HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-2-23, Page 1..•••••••• • • a • e. -4 , 4" eta • s J. ,Bitotticoo Dircctorn. BRADRN AND CLUCAS. Rouse, Sign & Ornamental Painters, 1) la g7;;:•I 1 i': el:31r C:11 3::*iJ IL 1C? Agents tor Jaekson'a universal '31p and Wringer ' (weds. mender* nardaara. stele. neamea.i 4144., tete. lyw31 W. G. WILSON Isinew of Marriage Licenses, InSuranee& Real Estate Agent costuvutioxs.a IN II. IL. DEEDS. DEO RTGAG ES, &c., I,lU4V2 A N 1/ Risk:plan, MONEY TO Lows, * omit. tot latra. mlf.ty Nihrit41.:1;i71.4-V ICTOIrrIt GEU.00X,& ABRAHAM srLrH. Proprietors. el.oe 1I1NV. 1,.i Ye 1 1 V h. NCH, 1111.4.11 !LIN la 1110 lt" ta u. JAMES MEWAT WIAOL.EJAALE' OY The far-famed :and tellable Nt Catheine'• hureery 1.1: W. SEA LIM rant FOIt ALL ISINDS 9 ttetr ton ottoASIESITAL TterEit, GREEN - house Mats iirain A.., tr. yr Ana stlielt not two band, unlend .0 the thanes autice. IlmmA -11014114011e. liodirs 4', IJA (loclerich, Ave 15, 1670 W$0 F DeT NAV Waggon aril Varnage, Uu5iuc3 Diteii0X2. 11 4 " Tke Greatest Pussilde Good to Oke Greate;t l'ussible-Vi4ntl4r." GODMICH, ONTARIO, D.C., THURSDAY, Olisin cos itcctorp. ‘1774.148 'BUM Z IE Extensive New Premises FEB. 23, 1871. • JAMES YOUNG, Etlitor 1VOL. XXIV- NO : e. 33:1 ihor CeN7 A-. 1)r. Ornalaton. Legislature of Ontario. havem rt thtei :vet .40111.141 DANIEL GORDON, The many admirer, of D.. 0 in' -.ton The dlou Toronto, Feb. 14. ligence. They encmia:rod no armed op- toil...me node with endurance 1111 1111t1 - CIA 131 N M. A -it Eft will rea•1 with pleasure the lob wing from the New Y•Tit correspondent f the se met at 10 o'clock. pasiti in, and their arrival at the Red iltrigatiLlated ecclesiastic attact:on; Irelme part of Church street, in the city of hate, titelerthe cuitaid,•retteu accorded to After radon', the follovring Bills were Diver %AA eortliallY kieleolued ty the ti UPHOLSTERER, Chicao0 Times :- read third time, after amnions : Thu "„ph, 4,1,00,uu, ..„,.....,,A.5,2„................_•_._„_,,_ RNDID N EIV STOCK yy 10 WITH A VIEW 1104111 IMO (ri, -.";f1LIPT '"r.ot"0.:'. h. 4. op up • that he ha. es h r..1 ponaeselon of ths ataist ii.151 HONOR OE ANNOUNCING Ca Barr • .. o.L oe.epait rot tit-. 8 /Wall Gebel itakers, 1.1rdertakers 06 it, , MR. ISAAC TREDRICK JEWELLERY, WATCHES AND, "' 1'''' • ' • °al feemt aftfik Turners, 'FIE het put. an entirely ie.. oet carefully arjakiiiiI3LerC:hiNT eser, 4. olien• 1•.1 k 110 e .1 t ,n tont aloof 1, I••• ilia fal fot 1 •entudianto Inwreas.• o LOCKS,,A GOOD ./A,SSORTBSENT 1 • .4.11 nighties alul priced onialde. tor the trade _04 AND PllitEPAItItlit TO GIVE, CUSTOM - *4,4-0 ...Mon FACTOR.Y• est, old awl new, thelIVIL. uniform salliesclinn I PV °3333.1"IITI fC11-141,11(Elt & JEWELLER, ing th,rlent. of lows which Rs. Er.dri. VI.. to long .10in Ito mg WI .BATES & ELLIOTT 10,1 rountr, 41 the, hare 4,, opt 1 yotra vrith Ur. Fredrick ha le pr. ' of littchen. iniologrogts, and l'eslor Fur ottani, sot b es 444' 1011 4.4 henarratie.-- W.111111.4 ',Nal. Lot %PA. tow,t• Wain/non 11 /1.11130 •„ all .1.. • Idol a "Tile WHATNOTS, LOOKINt, MAISIE • atle oo1511• .501•44,5 • • swig...U.10H, 441•1 It( onowt moderate rats., ,,,,•,„yagota• oat 4..0,1 ill; 41* ilately ailloinIng the W. •tern 11,:14.4 1100. 4. attend peraanslis tu all the walk en • • w aloi 00 peepar..1 to Imo Waggons, Buggies, E kg, n_ In 10011retktua0o4"p and at the very lon.ad raicill 1411.4 rams. G-ia rich, Nue. 17t10, Ze-Clrir2ielePT--4314- ere•s1ais silemtel to. • PTIOTOGRArH . • ON HAND, a large assortment of f Si lea El I $1.00 Per • Dozen. Ive sold Cheap , fur Climb or Cerd. Ciudartee, ant 4 tyre. sae ..fetliP FARMS tori SAL.MgLia.t11e T4*E T... punctuate 0,ply 10 It /1311t.PS1111AW, /F. lated Owient ToRnantr August 15, 1870 A 30 If Alt orrenst. tn 01. abn4. 1 hey.. ,mtet platoon. In • .40 ,400 11.1, r K,141. wee in now eon plot:11011 fot leo 14/n04114 III,. 4,1140. r leen *hr. Ciao" iesetlot. cap,4 of .10114 0 • otk e• any Wei of 7 "omit, • 1.11.1 Li 1.11 and is worth;r77-211 S"Trilutv-end-weekalimeselse 111. 51,o corpIra eat year sastuntal all the did Me 11 1. felt sad said, and 4.60 all that ' Lion of yea said City -11.011 SIT C.10111g .aid and not felt, because of the t,oincarporato the Grammar and Common :417, ill. who hee-tino &Alois only Seltieds ill A/WM:in • - 11011. Mr estuer..i.; ihi. iivia.. Batamend the Agneultural mid Arta 1111110 ii 0,11111 e . y. Act- lion Mr Carling; Ittll respecttng the by reddence and a .... "A"' '" establishing of Regime) 1On:ea to Ridings, Which gives to his tongue the and to amend tha registration ot taloa- brogue that Wag reef articulated. or tta,030611,1; Bill to provide fur remitting the il nothing that t Mid government of a ek Macdonald; 11.11 Rail one or tie- ishieo gt.. kw 44 ttureittit, the 4.!..1.0) • eitm., as those permeates words which Alt.,1,14;:::4 lewt 1...weatea ''..,an knows so well bow enprly wiarrythi,14 lit Ina hue. alsod• to tise. Centre, relating to g Oen J s ; ernment Ito.td lin:herds; Mttl to eitesaurage the re:Miami% 'ro wa Ti.olon• Licensee thiervf or - ot Eree niatifs. tallon air thirling's Bill, r.•spectitegste- tlai.jautiAtos h Iraern by lion tiaiteltield HE HAN NOW ON HAN,. [win oo perf, oily and entirely tale hearts Urawiassiess Yarloigyalt• 11r. OCI elturee do go To in•I111 Win. and ite scats are not only bnt ot st 3, den. t ipte.n, IleJnasea lett. la Walt ' of hill itValtUC and T. ty-n inth Vire .0 tiottle.t the passage *aye with chairs and tr.00ls, The noucc atho Uslevrg, 41 .nr, A. ON HAND A LARGEAS 4.$41M11401 ilE tenneweremamiewanatii, cur iM10 11.1114,:110.1i4 Watt • ••iii,i1101.• SI. tint ran , 1.130,,trni.hof the tito to entermartiontra-niZego t*. Ity-i; 13 t 11 are preparwl to sell ei er)thing 10 . ,tiaeu tole , 0 pen . Cheapfor Cash. .1[1- lla. alertly. on h•nd a e.oplete a.eort • atehe•onli i1/1 and a Ili arse 1.. lore . anvil ...,.,061. t7offins & Shroutls in the Lat(st Style. 15:-T1 A . omplete 0....,1tn.. at of t .01. and Shrewd; . - . . Ire., 111 ••any .40. teg1111*.1 at ilitonto MOVA L. - N• E_AND' WCABINET STERING ia T wenT NTRET OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL, OODERICH ERIC MCKAY, I1y01,3•11 RE1PROYIK1LY A N. TY manse that 10' has ,01.001 WM Molt Mtn. also. 014. 0 Wsat nose*, ••11.- t14e Seek lloatraaL Mum 14i9 ail keep sotieteotlt • o*h.14 or mike 54 •Mer Tostitruar•or-ALLM C4.I0144.111.4 anal. rt al, 414*011 be pree.4e4 L.1111 ramp, troll madam la that line tar A quantity of G l and nomwood 800l44*541 06 hart, rictaie hainin totriler. • . . 51- II. ',t• FT Moteta..teettoreto has wee re, • 4'141/t of palate patrons.. 0040.04.. Ays. 16.1571 a ALV DOZEN FROM BACKATIV LI coats, pestaire tree.Ono dozen from hark negative 8/ cents, pottage free, many stlirsos. to aid Antbrotypes, . For either large ,,run*!I photographs. The eubscrila-r in returning thanks *141 11,8 liberal patronagp heretofore extended to him, de such im- WARNING AID YENTILLTItiG. ItEITH'S PATENT, riot40 /viz- 1711.34.1"312.043Cag -, 4 s,. o' i• EY ricitafTlitAirsinittti- ell l* Itr II ES. tiC1100.114, PUHLIOre DUILDINGS, 1103 ti AID PRIV.tTE DWELLINOS. Ithentne either' .0.0*eon. no' Peril. In thie 0., (0.,!, ea refer In 'Canteen,. 14, Misr r.hltaiss the port n.tt • toe wast• • fonose. ro• (saber particulars. .1palPatent., FtWITIt. Da& out 1401 44.1*, 1.470 er27.3m• would jest aay that be has ma mot -entente inlin gallery as will merit • cote tintirfee of the same. tr_T Great Reduction oa Large Ilotograpba. E. L. JULINION, Godera:kog. 13. 1870. -30 Lazarus, Iriorris Co. ALEX. WALLACE, NV tTi 1111 klli ANI) J KIER, gloi.s33 afror A tww.ee1aee6t wareermatiCm FiaaCsttrt.o owEroiart•ltat•nSt1r en•init-tft,1atr5n1 .. f0 a.1v100ow 1r1e 4ta g,d 4' 4414404.118' bastnil oarapteby A. !fay..ash, Wo 4',14111ce, wdr.toMak ho Ven•erhs rola 4. Ofthe Metl .ustnn ,,l. whyh ey hve .4,, lo IS oar*, ed a• 11.1 ,nou W0 1• 110,1 •n. 1•1/1411, of hen petr.mage, ho mar...My mo 1,00rpte Watches Clocks and Jewelery •••10e•o.-. rot e•t a - ,11 *,-*;r ALEX WALLACE. doloneh ANL lIte lo 4te itema of and many standing, 811110444 wearying, Ito 4 i siwr atimulsi mg los eloquence, and so power-tl,ot!!! ful are lite magnetism'. A6i)4O'lglI 1,40 44 a Pi esbyterian of some sort or other, he draws his au& nee (WW1 Ow Most ez. elusive as well as the most liberal of other delanuinat ions, and the most won.lerful part of the story is that he inf domes both Elmo and woman with equal fere.'. Those vat -ling inap•rtties. CI1•111,:c W:111 11134431.1111110.1 on. 1111 110111. 111 the with i4 the lastk right. • • • With regard to the time of diem think 1 *hew Idlateicatot at haat 4*0 114.11Cal 1111 IP Ctinailoll 111111 -44'..41.1. -re larvisig *10. 11' faithfully for tomb.. •• and ration -A the irh.ed ty go..) prospoit. ont very , clue T. :where, 141,4110 thy committal my feelotgl a little. 11is under any, micuit.stauccat to tare it ere Wilted tat. flow teleh degrading after seri so long end constietitinitis:. toy fattlifitilt to birth* • • 110130 fly. Why not tell lee %V hen the 1 a • bad decided 111,111y tinillt111 Indnre tl •111i1 Ilut 4,441.4440 Ilia for another 1 • Co11010 did not that Cut tint pia ir threat into esteem lllll . knoen their et:terminal untie"( ti.aau 11 11110 coolti rest veil a bleb I would have tloi.e. saving the diajace of being terti.v. and consopo titli.preventing much of hard fueling 4111* eatstuig. When 1 • to Trustees in this areffle 1 mesa, the e - whose tor ties were attached to the above referred regaial three 414' '14111* tittle to look 1,... atit.thai school Alithe rebinds a ithin any 4-,e4.1. aIle distance •if rosiden were falai' less 1 would go 0 4( a the 'fuel...Li: eelf-government, and every appearsace warrants the hope Oust they aro eittermg 11114%108.n my To. oihip-busintitv. 'rimy auy dia ,,'.t apply ettber by wort. 01* writing or give the deast intimation that 41,,,.jr,,,1 to rattan. Mr. talitt, did '4•l ever hear 1111101111g ett absurd, aft. r •MC they were going 4044 tang", advertise 6." an.1thk/r 111011C I.CC411.1U1kAir 1 51.11111 make epplicat ion for ft * h uot :Lein 1.3rinor yeare, w lien it it as the i • vraii.hlo practice of the, Trustees to aek WY' if 1 intended to tent:silt or • oilld lartitate. on. That froal too much 4111111.1,84 mind, tltey sty, 1 Was nvglectitig Erst that Wag 11,1 really the cane, eiy ths' nreatnai one. 1 thine flee (+dirge that f Illtlekl,t/11. the 11C11./U1 111.1 befult: LItcy 31101114 gat o f etay:3 A @tate:, ay upon a career of peace awl pros• verity. • The Legislature of Ilritiah Content -Pia 110 11%11401 1111 addrewi to Het. -Majesty tangling ftir adititekitin into the nition on the ternts and conditions therein stated. All the paaere ort this important subjeet wiU be attiettitted, and your earnest attention is Invited to thein. 1 M41,4)601 will find the. cornet are so tais...as 1.. jostdy volt 1.11•10 1U ' 11. alar &dirties, a,. that tile h. sold 'Annan iguty nt day CI utole u1.1415 At10114tO , /0,01 ee of the Pakitic he After recess, In reply 4o Mr Lauder, who asked wanth- Cr or not the government intended tetake any *44.18 betre tho next meeting of the Legiillature, secore such mi adjoutnient or settlement of the common School land of lietche.i.e a honor. who ham,. bear NO, ill all 4‘,1„41 .„1, 4 hien** altuujod. ' ego. tally11 our Own ,mititr..1; esti tin lite old . ad loud it e. ill o tike steps to secure tbe. erego.,11%.4„..-- to wilYtay of a r,,,,te for an 01,1400,e,...wie iZIO116„.1.1,111011.11,.. Inc **109e"ri the,. w1."a,y•,,•*•• Ph• •iview to its c•eis,ruvttivi 1,04011401. •. .a1:tt•w*a ..w.phetlvO,imrpar6.tie4"i.3s WA.b.6.V-f to the hernia of unlon. 441,401m.6lia,'..b01,„.„,... •isitin t the al.renewt T rri- 1,n. ol had go faulilthv oforisi tiro. „h,."n rho Governmont moilmuch hoelitees on My . Oarliament of te1".....,dI,),, 111;44,,t lllt trolintitioh y WIWI. 404 •' 100tiling for their early eitaueoa 4, 1 *""Il ""t d't4","1'11.'41mM.,.1 .* . ' _ encouragement 41 19111110.11.1kill. TI11111 duty they outer mentioned such a Ili - eau bo haat ileteliarged by a likk.iet, INkci, mother did IL hear anytime. td t. 1 - silic through our own country, to 44int.,1,... me Inv aerrices tit -mild not Le re. iy, or by 14)14084114; 141! ci tttttt .tnicitTois, thing tall quite a tome after they i..oi . i I110 111e31111 proposed for aeconlisoahing after the closetof the year. The enter thinie n4rivses8111 be submitted for 'pm, R.1 • a C'4,,-1 'IOUS friend i4 the Terathoe • V etv Not' n. E' 3 Et seri. Doors West-ef Pe4 L•qtkix 1 and 4 ;,p1 Toot 1 arm alFf. riot oye, r nt - - Ilea *Inch 1140, NOW IS YOUR WIANCE, 70r,1/4//, 0 443 , Si kill) -FACT1IRY. hne way The, ' ov.ir s-e1et m in g eeffi._ecttied., tilig rann d upsm otp onitou art'always revertnt in respec"to ony7r.l!f6nearn . . gc ,oi, .. secredprjt!lic, wliillie44.14010,4 106. iti otliitante in de I•1110 hicalitiea, in hwreraiol,,,u,;rieiyaro64414 an tater that a just and ennitaule abatement Iourbou241..6mn:.r.t .1: 41414 in 8 08 114 .t,atit1.tt1,,t..;ilf.r::;:.i.r6,1: lion Mr Ilicletrila ;mid it was toot the intention of the iivernincut to 114T.404060404withthem, lands. 1Iri J S Mj.e.1..nald, in reit'to ?dr. lisada(iineytsaid it wee not the inteittPt - , /TNA 1E com p 11tdisplay,andfitilly tlls Ins triends 1111it"trt he pulpit thatlie in aniloeil with out .KkiffORD CO- y .__ 1, N•. CASII CAPlAL....ttttt CA{1 ASSETS ... 5,782,635.09 I)sESPAIDIN51 EAICS8,000,00, tand flint It le 4b staalea nvegene.tnbteem at t aim.nitycm ineverent to wakeouch nt, 111 . eit actin-ST eut- henist of God. Ile don't like the wavtog1ti1 ers on uuttitetited lauds, sa that toirttes of plume% iu front of 11* church ahar; nor 4041114g oil 1011.1*11104 the lt. July, 11467. oes he like Aimee imitation.: of the lilies may have the lament of cutteugthe Wither 4a d of the fij1 1, which toll not, bittewhieh aro . thereon, the proceeds of.which shall he ap toiled over with seantinessocetrengtli aill l.Psrorrated ea partionit ut thu lands: nor 1).' ,i, „,,,,., 111 ,,,,j, t a as it the intention' the KOCCTIIMelit to , 1,, ' '111,111.1a1ULI: 0_1111 CO mike oily chan4e 01 (1040 The Largest Capital, HE LARGEST ASSTS • Aver ANITA iNcomE FIREINSIIIk4f.NOE COY.PANY IN AMERIC.,1: Cjv Deposit wooly trith the Thrnit.;011 14ocerl•talif for fa/ Irewf1.1 of I needier( Pot., .1 hotel. (Jet to air. y. C4- Recent failures show the impor- tance of patronizing the Companies that af- tord the intat reliable indenedity and the value"( an .Etna Pclicy meet Ite apparent. Irt • 4.1 att. ni• spin. to the Inthrthee 01 hue. h.., in tam, and P. ble ling• lof DIXIE WATSON, I ", ..4gent. �.4,i4.Ji* Mk let a/ 1y THE ennereninea harms potshot...001a Plant- ing Mill and Sa•li Factory owned, 0541 0" mimed by Donald (umming, ars now prepared tureen( On the lownseemettinanassigwenia Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings,Flooring. Siding, and all Made of C 1 C NV ar) 1R, I‘ , Cock mid theme Saab and F10111011 They thigh from Itself extortense to emt,ey Wore .111•1 limy ran give eattelectum to Ell no May teverthemmth • mil. N iljreril .1i4.00o1 (0 the trade. 20,000 feet rn o. Dry inch and • leader Flooring on haul :AS BreTIANAN, DAVI) LAWSON, VIM 11011INSOM. Ooderich, Aug 15, 1 470 w30 IMPORTAN--- -NOTICE. Opticians and Oculists, 7444, 410. I 841" 1.74,!.:,.!!,LT,:ri lIpentorke, •peottotti t Imatitt awl Pruggiat, (lo.lerteh, Ont a. h.? 11.0.e Agent for Mos phate• 11210' Myr taken.. In Rum 0, tiounnalawar•elitnis. and 11048 ementemett 111 rhs or their A7011/ in the recotretnrou of all eingotnere An opp.rionity w.II he tin.. off..olea 10 n,.• ore, at al tone., trpretaelow anent:01*a I., any tor the°. eiength. emits sot preserving. oninve• Ton inneh rained lu said*. 0' their superiority over the organ., chlear• worn. Mere iv on. elomorrtnn, veralrerole of the etahl flottitis., uthOr nopleaolni aensatma ih. r.arary, hum ills metewe st• net Rah of ilts 1.en.es, thee are soothing •ad PthawnL esuiting a fee I tug of r.ltef ttttt , anti pindoetng eltarand alt.ortst voino, es In the natural healthy eiht They ere the rmly Speenerl. that Aff Prices to Salt the Thae"-.., Photographs reduced te '1.0O per Doz., - PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT. ANN. House Sign tk, tarriage fainter Ow, *00 4,.' rhenoe• 1...e.0.• the Loot 011111yemtlng mans 40410 wish...! sham. being memory, ey•We estrioy no Pedlar.. F..10f4DAN, Note Agent for tiodaeleht naderteh A,;1$ 1510. loth .1' M oio 75cte. I. E It fotVig. Large Photograph Redneeid in Pro .ortion. Al. Rill 111 /kW the tartgel Pheangtarli•tnvIo in Cooler. n 4.01- eheop. 1' 11 Urn/ (runt oily `.1.41.1 L. CAM PDELL'S • reeteetere• eatery. itiolerleh Ang. 15th, la711. wee MONEY TO LEND 044 EASY 74.11314 have foorninew i-ta.17-ceetTly- -pears tti sanctuary, -that if they come and find the stranger, nt• the poor, in them, to thank God that the church hat ree ived them and bo grate!ol that they hare even that peivilege. On Fridny lie reels and expounde the Scriptures tothe women -he never says ladies, for which I am grateful--'an't th,. house is filled by eager faces, who are in- tent upon inireg the way, of -iriaionr, and spiritual . Tnis audience forms .a 'renititkahl ca*. trent, in its appearatee, to the 0110 which gathers in political converaationa; and al though thole hatenersto the ecriptures may_ be . ecorned bv the huntert. after nOtesiety, yet I coif Re 40 the profoundest re pect and admiration of them, ao they gat listening to the gospal of )8 3,0 float isconronarEn 1141 A. D.1564 HURON dt SAVINGS 16 LOAN SOCIE12Y. pAPITAL; ' - - $700,0110. rr UllI4oCIETY ADVANCEA alto:FY ON SE1T. .nti litat h•tate. and on Turiim eery faturable a borro•ers. 1.401.AW VERA' COSTS A ItEC11.1140ED Tice "ttoriety rain 4(5 411,01 Aur .1.00 nf from h.thi iipa 3I•1•, 1. Irlit r 011 101,111w, 0,00 flIttlk /It/ to fifteen. Wow, may be 1.40..1 at 1141 time wIth .'r no delay brytml thy Ilinre me .4464 b. investigating the title and prepaying the Mortirone.444 et/tt ty Mello -Toy The full 000001 of the loan fa 01,111.01 •• 11, de.thtkin hang fis fir other 01.0g141. Which dim MI a ...hewn) to 11o. otnt of .1001 flann oehM ta ham Inn, inishi The Unworn,- 401 teray hy holt . Ut/Ilthly Tonto The peraall.al instalnienls be•mli • intermit, • tonsil sum far I I Incipal, aii•I Oar are rn. 0411 1.111 tbaf th. in, Meld SI.' 114•14 1.0111/11y et townlahrd, 061 the DIM twl'ie tit.'h.tlit '1 41 Um 01 of *1,8 44140' ettpolated. TIF1,111ES AIAW1AINT THE P11111.1C vit‘T hs Itt• lt• p nbalp NI011 hnl,t to ila 8.•Inirdi Mel licell•t 6, 4.01*, olth yanilsth ean sttseli0-1 who, he prephhed to 611 all orders] p. tiv, and at fraleMahle rt..- Thankful tor the patron. age 01 the Mat Trion INAla Ita autinumee of thr eel.. Now the time to Paint your Cutters Carriages. r. order. from onnt Cerrithg alstre attended to ail. di +patch. gt Paton.. nuttier, Grelning Cholas . ',roper- hanalat, 14'.,, &( Oldasi Establishmonl in Town. F. ft. MANN. 60dOriCh, Al, 15, 1470 swl • NM IN AM ANN DISII3 TO I NFORM *444(11,4* CUSTOMERS 31 that he ie till ob. te well for ema, 81 (4.4. OWOW rates, ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, Al h,. hhhn on Kingston Street, orroente the tioelst,,11 1W/1 hint •oaii. fioderich. Ant 1 6, 1470 .31 Land Office, A 44 P111TER at Improved Forma and Wild trt Lend lor Sala, M Tittlf.MAN, Ooderieli, Ass 16, 1616 ewl uuIt & IMSS-MAKiNG MISSES STEWART 1 it'ailVALLD for Parity end Marne.. ft -0114141.44,44401 Wilk, et, •nd waren's In 0.111•111 nothing hutment.. 7011/4114^ by l4.,(0" I1014INSON WELle, 'Smote for Ortdoich. . PLOMMElt k CO., Ph, rolst a. fasidan. Ont Ont,ario Carriage Shop, (ilowillret. St Ooferieft. 3) 4013 Do in nu ATX 7)1.1 r MIRY nave nrryrn ura• we. ea tie, Retest aloe., ,,.*1 4'..4 (nM? • thay set- Tenured, to mown,* enernewletralry wed 4r••• enal101 44. Ts 'swat iritkPos,b - " IS 11 teetorel epptaatio. rsetwe :ImmeenahAy. Oetwha I/ -he.. 1810 T9 fr oTr. VArg It J. WHITELY, lot 1134313. TtiE LIVERPOOL & LONDON • /1%I) (mom: INSURANCE COMPANY' -tem • llortatatr - mature: - 100 1404u - Gored to the Sheriff ,t1 the county in vrtich Kahl lauds arc situate, as was formerly the ease. A Bill relating to the htettial Insomnia! • M r (ha tiegie -watt ordered to be printed. A Supply Bill read a third time and pawed. 1 he llointo adjourned at it.20 p. m. 4111 11 a. to. to- morrow (Weiliteeday), and *III 4. yr.soffuteliat.3.0'010.A. 11•11Tnwer obtain,. mon to, 4„ 70 ra. It year. and et th, lot the tMo. /4/fittit, 14 VIVI 08. TM rapid creaning of tht. it., the fleet ttobrwatnnt ‚Of the ?mot 14 1.1,01..4 by th0 fanning community. and ith 10(.1011 n ill beenonn greet.. the nte Ota of It le o'.1.•Int 01,100001 better known and enderstue4 ' Ili the 'anal' payments Of pin•1101 '110 the yeoly ig-tn.,on t, the leve..., geo.lo 0.(110,1 10,110.,, pa)* oolf hie Nan 11311, eilns the rislf lanitut Id- pretarty. steel. te often 1011.)14111 MI101011 tylualral fall. Mole huge Mini at the nj,.I of the fie cn. at any th0e, tot off Id, 1.010 0111allee nil fa, ors hie terms (veld eau be eet t1.131 any nnnat.14 ate, t to (he lim.ehtte. on the ,1 the lairourcr,) anA Intenal et Ant per cent. per alumni Ain 1* Alio apt oli ell pa 1 mall In al loath 111041 our1 1,411 talile limy he 0111.11104 111 the por,ty'Oth..a, or I.y miter p.tpvi1, 011mottell 1. 110. See. tory, or Ron. any olf ths V'»'' '('0 CHARLES FL61C111:14, Valuator at lioderlyh g1.J•iat n32e4 t.Cieelt Ueppottl-race a,ennuianaag ire ktiatiot, ohm with other ng ieie osueeee-iatsiiao-nnyss•a .,nt te be T&Illed by Her Majsty's .vennnent and the United States. Du this Commission Cnada *410.1 rePresented. ret 114a of Beating with the canons matters in iontroveray trust,leadto theireatiettory adtiatnutzt :ameba 11C1.4 1111 demandsbeyond hoe to which entitled by treaty and nighte of ations She hu posited latn, Rd only soniett to nuiwtitt the roti'* ofhr own iatPle fairly and firml, n in a friendly nd considerate. 'Wird, 111,1 with all due respect to foreign powe and imeritatienaloateatictia. The thanks f the country are doe to the Admiral on the etat 11 an 111..0 under his ctttttnand 1.oaual•le md efficient •id which :hey rentlered toofisheries during th..• °6441t _ The proapeet .11 the -adoption of an in- ternatienal currency seems in the proaent -.tete .1 Ettrope to he air...m.1de that re- eo111014.1111 140110 vinaider the propriety of teeintilating till/ currency of the Dominion without fuither delay. „The extension to Maniteba of themilitia and other leen of the lhoninion, and their riaptation to the ',resent cireeinstariem of that young province, will roping lour M- t wino. 1 The decennial consult will be taken on the third day- .4 April neat.an as bolter - vat that 8 Ilion thoTrinfrit and remerate sys- tem hes beee adopted than soy that Ita. hitherto been obtained. It may he mammary to amend the Acts of hot aceisuut 1)1 8.1414 VA_ClIC1Ilara. Among nimosireit Sill 1n3 Itneltented tat you relating 10 Parhantentary elections, weighta and moestires, insurance conger Mew savings bank., and for thugoonsolons- Lion and itLatuttluient et the inspection laws. asntit men ef the Moss of Commons: • 1 have gicen directions that the public lle.C.1t111(111111/111 Its Ian) heft we ; that you will learn viith satisfaction that the rove line for the past year Wan in OXON. of 1, ;tat wall estimated; and that the prospects for the weird -looking Leah of God. I tro tell you something °slits personalty. 811,41*6 the act does not seem us revorait as I sine••rely desire it to be while writing it. He is tali, very tell, square, and Un- graceful, but neither Ilia height, nor his figure, not -yet his !notions, smolt your attention when you look into hi0 loor, and listen to his delicious voiee. T 'ere is in hoemty *1 utterance with so 1, gonna.; harmonise, sod make the. sick te-t •Sett do and Commons might bo ia;.en 114-11:104, their way towartle the llouse. '1),o elleries, and 0400(1 the corn, ors, were literally crowded, so much PO that even the etepeof both Milts were eri turned with people desirous to got up th it tlocre Wan no Stlell thing as passiog beyond the bottom, and in e Abort time the aveOtes to the Senate Chamber and to the Com- , DOMMOIrPalliaM3Ilts TIM irOUILTu sEssto$. SPEECH Of Tilt OuVaitaion. Ottawn, Feb 15 The attendance of soeetaters to -day at the opening l'Arliamerit lar,i:er than was ever known befora, 000 o'clock, two hours bef Ira the hour name 1 for the moiled of Lord Li.gar, crowds cf potions ger: wending their way towards the Duildinkm. As the hour for the commencement of the proe.edings approached Ingrt mooly the will known faces of nienthera of the el music. II is face and head suggest those pecuii ir photograph; of the moon That show n le.ht half which 4eepens into shadow on the lower edge. His head is a Irigh smooth dome, around which hi1 hair frizzes to a equal to thatof hie iu4nen"e forehead, 911.1 it raili.stes like a halo in every dir.etion. t n e • troerilioary texture, suggiotio .; a fleecy • mous, and down to the loot of the vestibule, were otmpletely and y,t tnere were largo crowde outside unable to obtain admittanoe. Just before three °Am*, the guna ar•- nounetel the arrival of Ilia kitoellericy the ()owner -General, who was areompanied by Col. aleNeilt and lion. Mr. Pon.onhy. On their srrival, the b tad etritek up "God Save the Q,reett." On rettatin2 the Senate Chamber a summons 8)8 44401 to tho Cote:none, couniending their M- t •nilanoe 4,4 the bar, end shortly after they ;11 4 0 4 4 4 4 TO Tit v • tit k In 0 CLARA -We nen. proem. to farant..31 tam. att, onwoint enuanywol•t howe,tha sa,gs nIt he unto nv ih• sintr• mAnente. haelnewaer, 4,oft pent Peena • .401 her • lemma earn fligg. ,t4nAtcr •var:13:;..1, presprz:;;;;r•jg; so mneh as men. Thelon oho.' thie enter mat wen and 0,1 the hnoneen, wro nate 1141• unni am net 011•01•110,0011•00101 Copy foe the t.• .nhle *Anne. Itti valtent• o• • oho,. it *huh will An in e...anones wort •••, anti *ropy a /..•-nm• l'n,,....wene--nne of the lara tangly nsw.patante pa hot -01 wet rawly I( pm went Velma. et .1.. MAtteie gri Ye C. 11 . Hama. FL • peen in et oleoee Thoty-two Rear., and nye anti a half million pounds sterling, dorms thlit 110•10A1 lets poet lemon emending strattment 11111 enormone MOO 00 40 Wide area, ha. WithUit 4.01111 contribleten to the eualinahinent ot Dna IneUtofion, to iiIr aonfhlettee l'uhlie Corporal loos. Merchn hi , Honmeholdere, end men generally, Wherever it o rerreeerited. n gelid year, 1/436, the Fire Yreinimus ,Ione amoonled to • • • • • • • .00.1111 ite 10111 year, 1445, 41 11 o .C17,763 • 20th veer.lhatl, ' " Attt2,379 1(101 year, 451•14, •1 .Ca,a.13t ne year later. I sh7, rr ••• Ltitet,OtiM1 ---- Tlie Eire Reser, rend . mew eti.”7,eat • The trfe Reserve 7.0,1 14 no. 119,11101.4611 The enteral: renters-0ml 14,0,,,,; hoot On. .1.111 In nperal Ion, tool fir loosen ont anpote Carriage, gaggles , Wage's r.n101.111. suithus crrirnnn, 4. eesade faint ewes 1114111114la ote Wend, no4 tole 0,..hrnereak Pewee* Gramm t44. Ilse that *614 siFf Ft suseensty .1sritnitssiiiouweeles creeesind Carthage Re. • Goderieb, Ang 111,110 •30 ••411111' gig • •••••• o• • ......11,...10411•ffno...........01\ Mon onA nue , by Induentstt A• .1818, whom triptierition for mewl nee mrty Irn.. O. .C. 3611111, Reentlent Srret•rr, A. M. nott, Agent fnr Coderita ; R Itlholl, for Kanter , W. . Wave:', trmentor, Oderieh, Aug 16, 1870 .5444 --- -1 - nuiss of crimped oa., In *1,18 daintiest touches of cilver. T hia dark background aesiais him to 1 greater 464141' 6114044)' to the, phOtay.iph id the moon; thee his head would fornidi je he mere bald. •Iti. eyebrows are like Miff., which are borhred %kb furse, nud under whose eliadows hero uaoiteiteltable I kelps. "1' 6111 air -Once Ione his ..yes to 1164 lips is WOMIly great, - giving great liaegtlf to bio nse, throuAli whieli lie takes plow, long, and steady respirete•na. Ilia tipper hp is ski) very long, with a arrived, led by the Speakr. Ai Mot on deep line in il) centre, ahl the expression they had taken their titmice, Ills Ex. or Lir mouth is both firm end pitiful. 1I4s celleney reed, first in 16iiglialt awl then Rutile is hke the sunshine passing sudden- in.Frencli, the speech, de tontine : --r- ly over a rock/ surface, and then le tying Boaorabfe rheellemen of Ow .Vopfte,- "t ' ortisl gloom again. Ilis chin is Gentiensen 0/ 1/14 House of Commois moo accoultng to my itifortnatee.' fore 11111111U1)14 fir. 441404 r4-ifl8841 11* 11180'i for cotenientions Ay. Th.- 41:4114.C111C16a1)1:SUI1C1171 tli:111twaet It nit:1. :I:: loft h injory. Whom *very ono hileaays V.rter,thts 11.0 wsitera•r invitees . Winer, at as thee4h loul ei•drospe.t Vote! of. People alionli earebil their put their 1111111e 11111er an article at, puhlication eapecially ishen written by' atiether. 'rite writer Very conteinpuousti speak of the Fairfield, ex -teacher. Now id roncliteloa for the present, 1 think the' Trustees might have made their repja.' V (1.r teal ttttt t nty Paint ate qu 1 Unlit. the matinee in which t1.4 artialP orifi Trestewe IlentatWithela to JAW LS Mie6 merited hv two .flad 1 adriaad Voter hi write 30 he did thIngs would have been'. .pute tlitfertent, lint 1 ktio• not who Voter is, but front the nuniter wordiug of hts article I should judge he mould be very indifferent to the threat they. throw est .' Instil !diadem.] he 1011 111••• • reply 1. their accusation of falaeltoid, he twill no. take it so calmly as 6014 • forever 00C.:Ullota did. 1 ain very sorry that this disegmeat, matter has keen bronght into print 101' Kood eon Immo of it, I hope the matter A tIOW drop, 1 have 1W drattWftira tithe 11, pen again in this matter. optuo re. • lee this a/V_iu your Yalaanie pei teeb. Pio.' LtvIng.on little Lung,. - To Anise bOw Eule lung a giennin h.," on, Dr. an Ate • physiciati, says 1--" I knew a yowl enpa got health,and us °outier • • tuning, who hos not more than two of a 111114. He hat het Istt lung I 644 effects of re enmelow, wound rucetran battle Of S1111441. 'Ile hell Mae. shoulder blade and lodged in tli the long. Dr. (hula. et Tuscan... Lama, an eminent urgeo, atty. • two or three months at the out the current year ars so encoitraging. That final). *4,41,1 wider my care. withstanding the extensille Min im- ef him for *04 54011 months - 8411,4 well• He het all the left lung, ar. roreinents which are conterni teal, you ,*,ll probably be alit,' htiliminisit 1100 441.0* atm of the country. The estitnatas for the ensuing year will be submitted to you, anti 1 fuel aistired what pion:ill be asked to vole C:141 he granted without inconvenience 10 the people. Hon. nth ni• it of the' *sate and flevtie- 18(0 ei (h. Ho ‘..11)0/•1111,1 1 lay these ration* ma weighty mat- ters before pm itt full confidence that they will en.J-vg.1 your mature attention.; end pray that the emelt of your deliberations may, with the Divine Iheaaing, prove con- ditcive inallirespccte to the advainannentan4 happiness of the cotintry. -At 3.40 the •mentirers et the C1111111,10'1 returned front the Satate, and the Senate, 4011,1 the Speaker took the chair. Etre new members were ititroducett alr aisekenne then Rekeel If it Wrt• intention of the goverionent to bring down c•pies of the. correspondence regarding the tielieriiis before the debate on the Achieve aarvirrow. Sir John A Macdonald said ilia course would he an 11111101AI laic, and would not be followed by the Otiverionent. '1' he House adjourned et 4.05 p. tu. assive, an becomes a face ot such great War and a bead of Uell magnitude. ou watch Ititn in hisitleurruciatory • I 1 and imagine that he is ole of tho mils o au•pictoua eireumstanees of the couutr7. the god, and that his words could grind The hope I was sanguine enough to you to powder. At other timee, he seeing ezprem at , the clo..3 of the I tat eeeson like au enruenr eh", 111101n 4.06' ba" that no further attetupt would be made taken lossession of a giant, en:I twee i to ilistIb our frontier, Wei doomed tome unchanged in its wathes! and tenuernom 1044.1. 0, ippointuirnt. Th., seei...6,1, 1 have much satisfaction in meeting you et the aual and In ,at convenient Perini ether yr Mt, 6041 WAN preCtlit MONEY TO LEND ON I NI.PROV PA/ FA6.18. AT 8 PEh CENT .1 -*Lacy. Some 10 111/661 ID Town Propert3 J. GORDO, uarrister&o.,(30deriel. Oodeneh, Aug 15, 1870 awl momitylLemo ON Aa's anti. sod ow nwartehee*1040* . n. gar Owderlek. Nor. Mel, 11176. erthern Money to Lend. ---0 ow saw anteall• tenee apply to alwre•serastst. .„ '5 11.ag•• efterIBAMA.....4 Otederide.4116.111bM MONEY TO LEND. ILLEIY ERMS. .1, 11. 001211/0111. (iodine+, Ass. 15, POO awl Ive a little inure than the lower lobe right 1..ttg. tal ever' crawl r dying sorely than he. From a .1" - ho picked tap dealt, c immeneed tl. . neo of a merchant, got metritel, no • had smite children. He lives at place called King's Store, in 1 ry, Alabama. Ilia noise is No • MO.Lull, and scull kuown ut country... . - I VTNNall COLTS 11• ENflf.A740...MILAI • 11111 papers bring intelligence of the ettlfering produced by frtnights f• - London. It is Meted -that on one there were no fewer than thirteen to - ere' impiesta heist on persons who had .• 'tired soddenly irt consequence ‘Jf effects of excessive cold int weak sehno • the heart. Several also were toyed 11,, to death in the streets or in their how. The retire:ad guards aliffered iteversly, "no Itetitg found dead HY 1111 ran. --There h*rt! also been niimerime injuries from helm in, thoalippery street'', and surgeons in the metropoltten hospitals hare had busy 111141) of it ettending to fractured limbs and' breken heads. Deaths ore RIett rep And 110 4-4.111116444 from Um explosion of kitcho' ,ilers in eonmequence of the silintlY freezing. A large portion ot Oa working, Oman in I.ondon have sulfered greatly • from being thrown ont of work ea payment .1 1)8. mispenaion of navimitien the • Thamot was ef beteg end L.:mutat', by the huge body it lived i. searedy clis when 1 iwless baela its• • • h "an wiln swftYs the re. eembh cl within th United State lfl great windier.. and renevitil the menace .11 invasion. They -vetiter,1 to mos ;he bOrder At two point*, but were promptly met and repelled. So complete mid Pit' in NEWIGROCERY STORE. am••••••••/1 154*5 ligious wpirit of N -or York t.day. What. e'er can crone lifter loon, that is ‚Miler, sweeter, or greater, of e011111-3 arc don't k , but thi• man wIll Mend to New itiattig was the repulse, that i e long ss men»ry lasts. i Yotk ea ono of its spiritual . . .... Tit4°' ee hm* . . nvl .eers hot li art nevi hop., the,,w awn a quantity -of limns and ).-i! hack to en. cumber the villages irt theii roar with American Sidi:ming Intoreata-" A th. ir 4.111010-4 04416 deur iralia .Jd In1AA•16. borry22sta - Oar militia rallied et .the first °all to • arras with praisiwortll alacrity, and From the Nor York .Th-rall. The nflleiel report to Congreaa nn the 1 , • , toe spirit w,,edt,a pervaded the toiletry shipping ot the United Stabs* is A distressing exhibit. Of the whole tonnage enterert id , swelled their nunnbera viith votentoers Comore -.120g 13.E11111.. 1111c o1o:I0 I11k. for the yeear 187o only to,inohrriz. ty flr om a lendg nir tere. Tthhe geasll t r y t l i t •rte WHITELY ELLIOTT 115•1.1111 IN criorrnir mew Tgtr‘w, WINgS A Kiagtaittssa&Maret 1301.1414.0a001.1Sprom. 11 i. Fbnth an atIasi311er the ilestwe'4- otaelied tiecNo1 '-1-',,,l.'-1-',,,l..-,I NI)ohjet in making ailrerty ot f n'r1156 iimetiescvinooiameniml:ditnugtotn •ie o-f0-ilgna.e-riglt-lell4ao1e-••awke.at.aneen•o.a.4o.4 whie theintensecold las-t.lwt-oept-c4hd-t•-a0••..•nf•- •g•S4 a,c* 4 0o•V-•6pat a.1ttw•so'I4e ofiF. •ieoi.l.tirssel•rereh-•ealoePasfi -evtnloeteronffa* rs"taeeiletnItlileaeleeuielraro; to, the odd d reportedtebe are and painful Monies ern teld othe wo ed soldiers beingtrunn In death nal sentinels perishing at therWW1. •.- • , --.--- 4 Perth Conntv Sbhath Seine 1' nai-nt. Iltt-Te nnual meeting of t*''' '"s" tt. place at Mthell t Ti'. **y • • u mut Wednesday, the 240an 3rilli 43 r A large winder of misters on' Werein attendance. The meswee heldinI,i. atchverhoonl .1104)4140 membered all dene mad vlio w ghlv pd with the timx in especilly eweengaged irtheAA batlarlo.ol work, tl,e ."gut"oer opinions nilvaneed Py the sor"m2P"1?• gave them now ide& and 1014", them new energy oth.oonnt T• f dePlinsmo, .4 Thradord, v Preident for th• nnum( year ; Kai, A.' IltrIbert end Mr.J. II. dente Mr. .1 Ilegir. Treouerir. so.ie. It Ilamilten, feeetarThe mot meld Ing will he heldat Lieewef E Anng,14%p.7.04 *48 a d i tu n a c o t iu terae rayed dthe sexes, achieve been duly reognised ny the highest 0416113407 authrity, and henored in grail- (ing terms oanpecation by Iler Most draceme alnjutya • In manteng the militia o ervice, the government neued an y to aunderable enoont beyond what weepby the votes f last wester The amount 4 their expenditrforthe r e eai• yt. ianIlait p i 0*0 six per rent. waAmrcan, against 17 pr rnt. Britieh end 17 per cnt, for other euatrinSinee 80our eesgoing onnage has fallen offtly per cent., *hiltthat of Eniand hs inerened one hundred pr cent., en that England in this implant matterhas gsined upon us one handred and fifty per cont. since lean. New Yok, afi, things are, ran no more compete with Ohio n buiding ships than ehe ran cmpte with Cuba in miming oanges. ('00* allow our traders to buy ther ahpa fofthe naton willbeia61Int•o throd; eeCaet !mild thonit hoes,a/ rofiwiontrdenu)at r•• • mew it,0 arm, bill of indemnty to (1). ipmernuient M rgard tle•elly to c .n.eot enne thinga in the article in ipication, not to give a detailed acmintof the cireimistattees that 10444en&amial from mid aelmol, the etutu ,1 thrnisaal ace -train; to reports lot deep Ey said Vreateee to01140111 d., and Matt from portons 14. ring conteration*1111 them, eaas me to come to a thileretit eteihuion from that they nein., 111 13111 411104. lorhApg 011 1140118 future 1 may be constraned to trouble with another artele, explaining 4,04804,048001141 mre fully why 1 was Mit 1 would rather let the matter drop, heesiteel tf the "pinon that the mitre threonifted &feint the 11140114014'ar the Wurle it sll beme. It Iv. elreatly caused a con sderabe ionettit ill-feelint, end that feeling s on the inere.ee, a stateof things thtunglit not to bein ts neighborhood of enlightend Hid the above arti- cle rferred to, not speared, orhadit nut refered hi Ie SO COlt01/1114114, wont' notnake any reply but let Voter defend the py who wrote the arti- cle fr the Trimtem been placed in WT ion I fancy he ...lid take a cour, tron the one I nne nest., when he eiedil, for the Trintem write sech an mai- cleageinat me without haing any 11 -feel- ing towars me e 1 never have injured or dote hitn any Wrng. Vera he 1 any is iny 7 militia would he • r.te to calmly? It e card tipto me 4.47day that I nee my titmon to injure the fesdher, now 1 poeitively decIvee thatth. alateinent is inrovrt, iner said or del anything manet the gntleman. tt knrtsmy fad- ngs '1 4" ntittriallY heor tweh eliaroM ROMA Mg. 110101V IFCAllan people thinkt sodd he plitinto do so. Uve'foat• nr6oriondel/,1on, com,„t„the e M l or ant e r r iat o ir m theAntPrdint for ibn pi.romans.4 r0,1144101 of England tether..,erPledmthe N oo idoln any nf 4hareemo tamorearr •'i°"", e e l g e t l ? I hro neert ran be4e0, W411 there owet w1111414114 • almIlta a leeia!it01ivr,1i'l. w:vh • ihes:i. h8oanii hik. ie1swhwt1•1.tiujsi wnrit,:i..6 ia.haih.mo mtaAle:rtoih14ih.i4uei.m. W, aggro dm danger ei aleff Net elf. • Iwo - eh* isertotsst*. A s. 01 bw.k* dar, t:liipse'ruiahhilsrlitly P .4;