HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-12-15, Page 1ere d1s'�weefi ;tzars', i3usincss 13ircctoij. W. G. WIL$O* Inmos of learnt's, Weans, Insurance a Real Estate Agent 00111(issio ttta is B. R. DEEDS MORTGAGE& Ao., Imams AMU RIRt.'UriU, ...01diK cY TO LOAN LT 8 per mat. Oct. 1611h, 167617 sw1T7e.' "- tont, 1, Out N-1`1]Y43i' BRADEN AND CLNCAS. ;louse, Sign & Oruaraeatai Painters, I'iiINt ..iiint•sweets ,»t. .edw'we Ga. OX:B U.1c H. .Agents fur Jeckum's universal 'Mop and Wringer ' t rpprtte aeuad.re Itedwa 4. Ston. -_- O.d.rtct, Autylita, 1110. writ TSB LONDON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, AND TELEGRAPNW INSTITUTE. Bot,it:-icscic PINd HT IINOLI AND 'footsie Cony, Muntaat by • .*pert..• . *f .. /latest Violas.. r.aartl,.. Tronu.A las cane 11 tdwnwrtal 1.*w. ArW..tl.• Hu.1.sr t:Mre• katotteseti, P.*mu.►,p, Mantle, Tel.LLrepbten,16fa..,rt tt.ad WoUas, ie . ie, fur full lnt our uo.,, • Andrew. J ONES k BELL, Lydon, (ntario. emotion & Commission. GO1)E1tICJtt ttCLIN'TON 1.o tatb1t Itod 1WS12. i;A 1.69 of Miscellaneous P. opens to Color,ek 1J ewers Saturday, *ad ,e Chagas every Weld - woods y. Mnneyad waned oa Properly for immediate el!. and prompt/el mar4 Perm Stork std other Sales puactedlyattend- .d to t hrtogbout th.Coaey, 0.11.\ KUZMA Noe Auction Mart. we. Market',mime,0udeneb Landau Lltad Office, (5 K Ts(JEMAN. Oed1dN.Jag L5, 1st. awt OZO.COZ A ABRAHAM SMITH. Propri e Sault:* 6D op' 'V NUE. JAMBS *OIIISO, (IODERICH, ONTARIO, D.C., TR-URSDAY, DEO. 15, 1870. )VOL. XXIIL.-N047 Business Mira -tort). • IMPORTANT NOTICE P. R. MANN, House Sign & carriage Mater 11)10560 TO ACQUAINT TAR PUBLIC TRAT be kw lilted up a slop us North .treat nett to las M..1qu H.thd.t Church. with • 1.h r....,a at. lashed whew 1. Is prepared to *11 .:1 inters promptly. andel r.*wrabl. price.. Th..,tin l fur the patronage of bb. Wt Tyrant .utlatte a rot,im**.e of the raw. Now is the time to Paint your Cutters, Sleighs, and Carriages. A/' Orders front country 0.0•1166b6P6•Onwil., b with Sup*✓b Bhp. P.letlas, 11114;1), Oruales, l Otut.{. Pap.r- easlna. Se., St F. R. MANN, Ooderieb, Alt, 16, 1871 awl MIlliNFRY,& HESS -MAKING, MISSES STEWART pW TO IN TNATITHATTH VT HaV'R&IRT)D MDTb..w.. a. w. haslet titre ...t dress 1. ere. to min .`..rt.eirdo.T Ston, titre th.r .r. prrpsr a to minute Weirdo. lurWillowyral dew-atakH.a 1. Ty . Ill we t Style. tad with Despatch N B. Scowl apprentice. warted Insensately. trod.rlra le. Woo. 1.71 aw7.fa fQer ESertfataaotat,]fitclief IC.W _gram 1'dr JOAN /MRS, Proprietor. This is th I erpet•ed b..tCorrtry I1.tel is Wester D1.e.l. And coarse* a. moderates ..y) Hew a %trawl I. Y air Propn.tor. flood.etb1..$ for tu0 Horses Homes and Carnstea(or Hme,.. SSorterat Noor., len? MILS. DAYS' MOTEL WROXETEB. *i the direct road from Seeferan tit IAN Walkerton. Every aeeesery .Is modulon tor the traveliinf public. :HANNAH DAYS. 1FreaeMr. Avg, le. tin/. sea HURON HOTEL, ZURICH. 00. MCMOM JOHN PRANG, Proprietor. /Thu b..•..e i• attic .p wlta every test. rot 11e Ireveille,. paw.., ' Gond *tabors .ad oro.pt sttoadaars. Aug 11. UTO .111-11 MASONIC APRONS L'OR SALE AT n' H. GA RUIN ER. & Co's. (Jodenrh 26 July. 1870. err t( Money to Lend, l'N�m ..meth 'ere.. A11pry to H L DOTLS. devye's YIP SONS anlrnob: Anal;. 1100 _..41111 MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED PALMS, A'I' 8 PEI. CENT 1 -•110. - Some to Invest Is To*a Property J. P GORDON, Rarri.t.r.he. ,Ood.rich. Go srteh, A.g 15, 1870 awl O N ?=7 Y AT malty vim £M P61` LENT ON MORTGAGE. Apply at WK. R. BAiN'S Chancery sad Law O11o., Crshb's block, Ooderich. Ooderich. Aug 15th, 1570. Owl NEW CABINET UPHOLSTERING 1013. Witter in OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL, 11 moose. that be bee armee • the omit nrusiorsca. mem Iowa tau es Mad more. to wed , FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS Darned nn hand se woortmositt ef lipbontryind Iniater41, be eoll be prepared Ito all promptlyall ardent in 110111w 1 NI- Ho frosts by wirirt etestArirjtolbaeleres :kr teelt entre Oro et Om opez mph news tzr zoo *sr frErZTOVE WHITELY & ELLIOTT Corner Kingeton Street & Market Num floderlek Jo. Mb MS Well( REMOVAL ALEI.. WALLACE, ANDifirregeititor woe wirlawirr, malt Soloonbet beving removed toner Sure lately Pea ofilee. wooing am thank Imo And the pole e, or Uwe liberal *spinet roll sena the, have insured ki m for the laM No yews, sod berg woman now Ow Iwo ois.o Ind be awed to mem AwroDoestre• of thou Watches Clocks end Jewelery ...bleb leo) pne selmfaroma to Ike parebsere, and es MI weft kw Wen Mum hy reywn ~amen obey depend ea moon st mmerated. W A goad ameseresent of Don and Plated Jewelry' rawer, Cloaks Mod ALEX WALLACE. Gm/mob drag. 164 WO. W30 PHOTOGRAPHS *WO Per Doiet. ALFDOZEti FROM BACK NEGATIViS /a -ti 51 cents, postage free. One dozen from back negative 87 cents, postage free, to soy tlr:r Particular Attention paid 10 Copp. For either large or man photographs. The asbeeriber ia returning thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to Air would just say that he hew made such ime prevenient* in his gallery os will merit& cosi. nominee of the sense. Large Irbotogragko. s. JOHNSON. Goderich. Aug. 16. 1870. a30 Lazarus, Norris & Co. Ouaii mo INOOIMORATE Directory, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE RAVINGS Tart of IL t• brinower• NO LAWYK The getlety psis seersey. Irma Sem, Teem from we t say Was •tth eupfed la Invest Monogr, the r Tfite WI ailment benet made foe due add ID 0.1 other nordellesnr f*PG a4 Ire he meet. late pen tetemet. email denied that ln t tongelektel. mei the tie. stip. Ito *Swears be tots the tire We Se everted basIons Of tho fatter with the merits of Item My And With”, tie and of te Snow. th evoidiew tint sti.47 tomtit attOttfo4101B of 1.1* rest per wenn moos lbw eite'o 41. the lioneten, CliAllte VI TO LEND AST rams 1.1 & ERIE LOAN somerrir. MIN MONTT ON nitiCOr awl on Tense vary favorable TS A RE CHARGED. Itue• tramp. •ev team of 40, WI 14161 r axe lumber of tioriey ray tee *Monied at ,11 le palit by the norsoy or arlyaire4 -so deductloa prtnetpal. arid lbw ars as meson Our debt le eetirely et. .A Bornmener oblates $600 ter each year, •nd at the toad of le paid or The rapidly la. 1140.147 is the bast InAtratioa nordinoted hy the !ankles polarity wt1/ Wows. greater es 14•4141, foamy tbet.ler Vaal Ip•TrO•Alt, of priarlpal nalaeot, tbe borrower eyrie. hie. pep' off his loan --taus to property. whirl. to often 1 Who due In a Wry sum et • cen. al say time pay el WA W. terms (wank ran to min- uet:or by UN Dintelors. eft I. rowed oa ell parmouts la ad. eft FR :iPrIees to Suit tke Time"? Photographs reduced te '30) per Doz., oa 75cts Fin HAL/ WWI. Large Photograph Reduced in Pro .ortion. Also AM atak. the largelot Pantographs initne to Owlet lel, miry ebasp. PU2S44.8 metures fn. or. duller ahnardstett D. CAMPBELL'S Pliotownipb Gallery Oodeefoii. Sac 16th, 11110. off GODERICH CABINET FURNISHING IWAREHOUSE DANIEL GORDON ,11 MONEY TO LEND At Greatly reload Rates of littered. r ”Ifnesed boar amain of ...soy to loss ai ahoy rate of 1•14,1101 4144 tatt/tanktO, tern* otwooffsent, payable by yearly luta. neon. nu el Wires mil dory rmispetitca. APPrilata'r Pere .orr Tweet* The ealoweer lasseuroses 111171111 Fir* Ic BOW Rept 11111, la I. tie Sillimos lInt-tles• ettailtal ot Taman,. bosun. dorm 'at thelonsin lose Square, Ooderich. Seabee . stet le Winn win In garb onion motel sear Hie A complete set nod durablbtf SILVER N ig* /won** WISINIen name ....penman lbe very hest Don real antrer. of Orelosatity ler hist ricc sort el treble Fork* ft 1 No gilt Noels 1 e Zrnmrtreeti 're Ile 1 01.. 1.01 ea 00 ON t0.11 14 It Doe Lars ra,ai mien tonere patient I eft II ed Aey of the ithomi tilednin lie nit Owe, at ere mica . N.- TAN OVATDCAUTT Otftf of AIN. kept la W.00 10feNn, lt•D Nana, sonar rams Undertaker, 410.--; &cup FlUIVIITORM Mark Twata. Ras/ma roe Oovraios. A few mouths ago 1 *as sominated tor Governor of the great State of New Y ork, to run against Smoriat L. Woodford and John f. Hoffman, on an independent ticket, 1 emorhow felt that 1 had one prontioest advantage over them gentle- meo, and that was, gaud chersoier, It was easy to see by the newapapties, that if mot they bad known whit it was to bear a good usine,that time had gale by. It wits plain that tat these latter years they had beeeme familiar with all manner of &hornets' crimes. But at the very inomeot that I was exalting my advan- tage and eojoying it in seeret, there wee • muddy undercurrent of discomfort 'riling' the deeps of my happiness -end that was, the baring to hear my name handled about fapailier cocoretoe with those of such people. I grew more mad more disturbed. Fioally 1 wrote my grend mot her about it Her answer mane quick sod sharp. 81:;to said : 'Yoo have Dever done ono single thing in all your life to be 'thawed of-oot Ofle Look at the newspapers -look at them anil comprehend what sort of characters Woodford and doff man are, end then see if ynn are willicg to loweryoarself to their level and enter • public) canvas. with It was my very thouglat I I did not sleep a single moment that night. Bet sommitted end most go on With' the As I was looking artlessly flyer the p&p, ere et breakfast, 1 mine morose this _pars, 110 footounded before . "Paul/ay.-Perham now that Mr. 11 Mark Twain is before the pearls as • whetters la style Of 7/100,1010/1 6.1 ttdrruzsa,.. 8.114riod... Chairs, Ca. Chula. TitttlooTableo,Leay Chairs Nothing Chairs IC ardor*, Sole heralds, Cillnonera. Wash drawls, attract. ?sales, Insatis. See Grow Mattresses. Wool do, Wwhabie rill nod ftetsworosi Moulding -frames, wears A HAT ,Toreete. ea* lamer spores IWO Of in their Waverocensia Tromp. Corks & Shrouds in the Latest Style. IrEAUSEP to wire. vixecars C/45411111 Waggon ami Carriaige BATES & ELLIOTT 11 log to the pobIlt of tare tad rornotly that they hese loons Elnotta old stated.) Ian n ordietely Metalled the Western Hotel. R. a a. ea▪ d are prepared to nos tort Waggons, Buggies. Cutters, Sleighs, ANA eemytto. I. Ufa, Hoc of the Yee, ashirtal mei workmanship turd et 11so 1017 kn.* rearerattee Ca 33 XI X WI Ca - Promptly otteedsd la. ON NAND, a large sisortment of *bleb will b• sold Clump for Cleosti or Cord. onnioeL Galan.* 1118 1 1870. ode TAI LORING OPticians and Oculists, nava WOW A VW" Dr *CRT TNT derma fto the emlarareted...Norfeekent flptenselett, appointed toRDON, rheostat am! are, ew Mos paws Dry hsre *ken**. to /11,4•1. st thew Areal, to Ste requwernente nif ea renown. Am oppnneedy 401 be new ailbrded proeste, •t at ening east prevern. matinee. Ton meek rennet 14 lad as so Own eeperionty ever tbe onneery (twee. woes. ream so no gliwymenec, womitorn, be, at.,011,417, from the serener eons no ern. of the Ione., tbe• rma annletres end *ewe. mann, • feeting 4 triter se no wearer, and arodasernd si▪ ght Thor ore tb• eon terorterle• Ant PRESERVE AS Will AS ASSIST THE SIGHT. then venue ebeapeel Yoram. Om heel, elnare baling ""ZIP•111;:sapley fie P•111•40 F. JORDAN, sae Serer tkodenoll• .10 omerm ire 11 SAW SHARPENING. IMMO AIWIlt/ SRN AMR TO INT1161111 TW At I he papered to sharp. seretearr Seeryiptine aa a weitsaallke warm. an Work nitrified to Mr oll1 lie remedy easeatedl bias' Ilsnort•• Oldest Establis)llued Ter fort very letteriagereeragesses lien ▪ ••14•1•1•rong1•1 to blot I sot Nome he wog • LarrymE on Business Eitensiveli Mod oestoktrag moos het flyee-yross im• meam Ariel. bat dbedis 'Oahe MARKET ORNERY CONVENIENT RIDITION BELIABLE and The Large Business Mt* by GROCERHIS of JAE yoimpe sad 41 teene, styles M.A.RT IN ie RIM •ro farrows WOWS Minna Mtn the 17 E lernsrows, none Alit Ow SI 6d. goo* at Casa Nit BUY THE $2, mINGI MACH, or MAIM ‘n PRY Ile 110111111**.10/ kb As( dee Will ALL UN "11. 01Drops•r• vrr ems IPA • IHI-1717 AL XX Me COAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RICTATL. or Cool Oil Lampe, &a &a. Old Iron taus, Woof Pi/Airs. sad Sheep Skis alms um rebore. • 9irn of th Large Opel OH Barrel, THE LIVERPOOL & LONOON AND 431.008 INSURANCE COMPANY Rt. DOM la otruismier rhirty-twe reeve, .4 • *O. um, boa wOhof Josh. roarrihatto to thei rot Midmost of th... romool.0.1. de OW l• Weld rem., 18314, dm/Pita ItraNiintaa &nee smonstad le "07. ▪ „oh • illIk179 go. rear lam 1. a • tale.filta The roe leserer feed le sew sd.”1,444 Tao Ufa Itosorve reed re ee. ettlat.401 DMA Aid ,oliemAtteN Airo218), to Tho ••• miroonotod thenalphoe4 (1••• Q•dmteh, Ars IS, is* sal soend to explain how he came to be con- victed of perjury by tharty-fonr witnarea in Wakswak, Cochin China in 1863, the intent of which perjury WAS to rob a poor native widow and. her helpless family of a meagre plantsio patch, their only stay and support in thew benerement and thetr desolation. Mr. Twain owes it to him- self, u wild! lie to the great people whose suffrages ha sake, to clear this matter up, Will he do it V 1 thought I shoeld burst with amass - sever lied seen t.lochin titans 1.1 never MA heard of Wakawak ! I didn't know a plan - know what to do. 1 was crazed and help- less. I let the day slip away without do.. ing anything at all. The nett morning the same paper had this-nothise more. Sidwitricawv-Mr Twain, it wall be ob- served, - is anggestively silent about the Cochin China perjury. (Miesi.-Duriag the met of the campaign this paper never referred to me in .any other way than as "the infamous perjury Next came the "Ossetia," with this : WANTRD TG KNoW. -Will the new can- didate fur Oovernor deign to explain to certain of his felloireitiame (who are suf. faring to vote for him I) the little cireum. ✓ ano. of his cabin -mates in Nowlin& los- ing small valuables from twit° tinera,until at last., these things having been invariab- ly found on Mr, Twain'a person or in his "trunk" (newspaper he rolled his traps in), they /eh compelled to girehim a friend- lesidearaition for his own good, and so tarred and &tethered aad mode him or * mil, and then advised hint to leave • peramnent vacuum in the place he tiredly occupied in the camp. Will he do this f' Could anything be more deliberatelr Montana in my life. [After this, this jonrnal custnmarily 1 Inn to picking np papers apnrebensive. ly-much as one would lift a donee blan- ket which ha had some idea 'night have a rattlesnake under it. One day this met any eye 'Tut Lot N Attu) '-By the sworn affi- doeita of Wrangel O'Flanagas, Rag., of the Five Pointe, and Mr. Kit Burr and Mr. John Allen, of Water Street,it is establish- ed that lir. Mark Twain's vtle statement that the lamented grandfather of otlr TO - Me standard-bearer, I ohn 1'. Hoffman, wu hanged for highway robbery, is • beets] end gnstaitous Lin, without single sha- dow ot foundation in feet ia disheart- ening to virtuosi. men to see such shame- ful mains resorted to achieve political sue ceases the attacking of the dead in their graves and defiling their honored names with slander. When we think of the an- guish this miserable falseheoci nmst canoe the innocent relatives and friends of the decreed, wear* almost deletion to incite an ontraged and insulted nubile to slim mary and unlawful vengeance emote the traduc- er. BIS nn -list us leave him to the agony sion should get the better of the public and in ita blind fury they should do the Madero beefily injery, nor but too obvi- punish the perpetrators of the deed.r The ingenious closing sentence had the effect of moving 11341 0111 a bed with de 'patch that night, and out of the heck door aleo,vrhile the 'ontraged and insulted pub- lic' surged in the front way,bresking furni- ture and windows in their righteous in- dignation as they carne, and taking off inch property as they could awry when they went. And yet 1 can lay wiy band upon the Book and ry thou, I never slandered unroof)? Hoffman a grandfather. More -1 had never even herd of him or mini- tioned hint np to that day and date. [1 will UMW in paring, that the internal above quoted from, elway. referred to me eftervrarde as 'Twain the Body -Snatch - The nett nominator ertiele that attract- ed nry attention was the folloering 'A Ann*? CANDIDATII, -WW1 Twain, who was to make such a blightiag speech at the moss mestine of the Independeate last night, didn't come te time I A tele- gram from his phreicien stated that he had been tweaked down by • rate and his leg broken in two plares,aufferer lying in rut stony, end ee forth, awl en fortkesid • tot mere bosh el.the rine sore. And the Ind ;iota tried hard to send- . the ei• as Wert cow? ITOT OWN prOparty. mama yheosti. 466.4....4.1 Int admion of this (=urn isitmeted my head INIX• I had tatted ale, beer, wine, or liquor of any kind. (It &hews what effect the times were having on one ahem 1 asy that saw my- self ounlIdeneig,...doolsed 'Mr. Delirium Tremens Twain' the next Moue of that !knew that wath mouotonous fidelity the paper would go on calling um so to the very eed.1 By this time snoymous letters were getting to he an important put uf isty spatter. This form waa common. How about that old woman you kilted of your promi••• which was begging. Pox Pax. And this : There is things which you have HODS Which in unbeknowens to soy body but me. You better trot out a few dole. to yours truly or You'll leer thro' the papers frost H•NDY ANDY. That is about the idea. I °yield continue thern toll the reader was surfeited, If de- liburthy after the principal Republican journal "convicted- me of wholemile bri- bery, and the leading Democratic party 'nailed'an aggravated case of black mailing to IOW (In this way 1 acquired two additional and 'Twain, the Loathsome Embracer') By thia time there had grown to be such a clamor for an 'answer' to all the dated- ful cluirgirs that were loud to roe, that ch. editoreand leaders of my party said it would be political ruin Ger me to remain any longer anent. As if to snake the so- t peal the more imperative, the following appeared in one of the papers the very next day : futility, and the erection of public instate. /hood which are ne leas creditable to your liberality than productive of lasting bene- fit to buff:ring humanity end tithe general interests of the Province at barite. Hoer best to apply this SUrpttia, or tat all events, cousiderable portion thrived, on developing the resoeirces id the Province, by aslYancing tliteCoinuiercial and Agri- cultural interests of the people, it will be for you lo determine, ho fortherance id this riser, • turomure will be eithreitted, recommending &greet of .uoney to stone - late the initietion of well considered an.I bona Ade Railway undertakings, which are spectal/y designed to pettntrtato the heart id our Free Oran: Territory, and also hi eacoerage similar enterprises pointing •••• Lh. snore direction or to our Inland Likes, which when conopteted, will 116411r• to certain sections of country the luxury of speedy triter and the adventure of cheep transport; hitherto enjoyed only by thus. within reasonable dislasees •xisting thoroughfares, tas winch the now impro- vided localities have long ountribnted. While perfection our system or public nut/ruction, ..40 DO 40 f •nder Conine/in Scheel education rionetsible and free to every child In the land, and to proads more effectually for air lug • higher Ent - lash and Commercial iodination in the Sup- erior Schools, your ettention wolf be invit• ad to the expediency of tusk ir.g that educe - Ron more practi•al, and directly instru- mental in promoting the auteresta of *gee country's wealth and progress depeads upon its agriculture sold manufactures -mad he development of its mineral resources, and our system/if publicinerliction should preside a imitable preparation for mod- eltural, mechenical manufacturing and Bear_ remenalti.sla-,1544006ttallat n"" e"."104 kuld out there till the laat, tout erillellatel candidate still maintains silence. tier t nee w lo an Ili of oit't a',U,s. -Rom to ma 45/47 tract r,-...;-„,valow.", E : teethe Tun rteriTt G ►1tOIIwD?Mott/. wtl61 iUgt.m, Lice. e.- •`Tw'w.nttri lYa.hbrnw, .4 Wiee•1.(., ha. sees".«; letter fnna ht. boot her, Meister t.. Jeremy in which he ea)e :- 'Tho i,v,l'le d Paris hate provisions' enough t.. lu.ltl cut until tb. 1st of Janurry. T.trha, Dee. a -Th. pit ernnl..t her tete,: by Irl4rwt iro.t iruualsi/ Pepurtti 1., the 4th of the poorer and r..oty.;, the m..crumu{ made by e.eral Duren Ewa:UarraliMbYttlTp6as¢raA��6��i'_ ..,urian dtrsrd he. ►'tow • Siena attacked tits peat Un.pehH.iillthei French at Chanrp,gQ,y and in foot of Vatter'. After seven .Loan' netting Ibw enro,r failed to carry the positions of that French anh d retreated, leavingtheir .Iea1 and wouuded on the bead. Their Lases were from 15,000 to 20,OUf). On Sitter - der tlo French recrossed the Marne and took up portion. 'rhe cases made no at • tempt W .r..im . these. (len. U..6ro( grcutly d'utiugulsh.d himself to the ball;. of Friday. Among the killed is Gear, Llchariere. Gen Renault wu badly womeled. Gen. l*,trolly, in his report; says the troops who rttreked the French ecceeded in number 100.000. Their lower. emit have been extraordinary for neat day they were Nt weaheu.J that they suf- fered the French to cnom the river metope prod. Th. atttwas of the Yreucb tweeted I the wildest en tho sheen in Ana. New York, Doe. 6 --A special d«pater. i 1.ah. Tr.4u.w from Vera.rll's, dated the let, says :- ' 1 he German los in the aortic at Staind was ivam.tdereble. Kiwlle fell at a grey eT _ range than at was believed the forts could sorry, reaching beyuud Monttuurencv. Tne whole range .aa0,300 metres. At l:pipN- the Preach Hordes rush at 3 in the after. noon and surprised a battalion of the 71st. finder s heavy fire from Brink. the French eimultane,.n,ly burst out front Fort St. Demos, mud • Iamb oY CUtoirt(donn tire, sllvatn swept Che bertha dear ol tidelandtonne and landed a force at Epinay.' New Y.rk, Dec. 1 -Th. lJrraJJ's Tomtit rectal says - 'Th. a -my of n. Loire hu retreated . from Orleans to llL.ia Then wu meek dtaeltory fighting on Fnday and Satu'tdat. along the whole hue from theme to Arth.- ttav and the left wing of the army of thi Loire WY doubted up. l'he army of the. Loire then omceutreted within the lines of th. Orleans entrenched amp, twi hundred thotwand mining, defended by, cannon from the nary and deteriumed to he dare not ac:k. Eeery secretion too ono toodie„,o, and thio prornorive •fininat-him bee u amplat proved, and of the highest noaterial no less than of the the hey' been endoreed and reendoneed by is own eloquent *donee at this day he stands forever convicted. Look upon your oandidste, independent. : Look upon the Infamous Perjurer ! the Montana Thief ! the 13ocly Snatcher ! Contemplate your incarnate Dehrium Tremens ! your Filthy Corruptionuit ! your Loathsome Embruser ! Gass upon him -ponder him well --avid then say if you awn give your honest rote to • creature who has earned this dismal array of titles by his hideous crimes, and dare" not open his mouth in denial of any oue of them ! There wean() possible *sr of getting oat of it, end so, in deep humiliation I atit about prepanng to 'answer's masa 01 base- less charges and mean and wicked Liles - hoods. lir I never finished Ulf Mak, for the very next morning* paper came out with & new horror, • fresh nualignity, sod seriously charged me with burning • luna- tic asylum with all its Mutates because it obstructed a view from my house. This threw me into • sort of panic Then came the charge of poisoning my uncle to get hia property, with the imperative demand that the grave should be opened. This drove me to the verge of dultractton. On top of this I was erred of employing toothier and ineompetent old relatives to prepare the food for the touudling hospital wavering. And st last, as • due and fit- ting elimax. to the shameless prosecutiou that party rancor had indicted upon nie, nine little toddling children of all shades of *aloe and cletrrnus of rafillednam wr" taoght to rush on to the platform at • pw b- lic meeting and clamp me around the legs and call me Pa ! I gave up. I hauled down my colors and surrendered. 1 was not equal t ) the re- quirements of • Oubernatonal campaign is the State of tlen Lurk, and so I sent in my withdrawal frOmlbeeeedlaeiy, and in bitterness of spirit signed it, "Truly yonrs, "Ones • decent man, but now THE LIEL'T.-GOVERNOR'S SPEECH. Toronto, Wednesday, 7th Dec., 1870. The fourth ration of the Ontario Legis- lature wee opened this afternoon m 1 o'clock, with the nsual ceremonial, by His Excellency Lieutenant-Lk/Terrier Howland. A cavalry escort, end gnard of honor so- oornminied His Ethellency to the Hour, and the garrison battery fined • salute in honor of the ocession. On the floor of the Chamber were seated the judge*, derv, and other notablea,and a number of ladies, who had been invited, were present in hill draft, and presented a very animated ap- pearance. Sir John A. and Lady Mac- Donald were alto in attendance. tntellectual and moral Intervista of theneo-'poloai„, from (moo. error Statistics furnithed by the Department had dee hundred amnion. The Gureat'llesint force bells red to be X0,000 strong. Idd of a considerable addition to our resident MIS and receive tho Pruesten attack, one population during the present yam. over they gave way to the General's opinioof. tatltaketnofupthiehpereirli:us;aetvin,,natilad..1 rut: 1,,,L1 quarters in which the new comers bare that the place was mown ;hie. liubsegueut- ly the General fonght to the utmost, bet was po eerier to effect anything. Ai - mate the happy theism they oegin toThreadomed.06in athtriielteniondaof thlh.030.1 ,aindionpltimioniin. evacuation of the city, threatening to boon - bard it in ease of refusal The Proomenii. Ontario tiovernments will Amon be seer- alkin,Ptiolltivdioo.bo, e few Pria""n giatically diraoted to give &further impetus' Tuve., Dee. 6 -The offer! . report to the selnitne fee promoting I minigratian, which it is the anxious desire of moth Gov. the battle of Cessna shows Met the Orr-. ernments to rendsr perfect and effectual. ryainc!ira,..18,:ekt,:ifort,...lichts'ourr‘dp,»17,:egmti.P.orlikit.: so far es a liberal outlay of mousey and 110- tha aro,. a .4„, • for its object the substitution of • new M. Oatubetta haa leaned a ciermlar to *hi mode of trying Cootroverted Elections. Prefect' laying the situation tbe arp,t The Report of • Survey by eonmeteat uo good. Hoag reinforcements of artillery persons which r mewl, mooed to he arewilia:izinwg rs.andumth.de forwent inuresaerit • made or • portion or the larr area north of Lek* Superior, aad lying between The apparition are attempting the efam-• Lake* Neepigon and Nipiesitl, lation of false runoun discourage and' shortly be laid before yoo. I hay will demoralise, but their aseertiona May be' to believe that in that hitherto nneexr"plored.4", con fidently denied. territory will be found large trsota oflacd well fitted for agrieolt•ral perpmee, and with a elimate similar to our owo, well calculated to invite the emigrant to look tor a hippy home in that now ap- parently remote region, The fioancial amounts of the Provinee, with the estimates for the ooming year, will be arid before you, and 1 rely on reedioess to grant the neeessery supplies. The sad 000dition of the idiotic/ class of our people would mesa M tripir• your stMntion, with • ries to provide for them better rare. I also mown:tend that provisioe be made for the establishment of ono or more Central l'risons, the importance of shish I, on a former occasioo, felt myself eow pelted to bring under your omits% The state of the Province is hopeful in the extreme. With a rapid 'deem* in trade, &grim It oree and min ufactu re. more aelfgerernment has been freely conceded to as, and ehcrishIng, aa we do, our heel ty preference for British Morita- : lions, affordin7, an evidence of our desire to fester and maintain at all braids oar canceetion with Mother Countryore have no eause to envy the condition of our neighbors. Let us hope that thall Meting prospect may not be marred by injurious dissessioos among ourselves, and that Providence may guide your eouncils and Rive direction to ::cour effirtain promoting peothapiehasp,plian;set and eoatentment of our His Excellency the Hon. William Pearoe }lowland, C, B., Lieutenant -Governor of the Province of Ontario, proceeded in State to the Ctiarnber of the Legislative_ /term bly, and being seated nn the Throne was pleased to deliver the following speech :- sperm, end Ondloweis togistetive 1.- 1 aro happy spin to meet yon, and to congratulate vett upon the greatly in - crowd prosperity of the Provinoe. Sinai we last met, the •rbitretore ap- pointed under the provisions of the British North America Aet 1467, 'for the divIsi • on and edjustment of the debts. credit./ liabilities and seers of Upper Olinda& and Lower Canada,' hams prossented with ours, which were lately terminated by ths wit/ he laid before you. Without offerine an opinion an to whether the indement of the Arbitnitors on the eeriness nointa sob - nutted to them realises the general expec- tant.* of the people of this Province or not ; I venters', nevertheless, to express the great satiafectinn whieh the resell luse afforded me, and whieh, apart from the feet of the awsed being final anti *forte - sive, eateblishes for ever the share of thef publie debt which this Peeving," waa betted general seers intended to been et armature *huh they deeeestsate thole re° beau r'fir, "mit vosowvoir, to red 3,40 /h. Nem. Wet laid *MAIM it__„_°06 614._ °mid Prot. ..topista Wni that this tommeted Mate wee rot 4.ir 0011111/1•011 hdt sue so satisfy the WWII Timis Massif, Ke IWO* slum aa Mat °Pining' „g°10gMamtly Impremedh the Ma It a omm that 'doffs el me 'Mates*. tri"..P4 past Ishrse uses ear Tlie vows or the people demmele them- fa" bl•• Joon won fonivelled. old UNA Ins *so ed rah tins • Ns. nmeistain outkra raq11 foe the Letter trona Sts.nley. A correspondent writing from the Town- ship of Stanley, does not approve of the tclea of going up to Bruce, fur rations rea- sons, but says :-It appears is. /DO that a mond) shorter, therefore less expensive, Sir might constrected to tap Lake H uron, and thereby avoid the long, tedious end dangerous navigation through ORO river St Clair, and in addition this elm line would rue through municipalities willing t.ocontnbute to its construction to harbor already in an advsnotod stage of el oneetruction, where (rubric vessels alter', den- t"notinibea'rreaD"cto.. toTyAreannefhirise pity, Only last week 1 awe a large ischoon. milstAr. A frstR4 Spain oonsietiog qf er taking in grain, not at the north pier, re.enty. °ere, •rhee er rine the river contd be made on good re/irking order long able exertion thus short hme and harbor .t.„ro.6": oworthoo.okyoutl aw‘y ca.rire. of N. at ley wtrolti mertne wee thrown off the treek, ont vow stat. that with end the whole train ircholing the toonervi killed. about half -a -mile from Rieh from the County of 111:40. could lel' had, if all I allude to the litylleld harbor in How shonlil we ever get along withoed which I mak• no ilnithit newspapers We think wit% reveled.. •thocialdt'be.""ItahinP•ded OTOS kfl • CoMpany Who ninVit of the limo when people kne• httle. would run a line nf rails in and complete nr enthing ,A their. mine. ie not tk Might. the work, and indeed, fee that matter 1 thing by this Mere 611 ha inlartleitinly SS,. wall es smelled, withorat erreine our threshold.. Tio how many, onetthe to do, boon How many otherwise vapid mod'. weary hoer, doee it !retie ! many. sohiwil. IN, hoe retry ler it proved, the steppingetnwe fr. 1.1,. seiwittige gather the Matte tif this piehhe afro, 'The consolidetion el the Dominion of Carla steadily progressing, reed it is' admitted that the general proaroma ow yorink Xmpire never looked brighter then. at present. Its revenue shows • largo: amount of ehistacity, and ita population. steadily expends. It is true that tie oriental Forman raid, b•• disturbed the' monotony of celonial every -day life, MM. 'itch • ridiculous effete only proves the loy- silty and affection with which the great mass of eauf411161111 still ,rognird the parent land. Then, auto, tarsi ammo ot louts ars continually array:lug to bnild the fabric of future Canadian grooms's., Omsk never did so well as an emegratiee field as at the premene tune ; and not ottlY has the Vaned -urn Glevernment etaigta., tion agenta et work in Oreatillritain and' feeland, but it has aro ad/opted the boldf arms of seadinj them out to the Conti; milt of Europe. 11 is true that • certait proportion of newly -Arrived imetigrents in Canada generally 6ud their way into DA • populitien Of the Dortemo is Wear( Metering, and that the great natural re; sources of the Cardian soil and shorts NW; being steadily developed-Hempel/14 1•1111 RUSSIAN QUI11.3710N.' New York, Dee. 6--A special Peri" des- patch says that Austria haa Russia's' positive guarantee that a11 the stipulations of the Paris treaty conterning the freedom, of the Danube shall be maintained,' the drouseion at the London amferenes, will b. oreefined to the neutrality of thia Block flies. A London despatch lo the Tether ore; 'Mr Ode Eneeel's mimeos haeg. are.' Count Rismark, is willing te /Beers in friendly tone with England, him makes no AlloT111111 1111110174 1.0011)11111i: TWENTY CAWS AND ktif/COMOTIYIr think that tn add mon to givitig the harbor, sonsiderahle sum in aid of the seheme, bet 1 so velment. thet no money would be voted by the rittepayors oi moiler to bare • reamed to, or throes,' their 41194* skip, entre in connect.on "rith the herb., I throe etu these 'twine -me for the am- gelerenee of the -partial e too project the e sker; and "rill fed add thou the peroxi- eregeatAtederieh to ytield is not e met or. We hope are 4,11* *Ill 6114 1011,11r• few mi outlet on Lake Heron. The mity I --ism. a parties to he considered in that matter with tho ,4,,,,, rter,44tew ch., ra;,,,V... L. 14. Ili. tohl it thin, "In•tam_b• '14 P"•'- celetwariose from yaw le year. the CaNke• --flew Prem. miletetene of the trolly ender Keiser vele Preussen sad Sohnialtram ▪ tarMity tar *kw Thre• Mee yam Mid persadoller di° ow** sad 4fieuttes, bet aim of r mid that If Meg Williire seeepts &ant,. at it the some/moo 8,,,re.n. Gemese Chews he will remote the tale the same, end an anneamta tba tr.,. .4 pre sitar Mike pate% 'soot of peel Von n111111161111 SO nr ragman o • e.