday evening.
By the way: by the time a man
is in shape to buy his wife
beautiful clothes, she isn't,
Nearly a hundred people en-
joyed the Community Gospel
Sing held Saturday evening in the
Lucan Revival Centre,
Many of the young people of the
community participated in the
sing, A great deal of talent was
displayed by the quartet of boys,
a chorus of young people, and
several who sang duets and solos.
Mrs. Ray DyKeman, pianist for
the Youth, was commended for
her diligence in working with the
young people,
John Armitage led the
congregational singing and Mrs.
Armitage shared duties at the
piano with Mrs. DyKeman.
The festival singers of the
evening were Rev. G.H. Nunn,
his wife and children, Rev. Nunn
is general superintendent of the
Pentecostal Holiness Church of
Canada. The audience was
delighted with the Nunn's
musical presentation of the
Gospel of Christ.
Refreshments and fellowship
followed the sing in the
The Nunns also participated in
Sunday worship services. Rev.
Nunn preached in both services.
In his sermon in the morning he
said, "God is Mindful of man
because man is made in the
image of God. He is the
crowning work of creation and he
possesses a never dying spirit."
In his evening sermon Mr,
Nunn said that "all men have a
place in the Kingdom of God
because Christ paid the price for
them, and all man has to do is
accept the fact that payment has
been made."
Sunday afternoon, Rev. Nunn
spoke informally to a group of
young people in the Total Self
Centre. He encouraged them to
prepare themselves for service to
God and man in life by preparing
themselves through education
and a personal experience with
Jesus Christ.
Anglican Church Women met
in the home of Mrs. A. Hill. Mrs.
Roy Cunningham presided at the
meeting and Rev. R. Carson led
the Bible study.
Mrs, Evelyn O'Neil gave a
paper on the Women of the Bible.
She said that Jesus enhanced the
place of women. After the paper a
game was played then lunch was
Sunday at the service of
with her daughter Mrs. Eleanor
Appleton, London, Sunday.
Mr, & Mrs. T. Emery Sr. at-
tended the euchre party at
Woodham this week ac-
Township man
passes suddenly
Izake VanTiggele, Concession
H. London Twp., passed away
suddenly in St, Joseph's Hospital
February 23, in his 59th year,
He is survived by his wife,
Susanna Siesling, a daughter
Mrs. Harry (Johanna) Schlegel,
Toronto; two sisters and one
brother all in Holland.
He was predeceased by son
William in 1961.
Funeral was from C. Haskett
and Sons Funeral Home Saturday
with the Rev. Alex Simpson of
Bethel Presbyterian Church
officiating, Interment was in
Medway Cemetery.
The pall bearers were Bill
Bylsma, Arnold Nyssen, Jan
Pieterson, Bertus Kragten,
Donald and George Kennedy.
evening prayer the flowers in
the church were given in memory
of Mrs. Olive Mitchell, Mrs, A.
Hill presided at the organ. Next
Sunday, the 3rd in Lent, the
service of Holy Communion will
be celebrated at 12:30 p.m.
Sunday, Rev. W.C. Tupling's
sermon was entitled The Law and
the Life, based on the book of
`e He said today we are con-
sidering the relationship of sin
and the law. Do Christians really
need law? On the other hand, if
we know the law: are we not
obligated to keep it. Paul sees the
law in terms of reconciliation.
The best that can be said of the
law is that it is a school master
leading us to Christ. But if we
put our trust in the law we are
lost for the law can only condemn
it cannot save.
Announcements were made for
Learning for Lent Services,
Wednesday; World Day of
Prayer, Friday, with Mrs. Calvin
Carmichael from Bethel
Presbyterian church as speaker.
is celebrated
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott
celebrated their 40th wedding
anniversary, Sunday. Saturday
evening, their son Art, Centralia
entertained 30 guests in their
honour, Sunday they were guests
of honour at a dinner at the
Nordon Restaurant, London.
Guests included the bridesmaid,
Mrs. Harry Carroll and the
groom's best man Clayton
Other guests were Mr. & Mrs.
Art Abbott and family, Centralia,
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Tindall,
Wiarton; Mr. & Mrs. Clayton
Abbott, Paris; Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Carroll; Murray Abbott, Cen-
tralia; Mrs. Madeline Tindall,
Listowel ; Mrs. Cora Abbott,
London; Mr. & Mrs. Ken Brock,
Thorndale; Mr. & Mrs. H.A.
1Vlullins, London,
After dinner the party returned
to Lucan to Mr. Abbott's home
for a social evening.
Mr. & Mrs. Abbott were
married in Kirkton, left the farm
in 1967 and at present live on
George Street, Lucan,
companied by Mrs. H, Bond and
Leckie boys, Once more Mr.
Emery came away with high
Mr. & Mrs, Wm. Froats, Mrs,
M.H. Hodgins and Alec Younge
attended the Siloam Mission
Festival, Sunday. They heard the
Anglican St, Albians Choir, which
they enjoyed thoroughly and the
festival displays.
The Learning for Lent ser-
vices held at the Lucan United
Church for the Community
continues every Wednesday for
the next three weeks.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Patterson,
Lucan, visited with Harry Pat-
terson, Windsor, for the weekend.
Couples club
plan dance
The Couples Club met,
February 24, in the C.E. building
of the United Church with 16
members a two guests present,
Plans were discussed for a
dance early in April and further
plans were discussed for the
renovation of the old kitchen, to a
youth center and Sunday School
Worship was led by Mr. & Mrs.
Wm. Froats, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
Lockyer and Mr. & Mrs. Ernie
Ross. The theme of the service
was "Husbands and Wives". A
reading given by Mrs. Wm,
Froats on 'What is Home'.
A relay game was played and a
hymn sing was held. Lunch was
Plan open house
at Central school
Biddulph Central basketball
team report a win for their team
in a contest with Parkhill.
Attendance at school has been
down due to colds and flu. Pupils
are looking forward to open house
for parents, March 7 and 8.
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Reinforced by a color thickness 30 times that of spray
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As an introductory offer, the authorized dealer will
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This offer is being made to familiarize property owners
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Qualified home owners desiring to take advantage of this
special offer should call.
471-4921 Collect
Call now since offer is limited
229 Adelaide St. N.
London, Ont.
Gard. Hardy was the lucky
winner of a trip for two to
!Jamaica for one week.. He leaves
Monday with his brother, Tom.
The trip was won through
•Cliathatrt Hockey Club, the
Maroons, It was. .a year long
project and Cord had only one
ticket. He attended the Same
between. Chatham Maroons and.
Detroit Junior A's to see Steve
English, another Lucan boy, play
for the Maroons,
Marvin Recker has announced
his intention to seek the Liberal
nomination for the Middlesex
riding in the forth coming federal
election which is expected in
June of this year.
Mr. Recker is an alderman in
the City of London. He was first
elected in 1966 and re-elected in
1969 and 1971.
Born in Anaherstburg, Ontario,
he grew up on the family farm in
Warwick township where his
parents still reside and has
maintained his interest in the
family farm since moving to
London, An accountant by
profession and a member of the
Certified General Accountants he
is associated with Erne° Com-
puter Services as Director of
In addition to his aldermanie
duties Mr. Recker is involved in a
number of other activites-the
foremostat the present time is
corps, scholarships and public
speaking contests.
A truly wonderful ac-
complishment and one that we
can all be very proud of. Many of
our Branches spend a great deal
of money in our smaller towns
and villages providing parks,
play grounds, swimming pools,
ball parks, etc. Another factor
that is worthy of mention is the
increasing number of our
Branches who make their
premises available for Red Cross
blood donor clinics, meetings of
cubs, scouts and senior citizen
In addition to all this, branches
in the Ontario Command provide
emergency assistance to
veterans through funds raised in
the Annual Poppy Day Cam-
paigns approximately $250,000.00
In a thousand and one ways the
Royal Canadian Legion is
exemplifying the golden rule in
their day to day operations within
the community as they truly
carry out our orgaization motto
of 'Service Not For Self, But
Service For Others.'
Have you the qualifications to
become a member? If so contact
any member of our great
organize tionwho will advise you of
the steps necessary. Get A Piece
Of The Action By Becoming A
Member Of The Royal Canadian
Legion - go active - go Legion -
you will be glad that you did.
Comrades are reminded their
Branch general meetings are
held every second Wednesday of
the month - we are looking for-
ward to seeing you at the next
general meeting, which will be
held at Branch 540 on Wed-
nesday, March 9 commencing at
8:30 p,m, sharp.
This is your branch comrades -
support it and your elected
representatives with your at-
tendance - have your say at the
meeting where important issues
are decided - where you will be
heard - and not voice your
displeasure afterward at the
decisions made when you could
not take the time to have your say
at the meeting, Remember that's
8:30 p.m. March 9 - Be There.
If you haven't already done so
why not bring along your dues for
72 and bring a member with you.
Say that's an idea — on March 9
why not take the time to
telephone a member and remind
him of the meeting and invite him
or her to attend with you.
Your ways and means com-
mittee are busy these days
making certain that not a stone is
left unturned that will hamper
the celebration planned for St.
Patrick's Day - Committees are
working hard to be able to
guarantee that all attendin' will
London alderman seeks
Middlesex nomination
Clarence Hardy Lucan and Roy
Cunningham, Clandeboye, are
attending a cattlemans meeting
in Ottawa on beef improvement,
Cliff Cobleigh is able to be
home after his stay in West-
minster Hospital, London,
following sugery,
Terry Langford and David
Mawdsley spent the weekend
with Terry's sister Mrs. Bob
Brunner and family, Windsor.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Fischer spent
Sunday with Mrs. Catherine
Fischer, Mrs. Joe Mordush
Charlene and Franklin, Randy
Marchand, Randy Shear visited
with Mrs. Fischer, Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Scott are
attending the hydro convention in
Toronto at the Royal York Hotel
for three days.
Miss Lina Abbott attended the
play "Oklahoma" at Beal Tech
last week and also attended the
Ice Capades Wednesday.
Mr, & Mrs. Roy Meggett,
Sandra, Edward and Arthur
visited with Mrs, E. Darling,
Mrs. Harry Bond Sr. visited
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