The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-02-10, Page 13MRS. ROBERT COLEMAN
Phone 2274614. Correspondent; Mrs. Eleanor Darling,
and district news 411111 ...
\,4 ontlitg DIP1115
The word migraine comes from the technical
name hemicrania which translated means half-
a-head. This is because in so many people the
pain begins in the center of the forehead or over
one eye. It most commonly remains in the front
of the head. Other features common to migraines
are flashing pattern's or spots in vision just be-
fore the headache, followed by nausea and diz-
ziness. More than twice as many women as men.
have migraines.
A migraine cannot be treated like a com-
mon headache with aspirin. It requires a differ-
ent type of drug entirely and only a physician
can determine how any one person should be
Stan Horrell, PhmB
Bob Middleton, PhmB
•`7 1Pw r4—"Ltthisi
February 2, open house was
held in Mrs. Robert Coleman's
apartment in honor of her 88th
birthday. arrangements, and her' great
Her daughter, Mrs. W.W. granddaughter, Donna-Jo
McTaggart, had charge of the
guest book. Lynda McTaggart
presented each guest over 60 with
a corsage and Jason Garret was
the passer of the candy.
Mrs. Coleman, daughter of the
late Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dickens,
was born on Concession 4 Bid-
dulph, five miles north of Lucan.
She married Mr. Coleman in 1907.
After six years in Saskatchewan,
where her only child, now Mrs.
W.W. Garret, was born, they
returned to Lucan and for 53
years lived on George Street.
Mr. Coleman died in 1964 and
Mrs. Coleman moved to Frank
Street Apartments in June 1970.
Mrs. Coleman a faithful
member of Holy Trinity Anglican
Church is still enjoying good
health and able to carry on alone.
Last summer she had the
honour of being chosen Lucan's
Centenpial Queen.
Centennial queen
celebrates birthday
Garret, and granddaughter, Mrs.
Don McTaggart and Mrs, Jack
Garret, were in charge of all
Propose great ride
for Cancer project
Times-Advocate, February 10, 1972
blitz was proposed but no
decision was reached .and the
executive would appreciate
comments from prospective
An Old Timers hockey game
was discussed as a way of
making funds, but no decision
was reached.
Pago 11
CG IT view
African film
The general assembly of the
C.G.I,T, met in the United
Church Sunday school rooms.
After the business,the worship
and study was opened with a
singsong followed by a viewing of
a film on Africa,
The senior girls presented a
drama on the Good Samaritan
which was discussed in the in-
dividual groups.
In a ceremony for new mem-
bers, junior girls were presented
with their C.G.I.T. pins.
1 ,, 11 lll 1 llll 1111111111111111111111111111 llllllllllllllllll 111111111
Church news
February 2, the Anglican
Church Women met in the Parish
Hall for their monthly meeting.
Mrs. F. Hardy Sr., president,
presided and Rev. R.A. Carson
took the Bible study.
Programs for the 'hearing for
Lent' series in the United Church
were distributed. Mrs. P.O. King
read a poem and Mrs. Hardy lead
in a Bible quiz.
The ladies then went in a group
to the birthday Open House for
Mrs. R. Coleman.
Sunday, Rev. Carson preached
on silence and the importance of
learning to be quiet to hear God
speaking. He said many
problems would disolve if we'd
just pause and look at them from
a broader perspective. Next
Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mr. Carson
will be preaching on the theme
`Turning Back.'
Holy Trinity Church Sunday
School are in the midst of a
contest betweeen the boys and
the girls. There are 36 boys and 33
girls on the Sunday School roll.
The girls are ahead with 110
points. The boys trail with 102
points. The contest is in the form
of a road race. They have now
finished the first lap.
Sunday is the last before Lent.
At. 8:00 a.m. the A.Y.M. will
attend Communion, breakfast
then make calls for the Heart
The Rev, W. C. Tupling con-
tinued his sermon series from
Romans at Lucan United Church
on Sunday, "Saved by Grace,"
his sermon topic.
Robert Blackwell presided at
the organ leading the senior choir
in anthem music.
Announcements were made for
the Hi-C for all teens, Monday;
Mission and Service Committee,
Tuesday, U.C.W. program,
"Focus on Africa, Wednesday;
Youth Choir, Thursday; Junior
and senior choir, Friday; con-
firmation class, Saturday,.
Weekend Planning conference
will begin at Westminster
Sunshiners plan
Valentine party
The Lucan Sunshine Club
gathered at Masonic Hall
Thursday for their weekly social
afternoon. Mrs H. Bond Sr,
presided and Mrs. T. Emery Sr.
was social convener.
Bingo was played by the 17
members attending and lunch
was provided by Mrs. Helen
Thompson, Ailsa Craig and
Benny Kelly, Lucan.
It was decided to have a social
valentine party at the next
Due to the severity of the
storm, public speaking chairman
Comrade Bill Smith deemed it
advisable to postpone our annual
public speaking contest which
was scheduled for Friday. It will
be held this Friday night at the
Legion Hall, Lucan.
We recommend this program
to our friends of Lucan and urge
them to attend and support these
young orators. Remember, that's
8:00 p.m. Friday, Feb, 11 at
Branch 540. Make it a point to
attend. There is no charge and
the research these youngsters
must do while preparing their,.
speeches will astonish you — See
you there.
Have you finally dug out of the
belated snow which we requested
for our children's snow vehicle
party? We hope you will forgive
us and next year we will put in
our request a mite earlier and not
wish so hard — sorry about that,
Hi, gals, last warning — Feb,
12 is the date Branch 540 turns it
on with Tim MacFarlane and the
Cardinals for the 1972 version of
our annual Valentine's Day
dance. This being Leap Year we
want you gals to know we are on
your side and this is to be your
special dance — keep after that
man of yours now and we'll see
you at 540 Saturday nite. Sure
sounds like a fun nite.
Comrades don't forget our next
Zone A 5 meeting will be held at
the Glencoe branch of the Royal
Canadian Legion, 8:30 p,m.
SHARP, February 17. Come on
over and support our own
Comrade Bill Smith, Zone A5's
540's trip to Labatt's Brewery
Mon. Feb, 14 is shaping up,
comrades. Remember the first 50
placing their names on the list
posted in the Sea, Land & Air
Lounge will be making the trip.
To keep the gang together 540 has
laid on a bus for transportation.
Remember we are to be at
Labatt's for our conducted tour at
8:30 p.m. so we request you get to
the Legion hall no later than 7:30
p.m. sharp for this is the time the
bus leaves in order to allow us
plenty of time.
For those who enjoy barber
shop quartet singing, Branch 540
Holy Communion was
celebrated at St. James Church
last Sunday. Next Sunday
Evening Prayer and Sunday
School will be at 12:30 p.m.
The Brownies meet in the
Parish Hall in Lucan Monday and
Cubs meet in Lucan Wednesday.
The ladies of St. James Church
are busy making a quilt which
has been ordered.
Mr. & Mrs. Cec Lewis left
Monday for Florida. Mr. & Mrs,
Lewis plan on a trip to Europe
from Florida and will return
home in three or four weeks.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hancox and
family of London visited with
Mrs. J. Donaldson, Sunday.
Clan-lan-Developments have
opened their laundry facilities to
the public.
Scott Taylor spent the weekend
with his grandparents, Mr. &
Mrs. John Taylor of London.
Mrs. Wilmer Scott, Miss Betty
Scott and Mr. & Mrs. Sam Taylor
were among the spectators of the
Windsor Raceway Saturday
night. The ninth and feature race
was won by Midnite Brad owned
and trained by Mr. Scott.
Thousands of Canadians are
alive and well today because of
the work of the Canadian Cancer
Society. When a canvas"s"er calls,
be generous.
A regular medical cheek-up
will help prevent cancer,
according to the Canadian
Cancer Society,
Public speaking
at Lucan school
The Oral Communications
Festival (formerly Ontario
Public speaking Contest) was
held Thursday evening at Lucan
Public School. There were 12
contestants; six from St.
Patrick's school and six from
Biddulph Central.
The judges for the festival were
Le Roy Bryan, Vice principal of
Centennial School, John Lucianni
and Chris Rastin, student
teachers at St. Patrick's school.
Mr. Schenkel, principal of St.
Patrick's was time keeper,
kirst prize went to Gerard
Mitchell from St. Patrick's school.
Second prize winner was Vera
Mykyta from St. Patick§. Third
prize went to Johanna Engel
from Biddulph Central:
Honourable mention was given to
Jean Barker from Biddulph.
Two Biddulph students Janice
Field and Johanna Engel en-
tertained with musical numbers.
The winners will now compete at
Fanshawe College in February.
St, Patrick's school was
dismissed at noon Wednesday to
permit the teachers to attend the
professional development
roll revised
The new board of Management
met Tuesday night for their
monthly meeting in the United
Church electing executive as
follows: chairman, LeRoy
Maguire; secretary, Dale
Froats; treasurer, Cliff Abbott.
Financial needs of the church
were reviewed and a committee
appointed to go into this in more
detail re — sewer, redocorating
A second committee was ap-
pointed to revise the non resident
members on the church role.
Various subjects were discussed
on church matters.
The Ability Fund (March of
dimes) canvass in Lucan is
progressing satisfactorily. It is
expected to go over the top of
last year.
Mrs. Catherine Fischer spent
Sunday afternoon and evening
with Mrs. Kennan Fischer and
family, London.
Mrs. Howard Cranston is quite
ill with the flu.
Miss Susanne Leckie won high
score in euchre at the Kirkton
euchre party the past week.
Sandy Leckie, Lynn Emery, Mr.
& Mrs. T. Emery were also
Visitors at euchre party.
Mrs. Alan Scott, Lucan and
Mrs .Doug Scott, Thornhill,left for
a vacation in Florida.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Brunner and
girls, Windsor, were weekend
visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Herman
Tender called
by Biddulph
Biddulph council will be shortly
advertising for tenders for the
supply, crushing and hauling of
approximately 10,000 cubic yards
of gravel.
Tenders will also be called for
construction of the Wallis,
Marrinan and Granton No. 1
municipal drains.
A bylaw was passed closing the
township waste disposal site at
Lot 29, Concession 2.
Notice was received from the
Ontario Department of Tran-
sportation and Communications
that the 1972 subsidy for roads in
Biddulph township for 1972 would
be $34,900, an increase of $2,700
from last year.
Building permits were ap-
proved to David McAdam for a
barn at Lot 37, Concession 6 and
Patrick O'Neil, a house at Lot 15,
South Boundary.
The romantic young firefly
could hardly wait to glow up.
The executive of the Lucan
Biddulph Branch of the Canadian
Cancer Society net at the home
of the president Len Maslen,
Thursday evening.
Mr. Maslen reported on his
recent trip to the campaign
conference held at Westbury
Hotel, Toronto, and at a unit
meeting at Tharneswood Lodge,
Wednesday night.
"The Great Ride" for cancer
will be held April 23 and all
branches are invited to take part.
The London Middlesex unit
objective for 1972 is $307,000. The
objective of Lucan Biddulph
Branch will be set at the next
McCURDY GIRLS WIN — The girls floor hockey team from JAD McCurdy school recently won the
district public school championship. Back, left, coach Miss Margaret Salmon, Diane Walker, Gloria
Somann, Judy Showier, Annecke Somann, Gail Boucher and Tracy Campbell. front, Carol Bonney,
Katrina McCauley, Lori Kennedy, Tammy Goddard, Linda Motomura and Barb Smith. Missing were Lori
Ravelle, Cindy prrington and Marcie Lather. T-A photo
Health conference
Childs Health Conference
sponsored by the Middlesex
District Health unit will be held
February 17 at Lucan United
Church. Pre-school children are
welcome. There will be a doctor
in attendance.
BUSY LEGION COOKS — The more than 200 youngsters at the recent Lucan Legion snowmobile party
consumed a lot of hot dogs. Shown above busy with their chores are cooks Shirley Stuckless, Mary
Cronyn, Marie Elson, Stella Fisher and Doris Lightfoot. T-A photo
Speaking Friday
is attempting to bring out a
singing group from London for
your entertainment. When plans
are completed we will give you
plenty of notice. Just something
for you to think about and
remember 540 is always seeking
ways to be of service to you.
Competition is sure keen at
Branch 540's Tuesday nite Mixed
Sports and here are the standings
to date: euchre First — the Len
Fisher's, Second — the Larry
Cronyn's, Cribbage, first —
Shirley Stuckless and Sid Daley.
Second, the Gord Elson's. Darts,
tied for first — the Len Fishers
and Gord Elson's. Second — the
Joe McIntyre's. Shuffleboard,
first — Shirley Stuckless and
Geo. Juergens. Tied for second —
the Joe McIntyre's, the Hirtzels,
Carl and Helen. Next battle of the
champions, Tuesday Feb. 15,8:30
p.m. — sure looking forward to it.
Fooled you eh? Thought I'd
forgotten. Membership!!! Going
great, Comrades, just a few more
to go — come on now, break
loose with that nine bucks and get
in the groove with a swingingest
outfit in town where you are a
stranger only once.
To be exact, to date we have
only 27 non-renewals for '72 —
Are you one? Why not come in
and make it 26-25-24-23 0.
And that's 30 for this week.
Remember — Whether a
person smokes cigarettes or not,
if he lives long enough he will die
of something or other!
The shape of things to come.
The Volkswagen Beetle will be
around for years to come.
Someone else somewhere will in-
troduce a new economy car and
there will be lots of excitement.
The excitement will die down.
As in the past, people who own
old Volkswagens will trade them in
for new Volkswagens because (we
guess) they like Volkswagens.
Our engineers will continue to
improve the way the Volkswagen
works and our stylists will continue
to be frustrated.
Sometime in 1972, the Beetle will
become the most popular single
model automobile ever made, by-
passing the Model T Ford with pro-
duction of over 15 million vehicles.
We won't let that last pre-
diction go to our heads.
Don Taylor Motors Limited