HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-12-22, Page 25FASHIONS OF THE PAST— Clothes of yesteryears were part of the historical displays at Bidduiph Central school this week. Shown with shoes of the past and a blouse are Patti Fisher, Jo-Ellen McFalls and Cheryl Gricken. T-A photo WI answers call with favorite recipe 6-reetinjs We offer best wishes and sincere appreciation to all our friends on this Blessed Christmas. Hark the Herald Wishing you happiness and peace this Christmas Day and f;.°. ever more: EXETER COACH LINES A Division of CHARTEI1WAYS Company Ltd. Phone 235-0480 Exeter or Dashwood 237.3481 404iitut*.t.ttiverv•i4y4.0,4i0tkmi,i0t4 fir1•V•iaftt.5•PAO.P.40.V•it5.504.0.WPAZ.W.03.5111.01'0.0itgitAftt1 PAark.0.5.i0Ari:O.;:..;`kM:S•Pii0.r40411.0.Pii*OVA.,X0.WillfAitt4.014`ii.04.14.Pkt•%1144,,,NZW-iiStAhV;a4.N..0•W4.% 14, :4! To all our friends and patrons we wish the Merriest Christmas ever. Your loyal support has been deeply gratifying. Have a happy holiday. -OG DISCOUNT WiAk%1440W:Aiiia0ii"AAViliA140401•0'.10.%iist4i0•%40•1201%iirs•%,04k$•%•%0 i" %Os 0445--0414•04:5%.aaNO viat,ProViaa ' erq ehriomas Hoping you will have an old-fashioned holiday with all its joy, contentment, peace . . and sending you heartiest thanks! tax g Dashwood Industries11 Ltd. this Firistmas tAitI 'Mg Smiling faces. Family pleasures. Happy voices raised in joyous carols of the Christmas season. May we add an extra note of best wishes and thanks. Compliments of the Season • FROM THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF la the senior Tru,ci company devoted entirely to serving TICTORMandGREY the Pole of Ontario. TRU81" cotviPANY siNct 1889 EXETER ONTA 10 --• I,F*14$04 No40404.04.%040.%4%45.0144 ►-Wilast%*%04004.0*. We are half way there, comrades, which after all is not too bad, but we can do better there are still a few days left to become an early bird. That's right, Comrades, 50 percent of our membership have answered the call and have something to crow about, and have their names entered for the free draw December 31st. HOW ABOUT YOU? Drop over to good old 540 and pay your dues, let's all get together and make the themometer in the lounge read 100 per cent prior to the New Year and give Branch 540, w.tiA?:fd zNA spAdzilA•tai..iA:Ni.t:mAft=r4A•Al4.0ftAtft•aft,ttA.01.e4 va;reedvz,e,.catiera4(e'cgke'a?tecc?,e.i.m.tAtzxrctmfavAvvavitclaKiA,ottsizileiviltavx., ;‘,•;n:1,1 BANK THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA MANAGER AND STAFF, EXETER BRANCH IiIs•Av,i'w,tz?•tAAvedzittmcids.*:t46.eqte,;vectittilgtidit:?.41.4 •0.tii•AqterAvetidv.cttigto-Ares,.., he spirit of Christmas is in the air, ringing out joy and good will. We take this time to extend Ralph Genttner Fuels Ltd. GULF OIL AGENTS PHONE 235-2411 EXETER • I' '4 NIne lessons at Saintsbury By MRS, HEBER DAVIS Sunday service at St. Patricks Church consisted of the nine lessons and a carol service conducted by Rev. H. ROkebY'' Thomas with. Mrs. Tom Kooy at the organ. Following the service, the Sunday School Christmas party took place consisting of songs and readings by the pupils. Santa Claus made his annual visit with treats and gifts,A social hour followed . Personals Mr, & Mrs, Maurice Mac- donald, Grand Bend will en- tertain their family for Christ- mas at the home of the formers' sister, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy. Those who plan to attend are Mr, Mrs. Howard MacDonald and family, Mr. & Mrs. Pete Sovereign and family all of Lucan, Mr. & Mrs, Clayton Kooy and Bonnie of Exeter, They all plan to spend New Years with Mr, & Mrs. Tom Kooy. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dobbs at- tended the Trafalgar School staff party at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Jorgenson, London, Friday evening, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy attended the Christmas banquet and dance of the Canadian Canners held at the Exeter Legion Hall, Saturday evening. Pattie and Freddie Dobbs were Friday afternoon guests with Mrs, Irene Marziali and children, London. Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis were guests Tuesday with Mr, & Mrs. it. Roberts, Lucan, Thursday they visited with Mr, & Mrs. Wilson Armitage London, and spent Saturday afternoon with their aunt Mrs. Robert Coleman, Lucan. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll visited their friend, Miss Sophia Richards, at Strathmere Lodge Saturday. Mr, & Mrs. Ken Eaton, Mrs. Leanord, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Greenlee and Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenlee were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Larry Greenlee. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Cun- ningham and family attended a family Christmas party at the home of his brother Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Cunningham, Ailsa Craig, Sunday. Merry Christmas •• UCW tours window plant By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA The tour of Dashwood Industries arranged by the United Church Women, Tuesday of last week was a most enjoyable evening for the 46 women and men who attended. An excellent dinner was served and following a tour of the plant pictures were shown of the work being done at the company's other plants. Coffee was served and each guest was presented with a gift. Sunday Service Rev. John Beaton delivered a Christmas message to the Congregation attending the Christmas service in the United Church Sunday morning. The special music included an anthem by the Choir, vocal solo by Mrs. Russell Wilson, and the offertory music was an organ and piano duet by Mrs. Hodgins and her daughter Marikay, Personals Mr. & Mrs, Cliff Abbott of Lucan were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Clara Abbott. Sy SIDIDALEY Comrades as the year 1971 gradually fades and becomes history, branch 540 will be able to look upon it as being the year of achievement. In all aspects of our Legion activity 1971 has sur- passed them all. Membership wise branch 540 continues to grow and at such a rate it has now become necessary to seriously consider expanding our present facilities. Sports-wise our membership enjoyed a most active sports program encompassing every conceivable type of sport, you name it we played it, euchre, Cribbage, shuffleboard, darts, horeshoes and on and on. Yes. Comrades we have a large horn and we intend to blow it, but, we will only be able to keep blowing it for as long as we continue to receive your won- derful support. However as a progressive branch of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 540 has no in- tention of resting on past laurels and will continue to work to the end that our community will be a better place in which to live by supplying an active sports program for the youth as well as educational opportunity and friendly competition in the field of public speaking and essay competitions; by remembering our obligation to the aged and our solemn promise to the Fallen that we will Remember Them. We see by the papers that recently an insurance company released a study that seems to show that happily married couples live longer than single or divorced persons. The reason given is that happily married types talk to each other and resolve their inner tensions, However, we know of one old bachelor who claims his long life and happiness is due to the same therapy. 'I've always had a dog to talk to,' he says 'and the nice thing about it, is that it doesn't talk back.' (may have something there oldtimer) Branch 540 was indeed pleased to receive a visit from one of its past presidents on Saturday, Comrade Ralph Smith now living in Wallaceburg was president of Branch 540 in 1956 and again in 1961. Nice to see you Comrade, Ralph and will ye no come back again - Soon. god," I he Minister said. There will be a service of carols followed by communion, Christmas eve. January 3, the AYP will meet in the Coffee House. Anglican Church Women will meetJanuary 5, at Mrs. J. Murdy's. Something To Crow About throughout Command. The winner of the Cellarette was Gene Seifried, Congratulations, Gene and thank you folks for your support of the draw. Now may I take this opportunity to quote a happy fellow who is much more eloquent that I "HO! Ho! HO! MERRY CHRISTMAS, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND GOD BLESS YOU, EACH AND EVERY ONE! i" And that's 30 for this week remember 'take it slow and easy and have a HAPPY ONE'. Times-Advocate, December /2, 1971 Page 13A DAL Y's wEeKty .COMMENTS 'Twos a good year recent visitor with Mr. & Mrs, John Templeman. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Dianne, were Friday night guests of Mr, & Mrs. Dougall Mitchell. By MRS. HUGH MQRENZ Among those attending pre- Christmas dinners and family gatherings were; Mr, & Mrs, Milton Sweitzer, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Campbell of Exeter with Mr. & Mrs. Murray Evans of Lambeth, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Les Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Martin, Ruthie and Lisa of Crediton, Harv. Adams and Alanna Masse of Zurich with Mr, & Mrs. Don Adams, Satur- day. Mr. & Mrs. Seth Amans of Zurich Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Milton Sweitzer. Mr. & Mrs. H. Morenz and Bill with Mr, & Mrs. William Sunday. Les & John of Kippen Church News Holy Trintiy Anglican Church The annual Sunday School concert of Holy Trintiy was held in Carlislellall. The program consisted of songs, recitations, skits and a play "The Nativity Story." Santa Claus was hailed in to the lure of here Comes Santa Claus. lle read a story to the children and presented each child with a bag of candy. Sunday, Rev. Carson preached •in "The Time is Fulfilled. He said we all have different con- cepts of lime. It was in the fulness of time that God sent his son into the world. "We must use our time as a trust from God and don't use it in dope, alcohol, violence and destruction. Use it as a precious ilgtrtglertV41;:ftVili4VitkIVAngMV?..krs:?,:kM?A Exeter 235-1273' :1'•<,izi'Aliziti4=,44-ctigittintt?.41:?Atgtij MacGregor Welding By MRS. J. TEMP LEMAN STAF FA Mrs. Jo Van Valkengoed, Mrs. Ed Chappel and Mrs. John Miller were hostesses for the Christmas meeting of the Staffa Womens Institute held in the township hall Thursday afternoon. The president, Mrs. John Miller, opened the meeting with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Twenty members answered the roll call, "A favourite Christmas recipe," A number of Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. Robert McCaughey at the piano. Mrs. John Miller chose as her topic Christmas customs, Mrs. Charles Douglas gave as her motto, `Nothing is so Contagious as a Good Example.' Mrs. George Vivian demonstrated Christmas decorations made from things around the house giving those present some good ideas. Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Mrs. John Miller who recently com- pleted a course in constructing lingerie had a lovely display of their completed work at the meeting. Plans were finalized for the New Years Eve dance. Group I is in charge of the first card party to be held sometime in January. Secret pals were chosen for the coming year and this past year pals were revealed with an ex- change of gifts. A small remembrance was presented to Mrs. Jessie O'Brien who has moved to Exeter. More carols were sung to close the: meeting which was followed by a Christmas lunch, served by the hostesses. Personals Edgar Duncan, Toronto, was a Centralia Dashwood Mt, Brydges ..i,TrzyA.,;*tt:mtiva.qAft:qAitAKtz?Aivm.4:?..4AAvAizmierv?.tA:?A•c*A•tgltigitAq'xilA.xi