Huron Signal, 1871-1-26, Page 4i±17. PAW SL71) 13113i.e. J eat at la nab t oil a November day • Men aVout tbirtt•Ave 3cara old enter. a piaci ry on Fed. eel otnet, in the city , with a junk bottle in ene hand, o w• l a Bible iu ti. other. Ile stet pod tit - to the cotton r *rr.$ *41 la tirts_currir --::--:::---••..reerptaicrittrtir"Irilfl•MTTili:. tar ao.WOW, iDEI •••••••••••••••. • lila that Cli pay it in a few days': Thu cer looked al the back to th. look toid law the nerds '•Iluly eud bow at a glebes: Met it wee %mil more than a .1 in 4 whiskey, alt. sai..1 "Irc-c" Ue' laid the book bieldad Lim on a shelf, acid drew the blear1 tieil tbo eutterucr departed. A loaf. r Ging by As stove said, "Denman is getting rather bard up, if be panne books r drinks." ia Pieta:6 Sail the catolaiFtar• "Ile Limn h••••h1 rot get trusted; --and still he will have Lis grog. I am almou sorry I let. Liss bare it. iias be a family t "Vie, • wife and four ebildrer." BM 114 1101111, nation was intrrrupted by the entrance of other cootomera. The man ho bioui;lit the !tittle in end pawned it wes a mechanic. 11.• 11 111 ry skilful iu shoeing horses, and was employed by a firm who owned many teams, Ile could easily have a uired property, and have been comfort ibis; if ,Oriuy tbu nosh, sod menacing Cann. had often thn:atened tit turn hit% • off hut he would rootlet tro do better, aud desiring to keep one so 'killed in their eniVioptuenr, they had continued Lite along. Sometinu a for Jaye be would not work an Lour, and then for yaks he w, old attend to Lis work filithfolly. 01 eourw he used up all Lis w.igia, and his fatoi:y sometiints suffered for the com- fort. of lite. The owuer ot the grocery was a Scotch - min by the Dante 01 Ile left his Datum Ida00 ItbDIDATJ-DIPoncr Yeirilitege, and atter iu Canada The contest for pima -owe of Bettie was (ori few years,he found his way to - kept up there until 'leek whet rrd "."" 411L'hiteWVW4 ter Mir, DuemeNhOli. - LONDON - °I oolu 810NAL, Sir permit me, Omagh COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, iSION OF TIIE BIG ittit -she bent Of War. fit e &MVO non Psais ; Dart•T UttTMI Eksheli ; 20,000 Pantos/Ai. sins, to eorrcet the Durgeution spundent eith regard to the 111100 Soiree, on Monday 2nd -,4 ',January. Ile says Mr. Fletcher du ide the lolettereei.u--ItrtersiZ. . rues •ea the neat si eakt•r nhich is not correct. Mr. it eleudennin s was tbo itext,then .1 0 Truax and Mr. 3Iceotieell ihe last. We lied four good Iltrnh' ; ',ut •Ir Truta did nohooly interest the audienoe fur alinic time but undejlie bast speech I ever li,ard It Canada'. Aft.r addreseirg the chairman be wen: b•ek 18 COlitlerite, • lit ro dm T. toper:410u cause U •rgued Paleatine by a pi -6°w in boadat before a Ilomas Govvric.r. lie tt,eu roful • li.t or the poilsous ;not received from Vereplies ou the night ,if the 13th 6:11$ tbill_tutolioseetitt's hats been 1114'111 tl). gibe I/prelate& of Parts in throe eeparitte directious. The Ereitch annul sly talvauerol againat doe l'otaatai 0110 ds neer Le Borg, t and 1/talic,, tiorth• east of l'ariicautl against Ilth Gelman corps 111011( et(1,41, wombat"' ▪ agiaust the Yitti Ihteartan Corps Head Clamart, also to the soitthiol ib. city. Fighting to each itoitaine *assented, hut ✓ esulted every shire us the defeat of the French, w:o were 'collecting all legigola• and retreated rapidly robot their worhs,e portion of thetulii great dinader. • dispatch from Protium; dated 131h, reports strum 11;;Ittilig a'.1 that Uay be- twesu Herionuoutt awl Com, iii the de- partment of Bente-Satin, which had atot cutout.' at elide hour RI CP/ The result was unknown. Livia reinforcements sreatated to bo comilig, front the north to the. lierinaus 14 the moot. A des,eatch from 'Ilan% imeMiteee constant skiruitstlinv he.irthat city. It is reportid -Gist the l'ressiatte ere turtni.g the left wine; id Gen. Faidelierlis'• he had stntained from driuk. I1,.ene "a" Dispatchca from Versailles state that Prince Fri:dent; L.11.trIcs atint.unces that Chalisr's ATM IS hroken up; distfaitised, and retreating sti three direetiotia. 20,000 peisoners bare Ewen taken. The battle 1511 decisive victory for the Prostitute. Litelon, Jar. 16. -General army has been re-ot;aiii.ed,aod is about to resume operations. The pesitiens held by .Cluouay's foresra vtry strung. futlow.ni Ma continestism of the Le Alamo dispatch intim mannig report : -The k'neueft soldiers were compelled to retire with heavy loo.es uuder a murder- of in Om distillery aud the brew•liouttl ; 11105 ae then Met the squirm that the ,i.e of wine ems sanedinied by ,the Ili' h., by allowing that there were different kinds of Wine, SODA of which wire good and some bad, the former Lel,' were ainnati oiled so Ole Bible ; that th....ugh it were allowable to use pure rine io l'al mine it does trot follow that it is allowable to use mixed irewrimmtrwari NG, BY SING: A/4\ _ Doubt, Asia). 10414 b" • outwit°, plou "t1 HiiriOe0 Tfailtaaal...0 11 woad* nrierucities in 1 "omen lel lalr. A i Ulnae it k Lit:2.i 1.0 , t ot 111:14'4. AikApenn. , • jONES & BELL. London, thitaido. AID Jp,a, ID.L.C.K574E. TELEGRAPHIC INSMUTE, j.114, GRAND DiISPLAYI 4. lECI.ALTIES! - TO SELL. pus WARP RAI.1 og ism IgVIDIVR 1, torn tevoth coot 0.10 10 11.1104, ill 10 luothlory 110 t.-torra U1)1. e awl Wall .0,1.01 ow.. tack CI. %MI herihreftel *eland o Ilk • doter lellloo • d ....I -141110-a 1 ft*VIVertrr . • t dem, thrskeral,# Untie st14.10.. ottiott. awl oar . unsaid+, pref.!, ltd 'WO 1•11..111 ibsi hooter pairieuturvaita) Din prewlwa. yo 116/1/iIN,LAWIRJR awl 11. Moth.% Au, MM. 11711.. LA R SAirairE NEW AND FASHIONABLE DuEs'S GOODS A T, 71. 2. LINi.111.1-1PS. Assortm 6nt Unusually Za.a.ilLt-Te-121, pewee's signing the pledge and persuading ut ere, Ile showed the importance of NEW rum Ptutde I tle to 70t. their children to do too. After piintiog " the dronkard iu tie bleek.st form ; be NEW sift, r.ite....iscia, t•toas-lrear ttttt tl told moderate drinker* not to despise him, tor ha was once a moderate drinker and NEW Stersee, ',tempo M Lust r e., occupied tile ground tbat !under le (I i k r II ers Doer etecupy. After which be addressed the ladies tor a short time and thea to4 lita seat. AlthouA Mr Truax spoke for urea. half Au hour,the congrettatiou 1.1144:11 - cd with great attention. I was 001 sorry he dril not speak another half hour. I female yours respeceltilif, A VISITOR CII1NOE IN THE LICENSE ACT.- A large deputation from the Canada Tem - Cameron went.' opals- Trecturer iced ednesday evening on the sulyeet and c‘nntae""ti 114 Pal° 41184ar'' r;I:4111,. Th. battle cumnieneed Maud fine I. let 110 AV. The chances pmpleed, • tile revisal -1u tall back isu .1..e of introducing a Ilill• to amend the wIs It",ol Years *go, alma little W36 gai'L o'clock, and reacilea h,,ht tho left and 1e41 leal° dei nn 11".' sa_liet1 French. The t.14 10..0"4 1.01 w.‘ set forth in the rep?rt of the cooveliti..o, thc gr..ut,.1 e , NEW t;renela itlert iota ' trona NEW Work Letattes Fe to SO NEW Mack Silks trout SO eta. raid. NEW Slot, port'', Drew, prices 1. al 3 0 PILES' elf scarlet Flannels from PILES 769!4•110.41197 F1111111111.1 from reta•:% Wilureys trepan Cc yard PILEtt et Wesel Ittketwis PILE. el Med BIsinkoto tram ALL GOODS SOLD AT LOWEST CASil rums. 1.- I WIDE BROWN EMPRESS CLOTHS rvz ()XI X II ra ar- cf. 3012agrr_ocpyi. .1121 C70 *RAVI& RECEIVED THIRD SUPPLY OF THOSE Sticts per. Yard, SEVERAL PRICES a rr Figured Sateens at 25 cts per yard worth 40 cts, 20U PIE S GRAY COTTONS One _Case Madder Prints at 12k cts, Worth 16 cts A THIRD SUPPLY OF BLANKETS A LARGE UJAMITY OF NUEIA SCARFS FROM :25cts 12 DOZEN CANADA SHI1 & D 1.11.1IS --Writemat---fiet crtme. ONE CASE DliESS GOODS AY J38 PRIC:S. SOO Pairs Soots &Sbetavat Lo cons eration of the teopesenee. Ifiewas Soo.y titan' e . and hie paator friquiently adtple-i to the drinking usages of the day, mock to the souriyanoe of bis bearers. Even tome of his chalet' session thought be was "it ise above that was winters." • Tho leveeing passed off, and at length be cloak' Itia aflutter'. &tore retiring 14 eareletely took up du:Bible and °petted it, and on the fly -leaf las road : "Jasnit Snaar, • fain ' MARGAIIPT 3lizEitr." He Was rerfeetty amazed. Hero WWI BOAC whudt .4.11CO belurrilWI to hi* own . Another, and presented by be,' to Jennie • lisuar Jua_asell-awaseme. ..114krerraisW.-41ifie low teriirrespeet-tn -ttro trimtetinT-4 dr his mother; nor o or culd he keep out ref his mind the smiling face of Jennie Stuart. The reader 0111 easily ithaf4110 that trains of thmiglit aud ectleetion that wereawakened which would prevent lion from sleeping.- Still, there nits a nitster.% shout it. Mow canoe this Bible in the &and@ of James Duncan, the drur.ken blacksmith, This mystery he determined d toe's; 1 he net t day hnt e weto the shop where Duncan worked, approached the anvil where he u tilting a shoe, and mid :- "You left. Bible with toe last nigh -t."' "Yes. You don't want me to redeem it SO Irnott, .1, tater "Nu. 1 want to knots wises you got it.' "l cane honestly by "I presume so, but..1 am- anxious to know.” t'Well, sir, it belongs to my wife. She bad it ever mace she watt • girl 1" "Was her name Jelaille shi,art "That wait her IMMO %Iwo I married Mee_ Wisv "I think 1 iised toluene ter Ia. Scot- land. lie yeu live near here 1 "Yes. lu Ltherty street just round the r0rricr from Elm, up -stairs.' "With yol.r leate I will call roll her." •'That you ran do if you hare.' IfeKey left the ahop, and soon (mind the miserable alnde, and, ascending the rickety stairs, raoped at he then., a Nell was opened by re,tinan • who seemed ant, prinerl to see a stranger. :the iuuted him to helmeted, lle knew not how to emit- nienee the convolution, hut at length mid : "This is Mrs. Dancan, I suppose." "Tea, sir." Ile An k ft few 'mire corn ohja)Ace questions, end she roplied, lie It,, "1 lima:me, be pew accent, that like nayeelf, you are Sookh." sir. 1 arts horn near Wong/tn." yen ever know • 1011 by the nano. of Jennie Snort 1" "Yea, sur. That was my own name when 1 was • lass." y011 4.1 er know ft larty by the name of McKey- Margaret %Kee f' sm. 1 know her alit. I wretight for bit.. &servant for years.' • y, on erer Ars Diu book before r Itinle. 'Yes, sir, Ifni. kleKey gave me that the day before I took pessithe :or A !maims. But, sir bow came 1( 111 your hands T' 'I keen • grocery on Ftderal street. Tour bulb:aid pawned it to me for drink." labit4ayetreoeireep: fie Me- e0r1 spot to "ter heart wax. He told her whe wow, and 'Ir., from her- . , _1-__Arsrteillftediett --thmotalirwirm,Tiai&t. ....••••••••••-• ti Ile, were .11, eteded people and that dcd 5444 wagons- Ad Wale ititinitioniutiplies, all matorreadv brseek • Made of natty gig the tear, ut case of an unfavorable reeult -of the By them I succeeded in securing& pot 'nth.; front and reselling the blotto at the _von_ if le Mena. The 119111696 lult *Mid • icialtert. 004 1111 the road, with antintitittion trate& anti artidery &operant Iv glling lock aard aud ft/reenlist what appeared to 4o disorder, l'ilitaltaMISS groups of strahlers Slid *one wounded nem going to the' rear. A mho - lances passed to mid fro, some goiug to tire front and others rititruont wait -hank of wounded. Alorig the tt every point which was available Was antitemiu,1 by a ritrvit !Urea of luta oura y an made several atittzeolions on the subject. avueie1terhetrirrtrerfiretifrilFr5 bring the matter before his colleagues, Vut_they would offer net opposition to the introduction of a Bill embodying 'the iirernsed amewdruents by any private 'itemiser. I.i under.tood the di:potation agreed lobar. • WI. iotroduco 1 by a Strilata- ineember, tied that a petitiin for its introduced will be presented to the llottse. - A NR11/11APP.R•31AN'8 DnrAm.-The proprietor of a tiewapaper, whirtio•t have been processed of a strong and vivid iin- aginaiion, recently got off the following item : 1)11.1 in dre•irn the tither nieht tfietrifalle _ WE77-A. four o'clociciotelfirdsrliF sauced to remote, covered by artillery, uga.nat Chateau des Chintre,,, a pretty place. which had been made the head- ters of the French. Ifere, for (bit Met time, the French battery, hitherto reserved, opened lire, and, appeared to take the Germans., by Silfpfiee. Tbi• canned the &draftee to-evreaer, ir‘Jv only for a moment. TLe Hermits premed forward and snacked the Freash twenty which occupied Rierfermeed-rold became evident that the French Wen COMICIPHOOS of the treatment of the Ger, ee ow Out lel Chintzy • poeition. It own Bismareichao issued a not• that, in A 7,P.1.7.1,7,Z:r.-rf-,..,.-uzalla" TO LET . un•ble to withstaild the heavy tuan auereltant navy by Venice, French merchantmen, thou4b not hieing' contra.. ban,' of War ott board, Will be liable to - • -- • - - 3.130Ele --- - - G RICH STEAM FLOUR &GRIST rytor inmsimmit irietwo neitterLY a it...4 0.."71..;... WIN. 100 te fatimete that Ye Imo lum 4;ur tie • orlitig order • INPROVDFARNETIS'BO L which ho le oftrol•O! r;lit ati. every set(.f,erum. U. h.. by I, 36 1,6( • • S!...ri• tnIlllem tin I 11iffundf tredie i • 1.71030. Fas11.0nial 1.1.9,1v7S pyt...,1•411. L..) tilj Sam Iliday dad, whit ou.I re. a ow/ GARDINLR Co-, Mallet Steuar c, flt 611, Aug. 26th, AT BAYFIELD. _ OTle Preen. ft e T9 skyrinin I, Toe 1..olviiet. pp lolad led lee sm. I...1,1.1,1i) tot Yowl, litho About uf 11.01atket 1.0 of the Tpwa of 148)404. The° b. • iideotiiiiwe ...rcl sits let ..a .1 re..duk goe0ao Tte ed. of ike wordideopaloet rot. ed .111 4. 11.4 .at iuriph. timber of op000tie itoo owe.° ....heal °wet petow.i. too 0°010 ol Ito whkla 1..11.41°1 41 eh old Slid well wel'rel Wort. A free s. 1.1.4 14. Wino, A Toe u‘lopn•tenley, neumnitid of hell few/hest load. shirts yya ',polo., o leioe yerool ite `hi nteruusl I.. the an.. Th. fa; ,nn. to Roger Ihok.JAI wiawoderithts writ,rfrIt •Imh 0.1.1 le MCA avalM1.1. fur ematilartutte, puttee...I r1...„..erp., to, .1.1111Eft ; D. A 1.9116 ellueoph. Cf W. W. cos won, E.g. Guelph, Avg 15, 1870 1136 JAItIa frli.WART WHOLESALE ACENT .54 onable Ceilowittia Santry • 1/. W. 1111..4111,19. Rad. ' • rote ALL KJNDS Or '- TEL tr en,ek wit no hand. shletwe el as aiertest MAWS., thole nwiwnek V. Goderieb, Aix Id, INTO • *30 BKSOLL ef rART&Eitt41/P. Pl°17l.fone 01.04 Mental the undereigeed et le (.01,, that t gime he Partartrehis hens. Gen. 11,° h.oure. Ift the Teton 1:41erii I. 0,10 1.00 owl ar,trol leo 11.1. , - 1014110.. .7 11,. . sr With.... 11 11 111.111.1Unn TIN. A. Retryley rtN 4.0111 4.TttO ot 1...wk. referrftee . atmee Ihe 010.elior begaloa 5.- tli ,rt he w1. berroffi r depertne a • mrema I &FELT OVER too BoxEs NEW LAYER RAISINS AT .!..30 per BOX. .41: C. DET1,01? ki.rc..11111 '1'1 IA T CANT .1111 EXCELLE TH -I-dreamed that each eitliroribei. -Came or and p iid his bill. - .Esch %ore a look of honesty, And smile* were 'round each eye, As they handed out the coin, 83)iog, "flow is thst for bizt • For Coal Oil Lamps, tile best and cheapeat in Town, go to Ilasichttrat's Auttion Mart. , TheiVery Rev, Henry Alfred, D. P., Doan of Canterbury, died eudde.nly on the 12th inatsraged tit year.. GUINNESS cELEBRATED DUBEN POR _ TER. , 'Noonan, mar.•,. --r 111039 Tile MAN VrAt J. vt• tudd entleu..1) low 14 GEOP.GE GRANT, GROCER, TOTICT IIKRFAIT 1.1919: Met the 1arl her. tame .1.00 Mitre.. PA Itha kel.17.113 lettmrotte• Mt low., P004. 1,000 awl ....MIMI., Imo Imes this dey diedultml by Maud comient • • . .U4 .1.14•00.1_ tiehire Irani llef,1414.1-Y,flYnAvr-r.VITI.F; I• •ill rew Una. the deedenre t1 the i1h1 elaadt arul all elmon• mod 1..rl r..h.f. on 1 /oiler h are tn he perorate "It;, .m. tieorge Cattle, by whoa the mem .0 1. 01.1.4 .14,..1 la 17 let leh It. IPM Jute. Ite70 ..'S -4. . , • PAIITIEn INDI 1,1111141 -rim LATY. /TOWS • .1 4.4.rastei A Vs.•••sati 1.1 me, ft Nowell. aro pepeer..1 ;.e.i.00 adieu... • ..4 ften JAS1 1St:, 0 afire that dale ell aremmla wad a• mud " PAICE $1.75PEROOZ.13(1"TLES 12LEtttatigry,11.1, .rt dn.] it fa Itl.edeant- rele sratig for griatifte abd legs.coinw Arne torahorme."?.. STEAM MIL -L ilf EARLY CALL EOLICITED. To be Rid in iiuod sr Bottle HOTELS PHOMPTLT SUPPLIEP. wahlital. sat orders ehe• (:. derich flept. 23, 7870. awl 0- t f lolly Whited lee. MA, cadk penu kei.1 fur ubtai• •• • 0031F.RV IF. LE Goderlele Sept ith. 1/70-. is doom sio re. r fornmm mill get timer _GBETS_ILIKK' TILE -.8-..1.31E DAT r:. Geo. ifriOhni both It SC 1,1t. lalAt41 • Melle eh., psdnerst a song errekmwd Remo ad Up sooty Irty•ef INow, by the tooeti f rt. 1.. 0••• two, mamas moorages . .1 ,oe of The ri..leeetra±..y.m_yawa.4.4. UhrUicie.T.T.T-To Vet loittlry:1:17 1 eloie rarest of taittola0 irq Mis, h taluist uf taw ye. t'.to 11:11P. *Mt; utak-. .famm oureume tad Iren.• vie .BETTER \- . mik.ri isuse tl.t W. Ir. • llIntiailAbaa ...i. renamed ener ropf.-• 'et N...rwares mime' rake), he will **Mat El"' ler he henel be Ma 1,1fto. &talc*. •ther of the enemy, and aboutilre o'clock au order was giyeu tor tbc haekward move- urent. The French artillery et.utiowil their fire to cover this retreat. General Cheesy actually superintended the ft: - treat, "'Lib was effected in 1110 'mitt cenul.,kte Th.cMsnaisit-a ot this retrtat held some id the ntrtingcrt pcsitklari, aud it ivas generally belified dna the result of the day's tghting Woe not irrteoverably &arose to Mu F. etich. Chausy hoped to renew the ou the met day under more Anglin:Mos eircum- 'tames. L3ter in the evening an vim/ occured which made a change iu the - prospect') ut the French. Ana darlea wrung fon" of Germans revived the fight. A moat important Freuch peel- tiou-La Toilet to- was enocavor.31 to takeu by imsueose n_aasis of infeutry and a large Juice ol cavalry, eh.) ad• v.neeti raptely, sc 'tiering the French latore them. 'the Freuch bad anti- cipated this attack, and the Mobile. of Bottany ditorder, Luting with tht the lows; tu the right bauk 01 the Itivez utsue, tool were ownipuiled IQ mike a rapid retreat on Lo Maas, I his unrormeen disaster may eentoel an t Vail:114110U of the eitf, if uot an entire bteak up of Chauly'm artny. A commit o: • 1If le Dial ettlautt at Le Mane ;.1.uul1 the seemed army of the Lout be lost, ail Freuch hope is gone. . -1 he Ulfhld liS 11-lve destroyed the_ bridge over the Chiure bltwehe Loewe, and Ar.on. material lor ths bow- birdureut of iturgwy .1o.:•ing. raki41,1 Outidertiii;ed iu he linear". - liew Yolk J.D.l. -A London pa-ta says the Parisians aro determined treals, and then slit : "Jennie, (foe '0.n/fast-tee l'ruseiant en moose, shoull y„,a will allow me focal! yin, so) I very Truabo allow the aorry I 'ATI beef% the means of giving you y. onenty to cuter tbe any ser row, 1 will neter sell pant Jaen, cit. band enether drop of lions* .111Frel. t oii * of:Yielding is repultted with whet lean Li reform him.' iudignation. 1 bo almp-keeping spirit, 'We will not give the conrerantion in however, prevails very largely, and many detail His cheered her Insert. illetl tradesmen ate n'"'gra t ulating On hisser back, he stopped at the shim theusa,...o.,,,, that the/ era son in the P.', where Veneto was •t sork fle looked rern'on of a ti -1 that wall tempt the RYInj, W.ID, ALLEN. Gadget.* net. Ink 1113 .111-11 e.lptIlre. - aa Matey entered, and said -- "Did y MI find the place I';lei man priineetatutio mr.k° ea" 1". Pu-' when she lived at h„„;,,. 'Yes. I end need to know yoor wife °au" a h'filver th"1 tet" the tele". All accounto agree, that a reaiNanCa 1() 'You 'weer (knew mitt ill of her !think.' iha enemy however, be ahown, that , 'No she orlie always kind end' gentle. Now, Duncan, lin you have such • 51113u anti och to,tly children, why aut 0 r. • uorrOrs 0fi irool nbate: bee,. n (gasied. biilitbliaerdani:ti :n; you stop drink ite,4 "1 have so enraged the population, that t h. y Ile replied Yanks* always aniern, ate furious, and will go oUt to fiAt and question by wilting another. As yon meet the enemy, &ITO° all military 14,. noe,,te net thildren, wlirtIon't you coua nsels nd 11 interference of the ram, inn you mop government. ir this is persisted in, no borrort that C tilisation has yet bdearof, drinking r fi be to nd a parallel. w "le, eat'n'eldaaaidal. °"'• ?net hie 'IP will London, Jan, 1 I. -A Paris deepatch •tiliv• us yonr hand on that,' said Igo or the 13t1, says Garobetta's lest dcapatidi they shordi hands. to the authores here, which was, asp. pr. toed me 1hs by them, called upon General •N•ofr,' owl McKer, 'co',ter T h ' They !Melt i1 ia and emptied all -Isdealiearraea-kkhen the vo isompleted. Whey added ; Whoa igeignit, tan your ..dei what y. • done, and add that'll you get into you will alai., hat e • friend in dm wort of Mod Margaret Wiley that gate Jinni* Smart the MM..' Deacon looked surpritiell, bat aaid nett'. 20.000 reeruite are ort the wiy_to join (le PI II army, making tho troroiton: minion mei.. GOD E II 11.11 'LITTLE WANZER. THIS LITTLEFAVORAF Tim. weer mum VIE WAGON &CARRIAGE THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON Ttaii&Olo- Chintrat;-;o7w. latisNa• A NI) G ',OBE CI -044A P -A -N Y4 H.. neen in esiatesee Thirty -taro rear... and donna that period hee paid Lie. h.. exp....reline Five and ft half million pounds sterling, The /lettaireemerd .oi ihi. enorm. oil. otere ritter lAhared.l.troihital.nrohi"gle'L'l'ora(111c1;f7r:n".1".iii71111e" efhlfi.1.11fh. rotate Corpora...la; Merch•ro.. Homer holder., rind StWitiess men generally, WheerNer .1 is reprelented. tot deieldiMen 1446alterrime Perron:nor alone it fro/lintel • • • ile 10111 year, o .0 As/.763 • alth rear, , 8001 veer, lei*, 0 • ymr Mel, it .0001,066 The Vire Ream% rant n sow 94.711,4014 ' The IA% R0001 Vrtihl 1101 IlY.Y41.168 Taa eompsev repofteelftteri. throughout De- lano and ember, by 11.11w.egiai A initd. l^ whnsni spplwation for imatreace may he mad*. t .C. 5%11111, ittNiitentostrerrtary, MortItailt. , M. ROYS, Meal for Coderwh B. Y n-lt ler Eyrie, • W . Wstwn.„ Nwslis0 Goderieh, Aug 75, 1870 • w3111 • tory, rep rtiog no further troubles. The salary -of Re,. J li. Smith of Galt has beim- raimel from 111,4d0 to 2,000 without so"seitation. Generous people and happy pasii371 Cabla soistuuniestiou hit teas ont- pleted- with --Ponang',---thigalidrit-- Aid Java. . • A rod deal of merriment was °evasion- 'Pdno Sunday week, in one of the Ne.w Or as chu-chee, at t ho expense of a deaf deacon, who 1131 limn very induarinua in '1..1111 anew church publication. ;hit be- fore di•miscingthe congregation, the min- ister announced that metiers who had children tt be baptised should present thou on the following Sunday. Tho dea- con, suopo.ing that his,pastor WaS 'aver. ti•ing the kok,..jumpvi up hastily, and aid out: "All you who hare got none C110 get as many 11 7011 want from me, at 73 cents each." Maitland Salt Well Salwenher waled snwoonre 1,, lb* put - lie of liuron add Drirce. that he ins. w Man Idnettifir. drel-elao• Carrl,res, W110;,701:SI! Sleighs; Otittoi, adwah will be mil CHEAP 'IJA CASH. JOIMPARMOnEe Titter% @Lead,- Godench Ooderteh. AsgiLlifft whO Shepharo Strachan, GROCERS, OCDERICtit [JAYS been re.enpointed sole &rents at II fitarlerieh'for the sale of din celebrated Exeter Factory theme. :clod dealers supplied at Ow ,Faetore Prices. - PREP II A RD STR &CHAN. Croderieh, Aes,14 1877' , w110 F IMI1, Y SEWING EVER INTRO:CCM INTO WOR1II /AUFICA OLCELPE fiVEll 13.000 FAMILIES HAVE ISEEN.SVP0LIED WITH THIS MACHINE " within the feat two foam and haws niae. frotheq.nehree Inertirof friends, the eeind .t,.. attIele The. ere. per ',lured he all gta.10 of wifely hurrahs eamleat Ilanner'a 1111.... and theighteera4 tianlity ‘1.11 14441 ral.11•11,4 a Eueopa. - LITT7." 464-1NT .4)fikor4Nr•NrtriffiliGrillgRAPOriVWWW1Aelfrh-r-urip1777.; ur llyti er. 4.h t Ir:th Ty; tit, 1. aria. ing 11, norm nor e. 0r. tiller, 1ln hltoitilte ' 'Thread 1111Con 4.41ie.1 dft fl.Mt.n'e, 6 Needle., I swe eirthre.e..orst Preirted lostrartion• it. 71.11 a• tueoftiLleiray pee.' t. 1111.1,11.,I.t.,I• 'wedded not • Wart& /Rah, owl reared la e least little ewe, aol lima 1.111144 YANZI:14 alba sine buy. Ntusid. asta ..... .......... . , Mend and Itond l'aew with Demwen • ' large •half 1.00 COW .. R. M. WAN Z.Fli "CO,. . .rAcrut41 'MINER KENO AND- PATI1Alt1 141111.F.Te, /1.1111.1,N, CMTARIO. SHOW "10011•1* ----64 KING 3TREET EAST. „.. AGENT AT G010E111(11 •ABRATIAN SMXTU, MERCHANT 'TAILOR. Hamilton, Aug. 30th, 1870. 4-3mori Soler tier NMI 04i Fatm_lot • T. om.h, p 11.4er, Cmotainmig wrest, at. / r?, .51 and 54, toyfleld enore.aion, Is Ha to. iiwoar .TV? •.,fts averred a,11 good Freese 'War,. and 'Log Maw, sholu .11 miles town to 1,' NE ireert 01.1 i or to • TtiN the Kellner,. °Wends, Aug 15, 11i0 030 • .1 8 .1 . • • eathewe --anew 11,42-11,111,111r %Ws •,4";',.itsr Art% ...esoisint.L.StMactimarairisii. - i -cc rub hem.. r peewit,. tetra* jralepaelt • . t In aderre eeterlott•TVI e fealty/ rentortla• of 1 eroll le ollemede tar 1,011r rohet the pl..* et the Itsaaace. • ..I• •.% lloof Geder ' Arm 11h.1111111. 1 1 airta-fai IT LIMN FOUNDR NEW BOOKS, &c. WHOLEtarsiitazETAIL AT BUTLER Beautiful Assortment JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS J1:41: RECEIVEG, and to bet sold CHEAP A'1"11EITLEIt'S. Fishing Tackles, PLATT'S PATENT EvAPoRATOR, y cote, CON.111, 17i- CYOLItronlek 101 ACTrh. 1.110 eleven._ 1,04dwelllete boo.. Moo reue. ;LT • emelt/Rolm. 4.10-14,-,' otteoe r h steal rowsw.nualoa.s.grwwl (0,1,01. Orel! walee.ol tern'ereetie thewalaribbilleh the hpm. in li,Iti•fir)t. For pottleala lihrly eh the pre role.• 10 nwlentigned, ret he 5.,D reetioutos, grore, f leb. 'Appit.15. 18711 •••••• -c-rrsot‘ar. w30 CID c ••••••• .-'S LAM i NG 1-W0WOR K cr'i, RUNCIMAN 1, 16.'111r. D 11 IrffL0. ' F1 1 t I lg iN ON .00NSISTING or PIE FLA, Ir.; odorieli, Aug 111. 1,70 vi30 • Money to Lend, underugned ia Preitarad-ite- FURNISH No. 1 SALT • 15 157 QUANTITY •T TR1 01 went .12rioe, FROM THZ ABOVE WELL. 11/MaISTA, ItA .544 LIDS!), neeint kind AND SELLING AT COST AT BUTLER'S, 11..1,rirh 10.11 Ana . Swine _ Auction & Commission. o()tmttroti Zet.1v.r4.)N 11,:1sljalli1I wiliest I Vain %et 5(7 Om inittattre., end make --..... ....„,...... --- -.. lisimr""- lunira"r" are' G.,,iirlirlyterge78411771,44 P_ 'moss ia•Co ferret' thatikpy might be Vert/Wed • deliaterhi - usallehtliongerday, arid us-COUIWINgialCsels\fwilt Violent Win/Idiom% in the city innitt on are. mew from Paris -re reniforeo armies in otenT , melt.' "11 Pfaril 1. ' iinaie4.'"' the provinces. Inaction hero endanger! 4.,T. 7.'14731:07',17,:m•il., p• the rauro of Franee el.nwhi flE The rd 4,:thintighint lb• CIPSWIT, - ' aeloaltraltead- . ............, the edoption of Greek fire for military ...LI" liUlliastAZAaaesoms,thrihnub purpose'. Three tura in Peril de. lore 17 p0,... the aecret of jta mans - rho Petition to grant a ell trier tid3. os and floral 11,0 way Los facture. Tronha opposes that "amity, all (2) Nr • '52- that ti 111. 01111.U.1110 on standing ordt fn.! Mayarnal a110111 hi now printed Nogg, my mew oda lit t) pt, r40.1 of th; from ikon ehild• Small poi and 'Pearl& fever prevail in N. w York and ire spread by street eara 'L NT ON MORTGAGE. end omnih••••. Apply •I w flAIDCR osto.aeoewat nepia info • ONItad .1" 4*vii• h" .110419bsta..: in• wire ' Cheerer/ and la* Office, (7l.4.'• block, eles.r. dialogs sal •insult tit feDes 'leasug promen, Goderieft, A15t14, 1170. owl AT iciratry 11.11161 IrlIFI”Wa• ON sery 511041, le rhle 414717 ,• 11 t. DOTI,It, meeat'o set fleolorleh, le 14.70 ale1 COLBORNE CODERICH, E. MARTIN, Proprietor, CNA Accommodations. Ample Stable Room. -hitt n'T-ilMtIM a spre..,I=Orcid ItS... YS' HOTEL WItOXITER. Wir 510 dlrert rood from nesforth te NY Walkerton. Brie, . " ... I 'worn modal ion tor the traveler ',abbe. 11 NNAll DAYS, Wrnialo,. Aug. 14. 11407 .10 f MANUFACTURER OF GRIST & FLOURING MILLS, Muley and, Sash-Saw-bfills, Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrashing Machines, Sepe'rators, /4,,rme Vet syr.irm, 1 )ritre Sri ks,sr, MoNEY TO LEND. EASY :FERNS. .1. n, (u)nnnn„ CotionoN, Ans. 15, 187, owl IRON AHD WOODEN PLOUGHS ! With Cast or Steel Boards. Onli Plough.; Gan.; inozh•, etiltIvators, Land Roller*, Straw cutters, gri.oltsrild nominees, Potash Ktelllott, %Vie KellloO, 401 W•zon •ntl Pipe Rolm COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES of ills tavoil mhenoed l'asi'nra made. and Illantratnithe Work and Repairing done on short notice.. Call and see the rlIEF.Ir MOULD•BOARD PLOUGHS, as you cab 'let one very !heap for Cash. Goderich, Aog. 15th, 1870 •30 IN, I ) A_ V I SI GODERICII W0011,EN FA.71101tI.. (I _4 A9 1'1 l'Ell'S IM11.1.41)1- TO- ---r••••• • mr ss DAY REMOVED BAYE/ELD RAv ROAD, FARM •FI:)R ,SALE ONTHE G zia . 141,No1.121, not eiehrweiloo neetttec vown.leo 1) 116 arm, ho orwhirh ere rteenel, a weer billow , rttli rime through the lemil The Int l• *fleeted nie tlo. tiraiel 1,01alontii 1.• atm-, re eh the tote .4 61,4. ,r1. h. The 1,11.4 le • .4. 4. cloy NAM.. Iselois eery mat. able dir wheal lir haft °Tim lied. The lee will be rwlil ,.. .1. ..Lie•11.1 ohm..? 1010. P 0 o01/0 el.), reels 10 owitee. fmis ar s oar. "1 ter., et . a (1. II. 1.108:do'mriels,t11•4/11161:114;a1". U.d"ilalil ...... A BARGAIN. :19:11;1.771:: -rt: , and the nonendhr In 4 manual peatalmou to with laterwill at 6 pl Mat petA1117,111. p y !I TaitaVrTirter ure .3,,t Shot haat FARM FOR. • SALE, - Torso/41 0/ GOIbliek.1.11111,141ing downs about 33 Tow/ efeared, laTORT CON( liPTE Tnr nRoult dra4., noose to.isi, lilteheo, /loll soil 1%4 how 011 the wooed Lao, sar• Dedrome, mut Inne ntha Irdneene . en tho burl went, 1i/aon- Emit 1001 Rion. enete. Mad ream Pram. boon Ivo,'i -.t herr. front I Inft mud 7 f1,1 %drank. Gamtletsm meherd oyr.- 011 at.iorlee Mot tie.. Sall. 111.11 rhy Inero. 1011101.. 0/1 0 amino/10k aruidedring one phyperly in situ., 11 OW,* Teton Lake HtifolaIer whIelyi. greet ele• raft I. ha.1 True. lb. 4.11f. At ply to Jam.• • illtfet the wersisee or le 0. It Tat:llama lard 011iee rualrrleh tInderielo, Aim 13, 11470 5,10 WI1GLAS McKEhZIE (iONINI(/1)1()ITS ..T. T CI !EA r.4%., -INT 14. tit they are prepared to Lli ND IS PREPARE!) TO OfVF (TfITOM. NEW BRICK BUILDING Tr.FintTLLY iotimgeo Mr Arrort. it hoe 0 lotto d.e• If !TA THE HONOR OF ANNOUNCING that he ha. .norm (ion wwweelent OW* Dana e 0,0tri• fa the 151 Aymtre hy AIR. ISAAC_ IREDRILLI4-- r ha. pnroltooreet ea __arm JE LLERT, S WATCHEAND .00KS, 01.II qualities end 17,4w,.... rn(Intt..T . for the lode _a (NEARLY iiPro,41rE F JORDAN'S ROLL CARDINC- MANUFAClURINC WWI /IMP, th• 010 no Ifaten mallehtef fn. 'DRUG STORK) Convenient to the M•rker. His stock of stoves &C. 'BLAME ANN COMPL )ANTIlth tat tit, a...17 E On the shertest notiee. Pattie/4 wi.hing to exchange their Word for h n• op] in,heby 10.1,4.. a ...ante ranee, mut el ie.winet moderate Woo, plhida, will Bret it to their interest to give ne a roll, as we re patiatied w• "oil, i.y piew he Ong r. goo& yen reqnire. tin' ming from a dielaneeisith'Tool to get warded met ••',"asestliatv, at I...otos. sult.•.A.T4. ...ric.1.71":: All KINDS OF JOB WORK WIL. BE nestle every itiatanee role on ;vomit their wool home with them the mama day, Lasano:t.,1,,4,..7,717,744,74 e4oriea. 1 ot J my. lal .D0rei ThE SAME AS USUAL. str- AGL WORK WARELAIFTEn. utsA0 rnzalotactoc. tiodsrich Woolen Faetorv, Ang. 16th, 1870. all °Aerie"; Ito.. 1744,21570. Cloth Dressing, Como* Spinning, Dyeing, Satin -Ito, iWAITII-MAKER L JEWELLER, rwre •• Pulled Cloths, Wineeys, Flannels, Blankets, .961.1" aiii11111•1 -.•••1• ••••111 _ _ • _ , ..ser Chipe • AMYL. -4. • • - _