HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-02-17, Page 5CHALLENGE RACE WINNERS -- Radio announcers from CKNX in Wingham defeated CFPL London in a challenge snowmobile race at the Crippled Children's Day at the Pineridge Chalet, Sunday. Above, But Brady of CFPL grabs the mike away from announcer Fred Darling to explain why his team lost, In the foreground are Dave Curzon, Anna Myers and Jim Swan of Wingham along with 1972 Timmy, John Fitzgerald. T-A photo Hensall church women plan World Day of Prayer Mr, & Mrs. Robert Chaffe and sons of Mitchell, visited this week with Mrs. Chaffe's parents, Mr. .& Mrs. John Corbett and Al, Mrs. Howard Scone spent last week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. 4 Mrs. Barry Tucker, and son, in London. John Corbett is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Miss Stella Southcott and Miss Verna Coates of Exeter visited this week with Mrs, Alda Sim- mons. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Chapman and Mrs. Bertha MacGregor visited over the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Don MaeLaren and family in Scarborough. Contrary to popular belief, a medium potato has no more calories than a medium apple, a medium banana, a serving of green peas or a serving of lima beans, AISLE AFTER AISLE OF FOOD SAVINGS MEM - Red Seal 14 ,— F AVENDly inaf egIERSA MONEY DaSN'T ALWAYS ifigO 4 AWN WITIMW Af/WCW IS 1/01/4010,71/411 MAN WITH FOUR- Desiardine Welding Service PitissenDesiamtine AR 1, Grand Bend n8-a22 — Phones — 238-2406 PORTABLE EOUIPMENT PeiroPteied February 17, 1972 Pa190 5 74:414,e Reae 3deaee? Buying or Selling Complete Appraisal Service Call Betty Bates Lucan 221-4150 representing Tim MacFarlane Real Estate London 434-8824 • Don't let lack of cash hinder a bargain buy! Mrs, Ken Elder very ably conducted the study on Africa. She spoke on Tanzania and Zambia and the problems there. A valentine contest was en- joyed by everyone. Unit II, UCW Unit II, Hensall U,C.W. held their Valentine meeting Monday evening at the church. Mrs. Jack Corbett welcomed everyone and opened with a Valentine verse and a poem "This is To-day." Mary Goodwin conducted devotional, "Linings of Silver", using scripture from the book of Kings. Two piano solos by Tony Kyle were much enjoyed. Mrs. Jack Drysdale conducted the study on Africa using the story on "Dr. Sid Gilchrist" from the Africa study pack. Roll call with the phrase "Happiness is -,was answered by 14 members. A thank-you note was read from Mrs. Don Beck. Mrs. 13111 Mickle presided for the business. The members decided to have Christmas stockings again this year. World day of Prayer, March 3 at 3 p.m. in Hensall United Churbh was announced. A Valentine contest was en- joyed by everyone. Mrs. Jeanette Turner and Mrs. Jean Ferguson served lunch. • That house you hesitate to buy today because of the cost of a mortgage . . what will it be worth in ten years or longer? just look everywhere at the record of increased real estate values over the years! • Smiley — Conti ued from page 4 reception would be, and all that jazz. "What wedding?" I roared into the maelstrom. At least it stopped them long enough so that they could re-group forces and attack me. I discovered that I was an old fud, a fuss-pot, an obstacle in the course of true love, a cynic, a materialist, and a few other things such as a miser, a hypocrite ("You and Mom didn't have a nickel when you got married"), and a misanthrope. I cheerfully agreed to all charges,- which took the steam out of their attack. Sent the kids off with a flea in their ear, and half our Sunday roast. The flea will buzz unheeded, and the roast will be scoffed with gusto. That's life, Would it were as simple for everybody as it is for the chap who ran the following ad- vertisement in the "personal" column of the city paper recently: PROFESSOR of surgery and head of surgical research of a North American university, widower, age 60, financially very comfortable, brilliant, good looking; in ex- cellent health, active in sports, with broad interest in the humanities, arts and music, wishes to meet an elegant lady of Jewish faith, age 40 to 50, good looking, intelligent, and in- dependently wealthy, Object — matrimony. The rest of the ad dealt with the mechanics. The ladies were to send photograph and all details. If they shaped up, a meeting would be arranged selectively by telephone, If they didn't they would get their junk back. Well, I can't help but admire the man for laying it on the line, even though he is obviously an arrogant boor. He'll get so many letters he'll never have time to get married. Nor could I help composing in my mind a similar advert ex- tolling my own virtues for Leap Year ladies. It ran to only twelve words. As a party game, try making up your own marriage advertisement, You might be surprised at how much you have to offer to that vale of tears and laughter. Marriage is a solemn institution. If you are a solemn prig. So come in and discuss a mortgage loan to help you enjoy that dream home right now ... and own it while its long term value rises. Borrow today at Victoria and Grey. • • 1111111/111 tttttt 1111111111 lllllllllll 1111.1...1.111111111.1111011.11 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, lllll 1 lll lll I llllll ilifst llllllllll 11l10 llllllll Muir VG The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario, VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 THE LIONS ROCKET — The Exeter Lions Club hoped to outsizzle the Zurich Lions club in a challenge snowmobile race Sunday with this rocket powered machine, Before operator Peter Raymond could gel it very far down the track the rockets fizzled out. The Exeter machine went on to win under its own power. T-A photo In the absence of the-president, the vice-president Mrs. Mary Taylor presided. The meeting opened with- devotions and roll call was an- swered by a verse from the Bible having the word 'Faith" in it. The study "Prayer Works Miracles" was taken by Mrs. Windover, Mrs. Windover was appointed to look after collecting used Christmas cards and Mrs. Annie Reid to look after collecting stamps. Delegates appointed to attend the annual ACW meeting in St. Pauls Cathedral, London, April 26 were Mrs, Annie Reid and Mrs. D,Windover, Mrs, G. A. Anderson read a letter on work being done by the A.C.W. and Rev. Anderson closed the meeting with prayer. U.C.W. Unit I Hensall U,C.W. met Thursday afternoon in the Church. Mrs. Robert Cook presided and opened the meeting with a poem entitled "Liberty," after which she conducted the devotional on .,;Roll call was answered by 13 members present and one visitor,. it was announced that the World Day of Prayer is March 3, and the Spring Thaw supper is being planned for early April. The Cheese House Main St. Zurich Phone 236-4804 Featuring Baden Cheese Fine Cheeie at Lowest Prices, W.M.S. A panel discussion on Africa conducted by Mrs, Percy Campbell and Mrs. Ed Munn highlighted the February meeting of the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church, President, Mrs. Rachael Sch- walm, presided for the meeting and opened with a poem, The worship study on Africa was given by Mrs. P. Campbell and Mrs. E. Munn, after which Mrs. Aldene Volland offered prayer. The roll call was answered with a verse with the word "love" in it, Mrs. Ruby hoggarth followed with a prayer. The Huron-Presbyterial literature secretary, Mrs. Rochus Faber, displayed several available books. The members of the W.M.S. were asked to make a quilt of bright colors for the bale. Next meeting will be March 9 with Mrs. Blanche Dougall and Mrs. Pearl Love in charge. Mrs. Earl Campbell closed the meeting with prayer. The Ladies Aid Meeting followed and reported that the proceeds of the banquet held February 2 were gratifying. ACW -f The regular meeting ,of the A.C.W. of St. Pauls Church was held at the home of Mrs. F. Clark. Hensa and district news • CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, 49y0e Pepper, Phone 262-2344 Mrs. ,Bertha MacGregor Phone 262-2025 Chiselhurst ladies will Act Fast The Cbiselhurst U.C.W. held their meeting February 8 in the basement of the church, Mrs. Alvin Cole opened the meeting with a poem followed by the theme song and prayer. Mrs. Tom Brintnell conducted the worship on "Self-Control" and Mrs. Edwin Dick gave a poem "Grandma's Off her Rocker" for the program. It was decided that the members would go to `Act Fast' in the near future. Mrs. Mac Lamond gave a very interesting talk of her trip to Africa. Mrs. Alvin Cole closed the meeting with prayer and Mrs. Rosa Harris served lunch. Winners of WI euchre Hensall Womens Institute held a successful euchre in the Legion Hall Wednesday evening with 13 tables in play. Winners were as follows, ladies' high, Mrs. Ross Richardson; ladies' low, Mrs. Garnet Allen; men's high, John Skea; men's low, Jim McAllister; lone hands, Mrs. E, Riley. A draw for a plant was won by Mrs. Phillip Ward. KEN D. BOWES Manager • Old Cheddar 5 and 10 lbs. Mild Cheddar Medium Cheddar Colby and Brick 5 and 10 lbs. Carroway and Tilsit Cooked Cheese Limburger Dutch GoUda aged mild $1.00 lb. at 95c lb. 93c lb. 95c lb. 89c lb. at 85c lb. 90c lb. 70c lb. 81c lb. 99e lb. 89c lb. All kinds of fancy and imported cheese gift boxes and cheese trays made to order Pop Shoppe Pop available llllll t llllll llllllllll lit llllllll 111011111 lllllllllll l llllllllllllllll 1.111101111 lllllllllllllll I llllllll 111111111 7% oz, SOCKEYE SALMON Pork Hocks 4 $1.00 Prime Rib Roast lb. 950 Fresh Side Pork lb. 450 Loin Pork Chops Side Bacon Minced Horn lb. 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 5th - 7th Rib Chase & Sanborn COFFEE All Purpose Grind 1 lb. Crown brand CO RN SYRUP 2 lb. bottle Delmonte CATSUP 18 oz. • 63( 87( 2/75( 3/85( 5/89 3/95( 5/95( 5/97( 3/77( EiriniskiN ED % MILK lb 890 Centre Cut 16 oz. 48 oz. Dole PINEAPPLE JUICE • Van P MEA NS WITH PORK 14. Stokely fancy CREAM CORN 14. CRUSHED PINEAPPLE lb. piece 55' lb, PRODUCE Fancy Product of Canada 19 oz. SPY APPLES Ir6liaiwirPEFRUIT size 48's red or white COKING Canada ONIONS Bonnie 5 if.$90 10/994 31b, bag .2U DOG FOOD 15 02, 10/$1.00 4/85( 2/634 Chef Master parchment wrapped MARGARINE coloured, 1 lb. package FROZEN FOODS vitiNER ROLLS Valley Fermi poly bag of 12, Reg. 39c FRENCH FRIES 2 lb bag NOT1Ct OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice Is Hereby Given That the 97TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Township Hall, Zurich — ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1972 AT 2:00 P.M. For the presentation of the Annual Report; to elect three directors to replace those whose term of office has expir- , ed; and to transact all business as may be done at a gen- eral meeting of the policyholders. The retiring directors are Leonard Erb, Hensall; Reinh- old Miller, Dashwood; and Max Turnbull, Dashwood; who are eligible for re-election. Notice is Hereby given that at a meeting of the Direc- tors held on January 17,1972, all the general by-laws of the Flay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Comp- any were considered and revised to conform particularly with Bill 81 (1011), an Act to amend the Insurance Act and Bill 48 (1971), an Act to amend the. Corpoartion act and such other amendments as the Director8 deem necess- ary, as they effect; Article 16 - Voting of Members Article 21 - Qualification of Directors Article 23 - DirectorS acting as Agents Article 33 * Remuneration Article 38 - Bonding A Copy of the revised By-Laws may be seen at the Head Office of the Company, in Zurich, prior to the annual meeting. 11 E0NAR t) ER8 JOHN R, CONSITT President Secretary-, Treasurer MARKET HENSALL - ONTARIO