HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-02-03, Page 1RECORD SET IN DONATIONS — Exeter's Marching Mothers collected more than $1,200 for the
Disability Fund Monday night to set a new record for the town. Shown above with some of the money
are Mrs. Elmer Willis, Exeter's chairman Mr's, Harvey Pfaff and Ontario director of fund raising Bill Oaks
of Toronto. T-A photo
Campers to
return again
For the third straight year,
Exeter will be the site of the
Western Ontario campout of the
National Campers and Hikers
The campout is sponsored
▪ jointly by the Tent Toters and
Trail Trotters of Sarnia and the
"People keep suggesting we
find another spot, but no place
has the facilities you have here,"
Rae Gorman told Exeter RAP
officials when the camping
groups visited Saturday.
"We've never had better co-
operation either," he added.
Dates for this year's campout
are June 16, 17 axd 18.
Registrars for the event are
Ken and Bev Hart of Sarnia.
Charge local man
over fraud count
On Friday, the Exeter police
arrested Arthur George Harvey,
• Main St., Exeter, on a warrant
issued by the Stratford police on a
charge of fraud,
The articles that had been
Obtained by fraud were
Harvey, 24, was returned to
Stratford by Constable Idle of the
city police department for a court
New cruiser
is damaged
The new Exeter police cruiser
arrived Thursday.
On Friday it was involved in
an accident.
It was being driven by Con-
stable McIntyre and the collision
• occurred at the intersection of
Sanders and Main Streets. Driver
of the other vehicle involved was
Audrey Hackney, 117 William St,
Constable Cairns investigated
the crash and total damage was
listed at $500. The cruiser had
travelled less than An miles,
It was the only accident of the
week in Exeter.
MECHANIZED CANVASSING Several snowmobiles were used in
Monday night's Disability Fund canvass by Exeter's Marching
Mothers. Above, campaign chairman Dorothy Pfaff and provincial
director Bill Oaks of Toronto get ready to head out for the first call.
Woman driver hurt
in GB area crash
MINI8TEFt AT THE WHEEL At a snowmobile safety
demonstration held in conjunction with the road safety workshops
conference in London last week, Ontario's Minister of
Transportation and Communications learned first-hand how to
operate a snowmobile. Pictured above, Mr. MacNoughton drives
away on art OPP snoweruiser while members of London area
snowmobile clubs and OPP personnel look on. Incidentally he
scattered sonic photographers on thjvay.
SISTERS HONORED AT DASHWOOD — Two sisters who have given combined service of 70 years to
Calvary United Church in Dashwood in the capacity of choir directors and organists were honored
Sunday. Above, Mrs. Ken McCrae and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan receive gifts from church official Clifford
Penhale and Rev. Bruce Guy. T-A photo
Still no decision on MDC,
Ninety-eighth Year
Price Per Copy 20 Cents
Autho ity approves purchase
of Kon skilde plant for office
More than 30 marching
mothers set a new record for the
town of Exeter Monday night by
collecting $1,214 for the Ability
Local chairman Mrs. Harvey
Pfaff said Wednesday morning
she expected the final total
should exceed last year's by
more than $200. The 1971 total
was $1,01.25.
One of the marchers was not a
mother. He was Bill Oaks of
Toronto director of fund raising
* for the province of Ontario.
Oaks arrived in Exeter late
Monday afternoon to help with
Male canvasser takes up chollengo,
assists women set canvass record
with 'stipulations'
the canvass in answer to a
challenge from Mrs. Pfaff who
had written several weeks ago
complaining of some of the
material that is used in the
The local chairman in her
complaint said the receipts were
hard to handle and some of the
envelopes were not large enough,
especially to be used in cold
weather when hands become
Oaks said he was happy to
receive the letter from Mrs. Pfaff
and made the trip to actually join
in the canvass.
Constable Bob Whiteford listed
damage at $1,000. The driver
escaped unhurt.
There were two other accidents
on Saturday, one at 5:30 p.m. on
Heesall's main street involving
cars driven by Margaret Ingram
and Roland Vanstone, both of
The Ingram vehicle was being
backed out of a parking spot and
ran into the Vanstone car which
was pulling into a service station
Damage was set at $40 by
Constable Frank Giffin.
In the other, cars driven by
Gordon Schwalm, Hensall, and
Earl Dietrich, Centralia, collided
on the main street of Hensall,
Constable Giffin set damage at
$300 in that one.
The only other crash of the
week occurred on Sunday at 2:00
p.m. on County Road 2, involving
three vehicles.
Glen W. Reichert, London, was
southbound and skidded into two
parked vehicles. They were
owned by Kenneth Gemmell,
Kippen, and Henry J. Adkins, RR
2 Hensall.
Total damage was listed at $300
by Constable Quinn.
During the week the local
detachment officers charged 18
persons under the Highway
Traffic Act and issued warnings
to another 18.
Two persons were charged with
impaired driving, and there were
two charges under the Liquor
Control Act.
The Ontario director added,
"The needs and wishes of our
volunteers are paramount. Mrs,
Pfaff had a legitimate beef," lie
went on to say the materials were
changed drastically this year but
after seeing the canvass in action
added, "it looks like we will have
to take another good look at it."
Oaks conceded that the red
envelopes mild have been wider
and the receipts could be
arranged in a better system.
The local canvassers tinder the
direction of Mrs. Pfaff made
some changes in the receipts
after they arrived. The con-
tinuous form was changed and
individual receipts were stapled
The name of the campaign,
Set rates
for water
Grand Bend council made an
announcement Monday on in-
creases in the cost of water to
residents of the village that
receive their water from the
municipal water system.
The new rates went into effect
on February 1.
Under the new rate schedule, a
permanent resident will pay $4.25
per month. The previous charge
was $36 per year.
A summer resident will now be
charged $3.50 per month while
under the old rate he paid a flat
rate of $26 per annum, Com-
mercial retail units will also pay
$3.50 per month,
The charge for small
businesses that do not use water
primarily in their operations will
be $5.50 per month. They have
been charged $50 per year.
Large businesses with meters
will pay $11 for the first 10,000
gallons per month, $9 for the
second 10,000 gallons and $8 for
each additional 10,000.
The original rate was $10 for
the first 10,000 gallons and $8 for
each additional 10,000.
The original rate was $10 for
the first 10,000 gallons, 80 cents
per thousand for the next 10,000
and 70 cents per thousand,
Reeve John Payne had an-
nounced at the January 17
meeting of council that the cost of
purchasing water from the
Ontario Water Resources
Commission went up more than
twenty percent, effective
January 1.
The village will now pay 59.3
cents per thousand gallons of
water used. The previous rate
was 49.7 cents per thousand
Indicates interest
in Kirkton water
Alex Gartenburg, chairman of
the Kirkton-Woodham committee
attempting to alleviate the water
shortage in the two communities
said Monday that very little
progress has been made in recent
He said the committee has
received a letter from Huron
MPP Charles MacNaughton
saying he was interested in the
problem and had been checking
with the . Ontario Water
Resources Commission on recent
MacNaughton said the OWRC
was completing studies and
complete co-operation in
alleviating the situation would be
given if at all possible.
the Ability Fund came into being
in 1968 replacing the former
March of Dimes.
The Ability Fund places the
accent on the abilities of disabled
men and women. It is committed
to helping handicapped adults in
Ontario to become useful, self-
respecting members of society.
Over 13,000 disabled adults are
currently on the files of the
Rehabilitation Foundation, In
1970, 2,616 were given direct
assistance through one more of
the Foundation's programs.
Mr. Oaks said Monday that
about 14 per cent of Ontario's
population has some type of
handicap. "We are helping quite
a few, but there are many others
we don't know about."
If any disabled persoh in the
area wants some assistance they
should contact the Rehabilitation
Foundation in Toronto or the
chairman of Exeter's campaign,
Mrs. Harvey Pfaff.
• • may join
Members of Huron County
council have still not reached a
final decision concerning
whether or not to financially
support Midwestern Develop-
ment Council (MDC formerly
MODA) during 1972.
Although the planning and
development committee under
the chairman E. W. Oddleifson,
Bayfield, recommended to
council that it continue mem-
bership inMDC this year, council
heard a surprise presentation by
Reeve Charles Thomas of Grey
who believes himself to be one of
the few MDC members who has
served continuously since, the
organization was formed,
Reeve Thomas urged Huron to
take out membership in MDC this
year on the condition that the
people of Huron be permitted to
appoint their own members.
Thomas said re-organization of
MDC is scheduled for April and
he suggested that Huron's
membership in MDC be withheld
until after re-organization to
insure that provisions had been
MPP Charles MacNaughton
took his oath of office Wednesday
as Chairman of the Management
Hoard of the Ontario Govern-
The appointment gives Mac-
Naughton his eighth portfolio in
the provincial legislature.
In making the announcement,
Premier William Davis said,
"This gives the Huron MPP the
distinction of having served more
portfolios than any other minister
in Ontario's history.
As chairman of the
management hoard, Mac-
Naughton becomes one of five
ministers who make policies and
made for a "partnership ap-
A member of MDC's executive
for the past six years, Reeve
Thomas said he had been con-
cerned lately because of a strong
swing within MDC to have non-
municipally orientated people in
Thieves hit
four times
Exeter police are investigating
four breakins, all reported
Tuesday morning.
At the R. E. Pooley branch
Legion, thieves made off with the
dart league money of ap-
proximately $10,
Harold Gunn Home Hardware
was entered the same night and
two cash registers were attacked,
netting the thieves about $35 in
Attempts to enter Snell Bros.
Limited and Huntley's Drug
Store were also made, but entry
was not gained to either premise.
serve on the policies and
priorities board of cabinet,
He was replaced as Tran-
sportation and Communications
Minister by Gordon Canton of the
Toronto Armourdale riding.
The management board is
composed of its chairman, at
least one minister from -each of
the policy fields, the minister of
finance and intergovernmental
affairs and the minister of
revenue and government ser-
This means that the
management hoard will be linked
to the policy and priorities board
by haviiv, two ministers in
decision-making positions. He
said he opposed this trend and
had eventually resigned from
MDC's executive because he felt
there was no sympathy for his
"partnership approach".
However, Reeve Thomas
stated he had been heartened by
the presentation made to Huron
County Council at the inaugural
session in January when
Manager Walter Gowing spoke
about involving county council in
a more direct way.
"I think we are starting to get
what we wanted," said Reeve
Thomas. "What we're really
interested in is autonomy in that
organization. I think it is pretty
important for us to be in on the
planning. If it is to be a provincial
government planning board, then
let the cost come from the
provincial government, But if we
are to be partners, that's dif-
ferent, We don't want to be fee
paying only."
Frank Cook, deputy-reeve of
Clinton, challenged Reeve
Thomas by charging that he was
— Please turn to page 3
common and to each policy field
by at least one minister in
The management hoard will
provide ministers with leader-
ship, guidance and regulations on
quality and quantity, as well as
methods on the acquisition of
The management board will
also be responsible for policy on
common services, program
analysis, consolidation- of
ministerial estimates,
managennvin improvement and
overall organizational design.
As one of the top five 'cabinet
The enlarged Ausable River
Conservation Authority — soon to
be known as the Ausable -
Bayfield Conservation Authority
— agreed unanimously Wed-
nesday afternoon to purchase one
of the Kongskilde Ltd. buildings
in Exeter for a new office and
Meeting at the R. E. Pooley
Legion Branch, the enlarged
Authority accepted the building
committee's recommendation to
seek approval from the Depart-
ment of Environment for the
An option for $60,000 has been
taken out on the most easterly of
the Kongskilde buildings on
Highway 83 in Exeter.
The purchase would include the
5,200 square foot office and
storage building, in addition to a
small insulated barn and a total
of two and a half acres of land.
If approved, the purchase
would be subject to a 70 percent
grant from the department,
bringing the cost to the Authority
municipalities to $18,000.
"We feel we were quite for-
tunate to get an option to pur-
chase," stated Lorne Hay,
Hensall, chairman of the com-
He noted Exeter was now the
centre of the enlarged Authority
and it would be a most convenient
Authority chairman Bill Amos
said the Kongskilde location met
all the requirements of the needs
of the Authority for more office
space and additional workshop
He explained consideration has
been given to adding to the
workshop at Parkhill, but this
would not now be necessary.
The Authority had drawn plans
for a new office and anticipated
cost had been between $50,000
and $60,000, while the Parkhill
workshop addition had been
tentatively set at $10,000.
"I'm known to be a bit on the
tight side," stated Tuckersmith
Reeve Elgin Thompson, "and
there's no way we could turn this
He said he felt it was an ex-
ceptionally good buy and Fred
Heaman added that no changes
would have to be made in the
Lorne Hay and Ted Pooley,
building committee members,
indicated ine Authority could
move into the facilities as soon as
approval is received from the
Hay explained Kongskilde was
selling because they too are
ministers, MacNaughton joins
Allan Lawrence, Bert Lawrence,
Robert Welch and D'Arcy
In one of his last duties as
Transportation and Com-
munication Minister, Mac-
naughton was far from successful
in his first attempt at operating a
Tries Snowmobiling
At a snowmobile safety
demonstration at Mt. Brydges,
Thursday in conjunction with the
annual road safety workshops,
the Huron MPP sent five
photographers scattering and
Cash stolen
from house
Another area home was en-
tered by thieves this week.
On Thursday night, between
8:00 and 11:00 p.m., the home of
Edmond Hendrick, Crediton, was
entered while the occupants were
The house was ransacked and a
sum of money was stolen from a
small safe. The amount of cash
taken was not divulged.
Entry had been gained by
smashing a window in an at-
tached garage.
As a result of the breakins in
homes in the Exeter area, police
have reminded residents not to
keep large sums of money in their
On Wednesday morning, police
investigated the theft of money
from a Bell Canada pay
telephone at Kirkton. Amount of
money taken was not known,
On Saturday, police were
called to investigate a case of
wilful damage at Huron Park. A
snowmachine owned by Donald
Glanville, Crediton, had the
throttle cables pulled off.
overcrowded. He said the local
firm was negotiating for land in
the same area to enlarge their
facilities all under one roof.
Lucan reeve Ivan Hearn asked
what plans were being made for
the present office at Riverview
Park in Exeter.
Amos replied it had been
purchased under an agreement
with the Town of Exeter and he
said disposal of the building
would have to be negotiated with
No further discussion was held
in that regard.
Return slate
The Authority returned the
slate of officers as they were for
1971. Amos remains as chairman
and Elgin Thompson is vice-
Advisory board chairman are
as follows: finance, Lorne Hay;
flood control, Ted Pooley; sundry
conservation areas, Robert Love,
Parkhill; conservation area,
Elgin Thompson; reforestation
and wildlife, Fred Heaman;
education and information,
Freeman Hodgins; land
acquisition, John Stephen.
The executive committee in-
cludes the above along with Fred
Hoffner, Clarence Charlton and
Tom Consitt.
In welcoming the Bayfield
watershed members, Amos said
it was a "historic day" as it also
marked the start of the 26th year
for the Authority.
A budget of $324,600 was ap-
proved for 1972. Municipalities
will pay $79,650 of this.
Amos noted most municipal
levies would "run very close" to
last year.
Police will elect
fans from arena
Fans unable to control their
actions at the Exeter arena may
find themselves being ejected
from the building.
That was the warning issued
this week by Chief Ted Day after
Tuesday night's game between
the Hawks and Belmont. He said
some fans became so worked up
they were spitting at the referees
and players as well as trying to
push their way into the penalty
He has issued orders to the
officers that anyone perpetrating
such actions is to be ejected from
the arena.
One fan was ejected from
Tuesday's game at the referee's
request after a slight altercation.
knocked over a stop sign.
Ills driving abilities cannot be
blamed too much for the incident
as snow conditions were about as
bad as they possibly could be,
With so much talk about the
hazards of Snewmobiling, the Mt.
Brydges club, and three other
area clubs, decided to invite the
boss of that government
department to show him just how
safe snowmobiling could be.
"I think this is just a big plot by
the manufacturers to get Me to
buy one," quipped Mr, Mae-
naughton after he had completed
a le-minute test run, 'But
Please turn to page 3
Damage amounted to $2,800 in
two accidents in the Grand Bend
area Saturday, and one of the
drivers sustained injury.
A car driven by Catherine
Pounder, London, skidded off
Highway 21 north of Grand Bend
and struck a tree.
The driver received cuts and
bruises and was taken to St.
Joseph's Hospital by Hoffman's
Ambulance. Exeter OPP Con-
stable Al Quinn investigated and
listed damage at $1,800.
At 4:45 p.m. the same day, a
ear driven by Raymond Wiggins,
Brandon, Manitoba, skidded off
Highway 81 one mile south of the
Crediton Road.
The car, owned by Gerald
Isaac, Parkhill, travelling north
on the highway and crossed to the
west side and rolled over in the
ditch, then came to rest on its
wheels again.
Scatters spectators in first try at snowmobiling
MacNaughton joins top policy makers