HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-12-8, Page 3• we 7 �' " • .W* 'b v e • tf r.aIIK 1 r. d I 7 :tom 1qK t '�1j1 { .-lite _ _ ._._ 1.- _„#_�•- ,,,,.Y,;-ti+a..,. �.y+W. _ _. -.--- r gown CRIL• ' 8. M. PEl'fBNO1L1, a Co., A9 CARR MONEY to LEND e , . GOD�;RICH °tttr�1:100a�0t0�" CHE16911, PRIWPL -_,,N__...- _111---- lY)L xxr .O., 4 ANSI UW/ r -�- PREPARE FOR WINTER '�.y no NOW, NNW 0PARK ROW, NEW ()N•d.y,suu..w•er..••.•bi•tro„• as '�+'' unw4w TasKAILWATQUWnQN.-Ws presume TURK J.Y K1KCLtIn usrletar: • Oj�FLOU ll GIM lhwin•ltrylWr anamx • + Chu will W of ssfllui+ut iutureu I, our Au w sole •.•.e, r, U, -!.,u b, N'.r teed, Iver • 31,4 - fli i wpm FLOUR WI VMD .ad oarAmpmdm6 � � �$j � W�g'� �� 'y Y g w tt• I to red nrwl 1 weekly •. X � r asyw 1,.1•q (♦' - - Y1t■•l, Ire tla,It)...dw• wlhorh.d w -.loot MILLS bw y'••9[w oup aro, to save w ties uneusttl u hof ou rush A-11, 1-L. f.r toae uur wle.0 .r► W ' of 1311 OfR. J11AI)W�t'•!► s.p .,w,l..rq far deynhng s, wYcbuf solo l.,.a .,1.•rtiro. n, -f 1m I r•,n•.,,,1 w lea. ABRAH!!� SMITH • • - - ,w ' rt �� �ala>�s tit .paw W lL wstrkrrr• ■IW .U"r ur ilio Qwr L.u.w 1- - f�wrAl'neIRIRY,It NAVINU KM'ETTLY.r,;4 1. TRK H AmwR CowTRAt: . -The Toronto TM Naw Durrxwx MONTH for 1871, 1 ,'h.rd tW ■s,.. Y,'I., cyte w numst. Ibat b. R30OLN ENT- T,tot:yAreported that Mr Bn,wn'■ ten illustrated, which will oompnr luso vol- MERCIIAVT TAIiAR dL CLUTHER, W la.t Cue In •urku,t nidus. solo .red lam, rye air I .,•. )r. -TM o►a•d „ry.Aar.a /• /ecus elT der hat taalt accepted. We prn.nnle this Y,nrof 9K4 duubl+ wlunln or 7" h.•' n}LL CLEAR OUT THEIR STOCK off' IMPI;OVDFARMERS'BO L Vfr•wwam u� I r✓ ✓r"'o'�''µ)�r"••�M~�"•= 41 pages, Iwo rrrsirad a tarp and complsu I. w,y u likely w be {b result, as lire lira I the A ns in the year, will „rel o..t nue dollar afdk+waNes 1•••.11, I �` �. 'L t faoililiee for verging it ant t„ ilio bo,L V 8 Y STOCK U R .►1 •b M L wshl.ut ..l , rn ,..p aaR■ytL,a. ur J we ras ileus Wal\ 1 .SA -1 if orderud ut clubs cf five. Thu iu axlu+ i t ■■ bm a.1 w real ,al», n.,. i■-lulgerd rttk 1. tier 1` although we are tnehned to n VV I�I>Z-4c�),t-.ra,1 alawll lA•l Lekr,+rAwsoh.. ys•ww•sarlMt•r. he YAp 4,•. •.•,,,d •w. a wow crew•.,✓✓./ Jlsfr'I lyse• mdvmntrg+: e I ole bea amuag its the D.JWra n, slid (if VlIl1TLR CLTOA11iG, CLOTHS 4'.u, r...n (t- a MFdy. 16ow Y.•.'o l" rrwi think the ealoulauuna Fru not pot Guuh+d, sots ytlr.oua muu..y lorry u• Irlrt hull l■J1 NW 'a, C Y t ,.,, ,� 141 Mt vr•bte- s,wr.w.r. r'if the tyro .riles in the Uuw ast,li, and is eel ew.h,n •ray .k .t l;Ra[NTY Aa FautT.-Byre 11. itic Knutilo's "looted Matter u from the I,ss►wrian of A\ ll _ �l r �""1 "•' Via" ""d 'Ma`. ,,. of ,,& we yROtaNUtu, the rxld. T{Ispricr loll .....1..16 - -- -UNDER-COATS, - 1 A .Ta7 - U 1 , d..,r•.r r �rru: rww ALSO A FEW NDER COA S� P P AND FLU R 'I' tiA CANT JB Tttt Z ..a j. Ii �iaatastrRt int .. il.ra4:.brh:-'ano.L �w`eas win [» .do r. L s� 00. `- l '� a • of eo ., un I � I" •� meet her awlulnd • 1_., pit l a ratr w I its sod sop,rstuly for live &Hera, and in all /u •f wtkhlw M ` ,� xr sores V •wV IV I • 1 �1 V V I • - _ ��r�sp rMl .. wad 74y t�kt 1»'. vow« iJW Owlr7D , W►'.• fAa prumoten.+rn[utticlp.trd. Lust Nridrr nrMn illus i.rtabe of ills magaalne u paid C H EAP FOR OAQNs IN THF+ Cd r + + oe s�.r 1 •red P k ■�.t�� sY, r W �wwf rani JJr, ;1.• tyJka•t- mght the Temperance fall way crowded to boo the rukhdisn. Thu w,gas:ne, the T►,hm•rounds wO,.l,n•",.'n Rvl uwwNve.r „rite of W I=* rd TMi a �fMr , a, � 00 �.� w+tJ••. wI the do„r and uvwr 100 people sought no- only literary M(.NTMLT 111 the Duminlua, INDaaD err W .riot h.'rhri fur ii htlLt •ad Ids anew IM M r' W K. w tint►. i • JM•nw� C. ors #r••ss) LAW+ 3 yds 36 -in. heavy Wiaoef. abut* for one d011ar, pt to thele., tl-krw .«., euooeaa[ully to ubtaiu adwia, l.n1. At leint aLwhld bre well supyuvtwd, ua kro►u I P' u,.• eel dhsyYerr. ~� 'l• 11- 1, som- . t*- -refs" M 3W penow nailed have boat present, Tho CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST r � �� r"�'la� � ���wr�•� -� t ouw M a'l+o•h••• and sleet /a' 4.Irf ,./r 1, Aw..n,r..t r A. were Min Uiiuu,Mnear■Muller, AnIndiana papertellsol•lawyer them GinaicL,Sur.2yHI,In70. .+:1 - BTE,AM MILL swuwBem ,e.w/lwrwr�r wLor�.Jtarrdir,rrl A. Crasron, Junw YuunR, B. L Doyle who charged a client 8lo fur eollectiRg 89; 1 t■ •Irealall ar-t+r lore .ul alt ta«r N.�.iAro rrlMyN rd onus wBaO! ;"wk, lrye and H. M +.mutt and Mr. HA but said lin would nut rou Aim to W the ny.r.n•eu p.u'u buy. r "u,r,l by tnilRf w SAASAPARILLIAN RIS3ILTEAT• y(Zd Harry pp u c GRISTNHOME THE DAY B•. drl>L Hmith rngtkeveral oapltal C�nuio songs. other dollar for fee drys, tt 1t would bo- lry.uuuryp, •ud trT� Acil E�,7 N w Cherry 11F/anw/ arl IL•v„rul t r. "Istel, ,�. a". --ft'ali.: A.•... e , , mora aunvnnieut fur him (u Int it stand. A largo of M. B. -All Uma weiahrlbdh ni" wt. ao g oS ,/lrtw sees. watr� 111M aM..r W ~Wad$.",-% • w-d'w enol lhs enuiulobitofIrishhumorandbrogue g ofwru,1r ,,, allot/ sty, - «t { ToreCr.b,m n.Iwetfull) rdw11M, •W ..Mn• ran sot VubM•A r�I I WB'f.w,b tya rgwthr, u . 1 wry. w t read b, Mr: MacUnrvnutt auu the spicy, '�- _ = _ _.. - -- Pea Jackets, .lives, w , t:t tLil...t .•.k yr.,.r sold solo tb•a ••.aD fYRt Ra vuwl"n,W s ewd Mrar:..-��r+c.".Jiaf_.♦wr Braley lArt .Mrs. Bradley Miss na between Mr, mui1L�RRlJ•U' DAILY AU TION I '+�I+IRaL . Jdn. Brellq(Mir Dison and Mr. Can+r• Under Coats, J • J.S. *O]IEBVILLE r AF..,LU 1{ :d j".: On) wens al trnlrw of the eveuin Les -CRUS -On Wednooday. the 10th mel.n,h A,,•t loth. 1070. .watt Ayers �O Cure, ' S11LS.IP.1a11 L_/.1.T > g' Now, by the Rev. E. L. Elwood. at the and Pants and Vests. �7 �e ate, TRQii11f 1 AN J j Tito Committee will have to secure some residence ,if (he brides father, Matilfds, .•i, Aad l.-n„b:ns STRAI ItLl� i l(J. tBJI/L t'&l�fr mon commodious lace of ineetiu Y Y° _ For a* ]dater Fever, Dumb _ P e tiauRhgi u! C. Crabb, Ear t Ooderich Fwrr Au-ww.l rl.bua snot. AT ?$R OLD STAND chop t rover. Dumb Rarsrasa ! The Concert in aid of the I ( / L W.r.8tune sod Dr.... SrEATSD h"m t%.lore w.•h. a.yw■lnq W. Yn.0-I, Acus. • lou• Fever, so.. �Ittnnt ('Lr:nlral Ylinnipk+ "ulrtAell' I W W. heel, Fwq., u[ GUda'teh,P 11031 III. ,uy If Y.uanwi,e. - iJ of ur uud-.y,"«1, al-kI) ab...I. teen•,. �,. �d bn• whioh•aew thus w"slin• body IluvU h14r organ fund of St. Gsorge'a ChUIVII akas Merchant. uu _11." . m,Rk-, un. •Mat kat .•,t .rekptrmlrn.. hvrtrr. n.o'w .+ from or ntuamrlo L 1 g uhliulaw uu Wednelsda) ni tt in Hall of lint- t T ,.■n•.,r��, .-Ilp r1.lut•wJ rr�5a... " bl red �„� SAAAP ILLIAN RES3LVE, hala Hoa1-est+rim lr,mSouth - - __ - Q} LASTTHOUGH NOT LEAST FROM TIIURSDAY 17th 1'1ST. elMdatt••trip,IS athe hark, a,d.u.wf„t, e.d .uRtrr,l,tl... r.r•t.'trw4- N K b.1Nlr1. Ally sow cillo uvh nd.im,t u. r lkI A. It. r B doss C•wrw, .et die• reef it • T Ht. Sumo rare talent both musical and elo D ARLEY'S Iso 'u1ll k ur rwwA•k Mrl W Irl. ol-1u W,wd sol b tMlr •w.rry rel W .ulr•bl, r.7-1. 1 tail. (',wt■■lR��� AneRY Qui.,., Ihemush t t rAIIrR Iw'.l' K.Jr AICttO R1� II .,.,le. y,ntr cuwpLn Nh .1-k.- u.l .r.Rr. I JI t1I.Y4u Rhly, tions,,, •R,yt cries/ t "hulk-MAXINU iii AW]ts:K. cutionary. ARABIAN OIL I°h.°1ram..WatbCIIyHvmMo..II, -i= � W n 7 V" 10I.A.tr.t^.Rf. _,wt�nt. ,�. tl•"w.lratea.:r..».LM..sol._elle. 11 y Q s Uod.AW-h Nu. nN.Y•70. ..yc tae IW W At end .tyle. W'D tw■n•tes. Aud all W rk. t• corn leer •nA w Omw b tee•aoe Ile •'--,. f -•.. Twa Wurasa has boon a wonder of, 9 tararaL Lrtte.a b .1.• w7 Ctrrs1.1 M.. cALLANueRtr Uodarich. Nov.Ni5lb, 19TQ, DOlf O bet 11 clujZs ki•t•..r•1� 'Ke.dwe rr '„••Sa.q rd.w.+..Terw.a •alai duration, bright and beautiful -ons _ - i/ Y VL�D 1LL OJrAiV wlttwwt • w-1,dn/. tilos J R•orrolur th•ita•d our ors Ir rmslekww lrw.wt. w• ••'hW.rd b.1 of the Aso opportunities •nue hr of be- FIJI/ tfURSSB CATTLE. IN u.o Ln h.ue ��,�,�� r pt..rr mow! • ut.arerelTe of the ,iDetM'lo heli •is 'q•r lr..a•t Irr•rleg sero ul iodise Kummer. Nuw how- �'wPr�ow 11„nu.'•linnrry Rion. ewer, sad wRwR.rarrMtka hall.dally h0el. t7 d►(aw,llr.'T..: IU.Dl/CLIN.. . ever, the barometer u d•,wn G. "ohange," . (��, W n oho 1'.a• tW doer. - l'aan'l l ated �+dw r'edlenl n, M tt V..and We roy(n of ,lo,and mud has be an A NL1'ER FAILIN(} REMEDY. f�rr:'the char•, tkr resoleWI"►,_-,%� tn..tMeg W w.,i"llwa.ttw luranti.., will M ri► » A.�a too sleet.. ad n w1eMW w{ g T...", -1,1w -•ad rvsth•-h,uk. k,•tsnl b. 1,xa. A Ul Cr-JYIt daily.Wehw sown to re dd hie atd •rush Fer yarn (• ari.hs Ro.s tl•u,.•eras•wv.,X.seed•'.-,•g 4 TaLOaaWrwRARATIOK coralNEn God•ncb, NoT.19th, 1570. \ 1 t"::4 Mae• wrnkA ttra«a..r,,- from t: country. 0..aw..wlal TMass d Wer• ankle. wbrh MtM teller, It k r aa„dloort trea-ly,.ua to .site r, w•k.te•, t� L`L,•rpMnM .�11r�� W L1M••N tM art rL •..■ _S1' E C I 1� L-�1 1 S the I.I.er fuw healthy se 3 `• .tM •tear arA u• t..U:a.. Batxo Ucs oca CANktusrere.-It is Pvwa w • For III,.,,,. 111aon1ar• aoA la.w c -fdaM. M Y « t. s .. urs• .. time the eleoton had made n Char minds eerier - M tw low of n.a wooed., a Mwt p =4 W%. W YtaM, a;raeledHe.k an "trMl7, Ies■edr, pnrlorin an• tml,, Il•'wr -T ♦_sloe:. a• W the "Doming mon." Th+atumilauowB��a�r�, t}IW,hdal• Rw••n.,. Invrn- PQV$ �r OFFICE, Sli THE - [iA4 Tr[F: [IUYOIt 1)F AYYk%LT:tiCENO . m•rtahk r.rw, wSlvs otM'r w.wireb LA hU.t. •a •'a"••'• ter •1•., . .ipwa" 4rN.. Ma�� w Orww. {them•. lamrnr••, tn•t W loo rnreml hole p••a■•rb• rel lis• •laW P-paro,1 by not. J. C. ATER * t'rt.. Fraw14'.al to cMr•• ray- ■ll M,!:,"; lfh t:N . . bb loos un Monday, ltrth rest., and • w an•t .td w•1 ileuses. Kar^ a" add ....'s, 0%.: ti,►.r u.e•..rrw a•«. ,..w•�. ,•• Yr/a. t1aNYw•, Owr. W,d Pearl., Y'rrwlr red T . uV,vd fur tW WIi parr. by a„ ,r,AAd ty w • MM •, z.... ....4-1.6-6 - •.,.• "s. _ i,■a Diyiries For 1 71 t� �-�~• furtulght is short enough tams for t `he air CAM Dweel,r•4 ew•Wnp, an" m",n .err -0 M 3p liJCx. $I." PAR AOPrLs. ,y..a; �"• uww 11.• pa A.L. I. / Iawt sus MK. ISAAC, FREDRII'R t w-.r...tl....wr .I..1 karweeN .Rs •rs .0"'I"""" uu.-r, ,,,. I NORTH R': PA LfMX%, Nawe•atk. Ost.. 5...•w 2i) ", WAa Aire -4- flea!!A. curios o! the gawuun. Jl.eere R � sir aedrYmed tAelaale Visa hero d her r •nT Pusrar ho los that '•B. P's" tical yu, W"4o-0::"!== IY aaewve !Iraeane• .bruranlY '•reed. ArmooR$otrsf,s. Ha ha. !irtl- r,l a ruur.lr sole .W -11, { pat rt R M ae■•adad 4 M Ila ah•■r•e. ur.r■wr .r1.rW +u.'t w nL9. tlt, f.,,l'+red.. ) blest will not be allowed (n hem neglected stM lore •n"rsJ s•mrd,wl• r• r J ..td - - ! a"" u.lsnrh b P 7 t C.UI• sW "n it "v rn■. ttanaa .r e;dI 1..werad �t • Alllr -w elle, elle .a.. kw' 'lord ..A dT- C7. IDFETLOR .x? C , JEWELLERY, WATCHES AVD ,"ryr,. 1.•rdmr. A c.., k:yLad. 1•,r• lLaiL■ + t'Y''V Ythrr .aM s.,,. a."IR la •..n.- anoth.r aaas.m, like the "Wuulbn $pet ;' NWtAAd. f R„drrruu. , PI,►Ard. Kara,.• J. H. pet., dl Lt\'Flt K 1 iryA �"'"k'"n'I "w1 ti:k LL'!Iu y which lines were capitally written In •lea T.,b IHd„Illi Drager ,Led r...try Y•nhants CLOCKS, hill, -Irl. I...�nw,•w L hit"-. Meat -Illi, rd beisimi d.d r.h•r nt.iwnru ..two:• number of tile.l'rywd. CuY. thnr•tku.I,••Ik_,.r.. resels-.prrbr.w CANADIAN HAVE RECEIVED A THIRD 6UPPLY GF TIJUSE tllr.lkm.".,.....I. I,.i.m." 1.%Hos ewrn, t•('LI. .8 Ill118tratedNewa rN:In.IIUea a.d I.d<r.at.hd•.fur W. t(sa..r .e... waAaW KuwiklRCra LT,UN w•17 Cato1T WANrur.--Wo have no objection pre• receive f as soon as b published, Wr r lea aSljfY(f , 1 Nee•. u,ol_d'.,. Ion !' 1�'ll/J([A �ElUrJ'CNI. to the Editor of the New Kra cutting at SuW isoowr,eh dy' P■ cold. slid t °° WIDE BROWN EMPRESS CLOTHS LND i? PREPARED TN,GIVE CUSTOM• lost asa be.Wae,eed obrnlW. vlk.w liberally from our column• as he laaam Jued•.s ; t.•nhfrr Al Co. Re tho ; Junes , AT HOORROUSE'S, b ►"A deo""l•''ga.,�R.d •sl u• sl••wa• P Renthuu, 14,44.".1te; J. 1'Irbrd Easter ... .:,I MA .... the own. "if"no rth.aetim , y14au,,wgVdrtlL.rinomWe-..- lis ler quite welcome to the use he Invade J. H. C.,nM, Clmte■ ; tfesord, Lue ek1eL Mr. rrwln• k has r 1-4 deo.. Bo1.S,W a t.alr•me. -%n;L LV'• .,ll+. KID U%t+ awl ofourCuuxt Gouncd report, which on- now; G. r.kw", 8rli4t.,sad all Yadir yrn•.Iww,r•r •loor..r.lU" r.L.l•wral.d..N WuuLu.. •bled him W stay at home In l'lultou alld Ik.ai"r•. ler t _ a♦�• ElI-K7 . Y 3bcts r and ✓ n Lr . _ . �r1�}♦• I fl'llse NKE & �E1YEL ER awl. ""�.r"„iw iso V ` t t13rr...._. ..W C1C! 4'0.1 `�:.' 1• uiap•sa T1[E ('REA'r FLMALL`k1:Al$DY L.` INI�i 1-r=`sol uu U L.W�41► m� t z •iMl '" �; e ants, from the .ley ndl les want uur totem. r . - tn.•nrLmt,nA l ITean .rftt r..-rr, him a boo••Roo r i! toll "' �lJ ( krw Inw the W r w. Own u , ,wed c ur .. .etnuted h. M I • o,F ••M7 dlw ...n lou W-►rr,skt Y { Ralaaf-yt fwd,"' • e•., kr.•u -4 .4 the .-t m.l.-W raw.. d' l'U .0 I ter .m kin/ -'___ Tni Rewst'ots•r EYTRaT11NYtx7 oro JObr IH9fiv Pef2atlfi dila{* -•j - . - -- - - - - ,o^^,•a••t►WI•aR• n,.. b tlA Xl JaWhe, wasses. +A'�essai'vo-se 0 . } o '�..Tl:. 'i rre.ra Ill„ l yse J.s..,, ,.( Taursday night, wait well atte•idel and Figured Sa eensat25etap r yard Worth 40cts, x..f•.-rst•the .,„r".Ib.vrtartrlwan1. BasiNESSEDUCATLQI`f ,.:ALdwent •••iter.•"'W.,11lint tp�mducal&built 11:.00 for the destitute ,TItI91St't' RLE MFI)ICINR 19lf.:rA1LING • C t��{ T J1(\� 1 r tMr. two I,. Ar►r.ae .r I.w ^•I r eu•suwtnu• A." .Wk. tills tamp, of Englishlmmigrantafor -whomo ,n'%%l;w.-i,..,h-yel,"rul•Md.� G1nEU G1lAY CU1�10�1U Ir'los,tl"'I.uyr.n�udl,IatIravhlrM,n•Ont�1)RITr�AME/3"A\BIr91NE ('0Lf.K(ARANIIyiO°•-uf____ Ia,w,,,r,l.,a A,.,ur. r w..k the f•unle Y-11o.n,'• r Z 00 P 1 U1, rl•,ef.relbr. ,ay,IJ• rf dairy{ ripe. work •• uY ) ? •Dph,r Irbt •tee T,w oust n n,..al.t,w h• ler gut up. U rr.l,nir•"d.vew ,w re err all obwrr.wr, w..weai.d L,:eww Ouurwor tk•Dr rtf etntWu Lwn..W,wal c'Mh, CO3`t'AIPTIot,`,pl'LJt. Arieht'. 4:s.w1 ICsUtsritATioN Ai--Fartim who here •^ ..ped, rMe ..• �. rsttel.w. r One Case Madder Prints at 123 ets, Worth 16 cts U (E ® p O G`; „lop, y 1 h. �,,'..T. n.r Ic .a1 neglected W tvr births, desths,and r.■airs L•mea N W 'S�OKS Mr.d v„ i. r"dr.• Frru.rt•.".S.M. s. K. 1't a, J -+-� J a thub to h the h u•.1,tw of • ewe r build W,+,lya tl,a tre.ew a d•- �r v u.n ur Med ire iM L, - r i a. K•.- PegY D up.rslravulT:d 1, sod', In• .hen nee, bent G •ric Nov. 17th, 1970. r•.'LI"ret,■, y .,y 111 dd•r ,y T..r.. sol .holo ,k• - marriage aro warmed W tales ►sod ui the clone -•tlh,y K„red .,n rrru.nq. THIRL SUPPLY OF BLANKETS '� a Division Registrar's waning in oar advert- rh,., r✓,• .h .0 o„ t• sow, ep F,.nhr eve. air 'L b _ _ _ w -■... . W.,r ad. d! .w.ha.■ea r•' ..NeW Bibl@3+ -�.-- tW pr.ru•N Aerrrtrr.el Iso .-l.4tun line.«• y.,, <s I.J w u.. tl.a 'a, ssn 1..M Ie rb.,k•i icing oolumru and ere thnmselroa from rlhYl' iNRY'r yo NT N., / Prp,a+ry, ,•rt •rs thee LET one, hwn eaPo Atwl,ut p•rl.or ai11M r.un.e w.,.r.•.': rrs.bnar Y,w.rr.ay..l,rrd ■w, •rAn boo ler N@W statlOIIery dstYM�.ur•rn.k,r,,.h .r MyinR. Im.J,-h k, (♦A RT(�CttA1<wL legal proceedings. ... +lite 1 A LARGE QUANTITY OF NUBIA SCARFS nI,OY *tF.'A XI, r•,.n....ob I.rt• eewrwk ala elle --n. .•moo,^i..„reeled dn.,,.t reit.., dl.f4. wA loll.•",. A s+i seJ vtkR 1 m. su•th slr..t Uudshh. 'Nub. Irak „r I.... b,u � orm••l:r..l nW IhI• anon . n,r•I• s'1s, cwu;, .aero- .f IN SAxorta Lo'a LiNaN,-Wo are very glA4 1.•ll C•.e e(N.n,., L 0ep.n.l ANY,—., RI. Is r .wee, with boo,mr,ay•ugr.rrd 1•.uh.^try whHto I, f soy'. Lsr. tarn, Rpr.,*,.rw';'. ..'I".rti W Rook •.N l,wlr, Y•rr rue w, •Ir ana•ru'n,. YN,A NeW Fan 1 \ Apply W w.lD. ALI,HN. ,. p.aMl Ir its drta.,. a. the hoot .rr•■lood i-titu t►w.b. •r rNr•'rrp Al•A'r•y .r, .,,. h• n., f to have the aeauranw of the rote. that W. �, I B -DOZEN CAN ADA SHIR S & DRAWERS I ass, rd e,,..ry. rr awr•rA I>•. eller.. ••P.. T. Has � did not write that 'Shirt- tic•," ,M wean, II-_- .l liar... fl Pt.k - Cedars .t, con, ts7e._ sere -u oyes 1, w r.rnwry. Jti' tkk,ps .cert • e"n rt lore •"who. mmu here lob/ ; -- Thon.rgL u.trerllin s 7♦Irpap♦y. Lite Frkokr laAfp loll. r,T.alr.tM soleus. owl. J • rM aYllar'Tarticle. The Slar does not dispute am snw.4%a p.w•ml -woody, d, mn lore.- -In Immense Variety, 1 h1 ,d IR r.rt C•,Ik,ee F.r address "r'•'l t•�"^" " "•"' pp.e••'Ma. to" ,z ^^" """ r h.s.rl, a.ue r,, --rmme k"nr.l,. ,h• t 40 1 F'3tOM an c tllse A X L MAKING. p•" ' "t r" _l:,4 .sod ,s , ,IrJerl bm y.y.f.. ✓. r..,r, N tbdthere may hs ,otos n1 t1e alectiro , -ODEI,L 1r TKOCTrToroeto. rlurwf, r rd:dswrJrrart.wa."r,..ru+s»t Ratnit between him and Mr. Has whish r. 1 urrl n .b fres hl and offered at lowrat rices, G. *° r ':' ter} •mvnJ cell t w JOB t lain, 117n, wyd- ,� W,° ""' prat wdthesatonuhmgideb:ftyof,pu�ken misIII-II r•hlly p' Iced p"�• ATM(M)RHOUS" ONE CASE DRESS GOODS AT PRICES, PNAD/,Q arc rdAw,py �wdr_46'., ""M "I,,rrwr tlliNsr wuetlwa t►st .tf+M(Y{ t ,u. it H s ewes a.•. , , . w `1rNaa7'fll >.� T.R• .,L ..-. - 6ericbI��i-...,__._._.. 11w11I n. 'red of t , ,+r, tlaYwae ton of thetnstter 1 �+ •i!■Y•+t5_ &Shoes at Lowest;,•Arices Vic% �w=.. „„ h EF pr■wFe!MRM A•r.rrMw eThtDt .'P�t. a L raw"... -.aa, ,IM, w"rsl .tr,r Im ter -e��a ` �,IRlTIr6t Tia 1lAIIl � • i ur „rfrL(w ✓ P eP oTlthfnl Ivaef, the 91-w h 1 mi.•.•••.o tk , ,• prn,ra.h�p.cn b �no•Lr■ u •or.ars•r� - J..." f -R& . Nn...9h' r ' - =1: 1r /}let like a y M bre• solo orw..•�r'ti.s^•t• 1• .- - -- _ J[rn-fel hx 1"' •. -`_ - been sitting, shortly before, at the feet ret "I Ira -n... ),n h If,nrft ,,r ,t hullo.-,.. R y NORTHRF'P, k I YMAv, i L-ADIES' CENTS & CHILllRLti S FELT t?-1�.EIlf. - - PreyirlN R..IMt✓w., 'I,m.,rw. TI,1. 1. lh..,•aW ;"tA, y,( r rnrr•.!1.,,•wal.e..,.,., ...- theGnatf:rmalwl aid drinking in his - .. 1 yearhro.i.-hoolaid rL.,e:,lle",d Ant peso Ww.rA rnweadherr,+A..,r,•,v✓• Nie-mHo, G. W., .clan is PMm•••M T,mn MearMulit Lear los-IN that pray..r�-,.,„•..•h-Wh,-,IWr-."r,.t A•,� w:r lows about linea and the most strik- t - Q /+> 3w �A p t RtI lor('u.dr 8 A V is .r -J �x �5• tM.tw^ Promlun Prsaw M C•n.A• "r. rst..,­­­ int -:=,,,,',-,M.-, or has An kth,e ., .."t1:. .lh.• ver.•." loll•••/• , other week Mr. Passmore I,et a litllt fill Hoalbum, Ro•a•dle; J. Perk. ed toter{ J.H. a '•"LJI �rry naso W. wXh: t1.. nr.rL.) m •d'"Inti°^ oras bwulden. .,d,,,•rlh,•,r ,u �1,,^f ..-,; P, Y C'wnM. L11uIon. H eod L N W; K. Hook CHANCERY \� i T .. �• n r:4_,•.was Ie . as.•• xr b ,th.nUb lir 1. Xu Rr,rter h.,v ,1 �.IrN •••Iso w my, 1Z . M moa rend advertised it in Tuwis,sJe.w:• M J. C,. DE.TLORis A I Wdally. A enneant reader oI lbs N:gwral, Ap.•p„•r well. uJ •I' ldrdwlM Ikrlwva. wTh W. •sMle.tr V bell, u.": U. loo lou - Hew..•,,..r1Y,.. i,•••' ^• .. •e. den•• . V ra■r hr.s ,.th.rt.ta, STRAY CATTLE. Mt ...,p•..n,. IK,a1d �rhe.rr••` OF ('edeneS; Nov.'tL, 1=_0 u,w nim•ra•w•l•a Nwwb"r•. on perusing the J•sc . iM, ixedto L TRATRD I— the rc 1- M W. .ntwrih_ IA IM"S,b,Ay .JA�"y..n ="IL,,"SI ; "y„ P• E h , !•i'Kn q yY Askilled .t R. r, . u.ra..rr A it that u( a Giir whit im dnrmg around - --, .b...-_.. a w, s eon A.hsela,.l.,se LM sn it r.y a Ir. •• r. -.'#'I -?'I' . ,m •.L- ,red r , - SJ- LANDS IN THE COUNTIES lt•el w setti.. r 1.tol of I two Yr1 .Id .bons wo,ua IM I ..d I• -P.W�rr• --I -'P' .nudger - wld►rt '.ad •N lM ..r red aW 1 ..d MW dq asr.l.s Br tM town mornshe she tolded ret Polo . fiald. -. OF - - REDUTI011 IN:PRICESI .M.. hb.,!! lite"rl,,,,,.,.nkat MRM,. r .✓.w'h!y"� h"°T;y;; ,q,l Next morning he Wld lir Parmon and r l w N," -.d before of ern„on mit and owner we r'e• - I _ e ll a -- _ _ _-_:. _ -. JUtj1i•118kr1'bfLiO N, soda y,j let lid" Ola.►tAsw'n""�U'" ,•.yell end the stir.. Aso. o,r tA. a e..n•. IA. , rA dnr.w TO THE ELECTORS PERTH Mph do BI1COF t✓. "e w r.. aboo : t.o1M �*ter• f. of stored w each other, to their mutusl 41 - _ - _ , , 1 - fol.. -h. Nov. Rb. too. idle. w their Id0er-1 � 1+ �lt.bly n.ari.a ass ,:,,, ., _. _. -.._ __. - a ,too light. or Fwr--------- _____ . J .. -r_ .• r _-__.. _._ f __-._y -._... I -. � ReIU. =.I.1_17 �Y rwnn� �iribf, etyrro►.wv+w WRLI9ILLrnTRATaDAxxnALO►Plttaw- -- WAAIED Unmra.oa,r.0. Aaht•Id (tot. Silk, IMC, 14114f ea e.✓erl M e.a•,r rrrw.+•l- OLOUT AiD PRTwIr.lioYT, Frr Iatl. Re- TOWN OF GODF4RICH. ,ItcOwy, e!. a{, : ro. Malludg, cf. at. t�T I,\ s - - twy rwrws q'�w.. prow /a• ti Yr,l r.. = sides POrtnit., Phare are end Bi,.grarluw --- -o-' *NEW DRY GOODS I nn TTHF.9Cn9('RIRr.Rfi 0rIT ALBRRTMIhl.R. e. ry N/ pprlrA ./Nirar, •mnA.._ If tAw o[nnmen,naduhng,luhed Men and Wo- Or1AATtOwiIOR YATUR REEVR, AND ' -u_ l), M,:;rrc•prbif Why{ r".rga •.f is UN.U.t ■r.' C wRi�b ■`�r��a", 1A�.�(, reliv'IC'nwrr A•,r,•r'Yrhw/•bwnr•4+ 1'R4l'A NT M A DEI'RER fir Ttrr MC RT OP bullrawl. fur POW.-.. A,, IT to ran«. to --11 r fY•w �L,F/y� �O �wt� Herren, (nn•rler Ald.liw.lrt» Y (."-I- mes. It .Cron CaiM thirteen NallnDal rypss Wp.ly tray. rel lea a•M us rn.AaT. the 11tH P I'.a■wry 1. Wu ru.w M•rt,.g Aal. tL. l,W say tTTT iiii% !J t.`!!��!ll���JJJ IJ �J 11'L ('cwt -I• rA/r Aler'r.r L.t-d h) hr, .•n'•rtr m Female Brant • of too Brain 171. al ewtMrlwk t■ tM fire*„-, k Vktwu f ,sow-. A. U. IR•e, tM Mn,"•ft.r w.ntlo■•d •• T JARI�f CRArY.wl _, fAer..•W rr .tar.wr.feu u.b low.., tree y ; organ b Mehl, Crabb'. wank, Kusa•(,. lkr t i4.1 E,t,f., .ill be old 1 A CHOICE SELECTION of NEW and BEAUTIFUL GOODS is JUST. TO IIAND Pir: An.rt low• tet t• a set "'1 turflfnyrr, or yo(,rla. ale fro. kis n'.nrww•• ilinslratedand delined; WhatCaol Un JAxt"9T°031,('x' BY PUBLIC AUCTION, RR3PECTN'UL1,Y INTiMATIS TUAT fsow.fl;r_)d,,,wh7dwuarAunaGnsoAh^II. Feet How to Ruter West Point r a Taw, ('Cal JOHN HARRIS. • : O all Jobs not tailed and Paid for by the Student ;Personal Iteaaty, how Attain- 0.seee Gl.-trrd D•,• hat tl e, ..slow ly 'h-rod"i wvanY•7w 4 Goderich, ApnD2th1Ai0, w12 JG • S d !0 own•n. bl Iles 2bth int,, sole fie eo{d W pal •.,I -:11Y a..l.,IVooee lI I.1"..w eires, ed u h S-. (wish tM lip-letinr, M?; -gm wrlw.v o • - for thi tort of repairs. - alard.t., ut...••. ulr..a a ove lrt.r .� What u the lir of Phnnotngy 7 Jtiat - rr T da -- --.w..._. r o R Y AND WAR OMCR f•tmnne. F. r, rooter ,If IMy. M I'.un I D7n4 Nielsen. .Iot .N Nr . Ir . ssrl..r/• " the thin L.rlearnen Anchandrar 2a �� r"I t12�a:lnti .w the d. •N.ttW 1•r- j13•Df3RTU1tS PLEASE PAY 1131 AT eliteynn••ntr• • al•w• rrwr•••re•,w+ • Slant b,.,k, sent drat post. Address Ot_m, It -ane -I-Ami. o ONOM. �ll�us D1 -1-R.■ hr.. She krw...•/ tic• PsaSVOLIXucAL JOURNAL, Say Br,,adwayj rinrr lO Iso nn w e.. LANDS IN PERTH AND HURON, wt at Oolerich 4th\ov. 1 70 o.•t wr.,a r Stir osw•etr sa..vl.war crew York. M At .M. ratr. r r.R M .bwmd uywL. CALTAD1.aT PA1% DESTIiOiElt GRAND DISP�AYt , A.r•r Rwrr.. ;rwla 1,."rl. ,bar 91 wets C.IcirT LnsaALrn.-we emitted to srlAadsNmghtwllwill Tuw.aNyUlm. hut. On Saturday, 17tb day of December .lbs.,., tlaill „twit, Aem.. 4m,,v rel..... boo +ale, t AF■md Medlcme,wril•ndf.voraW known IV 7zb,..It .11- ► Twrawre.M.i;: I tic• T y HEIFER ASTRAY-.' M"•w,b, •.d 11 ,•..L•wlwy •ihr.l I=. Il nMit•, in ollr last mono, the vacom mends- A.b..f c. -I. rmnp•n7 • Int• R'So"nlel esd 1. 11 la:e, al xnoi • RMaL la tM Vill.te.f inf.,th. (.,to. peel ten ye•n oirvar:s•hnR ,n a angle OI' -n-- r -we've•. AI l.e r,w•.1 r- 4e.• a,r.w..n•1 IaWI L.L.r L.N.w be ooea a the eRl„ d the i nn Cmst M Hama, by J. P. Brute, AueUurroor, ANF: 7y1 THP. r1U'Y IRxt r► THa fflfBat. r'.1 •, wets. ler the Use r•-/rlw.- vbhle tion of the Fin,nw(a.mmittae, spprrrved nL.enwr. ^ y Instance to pre permanent tells when timely n a,f b the Count COnncil, to rant 1400. W LxwlR W. ORD. dory .rpw.t.d Awom Arra'°. NEW AND FASHIONABLE �../ it tw.l. Loot 1I, s ren . Can. • r.. awe ru•r•..i....i;':.a . .ilio■,'ur w~vr l":�+ y Y t urd,.ndw•have",erknu ri. nntle lour l It W the relief of the sliRuren by the fires -__-_._ _-__ ABCIiL NO. 1. we. Atl."r/. a MI I ,Lhn tans y ryr • . - in the Ottawa district. No tat pa or will rleeah`rf'SeA, t•:• - woW . , , , a r . _ 9A D R r S O" F- r n.urr I. r.y aer. 1 w 1 reel rnrery. ryk K;tl w..� 11a .4 t.•wiM eller t• w.�iR•.r.•� JJ _- _._ welt street. (lnAwi h on, nu aro P rd M Int is Mr tort, la L jJp� A ud /aka IL ►soy. Yw• Ma d this ocutnbution w so dimer Yin mrs (Ink'sO . 2nd LW 1870. It 'Ze M r•rth "net rr.I.,r ,r .Iga,ede with itso sntmr.•..it speak in the y , 4AaTl�,Lt♦t• tlwr.•r«tvrvr.a (tier., or".plN r. .� An ora 1. �.ireaelrNa, plea ret 11 Tov.ar, loo rl to0owed hal on the wntnr alt are ion a• 1 T �r aInsa. 1. s yf M A A•hneMt.x•r..tors. rytrt• nn , rrhl,d"tnu .r till Wray ass. -. _ son ub'ect. v the f•.ur a tAtal of W Wd W.Mi. dRlbMrt h gbwal lbrme of it. VmIso and M•gtrd eRtcu, A V 1s. A•, In"r41.., YI I..) •t W-4. III I - rt AltOLpUuiiw, The Octan at present NO=0:8. .relo^•toahiS ■M•■•at•aas4wetalJwdwrc• TN6f"'AXAD/AN PAINI)RQTRUICR f1.) !� 1 �1 't1 t Qltrp IrLtpDltpOpd I�i.rrt.a nwd .0 .r ler -L-..-,- Alt use in at. Georp's Church U Over 120 men rkw M •tea{ /� eaMswrw M. Ira W. Is for tlaelf■ n takoa,u■ hlr".1 "n type s 01 � �0 it G- )pone,c�ols• ISau wgnd L L'L�T•, 091J 1 IERR 1 Alt omit', soy 1pr.wtra •.r 1V "t,.b,.J -O • rl.•,.1; 1MM ft hand ass %w t�a1 - .IIs r• r s _ oa u... warws■.. .rwlrKly rA..l .."b yesrenld,theivory onthe keys nearly alI tJ. TMNL wnO9E UL'TT IT YATSR TO,,,,,,.h•adArtrl•tMaMrlRrtawr/Fal as,,br de.,altentZ,s1"arhto.r,o"•urpale-d.ntbe „� tU[t PACT', IN K Ar.RE I:h,losilly•.r•dtw• ,%%ooh• wonloRbythe fingering oftkeperformen. A 1mMbrwinM,Xarn►y.uA1..tb.. ArA, "'IG amraR�l.MdraV"nollxkaferun hlNn.,ofinedicalprep"ranyn". ft wMmmfall• Assortment IInusutl,h� TS1� )s �p �t�!� low b it .111 h.e pro•ec"WI "" two k wur•y, Yad'WtwM fuse a� tl1Yrss wYaa h.- ler Iu loner Dp.pnpNa, Lnrr Com p•anr, ind,rer-' LOle a��yr 1 11•in lJVr• ,hr•kBimJ-lMuujUY R41LtVAv B��P�r.�aLIAN 8�tv �. It ,till prlrerves • marvellous sweetness ret ,r., 0."dat., the lyth coat. -domino VIWg•of tlfd= SMkad Y .on Iced d tJ tius, Hes /burn, Sock H•.d•rhr, K. nev Com- , rete/ " •W •d tons and when the intended n in .n JAwtiTnoxiON. f„r Arrkmtsr�psrpo•r.atwsWSRty".o- a. LARCi37. Jo1mn,Ith,t,.p,ntr .fu.+l"n.h R«+ntCwre.rwr•rtatw�xJ.Cklrr.tr. lY• ple into, Ar.ANt.m•rts Ph l h our or ANhma,.nd } boa quarter. ole id ,trnm rok.t .•.r.w.rtt. rr.vt r,RlwM..w► pt Dlruk. I4yl.enr. PARCEL XO..S• . J�TLOY eo lea •a Put en tt, will4 be superior to most modern cello UM•Neb.w rorhpr-a to uul arbyiy the •yalem deb Loaed NEW French Illi rinoe trete H DU ren uA --d-d • M,r o rrradLMM. Ti. -luso C,••lrtr r I netrli m!nt■. All sed •Inrstar tea rrrtala pars•1 wlroet K led ray nfenmg ■red dlsra.e. Alli ,.rl - -- CATytwrOF an ,n"n.r..tbule.lyl"t •nA lrh.fla ua TlNa•Mp It. m■Rale■d.nndrrful ..,-.• .n ,,, n eI ^''A b, blew hole. t:wn.el R... h.d A.b•r T- AI'uta CAUTION. NF.�V flan P:urAs KOC i0 !Oc lfan new ra:rlr n ltrgw stock 9"'t trU'Rlt+.l.. .lib Wtt. Ih.•rd�w�r .id. ,f T,rk.ms,thlnth,C,•"rate orf Baric WFae,Ro, mddet Fold., xnn Ih-.l, C.uxhs, ILrb,r FT 7h1.Lnn•.f Ln. m t,wle•hk tLu.,,herd.Il kirwl•.r median!..41wA;N ..� Scheme of Bailin bet.ws Furthered and xr rxR ON oR patwixn roe Nn TRtp- ,rr r'"f' g .f nstwiq uA lwnt romp rdM [sod Mwl Mearid pain• los lhr alde,Lenr and Lsrk. neunlpa,l•rolh locations t.r Salt Works In leis the m -t ••Iebrat•d de•y n In momrs 1 W ••th,v, Ir ,enter tiely . on wait• n,H M int IS, ,-,-I- M tM Tuwn.Inp M'r■rh•ra-twr/t" arbe, fhenmanc awdgn.r nem ,n rent- NEW teatteew chole-Heawtlfwl Winter rWe $, pan. "r':n.ia. Lel Fall mw.,..'ahke.r• Liverpool for ensuing Winter of the A p•' y M pu. ra ..rbnn For tb. r•Itt MLrMi. •n,1 lM ewn..11ra Y•• e■ nlnn t{Ay.a, aJ•r nth iron , W�w.w•a..b, will he proa•cat•d aonnrdlnt , u ty dapsone ud pmrinrn M UatnrY• rd ass- the Md nwd fr"m wh"Ir•er ranee, bu Rlyrn n n,I r -A. Me'lto'n has• M ww.l. Fur f.rtMww.rII I.. • A al "r Ila•) ow Tntrtl */F MontrNl Oteen Ntaamshipe. k t.+. sorer ray NmeeaurcmMt, -e hoNtN row rtre'w r i'""' 1 .1 r wish Il d,v.r'a TMra as rte D• r.erld•s.root ►.or PO■TL.r. n.14 rc•Mmtthfrt,•,,-Olubbashwed, •Harem ere,y hnu.ehole end ./ue aurrrwed- NEW lRe),b, Iteppa 8c LYdRs, Over • •t w,i.nl those Malso,d lh•� IY• 1- MAtc(YLrlTrawhaT. oilf w.untMr r.,"'o.n(thet,nd. rrr,rkr stingsdLc. THESIiINALOPFICI:r l Austrian .... 10 Nov, 3d Dec. trnd•N,•h neo, IN I.:e. .s-3, •t I•14 4 11 oli to • tool oo..dllke W • esrM•. 4 pn'1+ p rent, a.J los. r,r t xw Mtr M K ''. .wt ..Mod dew■ wiW /lis TM Ilaaw w L.. Mt i n ■Ir, an o, lane •.d prompt roomed, I"r NEW A lack Last res Ile to 140 whlrh M 1. prep. 1 l„ � ka♦1. t O,>t.nrk, leo.. YW. ilio. •wY r ". 1 s. 61111% . a .0. of Cha MHt ■lot Pmssian ... 17 " loth ries M hRr,h. sal silo, llsM Y a-•Mwvl tc■hL, Nurn., flrs,ra, Bprni neo Chd hien.. Q[]i ■�1�j 1� •,.ur- lrt.r tt•ewlvrwl, dl lore Nestorian . - 24 ,r 17111 T•ry TJwd", 1irJwrY t/MI SWOON dY• hod Urtai li ilea,C'mri In too Prometh, DrrhQa, Mr Y"rel. Fl0il1o1\IkIILL ��j� CHEIP CHf PPER3 kAtiTGD wuMh rnrnp► trly Mu •d h, Hit • th " Rogsdinevian let Dec. 24th NOTICE to CREDITORS+ ofr."rlket q•dly r- anran.rJ M sleet nl.lsl L..Iera mmhu.,Hilliuu•Choflc.Cliolers Inlay- NF,W Hlwek Silks frown 0441 els. _ e,i Ins mea t, sae rs4thos n tis; I. ew Ferbvian .- Nth 110th -- . fMhrulnrcloy,I.trwea Irt' "aIle I N n,-Jrtr•,assLu1rd ea ►ael�IsotWw - Y lA" mtt•r of lM nba of A Ynilow rARRIrR �a'1 i••i•a s.nvallM, flier• 1. • mall Muw, lith I.Im. IlT•rnterv, hr. ynr' ' stop AAO of CCs e.rrda M wr.M. 1p h •e dollar., Mwarian.. 1:,111 7Jan. I• I.r M.MTiwnalpM A"hANI In W t:o0.ty or •."lore. on M. let. This lit r•uhl-t tea I --fora PM."Iy2%..1. per t"Ile, NEW rtlk i'opllw Drd SseA pr'ces 'IHE SHOTE ]t70TICE• � IIAIAVer BIxt:Kl, sage I • Austrian 22d 14 Hem■. S.gnir. 11 les A. ...Pumil term Mtwo years he o- Jam. K.b... NORTHROP I,YMA N lo" I."t I.. ( mn. und•rkk lop w OAit SOLID Ausrian .. 20th 21 fl. meow;• M Ande•rw Capriole Jeer nr " PARCEL 1x0, 1. N"wr.eal•.C. ZV. A L 1� O _ a"AMra, R.,.:in ul;o, srin u- 8•7A1wi7a tom. m a' wo rrat� the wwuRfp MA.Anrld Iw iM county if Herrn, Gonenl Arent for Canada. IN RE AnZ-:1T F•"u9' Fi F: lK. haearL sr Mlbe vnwR►+rt Jlblr it►'NIa Nestorian h Jany, 2H F:rl,i,: who diel le er •bent th. annlh of Irr.Ymlrr All •N d�Col•r thH rwnaln r.-1 it ln.t .f Wd ry.M In Rodenrh Av Parker Ae Call le •ed hu n ealTod • • n 'het , N,w ower0 . IIs t••".. hll Kwndinavian ]2 4 Fell. law,wnwir►aintM xirt."nen aayM,ae■.p •naD mlr•Nto•teyluta.aMi .n th,T.wn•hq. tT• PiLEhofslewtlralFtawnrlstrel� • .bleu• wLl rl .rrlsaRarY1► sa-t^II■ewl.elaRlk•• Peruvian.. lA .r 1, wk.T,with mF 1 in n.p•rt rrcy.id u. ,"f„•k•nrnhln le ri"otrnflion.,,..Arr.im. r. Jrd.n, O•rlhr•h Co, lkyOrM, 1■mre los re■k. CH3APFOE SR. W181lIRGlflD�ENTIL1TC f>~ �•dd.�,.�ar. DuuAl •,rete :� : 11 r,owrrank Walker MtM Teles If O,M•rlrh h rM .f��wn..Nboing "I"'" ""t nr Let Nu 2In th. rel itenthem Rodcor,111e;1. Pirkord. KtetM 1. He PiLEO of F•amey Flwanels from •r lett ry re/akk end --- k n r e d 1'innl lienor of willi,m ,'arA. Y ref• tM ,•.,eean,rw of Ill. •.IA T.--hip,IwI «end - - by M o 3 M, %Iiaant tlarcrd, La,•know, E H. k,nw L rent• reel. A Mll ■•.wttmrt inr, tl.a,r.11an buds hraA. Mea L 1"w. w1 1 t .,tMNt► .'lorawun ... Ze 1 a r. Tn• w^ale Dowh Pwnnh In -row■rip K fl► In lM IA (leu n'Y. rein... tlr ''... "I non hnnAr«I .r,rr+,.f hnA mow. nr ler g�.jfpA tad a11�.l1ayM T1•atera, w)ljl. - � ` �••a.pre►+Q.as�Nw Itr•ae'.e.l.. ieW gf nrearr,aAAe..r. and d,eenptlou.tM hll p•rtL term Mored ud ...t I.nred„ tM nmNaAer h..n PILEte of Wool r•rawM frowA "r"e"I $Ot."r 39*XXX'i1�00r lr.law 1/._Iri mod( •f n rwhrs nr /MirrWms;a nal. -est rtMlr .round morelw1WyNrbs hit".., Mml Y. ThM.". TOWNSHIP OF COL$ORNE• .Lao wen, Oct, 17th. 1870. lean Olt•» It•-'t.•nt• 1a..dr tt•t •w. " eR tM (item, 11th t la - (R A CHKAP YR tK9'.Y HRCT. O ww•4b. m+ pus tort. N l'•rdt �- "'1111=1i" nA tM new[. I .... bLftloo v u- (tf ay hW bl the wool M rn.our bnu2 loge 1 r mrsorRm Dea.11-Farm Stock, Richard Irwin. Int -"'1111 atilh..MlhbsM sAataw�ras•r wwtaY b."w.•n l aM,it tLYe, ray hod ,. YlrxtC111aLJt. P1Lf;tt k BOS Blankets from IA80LPl:Na ACT UI awwdwf- _ *Oros ...Sr _..,.__ -411. lot mn, Gnwel Rnad, Beat MM. Ill. a+.t• a n. rel "....M .moot roe. .�' ' en hr •[ r res mer p so ps . _ _-__ .._._.,. _. 1�. *' �'o W,wanneh, err Manchester. r... ..U..,. wMwo'W"s he Is inr. _1I...l..t.r-d 1 too 0 �� �•••••-- ♦ MEETING WILL BY HELD AT ALL GOODS SOLD "=^- CFFCRCHI01 / ay.+R.,-. ►u,polys.(In 4 I1w W' ` .. Rift..:. -x...y r 4d.r h.MI.y •ray, -lily f• .f tMm b"i"g et'hm thee• mole. i th. ,I i•g..r sow- ti BCHOOI,B, err.. Lear. ".J i. fa.•t al trwda .l Dec. 20th -Farm Stack, kc, Joseph Given, a pmts-tM rm damn t..t my .a -Ill the h.r,h..d ... nue it ter Rwthk .nA tea uu en the Townhall, Hmith's Hill, un N THE MATTEK I►iLLiAM �rr� Monde the 10th da of December next, - 1ZDMOND,1mhol ant. PUBLIC kDiLD'i?704, �!"•4 too �,n ibau •■• a.� M IOC 4, 4th eon. Ashfield, roar Dun- LNnrtfl"""•t (IM•n", "" ter .Elle th rely w n.uw.T y 7 AT LOWEST CASH PRICES• ..y legs, .�te8yl J..r'y ten •l t...".1 -h h th. f.rcn.oe. b.lat th. LAND9 IN 81MCOE, s0 twelve o'clock noon for the pnrpom of A Dividend Sheit hr SOR,ZS AND PRiVATM DW E1,LI N1;3 artala., n A uN'►T•S gamm�n. 11-••pp"1■t•d1w;fl.dnvtl.nI. tMdWm. R. Be SMITH. n r:-,(Ded o P. r. waLRRR, 0, w.dn.•"bor Mw Tw•nq-ors/ rely .1 Dor"m Mr nominating a Reeve an4 four Councillor♦ open M objecting nntll the w of Der, D■relarNthM w. nAr. 21st-(`onnty Toll Gator for 1.71, ••+•rt.,M SARSAPARILLIAN FIE Ni �mt Clinton. AoNcltw for A Utl.m C•rr1.•k. A. D la7gn Ringh.m'. Ilnal.ln tMwwn ./ R.nAaw+l ,,, serve for the year 1x71. And m ease of Dwl.rlrn rah Ort . u7n ...t MR star which • Diyid Admf.l•lratw. In IM (•onn.y rel lkt-. by,T. AtAha-, A.,tbme•r too ill M raid, lei" , M. I IS tMa with ose tbli V.Y. C ('s _,,. wfe.Ra NIA. .Itnweh CIAWd* _ _ _ Il•M1 al6nAwMh this tOt\ wonmMr IR'fO. wwult emT .rtmuud r r tear rnrp-.. a poll being require,l, the election will be JOHN H AN F+'t Y. P.• a wkn+na'.,Ir-lM y.kcw W w.,a M, lA Y, A . rsr■•rr, held at /he ems lace, on Mends the 2d o rk Raewar r-Tkk 1. s , Yad W.1 w Tke BaTtrast Llfe. PARCEL, NO. 4. P 7 I Aa.ignee lour h.War Irrtkn'.n, . ArMy w one Pot.Rbw vette kteadl, at IM /w...._2 ..af . .wI ImMr.uth.-rRWeoin hIehtwu..•rl.I,hM o � of, sneer next xt 0o'cleek in the fun- G,r lerieh, Now. Nth 107 All uA NnRsl.q that e"naln y.n,rl nr tree/MLN' r t .w2!1.2t•- rr 1ra+Md p lore Yaw .r. •. Mnllm,br,, than M a,wMnt-Mo,h •AM•ad r lit. .reel pnm..•r, ritual.. lyl.t.. neMa i the t.w.. noon. JAME.1 TR WRLF.Y. --• !•fAM�KBRI Fere. Atur t.it"* tic.. is. - 1 e IA..r. ThI•LtAheahr■hltbly 10,1, .."t n.r err. .alp M Fee -th. 1. th.C.'nntr .fnln,r. ..A Colborne. Nov. lath, ReturningulRxr. �I(ZPAL ELF.CZ'IOi1f• , III(i1'IGIf' OF RE,: •fill.. tiv, N•.. u:,. ..a+,n• altnw s M,+ W..Nt•a I w■. t T, -1-1 n•tA• leer Inppnrl4r whMA welsh nein 'f Cillo wMlhn rn.MnrM In .ray w.wataMl Mom I•m,lnrr• M gnlar'n .el IrInR rimr.,.at of rM -- __ w• -.a bmiM Iles I.A,e.4.a ler ltM Alr"n w. yr, end parur"lany rep. AIT.n ryr M tM m.te key../ • pose. h� tM Inwel, Mu ass Nn- - roar 1. the /north rm,rrrfen M tM rM p ,. Rat too �'•"wk � [ •ret+�1.� ri .• w yr.dsA. lei AI•ootmn. snMnr ren.,'. tl.t, la wsntfn ti lM het.. rc ■IRA In• wlwn•nR,•r � ln.■aM ee•t.lnhg by •Amre.nm.nt pea YnNr"A h . /� MfRTING WIIA, RE FiELD AT i3OT Ma I.,A�t.h Jnnatr,ng, Iwnd A STRAY �EIF ,�• Itew all shall. nL w' -"M' H nn R L1 MR .dI.. ti Mr H�.wa Ilanl" , r n"'"r"a lwra gre.e•,heo hen n,.e..grrt.wy.fnr W..T, wia...ntth.n,h•n.A"-nt.Rl.n Mth.tM,il-I.r .rice I. in• rm. n,nrw it lite. (,�HE�SE, CHEESE. No. 19, Con. 7. Wmt Wawanosh. A,.,r MFM P,rt.nn.... tet A.tt "t �Ir',,`� � ---- IMtre raw the L thAtflood-,. Tr•n"a.. M lrinm M■t. or Lily Mn-hr1A In,,+..... Tet Also -.ray A..T wish tM, e•.rptl III, r ten iranw•n •row IM IMh rex land. Afr.Ma■nl MI. "w 1n ne "r„a.tr.,,l., ••�aK••dr y,a.t rr .•� TAA•, ED two A. Dr. -Iv Mur it N,I ly, ,,. I ..,A will I r.A the rer.M t^ lA• 1`"Allr, IMmrN•oo rnA 1h.o b,I .h^•A. thl. nrrwt if Imre. I rinrws t. =i •eA Ir„rM Th. hem has h,- 1,,,,,,t s Nor the Omlwl.. dial, wN,• ah-tt •W ret OalwMr• _ • r_"awa awaMa.■R Iry - 1,71.1mA.rine( Mnlnh"nM•dt".tiin) M.I".S'r y.hLMpnrrhfr tMhm.,.lthm,t mak 1„r. ■wmhrrM penin • M.h •kis nr "nitlr*.ow ,♦' 1i1001lsy t1w 19th da of Dl'CIIIiblif a.ae.l.al, w... rlW ta7a L A.r.Ar,•. P.ti 7=14.17M." r.A.r 1r•1 MA), with n. All ' inle/�+�nal•iwnA- Murh nlpht Mr1A Mth. tailor RA -let.. • t..•A d -111.x Mmr, Ltwe here. auU �heylhLal'a �t Strachan, � - pool McKhr• Iso •rrtlq seen awd •p•wlr ren.. ass mmk bat aur •pw.•'.m .n. w. I..N -tbslL 1.99 C next ler the Or • nr Nnrin■lin a Rnr.r, p��t t+ ,% Ili km.wnwirld•rhMr"TM alert p"'g•- PARCEL NO. 6. GRUCKRS,GCUSRICB M y�11fs E BUSME86 EDDCk 1, un."AIrMr.•neWyrr nn altrska-Wsnln. TMT oro Dr t Tr and C,wneillonto eanllr frow holes se.nenl by A.k., r.hfw- w 13 E T TER At! end .t.rnl.r that r -Ili p.rr•l or r,Yl .f I.nA sled cele • f• ■1 wnWl.,,t�•fwbk enMA. •nrr.ml IW ItwIM., •W w.ltr.lTlrr.W holes htMt..n.hlp (jAVR b•ew rolflPrtt R••' revs for Lbs ,wry INTI And IA ear., • M 1sim.te tM Lew, l �.a I. mei (",q.rau.•, pT mtklnt twnrR tk.t-W. 1P•. Y. lfrnwr! hr f A.(lit. n tM rr,nny nr wine-, •mrr..M. hold 11 Godrrieb fnL the sale of the celebrated Pnll busing r.gnired The I:Iwetion will he held The Canada B ,a" „pen n : t1. M 1 rltAt tM holt rrrwl•M nr" IC.. rnpla of x•w Ap.wl YR.M rv.rwprnl M L,,1 N^ a In th. MA r,.n.rl"n "f tM ry p y nnrroa ewe, na ate rrsnnled b. •,,..,a hill :) ; n N w . wet •Debre fora ll helm -M kweMip •M ronlamlwth7 dwrr.ue+rs•nl NAy Rseter Fett. i;he.aw. at CIM ■amus hers on Moeda ilio tad or Cnl1FO R, ..A, Iso g�yyp al►mod-%fl•'•Mtn n/Rm A C p' os :n ,d 11"a M .m ..n •t [} BNf .",w., wtnn "r 1.-. 1,otsl dealers sapplisd at tks FNlort ,Tanurrr nest ,t 9 o'tlrxk in tbs forAn,Mn. U. a•ersnh� -I- i't•r -.k. ti.. -I,- tar cele• I Th..nak will loo fry 1 w he eL• p. Tr.n -.host too. ■"r'.. I-weol...d W. r.m•Iml. Prices. JAS SCO TT.7tsarainr olResr. HAMILTON, O • h M" PME w Pr•.t„tin for, o. .n AnrH.ee, Ill• h well U".MM MM --reit".. -{`also. Ithenvo,z.,%w.nl seven. .. TTM. ;.t-, r TM an-. 1.4. raw rail �'•rt► LN+r atewRthm M SIIRPHARD & 9ITTI ACHAti. Wont w,wamsel, N, w116�1k i1T0. .43 td (inb Rnrrt! UO.w:wvot ) ...La+aNl,k�. far ��.nnrsn.Bh.era Isneers,cylMlw..nAJt..n. � Aief1'EAY, PRI1F.PFN)NAAr, !"'"► W"'aR".6.1 f i4"k"" rtrnlr• : • 'w•rt hl• CONDITIONS OF •ALF.. (}Odsritlt, Aall6 1j wt0 MLLRa I•• OnTAIYpn TWO A .more•- free hos- ••heath• •reel r m.•I rr preen TT" pnr.lrmw CJI. at w thew M rL, ppptt.yyy .r boo ►.r �1a..R-.. I/r" n/ A It.. tbknwr M h„ A f .. - .� 1AMRM/h. •MI•ss1'� M .�mA Cal a� wyw•A L+1 Fal. M •1 tM Iu/rrw•iI r Illrr.r.c ra■•r•ptrRt AnlAnn-YnahrlllmlkM•M µrr�VleAnson A•Irslk lea AnportNr pax '1r,r.Znl lt'.w t1aA•rh•�TypM1A aM ,wMr- m•� Ivrranl a,,,l r7nitwr Mr11g•, RalrrarlMl In •t,R'a ,n,T7,.r f -tar rrA kwmlrar"'YR/rw Il.r"'.'a•wK'Ya� dd rale r,. rally A,-, Rllbwt• (5,11", "reline, ny.enary, /••M Md .I.,er = w the To " % , MA the rsmrim n .� u p 1. rMrnealM k T•••'• tw e. .- aro r,aalnral•.,I ..leer ('..T .Ion illi- •n.era h, thus.. PRI". M welrarr This Ih.,v. ea.ea ryr p•nM1• In get A rlrMlnn n," pnrekao• n.aoay ss w ods. w tw•ne).nt day Refreshment Rooms • M," tat" H -.y. Cf1AALY i11.Ag1 R flow �s any w .1,,I, Th.r.'�1•p. Clean. erp•rl0lmIo,.rs t•wM.l11 r.,v.MM r Ihr .sly wMbin lob,r•Ib.m a• tall al wm8,.;ether-,,el- MJ•w. A. D. IML A elh•v /"Wee la• ash .erect •. rwFwM►. xnn. foW. IIITa ..tic -Rt t i- n,,.lw"r ee fere nOay rel th•t rn.w• •ltr.e.. whM► ,. •Mn,w eae,Nwreer rMM w.rwdl■. n•'+dnI—. a twmatA R11. Iwrlwnl- M• •esd .j M.. wwlArr..17 neN.od. M w •ant wll M •dos n,rnl,n wRwt A,Dw YAR/wT wpn..R, FOR PALE . i`�11-Me PRwI elle, dr n,■•1 nws•t W. Iii,. .t tM Er.h"wRnOAw. M, dos .rc �wr� M Ir,,,r,..p„N..A., A.n�renTII-R -11-1, $I Poo bmts. a aniftee p r sort Nrrl ,I rA Ir thrt pMr. IeMmoo Grow- m■y M er 0, NOW Re-opewd In IRniNew BalidinR sow, " rsWy Philter U'U Per bodial Pin. w rt. pM ort.. Donn,, f.. Mratked. M s os•�!a Aj Now !� r PHON(1()RAPRY A Tltt,t rtiAMrh. N.. 11th, HIX .."10^ 14-4. w� � w, Ds,m us Rplw ktk. ---'-- ice. ef7Elrt of Dist$ LAND I1 1'H1i isl :rr llWway•. Aw■Mk. ale •rets ►)wX�11 nreerwh.N llwvq. w` atftff� C-e.trT nn.w.r...,A .t Br item•,•. CIM' -1 a.. Tr wtAssr.AN lies~ T FRE 8 H O Y 6 T E R 3 f�,,,m,T,w,. 6,_ re�,sr„�, . am,!,H rt rM(YY rAtwlrt /T srrSArwrLrtr v t1-sawwa. M wwy■ tows w T W les M MIM W Alf TBi D I MRre l'Y, rl lice l or Ierd ass M ~so M��,"_* Y - M M•awa iT1T M JI klwA• 1■ ••■era. Palley, ass Mn w a. ALL". norw Rural n9 na�•••Mar its• IReal renewed T'.., T W 14 PM.eT n■-adYMy. !••'t a^^• t" ,(lll(arK Sswflrti aaxrMrw a sees tw1Ai'w(.'krrwaT• *�w wi�lyrs~j ai IRs soda •ta■A •M MI. -aa M fIM•Mb /1 xw, . left w=t C.IIm. uw•rne7 a� Mar IL tI�ass /atm Y A J tk.rwav a r.. dee M A e•wr•ha•w aro ■ tm+'t ttMr M '• KtaasMs , Fr, 1� ww1► tM■•.rda r1Y r.� r1.W M wewwd ass alearaaM r d Ir".•wM �af1 s11Rt ~ - 6ndwMg w". Pea, IOWT Jrllrx_, �vaTtMRN, t A. • nn, f wtt-v ` MYwa: Rte►. Ob. Irw wMr ttoRI IM r-.r.-w,..wr . - "_ . •+.r• • r. ....Z .. .r..... i ..r drt7ew Y Oov- rel.. md-,-". 06moo,&V�L.ua,r-..24 �a•�k� . i �. l • .rer� f V.--_', I - pnp%p..�- I - - It I +" _, -... , ter'•- '•- . J ••.Srasmm6-r ._ . - �-.-.. -. . t . ZNM Teff. ale• rxt,4eirAL Iva SALN. Weft ?An allyl!! .f ler aataaw� soda •heir . lA orwlte. • � said be WhAW90 y M.•rind W/wMl. l■wT+.. 't$to ray bosskR t r a h, 001 d Ilw-eay errp'M by Mr Lrnea .drv-.daJ ewpain .. kN(m V .. I a._.. .' P" A•,r� .„ M 1• 1 •. -'v�~satt- '{il .,'1• •.iI ►�''r•_,r:A` �- 4r^- r`----', Ew1tr ..•+a. ' _ I