HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-2-23, Page 2eldEVOtt.IMEC.S. RALLY' Utt II \ • ftt, „,.. iA OA statutory The Outariu l'arlieutent lieviug Pow SODX11.1011, 23ed, 1871.1 :";%`'".."', tU111 a.) nit: %heti ne Huy tiutt ourselves itt the heat of au tle..le.11. I t veta lea) It Lit place in mix 'Ma Joint Itigh Cununtuatorti us., c e.reer=reareeiregeetsew-tote which the majority Of our retionentativesi se. Awenewes Mutt.; On Thursday of any °pilled* am the Fishery goestiou, I that paragraph stated, that the I 101110 WU Tat, Do ,,,,,„ ah,„ -To day tweduea. - .. - -- - - . - eveniug, lf/th ilishiltaoording to actionnooinii newt if the teeveripient would allot. him 'totalized to construet 10 iiiterooeenie rad- day)a waolly number of the enfranchised and ex -teams in enter to iota for or against inerMdt. ' ' e c i'es •i'd um, hams. acute • tea -meeting wise held in the , /dense. Erery ruout was toi in t . 1. en any day fio * sitbetantive tiestem ou Way. llo tutored hie protean agitated ill* ill our neielatiorhood set out itt horse teams Wm,the mailer tietheir ewe hands.. hk. • the subject. Sir Juhu A. tilandonald etould I scheme that would compel Iliciii to InIllil I,.. 14 ficollnill OE LE•11.0101.4 cueoull 1. ed for the occasiim, And etterdionlvd with be leaving aliortly, end it 1•1111 desirable l Another ltitereolionat !nin MA tone• tenger I edoulitehle Dunktu----Mallough lit11. littlf 1110 QuelotPoolitgli3snYi bibles handsomely decorated, ou which that we should streiagtheu his hatele in than the erescut Ave. .-.... was spread • sitopttions supply of every- every way ',enable. The Government had The paregrehlt wits witeelled, by Sir That ik the slur. el the reline road,every i thaig that good recapes end the skilfiallin:eauta.gol getting rid Of moth tuotiens be John A • Meedoileld, Ito Ita to modify tlio • h gers of the ledies cneild provide. Al the moving preveme questions, which ha did ' t wain tu SO* done iii this vise. . 1 - r. . weeks or six months, it is of the bietie"t Ideceut traveller hes n rigat ta I tompge,"05, ttei, th.), p.,...,g mt., ...r ..,..,,, .. ,...,_, ....„, .)...... , f 11 ' " ' ' Te test • eta cuttueleeee, or '1 Chorch, where they were entertained by . Isi 1,.,1 i . k, Atittau..initetu.s.. i,;,,to ,,,,,, da or t oeioity rid tie wee 1 li "0"(1.431‘ "Al (1411 ‘t'lle. l Mr. loac"lou 'v,II aa Imi'll'M''. of the dr"e im " :enlikideiri en6 eWi..•inGtt," '11111undielyi hiel.:11"s'a:74 cli.i: (lid litiii.elreil., • reply tu the Speech from tlio Thome. ef agatimt parties/ eituer nun naece or ime , sgens...... - M d inald wata called 3" the chair, *Inch it was net NM ado.. isoi,vo, or te disphiv theie elesereem in Mr. Klritatriak.seculided it. h. can. chief. from a drone to- untiiiket llisi, ids," S the duties of which hv discharged in a! heed ii e 4 t he g elegge, i m 4,e 1 i I leg dui flees gteirtni:lutt:Iiiiiiiiiiir.yba tia'41.1:1:111:alestillitcrtottria:.:itii:ii4sitra,:• trialtIttitli.h*,..t:i.tterillilth:e:KieejiveitEFt:11:111,"toic,,tiitui:: Great Britain Lea lately thine • good '. iiiipertence that the . dead t" emu the lilewsin 1 *hick is sai.1 le . should conituelie* at Once 0 iiistvutithlly to met eu ‘111' t110 "IMilICO•ulAkors." I II the ". orgenize for the coluidg centest• , NN e 4a- eutitrwvorey With the l... mice% Steles, wheal I nom et the clew, of tine scene* the met- h.. ",1,.441.,a 1" el" 'eolith *1"ult" e10, suet epectuele of Itli increase inetcad of a several yeers, she hes enacted ohjection i dituitilitton Of 'ministerial supporters. -- elle, '''bleuti"ii. 'RI liven iill Piutit ettell John S.' old:mid Steed...mild hoe Undoubted- potnt, tit ureter to ^nave at an Illinesble • ly secined Bias by les avowed purpose to , i - , ----emlitt ion of the .t lailiaina (Nat les. The Dear- i rent toy motley of the people,. which, leg .4 the ueiglitior-latel has not been al- 1 by „„,,,,,„b„r ..1 fortniteha cirentnatances ways es dignified end conciliatory as that of and tes merit id his, has ecettn the our motlieretand, but that has been due ()uteri. Treasury, for pot y hew to American minister* than to the in thew, riptaicitialiti. 0 at te Undue todocitee whit!' wild daiaiageguns supporters. WIth !hi. 1:41(1 ill tune lie has las Nem sometimes able togexericeg, in the got the repreaentatitee of the people to Semite. Both Governments hare riow abnegate their must sacred fuections Alla dleCtilvd to mai wally appoint • Higit Oen- vote tergesatuausif mistieygeithout -know- -- . mission for the condJuration anal settle- ing the locality •01 itiexpeinliture ; in the await 01 "oil iiimatiaires" at testae between hisee-that if they eliquestioningly follow then,. Tim Loth character, general ehility him as their , tredve, their coestituma,-tee and •necial adaptation t,f the gentlemen volt voles lii fir a share uf •tlie steal. - et e think. the farmers of Herm' are tante.. eepointeal, geateuteee as fat- as they are • I u .la to lie- walnut; tiv do *talent coneurowa, that honer nod jiintiC0 WIII guide i grants *here 'twit itte not founded oti %licit I Wwerrible awl elisciaiiies. The le.1 right wel jambe., Nt-e think &leo that tersota of tireat Itritain win be watelamt ..'37.:1,6:i1Qell'e",t,l,g"..r.i"1,4„, ',:',"t":11,4-1,:i7L4u,',.. I eve, hl Earl de Geer and 114.'0, Sir Ed' , speciously picasAnt to.Ae et/rain:in likely ward Thornton, Prehoscr Morn:oil, Lord to ton genet:Ally twat . As lie cannot 1 •et one blic work in every oinstitneuey either railway or aolicr•ise, there wall Le usauy oh. servile iadiatituutley bu the fulfilment of the prom they M•lil llluillaoltell Rol tit *Melt hae le • e the Imre& et yuivie reysterer vdie taus,' vocel anal initrumetits1 unpile foie' he had no obeeettUtt, If • ibis legal right tea (111:0; timelier t* a du. itline •tit,tud thie 4 prupeity ....f the heir" by ferMas drivlag , kolt.1;,' iLvegir ',Lunen (.111;;,,t chmil.„...i.;,,. eat kewist of this Mundane Doublet, end lifiels*OY• We re*eut41 rel'•urted hee eeeee Muiveright. The cheir 11.1e.:add!Ita's.e.lv ji:in" the teMey tospeeting the Vasheries. . .,. tried hefore Mt. Oath ; Aud in th.iis tense urge teiiiadie's chines to tudeutuity fer t le hlr Ktrpatrick biped the lunette' emir ie 1u:sire teanis,nr whale; hall the Qaesa's in ernes of the pastoesh beautiful anthems and Mrs Simms ii"nni.1,41 icie hie decision. which be ""eree"• We Mr Dixie Wattioll 'UAW Several pleCell ...adult outragidi before %tie Interuational sleigh, w1,1,11 Mat di,303, centsinol 12 child egg, wig ipsak,t.„ wea.,.. I, , 1 ed by g Ill bleverniiient. Ile steeply critieized 1 "0 then the, iharhiee'' of ii-HaTelfh -unite the.i-ecighe wei, thei oe the, ..1. -me. elite sot up woh past and preSetit incoUnateio0Y•1.uor Oodorieh mad Lord Teuteraleu. Th. 11u- Iniiilarti is to km represeuted by Sir John A. Meeniouald and Sir Sutler," Northeote. And the United States' representatives fire Mr Fah, Mr Scheuek, Javatiee Nelson, Judge Hear and Sestetor Cal. 'sweatier probe - 11 as I sod vegan! to the ameiintoents; an Domusiou. has e lio re " ""r *Nem" 0, 01°,i,'" 0" th"rn " l'Ir° 1 with all thsir mood tatty and feeling;which Ceityei"ii"i• plireacology, 'rho Committee reported an rotation, in*. ie. 13.1,1040 sit iee" u"''''6't"'""1"1". 'flan worn warmly and deservedly ertdanded 'Or Ntr. Ilisekruzie then revieWed the set- tee mid adalts, we are ti a iklul le ?reed seconded tbry1 V.A.Lonsou, mount apeecli of Dr. 'femur to I thordon, Eel , t_elit*..= we. of a .14".0 ikeeeee 11e,"0"1„3 the entertionment iia the Slalom," twomeolleinteretHiemehle '1,11.s. And i.t...'1_1_004,4, eniUtbutuni tt bruise,' sui! tue.°teuee"---e'tO led by Boo W Sinvtli, and aecon'd hay limij time Province leen „f Wine proper" y. Al.ms wish to atey to travel .1 it., 31, ggg ,4,,,,,,,kw.S.-oe'et; for which they changed .m1 . _„,,..neo.r.,',40014 Vote of facts he email oizeleieta wholle the midi houor.147 h.11 Qi,www.l. iw ily geste. Mations el that route As injurious tu Neel cideht 4..th vruvo tu.kpl tehta.,ilti:Ite14). FU111C.1"1:11pli: 11:1 lt is very funny to find monist perendi who have literally euricheil themselves on the newel spolietion of their fellow beings by tratlicaing tor half a lifetime in the liquor trade, end others who virtitally live by whitely was Adel.", sua the iiie'iibers I 'peculating in tevent statute, go so rumor - the Privy Coaineal tinetialier idglass Henault 'witlessly inns the sudden muzzling up of were ameenteal es .6 etakkinitte., ttriotAutit "there, lieetiose *elf Intereet in acme shape it 1.1 lais-Eaeelleticy. or other, or • principle of idorilitiate Vanity Sir Jelau A. !Macdonald gave netice of may lead them te spipose that mankind his intonate' to Move 411 Rik Mei Excelleitcy, efingretialatit g eau his gto ti Ito rettreje. Thu Ileums eiljeurtied at 9 o'clock. nor, WniuLee gut Mr. Mellwatue's the audience. Votes of thanks to the dress and witninistretive couduct of lie d'ue° 'h' '114'4 WaS C"" 4C"000 Esq., ant ePtilustaetwelly reap:aided to; iiiitaients, and twitted him and the atir hire is, *lieu yeti ate reinitu$S Vein, er al-, „gild the e grvgt gege-,igg as to tho boure,gegigt lodiway. r, oic (ruin personal ompeetion and eublic lowiug A 100114 10 Tann )9,.. do die awing thank the chateinatt eihera.. MI a succees, Itrineaeickeeud ex peneire to t Doumiitib mid you will be deiee your part tete.. • •0 judge the 1g tvAL-hee were • entar Ivetnaaeci-See advertistnent !ethey, particiggia.ot, Wel eapeeued tear Mission Canada's rightsand interests might Ottawa,' Feb. 17. 'file 11.1110 of Commons opetsed at 3,1 3. 'rho Itni.. r. I 1 oltue thin brought for- t! Ward Ilin Illi iiilr, whether perintesion bail been grata to the G. T. It. to erect an addit lintel bridge &crust the Lachine eanal. near the line of Wellington street ; if so, *heti applied for, arid when granted. Hon. Mr. Langan ease tlitireamirod in Is, iirinia.bt 'L.A. ensie moved an address con- ist!fter,niftet,,,,,,,i. nesutetruocti;n3 salito3htuh.ers ilnlitli.vinb,.;trii. Arele Ald,Lieutauatat.elevernor el Maui:ti- e* Int a eu"` `eat' "011ecirtin ail:tit:lit onrticlidl's*:id- be- f -ore the taL1t,....,dvierre ji;:lee:IL'iiit'..'1.611.1.aw-t".: u this frueseley) evennig and wo hope ' on itolatuil hoiegge'er 1110.1t1111. • 1C14 :mu' Os:...oft110,1111i1/1f I uternationalteotu ttiday next as the even- by Mr. Hardy of this Agee:attend eks.00 i , oinced le Ellgbl.te" tml 14.1.4. with et stetting CArnital. It takes ; ranee Company. Ile etlerseer. V15 or uul I Will be well atteutled. out:half. ie.- Y Hie States, After mime further et itican, ....w, BALT lie. A'S.A.-WO hoar of several' ,:1(.11111,,,,,fg.,,,:ewiq,nauttieryit twei.tl_icy„..a.,,ail an expone la Grammer , ,... g.ving«ostruetedi 1.1 .31;trainex,trth„ re. . ihi 0 ii I li , I i_ ,"'"r1".,*"k WI,"'"',"1""i,..L'",' "41 blocks coetemplatud to be rill „re If we neighbor amt ally, h a! Alice Bobo, a uatons proposal to iu totsg, imee it, to be; j„it:;„,„ ge y m apring is. &Imolai . bar Jellia A. Nlitedonalal replied ,iva a era eta the latter Atka re' poll that lit ititel'1. train of friend -Mit, France,and eluhi is too goon tir 1 /1.e: it,ahhoingh it is certain- emu s defen.led volley- of tlie g•avernment. The IP-Mse emit.) receive all Itifermation au' thu Fishery Qtaestion, anal lit Id lett give way to the first 1104,1'0481.112A.1 to the clisiihs for Fenian dAniages, govern- ment hail made a repreeentato4i, and if use on the former w Ito genially corr, et - ' ly coming) tiler* will he merket fee all. reed tt. II maim" uatere is apt te lief • 011.1CS GOL'IlT-11111 NI•oulay la II/ a. tn. °the:ciao so fear there 'Limy be a tollIfilli• , selfish and the feet as '01.111130s Hut eith--`°- his Worship Cliri.touher elabi., Esq., J. ary glut. ' to and I Sti 4 oiLs it, biA gill P., gave his deeision an the ease" we re - Whatever ported last seek, us follows :- Nit:Dwaine mediate rhr.OVirnee'eni;13itti-ol".:vwtati"fatl'sk111"f.."Iir,111,111ele•Zibil.iinr dawn the corona it *as advisable to Iillng orresponalence or not. lie would aak What cerreependence was required. Mr. Sleciteitoe wanted, the papers stated in the order ef the day, and all papers con- cerning che Providence of Manitoba. Sir George E Cartier said the Hon. Mr. .erchibalet was tioverotir of the Nortli-West forritory, and finiet waa given tutu to act in Loth opacities. If the queetein was asked for the N•irth-West Tetra.ory, it eiiigil suit everythnig. Sir Francis II nicks handed in e report of the public accoutifs. Several member* -Omar, Lear.) Ile had three days allow- ed 141111 to 41. Ito, therefire he had a day or two left vet,hut he considered at ina3 adeu- IL. eeoeota in bashoois grew jnliy and "fat S. S. TEACHER'S APSO,IIATIOle--Tho TO- :Iidlietthietrutihierir dnien;nsiori Sir 'Fran. Aud na, yet to be weed 3 x * .101 a Odle irel tools lint *het about MO • gator meeting will he betel tr, the loiseinent abAleftioorh.• it. see«. tantalum elowitoort 411 14111',.••• kis., ealevan Church. at 7.30 e. In. on cis deaired to esplainethe polici of the . or% at imier --I-5 ! - e Jelin MeLkiniola, Jo refusing half the „g the ‘t.• hightail, hue V2d.00, ciets *5.00. Iti ard Monday, '2Oth inst. Subjecte pertaining „,, „,,,, „„„,e, ol ft I el t would not tie the t atilt of , Parker r McDottegli f..r damage to Vaiden• to the work *Ili be introduced b Itev ta . - " ' .:'------- -IL "re V‘" n' . . 1 'Loa a At c , 1 , 1,1 1.,,a, 1 i„,,,,tr lllll ent in relation to the currency e,,hei:.iii.1,t,t,:.",i,„Vitvera oil eilii.tro,,I..1,t .nnt.1..,,,.. ? et' question whi.li had passed the IflitIne at ,':,': „„,„„,", .,, t.i:rsr.,,,,,,, :,,„ ,.,. L. will give them cretin fair ell automat of moral patriotism tu whieli it is d•eibtful if they here any relional claim. Perhope it might be argued thet they have been awelteried to a horrifying conscionsitees of the errers of their former liebits, and wish- ed to save others by legirlative restriction; 'but even gfanting that *nett should be their motive it would come with -It bet - tee grace had they entered an appearative let- tere they lied virtually enriched themselves by the very eystem they now so lustily eLreeee.t‘en.t, linka,j,iiitirityttuftittvliare st;i'et: ri ef ‘.1.;:tietirer wtii1i1 buel"s'set o ieriiiinen and neve accompanied their husbautle to the poll. One ozoilgieh esed poised by here tine morning consist. tisk "ti waill,':naty1,1a1golenheetebriint; like the following Cetus net te, which I take to be the compositien of 7'ion Kelly. '001! tIlt ti141.4 are •Ore eased "rid woe tangled ',41, 1:11:4, gm' an. that had owe been • crow t alien wo, lune turu'il dim* who used to Writ •Ilui'. a ,,,catiou I'd AA M. you, 414•4er Ione. knew • know who k•et • naelmea In a to. net 0m...ottani you Mu. •Itu• 1 maan- WI,i•re htS 34114 110 en/ 1,i1•• awl wasted R nu, 11.141 vied Hot -alit> 1111•4er M 1-0 I Anon 1,0 lemileol Li Ira right al IC,* trade, s.• he Unit • Inn taiern, •101 quit the wild •Itist MI. 3 I; cur ou i•r,s.er • in Race 431 • ion Anew Ilal tie if,it liroper wor, le it *toter M t Ile ....Id pli•aly .1, ink., nil Ise tippled and song Ave! tie prole of th.. 1.0kr. ers• 1044 011110 t..nhva And • 'oat la HI i•re.eill Ise ort- would la..tos For *prate oil olit,11 ws.krel- dew Slater 41-4-11 • to lee dusetistied with utiewnek policy, we thitak !Liter tha graver Int ernatien- mu .1,001 to bo diseuued he is SI r00,000 f. r .:1 -et titatee) for Cohnezation Roads., 10newo Agtroiltural Collgge, Weed for til‘is.1 Teelnamegy, 60,1011 for entral ['rayon, Wed 10,0u0 V' all bled ; all widen cello, hue 2J etuts, dam..ges *jut goat. s ' En -gloat sacrificing inn. interests for h r acleateek eat(' Mr. °mtg. thl 3.75. owe advantege. As to Red Bever, t, , idea., le itch rimy pr most? 'S inf'1"'r' , IRA., an Anti:reran) lie- ect.log w poomenty 0 me pretty lot 0 subtle . Stafford Nan -theme w ei bate also notch Reason to ho.eseislied will. fin rear ture,., ,101. nith:••r:. 0 movt,101C4.4. 4101 lic j held in tiatepraeeelen t -.lurch.. Addresses Every -belay seems bright and a.-heorfisi 0, yr i -,..,•".."..,..d "'N'N'tt,,d.",..tht`ri'Lt st',0:1,';','•;et:;'‘''',;1;et;',;,,"iti: 1 •-d.,,L.11,,,,11 II i ,per.1114.11311 ; (heti. there was •1 tie-. i. • .. t • orate. . Iti M,..tvt M -I-5 1 agis tier ee II aftifil,.eliald'uted'Otit - -4 br° c-t"--ti""tiltie in!..441-11414kattOattlAtellippargimpiggpmerwrwoo,,,,,,..„,„*„.4„.. recent ocuasiona,both by speech andlettor. le he "Mil there nut be mare , g,„ed„is 'iiie'V. Jetbey, a 'Hilton and l partietaLerly in cerdemot. We understend reit also a discount of 4, ., or 6 Per eent• "4 II • '• 1 1, f I' , 1 bettgeetiostoe„jeatgoopprgeot f . .14,04% prospect of rv,ii -handed jellies ill others..' thi Ssitilteoli feed, the former t he Iasi -Cele an. Itei hieing the hies and u on- mat oiii iike•edir Mout M- lcvreCInt ion 1.f tietii lens currency,lie show- vegeta:mot hadieerielit or. ..wer Ilt RR -1.o. '• ...len tha inect.trAte tool. A 00; . ow. -.hut 114411 e obi • .• to 1 au 1 Ca:median, that at his hands we pay be round, and 1 prneer - recognition- of the gentlemen -win Preach et 1 I a. m*, stud W•Ia I.- icii,p• le I., ,le iel. It ...menet... onto" of receiving nothing bye jandice. leebesilies and ailventsigel of the vat ious . the latter at 0.30 ia. in. , All the service* In addition to the Alabetes" claims, n,, 1.4 sin los and *cheque! if the' ri. rot mere of i •111 be.well•wortil eogielteg and we hurie M. the Fahoiy goo renal questititas °uteri, were to relly eatifilace a goy cril- ! then' te":1 ee'efiteuelka lioueu un mush oc- tal cop up fla disposer. It is tame that tel„e" te tower thet does ROT 3et RR the I "Skil' * f;‘,, u...1.r.,..,,ht., 400,.; „jaw tu oi, sa .Va. ale, V.1' Owe" prineado ? The style ' Wear WANTS • Walt talr!-The notice ef in whi di lie con.rers his foll0.-i• and th_el soda, we woold coli 30 reletweisonierti rise - these. le oig. oe the duty uf war ret relsabil-ty of hit .retni--es-sta7 he Parsed urti‘r°. Ir`4411 eetueet : . part as tensible, Li uphold the righta of sentativao, "ins ectIng ruk conciliatory a floral the history lof ilos Deaf iod Dumb w.T.it: Jiux.t,....1 .Wc'irsi,.. .i.v..C7.41,..,..7.itur,.-:,ritomme Aey um wl icli 11.1 I'''.1";se"1"ali'lltun . " 1 tes„:',1„f " Truk " 'e..iv •ritiL•le 1 tlitI'Llail. 6' t.: Canada,,and &curare fur anything we are vet r.,o to Belleville ; mid or the . • : , . , ' ,' ' , ' , Y asked to sae lip • titkial pro quo. It would, 3 ...ear in (I...tarn:it situollt ner ado*. fur example, ha gross injestice to the Dennmeta fer the Cultlil.i350.11 to C./31,110 was a serious; has to the einntgy. The six million* tier month of American flume? in aetive ciroillitienthaVaerd that enatitit Bonk notes.. When Le taw thIs *tete thing% he entered ilato all agreement. with Mr. Weir, of Siontreal, with a view of transperting ell the Anierietut-elirroner foie. this country. (twin, theiutlux of aide eel. in the Nee Yoritriurkee, the ilia emint fell in omeepience. Ile then ebow- ed the stsfulnedgif-Ergylish e en, which was 12 'parte silgivr and I part alloy, and con MANITCRIas treated this with the AnleTiCAll Coill, allole • •••••••• Mg the depreciatiou the latter in cense- (F,,„,ei tvihme; quence. -Hum- Mr. 11,4tein never icapeaeliod the-, M extrinta, Jen. policy 'of the hen. gentleman; eta the oin- tiovernor Archibald .Ine issued 3... ;•rIsiti 0* roclanietion calling together the first NO team* per day delivering wood tete 11.1 e• been (pate a coitamat evee-4..... a., &hero; 4116 e'cloc,k the Ilieuie Ka* -for recess. neighbors, and never gurget to thank ,,, Provielotiee for placing tho Bridge hill jest ''''''''r "Ce"' where it is. . Dr. Ihmen resumed the debate on the liawinvh+Weer..- The contraeter has Aildreres. In 'peaking of the Stanitoba . . Bill, he said that he would nut Love voted got into a little dalieulty I11 a bed of tough for it IA1101110 it was neveisary to secure e'l• Illis 14 4" ""'"'"1 TgPTrienTO. i" the territory in the beet manner IP 0211.04e. well,- haring but we hope the obstruction The loial men ...f the comary 11 el Leen will Only be temporary. _ ' - eAtedoitt in mot -winter- to dedeuei their AMALOAVATI.4.2 Or S•LT Co*M...--We nn- leyalty and had been basely aleserteal. eontend tho s„It o„nopa„;... of 0,,,terigh They stood not only unrewarded., Mit had Lunatic, Aeylum 'which foe polttteal i 1 - ea go and consent, and 1 Iliill skedaddled haee not been able, this year, to enter into ..tr''''''--1 .'-'1".1.14;•,..41- ...h" .rrill1"4 '0 an anus! amstion end cad' company will Un'''' Ilh" wft's (0 ""nu uy tn.' .g""rn. reink.he he located in a malarions•ami i 4 I A 4 P. wit...tan-se. ears in his te-o-ootrun.. 114T 1 therel. tdii Iti-laest oti ite own ltiedi.-- weee 1". "li..4 11. "ea'Atineathe eeti'41- dawned London swamp, Itiii,11, Ill SPill, ; in IMO ic " !o'r cote 'ewe's" 'el"' e""k1 t At preseut salt Call be had for :1 liJr hid. id Mr. Archibald in Ilia positii.11 ef lei ever - la one waters ea an offset la connection , Pruumi ete-st:41Tel-er -...6',„. „, .,,,.''Wr.... with elhaN,,,,, a,,,oiggeg, A greet i„te,.„.. t mietake Ilan lie ieflUere of iinrain, u Jetty i c - • . . . . ... _ _ . . . - ... -- T ---g - . y .i teh . . egg (hotel 1,01;,.y ,y m., he igengereteg end sr ill ferg, t [hear prim iples fo. the deceii• . •0 lure somethnig like • InStie that it will NI oil --time& ....,....atitr„...*takwat&ri,Liairafr;t1thr..*doianikcit;i7sta.mw-li..d. • - ____. __ suime.„. . pretoi-e of 'Whieritment grains We ! Dell ouINDealay • . she ts ill appear, ii" her Sesottesh witerteut. uuu ells. ° is I so gxru an 44."11'1- ...italic ealia's "tie& 7,:iii"rotia- to arh,a, itoer. -L -ilk. ---.Contingtinti-- Id ..•Sallhath lie 1 isajiat, assisted by NI'. llerely, iu Crabb's 2;th not , at. n o'clock, Church, ou Thursday 23,1 lust, and at on tine point the ittetterion of Itislage Tactic Paige iti lost issue, meets sit the 1Yesleyan the ceuoun fer ilie 0 oernoes careloseness toot; of.,:e..e.-isa-gutemrt &cut "Mii illati lie . V Manitoba and his eel mining in Al. -1.4trlinty,..7strittingtr'ffrere- _,._. . . be. It el. lild be well if the Coupon ' in mak the r. fernier. to organise into Town i when ere are siirethe etelietice will et once Knox's Church on Friday, 2 tth inst. All and his people. flo also thought a A re had, es it 111* not, the final disposal of all Mat k•biti thine that the electioes wer. slip an 1 Beating aeeeci Attend without delay !goatee. the' oho -well 0,,,,,,,,,n il,„, utiv A iuterested will please bear this in mind. . liarldiffrid **tea tho nght of manna mateneant. The doughty senators of Wash- caused in the manner in which they mere, and three *Hell 101.11•10•1 ill tile Cabinet eh" ineten ciiiiht not eaiet eittioilt being allow- %ere t etally Itivivalitied for the "Mee -- oil to teck !plea 10 the undetstandine that men *twee intereets would Mt to. abet the Olaf Millie ie. NA'0, trust, however, escape of criminate who wero pro ll i ll en t e lllll tonally high order of talent lea;ders in the irmurreetioe. -Seven of the mareilit-Zif-tiretve were opposed to the raker whit.li elders hate die nen- policy of the Dominion ehiveriahent, mid i ef the C4.1111IIIIOSIVn. Will datg ini- «i!1 control the other in the loswer Henn. he elm:dors anal for mon isolate W ith th*pect to the policy of the Govern- s:et as setenble men and pstriotic mem ialt immigration, he trusted the Gov, ernmeut would confine itaelf te a policy in gmel feith that will tend to the immediate lettlonient Ft the -claims- of the present -toy: al settlers, anal the immediate epening lip 'uf the conutry to inuniorants. hfrs_Zesson (Terre Benne) said no mat- ter what the opinii;tis of ;the Go, ern mait *ere un the suiting- of the .1keitilliver treehle, the murderers ef Scott were ilia representatives of a people elio offered six countiee to the DIL:n who are chstfged with the decal. Ile eseed what reward the hon. mender wanted file the loyalists. Ile thought Undoes. inemker was riot justified in reproaching the .Goverinneet fer a and be ehle to pi,..ent 0 netted froili win a the " Seiittish Nightiegale." From • the time comes. Thu lett'ulatiou af the ; number tif very faserAt.!..1 notice*, we past tousiou, we linty corills•, tuil.;1.1. , 401,01 th" fill""itr4 '.---.I.he entertain - Miss Watson and Ntr !lard; have been were; and, We yueitivtly•a,,,nry. , Ment stamp* would have been iiifitiitedy war.« but for 1 11:41,1Lif *steal mbl-LI 7.4.1..".: 0,7nriiii."'..:cra ie.; r'll "'nu" r4'13-1"0" an'l Pdr"‘"ind to arms tint ever appeared here; foillt cril ical wad de twins 1.1r111. u .oe We bar• nisi belied her clot!, alAl. hope if iih(ret ftpoeitiou. Tim, measure, actuilly , they Gan snit Ileinilkuu 'sew tbii____Y el,,Ild.° passied iretrii-Aiiirettisted ,frreseseete-s4ai..--.1` tostahoe.-Keeeting.rthers . ewe the government iedie nes sod well it :s fur Prier Itsonisos iu tho Tereperanee popular that. dos ere so. 'Ilse country !fan on the' evemoutd Tbureday, 23ril h s ' d ammo rn be grirreftn fnr Air .instor ok 7-30 u'irrfeks pdre port) isin and rettriiiiiilin of tlib niin !slave, TUE FAINTell -Fuf eiletolsome feeble! aiweimen id his week in sign Lir the bettle of life,by hringing the k now - Drily *he, ir they hail no, been Voted and 1„,,i„ii„e; end e etasegig ifieggfiee ey gem_ ledge they aro acquiring intai practical use dovettorould have ii.scribed on the stettoe worts, see tl.e xlinigh, h,„ hoL,, 1,,,,i,,,.,,d tn. III W.Oeyy debates ea topike of the day. book mea•utra for mooring tha iodepen• PeoVIMelAL Fuerr GeowEllS'---AatvtlA- rtore-11.eare very hapeyto hearthatatthe meeting held at Ilamilten; it nas agreed to hold the Annual Fall areetiugef the ProvinciAl Ammciation at Goderich. This will beteg anionayet .ne ehe leading hurtie culturists of the l'rovinm, and We hope arrangements will toe nude in due time to give them a fitting welcome. • 31.11.1.x LEAS' Ifteeti'VriTROCIWTT.- c were agreeably surprised to find that the._ ,younty., gentlemen cenpected with the Grammar Sehoorire Preparing themselene °epee.' trade, we are willing to te use ef our fieheries and canals ild ei threw su 011r claims ter through- EineLin vasi, All espied oe..rte of both countries com- et something 1:4J this would be a justment "( commercial relAtions, tailak Great Britain would rand the wey ma% ar- Kee. :era John aud Stafford heve opeert east of llllll rulteingthein- y opening a new ere the Listory icali mon Merce. Mei' they go the y welt oriel be eminently auc- Winn Politic/1i Blowit 132 ,*.ugland. sentences, expreatieg his entire. apt:revel Huron il'a"lt.9" :441'Larb El"' " 11 u- p. to: His Lordship will also of everytIntig that !lad been done throngh. gni Qaettiespeteli it a reinatkable out the newton. • The exact. emit ehiela Preach in:St Cicorgie.ii GederiChi Instead ef abounding, as usu. hae lataaperfortned, it would take a wiser at 7. p. in. • elk he Ite.,41ish and ladled generalittee, it. SIP DISTlirrtslen AITIUF.11'.-Wa regret ultutitrra':''ai'llelasmi:rge'tsativie'rroukc"r.iwded 4.11.0•11 1' 3" 1" km" uf thi°141 """ Ira",:t tutting anal all a" maimed aret to hate to record a di itreseing aceideut nuns sli,ch forty years 01.1.1 al far ea their first ',remotions which textured 011 Thurnday afternoon hew, Method charnst awl re. were coneerned• by amendments at veil' to our esteetned it:onion:in S. Daher Amengst other thing., tesi_ statteeohat it will tatke '011ie tittle to gather its..1 Ile was nee up roan 31aillend- are-proposed to be aholished; t„," ?WU in • light rah igh 'nil hid takee on , • is recommeraled ; aild • a".‘eirt beard a girl nettled Lizzie Kerr, who wee rvepYreseittativeS, of ea; ti"at 111inahnall 8751, federation for Scotism,' the close uf this Lid Bodo,' of the term f. %%hid' y sere elettel, I canted lielp cengratialating ou oh the wooi,•,11 5101 prudence which have imideilionrdelibera- lions." te the constituencies there is • fatherly riag etyma -the following advice shad' should ettrely challenge our filial reverence partIng with yen trust Store,arld dashed elong under Mr George that Die good sense id pear constittiente silt hotline them to cieititme at all 'times McKenzie,' verandah, Mae Deihl. bold. to ceche w violent arid exti emu meneueee. ing nil to the lino'. A team belonging to to olleletVe l'enithet for 13Witi111 oT,ICT,Arld le. Mr Junes was s'anii41:: at the Colborne. cultione towards each other fi•Cliligi of. 1 1 Otcl and ageinia thiS r • does sleigh k animas and muleal wedeln.' Wi wet struci and was lilted in the air, throwing psilental Excellency The atniosphore out Mr Dolor 111111 the girl against the gala.,.„atorial pshsces must hare •the same - wall. The girl wee ecyeri ly hurt about 'oohing °fleet tea former leit-heioded lieu:aim at 1100.110,1 I of the "the head Ind rice, hat 1.0t.ao urine§ hy es judicial berratt batten fornser routing Imre mt. OttICerwhoso ineartreed came in deters. One would think loci one see, sonnet with the edge or a water- fAeut-Governer I loW1/11.1 no pktiv pot oft barrel. In the the shaft of Mr. "the grave and rug, retail signor', to pro- pellant "wise sews' w ithout ration them by "modern instance's,' Gait he had rdwaya been thus removed oei.,vo the pow. semi prej mikes of the ),eu4r,,uu, enhjue of antinhers and theircrinstitnetate,and load 'lever le in telt meek' W it h - not at preept entering into &outs there one "damning hcrevy'. which FROG Ilegan dr Stvealetiv which is hung ,nit next Ily ini nautili,. 100 Were preMent MI the deuce Or P.flii.dooli and the purity el &Ka. to t.4.1...it o' Ili,. . eveniug of Friday lost. The question tie,- tion, of which peotel ity would LOY,: , ems : 'Which wax right' in the present t•uvieil then Gm honor. Again we sly- S. 8, 1 TACIII:tte' ataitOrt iyiriv . -A war-Fr.ince or Prussia 1' Thine on the Ileturuitas. Tally I Te-rj 1'r ""'"I• ut' 1;6,4 nes It 1-1 iu the ehlo of Perrone were Nlessrs. Cereye W. bee...meet of the Wesleyati elurch on Nlaiere. John Nacara, aud S. flick ; on -----"''''''-'-'-' • Mosoley niAltt-_ Ilea _teSekun or oil. tho ,,Ae of Femme. Nicene. Itlackstack, Traleer, Moleswerth, Cameron and Hared- dcnetaduatione were -etroirigly repramentol Prorogation• . "- and the quistien et "how le retail) the - . The Ontario Parliament arm prorogned eller pupae," Rae diseue.ed at length. on Wednesday aftet mien by Ilts heacellencY Tat litsuop ea' Hume. will preach the Letutellevenior, eh., cents. rattling are tlie opening of St Snide n at . hereli, duel, in state to reed a ie." hackneyed • teal. '0"! understatial GO*, thew, ..ii,tionthst tier 5lejestv's ageing' see sto i• crisis approaching *Inch coiweesi.itia will evert. The Ikea .1111 the remedying of • arriimg to which theeenters have kitfilWear hjeeted, 10 Wong repaired trio -eine artutle of the Irons- hee twitig all .weil ferd wet t Cambridge. The mahrindabe awasstertviled Mow, t he Um vereity of , end it* affiliated osileges at Man - and other elaces, toroul glen of the tine,13 nu deulit making ancient universe .4 wake tip te ty id' thrown, . their narrow re- amer.) o pen i et 'heir gatesto the best deltsolitillai...1111, introduc- e( toting by bell.,t ie a proposal We look upon With any degree of esti'. With Tame.). alanipida- clime to valkarel *mailer esperienees ea, we coated so pout it nee to the rimy ef election mealy ilvdeperetenee of the ,se. The auff,riwit eltioh a few elec. bir. experieneed st the ariatocratic of domineering lani1 owners, is am come' tea the 1..Jailation Oise result front menet . 4..4. We sups hoeever. each *ill not be t with the expantetese utheis bet itself paas through the dien..ng.tatigi befere being di•otated with it. leldelemt 'row' Mr. Gledomie will Lave lore' will he Os* imposing of essetion,ii .4 eatt.„41.43,„, goottatel Though iiy micros,* of the principle. or boo afraid of the lei liii,i the carry• tiol it will *Intender ill land o here ti &I lig Still runs so high this *ill full .vr the ein'itieit that III Province to the eXpense of soles .4e) per , 'Melo and out, it re? emblem "London tee th., disortetdisliaterit ef the tie. day nee every dey the Aammelsly Le conducted bj the founder of chnreltim elegletiaL Scotland And This voting of !limn game without know• &et' Ill" a ',Ilia imuitin,the waytheEsieh. ing the details .4 elperpliture until af tee that periodical, end professes to an chat..4, og Ireland hesalr..„4. tan, the feet, instead of settling the:detail* be exponent of Country lin es City man- tas/Mt haa se forgrantingtheseepliestrikesaitemelly Wow viers and no,I.•• nt 'IP,. Such mime' ne zthe intertial utilised the Ueitxml Sinz4.en win at reeponsiblegovernutent. Whet would the thorn of dames Greenwood an.i ta..„ken ia this argielell *meet, efter oseptp of Illto -It think of the County thornbure which we no timriegat the ssuneere, pone. Verily. (-loaned, if the Itieel sn.1 !Indies - ionntributors,are pitsranteys nf interesting polities( re Evielanil 'tooth to. tee here grantei smatter nf twenty thou aaiet s„nore to wed within the Comity, reeding, snil those in reari.h of aoniethirg ""VVIllue south mot tormells euto the ae wel Gm Coursed were not to tell them, to form a 'tort of Meter, ?dress might do %Wee .k erharleth it eel *Iwo, and how to expend it, hnt were to woes° than try the "that stranger." mesiel cen " walling from l'i,bortie to t iwn. When opposite W, s' 'Ir. -00y ROM • Islyeallased the slasta with the view of jemping am and hr. [Odor urged his Isere° t irward (9 avoid them. 'file animal at once ran away, turr ed off the Atm& to the side walk et 51 0. Pentland's Boot and !shoe Duthie,' sleigh caught ita the hack band of Mr.- dime's teem, when the whole three home led right round and dashed to- warde the ems -leiter teenier down bin. D. Adams' sign in their progress. The two teams rit disientaugled here ; Mr. Detleee tenns nutmeg (Miele:0 int, elr. Henry Mai tin'. etehle awl the ethe. teem romitig up Hamilton street where- thee throuth thu ofthe pot solemn were canelat by Mr, Archineld McCurdy. which caliwit be ti," strongly snimailvert- ny. Nteljouloill Was in attendanee int- eti on. W• mean the Totem of the poo- eked, 001, and did what he could fer the ple's moot., by the people.* to/Present's- suffer 're. Mr, Der ler -iii"fterriewler the urea for terbium lincertain purposes, pro- ear. of Dr. Shan:ion, and en regtet to,say ',ally laudable enough in principle, with.- that he conehlers the ease one of consider- ont. havittg hofure them plots end gbh, gravity. ties and knowilia exactly h. w, when,where ' and in what ',remotion the grants are to ENII LIS II fineflt.TY.- We hate received. tie applied. It parliwaicet give tip its frwn Mr. r. J. Moorhouee the first ty au •Secutive,o, if it that mother d' a was si triist-wooliy one why " " Society." In etyl • awl eppearerieto both ton. After hutch flecut 'peaking and reasiinine, that would have shamed Measure which he bed supported htmeelf, elder asiembliee, the chairman (Nr. A D. lot veting in hooted the Nlanitoha Bill. If Cameron) gave lau, decialoti that those en puhlic rumor Wan t•• he nehered. Red lied t he side or France had the best of • the not mit his feet in the country sauce the segaimento Go on, boys. TII0 ''' Maple. glorieus event al the entrance of the Lear' forlver. teuippe. . In a few weeks there will be re. preeentafives Dem that cerintry 'waking a *eat in (hie Reuse, and the question for the einerument was, vrhether they have a - right tai such a neat In. not. ile knew the tariminion gevernment hatl no right to in- terfere with the Local Logielatiare of On- tario ; and for the same reason they had am right to interfere eith that of Nlan:to be. tie wished to, know telly the question was lir night befere the I louse thene-at a time when fetch a diectission was ealculsited (pelmet a feeling of immunneet in the 110W territory. Ho 'peke of the Fenian raid ; the defences of the Deininion, the withdrawal oi the Imperiel tempo. Ile mod the best feeling thnt Animated the yoltinteen when called out fer duty was. (het they were hacked by !Intuit troops. tte then referred to the feelieg of Catiadi- ens et the conduct of the livelier country in leaving the Dominion in an itnproteet- eft partition liy the within:twat of her tom' s and steno from Yamada. Ify the cerree pondeuto, it was to be seen that the 1 gOlicC11 trIlt Wan diesatislied The Doniimen government were not proceed - mg with the building of fortifications for Dominion Parliiment. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Ottawa, Fele 1 O. The !louse of Coot mons rnetat the hour The now members.including Mr Fourni- er, were introduced. Mr Shickettne askel if all) arrangements hail been made for a repreecination of the people of Manitelta in Parliament this 4c1101:1,R. Sir Jelin A. Melitimald replied that they expected to learn by every the result •.1 the election for the (Mateo Legislature. As regards the legality of Gee seats of the hon. gentlemen, and of the rep-este:nation tystern prevailed tn the NI anttehe Act. -he (the Pretnier)litel stated there we, a doubt, as to the apooliattnent of the menaliers to the Semite, and perhape ea to other por- tions ..1 the Act ; end thet they woold be carefully el nosiderell, add that if it wart eaten through a more met comiderat ion, Ooze was auy doubt as to theconstoution- t Hut a qivret pair ot Igniter • Z.:,..•=l=•--7•••••• nr.-,141111.-INKOMCMC4mr". MOORHOUSE 11 A S Received full Supplies 'The sleigh slot on, and I heard no mere is it, but Echo, for a long time at the eau- , . low •Iiiw, low which indented that 4 Ilia -NK. BOOKS. ' Al intervals iif die tune, kept murmuring OOn;idereible tidniber of stanzas Mr.re a ig had been sung at they glided along. _ -OF THE- hfunicipal of Ontario COMPILED B I THONIII PRICE I DOLLAR. N. B, -Township Clerks will oblige by sending in their Orders for the same at onc e elity of theism prevision'', steps would be the defence of Canada ; r. wait difficult for taken to secure their being constitinional. A ceentry,, not whelly independent, to teed by an Act of the Imperial Paeliameet. footle legislation that will be perfectly oil, and his report was made a basis of an tineerwment were entatted whop., how. to all pertieeis fie thoogist-tho After ninsidering Thai nelfitireliteresitirt. ____ Order in Ceancil, etilisequentlY transmit- ever, before bringing down the militia tett to England. They had recelved in re- intimates whet the Imperial Government turn • draft of a Bill, for the purpose of as to do for us. A great/Arany admit that condoning the Mauttobe Act and all pro. there lea feeling tendiviirto independence , hy other pectimary complications from prti- ceedings therelinto, end she, a making all IIPlearling thnough the country. (tries ofl elating hinitelf with another. Tho num- !) 102 Yee yee yes !, hers of his oingregation have very cotisiiler- A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT 01 XVIII" 1.:1F.flariar.ru., .II, intoota% or Febrtnes next, then anti .... .. .. . i•li.ii. 10, Oatol iliat 11.0 uu, Unseat Was h.rd III • the great men and tire Leeislative Council .. Hon We Hodes aauluterelice 11-d he.,a Mad.. 1,1 (h.% of our province. 1 send a copy of the /imolai nesary la American evils', lint It was WA ex 4,., , act ly of lisi rainy proportion •• lite tn,kledi prOCitInatIon in roll, lied may say, tor Ir. 1"1",ses eel", l'vs-*. ke es -i ....11•••1 th. Mfill' theletiefit or thnoq' who are not t hot- tre, nil 11.• lor Joao Row. loth. ,41441140Y or.a........o. ....on lunar Ennadian ,...ki t. set that 0.0 g;itryll.rul :Ong lily posted in Mir goography, that the h ,; 10, 1.,414 So erreferentic end trestY with pudici ilo 1..rFo.tc r.;Lit: 147. ;r;r7.itr Pruel'uoition is dated at Fort Garry, t 1 1.1. Matins, be (tliemai400,couilerad that the IV hIC11 HI the revile Pee ef the Governor """"*Lakth` sod l'rifate S..cretary, It ie also the o.. .•ageratillate the niici worst 11pulf th.if mes- s, Lt. the eitmi...,; lir Eti secoca- belldrillaTtell a the [Judson lliy Com - AL. WM astoe;.1 they Lad done *Litt erarri‘lit .tud lor the lout . ploy and the f)atario liattaiien, end with - •t ...1, 141•'''Ti" M's Ex• tn ilS hOepitable Willi .1 edge Johnston v. lets, 01 ,•,,ereet..r..121. • relettna It the threw •• •-•f Inene«•••••Me•••• Multi also finds abetter ; while the town of eami---neemeeeinemee leileusetishe-s**".",- w." 'Winnipeg, where l'arliament is to meet, veered ei vt. aeroosoir stroot al 113.• orrill Awl Mona rib, hi... 1., the de• is about a quarter of s mile from Fort free, Itte....142 In lialii owl thomilit ai Waft au Umry, from which it is divided by • re- ventets. s„ii for (1-1,', ut to OM,. aerie ("loathed by the Itta lion Bay Com. iyernny 14400{0 11.1 laen ••••.21 At iu Ust IWO* esialwa tho jia pany. The Yost -office a Wrens mid entre is Fort Garry, although the l'ost- - SEALY. reelly kept in the town of Win. nipeg, where a uew bellowing eeimreeetritersor inns ette regent Imt.1 to 5Ir. Ltannatyne, has been rented for St gatast.-The weather inst now is . the presets! accomodation of the legislators very dry and steady, titat attil Collt11111011 until proper (platters eau he built next cA'tladri..rallit'-eirr:awlimii ea fa ePiel° Ini; gkilditedit:gPol,"e' '1.1;111". 'Kasen. ing in a -beautifully curved well ed varied The irositoisaii,Goternmcnt orpn, re - riot*, and rif dauttu brightliese; zeroes marts recording tho tolling of the Lrgi.- the northern sky and touchine• in 4411C un. !afore together at this time, that it is brisken span the limit of either -horizon. doubtful whether any businees will be People whu reckim thenewlves weather- trarseacted for FOiliC time afterwarini. ',ea, felt confident it was the herald of a Meantime the Cabinet ill completed, and sodden thaw ; but the rule'r of Atemephe. Tie 1110110111eilit seems to have had Imam ie composted of Ilan AVred Boyd, Pro - other object iir 311113..ge in view ai the vincial Secretary ; Hon Mare Girard, Frei moreieg brettelit sonic very biting prierfa "Pend Treasurer; Hon Thomas Howard, that there Mae 'tinder certain appearance. NI ints'er of l'ublic Works and Aerienl. ha more (reedit,' tulle, elemeutal niag. ture ; lion Ilinry Joseph Clerke, At- azine,then is doomed ..1 inetirrittilosophy. .erec .., . y. trent rid, and Hon Jae MacKey. It is on the main an excellent woven for t The letter is a wealthy Eneelisli half.breed, the presecutien of many of the porpines of and has been employed by Government life, the snow is oot Very deep at present, and is so compactly iliatributed in all three- before in the cepacity of Indian Agent lien., as to afford every convenience, both sod Superintendent of Puhlic Irorks ; he for timber chopping met :neighing purpoo is, consequently, well acquainted with en, bolted ill mime resiocts (considering ii the eggi„e trihee; and liks great in- th• awfuterowtty of rimalgamatiel mud and fluence vitt, them Three of the mem• tend, which endangered the livbs of Illall hers or the Gevernment are entire At rang. :end wife, anal nevelt mg the wreck of goods era to the oduesueity in so far ne their and vehicles, on thia Satigeen line ef ours presiona to Gm slisighine season) the pre- east career is concerned, and have, there sent "Leto of travel redounds much more lore, a Letter opporteriity a f making a hi the credit of our old pathmaker 'Jack clear record hereafter ; but they are Frew, im o nod (wan" furs, than it did *heady known among 113 as gentlemen ef hitherto to that of James Lomas The ability and educetion. winter feed for oittle of .11 'tots is becom The ft lends of Mr. D. 11 Whitener, ing very scarce, and many people arc 00111 - at present teaching. at Kililoran, will be pelled to kill or sell mtock of different kinds which they weed,' otherwise be dim- pleased to !Corn that he plied a very posed to keep. In tact, if a thaw duce creditable otamination at the lest meeting nait very mon occur, a good many of amr of flie Nlanitoba Presbytery se • Divinity beat quadrupeds- speakitig cernparatively, student ; that he deo labors in the «01 Root' evince a 'striking affinity of leek to those term tine described in one of the miewonare field, and is to deliver the sinneue ofItherault I. ...... a ' next lecture for the Y. 51. C. A. early in LA I. DAuLt Geniulm4=WriFePriffiiiit--/F-thrta,17,- - 132 "40uncat.tan- with the's' of the Free Prealet terian Clench, Ash field, ineelinfl", and also the missionary meet- havoie unferontately lost his horse some ings lately held by the Caneda Prosby- time ago by accident, and being disabled tcrian minieters, it is gratifiyieg to no the interest ehown by both the Ontario ono Quebec Battalion* in retch matters - pore', llll for the (Inure, which he would • , , . • • . quite a number taking in active part In II, trooble thr. House with no,. Thor ft is 841 -the feeling antiety does exist, ately *et in order a sithecription for the ciraft of the Causultau Bill would he trans. anal 'Once the withdrawed or ebe emperim ' purpose 01 preeenting him &Rothe; This honorable • trio* C nailians feel they aro in an tin- is a very consietent anal highly furthering the good cause by speaking at the meetings end actively Waling in ob. mit y to ne . ... Aubmialion t,, tho imperial Parliament. sate.factory and tinprotected positien. lie token of their reepect for their aged I ast Mr Mackenzie ',Faked if it was intended referred to thezilieY of Mr. Corder'', er, who has often very long jeurneys to to nominate Senators befere the Bill came Seeretary of ar, iii his whirrs!, to his make in the proxecution of his nainisterial fr 1111 England. ceptainente, in which he expressed his duties throtigluoit the whele range cif the Sir John A. Mooloneld replied, that it opinion thet the colonic,' should defend year. Lorie li ue the ht-ree and bitig the rider weetheiatentionadthegovernmentthat the the Mother Country, instead ef tier de- foo. I know anether •ery worthy olii VI MO toll& movie, filiotil,1 he represented in fending them. Ile thought it elm the duty meniber of society, whose earthly eirenm- . I li stances wrield be very favourably enhanced by the receipt ef a ' gift horse' any pers- on taking MI interest lit torch amble: m ive- 4erc Mills, in A speeCh of tome Tenet a ment may ha funnelled with fin -thee parti- expleinret thet the government heft a right culars hy applyriag to yeur Arnberly tor - to penieh the muniments"( Scott ; bet he respondent. thonght if it hed not been for that crime Besimem-The whaling end sawmill fronthe manner in which the people had 13111111,011111 are in strong operation. Large beim treated sby the Federal overnment, orders for lumber fiir saltwork erections, . mob, Lorene ies of the Legmleture during 0 his pernmen the preeent session. Perhape, by concert of England towarda the Dominion, "alb wall the pposition, it ntight be so arrant- ' rex t to its defeloe. ed without riming any imentiim of con- otitiationality, thin. the reprotientittaree of Nlanitolet might he allowed to take their places in both Memo, pending the mete, of the Bill from Ennland. Mr MAckeneie-oThat will be it matter for coneeteration with regard to the Fish- ery question. Sir A. T. Galt asked if the ryernment would tang down the papers before the &bete on that part of the Address was entered upon. Sir John A. Maohinalit eniol, in reply that the Addres• was • eters matter of form An amendment «es novor mood Belong, Reber options. An order ham pod heen issearrhy the military .110106We that all voltinteers who wish to remain and Retitle in this Province can olden, their diacherge hy proper ap- plication thoeigh their officers to (Ottawa ; and that, in the meantime, lelve of Ab- sence, or plumes, will he granted to all wich applicents OR good behavior tintil the diecharge armee ; en that, meenwhile, they will here a thence of 'seeing the coun- ery and selecting a gond locetion at Govern- ment expense, a. their pey roll not he dia- contintied formally iliecharged. This is an exoellent arrangement for intending settlers, and gilite a number of tooth Bat - that they eeedd not ha serval, y (tend smn• and frame beret. are tieing dady h bilious have *veiled thernsel ens Id it by elt. for eventing Canadian &inherit,. The at our respective Saw Mille, find 'geared nuking immediate application. The pros - Minister of Justice hail said that the umber for Harbours of Refuge, cordwood g te that we shall hats quite • number govenment had no power to sincere the ar. for Salt tt orks, and r. multitude of other teat et the nienierers. This wait net en, purposes, seem the chief linemen nf life, Th0 if nit Bey Compeny worn henna within the echeMg, forests at regent. The of veltiehle settler' hy the spring from this nonce- many of theni tradesmen, who are much needed *rule ill do well here. Prived• in AO' Imperial r.vernment to transfer to barmen, mean to make 0 tinich better her- William Young, of Nri. 3 to., gneblee reelatfa for trial and pianishment torsone vest out ef their tooth boob this winter Rifles, received his inecharge direct from who were guilty of higher ertmee than a than they did from their menciatteral efforts Canada on Saturday hut, the brat mew of be isintent with the Committee* miner. re except one iif went of confidence. A thee Misdemeanor, mid it TrIVI cempetent for i hut year --the creak end trash of falling the Battalion who has "loner. noW ets oil? Btalta luck- -The new nil, cifasjon on th., mobile, et present, weeld lite K.,1 !Rent "f Cenaila to &etherize the tree* are to he heard f/i18Very tweeze ; and 1 forwit to election at the time, that ince that they 1.0•11•1 tlo Ille beet they Ana of Mega* it si.u.s, beds biansiast he unsatisfactury. At the eterlient IMP it conviction of Itiel, nod it vrtis al.' it does indeed ROOM inevitable, thst a de- Gorernor Archibald held a le•ee on New emit 1 with it, ishif ficht It''' mu"'" "19'4 tering theietells Ar end wide. ; In 001110- nest practimehle,after that deter., t frw tiles 1.ientesuisat-Gomenneelnued for coal feel must at least ins few Year's Day (Menilay tete; iilwerved as P vonmi sli.y have aerie a rushing Waiters in ble id submit/men, without in wry Manitoba to ask for the extradition of 'earth be the rangiest rettwtt ; for (as onr loch.) when la• and his Lefty redden! a hare c..nfeloweein their good ietianiiiinef - QUALITY KNOWN T 0 TIIE TRADE, -01• M Pal 1111 MM. -•-•••• Lowros, Pekt.'11 iretioroa from rhe showed that the ellw/ 05,000 ts4 IA* - Thn eet°1e9 ere ""I'l le"°' he '1°1'4 --thole owellomers anyine thM ie Wel Vie In the pentad service, would be brought wife very philateephieally otwiervos) If large number of the petite:pal inhabitants emit of s..ato noire "dotal the metter. Compering gpuil nom, Those who muter- genre. • . Bon. Mr, Deaden took exception ta tiu (key pone en eit ;no Ihr enure 11 no of the Trainee, who were all delighted bit. geepotermis reread the Grittier.' Govern, gag og with pe.vinciel. this iaitihnottroae, muter g iwkluet ti",,whateseftwee, shr A, T. Gen after remert,,,,, n the westing of the 'serigraph ei.reerning stick* 30149 War vied* we' war nisi frees with the attention, and the ofrdielity A *veined loseitestelitent .1"Irelmt tw frovvr-ehnoto tants melting, - bordllfillyifferdstorr of ; Dritiekokkehseebta, dio erammeniewereesnathalikiVegbflasC. • • thine reception. • CONSLITI.NO Of; ••••-•- Diy Hooka, Ledgers, .Tourabit Cash Books, -Minute :Books, Invoice Books. Memorandrum Books, Pass Books, Pocket Books, WideIndexes Narrow Indexes. MONTHLY TIME BOOK WEEKLY TIME BOOKS, POCKET LEDGERS, &c -,:&c., &c. OFFERED AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES FOR CASH. A T IMOORtIOUSE'S Goderieh, Jan. 24th, 1870. w47.111111-•