HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-12-22, Page 2_;----.. ' ..4 a - a . le- 1 't I f . . m� _ _ _ 1 as _ - - _. - - _ . , .. _..._-....__. . ... - _. _ .. _ ►w w ] The jadysad*noo of Parliament. ifunw. The lood,ug bwlnw-stag of L,d- At 1'1 Moot; i00 Beturuwg Gthver& art rgACKSla en requested to aumus, �I �. _Y._„_ ._ f (OUt� �6ttltr iptury ul Unwuio with zit. W. r� • 0 Ii ,�Xt�11 � cost %f Ntively'rsga•wltulh•wurk,wdb•rs bks y&liuw wlNltr wore at their push to �reruwtu•ut of the SNrrlary of the Mature �a ""'^'�-� id to the Qyodt, Owtnl Ballload. am , C� t W • LNI wink ruvh wtlsfaotiou tb P twslly •ularwF u1* tit h NrJtttq °rt rr,gutu numlu•daalt of Cuuuallun, witI Cuwhy Bund of P tali° ltt•tru” — me Soot) Otbwa trW that the 14oa• ' Br y Toruuw, Diva, 15. 1571. wrrmyews ; while the meting at Blyth the folluwityt rssalt :- pointing the Tr.when Exauiwtrialea, tot w►er lied saved rhe pu►lw lamb of the Bill ic,tr•Jaoed by Mr. Kdwad $like to was ddrv"sd b s La,dn* delegstwn. fill. A laaaw's WARD S H Detlw, rrtltitrtem, at Oodenoh, , WedrwdTay Ttr eDeaier look the char at 5.16 p. w. bey;„ by hu wttun fs he sotto art tk* t =~� t Qu �' 11U.li, DEC. 12. IK(0• further secure the independence of We sLuuld set u: uldilf.rwut. if w• du Abraham Smith, John Davison, Aid \Vat- and Thursday, 16th Aisti 19th DaNmbsr. Apar n0utrrw btstltey m nlawmr w Yr. Cnad&CeMtnl Bailey. CHRISTMAS •11J P Msufsa's IITa.•ronca. -Mr, J. Nullea, Sholoo,wko eked nit what time tire Ouvwn ,xim- sot t►arnh -�� ant earn uuseal.es uubxl] w wilt ►d ion, lieu H Yen aw, lieu OnnL I wet trimndod tntnduuiu he Hua. Yr \Vaud tad that in the matte Parliament. It isdividdiato fivesectio tat J. Y. has calld to ial11ra w the he u ia' T, pot - Tlanu nnugl .ian4aelda 1looaosay• us. The loyal member fur South Huron Sr Ustows s W..w-W Y ft&rage, J $ mwure for std tow t r " w�� d the triode Cal nal uonal ha diel 4 bakautwus finer - � abash ars he follows :- hr take- a decided StareL We helped S1ncl•ir, W O Smith, li L Daryl•. receipt o[ a letter t[mtir the Secretary art I Prra•a- rtan ail y amt+ dveire W giee any ddluowl right tv per_ It Mary u •w)'tbing, bwldes hm Lmous t unwl•ve w the Herb r wtiun, and r• ST. DAvto r WAuu-llheuWpher Otsbb woe about w lnvest looney in the undo• � llkrwm wood, I. Except as hereinafter spetirdly pro- q State, to the effect that the Ou••rwneut Hoa. John t,.u,lf}eW Ywl°anld shirt a11", tet aback 6andfiol11 llavduu ridcd, no person occupying or holding any have 1ww a dead Ourtatuty .ol Chet Harbw S Clifford, ►tubert Uurdun, Lewy lUwtt, they Shouldlrecoiv land4 hey s wen tout 19 1 T ]f thou would s ked dtwtJed to anuwutr Mercer's Nwtnuce the Uuverumoat wet Ent &wmrbi t 4 thou trrd'r old mJes mod incise kia"olf, it u to Ll w thew the Lntdun pwpF• our gym C S Arohibal.l, R Rumi aan. to iulprsuununt. wwuuis rhleh rare Mantel r Il moiled W. Morn. H& a mud Monteith p y OEM, a umn.wiou Be •mploymeut at the th AMd invtta hum ban. lar wwuw ST. PATSICa'A \VALD-• iJan Prmnn, } •w11os}o ; etas► W a$yve dam rveultad the • trom,oa,un of the Grown to Ontario ur iia t" Uvdrnch, ,I.* tree w-IIIJ Pam thmuKh B L IA.rke, H Gardiner, W M Savage, LtTTtoliLuaT.-7 moo Ietttnbelogiti I ifs tie none"�u st a.»�t►�(ln•ar �t retire uteric f�he �f nr: nor t t��thtlr r��v., �- Unto u dar'at n . s� sr:mt . _ rte ul litm► rhi°h au saLr ur ►u a_ .. Ls Ari htbalti, Gw'NcIL`_ T !t lla4 jiarvD de l awe wine tort niv TLMrads gl -"-- -- -- _+raphe ra'�.mmsw► Cauda. y ! 1 ti6e (/$Mien t,[L aw•klt4 !b' - A a.. te, w JW* t, tin, wl.eYs ut�lk -... - �s :.he:T •- _ ... �_ , .i/et,tpuul,ly�d tttrtt; 9WMisHh,-rl:ovrwnev; emttlamrat ' oT ofit, �x»trirtr`ttr-n iiw'delawtrri� "]', 111(rl4aemwr•dwrtirtutl4—. �bolte�f4 vise rictvvtll[Ct R Mf. �y1��g �r1 wrnenttti•' - whither Iruw rho llrvwour mherwtse moa what O.xlartah u•[mi naw n M The new M11uior Act retake aoluu t p r}iplfwtiuw mod serener - ark Unt ea horn t at the Landof the •doioistmLiuq ) P P brad PW M Arthui $. A message wr rtwtvod (awn I •d to ed of to matbq and that hs "�•:'oitt_-. be dotived, shell he vligil lo u • Ncwher dor. Stauby would give • b„nwot 660 .wwp at bks bent, this election, and Hoass ANu CATTLa k'Ata.- Wcbadl cellrtu�, theatmg thew fav the A .mos. Vmi.tir .t rutrolCr-dawouldrenawt»r UnW woh eau N e hive ncsird the Publ,c aoa,uuu of hs Legials'ive Awmhly of Uniuio, I WO end H.y, ntrpMa, Usborev,Blddulpb a»re well ba thew l ouucillan ntaremd 1 Wilk gnutudm rhet he ked duos. Mark h w mal At i s o Allo t of Hon. J S Mark how [era ter II tuusthe w 31st Dec. 18{9 and for 10 Mur .Call ha sit r run to blas wmr during cid M"Utll•ray roots 6J6,W) to V0,000 -, each W,tr . There are good candid.tw want •fortnightly attire fair is Ouderioh. Mr. Fvguwu wad hs / artada Contnl Iw:e. llerlurth •cid the Iiaik couutrY souugk to he nb,se lot sad we hope the t.et lhOte interested irks hn matter up Mr. Bake allowed Ais naulS w'1{ bad been ,oppo sed bsw,tw that, denoted Wku his 4Fwt -umtheb•llmt LkA 18'iU. The Tre&Burer the tine he holds sueh otbca, r,,.L,,.ios, aP rv[sreur ov rhe Land lupray.m Fr IN Catering for th e PUBLIC • dewrtw tsneLt tR bringtuQdo rq the biter 11y em rm*s4. ar Agitating. So y ChnW- Blyth the •Iceb,n will sndwrw to chew cotisiiea- and so doubt the] will bre able W won to stand user. tram h*ir original coutr•ot, •hivh was W - v•dwrr• MyaL w roer o •date And a atter ,{,1:,-.' blher mgkt bad • Daestu'g attat"bidJ.y uses wea, iprspard to du their duty at proper aeoomodatiou. The old cemetery Mr. Blake then lotr,iduout h q- build the railway from Montreal to Lak• Dist t he e'er attar t►mw.aw1*a,rwent art the srrton. 1. (lathing in the first clause shall, °vor {UO pw,pl0 Should we rest calmly the Bard without fear, favor or &Auction. would do ver well for a he •iu0a tions rN tin muntct tis Huruu. But i them not render tndil(nbly o■ Afor.raid, ray pengto ow our ten enol du nothing N ulna •envy• \'rev hkelv the tact flat rho alwuuo well J 6 B' P°1 g Pio! exsmpL After ems further di$a*miue, Mr. I)I&ke A But l th11J 11a, Let its• aw,pere a G+ aeeuu-Ls, deduct on Iliad Januar 1871, a da which J Un' THa ARTICLes rua l'TaURNTe. We Said Le ond•ntoad that the 1},• Itt said that, having been assutd by the rue. v Iet theno Lust . u1*.-wath [rum the°spundtun in tali t, � "^g a Member of the Execurin Council body else worlul \V• rllnut lies• 4K fell y, 7 measure W amend and wnwl t ilio II�yT��1 . w w to tusks the w•npa min fair betwevu Bud bolding any of the following ofisers, much rulw•y acwtuudstiva. Cues P"ution will be kept r a public bultday-will nut Call attention to the dvsrti"me-ta of Mr. Arpment Act did nut alter t O '4 ornmuit that they would act in bks spiel TLL11J SEASONI When thou ag. V - that purr and flu, Ieu 111,1-111* of IWO, hat is W sap-Altorncy cn,ral, ]fee is the lib of true• sud it is of the tint detract front the tstweret manifested, \Y. F. Y, Smart who has received t le vee motion, he wonW w1t►dnw it end Toro n th a to, snY matartal repeat, p lh* ma iHu lues LM mater in blear heeds,' Hrbo thou t.. C,. d (iuverau,vnt f,�r U17r ants ✓113,• tetary And $-f;irtrar of tLa 'l'rorinoe, a 'rqu"uw t„ us that this ftailwy rhunW wore ur Ire, oar •ll atcL uwrivns. We wgtplvte stook of jnwellary, I \hind wan, •m ti.ms [tvm mmnei I beset termivab Lore• If tw•a fou wants naw- may even, after all the apathy, now that P M In rept 4, Mr. Hay•, Hun. Mr Richards .Use CITY skull f. 201.19 woro tb.0 Eor 18QI_ 'freAyror of rho Yrovinor, Comm,iriouer ��nia�ao* rtth KineardiN t.):1* u the the mors onerous and ornamental uthce 111 and WaWha of gomm�e quality, Thefirtst wen of a moral tar'• ' 1. o Vol rs, that xf J 80 icor- a in fP i 1e Sid that had ee Cha north shun of lake pp of Crows LTnds, or Commiriunci of eMurtamt ray to get it. Ar to the qurUuu have bven tilled, have a attrrtng alaotiuu all very wllablo tar prcrc talion w frivuds Thm tiretstated shat ear •corer Su rear bad been dve rth s . thf rets Whm thou er 1870 a. 610,.Wa.47 mon then in 1'WY. Aznlaulture orad Yublie Nwhe ; Yroridal art b,qu", he, r r Dn,prrtp-h11ldnr, ear yet, during the oox,iog j 'your seaw0• amioond ronaulutioTa unioipwl isxs r ��=s of •l au acro. Then ear u1* sup of bks "''1'P WeePiuq .''nr tl The munteoa-co,ii the Lieut. Ooveru- hs he tlwted while holden woh otjce, willing to be tax*d fur the Radwal. Wo SABRATR SCHOOLS THculta's As. Pm'Ixta•d t6 V "W"11 Muer khlver }eland. /'Lldn iia bucca on r rideace u t U0 nun t^ 1870 thoo R ewpuone art ia•or of arta^ cl i nab !n n I W Mr, ilaxtaq N W whethsy O C Cue Tench him h -a and not o0wrwiso di uddlad. are lased pretty heavily. But if ear an Guotaron Tow*rrI". ga urlos.-\Ve aro eery mueh plcasal ecu be ab•Iried ; but it did ,loon• P y M 00 R H V L ShtaW lbs w.• ' Ir tit letlq W ) lLe debt upon hm Haudwn and Yurt Acid w m, moa might K° a,/ inRwifrtw, in 3 Nothi0l( iia the Ent clone shah is debt ear have writs fur it, an.l It we TLs now,nationm beak plies oar M'anda7. to bear that the teachers in town, of all um particular what erewpUon " wr Dover lsrtk end shore mind wr transfer From thx Littr� •hr,rwg that all Chu urdtLau"y vxl»u"w of n•ndor ineligible sa aforesaid guy Oliver I won t.. go 623 1100 [urtksr Tutu drht lar 19th sod aero u follow• :- dogominstioaa, arealrout foruriog asociely auxuous that the Ht•ue •haul thm L' Uovvnunett hevbw+u nierere•l iusbd of Hrt Msjeaty's Army ar Nt,vy or any get tlus 1tAlIwAY he did n, t think any Rt,ra.-Wdliam Sheppard . returned by for mutual im rove saint • which will nci le of the first res.duti It wr ted W n. Mrs e, -ret by the obiter• i7 �i Unto ell bre kiC seusihb -tan wuull ub'wt. la 2 Acasmation. P , Inn P i ear inn, Hua. Mr. Wr.d stated that by the ,.,11 A S GREATLY AMd iia Lienor ..t d,ouaishal and that that cry of retrench- ORcer art the 11111144 er Militiaman shortly appear bnforn Cha DPbho i^ the • uecewavy Medi that, what British North As»riau Act oil rho 811- runt is a her. Yman it would iia anew hr Llept. Ke.at.-D. Patten ds. ,he ofa SBiheth lbhad Cooveution. imp rd Hw ducal ampm,vemsit v •lis^ anew sh.,uld tea hs propesty art Canada, LitUs deeds of H"w tLca u tke Prewar AL}e to beret (esotpt Uffiorn are the Stag of the vahls of QrolertY 20 per cant. Hs war ('vunwllp 0d-. Wwtou, Oa, McIAee, Ir" certain rams wh, benefit •theta. _ lNten touch a I Militia yeodivw arm•Tasat selt,nee, nal to . to the lis and work f11r this Jn. Cue juar, Jaum McIntosh, David P-LICTa Cot ar. Dlsroayxo Ycuw P'r ti sod should be bkan in rodacaon et the .d •There kl'llieti itrrPlr" rhea •!1 onlm- g P ) Y V, p" wen exeueptmd the burden ^^' debt o[ the ret»ctiv Prvviu»s. Thu j+�QFZL]:]% ALJe H[Q DBE- Who cut toll tl uv etp a nliture hr tuareaiad, Said u in- rater he be otknreise di.rquali8ud. liailr•p with •11 his avow and infi-ecce. Cook. ScrwaiA.�On M-oday at { p. ss., John fair) -n tk.re who wen ta It ear Y ear ona of wvml cWs*$ ul dnbta whkoL Hiddv- in urn ute u.,g I The receipts from the Durtini- d. All the prvvisiotu of the Act entite. =lea not take the advice of those who 1.11 V.:DvUur Esq.. J. P , on the bench, John perfectly plain that jwtice r dtl that bel-rigsil W Canada. Unto all bene lad w Act W aeon the Inde »-dvga you nut to put year hands iuyour pwhets. C-L•URNL ►Iwedonald wee breuRht u un a e td r•,rdt aro 1l .rrrumeut have hese about Une and 1 - P °Lug there it lecta s when beta 'LI In reply W Mr. nt est, Hton. Mr. 0 do c Tu the nerdy } w q -Drier utilli•.a tot dollon an -rally since 4 tit* Lo vislative Awmbly peal to the J. S. StadLp a bought r eau ew lab" Ths Nay, 1ml nowttlatwm trek plow wilfully d and ; t the Yubett tieLeul in id lar their to til. ea er bene rev dual Sid tL• govern Hmot had 61,{tiU,04)0 ds� �� � EFFORTS �N Thea rLenthe C o„ l.darati•n, Our Crown IAnds, Woods thirty-second Year art the i sign of Har in thodsY to speak of bmtiws bring let on Mondry, 19th int., and wen r Id• GweYrs \V.rJ ; the,u[,1rmauuu beuag laid im mvem.ub. Than wsa a ,aK 6tel- Some outs ties mono This u a Rsilway age. Ths g.,•- Iowa :- by Dr. Mclean, L. S. Thr defendant P tof in* P' . al the Beni of a Royal sit { per nal Fvwts sn 1 iuhrwt e9 tsysatmsi'b Majesty, sod ehaptarod f•.uq .hall apply Y• i'•g in fr•or el the �(rnerol P cant, mod 6bT,0U(1 iia the Royal Candua Lm k.re realrseJl stf• million nun. Insteat to the caws of dtalualitlrtt.w 01tactd by armuent is ahta to the m etrowrst art the Reeve -Woo Young, re-elect• i by aala- pled guilty Hu Worship uttmadvorted tint t"ItIAiou.awl Ls hoped Atsocedo Batik. GETTING Together AN — lhoref..ro of meting orilitury expearaliturr this Act r If the Santa were hereby re -*u- time and so shout•\ we M ala,. Usher mauwt. nn the isnoranr end malar wkieh thv art Gan" would find hiswlf aaa•do cos aro at work and will nap ua, if we (ua,millers -J,ohn Buchanan, Francis tenem displayed. It had been lately of to the neral pMust le. lar reply W Mr Lam, , Hun. J. ut Yad TL p RaLw nth Ordinary revvuum, by weans ofoc,no- Acted• lis p P douald said he Untitrio g..vernmrut had HIMENSE Ve$itawly i 6 ; This Act •hall arra i&to force oil the �•t ore. \Vr migLt for • unci be • Stalker, Juhn Marr Prtar Rubrtar, traluent uc:uronr and tit Nas dsterwind Hun. J. S liaclouald pwN not out boon consulted in the • wtment of iJGA i ear .red tvii tip all the revs are an un hr g +o, Y Ps P p. ,i- W dis arts the co of the PP" . duwlutwuo[ the first Lr 1*laltre Ar tittle oat of F,.ckrt if re eve a renes art Edranl Sirach H�r 8 Mea W art •spa Wit. As the defendant cad g, g p. the Caval Commwiun. ).!oily entau up all the Miaow mod ems 6 g5u.64)4) ; bmtho tserpse art Population, led uilt lbs fins would be utado light •lea s -OF- si.RAtWtrarly beside, out Of what might ssiubly art Untaru,, p 6 y general pnuc'pls, bnt the C 7 Mr. Scott (North Onp) tatr,xluad • mwung I Le turtrwl utitNpttal The 63,UO3,{{1.09 Thr" provurous strike at the rout of A the enhancement of property, owl the ter AssrtmLa.' nn that, case, but if he ur others should apo boon exam tions ; M ww know al P, J RAd. M the r O Wr P ball tiiwcor rets the North lhw potty Aran to can..w 1dv+tne would TM MuOicipal nomiasuoiu oil Moody, pen hen ow bks Sme vA►rgn,tha wnt°ur Mr gFrkr meant to Nr, l-'rok bud mos Company. F•na Arae n ,w invesbd, in Dominion Stock wait ,.n good deal of the comiption in high place 2N,u a.m •sate L,r this. It i$ Railway 1.9th instant., were r follows :-- would be severe -o wuul aro him Pl. - - {r QQ school ria aur mhenld r ty.empted, 7 7 Jerelry, Filer Plated Thuaau Hulme $Iecst dep sit at the credit of Omtario, by which the Sandtield Macdonald Admin• truKreaa nkat hr .ado Amenaa .nes ]leave -law Aru1*troug. Alex Framer. and coals 63.60 with tho att.rnru•. of 10 D , war nut Ths House row at 6.36. war*, Katck.Kaseas, Toys, the., ,. consider the pi a•icrue true our improvwl circnmstxaces though h" (Hun. J. 8 M 1 __ _ --._ _ __ _ k. Suitable forYiss$ Presents road from lam rend•rl}iw(trlrnliuu;a-dsr•rvl„dykuows utnlwu 11r nrucursel w many d ib nap• ?bat a chat is giru,g promPenlr to Tonin- /heron Ciente e (ttrunve UaltuM, John dym iq Cummuu Uwl. The ties wee prelarwl W oa► as o trcnv nBlat they tits rOo-a eld Y•cdoiuld did hu ver) Deaf I purbra 1f tis muwutry du nut s411 dean b,. Leak st tie N i(.lauug Itu►d. Urillia Jamieson, Ahdnw Dreary. pod. should be ; he would I, MBlaks to As much N £60 is readily give* for a aaeg imported h• bulk of his stock wsro 100 psopli to prevent lho ow.(aleretuou schrsir bean W unduly sway the upiniuws of time mon and ulher places gate Wnu"s Lberally U.w11cillers - Job. Mrthiwa, Patrick PAY Tova T1xa"- Ws all the attention define the exem a •a h+ f to hoes d,rut Ls s spabbd to eget ddnwd by " �1 aeJ an rue the adveata r art W u- Clare, D Yelnl n, J..h■ F Ahdnw, JN P pasrga friar Yarn ia oq o[ ilia Natio bar Dods ai Meas much ale b Men carne•1 out. It will thus be seen 11111' 11111" a rchass obte And weaker cuiuded of the R1Oil g of nbpayen to the CudlwWr'• swtice to wade ; he iscal" 5amat ) u mat er- battens. 6 P , T credo he u entitled to fur the surplus he ponditers. Wh.t rwL Wi" C,tuwty but Cn1'furli, Wm 4ws, Thus Harris, our advrtuteg wlumw: welling to dl•atr eke mat rw^udsr- belor Chow of say Kdll, ni Wrtt ►,w.1* w much •b.rt. people a representatives, the furtherance ltagravol r,1do,aad yet we never felt the \AAT WAWANOSH• Ceara vas SIDEWALLS-If everyone s1 that it ear fairZJ Phe that a bionic m Wwa. i"mforo11 lin 'mit" pet•ple do &art want the G,vernment of this w.aeure will not be left altugether debt incurred. A cow(eung hoe rouW . _ -- would shovel before hu own plass, all the Cormwttse should angni it it ; in the 1�g� S>'1DbICttEf Wft� __ fAsm [erh* ria put rs in a much aware (•vocable pneatim, _ �r{; , --_+i y110'mayrurdrnu[1raMa 1MdJf the.totltamartmta4f 4, apptr;li-a• .I _-r .F. L�•at sallan "'. - /��p Lt]r.m8 O/•1L•iv•wr�t•� - at ����• - ilio"' "swiivYwwr^--. id bambeer"- - �rw ., iaiferr•airu r• nue -w^9^ 'S Mui Aad `Ii be a essc - 4 In Tmmncu, whl w tit d,.b�plaota Ths rsanit d t P-mmation h) � in salt -walks m W ion would be wmfurtablo rrm•stamm tit ear but fa Y • schetw __ Tied It wr i Y sbonld become f,rliy " v \TVLLer1Ch Dec a 18 28?0+ - } &a,ltu! tlu waerial uupr,ransnt o[ Cha an win eKorb, YF'b iumAta abed a D.vid tluett, (the resent Fie•e ear PAT cr. it u hme bur thew who kat" . , r A _ _ .. Wawanah, 6: eu„atry, Buck r scheme wilt meat with M w � the poo. Lt ,niece nominated std declared elected Reeve for Mot paid for their Signal, fur the Year un mOr•�..it ear $.el t so 1 Blake did I ��. " 1 W or 'LUV portrait _ -_ _.. _ 000. mi.h oar ti" (� _ _ __ _ _ greater apprval i^ tho constiw"nas,tha• London A Huron Railway. mattes he Sel..intedto vUUt'the promoters IE71• which they have entered, to send in M{ Humeri-- I r .Ti A2"AfOORHOOrS �-•� ' tmwtwnuts iia Ooyernuteut •tuck at 6 per in L,ndon aid it • Lucus of 630,004), The f✓ll0wigg persons wsro womiuAted amount, r ear1Y r pisuLle. Msy euull U 1 .. EARL AND 7Bs eo.t r,.n. cont, or -n s al ds it n ei tat { for Councillos :-Hvnsr Iha.vou, Gnu, tutus Het u to wt •itiount wkieh we an• Mr. Blt,ke eked and -sed mat to /�fp srf� -- pia,. 9XJ i.m P• l/°a P P•T Naan No or Coesue,' RArerATAaD• ,50,- r.ad l t wgiv(10 . He would bring tae T P alter b1* w11han nate , .,r the matter �V•� Qr arise• t'.rwet1 .-i arrgt. - UtNI il11NCr. rued let Sas Nit. He ear id"mu heat McK&Y, D Rubertt, T m.I Tay Jamas, ante al to rola, cul u did lbs twister, _ 1.. mr,rdeo w Hnn gt 8 W • Sebct Cuwwittw, Uut iuouug • P.000HE a Oold, Inv , r t• Stanley of to titin• out •n lib@mII 'the Duncan McBhennuck, Tbn. Try ler, Jw. abut• all hire/s, d you did not wu4 s -:o:- 3, T Jet, lIna r•n..,r-x r„ Manitoba Matters• dor ' 7rre..adlse W, la complianr with • rogatsitios,"ignd n,ut would anrnnr&ge teals to kis Putter, and W McG.walh reit frore thowChnsCmN ghoeb who w - SP•' Turwwehsil, Bug"oak, Yaul, Ac. !6° _ --_ Yr eneral Seemuwor , Xchange his THE COVING ELECTfON, b ver100uf the leadin cittwasef Gods` I and Yy;inaw, which would be • vary u1*- forcibly nmiudd Servmwe of hu Bhert• _ The (iu•enment u pnpuing to Trus 1 " R fSZANLEY NOjtINATION mY-l:nwnl eeewd tJ n changd Lia '-" -- -- _ _ _____ _ _ ►a.,A..• c...w. itch, R.,bert Giblmne Esq.. Rears, in lbs Portant element to its pruspsrtt�. 'r eomiwga, m ,it sonewhat s. one Ida, swton. N• GREAT EXCITEM Elf i 11 CHEAP and exquisite Oil and WNrKlor sot sur wt•Wr ti wnta (•tit Cha eleeUues N .x,11 r lfis s1*- B. L. UmvLe' said he was in onned lhu F„r Reeve :-Thos. Sim m, elected Fe sem should , •se is removal o[ v live ” numerators finish their task which they absent of the Myoq celled • Public I Rad•►y was a ural bonus matter. Then Pa' Lunt_ ( alp' ) 'PP ,chroao-tai-t:nEa a..J P,cta:ve. -i nam .rm. , ,. bra It.ai .m tion- fm.m ed b , t li« P T . b scelomatwn. Fmr Deputylteet'e, li. -- exeap aasemrrnt •• enJ•Y 1 /I1At R.w.wa.r "..to" lo.teo.pa.awwhft„ twaan.•►v a. have hen doing eery -lowly, It u nut trlesting -f hm li&bpayon, fur Fnuy are nu vert large capitalist proniotiog tr. I LOS, elected by aaclamainu. Ince tsar ow• coareavondrLI ufticu's. He would rate "mat the n- l teat ore,. sue... a •.war w .rn,n.ae.ea. tn. --- •renin the 18th inst. Bt i.30 uilick. At and d b,unw+ aro not fortLcomin it will I , ---- wp..(x,w.,,ot F.,r G•unedlon, Ur. Woods, David ItatLwt,r MArrtas.--ot lab hs )Coni- wuh11w whether tea wenn ht.•wwn,n 'la r. aarytar..t.yy'aa,,rcwtaiu" uao.,pr.p.rd,00a• .Mrt•v r„ru. eapJcted that the total inhabitants in the' g g T >< g br,.Jl..estjYur.rwr w ry Uiou.a. If— we,t DULL, i• Wax, China sed Coepeuler r.weLss.►•u 1'n,rlacd will [•out up to more than 10,000. the tuns appointed, Several hundred of i not be built at all. Between Lou on and Youil, Thomas Keys, W illiam McClymunt, cip d stir here n the Railway movement, (laughter) until the Cloveriwmt bruugh I ar Messes. WW suard"er wt 1 os ekes w rue. every style, air and pnew at • , , al+•r by r. C I thxlcrlch 12 uuwicipaltties wen interested Nal mCampbell. William Turner, W. W and of theconapeting lines• public expires- down their bill. w, r.yvrMw row. MUnd,nch ,u e,wr.. ta't X"ura. _ 1[,th s -about the number, it will be found our pwxipal humanew mm aongngatel in �a 11mr w,ak. L�ndoD, he wan W1J, would a. m.t 41.J.r.ra,sN r„ r bar t.rp..d .YO')RILOUJ�'S — Connor, and Ralph Stephenson, lion. sign i• in favor of the W. G. h B The lir. S selatrsald that story Man should',`.,,,o�•te1..Lw. w i"i"i" --""t'. ..t.uek lw1.r. ' that an extravagant mprrentatwn hes Crsbb's Hall. Th• Reeve took the chair . t150.0110 and he was pleased w hear OrwF Diominatlon Ixmis eked by the 1•mmtm c,unpany is be ssssasad according 4t Les means ; he', a .,it dear .- jarua.oa _. _ A BRA aeJ Mr. W. M. Say sear ueld to I ntle.en ro that the littlo town of c,nedered uorbitant b h�an .hu would would not se fa r taxis re11 i w - . -- ----,- This twee Dean Allure) i„ the Uominn.0 Parfument, art u 9eerntary. Oo.1 IT should tvr 650,UW. Taktat -- be am lle I to beuythe„ burden -the edifices; the trew,l.tkum Id^utoover lthat. f 6r ckle 11gl g.taeM (6S 4i at?Rt•• ��,11VI•'ItY novelty Mol auotioaed m tkulr1r rw.e.•w atwvs�, which ,, onion we to • a• o ex ,restod. The' l R ROOve-John Leckie, Thnmu Strachan; ti . rlrK • Yl'rsrA MITI N alt A'br*• E will be fuuuL at ., 4rd,tra."we P ^g l F ansa. pet par mala of 111v Banca N&aow farmers. Th. chances are hat• once their lir. Bl&ks-Haar haw slwlabla "°" UIuM morresposdsit etpseb fiat iia Ani lira ftasro said theobj&at of (ds reset- i 8wct- IIaIJyr(lahl,e,kn mPl le the hate Harr Nr. Count-bjoeted 7iTa vwaeyhtti .mos` o ' 3f�RIlOiT•iL" ri® "..mow - m*sey ■ in ear W ali,:ut the row. mf the nn puI(gtheartdlitw-Tw,ed,sn li.'ed wr+ald Q•Pdy Ai?a* -- _ elections will be rlsciAtd on the gn.unds Y Pay- he 6ip0,000 ; but allowing Htr the extraor- 1Vhittle.3. ad in F;,wth llrnca in he minority, they r being vsone ; then oerNis st*mar Ina• eta...duuiione rtt"w" w wM m, cad - uf pnrwual g^allfiatiens. Qoartor-Ma"tor- I en, a to whether An inducement" a,uld' duuanl level naturvof tho C out. thm,u b CounttL'.v-? WiUlamwn, S fTlemrm, - wed eo li -Lew bre oar t y y, T x wUl not be &hie b, hriag the ) that gh to bar sxhe exti . �, *a„n „ a, �amwt 14,•rgrnt Juhn Masse• of il» Vnt.ne' toe held out to the promotion of the L,n- which the latter world pus, 6150,000 Juhn :tar ,.)...I,.hn n R o, Jasld, fore the Count ' G,uricil, alatch bel an Mr. 'l'ruw Said the exam tion u( ehwrck W -�r•t” thlHTa ChA5.9 Electro dated spoossr LL- - trrawlhgrM! llattalluu died mn 23ih Nor. nhuerely mei ht be dahmcte�l, w bi,h amild leave the duo, L 11a) warJyJ=hn R cU,nald. ) y p wog rvt„ro r�..., .ash-.�...ovtRr. at : a I dun ltaalway, which wtowld lead there to g -- - --- m session this week. Their defeat in Grey' end school pml,ery sh,wtd be permiwive, Q"•.un•.uo. y w -4 se rrau..•r. forks, Ac., ka, all wrtsnird, .l lt•rwi smam Ab vJTan, wxmlt(., r.m-Wt rata w c. r it's adder roe mounted by all hu of iau and comrades, cost 68W,0W_ The 12 umn,cipaltie in- MOtrls Nomtoauon hr • JaenARing mffect upon their pnrpect muni••ipalitie w here bks right of decid- N,at do„r u, A r.no:. I,, -,.oat, •t., reit. at[VULtl/UC'JE'$. - Nov 6 Lye wh.,so respect he hal " cured by his wait• Gedeach the tsrmuw of the Lna. toMted could readlll' nue this, d they in Bruce. At the meeting which w W be Ing the quruun ; he ear not nn favor of ..mak. /o, wc...e.a i courteous conduct and exact Instntr The Lodoo people "esm at present w be would dime out like men. As surely N All sleeted by amismation. Rear" -T. in Wu.ghem on Thursday of this week, it exempting Gurernmeas ,•dci•tb. - Y� B -' izu.w....id ,pt. rise" t 11a0ns. lfe ear bonsai with Mibtarl keepu'g Bast of us. A deputauun from I Ow,lsncb u iadiffnrost or au gardly w Kelly.' Deputy Reeve -Dr. Holmes, u thought the W. G. A B. delegation will Mr. Perry Sad that the (iuvernment ef- `" `art vu.r..ad 6.y. (lU1.DiNE u the same of the new material -- -- ... - honors. The want art ■uf8cleot churcfi y 8 I F. Make known the condition" upon which ficials in Ottawa had laritely immased ; if vv of which man Mucus of Jewels we . t.r, .,,,, rt o thel Ct had ddrerad • m"un m aerelY will moa bre the rad. tant[ortlr C,rontalloo-W J.Johsslus, Y Kell C �� l<Dl�• ) 1 e •trh.n,y w. h, . ac • TvAsition u nue, beim(hlt Red @Hurls a stnkmg uamPled Cha pn,sfentY sc• Pneokn. they world be welling W ptuject • line they were insufficiently paA their number _ - now made, to variety At w...'v..r Mei to •tr befog mads to eolargm wed uI the BIyW- Il, huwarer, re ccrW hold out smug froth jrndacmoudy du wJ bwulp. -- -- Rh H g SPOTTED MARS, 9or 10 pears old• —moa x,d inducan»nts, the mi bit. coves Mn ; P' - throe South Bruce to Lake urea. It u1* ht be decreased. and the remainder JIVUKI/UCSE'S existing churches. The wrathmr has b.r•u 6' T g W. kL SArt,-s Sid the kwo hem L,nd- t1 emit aa1k. u aTread understoxd that th* are villinq td at such a rats that then would be nu -_ -- ai. wits. ••r favorable to the fall wheat; barn but u° doubt a rnuderable bums would on to UoJench would be an air -line, o^ 31 y T N• iI lot a vol d hetero the 25.! Janna -. out ,t u. . y g ..,,,_,,,,,,�..-_..--_ ___ - ._ ,.�.,,,,,..-_,_. W acespe houses trees North Horns utd-eo"*stt to exeu t tbeTa Ino muuncipAl q vvr.euu•t hr u. -' a"•Irvsti•ool %eon uP w data d ad*+ow bs ngnind to maks tkom ovens ■t a1L mite of witub there would be no sxava- 6uytnt; �rooL.—t a an reetrestd tdouth Hrvca and w lhu hue is he people &&Station p 1AH will e. 20th. G. HILL Y48-3 K sr. �HKDLERCH1EF And t%.o.e hires, i■ .otv v„ tutu O [ tions. It would swan W L radon all the Choice, there u nut a doubt that arrange- Mr. M^Kellar wmtad ilia Gmeramwnt heHaT, IHC. 90th, 1810• w{B M-- Yoroece, sad all kmuda of rare urd costly w ( cult Nov) ne o the principes Jit- Tho scold cartAinly secaro • very large I t0 istims. that the a placennaal nee, , ticuluce to be cimt.nded with u the want 7 Northern tnda in lie moaetime, and if P meub will be male for the scheme neon with h►ting swlea the merunr -f Cha mods• 01 Inul»r for buildrag purposive. Pisa u arrymg-trade hon-Pwrticutarly fish and I tao pmmoten wished to material North• exsw,usti0ne will take place oil 1Yedna- after the Wtngha^t Damping as pomble. VPpsite,n s@wio• aftersaion ; he com- The 5"G5 O' eULD Sootlfand, -- _ _. ___ �_,.___ i at •durance from the settlement and Sw• wlt,i■which Uderiah ear far is advance' wards, they *mild sill have the loveliest day be(riwsiitg at 10 B, m. HUMKZrs ClIA.r°ss.-There u a num- parol ins Rseoruuo Mr Fergua.n t11et —1G)_ mitts w few and tar between. A St. ofTnroeighlx,ringplaeeatpnmml. A14br twrwtythmuglC which to make theexten- INSPECTION DrOtArreR$CROOM. her of Comment changes.takmt PIS"hen he wouldmpprrmths -vnrightur1'rung, NR-3TAND3'r Sdrer, Bronxs,Ebmy, Ysd's firm u budding a s'es,ner to arrive hearing opinion■, he hoped the meeting main. Iutrn•elion of the Grand Trunk at The Rev J. G. D. llcKenxie, M. A. In- the tall. 1 notice that Mr. Barry has tar- with the ALSteuaert rat .na time by THE SCOTTISH NIOHTiNOILE . I waluat'ac., the. at Yvrt 'Barry every 6 ds)s. They alculata ruuld be able to nom" to wmm resolution. any point would rink the new lune into a forget! hu Drug:S1mre W keep Pau with the Attorney -1; he would oppoom _._ _ velli It4l+I that the iret,lht front Fort (ferry to it a human were thought expedient fowler of tis Grand Trunk. If London aprotorof Onmmar 9cbiob, ear io tows growing demands. Mr. J 1l(amd has re John A, ItfAcd� Ytaa&,r ion'ng ; hs JEAN IE WATSON9 Nuutnal nth be •boon 66.00 a hundred. it would bars to gar to the Ps" le. \that• millers &not merchants should ngnire last week and pawed 19 pupils, all the mural hu harness shop to IcMdlans old believed the cn,untr r prepared for the _TET BROOCHES, chains, necklets, ear- - - star they promised, they would wheat, flour std Pork from the "'Set candidates for admission then in the .(Aad opposite the Pont Qtka, r f.rcrsmrly sh„hti in of exempt Qoem of Scottrh Bong, and v Hajar passer Ae IN A QUANDARY. ' have to carry out to qn.d faith. Ht• (which we all wrnatunes du) the" cr.m- school. This is the largest number of he i" prepared to furnish the beat in hu [yea. J. S M stated that, in JAME8 F� �$DY . . — -. friend Mr. Carling and Mr. dmnth, Ex' m,ddies mould be w,rt cheaply and •x- us alidates for admution passed on any lane on the shortest notice. Thr new .1,868 while mato , the Opprrition s Ths Star for once finds itself unable to ma r of London, hd booth nwnho„ted I Panto mslY brought (roue ChieW, this occasion. He expressed himwll well \V. Methodist Church i" completed and beochw, he had sts._7hat the then leder the Versatile Comique, " YALS[DOSCQPFA, for the wonder cid t Mr. W. 1'. Has un the black f.,r bu Yo Aa W y(}.,dsnchSthebostp,intforthntrn^ nw..t ! wy. Speaking of b,mumme the prwnt satisfied with the co^dititw of all the Pnwnts .n appear nr, Lighll cnddaWs of thm Govertime- 'Upper Cands hd ddectietioo of ills young fo ks. ••,wadi indePendonci' of the l}un"rwmout, Y fest 0 gatRs had teen talkal of. On averment of G eder,ch in ne M, Lon of -lasses sod nrRed rho children w keep ap W the Village. We have A foaudrytin font the coalideace tis ps,plo mf Cprr TENOR VDGALIST AND PIANIST - and Yat fors iHpeLal to ants sonwtLing this h° could not exprw an ipp,m airs but dollen. Oar the ha•is, tm arve A bonus of conn• rderection which will douibtlw dd Canada. He N? I a) stated on t at Will give two of their Pnpular Entertain About our few remarks wet flat wudel ro, do°bit a che&p trick ::A be bkelant 16.50,000, a nun •,tL • pn,psrty wurth 1500 rkalhealthy epic it which evidently existed Hoch to the enterprise td the pier. „ecaunn that ret a libel ..n CrPer menu at the T OTB of new sotT•e never beton sea iq Sfv dor mut a our to becarried out. He would now Salluu would pay 62.50 pe anion', wkwle hr i0 the whrol, and whish it had been the Cwds for Job tosta�d up in hu VICT�) II A I�ALL L UodsricL sad whisk rennet b@ SwM 1r h,gidsWr. Th• 7 gentlewns t -come (creed and speak. I would be adding a large maim yearly to the um ,>f Mr. Yreaton, Cha taut-mrbr, W lar avid ry t , ,er Canada hd lost elwshtn, u MUUKBUU3E' , dance to Air. He) a err lead or useless, or t,rgt$TnrrRa Cuss, sad it must I veto* o[ his rol»rty. Anl one grudging import. 010APO - p PP faith ,a him an•1 uM fmm him, end inaperunent. We may lhereton •rum• 1,• patent toad this nilway would be • for would be standing a hu uwnJ/ghl. C9NTRAL5CHooL 1'aize DISTRIBertoff. that he (8•ad6 )i oh A., s every ben°fit t0 bth London and Godench. Hm wound mon :-ThatGodench would be Lsorcat m r "DAawtN'$ Twsosr."-On CODERICHy 1fOORROCSF, hr • la m as"ortaat TM prise will De distributed in the the evmnin��{{ of the I till irut., Dr. Vet•-» merun intrad I Juke 1., speaking 0:1 TvrDAT d WADxaxDAY Ersrtltos, lIl of ornaments in the naw Belleek-ware. ' U1at it was right and reasonable and would He had no doubt we would have to give the best prevent terminus of the London ward Schools, on Tnursday afternoon, dshnrd 61*leeturo open 'The Ilrigia d fur U[ PsrCA°d Have wet 1'ith the public •ppronl of rho I s� to inducement& to brtug them, although &*A Lake kiuron Railway, as Loudon Mr. McDnnga m favor of the &be- JANVdBY 10th � 11th. the ,d their o e u u us. The must could hen be sm liod with salt, fish. tan and,ijp„the Cental School o^ Friday Species." The lectors aas delivered un- ] Star, Jid that organ d&ro ever to speak iia y ! y p. y PP rtd�baq titian of all exeu s• uwa sentiments. All the Star urge us b, however look to the plop that would paY beak mod lumber, die, tc. m snY gnanNgy, site at 1.30. The pabiio is rapnmid andlSetequOCInsuuito and tom ublic A motion eau to refer the meso- nrt.t. or.eet.•w.. rAta. ar.,r..a sr,., soca., No pAins or rxpenme FW Nes spend to thew lest. Bunusa w a o.t. nes .: u, e.•.I ria... , . 1 f Jo is bit kSep the &dvia befuro oqr own w &U vary woh but and could Sean all the brad• fur 60 mviles fatty iegaebd W gtre iia prawns• oed �' P lrunst bo &sol muton. Uoor.o ■.t TJ I-, t rr.at sndeCk, keep •bed of all coOURHO at CCC /Cd I P .'?YQi im- northwards without buildin a mile of road :couutentaee. The Waved • $ohools was wen mntAd 111wmgh lh• coluuns of the w YUURRUUSE'S. 'v w ' e es. That we alma + And that nam rofi46le tide Afterwards :: .. i local rove to attend. The Dr. beKw by in rop1 . W eke, Hun. J. S Mao- CEU, w, TRASR 1 1 d'o• Portant. &,me (Nwtihle LmJunen we ber ofia. t:.1t p0ial. artendrd on Examination day by 267 P doo&Id S,J 1 s aea,unt+ for 1889 (}oar Btoocsa here eodearorwl but inaffectuallY b, get hal U xlerich is the nstnnl urmanns. SrarssN YAra secmnded the mnti0a. saying that Lad intjnded to red hu BuainCw >a•^.ger. pupils and the Central &tool by •bort Isctnro, h 'art the paper ready, but would be bro town Uo morrow, so Godench Dee. 15th, 1870. w{!t-ld- 11101DE-CHAiNd, have thea an^ea Cha Ntor b d�., once in a whale. our sun-' Then is no pPlace between ftnnua &u.d He thought this •n important meeting acid 4UO. prom' a poper and give hu that the Ctom cs Public Accounts _ _ 0 Py - SILVER BNOOCI leump,rary should lave Amid Mr. Hay"wr Collingwi0d uffxring the Amme rd•antAge. that it Lad brought outexcellent speeches. view• &t w earl as He would be struo t.(1 -Ow, �1 L �7�s �1 Nd emu of w4d gold, • •orlon a i _ Oar port ,$ Ute beat on [.eke Horton &red Hr war filed w many property -holden hd SKATRa.-Our Old friend Gardiner, T er The Houser d•35. X MAS Q, NEW 1 Li AR'S. YUOBHO�SS'S '.__ � JET BaocetS right and the LSI -NAL wrong. But that there," ills best da.antry buhycan us and ex ressed themselves at, warmly. The has on hand, as usual, the newest tbIng eta Tan\ Lecturers, (N F```' _ would have been dangerous. Tu approve bmadon for the Railway to thrmngb. ripper plan wr t• give a good fair mod out an the .Skate line, Be sure cid give fur 1 e lecere i before lbs BcAar Pis", pea p Aim A wH hefon (',hri•tmas. Neo ate), were in the habnl Toronto, Dee. lit, �a� DERHAP9 i[ pmo warm tm drop io, yo* the " mock independence" of Nr. Hays The promoters should look fur Someth ng liberal bull,.". of ri win's Tha,ry without r mi ht "re som•thin suitable for• rent JxwELLaD Ru would have boon to offend Sandtield, who ales thea local tralfic. A line of Steamsn Thu rowlution was unanimously ars TRAwes.-W have to thank W. T. eithe! what it ear, or being able Ths •peaher the ch►ir at 3:16. 3 r P from Regime w Otxlrrich end anotLer east. e f to yd s han Pm,L•aeded at great Atter mnti .nor, Hon Mr Camey for your sweetheart or friend, of dor once is a while throw our oon- p� fftanletW (oeGodor would pay tt.er d. CunemO ad mod Mr. Ge,.rge Mao- Hays Esq- M. Y. P for an early copy len f w • hi" viewr end &reared at mn proven Wit etromhu$xcellency, NO•IRHOUSii'S. 001.D Ramco, teuntx,nry a s,p, To d,sappn•e -( the dindeudS. Thu would be a short cut ketol• sac.•uded :-'rhat this mweunR the 1 ublio ■o0ounb ofOobrio for Id6A the a,ncl.Ai,.n that &II the animals in the tnnsuutung a the •want of the - aouduut 0f Mr. H&rm, whro slwdant •viae from Saginaw to Ohio, A plerwter and Pledl(es itself to g,r* 050,006 civ a M.wu to HAw Lar a WELL, is down 550 feet, spec t r of ; a report of the 1w- 61LTEt WAR , chs• r rmnb, aeJ then ecoid M pleatY tie Lend, a mod Lke Hnn- Rea" Loy world mark keys decendal hum /nrT on- s b r mi V and Pruoga bur the ` (11' oods Ware aw Yo* bay Pnwsuuoo an•1 v,dnble uttunnr in angry tones would P• r*Krvwng very satisfactorily. Mr. Big"- 1(inal spo+a by mans of a " natural $else- Pao '� km4 PWTSD Wax[, of roturn (nights M.th nays. W" meat should au Promoters ag-ee to m"ka the p Mar 18F9. goods t1e cheaprt T -why -rt ruake the little follow wilt away, was not + low, the contractor, thaimks the bardat tlou' andstrtoggle fur existence, end or- MOORHOUSE'P. s entnally hare coal and from Cleveland bnninus .t O.dsrloi. hewed on -nand- tock h■a now been bored and that ptogreme Rud i hror -f the self -development Hun. Mr. a hoot ed the Puhhc als Cavare, even to 0e dreamt of. W do not like to ilia Por! Slwnley would be the nay to qct meet by Mr. Lw.nard, •ec.tndrd by If r. �o the Dass 0f kKAh rntmais and °manta for 1 1 & +twtarnento(riaeulpta eau any ss u ewch • gn•ndary. But that I it. Aa to b.wus, (l,xlerich will do ata Thmwas Bates, Irani.: -Th&& Ood"nch hereafter will be mora rapid. h•Or7r-Y,[ mod expead, f the Ymrinr for the Bcttxa Dim■ P vsgs He said that onBl.•gY world s the penalty of hating tits mouth •load hare. Snore townships were offering from pay no bona" bo the lin•. DunaANNON.-The good Tempters stun load one to beherb that all the moi- bre ,moths a do (bit 1870, _ - v RYARich d oo that pr°gna -Ads io 610 to 63(1.000 bun-• to gel he mail W , MR. Oaoana dwANwN maim • tear ra- here intend holding a Tea Mwti*g and I matin exi.tence hd a„Ntrom cwt worce, Hon, Mr. ds prewntd bar aTaer- 11 OO orreo daring tba pet imes,” the C.1* Bt,•dtrs . -hl .'WP•n _..:.-- _ . _.. �.,.,",-�ir.--. theme." Klahmartlw•....TL•N Iw�eks, the purport art which wo oonidm, (nteMtelitlH mwtalwno&t, on -A lamp end- "erne phdna.phars mnwtatrred that al npnrt fur special ash tp"a a of the '� T,arr," sad, .e.r. ��. ^'r"•e'-,..'C1ARD B Hon. tfou that mond hieTirrmaT if yon wisk W w n 'mndeP 13 »k•abrs, jo Eavw AJ140>Kf� t�Ig�RT7A8. _ oLtn .ar out enough. Th@ lige would ealch. wale, oq Memdsy led Janeary 1871. evm t-ogable w wall w wit*els lid 8 A N T A C L A U s , nit P.y its veani*g ex}»wase,[ d newt b! On the Amendment being putfirsttwsss lye hope it wise he largely patronised. done w. The fir. emclmded by stating mnenns tore 1 pJa bar egxt lis nW invite hu n^nemna tmn" to all atthe to YOURHUUSR'S JUAosEx 9tr 1Te Triprivpk las jtivptmd • list of Kinard.ae. Asan old erilar he rid tk&t I ■AWVR wase rue UP Toil IT. that he was willing t a answer any qui" H^uw will 1 i'a — - , twenty T,I,V bh mer when it ch•rscter- K,ncanGne could never bio mad• a safe r The motion wve then pit and areal. A*HrIaLs.-The members e< 7.t0n a„"s, into fnpoa r I to refute any argot. a.mi44"rati RKeellency'm speech at ro T 1 ------- Nara x Rude, twe t a noble aunt ,if mArt n who h&ve port mf &gross. Uodarich t the bot hart• messes- Cameron, Sinciair,Kavags,Platt, HiU l.odlro $. A. O, of G. T. will hold a mento thea might be btcagit forward the el»mug a "ewo bit Camed. Q1 A� Oi L ICyE �TF.REther "a 8 ■red Vias, and y. 7 7 or oar all the owent and will yet become a Short, Horton, Grbbene and CrAb won Tmopararr Social on Friday 6 January og\.,net hi$ •mows, lir hutheriand object• C, xll,;w Inas A lege ten •mond the _" �3aV 1K �ri 4�/ Mr, latus ler 1M Ubam iia eadless •sr»ry, b.•sn under the "lash” of the Mole, lie 187 i. A ea tal strf ort aken mod an Se to allow on rival w W rteml• BUTTER . getlambe�• mart. Ltmlxr, toa the n- •btwmbd & C.mmittw to comrnnnicAb W P• ed to the Ur. s views a* aaornt �1 the P � � sad l..p.nt w iem.ar .u.,vt.. nese they Dresum• to tank for fAemt,elorr. Nava} „( reci nocit will come with thm omoters d the Iwe and report tool socieli p p, Pr ezerllent Choir here bens secured, All time rsgnired w Away &b,at t4tee nhangr. TT.wB my be doll, yet primes ora always a all of the n Tbi" a het last is the member ftor -here i^ an antic fmm nilss. If is tw-woeks. Mr. Can ntr,dnnsd •hill to -.end HAS PROVIDED FOB THF.18 J. f N •rd Hntha, a ws d"rbtlees will Heel l qii y fn the Deigh Mrfieal ahoivld albad. The Dr replied, "'tike all the tune Jon the "t W • hue inawp,rauow of lh. ' low, at YVURHUl18EB. rias;i Kuardine an Afford a burns, S., an mos. After paving • •nim of lkonkt to hs wont -our theory don't oondae yon in CONnlarrNu or proJd d bwmtg aS.,ciadd .tk oo menY We nn offer a (ryiaj( Inde and •bone G'heirwe•n mod Secretary, the meeting rd- O-OsalCr Lorene. L 0. 0. F. -Wil ■n- hal nutter. 1l ten milhoru d ye&n Pat"mblro lahburtnu Railway Co. Sea th .n,ug4-pwaxi Sa11lfialdrtw. Ths orifi into the b•rgAta. We req meek •eat • juivaed. derntand • Concert, Rall and supper will went Satisfy you -bks twent bill u s Hoo. Nr ing intndnwd w 6111 to TOYR, rANCY GUUUS, IR ELRY, 6 nam of lbn Globt,, which the 7'elvq-ph rmpausig Lee with the brand Trunk. _ •�__ M g,vin lay this hely, a Thursday 99th J amntinn !M 1■ ,( dutnbutiem sed Set jloGR:s �, IINIVEBSAi, rdHinuOn ear exPror.a clungl^6 fC I Thuand of the Liss atrwl+d badly. Wm December to the Britsh Exchange Hall. ab the whole pr1 *gmrtY a( ymu will." tl@ment of low. George Jarvis. as ky all oar Amwnan v,$itnn ilii s.$aeq thinks entitle him to the crown ,, mu- MUNIUIPAL NOggI11ATIOM• vr•.t efforts will M made to hars T1» Dr. hA•ii:i listened N all the obj"c PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE at the wt collection of 'pretty things' mod gnlo*a,mw:ns to us N he mild mod ra&sos- awe nevar qel an anongh and d harm eve ti one wri w answer th.m m renter, Atty,- aid'.nald thee moved, wo. 'N cheap you know' Be ao.e mod m Nfull-mos :-- • mmpetiti 11, that would Crest w mon TurN or HnntRlrw •n owually exrllen4 tng+aHws Prad by Mr. BI hat An hrtmbl• AAdtww n[ T Z Dari f] 8. Acid we shall be able b ve furthx And mantanDed that all the vertebrate an- nted to Barnn Lis• NOORHOUBE'6 "The member fur North Humn• Mr. civilly. Mr Imam Carling, ITL P. P., for 6r I>W o0a, comic pews anile m11"` Man c,,,ne 1rmm • orrm,nos an- 10 him nn hi$ elevattnn fm THY OOOD9 ARS NOW OPEN FOB hays, hr at ume" affected a certain sort the South Ridin a in fuv,w of thetwrmin- ticuean bl A bye. gar, omngrA q t rAvcv, envy Ayo Morrie un■ use- CraraTtuvYRYsirrs.SwMr. iMnaghy4 cetor-lie included all sUcha with • Frear Britain and irolard. r • .d a„ck independence. Ha, i1n Mr. ns At (i..derich• Th• Yromumr ul Ontairio Tao BY A,•'LAMATION. eek bm and akeletyo -+arch r man- he Dma IIiBP)P(TIOP. `jASRe Rnd Takt .au, Rlw, ehiOA, G.vee, is a Conservative• and en this (mo- bas intimated that Goveramont mmn*Y _- n*w Advt. Hm is /mU snpphal woh all Tfie mmlan rrried, &red the following ,�k1O the "Manana' Banta Cans want W tY Hals-birds, Ahe &red ropC,lw. Hr ddrrw a9a'e•d l” mod prwnl- o•e.r+es,D.e. ante, isrs. par,&- mubl" asd tam -cotta .►r". a Drawn played the part ,•f the " anLd wall be forthcoming b. •id •sH-judppd L,Tri or COUNCILLnw ro Crocus rjctr I the ehildrens' stockiwp with- iwGtuted a comparison between the whale d fraeud" b. the Admonutntion. Mr Hays Railways. Ho hmpel Ma Hays, m,imMr Yourto M RN's l.HuaTIAN ASAOar A I end 'no*�n*panng he Ant o[ that wr• Tm ►h Ileaey the Right Hon. Jrkn, /�,, gy`♦ L $�dHT wi11 not , the rt the propnwd gnaw ire for the North Riding, would alter his mind Mnndst, lhm 19th burt., being the 8ta- HAI to Cha kasds of mAa. Ms t►en Arena General Stook of Dc WRITiNG DMS, Work-bores,Drerisg .- wilwars Supp - Wsll, mos shall "w. Our and get his hero. Ha naw surprised • tumor da fav Mama' I Nnminati,ms, Trow. -A private meeting of the members anal, nos between he bores, wide, ave Ln'n �.:-- n - T Y W 'r We,her rC)) $ datifnl &qd 1ey&1 m,mh• (}ODDS, CROOERIES d6o.. dna aaaaa, • my large stock at JRW Htnher autribmb.ns to Mr. Hay"' No- gentleman of this tuna should have so the nt"PATsrs of Godarsh met in Cnbb's will be hold in the Temperan" Hall monkey and man. Hen of she ands- �' islruve Aseemkfy of the r YOORHOU$B'8• 1 M by the , grsphl tang stand over W the end d the mudtified himself N to pot k'msslf intn • [tall, at 10 a. rs. tiis (Tsead•y) evening at 7.30 p. rs. once meetmoned the "tail" the m°nk@y'�ryMt uric, na the Dnmin,nw ref .FOR SALE. aa+t xis. , preition to hay- to r•"fmr moan) W bn,ld Mr Robert McLean mend, and Mr S r Bn ntrtanlsir the war. T Or rept . , - s Mrd to GodericA, it it "band be offered H Detl,w seconded, that Mr W T Hays be ff0"Ttuw NttNo.- 8e anis and kip I Caeda, I nn a*wmD1aA, Drir►Iy L•g —o— Tent ae lled Than is not hen very mach d that that b,th men and mmlkyh /ai4 fsmhlw leave to a Your Excellency wilt �YAS PRSBFNTf1„aveott. &qa• �TC hie. (}orunmmnl wenld towq ►* dmmg n-slested, Mayor. yourwh" divrngaRed fur AnRu Fsir- they were b rn; hvt fiat t mnaksJ's r�TwwDstra .tn w r.wt..d.r rb• re..•a@ees rn is Lemlejp_ at dresdf-I "Irk" •f Cha G4A", the T"ieYnpA it duty to Mawhants,Fumen And Me- Yr t Crabb wave and Mr Nark heire's Concert to Cnbb's Hall a thew l M our nnc"n amf(ralnla- 1 ..«ty nr wise x.ao. y m,t r.,r'm, vxwr.. �>rwis� 1 w its tea much childish bath,» &bet, end ehsrtir, i* aivi*g hOwaves to well admctmA 1Yhibl seawuJed, Wat Mr W ilLsm Kar Wedneed• at 7.50 m. A tris vr"h bJ hecs,ns doveloP"d whit@ re's Isfi tieea ow r=.ell s elo•ivtiam to the sr w sw.t tea t,..t..w e..p vnr.uarr IF let t.r YOORHOUNRS Y F nmBiaed nn Awls w. Hera urwafeMl ea u• tnsortvwet Ittat.I M ANI,Rt w . tR prstb@rth,nk k will *ppeute meet .d near T 1 M Cn,tmd R iugdnm a! Gn►t as w vurw nr "t.i.y.w..w cswnr..k, t. u. ysadmrs r not A ked deSeriyGOn d the Rwil1'ys, when thmy have span Lash ,o th" be sleeted Myer. Mr Ky dedu@d W n A" and hi$ IAdy emmpentmns iuvsriahly member remarked that put pad ril&is Ireland. That 10"r Rtw1• oatnrat vee.. W �1 sits► opinion t olnut.rlwd wick Tnwosury. tie was •tsrPv,Sed that Mr. •coapt ills nominating- Rive, is not to be had every dsv and the MonMdthi • mxpls^*14 ' rN rrr.*w to tis wtmst«I witk Nn' a_4ry .ad o�m.w0 . 00 it, -k W YO, NMdowl�j,Mt a11+r all-Moorkow s .iA .I ., ..� i"filsoald Tappioo such w ielallig•nt Nr Mien m0• wedMrt arsdl me" d, tush ebaald he "mhrpd. vee -that maw 1 s,Aieg ou ht ►bed ho erre* wascf mer awe Qrmen, Asd vii,.,... • vee,. itw u .arta .. Sn t t,'r.s& •• ptkftyt,y Mr Ilayson the mstbr of Schmve. •� martens for eve Yowl >b set M1 that Mr W (i Siwnth Dm elected Mayor. - w J ruhLmd the fait 1Q-alludnn W "Owls vernier sea" wh".u, w.s•o,, C000d.o,.: w h isvnd•q 7 4• rho rrbrrww iia the ddrws to the applies- Ma W. S i.00w&ED diol not believe ie SRAriITR -A Onnd Coar"rt, lial be 1e1/R reed to ea)oy he h,rown r ter ul ilaet d lh• surpin• t" Rulwy Mr Nratth reopnado.l that (ling P-110 On urs Qnmm; cies rom ttf w t7 worthily. „sfsvred nn voter Sxrlleuay, i s°Th..wo,k at c.�..x.asrr (Mates .t any)." Aww 4,Pn ,t,nw-_.Aat the D urhU ao R that Imvall) and Patnotam unlw t would said hdMth l ,led his,,, heuwwasbet. and Nupp"r, •eller he as pier of Rtdrlitt Imes :- Oar @i rend •nntr! pnrsv "r ttv u er tura *•'Isom wt orrawt.• Mt �� vw acne.Md the est e( hu lraal•Mt- Yield 16 par pses. It had been said that terhan h•th•t refod a city, As itt°ok him Lodge . 65. I. U. O. P will be giyr ••((. w.w.f, ttst w M's to . Yr• �a then intmAuood iia rsr.a... �••a^'Se Moult"' rtes• tM."srs fJ10DNiMt I AfAt4. 1 herr nm thr"rgk ape ntb&r Pkm1/s w04 in giV".Ruam to l m„h of hu timet to Hind h mos Mnutt@r, is the Tewe Hdl, oft ilia whin sit err rwtk w t�, M ter tee. 1!J lh" Alp►akmt and yet ben 1104 "-mw• iwseSwd I• L CIN Haan. J'A" ft. sAurld .0al, Mr Hay* the Bolt* and assail skdlRd do g r ' w..id o.was�w (MaM.mmr, tier to the l and 1 ryyrR�st� mw w wr*..4ti rS� y• alhen h M eau lib hu paw evni of wedemads Ile. 91M. :Ps ] A. err r r FwTid 'th A/ rovim.ed the @•erre d r at.rswr Civ. /M t ew rims w r wwi reed • ChM of •ll t►o "prsttY tklwpo M p,the t b•,wim to• Ra'Ir Ay to sewn tirtk• rerth e tblsd •i 7. isl t. wallw wla•wrlr+pws. 'Nese. tb.lY N MU M n*•avr►y that he mhe tld, same' (f• a,^Id not ew it. If all he Mrd swe0ndor, And w,rtid koro s a bs4 rmgrol asOlhM wRn1(amwt w1Y IMVNt: The Dr a.welw/od by lls°o fsgfalntly wn /M dn"sti°w, rued pSpd A tylia w•t*Y r icer le of KinarAlr» ehoald Nick sews' y b•g6•d w steep4ojthe iaribtieakiedlyattaadd A,s vi@wt mon folly N tee sail\ tayrvlws omw" er N1re sa. dew NOORHOUSrL 4 tinmmarrl d elm'fn ear Ma rue than Mt Hays. h• re ,ref the dalrr» of tkm r,dtl"•. en "sd wsRwlsa TM r,gamt ts stAM� �ks� their bank•, wr fiat ail neon $be Meets broke w Tail •his lows• " r tit" w4r. w wew'rst,� ". A•.•s r W,t• Y rdt,►trr tat. epScUally b daufiw the n..mmatien. bus. rV p tAe d the H aw. $sa be "."s w "welawmes, 6• IF W. wh the plod 1}.wlerfeIs sit d de Wo ou Kr r11rw,A sxpldsaA Ne asti,ts of }'ve"s""" r ArMyws. w • atm" t@.ws.wr 91ese rhe ftw IM,NI►vee" y TM halt heving mtroared,Mr JN Them- _ ,.--r r y�e$at1 Tu 1 Ir the Pat.y M ►t Nur sate" 1 r'v .onld ap(rw •►rums son, the Rmtrrtsfng OM,ter, declared Mr Twa MATOIALTT.-Mr Ilfar .iM the .wrtimrtt,and rdorewd%^ tk@ Tawaed r wwr••�s."� rTra=11w wI Oodw;sh DN. 11tht 1670. w{7•ffm� M. C CArsant, M C. hsA sa esnmid•r " 7 hn,Alowd with U►ivlstrkt (^ t� 1 rete ••ygbd hie • W [ Hays duly *too" Mayor. gnphe Tkeals to aft ler tis .14mr-Aisor the TtTrewt• 19taia tad, K he &rlritn4DeM (• this siTattsr. Waw s. t ""wwRttwLL . . JMa. t&1* lm d W gwtiwa N^wgh 6o prwt.srn"@ a do Mr. N. Ilert GahhHm, PAsys. onferrod" tea r*Amiti kis Na ' "Af oabdd tbt do p►swawt ITA t••a -V.- . , d, egivatBa. ttiwwdenbtad4b.tuosre KZunreEe lilerlics, Deputy Ram". � y� Yentrenl Wflaess_'they - + R� fff *" tr aura• Pei-► on Lke _ G t y rant... d. a rte.. Rf►....,-,.•...ear.-�.....,.,~...oast..-,-»-."...a.....r-- .-...s.rr-..a��.:_ . w,. " , .. ttrj . � •`=