HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-11-18, Page 5Times-Advocate, November 10, 1971 Page 5
Mre..Franklin .Peleridee
Mrs, Eve (Belkwill) Delbridge,
Exeter. passed away November
10, 1971, in South Huron Hospital.
She was the wife of the late
Franklin J. Delbridge and
mother of F.O. Ralph Delbridge
(killed on active service 1943),
She is survived by her
daughter, Mrs„ Alex (Berneice)
Sweeton of London and two
grandchildren, Mrs, Stephen
(Laura) Milne of Toronto and
George Sweeton .of Loudon.
The funeral service conducted
by Rev. Glen Wright, was held
November 12 at the Hopper-
Hockey Funeral Home.
Interment was in tbe Exeter
Richard Ottewell speaks
to WI ,about UN tour
Rev, J. King, Kirkton United
Church in charge,
Pallbearers were George
Harrah, Eber Shute, Lorne
Marshall,Wilbert Kirkby, Norris
Atthill and Emerson Paton.,
Seven grandchildren acted as
flower bearers. Interment was in.
Kirkton Union, Cemetery,
A two part skit, entitled "Self-
seeking and Pretense" was
presented and a tribute to those
who died fighting for freedom
during two World Wars was
They ended with a social half
Elimville Women's Institute
held a successful euchre and
bake sale at Usborne Central
School, Monday.
The prizes were won by ladies'
high. Mrs. Eva Beckett,
Woodham; men's high, Heber
Shute, Kirkton; ladies' low, Mrs.
Gladys Skinner, Exeter; men's
low, Mrs, Dorothy Elford;
travelling lone hands, Mrs.
Marjorie Johns; and door prize,
Mrs. Edna Caldwell, Exeter.
Russell Morrison
Russell J. Morrison; Kirkton,
died November 8, 1971 at St.
Marys Memorial Hospital in his
73rd year.
Born at West Monkton, he had
resided in Kirkton since his
marriage in 1922. Mr. Morrison
was an employee of Ontario
Hydro until his retirement in
1964, He was a member of
Kirkton United Church,
Surviving are his wife, the
former Verda Moore; sons, Ray,
St. Marys; Reginald, Kirkton. A
son, Preston, predeceased him.
Nine grandchildren also survive.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday from the Lindsay
Funeral Home, St. Marys, with
Cyril Snowdon
Cyril Snowdon, Seaforth, died
at Goderich, November 12, in his
72nd year.
Ile is serviced by his sister,
Gwendolyn of Exeter, and
brothers Oswald H. and Gerald
H., both of Seaforth.
The funeral was held at the R.
S. Box Funeral Home, Seaforth,
Saturday, with Rev, Stanley
Sharpies officiating.
YEARLY SADDLE CLUB WINNERS — At Saturday's annual banquet of the Exeter saddle club, plaques
were presented to the highest point rider for the past six years. Present to accept their awards were from the
left, Nelson Bilyea (1967) Bruce Hicks (1968 and 1970) and Jim Rundle (1969). Missing were Wilmer
Preszcator and Ed Brady. T-A photo
Name officers for church,
several houses purchased
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Jones of
London were Sunday guests of
Mr. & Mrs, Wm. Jones.
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Brooks of
Blyth were Sunday guests of Mr.
& Mrs, Claire Sisson.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Carter were
Friday evening guests of Mr. &
Mrs. Leonard Thacker.
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thacker
and Joy were Sunday visitors of
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Morgan of
Mr. & Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper
and Jeanette were recent guests
of Mr. & Mrs, Kenneth Facey of
Wellburn. Once
ad in
both replied after receiving many
beautiful gifts.
Persona Is
Beth Passmore, Darlene
Passmore and Judith Cann of
Thames Road spent the weekend
with Sharon Batten.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pym and
family visited on Sunday with
Bert Robb of Clinton,
Laura Johns, Joan Kerslake
and Joan Pym spent the weekend
at Ottawa with other Grade X
students of South Huron High
Several from this community
attended the Barbershop Concert
at Beal Technical School in
London on Saturday evening
when Bob Margison was the
Mr, & Mrs. Karl Haberer of
Zurich, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence
Hanna of Belgrave visited
Thursday evening with Mr. &
Mrs. Wm, Routly.
Judith and Cathy Coates of
Exeter spent the weekend with
their grandparents, Mr, & Mrs.
Squire Herdman.
Keith Heywood of Val Dor,
Quebec spent the weekend with
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Heywood,
while he was taking a course at
Camp Borden.
Mrs. Ron Parsons, Mrs. Ross
Skinner and Brenda Skinner
attended a surprise bridal shower
at the home of Mary Prance of
Winchelsea, Saturday evening
for Brenda Skinner.
Sunday was Laymen's Sunday
at Elimville United Church,
Arnold Mathers and Allan Taylor
of Exeter were the guest
speakers, who delivered an in-
spiring dialogue message,
"Concern for Others".
Larry Skinner read the
scripture and Howard Johns led
in prayer,
Mr. Taylor told an interesting
children's story, comparing our
bodies to a shoe, each having a
tongue, eyes and a sole,
Bridal shower
A surprise party was held at
Elimville Hall, Friday night for
Brenda Skinner and Jake Hovius,
bridal couple of next week.
Several selections were sung
by the Parsons sisters; Mrs.
Howard Pym gave humorous
readings; musical numbers by
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and
Norman Jaques played the ac-
cordion and harmonica together
were enjoyed.
A very humorous mock wed-
ding was performed with Howard
Pym as bride; bridesmaid,
Harry Jaques and flower girl,
Sam Skinner, Groom was Mrs.
Carol Parsons; best man, Cliff
Jaques; minister, Mrs. Shirley
Cooper; mother of the bride, Bill
Morley; usher, Mrs. Berniece
Jaques; bride's father, Mrs.
Lillian Cooper and old boyfriend,
Mrs. Helen Bell.
Mrs. Jim Wilkinson read the
address and Brenda and Jake
Recent speakers at Elimville
Women's Institute brought a
wider understanding of Public
Relations to the members.
Richard Ottewell, with the aid
of pictures, spoke about his trip
and experience with 39 other
young people from Ontario who
attended The United Nations last
He said that as result of this
experience he had broadened his
out-look on life and of people.
Richard stressed the importance
of the work of the United Nations,
and said he is enthusiastic about
sharing his experiences with
other people in this area.
Mrs. Gwyn Whilsmith spoke on
the aspects of Public Relations as
they are used by corporations,
organizations and newspapers,
etc, She said that in her research
on the subject she had decided it
was, in its simplest form, an
extension of human relations.
With the help of two Exeter
Times-Advocate co-workers,
Mrs. Dorothy Hern and Mrs.
Norma Brintnell, Mrs,
Whilsmith explained to the
members how the newspaper is
put together. She also explained
the reasons for cutting and
editing material sent in by
correspondents and reporters for
Ten 4-H girls were presented
with gifts; five had received
County awards and five had been
awarded Provincial honors.
Recognition was given to Sheila
Hern for completing 18 projects,
Mrs. Eric Clayburn was
presented with bank passbook
for baby David.
Mother Shipton's prophesies
were read, some of which have
come to pass,
honour of her mother, Mrs. Susan
Merrier, who at 95 is the oldest
living member of the Ladies Aid.
Mrs, Louis Restemayer who
was unable to attend has been a
member for fifty-eight years. She
recalls walking to the home
where the meetings were held.
Mrs. Mary Martene 94, is the
second oldest living member.
She also was unable to attend.
Dashwood club
gets victory
The Dashwood Bears recorded
a 7-5 win over Zurich Friday
John Becker and Pat
McKeever each scored two goals
to spearhead the Dashwood
scoring attack.
Adding singles were Stan
Lovie, Bill Hoffman and Jim
Zurich also had a pair of double
scorers with Glenn Overholt and
Ron Desjardine each firing two
scores. Notching the fifth counter
was George Suplat,
Small articles suitable for the
residents at Huronview to buy
with the play money they are
allowed for their bazaar are
requested by November 21.
Each member will invite a
guest to the December meeting.
Reinhold Miller purchased the
home of Chester Geiser at the
auction sale, Saturday.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Zimmer and
family have moved to their home
purchased from Mr. & Mrs.
Harvey Ratz. Still uncompleted is
a TV shop to be added.
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene
were Mr. & Mrs, Garnet Weiberg.
Sandra and Larry, Waterloo; and
Mr., & Mrs. Wendell Gamble and
Kim, London.
Mrs. Bob Hayter has returned
home from St. Joseph's Hospital,
Zion Lutheran Ladies were
guests of the Zurich ladies last
New officers elected for the
1972 season at Zion Lutheran
Church are: president, Gordon
Kraft; vice-president, Harry
llayter; secretary, Albert
Rader; elder, Charles Martene;
trustee, Leonard Restemayer,
Sunday school superintendent,
Wilfred Becker; assistant, Glen
Rader; mission treasurer, Elgin
Rader; current secretary,
Howard Deters.
Finance committee, Robert
Boogemans, Roy Gibson, Donald
Rader, Herbert Miller;
stewardship committee, Garnet
Willert, Reinhold Miller.
Evangelism committee,
Robert Ela y ter, Kenneth Keller;
education committee, Adolph
Keller, Charles Tiernan.
Memorial flowers
Besides the flowers which were
placed in Zion Lutheran Church
in memory of the late John
Gackstetter, flowers were also
present for the 60th anniversary
of the Ladies Aid., Mrs. Ed
Nadiger had flowers on the altar
in memory of her parents. Mr. &
Mrs. Henry Naushwanger, Mrs.
Naushwanger having been a
charter member.
Mrs, Louella Tieman also
presented a basket of flowers in
Library draw
at high school
Invite you to join them for
Worship, Fellowship and
Legion and district officials participated in a Remembrance Day
service Sunday morning. Above, Mrs. Mary Taylor, who lost two sons
in the Second World War lays the Province of Ontario wreath.
T-A photo
Staffa Women's Institute
members were guests of the
Seaforth Women's Institute,
'Tuesday evening.
David and Dennis Dow, Guelph
University were home for the
weekend with their parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Norman Dow and Ernest.
Darlene Templeman and her
roommate Sue Tirone, Waterloo
University, spent the weekend
with Mr. & Mrs. John Tern-
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rickard and
Bradley, Bowmanville, visited on
the weekend with Alvin Worden
and Bill.
Bonnie Miller, Guelph spent the
weekend with her parents Mr. &
Mrs. Clifton Miller and Paul.
Dianne Miller was a weekend
guest of Miss Gwen Dougall,
Rev. Jack Roeda, Minister
Sunday, November 21
10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship
2:15 p.m.—Afternoon Worship
3:15 p.m.—Sunday School
The Back to God Hour
CI-ILO 4:30 p.m. Dial 1570
See the
Exeter, Ontario
Rev. Glen D. Wright, B.A.,B.D.
Organist & Choirmaster:
Mr. Robert Cameron
Music Director:
Mrs. Roland McCaffrey
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m,—Morning Worship
For Courtesy Car Phone 235-1163
Farmers told lumber
standards are reduced 1972 Sno Jets now
Rev. Wilfred D. Jarvis,
B.A., B.D.
Organist: Mr. Robert McIntosh
Sunday, November 21
10:00 a.m.—,Sunday School
11;15 a.m.—Morning Worship
Courtesy Car 235-2406
Models from 19 to 37 H.P. 15"
and 18" track, Manual and
electric start Priced from
stamped S-GRN and should have
been oversized when cut.
Dealers may have the old and
new sizes in stock for a while. For
this reason, it is important to
remember the revisions when
making purchases for
remodeling, says Professor
Irwin. Be sure you know what you
are buying.
Huron St. West
Fundamental — Evangelical
11:00 a.m.—The Gideons of the
area will be in charge of the
7:30 p.m.-Sermon Topic:
"The Culmination of a
Prolonged Conflict"
9:45 a.m.—Family Bible School
Nursery facilities at all
Sunday services.
Prayer and Bible Study
Wed., 8:00 p.m,
Mrs. E. A. Keyes, Organist
Rev. R. H. Thynne, Pastor
Telephone 235-2476
We also stock a complete line of
Canadian made clothing and
accessories at reasonable prices —
adult sizes only.
S outhview
Sales & Service
Mr. & Mrs. Preston Dearing
celebrated their 51st wedding
anniversary at a family dinner
party held at the Dashwood
Hotel, Sunday evening.
Don J. Proudlove
James St. South
St. Marys
Phone Medina 10r22
Ladies Aid
The November meeting of Zion
Lutheran Ladies Aid was held
Wednesday with Group III in
charge of devotions and lunch.
Mrs. John Rader and Mrs. Albert
Miller held closing devotions.
Rev. E,E. Steinman took as the
topic; "Redeemed For a Pur-
Mrs. John Hayter president,
dealt with the business, The
ladies Aid is celebrating its 60th
anniversary, November 14, and is
sponsoring the Lutheran Hour on
C.K.N.X. for that Sunday. They
also had the•chairs in the chancel
reupholstered and the inside door
will be recovered.
The altar guild is Mrs. Hilda
Wein and Mrs. Louella Tieman.
The nominating committee is
Mrs. Ed Keller and Mrs, Ray
The Aid will cater to a supper in About thirty student library
December. assistants provide important help
in connection with book check-out
and return, processing books and
periodicals, etc. They spend
much of their otherwise free time
- lunch periods, spare periods,
activity periods - in the library to
help provide library service for
all students in the school.
In the past it was customary to
charge fines on overdue regular
books. Part of the amount
collected in this way was used to
help defray the cost of occasional
library club lunch meetings, and
the cost of a "reward" trip at the
end of the year. Trips in recent
years have included visits to
places of historic and cultural
interest. in London, Midland,
Stratford and Toronto.
Since the practice of charging
fines on overdue regular books
has been discontinued, it
becomes necessary to raise
money in some other way to
permit this "reward" system to
The Library Club has arranged
a draw for a table model "Stereo
Center", which consists of an
automatic record player, an 8-
track tape player, AM-FM radio,
and two separate speakers.
Tickets are being sold for 50
cents each, on three for $1,00,
They may be obtained from any
member of the Library Club,
Ticket sale closes December 10,
and the draw will be held
December 14.
Huron Street East
Rev. Harmon Heeg, Minister
Sunday, November 21
10;00 a.m.—Morning Worship
2:00 p.m.—Afternoon Worship
3:00 p.m.—Sunday School
"Come and Worship"
United Church of Canada
Rev. Bruce Guy, B.A,
Organist: Mrs. K. McCrea
Sunday, November 21
10:00 a,m.—Morning Worship
11:00 rem.—Sunday School
Farmers should be aware of
the new lumber standards, ad-
vises Professor Ross Irwin,
School of Engineering,
University of Guelph.
For many years, a 2 x 4 was
actuallly 11,s inches by 35.8 inches.
This now has been reduced to 11/2
inches by 31 2 inches.
The changed standards are the
result of a decade of development
in Canada and the United States,
says Professor Irwin. The new
standards ensure more unifor-
mity in size and moisture con-
tent. Under the old rules, no
allowance was made for the
shrinkage of green lumber, Now,
separate schedules have been
established for green and dry
lumber to ensure they end up the
same size.
Lumber 2 inches and less in
thickness with a moisture content
of 19 percent or less will carry a
stamp S-DRY. If the moisture
content is above 19 percent, it is
Thames Road
Mr, & Mrs, Ken Luther, Janice
and Susan Kelly Whitehead,
Sarnia, were Sunday guests
with Mr, & Mrs. Charles Jeffery.
Mr. & Mrs, Maurice Mac-
donald, Grand Bend, were guests
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Heber
Mr. & Mrs. Gibson, Lucan,
entertained 14 friends of their
daughter, Linda, to a hayride
party on the occasion of her
birthday. They enjoyed an hour's
drive behind the team of horses of
Bob Tindall.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tindall and
family spent Sunday with Mr. &
Mrs. Howard Clarke, Shipka.
Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Elston,
Centralia, Mr. & Mrs. Heber
Davis visited their cousins, Mr. &
Mrs. Ardy Randall, Wyoming,
Mr. Si Mrs. Fred Dobbs and Mr,
& Mrs. Hugh Davis were guests
at the banquet for the Warden of
Middlesex County, Wilson
Hodgins, Friday evening, at the
Lucan Memorial Arena.
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Davis and
Michael were Sunday guests with
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Mann and Joe,
My. & Mrs. Clayton Kooy and
Bonnie, Exeter, were recent
guests with the former's parents
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy.
The ladies of St. Patrick's ACW
quilted at the home of Mrs. Earl
Greenlee, Monday. They were
assisted by Mrs. Raymond
Greenlee, Exeter and Mrs.
Russell Schroeder,
November A.C.W. meeting was
held at the home of Mrs. R.
Tindall. Mrs. Ron Carroll,
president, opened with prayer.
Plans were made for two up-
coming banquets. A draw was
held for the monthly Mystery
prize donated by Mary Davis and
won by Eileen Carroll,
The new hymn books were
passed out to those who had or-
dered a copy. The hostess served
refreshments and Happy Bir-
thday was sung to the
president,Marg Carroll.
The group presented Mary
Kooy with a new hymn book and
rector, Rev. H. Rokeby-Thomas
closed with prayer.
Mrs. Thomas invited the ladies
to the rectory for the Christmas
meeting where an exchange of
Christmas gifts for the greedy
and a gift for a hamper for the
needy will be handed in.
Brenda and Ian Carroll en-
tertained two of their school
chums, John Story and Delphine
llirtzel, on the weekend.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Carroll and
the latter's parents, Mr, & Mrs.
Ford Dyer, Sarnia, were Sunday
guests with Mr. & Mrs, Rick
Taylor, Sarnia,
Mrs. Earl Greenlee and Mrs.
Larry Greenlee attended the
Kirkton Anglican Church bazaar,
Friday evening. ZION UNITED CHURCH
Rev. Douglas Warren, B.A.,B.D.
Sunday, November 21
10:00 a.m.—Morning Service
Nursery for children 3 years
and under.
11;15 a.m.—Sunday School
8:00 p.m,—Evening Fellowship
at the manse.
All Are Welcome
McGillivray Twp.
Second Installment Taxes Due
December 1,19 71
Fred L, Heaman
Treasurer and Collector
Rev. Austin Gedcke
9:45 a, in.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship
7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service
Wed., 7:00 pan. to 8:15 p,m,—
Boys and Girls Crusaders
(Ages 4 - 13)
All Welcome
Andrew and George Streets
Pastor: Rev. Steinman
9:15 a,m,—Morning Worship
10:30 a.m.—Sunday School CENTRALIA
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School
11:15 aati.—Morning Worship
8;00 pan.--Evangelistic Service
Flowers in Kirkton churches,
Sunday were in memory of the
late Russell Morrison and the late
Alvin McCurdy.
St. Paul's Anglican Church
held a successful bazaar last
The winner of the quilt draw
was Mrs, Harold Switzer,
Ready Mix
Plant 23$,-08.31
Pesideete 226.06
C A.McDOWELL Tuesdays 8:00 pen.-13ib1e Study
Ftev, 11. Wueroli
Pastore Rev, Steinman
9:45 aan,—Sundey School
11:00 a an ,—elotnieg Worship
e Churches of the Lutheran Hour
EXETER PS STUDENTS — Students at Exeter public school recently held an election to name a student
council, The newly elected officers are, back, left, Leon Jensen, Bill Armstrong, Sharon Campbell, Ernie
Hohner, Bonnie Campbell, Steven flolttmann, Jeff huller, David Bogart Beverley Tait. Front, Laurie
Ross, Shelley Adamson, treasurer Jitri Cockwill, secretary Cathy Fuller, president Jim Webb, vice-president
Nancy Underwood, Judy Brittain, Faye Whiting and Greg Skinner. r T-A photo