HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-02-17, Page 13NOTICE Sunday Hours 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. MIDOLET N Orugs Pnoa-71mai PHONE 235-1570 EXETER 0,444&111445.01*-46.64" PROPER PROCESSING is our business WE KNOW • how to cut your meats so they eat better • how to cure your hams and bacon to a mouth- watering turn • how to render your lard to creamy white to how to get the most out of every cut of meat for your family. HITMITY li 011147111. r MATETIITE OF urAili Fiffrk11 TIONAINEn. Schneiders Chicken Legs Our Own ... Beef Patties Hickory Smoked Side Bacon Mini Sizzlers Centre Cut Loin Pork Chops Old Tyme Table Syrup Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix Scott Towels Delmonte Peaches Halves or Sliced Weston's Candies 6 varieties Reg. 39c lb. large pieces lb, lb. Nestle's Quick Dairy Spread Highliner Frazee Ocean Perch Fillets Bonus Pack 6 oz. Free Lean lb. 63t 73( 69( 65 89t 32 oz. 69c 2-lb. size 97( Reg. or Buttermilk 2 roll pack 59 .A/6% 3/SI 97' 70% Butter .57t .55t Lockers for Rent By Month or Year GROCERIES • FRESH PRODUCE FRESH &CORED HEM'S 1:0-04tio CAPRICT 1084PPMV exeter frozen foods 13 For Sale PHILCO 1" PORTABLE TV, value $200. 5 00, sell for $85,00; scatter mats; pieces of mateh- ing carpet; 2 ottomans; maple chairs; end tables; cheap. 238- 2023. 7c COMPLETE LINE OF Sunworthy vinyl 'wall coverings from soft patterns to vivid accents. Call today and look at our sample books ill your own home, H. H. & S, painting and Decorating. Phone Ron Heywood, Exeter 235-2087 or Jack Robinson, Kirk- ton 229-6406, Stfnc VENTILATING FANS, new, with enclosed motor, assorted sizes, i rn ited supply. Hamilton's machine Shop, 235-1655. 4tfne VISES, 3" to 6", swivel and plain, $12 to $25; large adjust- able wrenches, 12" and 15", $9.50 and $12; long snowmobile mitts, $5 pair; 1/4 and % sockets, al-piece, $15._ Hamil- ton's Machine Shop, Phone 235- 16a5. 4tfnc 16 Properly For Sale 17 Properly For Rent RENTING NEW APARTMENT building - Bedsittipg room (I) $80.06 per month; one bedroom (2) $120.00 per month; two bed- room (4) $f2$.00 per month; two bedroom (3) $130,00 per month. Floor space for small business, office, etc. Clan- Lan Developments, Phone 227- 4406 Lucan, 2c FOR SALE EXETER 3-bedroom brick ranch style home, family room with fireplace, near schools, reasonably priced. ONE FLOOR, 2 bedroom frame home, large lot, electric heat, Ideal for young couple or re- tired people looking for a com- fortable home at a reasonable price, INCOME PROPERTY in the Bruce peninsula, store, ranch style 3-bedroom home, extra wooded lots, on Lake Huron side. For further information call BARB ELLIOTT 129 Thomas St. Phone 235-2654 Local Representative for WILFRID BROCKMAN & Company Realtor 3tfnc returned home hospital where surgery. from the same Lutheran Church met February 9 with Group I and Mrs. Lorne Genttner, convener, in charge of devotions and lunch. Eighteen members were present. Rev. E.E. Steinman took for the topic, "Even so, send I you", followed by a question and answer period. Mrs. James Hayter, president, dealt with the business, The alter guild is Mrs. Albert Miller and Mrs. Martha Miller. Family night will be held March 12 with a pot luck supper. Bruce Bjorkquist will be the guest speaker and each organization is expected to provide a number for the program. A confirmation dinner for four families will be served in the Community Centre, confirmation Sunday. CALL JB AT 1863 Mr. & Mrs, Irwin Rader visited she underwent with Mr. & Mrs. Wellwood Gill, Sunday. By MRS, IRVIN RADER The United Church Women of Calvary United Church met Tuesday afternoon with the convener of Christian Citizen- ship, Mrs. Clayton Merner, ac- ting as chairlady. Pianist was Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and Mrs. Eben Weigand led in prayer. "The Legend of Love" was read by Mrs. Harold Hendrick and the "Legend of the Willow Plate" was read by Mrs, Stuart Wolfe, Mrs. Letta Taylor gave an informative talk and showed pictures on her trip to England, Africa and Spain. World Day of Prayer will be held March 5 at the Anglican Church Grand Bend. The ladies were reminded to send Valentines to all shutins. The Sunshine committee for February is Mrs. Harold Hen- drick and Mrs. Eben Weigand. Ladies aid The Ladies Aid of Zion "The Centennial Office" IMPORTANT NOTICE CALCULATING • YOUR INCOME TAX ? MAKE THE JOB EASIER RENT AN ADDING MACHINE REASONABLE RATES THE TIMES-ADVOCATE 235-1331 6-7x RENT A TYPEWRITER ELECTRIC OR MANUAL Handy, easy to use portable models. Reasonable rates. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 235-1331 Personals Ray Van Dorsselaer is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London; Miss Cathy Grenier has We have recently completed a contract with Bellaero Lumber Limited, a firm building houses on Pryde Blvd, in Exeter, whereby we are agents for houses being constructed by them. At the present time there are two houses under construction with two more to be built in the future. These houses may be purchased as built, or could be custom built in accordance with a purchaser's specifica- tions. These are 3-bedroom homes, with a full basement, large liv- ing room and dining room, large kitchen, storms and screens and are on sewers. CONTACT US TO DISCUSS Former Centralia woman breaks arm HOUSES FOR SALE EXETER - 2 storey brick house, Main St. south. Full basement, living room, dining room, large kitchen, bath, 4 bedrooms closed-in sun porch, garage. Priced right. EXETER - Wellington St, W. Frame house in excellent con- dition. Three bedrooms, gas heating, part basement. Lot size 100'x100', Priced to sell. EXETER - Brick house on Simcoe St. Excellent income home divided into two 2 bed- room apartments, each apart- ment with bath and large kitch- en. Each apartment renting for $80.00 per month. CREDITON - Brick house at corner of King and Maine St. Two bedrooms, sunporch, bath, living room and kitchen up- stairs. One bedroom, kitchen- ette, living room, bath down- stairs. Full basement. Total rental income $145.00 per month. KIPPEN - Brick house, mod- ernized, on 5 acres of land. Large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full basement, oil heating. Large barn with new roof. House has new plumbing and new wiring. EXETER - 2 storey building, centrally located, now occupied as pool room. Apartment above. FARM FOR SALE CENTRALIA AREA - Approxi- mately 110 acres, on main road. Good house and barn. 43tfnc 24 Tenders Wanted Mrs. Fred Bowden Mrs. D.M. Guest, wife of Rev, D.M. Guest of Wyoming, for- merly of Centralia, had the misfortune to fracture her arm and is a patient in the hospital in Petrolia. She has the best wishes of many friends for a quick recovery. Attend funeral Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Culbert of :Niagara Falls "were Monday callers at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable. On Saturday they attended the funeral of Mr. Culbert's sister, the late Mrs. Roy Laughton (Ethel May WI pay for spare tires' By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Elimville The roll call at the Elimville Women's Institute February 9 was "A penny for every inch of your spare tire." This will be given to Pennies for Friendship. Donations of $5.00 were given to the Exeter Fair Board and the Mental Health Association, Members are sewing and knitting for the Children's Aid Society. Invitations are being sent to former members to attend the March meeting when the 75th Anniversary will be celebrated. Tracy Coward entertained with a couple of ballet numbers. Mrs. Jerry Grubb read several articles on the agriculture in- dustry. The guest speaker, Mrs. Archie Etherington, showed interesting slides on her trip to New Zealand, Australia ,Singapore and Median where her son is now living. Mrs. Tom Hern read an in- teresting article on "Adelaide Haodless". Personals Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rannie arid family of Brantford visited over the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Routly. Mr. & Mrs. Sam Rannie of Hensall were Saturday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Wm, Routly, The Elimville Young People's and Adult Bible Class enjoyed a bowling party Saturday evening, They returned to the home of Mr. & Mrs. Philip Johns for a social hour and lunch. Mrs. Norman Jaques of Zion visited last Wednesday with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Skinner, EXERCISE CYCLE - With ten- sion control and speedometer. Phone, 235-0555. 7nc USED FURNITURE & antiques in any condition. Phone Ye Old Antiques, Lucan 227-4139. 30tfnc USED BARN STANCHIONS (cows). Please phone 262-5225. 6-7c BABY STROLLER - In good condition. Phone 228-6867. 7c 16 Properly For Sale EXETER - 3 bedroom house, 2 blocks from downtown, 2 years old. Phone 235-1303. 7tfne CREDITON 200 acre farm with 'milk parlor and milk house; 100 acres with buildings, 100 acres without. Phone 234- 6442. 7-8* EXETER - 4-bedroom, 2 storey all brick home situated 1 block from schools, near downtown. Modern throughout, full broad- loom, 2 baths, dining room, liv- ing room, TV room, fully serv- iced. Can arrange mortgage. Make an offer. Phone 235-1874. 7-8* By MRS. STAN PRSSZCATOR Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hainilton of Grand Bend visited with the latter's sister Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Wein. Mr, & Mrs, Bev llirttel and boys Of Lunn spent the weekend with Mf, & Mrs. Russel Clark. Kathy Glanville of Parkhill visited Sunday with bet parents, Mr. & Mrs, Stan Preszeator, Mr. & Mrs. Lee Helerrikay of London visited Sunday with the latter's parents Mr, & Mrs, Jack Dye and Chris, 17 Properly For Rent MODERN electrically heated brick home, two blocks from downtown, garage attached with paved driveway, five years old. Includes three bedrooms, kitch- en, dining room; living room and bath all on ground floor. Hardwood floors. Full basement with laundry room. Sewerage recently installed. Phone 235- 1(166 or 234-6420. 10:15tfric EXETER - At 159 Thomas St, Beautiful 3-bedroom home built by Tony Relouw Construction Ltd. This home has been lived in and was built especially for Tony himself. Completely mod- ern inside, plus fully land- scaped outside, this home is a real bargaih. In addition, a 75'x200' landscaped adjacent lot is also available, Call 235-1019 days or 235-2711 evenings, 40tfnc PROPERTY FOR SALE CREIHTON - 3-bedroom house, partially remodelled, purchaser to Complete. Buy good 250-acre level farm, 225 arable, 300 ma- ple trees, 3 barns, 2. house-a, spring stream, $75,000, half cash, WANTED TO RENT Houses needed for rent; others to sell, Write W, C, Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 47tfrie EXETER - 2- bedroom apart- ment, 4 Plede bath, heated, hot Water supplied, 235-2754 after 6:00 p.m. 7tfne BRUCBPIEW - Better than average 2 bedroom apartment% heated, unfurnished, adults 'pre- ferred, Phone 262-5047, 7-80 NEW HOUSE with attached ga- rage, 118 Mill St. Living area 1792 square feet, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitch- en, 16 ceramic bath, family room and utility room. Elec- trically heated. Sewers con- nected. Harold or Jack Taylor, phone 235-0674. atfne 100 ACRES, CREDITON - Fall plowed, tiled, productive soil, drilled well, Modernized 3 bed- room brick house; four farm buildings; some equipment. Will sell 30 acres with boildings. Phone London 434-0388 evenings. 5-7* FOR RENT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION DARLING APARTMENTS Two bedroom apartments con- taining stove and frig with heating supplied. Large living room and bedrooms, Completely broadloomed. Kitchen with am- ple cupboards and large eating area; 4-piece bath; large bal- conies. Parking. Only 1 apart- ment available. 20 Wanted To Rent IN EXETER- 3 bedroom house for beginning of April. Phone 235-2644. 7-8c HENSALL AREA - 3 bedroom house in the country. Apply to Box T G P The Exeter Times- Advocate. 7-8c APPROXIMATELY 50 ACRES of well drained land suitable for cash crop. Will pay top price. Apply to Box S P H The Exeter Times-Advocate. Stfnc 21 Property Wanted TO BUY OR RENT house with land in Usborne Township. Ap- ply Box D G P The Exeter Times-Advocate. 7-8* 22 Notices I, ROBERT WAYNE IREDALE will not be responsible for any bills made by my wife, Linda Carol Iredale as of February 8, 1972. 7-9c NOTICE Tradesmen and Contractors wishing to have their names placed on the tender list of the Huron-Perth County Ro- man Catholic Separate School Board are invited to submit in writing a descrip- tion of their service. Such information will be kept on file in the Administration Office of the Board for ref- erence when services are needed. Please submit replies to: HURON-PERTH COUNTY R.C.S.S. BOARD, Box 100 SEAFORTH, Ontario, 7c INDEPENDENT SHIPPER to UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with ROY SCOTCHMER Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:36 a,m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up 47tfne Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ethel Latta, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Ethel Latta, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Hur- on, who died on or about the 8th day of January, 1972, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario by the 19th day of February, 1972, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executrix, Erer, Ontario, 5-7e / NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Millie Valeria Haskett, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Millie Valeria Haskett, late of the Township of Biddulph, in the County of Middlesex, House- keeper, who died on or about the 29th day of September, 1971 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 26th day of February, 1972, after which date the es- tate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario. 6-8c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Catharine Heins, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Widow, are to send same with full particulars, if any, by mailing them to the undersigned at Sarnia, Ontario on or before the 6th day of March, 1972. After the -said date the Administrators will proceed to distribute the Estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. BULLBROOK & GAVILLER, Barristers and Solicitors, 260 North Christina Street, SARNIA, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administra- tors - Alfred Roberts and Violet Scaife. DATED at Sarnia, Ontario, this 11th day of February, A.D. 1972. 7-9c KIRKTON'S CARNIVAL QUEEN CONTESTANTS - Brenda Parkinson, second from the left was named Queen of the Kirkton-Woodharn Winter Carnival Saturday night. The other girls from the left are Rosanne Van Roestel, Karen Anderson, runner-up Lynda Marshall, Doris Fairbrother, Barb Radcliffe, Laurel Radcliffe, Debbie Lang, Wendy Heard and Joanne Paton. T-A photo Dashwood ladies see pictures BACHELOR APARTMENT - Rent $60,00 includea all utilities, heat. Phone Lewis 1-271-2677. for appointment. 7tfnc 18 For Rent RENTALS-Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 14" drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235.1033. 2:22tfric CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT--- Plywood forms, wedges, form ties stocked, power trowel, small mixer, etc. Phone 236- 4954 after five or Saturdays, N, J. Corriveau, Zurich, 4: 24tfee CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex- tension ladder; skil saw; ad- ding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jacks; hand lawn sprayer; utility trailer; carter) carrier; 16' van; rolling home. Whiting Rental, 63 Main St. S., just south of river bridge, ltfnc A New Service To Our Subscribers The Times-Advocate can now offer its subscribers the oppor- tunity to save money on the purchase of an ENCYCLOPEDIA We can offer the Lincoln Li- brary of Essential Information at a much more attractive price than a multi-volume en- cyclopedia, And we can show you a list of some 19 schools in Huron that use the Lincoln, making it no stranger to the students in your home. Li- brarians, too, say that because of its more moderate cost, its high quality, •its conciseness and ease of use it is ideal for the home or office. By buying through the T-A, a publishing firm, the high cost of distrib- uting these 4 million word ref- erence volumes is eliminated, resulting in a saving to you. Please feel free to come in and examine it - wahout obli- gation of course, A BONUS FOR YOU As an introductory offer we will give' you your choice of one of these three recommend- ed publications at no additional cost except the 850 postage: Hammond's Classic World At- las, Funk & Wagnall's Standard Encyclopedia Dictionary or Med- ical and Health Encyclopedia. $62.50 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE 34tfnx 14 Wanted To Buy TWO BEDROOMS $149.00 PER MONTH CALL 235-1863 LOTS FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY 4 acres, cor- ner of No. 4 Hwy. and Creditors road. Good location for small or medium size industry EXETER - Riverside Drive. Lot 150x125, excellent location. Space available for two house. Sewers, gas. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Large office area on main floor of Devon Building currently oc- cupied by Dr. Gans. Available March 1, 1972. JOHN BURKE Liniited -.- Broker LOW Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Tritst Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 /tine TENDERS WANTED for Warble Fly Spraying IN USBORNE TOWNSHIP Tenders are invited stating a price per head per spray for spraying approximately 5,000 cattle including supply of warb- icide powder. One man will be supplied by the municipality. Tenders closed by noon, Feb- ruary 26. HARRY STRANG, CLERK RR 3 Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-2228 7-8c 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE of Beef Cattle, Some Machinery, Etc. FOR MR. KEN HODGSON Lot 13, Con. 8, Biddulph Town- ship, on No. 23 Highway at Whalen Corners. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26 at 1:00 p.m. LIVESTOCK: 2 purebred Here- ford cows; 1 purebred second calf Hereford heifer; 6 Here- ford heifers, first calf; 4 Dur- ham Hereford cross cows; 10 Hereford grade cows; 4 black cows; 2 Holstein heifers, (The above are all bred Hereford and are due in March and April,) 1 purebred Hereford bull 2 years old; 8 last years Here- ford heifer calves; 1 black white-faced steer. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: De Laval milkers, 2 stainless steel units and 2 pumps; Electropail, etc. MACHINERY: Allis Chalmers 66 ptd combine; McKee harvest- er with pipes; 16-run Ontario fertilizer and grain drill on steel; J.D. 2-row corn planter; J.1), stiff toothed cultivator; F.B. double disc; Int. 8 ft. swather; Int, threshing ma- chine; Int, small corn shelter; steel roller; Myers 3 pt. hitch sprayer; farrowing Crates and troughs; 1951 Chevrolet 1 ton truck (not running). MINK PENS: 150 pelting pens; 130 breeding pens. FEED: 800 bales of straw. Mr. Hodgson is giving up farming and is selling the above without reserve. Terms: Cash, Local booth. Auctioneers: HUGH FILSON, TOM ROBSON 6660833 phone 666-1967 7-8c Culbert) of London, a former Centralia resident. The funeral service was held at the Denning Bros. Funeral Home in Strathroy With temporary entombment in Woodland Mausoleum, London, Persona Is Mrs. W.R. Essery and Mrs. Robert Blair attended the Huron- Perth Presbyterial of United Church Women in the Central United ,Church, Stratford last week, Miss Wilda Pollock of Kit- chener was a visitor for a few days with her sister, Mrs, Lorne Hicks. The two ladies were in Kincardine over the weekend where they attended the 50th wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCormick and were guests at the home of their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Bert Walden. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott of Lucan were Sunday evening visitors with Mrs. Clara Abbott. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Schroeder visited at the home of their son, William in London on Sunday and were Monday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Webb at Grand Bend. THE MO11111080 WANT ADS WORK Doubles club enjoy bowling By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD Members of the Happy Doubles Club and their families had a bowling party Saturday evening at the Exeter Bowling Lanes. Lucky score was won by Cheryl Stewart and John Miner; high score, Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mr. Donald Bray. All returned to the church for refreshments. The Messengers had a snowmobiling party Saturday afternoon and returned to the church for lunch, Persona Is Alan Jeffery spent Saturday with David Foster, Kirkton, Dale Passmore spent Saturday with Larry Rundle, Woodham. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bray and family visited Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Jeffery. Mr, & Mrs. Edwin Miller and Barbara were Sunday evening quests with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hughes, London. Mrs, Donald Bray, Mrs. George Kellett, Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. Stewart Miner, Mrs. Glen Stewart and Mrs. Jack Stewart attended Huron-Perth Presbyterial United Church Women Annual Meeting in Stratford, Wednesday, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Gilmour, Kevin, Paul arid David, Lucan, Mr. & Mrs, Mark Strapp, Laurie, Michael, and Jamie London, Mr. Donald Bray, Robert and Ruth Were Sunday guests with Mr, & Mrs John Bray and Agnes. The occasion being the birthday of Mrs. John Bray. Gnests on Sunday with Mrs. Myrtle Passmore and family were, Mr. & Mrs. RoSs Merrill, Esther and friend of Clinton, Brian Merrill Toronto, Barbara Dougall, Judy Jerguson, Bill Hooper, Exeter, Sharon Batten. ,Mr,& Mrs. Bill Rohde, Douglas and Calvin.