HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-2-2, Page 411•11100e-lr' "alt: se:Lee 7* ::::-."411ifiseffe% $1132i" -e• -• --1,-
111•1.11 1t0tucr.
TS* Old Iliattita Soliloquy.
hell Ilan lie/of-let au wee -
Otte years, if Cie trod' he sign
NS leave sie mit in the egato,
INJele, utast '414.11141014'.60..lora
"rimerfal old jade ;"
Well -1m hut *hat 1wad.o.u.1 -a siatdrii
a opado.
l'u left no femiuiete art untried ;
Paddetlaud lemeered,-oweledialidleovai .
(There% am girl rowed se%•e„,,„jetee
waist) :
Twisted wy hair-iny heirenetill I cied ;
L. neck, &Meath' eee,
Esery new me*
Thai tetrtures met killa limes not failed
to um.
• • - --eseestmir. - ---"e•-•-r""r" • --
Utiefaitas.3 A Meldattit LY, J Ale L 'Y tie 1371 Wort Yr erwanobts
Th•Oenneil met porsiast statuW ma
514""int lbw Illth lam : The Clerk tat 'the Jan. 15. le71.
lends our oda 1.70/...q..../.140.,J
Th. 144..4 vuo.„.,„ hando,1 Tun throw -WO hare 1105, after the e Counc
Tiil elected fie the current rear,
ltt r yealegobe„,„,,„ed Deeterations et thaw, 41a.tltehy a ...lilies oonsistang ut Charles teaEeg. Ileet•
Y l'n"uur" *Int the geo"n" tusi- Dia id iiirdiati tetwacillOrs
Rdwiefeaunt Eng leviity lierevie Mears.
utile. yrs . tem Stieleard e erne.
eaceoetplialainenta f certainly? • score ;
eee thaw, worsted and oils,
Ileardimeseletel Imbed, amell part of
my spoils ;
Fiett,auetto,and pont/ -Yosi utaueze bore!
Neter ali Olt
mimed like ni) self ;
Why fait, then, that I'm Lod thc alie:f
Donne I bare had-•hem-aueS as the) wore;
Spoormy Dill &mei, who th night 1 all
Banally team Illack,(a he died di unit 1
Ilersejeckcy Tune -the impudent eta !
And Jelin -iuy mete t
And, lees it eildel
That kept Me 11u/11 100.1/4, • showatakee'a
• hrule T '
Well,here I am-6fty. How time rhea !
lleatemitelitug is a real ilauee of death ;
hauu Ihugrme ill* thedatthroi'a breath
Nicoski.» and rheumatism tell bolo*.
Sour, 14 (1
'1 ruer than true,
That it's better to wort:teats to dawdle lite
through f
Too late for toe late hew nse.
Those "womii's e -the right to
- a imark
The right to an inihmetelent part
01 .11 :hot a iii mt iitey eheoso bo,
M ere not fur 1041 ;
c you woe,
Be called ' minded, unfeminine
David hattull Ley. lhil•Ir
"1/"41htis LW following 1 err .ns be
to olliso for the r1.011 rear
j"i* liteltais Clot, &dm. 011.0.
Itsasalcr. Salary tki3. • m
seal - tee. teintelien
salary 4 40 le •
LtUall GI ktit ancialsalidny,Wada41,0?
ilitriroo hitherto. Tiallitfrarer
utllemt condition for eteighimg purpsees,
lled the busy tinkle ue Sleigh both' keeps
cf. au almost 111.O.411.11t cadence, h‘411 by
tity mid night and fatted lies In ',Vary
et Otis 441 .?rf11851 t"
eclat -mime. of °thee an rinartg
laridiag to law, the eretalactl hairrii ereetuziel
stud the Reeve haviug.takeu the chair. A
st of &begetter' air *We sae read (read W. T. Ileye Eve Pl.
T. P., tenumauctug the intention of Gov-
-Mita Jositipli Procter be Ts.eril 1 age en, d ...1
ltinglimill &Intl:ors, / ..it.
f ot, ,,,,,1 foro,,,i), erniuent to pay oi or to .
blItIllhar Ewe du overeat 'wit, end 11•• smaliing beeetien, ea.„1„.0 ma c.,,,,,..,....... interested* portion of ilo:1180.:111"1,1ilii1P6,ta
fend, ortleted to be fyle I. Ordeis were
•14/14alted rellee-Vie e 0 •I :Ix Ow current ths luardwu teiliere th. ir ereasy cane.. am abo have uet Lamar 411:e t.iI ...,:rilitutu their
1411014011' 31111 (olio a mg lenient wera the pee hed.wef „,I a ... dot _tor jao
hnviug ouutracts for teweeliii. work hid,
year.yia.-11rvr Ward N i., 1 ham Ailluld, a iil prove 01 ileum relit to 1..414 rythloir „t•ott.at 0„ „„„0„., „f b.„1 ,....ab.t - -e., ,
Jae. 1111011iitoek, and John lohtisten ; For orad pneelsasher then they oadil tacaitily to Goo. c„,.,.„, „„ 2,,,,1 ,1/4, 3.4 cum,
wee* N.,. 2 Apth.t. %% hitsv,Alfr..1 (laic. do by taking actiieletal stets : ted.n.1.0 .439. wi. 1,,,b,.11,
l'a.........._14it'Au. Stur4 Sour i Far Ward N.I. 4
llyp --'...111'1:*11101( truFILocenVirL-Tr0iNt'o'tar. lirk'WeekAleffilitt;:iPhb•
11414 Ille um of d= fez "ach " ntenT Pieces lel,. tot t.m,win,
hott, itt,,,pal. and J .1111 deleugla!
1(4c4ved that t be...ewe; Ile t emu%
ha yoAd the ad,o of se each fur
their *erelong as knoll rix : T B Stokes,
Thomas McCullough,John Rudd, Thomas
Woods and James Rickardson Resolved
Si.'" the tug 1...itior be raid the smut
of 62 5.1011 ter Hie rise ef home ter elec-
tion purtemet via : Trustees No. 6 school
bee. Mrs Lavin, Trustees of No. 8 school
ire. end Jas. Richardson, edward, Kelly
4.i'mtig 44- iiiii .0001011 Ilia 1:4,1 001.
rho Louwing erderel to be
pnitl ii: Robert Baker Ili. Robert Pharis
420. T. Morrhouse :4 ete. Reeds oil ilia<
tin:Startles get the l'itetnie of the
rii.::ian'aehiPrelingtenitilirieh.tianY01.1.1e-It.aexar.v/ .fri346111a1'.'110-
via : -1,4*.Deares e2 Win Me
Won Miter SI. Wm Jeri is ,1 Joh.,
th, t.ird St The feliewilig l'etitiens were
0,01over uext eternal of Council
via . Rebore Thomeem Mile:hers. Harry
Bsel and ethers. 'Imams No. 0 Scheid
See iteSIItft41 I11.1 I the weber of Ito lets
Peter Plet/oe, be ,'04404.4 Meat ttx;•s for
lbw ers 184 f/..:Coatiett Wets
eat to meet again at Estee', Hotel, Holmes.
*ale en the 1 t lav of the currant
T. 11. STOKES, Clerk.
- -
AS H. 1,1 •
Heigh ho onee more to the evargit,1 say •
11Thide istreeney taitsundor turtetwele:
A little more prate 1' 1111 up that crack,
(piens 111) 111* silk- toe 1
theatre Tioat's
11 be ihould ask me, -hurts, die, and leave
kiln 1.0101!
Bow the- ;i:rf PeriCid Mahe
Tea. •
William Smith was paying attention to
Molly Pertly', ile•wair a freshmen in
walleye, eud she a boarder at • fashi
able itotitute. One evening William savt
hie sweetheart home fruit a lecture st the
Young Men's Chrietian Amociation, and
u he had tmen introduced (0 (110 matron
U a cabin. he felt at liberty to avoid an
ieiltiDee- to go-ieleettsktrit•077-1,: *wee
rather late -the servants had rotirod, and
Molly foiled bersell driven to the oee,ssi-
ty of helping herself. She found the
kettle led alcohol Loup on their proper
shelf, 111 di ROA Ward, 10 WW1 to heel
sore 114:111r.
AL the lapse of a qnarter of an
how Witham db. 11'2.1 teething miming
oat of the epost, ...I modestly remarked
that he believed the water VAS boiling.
flus aseumptiet. of knowledge oit but
tart was put down by the feir•darasel,
who stated that it wes neeerwary to wait
nutil all that white cloud had ceesed
bctcre pouring out the water. Fifteen
minutes liter the stoat fell off, having
been melted by the heat. The stream
bad e.a.ed to appear and the young lady
now sidemen, until 20th ebrnary, 11P1,
now said tl.at the water waa as idly al Alia than at any other 0010 10 of the
at Copeland's Hotel, Liteknew -earried.
the spot was gone, it was pioposeci' to N coottr, Tap t/1„h., year ,44,11140 truth we have had. Wale. one
per Me eater out of the lid, tot an cal
1 very strikine proof in our neighlmorhmel.
thing to do, but billion was ready lotunrILDAI000n-4../a
1:111-crence.roon,sta•sualcluidy attic:1u &dui
risk &spiting for Id. orwcithart ; be HAY AND Tile R. R. Oat plucky by death in the very strength of Wm man -
lifted op the kettle, rr wove.' cever,
and treed to pour out 11i/water, When, lo
• and beheld I it wee ces211; 411 or the wa
ter bad been belcd awlymet i drop copid
be rgue,sed •out or it, dud the kettle Wig
Wiittawrdid-notirsit to rvietie &meg.;
bat discreetly lift the field aClitle,
amatany oogitating, that 11 1111? girl of tho
period were taught more Onetime Lime
sad fewer seromplistalieutse it would he
better for all concerned.
"4 Jamar,, 181'1, tit LI eeee.I. mie-
tele Avoid -peel, i•.•...• 11 Daltent
Ire Reyes l' Clare, J 6' Andrea and Jim
• wf or towel lore. 'Die umrsit.:s de-
clarations having been ulnae. '1113 min-
utes of last Immune of laet rear were
awl approved. m„,01 l.y M 10411.1, 50e.
by J Crueford, That 1' Morphy b• 511,1i -
tor -carried. The It0ere a11o.11.6.1 'rims
Park Auditor. M ;redl,r J 00;1'1'44'
by M Daiwa+, theeettm-weeeseete4"
Moerhouse for stationery. e245, to paid
-carried. Mity'd by J l'reedtrd, IVO 111'14 Dalton, that 12 Johns.: .0 be refintled
the WW.int of his Sevin., Libor f the
year 1870, he haring gelid it on les tate.
And slam havingdonerworie--c-ermal -Mots&
J Andrew, see be PC:Cro• Itt6;
Tiwitelegi officer'a 0411.1100uam
Clerk $100, 't reasurer 17. 1., A oiese5
r :1,
Cellecter 875, A tabbing :111 Revile,- out to tleCorate. the 1111 lII7 r..v Me of our
isms fidieera, remit
each 1 -carried. urea sonorous species of h/m•oteliStrititiliiitid
see by 2 Hatton, that Clendennine the however not reli.htng, sitelt-rioiasty eitt-er-
TO. 11.1 LI 'fr....serer fer 11711, if wishing tainieeut very omly atldphilos.tphUitily
to continue in °nice r11r11tr4 1871, do vette put on his window *Matters, le rite.' its
forward and renew hi security feethnitte dem and together with his quiet little
--(serried. Moved by d Crawford, ase by sponse retired to root slid was seen iti
31 Dalton, that al if %Vali is indebted lir 'emit (am hepe) as it uere transported
the Municipality ter a Waal! 14111114.6 Cu'. away to 1 sphere unmolested I,y 41Iy 1 f
Meted by him shell he wee Aim earth's rustic serenaders. Thei Amateur
he be allowed four inenthe to pay it to the aiiiindrell, after all hour (WWI of heavy
'Fornahip Trwastorer end therelii save fur. blowing and drumming. dispersed ra-
ther trouble -eateries!. Med ity .1 Crae- cealily, although a triie crestfallen deeld-
ford, sec by 11 Dalton, OA Clenden- les+, at the very oed ttriiiiitati•rti of their
ning, Townehip Treasurer, b3 hereby unappreciated ..... shed pet ("nuances.
authorized to got the ..Td hooks belonging
to tb. att..,Ittmt mitti_Johnee._ _ Fief,
son, tenet of 1' Jelinson, hate Ticariurer, in its festive aft- ers there ace nevertheless
e„,1 ehai, xi... rocelpt d,:ivery „1 interval" when the mind is celled away to
)Dy. j Cr a wf ord. punter ever nultiects id a graver tendence•
- 140 manifests itself mere part 'eel -
draeite.1 peg not be...g it:tome...Ley meek
relished -by modern efecures. , •
• M -Tit .4 are** seems favor -
,elle L.,1 the dispel...twit Of the cierumeot-
.1 .rieue of wedlock Anise my last C0111.
Ite knee bare tam More Wed
tiorphy ou Melee on .tii ceu. twee cell
Lam 24 it 23 *12.00 011 sailiej,rto to
Robinson Mi.Vo4 1,1 Mr, Gaunt.,
see. by lie. Knulbso, that itobt Muirey
lat auditor. therrted. The Reeve 0.111/dot
ed Jas. Truax lui the seetaid Aditor. 'II..
d'hg" 1" our "th""e"- eke tr"WAr"'"U 1" folmaltig //theme were alS0 fqq...,111ted JAI
the 0110 C/010, 11 1111 1110 l'cide1 111 tn. ether Clerk, Wm °arum trurisarres, John
beim; neunivers of the Iktino aim Law. 0", went.
*0 °"1.1. f,"1" "I''t ve‘(101111,,IUY 111' met Licence luagiectstr. 'The to:lowing
ranged to tired eed en ths same
day awl at the Lune place, their aelarica to be peel far tlie perfornietiee of
all Hui fearful dii tie* of the respeetive "dices
oak 1- rat i/ ma a tele thrt iiitarradAhle piece ;
girl Inlay tr•iigiturl ato. tit 100 4.11 490, 'I reasurer Aseseetc
$53: Auditors 04 each, License liteliect.tr
three 11101-0 ..11 the t Tiled., o 1411 licqn.e gr.„,.4... mord by
little events iire l'orN ....101eng, es ht. Mi. I I. SOC. by PI r. that the
aide,' the 0.0.1emeriti', of Cilarity time .
•. e 11041.1 t•tbders 14 the dices
°maxims 111 a suroureh lIi 11.,1,11.10/111.hISNI chi./
Lubuiorto*i. ?4'
they use evineu a nod" thriving state of
, 11)1 for mewling meteor certified
society. 1 dr Lei Dee remark 110101 itie
by John Bayley. P. M. w.ei erdered to IN
6,011111(Aliet. 11111 110. II of the e1 j,lV,I b) 7.1'04,„ by mo.
alluded to, the m4, .1).4 of Fortino., hal t
11.1 thet the clerk proiene six copies of
11"1", ig""g",11" "31 llll jelled Inalitutione' for tli0 guelance
0 etriannuai se- sointsbeis of tee perties, or um.tiod. E
/4 ace era% ano puttee to WIKEti we Ma)
14 con. 11 were entered to be remitted 111
tete (thank Cup'el) 1,mel-fereard, sie rerun. b,
1" hue" 0°111e 111'441'i a r"ina Mr Kmalait, sec. by Mr 1;111Mo that Nil
f'ire Virphfrei.
,lt 1.04/ 1/.0.1 1111 for services 04 rettiriong
Cli•kleint -The /edema that iteep ar•
ottleer. Irerried. A llemortel from trustee,.
the Beaks and Br.ure is( the Erghteen of prz'eud See. 4 was 1si4 over
.1.. n,, river ; ant ..,m. 4.1 the votes cm
et,. likewise tete their 1.0tArral
11.0 ilrna 111 0.00.11 ros ,
aluudw•es within ita poeiecta acre and-
denly startled (rem their leel:n inoneteny "4)
on the night of cues ley hest, be 0. startliee
111.1 Walla* IlAt larkleitIng 1,u11..trit of
at ride -wad
Ir•r_t IVO 0.111g that orhtlit be elpeeted te
a menet.., f rein "
ratImr (.1. described by th/se atm heard nil
like the acrveclillig groan, and wailing of
0.111110infernal conclave, which would re -
glare the powereef a pen, more like that
of Dente or .31111.0 to ilk -scribe, rerlier
that; my inwor notnui•.liplace quill.
After the drat aentaethrisa of alarm had a
little imbionlml however, it wee dise.av creel
(.41111 114. (Ai the li.tlitdicailtalrepreaent-
Vivo, ..f •Yrritisl Cenetla. c Mie f,111 II
Armed with homely inatrunients of varied
solitude, consisting of such as old kettles,
piece* of Mope -fume, tin trienpete, .na
110 bell, AC., for the omens:14e and bigh'y
mule ed purposes of -serenediug a nosily
'teemed couple who been need their .1»
11101(110 tenement on one el demo little
vereii ',lateen., that here *11.1 there etre, id
at heat, sonottn council. tlio,t1
.• 4i.••••ltae,
00111101 saljourn to meet agora un
the lith February next.
1"p clerk.
S0.alO.I'Tl0U, 010400 t ec by J V Andrew, that 0111 Commit do bilemant to the remark,tho uncertainty of
Manitoba is divided into 4 electoral
districts vitt : -Selkirk, Gime, Proven.
e'er end 513opette. The resalts of
the Census returns in thet Protium: aro
es fe:lows:-
• French half-breeds . . 5,757
ogliak " 4,0e3
Whites 1,565
Indian ..... 558
Total 1,963
Quebec lo stiffe•ing for want of water
by tho bowing of the main pipe by
which the ehy Is esopli/ d.
Datrinielfal Alasootation•
• The Dairymen's Associtition. will 1111.1
their fourth animal meetine in the Trot n
Hll, I ngerselle their and 2.1 of Fehr.' ary
3m order to add a mere than used inter -
little toweship slthough not ape:thine
much on Vita ul j •et is acting. Sne
det call 111811 1111101t11171 (7) at whieh
headed orators mate stump oratiots
they would brine by their elognenec
(if sound combo 1ieselo9,1ettee )the It-rilery
(die city or triTiTeirr
A interne or Southampton or enne other
Mach plue almost as suAlble ea Ilene
Long. She hot however ecnt her deputa-
tion to London, and we think they gave
them to know, diet, tiny only goys menev
for value received soil as the reeepayer.
of flay consider a reilway eleng
the front and tip to Southampton or Kin•
cat dine would boot ne ielvantege to ber,
• conseenently keep her money in her
pocket. Verne information from reliable
weir, im we find the feelings ef Stenice
Steil* MesOilikray weird with tlayies.,
thet nukes the R. R.Co. chem.e the trtext
rentable rotate, that he, nested tepeelein-
don (;navel Road to Sestet thieire to
Heyfield or Gederich, that they will he
cot off from all *II aid from four at leant
Oery probably (ioderieb Town end Town -
'ship *Igo) of the best municipalitiya in the
Comity, not to speak of lies "Meade and
feeding the (trend Trunk. We understand
they are about to send deputation
t,. ''feld the way." If they at-
tempt to move Hay) resolve they will
oats "Daal their proud Nem like a wave
on the Hock."
Masten will deliver eddresses Rev.
U. the l'e''''"edingq, evAr.11 leNditqf 1•1141• CotInett, ININT1:40.-linittes of the
• F. Reit meeting41 the Council of Hey h ili
"art ." l'r...111.01110e 1.1111 1110111111 fulIreA.. the Town sail wet Ronday the 10,114 JAn.
Prst BeAlum will epeek.ase.1±DIMM-Kusee4MM,TMIMMille11eff1"le vie
101101(7 .1 affect ille Cenitiliee Agriciiltnr." William Out* Eel D01)04
1.1'4.8'411 otl; 'peak 016 11,. Dotemou 01 1..b.mm4lkara..Rbatt Vilratimtu, 1°11" ..•
Vows, Hoof Ihscam.itc Andweeng other (lodger and William Turnbull, Req. The
illthieeta the feliee %Mr •01 be du
Reeve, Deputy Reefs
Causes of Mimed tuilk and the remedy ; haying made sad Inolocriand Councillors
bt'd thsir
Beet method of enring cheee, and the firm 6.0 ifecicredIosi of qr.alitication and /lbea,
per system of rentllatiag curing hmses ; the ... . lutes of' lest nieetine wee° read and
Proper conetruetion ef of104.11141 fILCIeeil11, 00 11plit vel. moved by Wm Tomblin see
bearing upon (Ile quality of the product ; 11, Ferguson, thet Ralph Brown be en
as, •Isit with refeireimie to convenience and Auditor Cm the current yeer. Carried.
ditrability ; tehmtie n„t e,ery deiryitiati The Itaavo appointed John Brodwick an
practioe soiling his cews, in connection Auditor wieh the approval ef the conncid
with pasturage, awl what crop or crops Moved by R FilriCO•ont sec by W Can'tch,
are best for the purpose ; Tn what extent that Win Wilson be Clerk at 5110.00
has Um systam of grinding turd+. end Salary for the year, and Michael Zeller
making chef.., once a day been prasml 1,,mr treasurer At $50.00 Salary for the year..
the 14.1 beer. and the ratline ; The e- cwist. Korea by W (arrick, 5(0 117 Yo
peewee* .4the mut )!-Rir - have 11 toting Turribullthat Peel I) Hell be allewed neat
cords prevailed-- I., ch.t intent -and the nedaoli to nortorn1 the belies, of hie stattele
remedy. lanor f,r last year amonnting to 11 days.
en kinds of Oats. Cer rre4 by it Ferrillem, este ht.
Jarnb DP
waton, of hbo o
iladelphia, write. or Rook* 11111111Per f mo „„„ p&4(,rh,seer,
accounts l'ict
tithe tollewiag
es &howl : 4" 1. "7 toile
U Correia!) letifidav nngo 1% Town
°Laist springf ptirrhsavA seven variti(a Hall 172e, Den lel Zeller, Rood 1•414.4er
Vox* flieurtihtlta me-6(14mm ytti1;17101WA /Weer Ofiee
tAlre-fm-ytneetriew peek t ',1 tolf
11 pee skew equal Cliture upon the WIN
*ilk at Chosen 1141., with the AoHnwiny
Mike i $o.$4 11.0 no iift•reeee la th«
• Neeray., peretwed from dilFereni pertiee.
ebs the rue, sr*, Toed about 3554
per usa.,,.11 be Ode be lodge ttik I krouer 118, W a. p.m T.on•
*heathr it *meld be a/fentigeous .hip Dibtarbut at 310. Gerre&
seetiree 10 pima th•wi" by W Tomblin, arc W Owriek, that
, the infoi of 1 por inutith he alkonot e"
n Miro" 11.^5Harriet Carr ludigent. (741444. M9ved„
lbs by W Tomball, WI by J
..... 8.2 28 2 thf. CoTnseil do nnw sell/men to week opts
f.' 111 tha oHn
Town 11.11 Timed*,nthe 2151 of
.......7.2 9. r.h next at 10/.'eto.le, a. in. ter like per.
roe ?rm nni, vertiVita-10
Looms apteinting yetheimalliffb &••'
Registrar for I'711. $00
., Won Iiitchistattn,
Wanes of (1011410113 gravel towed
earned. Alined by W Carrick, see ht W
thet Alai MAIMS bat saes et
st ilialr.ry .4 8140, 60..T4Iew
Ina we *4101110,.) of 011, Welnielt
and thet the Clerk pet np 'tiniest t •
Toernehip (har.
lio As prime, after a few hours uf tutenee
sieferiee on the night of Friday, the letli
inst. His death ts simple, to be tile re-
adier a rep:tired Ilniteirel. The deceas-
ed way at,, t 39 yearn J age, and le 114 a
wife and five little children to mourn his
The 4ea.e - - a ul.d to the
Presbyterian burying grminl v a • arge
eereettrae of people and the Rev. Alva.
preached Ate foinemt mermen.
soma -The • I. of Meridian Lodge
Aliticid, No 251 last night (Friday) mon-
ed (1104 new lodge by holding therein a
toddle soiree, cha ng for tolintritirot only
the smell sum cen. Mr. Stewart
ef he T. ge of llittem being uneniiii-
en 1 04144 to 11ie ch•ir, very teem, by
it,. bl tti.I and lin ferrous Manner, as aa
he Ivy thrr lumen and general tektite as •
speakee, readily enliven eel ell preeent, that
WC 11.01.1 inan was in Vie yield place, as
your penny a liner, sey. After gr..°
being pr•rielliriCe101, the audience Which
coneteted of about 290 persona of lent%
sees, phial cempletely tilled the house
was entertained to an excellent and liberal
neryice of tea Mith • variety of choicely
sweetened cakes end other river viand*, t.
• by ..11 appearence the amplest ef
justiee wax done. Aftr(.0.11,,' musical
And oratorical telents of the perm ea called
upon te entertain the e gamy gave the
mimed evidence of their belonging te no
mean standard. The chsirnian's intr. dire-
ry apeeetrec,-thrir -singing -of -the-- welt
trained Pine Hirer choir ; the via-Mle
other gong.' end rcitations, and the do-
wel.45 well as homely eloquence of the
deferent lecturers, some of whom event all
the airy from Leieknow, were altogether in
on, keeping with the reli With s. oeial
iontletefeettwiTyWit-ut easel*
• unehuldmily N•ore pm/1110110e /4
tietrefieml remelts puma - leeA 1.4 big
Council Room Jan. 16th 1871
'The C, -bird this day neeordirigi
te 1,0, •t noon al Porterfiel t's - The
tweeters bein2 David Kn. R eye
and 3fessra. Tboa Taylor; Edw'd Jove s,
Geo. 'McKay and Jas. l'otter, Councillors,
who sere all present and took tho de/i-
terations erg/vilification and of office.
After routine, it was mowed lay Mr. James
.econded by Mr. McKay that, 1114 55 he
refunded to Geo. Howitt, being the
amount he prig the CO. freeman r for
Statute i /blur an Si 37 son. 2 roe 1970 ;
011.1 410 Si he refunded to P. D mobue
r0r PVII0t.• labor I Co. Treasurer on
II c fer 11118 -the pilau uteri
It trine serti5o1 Out the work ar ot per-
formed in both ClIS-11 The faoWill4
liattiaciadehni lo-bsysid no
John Carroll wok 05 010 ready
Wm. Stackhouse .rbo for J
•tarin 112 few do. Jas. Clow el:, for
de. Thos Finian., ilegirl Theo.
J. Moorhouse •i5.83 for a mewed
for Staid,' cry, W. T. Cox *45(1
for printed fo. me. Move.) by 5Ir. McKay,
oreotolod by 3Ir. Janct, that the tams Gederich Sept. 23,1870. sw10-tf
(7.61) ageitat Mrs Wm James on NI of
Si 30 eon. 8,be 101111 Carried. Miteml
by Mr. Taylor, (1(1011 1 ./1 by Mr McKay,
that Wu. II vgqugh be rmappoititcd
Audi'or. Carried. The Reeve then nom -
aa Edmund eajdte other Anditare
*veil by Mr. James, seconded by Mr
Potter, that the Clerk • remove $7.50 fur
registering Births lee. and 16 for services
as Reterninuofficer 111 (110 last Nom -Mall
end Eh etion. Carried. Moved by Mr
James seconded 1o4 by Mr Taylor, thAt
Tenders he called :or, to be received at
and Coll/ ctor. larriod. The clerk
tendered Ids tesignetiou which wa• ae.
((OA, when it was nosed by Mr McKay,
eeconicd by Mr. Potter, that tendert be
row mired for the effie! of Clerk, and
it not sataacory that tenders be rec., ire,'
frit meciiset. Cerri..1. Tenders, for
0045 104 0111Is 1.40 *.I;
(Oda Younliinddl ; wate1151 5.1th • wryer Whim rook
s0.4 weer Winer steles. Aue yell 0..11 10. 0.11.1
bower ae.I bare,* Ihrtrlaor roakapti, Lindh uf Oho*.
hir.,,k,w1.1ts rout 151 000(011, true sal rout pilule
JOHN HARRIS. fulteer eestierehre •spla us 1,e1
orlerilrit4Mairx - 142 Peat.... To ANION .141FlikiN sea 16.11,01.
: I
T 0111 6011. TI so(Imr.1 D ....JCttllUfSW
tea act. u 1141
Olt 0( 444.0. Rion ,(,,,I / ninon 1,1 11,1
Tar ut 11.411.• J. bro• rh•anu e pi
;1 I. rtual tendlit Preyarodiur TM*
ountiPly., lea ASS l• pawl .o,,. -t0111,
of 6141 ossI 114411/14. 111140.114 .1.14.1 .1 email, AS •
1.• .14 owl
(0110 .0 to ins 1444.14y. 144.1111
, 111 tf.,1 AA .1, .00111,3 ireraldroho..•ht•
1.st u- lol 11. 11.041. a tea a -tin 0100.41,
, pup. a we 4,1.0414 tinalwr hind. • 1.1. 14
.101411 • Uri., .014ility .0 11...necol iu moor.
11, 10111111 the 1liter 111t lit 14 n 111 ....11.1.•14.•
.10.1.4004 14 molt. tawinkl. fir mall ing
ur•uute turner parlor ia 1
}-or tem. el WY 0..1.11414 1). A
• trAteeli.
or 0. V1• CONIi1/11, Seq. Hayseed
6„.eph, Avg 10, 1170 *30
Th. for-futiO41•11.1 ti4lal.4 't Cieherlue's Nurerry
•, 0. 01,11'4,
t --........... 1,1111T tan 1.1111a111114TA 1. ?REFS C.1 LEN-
fIVER 110.000 s'AMILIER HAVE ttEEN SUPPI.IED WITH T1114.1fACIIINE r ,,-.< I•ituty (ingot )ines, •..., /pa ,
'*".• Within the last tan years, and hove Riede fir tleeineelv es heats el friends, end el. A, . .,...k 0.1 no ann.', 51.11.-e04 0. tbe at 011.41
etamat 11,, ....imitaii ion .r1,./.... 1.0,11.'4.0,14e pilule '11.'..' 11rotrinr. mr. pito
rniei t 1.. .11 trade* of seewty a,e,••• 11•••.., -31.1111e..1.111e truikelek r. u'
Ivor ow .1....h.01 Enrwer's %Pen 40I•1 lhot.htere to the (00110111) 410.11 Itoy•I E1.1.111,1 01Eurote, Gederich, Avg lb, 1070 . wall
.4:1-1321 W.A..1•TZER
Ihe wrested yonery ef toat "hi* h'a't 4*"
rn. 1101.114 11:,. an) ..11i,,0.111114.1,1th111.11411. 1.10r, Merlon,
11••••01. artery ger. Praideuhler "llirre.1 taler.". 1111 30. glue *Ore.'. 1".• .•
leo rr. 4 11 \ 1 Stool sr larvae . and Printed laatewetkee re tall wr tr. elehte Pen.*
• )lark* Riper e, 014.414
Aug. L'Gth, 1f7.
GUI N N E..8 '8
.Phl•tTlte 0(0410 111014 Yin JEAN
1 r. oaf sold e,rerhel) toe try
MUMMY $ t.7.5 PER comarrus
To be Hid In•Wood or Bottle
read from .h. f,Iiw,g pereone, Via
I ,leo. Quito 35), 4o1o1P/rter 30 Samuel
Kee s 55 and Peter Porterfield $60.
Memel by Mr James, accotoled by Mr
Taylor that Mr Porterfield be appeinted
Clerk. Carried. Tho then ad.
journeil to mect ave(n on the second
Tue,diy Llitli) of Fi.bniny next.
Ex Clerk.
W ,
WEATHER.--The e0.11 far the last day
or too haw been 111- 51. intense : leo night
(800157) being the sharpest heat we
hays experieneed thi. 01311011. Sleighing
is good and 11u110001 lively.
A ii.W AY.-- The reed.. of Wreteter
end vieitity ere almost nnaminoiply in
fever of the W ie 11, ey Bruce R.
It. TM report of the deputation emit to
ilamilton mat week confirm the hopes of
ic Bread gauge adeteetee ittid they Are
threbare -goitirentlinsiattin - - - -
SOtItte.The PreshrrimbfWoote-
:er and in ighbothocwi Mt. MI haling a
8011ee in the church on W '(nee -lay Eye.
F1/. ; -, We hope to heC 1 I tree number
I eL:rt at we have .no doubt that tliat
1•;1'; imam,: intellectual
.1.j rys1314.
, GOD ER11.714
.1=s xi I' e3 t 111
drat- dart
CarrI.eg, Waggeos, SlelgImo
witleh vr.li be sole CHEAP 'UR CASH.
I.h. 11 .. hew in
.1 k meg
Lsere lior,1 lope it 10.0111•01 .0 • illar1.1...rath owl partied lea argil ease. and ta roll for
( 0
LITTLe ..041111, WO, 1,01 01.0,1 • 111, 105.119
las". 111.0sI 1••••.e. lItaSen
•. full 1:0410 4 .........
- - - - FART-4444V---yhtP.X.KIL-K1.510ANCSATIIARESX"*
.. TETA, 11 A 511.T.IN, 051.1.510.
1/1•:01.L.1110 of l'AliTISEIU•11/1'.
wiltTlft.: in brook, OAR* 11.441), Nom/ .1.4e tan -
LA la,. rsi hut 11in ututer•i•heot ••
Gra... Myr h wt.. in 11.r TWA vt h. 111.1.1Cf
t: • 4)1- Win of Wants •Iol. *0.04.6.,
•,itli,a1 *11 .1.414 le
go. ta. limo. tree •gu aeon ths
; „ 111 MARTIN. Alton umtrip
1. 111,1Vt. 44.0.4(0 ItOns mum
- -ItazYr AT tioliERiteii
Hamilton, _Aug. 30th, 1870.
- -
•.•"• 1"1"alis--111.• =.141.1.4V.tr,..„...-02.
• 1,1+1111411.1e 1.11(1 1.1.41,1.060.
441 YAM IN
0.0.100 *note 1410. 11100. welt
• t • ,•
, if A //1.\4-.".‘ •c"),_,
3..:....- ;..,
,,,-,,-----:-.-v%-...-;': L, - -., %
cd 0
rzl L .; srbvictiiii.,„:11.taitir. w
- A
as ee11.44 And 1 rugtinlyi la Opal nuri.4 Pertille
•pl thertisi.lial bees tide Av. 46.4oh04 try &meal
Aldtrer...wier 10 lbeatilft ga leeeerob
0,1010 pied LuelErrIt CAlitrIt 04•0_,. eee•
In* Om 114,4004' 10 111., oh. .41410 Mia on time*
4,00reet ru4 Per rare:J.1re. toreavetreve le be pmeet-
• rata .14 Limo Cilek. att .e0,14 Nei Mere ea be
D.ll.Gob"i 1. tt• lea J•is. ftri swat
• NoLicO to tfebtOr1-:
pa nfItt.0 1,f.Te• stir 1.all" maw s •
Non... Ter"... 14.-i.,.o. 4 11100•11. aki•
t.r.ci,e ertr., 1 S. 0 III. go.... Pot .
are 411144014.1.•• aft,' that data all aeoesela ale be
Wm. eollif,Itnir•
-1:"...10ri•-0 • -. ee-Se_t
GRIST et FL9011.1 Eii7F11S.
Muley ana Sash Steam Engines and Boilers,
Thrashing Machine's,. Sciporators
W•n,. •
, Item
• • • • t.. wed=
tiat, 1.03 1001,. Iss MSS 10 HA
mei ••• iiiiparee• tsar thr t 0040bee •
111 44,70e1406.e1 let sm. -.my 407
11.0110.4.01...41.5on asearahoylassea.,o
h▪ . irraweh she Werra irte satires eta -
nu • • 11144. 1..4.14 vitt.* law
1; 1.4 "i•
Re nrIalrorlo.en.•hAr VO 1-' 1 • tdron h.
nerty..11 010111.0..
r• .11 •f • It • 1 P
I. • ..1 nr1 at ,,r• If
nrckrao -i.'0NwAreg, Irn Nvpi, tire mama etil le *roe* Ile the ire.
• •
.tactioad tbr •
ooutiv-Inoticsus I- 11
lloseihe Drill Meilen, Gene Mattel,
With Cast •
Agneeltural Furnaces, Potash
Land ftollers, straw Cutters, and UMW tww.utuata at et .. Afiti sals •
Kottes. Sugar Kettieg, UR Kettle., Wagon and Pt lle llottee, g g „
peyis cm;„el med.. and Wart •miths 54005 11111 Repairing o street 1,10,1,11..h. ort pfI•• 1.4,1/;rrerra.
_ . : h•rth-
done on short notice. Cell and me t17 elLOULD•ROAltD PLOUGHS, 110:30eile Dne • 4.24.3.
nes one -heap foe Zook. 101011?Net' 1. 111. 1.70.
Goderich, Atte. 15th. 1870
• turf linT7.7r1 efi• theileriterve (Merv. •
hoped t i a 41111 greater Union of effort in MI1011oNART Mg STING- The regnlor
clearing front the path of fitturegeneretionsi Iniesienary Meeting of the Cintieht rrr.
aitgre.sout:4itabenyucf.°11:isi.t::: hi lia niwgbi,limaki.:Ivriii.hicokr b..y,t./.ri.a,nn.C. irturch was hell in this plum
iipset, and lay in ruinous prstratioe, 1" on Wel d
. nes 0y evening Jan. 18t11. The
Ferguson of Ainleyville end
":1,1(.7 poc'llitiihisi ind"rrral.:i.Trfi,„100 uf „ten", Par:thlrenr: ' Ri'ey-. ;leo- 11Tesvn mblreeeed the an•Ifeace
31r4 to the abilities ('1 111. different per- I at connieerable length advec ii UR the
o,;r..tiwbsemnsop.n6,,,iat: grsttoltonthegeeerosiiynft1:ptople.
emonnt opreliminary preamble, smper-
(bough the au lienee w.ni0:
leg mielogy and ectitnga!opt the beh,the handsome sum of' 13 de IIAi wee
by a prime previees to entinng int" th° 'i collected.
1Pi rrt 1hi. iaiiet10 414-17
.aie.etiiibe7::ie1i:t::s:c- TlingiNliteor 1I40/
al.-The gaol
tti,ar.Inliyitrntne eet11:.r•erfere7r, Templas helta Niree MFriday eveningata potlip eertainment mghtctr/dlly
Ina real *Madera of oleriti All A VINO,
areehes:er,, '.o.1 01
vnve oraImaker. T:111eveone fittethe.1,7.,,,ainemdimksu,17fra.
epeeI• oceurred in rinnectimiwitfihthIsle of Mat '1.iee delivered •
meeting, whill, althueh simple in de-41111111114.pon .' bninkerda r
s neeertheless seth meni.ong:iand Wheter n perilent r" and etnelild
r sat Inca to put ta the Ilii, the foot fled
alert WM*
ur nen A
sh al would net bide iv.' - Toe Hell la
titillated en the cerner of Woodehnek and
llaceitt streets. Veer Aintwirley wnes-
pondent will reprt in dee time.
Cool mere's Mete iwitehet icoot
11011M 'FUCKS, Proprietor. Title is th
1 .•riteste.n.11reinCoteniry 1101•I IA Won*,
Jitere,teao.erese1n.ter.reeprowas..4...e.A.,. rsi. ssssyitees,
Kittliorms Homes eimirarrieges fee tenet ••
....,capseeteas Yet erre.
"': 1**4 - 14'14 '""*"I‘eienTim.".wt*" . ..90111,141:.:
Game* 0.4, rto.. los,
. m.,,., ,.„,„,....01. 1.sgs 0/•••01,1 tee le PTAS
Victoria Wreet, Goderieb
Gaderich, Aas 15. 189 w30
Rephara Btrachun
,.. I
IjAVS toren reanpointed sole 'Tents al
11 Goderich for the sale of this celebrated
Exeter Factory Chet**.
cll dealers supplied et the Factory
Otalerich, Aid& lint
- -
Farm tlr Eale..
.y- o 61 054 01, I nyfield Copreerio•. te Ole
14 ToW1,41 r"o 11..44ric Ifeeremine le *erre, 4
1,111,054 °Yt Macre* rTeired iflit rued PURI
Horn, ped Low at.oet 24 poles troin
6'.e71.ms d, I *Mr •1 II
Co0f1 odIst SI rte. b of to /1t. *WO illttke.
_ A tig"Ti, If.7 0 --ewe-•30 • •
.;T. Gl- I. I rsi afic fg. CP INT 04,
iesPEcTiPuLtv wham,. to farmers and others that they are prepared to fill
11, all orders in
egloth Devoing, Custom Spinning, Dyeing, Satireets,
Pulled Cloth, Winceys, Flannels, Blanket,
0„ the at -wield notice. Parties wi-hing tn exehinze their wool for amyl home mede
pods, will find 11 10 flier interest to give n0 a call. a. 110 are satiefied we have the
goods you require. Puttee corning front a distauce with wool In get corned may in
nearly every tuatanee rely on getting their wool home with them the unto dey.
Birlerich Woolen Fctoey,
correspondeneir having re0orero41 Con et
ably from 4100 efbeite of his late fiee•
belling ewen numbilly forward on this m
ammon, and elti ..... gli ellephle to he *Amin-
erl en the same sotto of fare as others in.
al .tel "trent .... sly on patrdniwing tho affm r
hy • proffer nf two &Mare, wheh, it. or,h.
sr to gratify Isis teinuiteette and deteriainal
wiah, the oollerrtor • 401.11 end tiekets was
eitimately imbued to seespt--- Ht.
'Fail w &rehiring 41118 ho wae desirous of
ndaing 110 state. of ottnIto,•lit (Otto Above
par. 1,1.4 0111 1 rt. own, 00115C10101 no thieSe-
amain I amemited to 424S which jwdl.11„-_
MA43 he betimes Mk the 'net of tMa;
Landon, Jan. 34, 1 riirsoProdeopseth
fruit Herne, says that tin Aye* meet nuenhing urn Abloovinse.
45a- N, iA A_ VIA
Plain and "Wig. Printed at City Rates
2111.2.<21x1 russ
Jury Lists, Voters' Lists,
Notice of Appointment,
-- Oath of qualification,.
His 'stock of stoves &c,
tar I,,,,'10 0400 141 *I(00019(1111
ho. 1100 0111 An.. 1005441 07 latipiottnit hi•
tfnelt Wore poh hawing elnewner.
Naomi.", • 0.
MRS. DA YS' 110TF1..
Ire fraoxETS.
DYING ta frrot En.lertrh Truirrohl.
.11 Ilnierrli .4•1.11. nre 0401.4 • P01,? f011.*
• rnn4 nip.kV. 11.1404. The 14 1. 41114001 05
thn Ornvel workal.nnt 01111.. hum 11.. ion • nf
001,0, Tu. 1A114 4.. 11.6 thly 1/00o. 10.4•• Ivry ••11.
O .10 fur *hest fruit yr -.lei' /h. lot nil. 1..44
aurae/ 1e0010, 11.1•41ArAA.11 rnn itt,. Int
IF)..21.1,1,1'0Ntrr ri".1'1.Z'1747,111:.£7.i... Z1211:ritT. °.
Godeirieh, Aug 10, le70 vs30
Auction & Commission.
Pathmasters 'Mrs;
Ao , o.,
LANV PrIsted, to Order.
umilati"ast 41" 400"11111"ArNPN"AIII.DAYR.
Wroseter. Aug. 18, *so?.
Ox di“et %enrol le
r.l•rf nee...wary 1100015 D1-18ION COURT B
FIN tab' I fel s ed 1'5'.3.
LIVI 01 Mireellnerrone Poverty la n Wier 'eh
LY every Saturday ,sad Ciliorre every Wed-
Monevadvarrerel on Properly h r immediate
Oak •nd prompt retire:smart...
Farm 41,ek Ind "Pier "mien pa artaally andladd
0.111.% ROSMAN'S Arretioe Mart.
ere. Karim. soiser,reedr la
THE L011roN
11(101C-Itt RICT I Nee ler 41170(1 1.1 MST
La, Ilnithlr Entry, 1. . • ...101.01 plan of
Spinal 111.011••• .11 .. .. r 11. 1.11
0 1:,,menele 1.411 ,11,1,t, llo•lor.••
IN0,10010. reimms•I, 1.. :1.• T. harxhiitin, (Short
irp14 writing, kr , Ise, Irta 0111111.1.51,
1 tandem, ilntarlo.
Dlonev to Lend.
ON 00441 le lenne Apply in
71 T.
ssre•'s ricer ere
mete,. (,.• 11 1470 rot
- .
Maitland Salt Well
The rindersigned i• pier teed to,
10 Ald• /011 'MTV AT Trip
LANKS,1Ymiato"1."1, II ^ VC' t 11 r CP e,
ff . 1)ET1011
Goderich, Amy 13, Itep *30