HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-11-18, Page 7ADVANCED HONOURS — The honour of completing eighteen 4-H
club projects went to Sheila Willert, RR 1 Dashwood at Saturday's
Achievement Day held in Zurich, Above, Sheila receives her award
from Huron's Home Economist Miss Catherine Hunt. T-A photo
.4) e
tr .11
The Committee on the Costs of Education in the Elementary and Secondary
Schools of Ontario has been appointed to undertake a comprehensive review of the
costs of education in relation to the aims and objectives, programs, priorities and the
like, of the educational system, to evaluate existing programs in the light of
experience with them, the requirements of the present, and in terms of the
expenditures of money for them; and to recommend policies as the Committee may
The Committee will welcome assistance from representatives of groups,
organizations, and associations and from the public through the provision of
information, comments, and suggestions in areas such as but not limited to:
--the use of the financial resources being provided for elementary and
secondary education in Ontario in the attainment of the educational goals;
— the ability of the various differentiating factors in the legislative grant plan
such as course, location, level (elementary and secondary), and type (ordinary and
extraordinary) to generate funds in proper balance consistent with the needs for the
attainment of desirable educational objectives;
— the implications of ceilings on expenditures by local school boards, including
the effect on the decision-making and autonomy of these boards;
the various aspects of school programs with particular reference to
innovations and new concepts as, for example, the'open plan" organization,
technical and commercial programs, and use of educational technology.
It will be appreciated if submissions could be made as soon as possible but not
later than 31st March, 1972. They should be sent to:
Executive Director
Committee On the Cogs of Education
'J R001115-944
252 floor Street West
Toronto 181
T. A. lVICEWan
J. B. McCarthy
-Executive Director
S ausage Pure Pork
Pork Shoulders Fresh
Sausage Polish
Side Bacon Coleman Rindless
Pork Chops Shoulder or Butt
S uet Chopped
Pickled Rolls Sweet
Ground Beef ,es,
B ologna bythel
Minced Ham
E-- Salada
E.'. Royal Instant
1 11
1 M M 11
1 11
1 11
1 11
SODA BISCUITS salted, plain or saltines lb. 360
CHOCOLATE BUDS 12-oz, cello bag 2/990
Christie's Miniature
60s 734
PEANUT BUTTER lb. jar 494
4-oz. assorted flavours
28-oz. tins
lb. tin
4 lbs.
lb. 490
lb. 350 I
I. 590 I
lb. 490
lb. 480
lb. 290 -1
lb, sn
.570 1
th.230 15-oz. bottle 2/65k
14-oz. 3/694
reg. 59c oek , 0%94
special price A Pkg. y
rttittltltl l
BEANS with pork
Ocean King
lb. 4 9 , ll l ,„„ ttt , lll llll lllll l WRI110111116satistiniMomtlitlittlIt tttttttt tttttt
Canada Fancy
SPY APPLES 2 5-lb. bags 980 —
Florida Fresh
GRAPEFRUIT white tir pink size 48s 10/88
U.S. No. 1
RADISHES 6-oz, pkg. 3/290
Homo!! obituaries
Mrs. Maude Hodden, Phone 262-2002
Mrs.. Bertha MacOregor, Phone 262-2025
Surviving too, ore three
grandchildren .and seven great-
Funeral service took place el
.Bonthron rnneral Chapel,
Hensall, Saturday with Rev. pon
Peek .officiating,
Interment was. made in. Hensel),
Union Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Walter
Spencer, Erie Luther, Bill
Fairbairn, Jack Simmons, Pick
Welsh, Donald Joynt,
Guest speakers featured
ON PARADE — Members of the Hensall Legion, Ladies' Auxiliary and Girl Guides participated in Sunday's
Remembrance Day parade as flag bearers, From the left, they are, Guide Brenda Pepper, Mrs. Marg
Vanstone, Ernie Davis, Tracey Turner, Mrs. Iva Reid and John Skea. T-A photo
Kinettes enjoy
slides of tour
The Hensall Kinettes met at the
home of Mrs. Bill Fuss,
November 10.
Guests for the evening were
Mrs. Gertrude Hamilton and
Mrs. Verna Hicks, The latter
showed slides of her trip around
the world. Mrs. Larry McLean
received her Kinette pin and
bylaws and was welcomed as the
club's newest member.
The raffle was won by Mrs.
Leonard Hoffman.
Members decided to visit shut-
ins, December 5, and entertain at
the Goderich Psychiatric
Hospital, December 8.
Senior Citizens' night will be
held December 15,
The Kinettes are catering to the
Kinsmen mixed curling bonspiel
later this month,
Brownie gets
golden bar
Churches hold
special services
A large crowd attended Hensall
At a special ceremony Tuesday United Church Sunday morning
afternoon at Hensall United for the Remembrance Day
Church two new girls were service when members of the
enrolled as Brownies, They were Legion, Legion Auxiliary,
Jo-anne Pepper and Valerie Brownies, Guides and the band
Baker. were guests.
The total number of children in Victor Stan, president of the
the Brownie pack is now 24. Hensall Legion, read scripture
Athlete's badges were and Rev. Don Beck chose as the
presented to Lori Lovell, Karen theme for his sermon, "For
Voland, Donna Jean Allen, Nancy Everything a Season".
Deitz, Shelley Wareing, Sandra November 28 will he Youth
Nixon, Becky Baker, Anna Marie Sunday with a special service in
Duffy, Barbara McCurdy. the morning and coffee house in
Golden bar was presented to the evening.
Roxanne Lavery, Gideons conduct service
Swimmers badge, Barbara The service in Carmel
McCurdy. ,Presbyterian Church was con-
Barbara McCurdy has received ducted by the Gideons, Sunday.
the most interest badges within Jack Thompson of Seaforth and
the Brownie pack in her three Don Jolly of Exeter assisted in
years of Brownies. Scripture readings and prayer.
Edgar Cudmore gave the
address, outlining the work of the
Gideon Society and what they are
doing in making Christ known
throughout the world.
Harry Hoffman of Dashwood
was guest soloist, singing "In
Times Like These" and "Until
Then." Mrs. Malcolm Dougall
presided at the organ.
Ag rep speaks about Personals
farming in the farmer
The Hensall Ladies Wednesday
afternoon curling will not be held
Unit II Hensel! U.C.W, held
their monthly meeting November
fl with Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson
acting as chairlady.
A devotion on "Kindness,"
from the Mary Stewart Collect,
was given by Mrs. Jim Drum-
Roll call, "Did You Know?"
was answered with 17 members,
Business was conducted by
Mrs. Verne Alderdice when the
general meeting on November 22
was discussed. November 18 Unit w.
II will help host a party at the
Bluewater Rest Home in the
Next meeting all units will
meet December 13 for the
Christmas meeting,
Mrs. Verne Alderdice ably
conducted the study, "The
Sacred Laws of Deuteronomy,"
which was taken from the
panorama of the Bible.
Mrs. Rena Caldwell gave an
interesting resume, and showed
slides of her trip with Roy Jewell
through the Peace River district,
the Yukon and Alaska.
Unit I
Unit I of United Church Women
met November 11 and as this was
Remembrance Day Mrs. Walter
Spencer opened the meeting by
reading "In Flanders Fields," "0
God of love, 0 King of peace" was
sung with Mrs. A. Shirray at the
piano. Mrs. Spencer's devotional
was entitled "To Live Abun-
dantly, Know Thyself,"
Roll call was taken with eleven
present and two visitors.
Mrs. Robert Cook concluded
the study on the Americas by
giving an interesting talk on the
history of the Indian tribes.
The guest speaker, was Mrs.
Gordon Schwalm who told us of
her recent trip to Spain and
Africa. She showed us many
pictures, gifts and souvenirs she
brought home.
Mrs. Harvey Keys and
assistants served lunch during a
social hour.
Carmel W.M.S.
The W.M.S. of Carmel
Presbyterian Church in Hensall,
held their November meeting
with president Mrs. R. A. Orr
welcoming the guests from the
United and Anglican churches,
Arnold Circle and friends of
Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Earl
Campbell gave the devotion. Mrs.
Ed Munn was the pianist and
ushers were Mrs. Harold Bell
and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth.
Mrs, Gordon Schwalm in-
troduced the guest speaker a
missionary, Miss Hazel Mac-
donald of Goderich, who with her
sister, Miss Flora MacDonald
recently made a three month
world tour. Previously Miss
Hazel MacDonald had spent
three years in Kenya and area
under the African inland
educational mission.
She said it was like a reunion
for her to go back and meet men
and women whom she taught
years ago as children in Ethiopia,
Kenya, and Formosa. The
mission training for women she
had done is now resulting in
excellent service from those
women today.
Miss MacDonald also showed
slides of these countries she
revisited which showed the many
changes that have taken place.
A social hour was enjoyed.
Chiselhurst UCW
President Mrs. Russell Brock
opened the meeting of
Chiselhurst United Church
Women with prayer and Mrs,
Ross Riley gave the worship, the
theme being "Kindness".
A nomination report for next
two years was given by Mrs. Ed
Report of the regional meeting
in Exeter was given and. a short
business period was conducted by
Mrs. Brock.
Mrs, Alf Ross showed slides on
Mrs. Earl Kinsmen conducted
the program when two minutes of
silence was observed for
Remembrance Day.
December meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Don Beck.
Hensall Women's Institute held
their Agriculture and Canadian
Industries meeting in the Legion
Hall with president Mrs. J.
McAllister in the chair, Members
answered ' the roll call by in- ,
troducing their guests. Mrs, J.
McAllister gave a report of the
area convention.
A moment of silence was ob-
served in memory of a past
member, Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Mrs. E. Riley conducted the
program which consisted of a
sing song accompanied at the
piano by Miss Greta Lammie;
Mrs. Riley reading the poem "In
Flanders Fields;" and musical
numbers by Bob and Danny
Heywood of Exeter which were
enjoyed by everyone.
Mrs, 3. Skea introduced the
guest speaker, Mike Miller, the
assistant Agricultural
Representative for Huron
A well known .Hensall resident
Albert George Alexander passed
away at St. Joseph's flesPltal
London November 8, 1971 in his
84th year, He was the husband of
the former Elizabeth A, .Thom-
Several nieces and nephews
alSo survive,
Funeral services were held at
the Bonthron Funeral Chapel
November 10 with Rev. Don Beck
conducting the service. Inter-
ment was in Maitland Bank
Cemetery, .Seaforth,
Pallbearers were Earl Pigpen,
Harold Dignan, Ron Wareing,.
Edison Forrest, ROSS Forrest and
Joe McLellan.
Sarah Alice (Caldwell) Joynt
died at South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, November 10, 1971, in her
93rd year.
She was the wife of the late
George Joynt and mother of
Laird, Toronto, Dr, Harry,
Toronto and Dr. Bill of Londpn.
She was also a sister of Harry
Caldwell of Wellwood, Manitoba
and Wes Caldwell, London.
and district news
Wilbert James Selves, RR 1,
Hensall, passed away at South
Huron Hospital, Exeter
November 8, 1971 in his 71st year.
He was the husband of the
former Mabel C. Purdy and
SARAH ALICE (CALDWELL) JOYNT brother of Mary Jacques of
The funeral was held at Bork-
thron Funeral. Chapel November
11 with Rev, Don Beck of-
Interment was made in Hensall
Union Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Jim Dougall,
Mac Dougall, Harry Dougall,
Coreelieus Faber, Herman Van
Wieran and Maurice Love,
this year due to not getting
County, who took a look into the, enough members to participate.
future of farming, the expansion The Ladies' Aid of Carmel
of farm vacations in the province Church is holding a bazaar and
and the possibility of program- tea in the church school room
med machinery.
Slides of their trip to the British ' November 20. Brian of Manitoulin Island visited
Isles and Ireland were shown by, Mrs. Lillian Smith and with her parents Mr. & Mrs.
Rev. George and Mrs. Andersodaughter Helen returned home Leonard Erb, and friends over
of Exeter.
,,n; after spending two weeks with the weekend.
Courtesy remarks were given the former's son and daughter-in- Mr, & Mrs. Jack Duncan,
by Mrs. R. Simpson, and lunch law, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smith, in Toronto, visited over the
was served. Hostesses were Mrs. London, weekend with Mrs. Elizabeth
M. Ingram and Mrs. E. Riley. Mrs. Doug Dick, Terri and Riley. ,,,
Hay Municipal Telephone System
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W. C. HORNER — Secretary-Treasurer
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