HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-11-18, Page 4That's not performance The attendance record of some members of the :Exeter RAP committee is certainly not conducive to an efficient operation of ,one of the community's most important groups. Last week's meeting had to be cancelled when only three of the seven members were on hand, and this is the second month in a row such a situation has come about. While circumstances arise occasion ally which necessitate a member's absence, it is imperative that some soul-searching be undertaken to determine the reasons. for the repeated failure of meetings to draw at least a quorum to conduct the necessary buSiness. Is the night chosen for meetings conflicting with members' other interests? Are some losing their interest in serving on the committee?. Either of those situations should be easily remedied. The affairs administered by .RAP are big business. It's extremely important business, and obviously can not function properly with a continuance of cancelled meetings. Fat cats! Cats, apparently, are becoming similar to humans. Give them enough food and the pleasures of life and they aren't interested. in working to earn their own keep. Last week, a mouse invaded the Ottawa Humane Society, There were 11 cats at the shelter at the time, and the director figured, as most people would, he should have little difficulty getting rid of the pest. He let the 11 cats out of their cages. Not one of them bothered with the mouse, He came to the conclusion that as long as cats can get their canned rations of salmon or liver, they have no desire to downgrade their menu with mice. A siamese cat was finally called in and caught the mouse in two minutes. It's the only breed that still retains its natural hunting instincts and is apparently prepared to work for its keep, One cat in 12 prepared to work! Mind pollution Some years ago the American writer and wit, Don Marquis, theorized that boredom with the welfare state and the affluent society would soon drive people back to barbarism. Listen to any newscast today, scan the papers, watch television or the movies and it seems fairly obvious that we are fast reaching that stage of retrogression. We live with violence every day and it's doing something dreadful to the psyche. We've developed an immunity to shock, a tortoise shell against compassion. Famine in Pakistan is too remote: war and massacre have left us numb. It is a matter of statistical record that out of 10 dramatic sequences in television designed for children, three are openly violent. In addition 71 percent of children's programs have at least one violent scene, many of them involving the use of weapons. Even more startling is the fact that little or no serious damage ever results. The violence is part of the game. It is condoned and becomes an acceptable problem solver. Is it any wonder then that it spills over into the nation's behaviour patterns in our streets and parks and even our homes? Are we bringing up a generation of insensitive, brutalized human beings to whom violence on TV and in the world at large are much the same? The answer is probably 'yes' and `no'. 'Yes' from those likely to be affected by watching dramatized violence, `no' from those young people who sing peace songs and refuse to be part of the national sagavery that drops jellied gas bombs on defenceless people. However, we cannot risk one child being infected by the violence he or she watches on television or movies. A campaign against this type of mind pollution is needed just as urgently as the campaign against the pollution of our environment. — contributed TODAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN 111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111 crortintocrekiramsyndicate This cheerful-looking baby is Kenny, eight months old. He's Anglo-Saxon in descent and has blonde hair with blue eyes and fair skin. Kenny isa healthy boy, always good-natured. He has a mild hearing loss and is soon to be fitted with a hearing aid. Even without it, he hears people talking to him and uses his own voice. Though nothing he says is recognizable yet, he chats and gurgles and squeals in appealing baby language. He is crawling, so he enjoys exploring but is happy just to sit and play with his toys or his own hands or watch anything moving, He loves children and is interested in animals. Kenny is easy to look after because of his happy disposition, because he amiably eats everything offered to him and because he sleeps right through the night, This lovable baby needs loving parents who can help him with his slight hearing loss and whose academic expectations will not be too demanding. To inquire about adopting Kenny, please write to Today's Child, 8ox 888, Station K, Toronto. For general adoption information, ask your Children's Aid Society. Will battle ever be won? • THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY By-law No. 31, 1971 BE IT ENACTED as a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Hay, as follows: 1. In this by-law:— "Waste" means ashes, garbage, refuse, domestic waste, dead animals, abandoned vehicles of machinery, industrial waste or municipal refuse and all other substances, whether manufactured or otherwise, which may be removed from any premises as no longer useful thereon. "Waste disposal site" means the lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto. 2. This by-law shall not apply to the disposal of household or farm wastes by any person on his own land, unless in the opinion of the medical officer of health, such disposal creates a nuisance or a hazard to public health. 3. No land or structures within the Township of Hay, save and except the lands described in Schedule "A" hereto shall be used for the purpose of depositing or disposing of waste. 4. The lands described in Schedule "A" hereto are hereby designated as a waste disposal site, and shall be operated and maintained as a land fill operation and so as to conform at least with the requirements prescribed by the Waste Management Act, 1970, the Air Pollution Control Act (1967), The Public Health Act, R.S.O. 1970 Chapter 377, and all other applicable statutes and regulations. 5. Residents of the Township of Hay only may use the waste disposal site to deposit all kinds of waste collected in the Municipality, except: (a) industrial waste (b) Hauled sewage, including septic tank purnpings (c) dead animals (d) toxic chemical wastes, herbicides, pesticides, or other poisonous products, explosive materials, or containers liable to explode. (e) demolition and construction wastes except by special written permission of the Municipality (f) abandoned vehicles including farm machinery or other bulky wastes (g) Culled potatoes, onions, turnips, and any other farm produce that is not saleable. (h) other materials which, in the opinion of the attendant at the waste disposal site, may cause a nuisance or health hazard or cannot be safely or conveniently incorporated• into the landfill operation. 6. No person shall deposit waste at the waste disposal site of a kind not permitted by this bylaw. 7. No person shall deposit waste at the waste disposal site except: (a) in the area or in a manner directed by the attendant; (b) in compliance with any signs or notices which may be posted by or with the authority of the Council; (c) during the hours when the site is open to the public; (d) when an attendant is on duty, 8. No person shall set any fire at the waste disposal site. 9, The Council shall appoint an attendant of the waste disposal site to carry out and enforce the provisions of this by-law, 10. This by-law shall not relieve any person from compliance with the provisions of any applicable statute or regulation, or order of the medical officer of health, 11. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $300.00 for each offence exclusive of costs, READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME AT HAY TOWNSHIP THIS 1st DAY OF November, 1971 READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS 10th DAY OF November, 1911 By Order, Hay Township Council, WADE .• iNSURANCE AGENCY D.T. (Terry) Wade Total Insurance Service Auto — .Fire — —Glass Sickness and Accident income Life — Pensions --Surety Bends, etc. .y,rouid be happy to, cliSc45.5 yOW particular insurance needs. Call today or at renewal time. Phone Crediton 234-6368 or 234-6224 The Winners Of Our Stereo Draw Were MR. Et MRS. BOB LAMMIE Exeter Congratulations to them and thanks to all who entered the draw ° GOULD ea JORY & 0- Dial 235.0270 Exeter Shop at home woolly Atl.:_v4, Pins -t"K's0Apro, Vteeatelerlimes-Abuocafe SERVING CANADA'S BEST FARMLAND CANNA., O.W.N.A., CLASS 'A' and ABC Editor -- Bill Batten Advertising Manager Assistant Editor --- Ross Haugh Women's Editor Gwyn Whilsmith Phone 235.1311 Man is a fallible creature At time of writing, there is a wind howling out of the north and a wrack of clouds tearing across the sky. But you won't hear a word of complaint from me. In the first place, the wind has blown the remainder of my an- nual 20,000 cubic feet of leaves right off my front lawn and onto my neighbours! And in the second, this has been the most glorious autumn I can remember. The foliage was eneffably beautiful, and lasted longer than usual. We were swimming right into October. On November 1st, we entertained friends on the back lawn, after a two-mile walk through the hushed expectancy of beech forest, over stone walls that looked as though they had been built by the same chaps who knocked together the pyramids, and across rolling pastures that reminded, bittersweetly, of the English downs. Let dread winter do its dangdest. The Lord, or whoever runs the weather department, has given me a fall I will never forget. Mind you, take that with a grain of salt. Man is a fallible creature, and within a week I'll be cursing the snow, getting my snow tires on too late, trying to pry the garden hose out of the ice, and wondering why I didn't get have some opposition, but no real problem in Newfie, The upset of the long-entrenched Alberta government was impossible. Davis won walking in Ont., Joey got licked (I think) in Newfie, and the long-entrenched boys in Alta. were turfed out, The cops are fallible. Hundreds of them stood around with red faces when some silly young punk burst through their serried ranks and put a half-Nelson on Premier Kosygin. The mighty U.S. is fallible. For the first time in the history of the United Nations, the States got a real jolt in the ego on the ad- mission of China vote. Its fallibility was showing even more blantantly when it persisted, in the face of world opinion, in the great nuclear test off Alaska. But this is the way of the world. If man were infallible, he would have no need for a god, earth would be crawling with automatons, and life would be very dull. If weather forecasters were infallible, for instance, there'd be no spice in life. We'd be able to batten down for a storm, instead of having the roof blown off when they predicted light winds. We'd be able to wear heavy jackets, instead of shivering like a dog Arnalgatriated 1924 There are probably few events in the year which stir as much controversy as Remembrance Day. The fact there is so much bickering and debate over the occasion gives ample indication of how people can actually be led into hostilities. Take the controversy which arose last week in London when a few people raised objection to having the Prime Minister lay a wreath at the cenotaph. A few shallow-thinking people suggested he shouldn't perform the duty because he was not a war veteran. In communities across the nation there are problems because some businesses want to close to mark the day and others don't. Some people get upset because some civil servants get a holiday while they have to work. Many suggest it is foolish to close the schools because for the kids it is nothing more than a holiday, and the occasion would be given more importance if they were at school and conducted a service on the 11th. Perhaps they have a point, particularly when you consider the fact that in London this year they used the "holiday" to stage the football finals for the schools. So, the conflict goes one. Perhaps the victory has not yet been won? + + + However, there are some bright aspects on the other side of the picture. For instance, we give full marks to our son's kindergarten teacher for trying to impart some significance to her youngsters' holiday. While tucking the boys into bed last Wednesday, the better half suggested they should get to sleep as fast as possible because it would be a big day coming up, filled with playing and childish pursuits. "No," came the reply from the top bunk. "We have to remem- ber. Remember war and things like that." Another mother in the area had cause to wonder just what some youngsters think. She brought us a short item written by here grade seven daughter, amply indicating the thought given the occasion. The mother was a bit dumb- founded and gave it to us for reprinting. By the way, the youngster didn't want her name mentioned, It goes as follows: It is midnight! The sky's ablaze with the firing of guns. The trenches are red with the flowing of blood. What does it prove? What?! The cries of his family cut deep in his heart. The dead man beside him looks glad to depart. He sits there and shuts his mind from vomiting razor blades, when they forecast hot weather, and the temperature was 34, No fun. No variety, I've come a long way from my opening Words about the beautiful autumn we've had, But there's method in my madness. Man if fallible. Maybe I just think we've had a beautiful fall. I could tiulte easily wake up tomorrow morning, discover that it was the middle of September, and that we'd just had a 4-foot fall Of snow, and that the whole thing had been a dream. I hope riot, but I'm not discounting the possibility. this life. And he wonders, "What does it prove? What? !" He opens his eyes only to see, young men crying "Oh God, please help mel" He then looks around to see what he dreads. Another companion to join the loved dead. And he sits there and wonders in sick agony. "What does it prove? What?! What do wars prove?" + + + A young Michigan couple visited our office recently with a real collector's item. It was a copy of the Exeter Reflector, a newspaper printed in this community in the mid 1880's. It existed for only a short period of time, and to our knowledge, no copies were ever preserved. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Price, Livonia, Michigan, came across their copy after purchasing an antique commode in the Goderich area. They took it home to refinish and found the publication bet- ween the mirror and some old boards backing it. It was in ex- cellent condition, although most of the front page. had been largely torn off. A date in an advertisement indicated it was an issue of around December 1886, and in- formation printed elsewhere noted it was published every 50 YEARS AGO The James Street Methodist choir furnished the musical program at the fowl supper at Chiselhurst Methodist church on Monday evening. Mr. Wm. Sillery has disposed of his 100 acre farm in Usborne situated on the corner of London Road and Thames Road to Mr. Peter Moir, of Usborne. Wednesday night of last week theives made an entrance through a rear window to the store of Mr. J. W, Powell and carried away a number of ar- ticles. The fiftieth anniversary of Oddfellows in Exeter was fit- tingly observed Wednesday evening when Exeter Lodge No. 67 gave an At Home in the Opera House. Hensall Hall was packed to overflowing for nominations for the South Huron Riding, Tuesday afternoon. The following were the candidates: J. J. Merrier, of Seaforth, National Liberal' Conservative; Thos, McMillan of Hullett, Liberal, and William Black, of Tuckersmith, U.F.O. 25 YEARS AGO More than 400 men are em- ployed on the construction work of the new buildings at the new R.C,A.V. training school, Cen- tralia. Mr. Fred Forester, Seaforth, has been appointed agent at the C.N.R. depot. The EIxeter branch of the Red Cross has purchased a baler and a systematic collection of salvage will be made. Jack Kinsman, Cromarty, 13, was awarded the King's Guineas and sold his calf for $4,950 at the Royal Winter Fair. Membership in the Exeter Chamber of Commerce is nearing the 100 member mark according to membership committee chairman, W. G. Cochra tie. Thursday and the subscription rate was $1.00. Only one business listed in the newspaper is still in existence, that being the Hay Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. + + + Area fishermen have been coming home these days with evidence of some real "fish stories." The Hayfield area has been most productive and George Dobbs and Bill Snell have landed trout in the last couple of weeks weighing in around the 10-pound mark. We learned from a discussion with George that fishermen are indeed human, and once someone appears to have a good thing going for him, many others crowd in, He reports there were few in the area where he and his son, John, landed their prize but it wasn't long until a crowd had gathered to view the catch. After getting his fish safely secured, George returned to fish the same spot again, but he could hardly find elbow room among the other anglers who had quickly descended upon the scene to try their luck at his spot. 15 YEARS AGO Over 25 boys and girls have joined Exeter's new junior band. The practice sessions have started under Bandmaster Jim Ford, London. Mrs. R. C. Dinney was crowned Sorority Sweetheart at Beta Sigma Phi's annual dance last week. She succeeds Miss Jean Taylor, last year's queen. Mills Store, Woodham, was broken into Saturday night but although the safe was ransacked the owners report nothing missing. There was no cash in the safe. Captain J. Grant Mills, M.D., son of Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mills, Woodham, expects to sail for Egypt this week with the first contingent of the Queen's Own Regiment. which will represent Canada in the U.N. police force, 10 YEARS AGO The new $40,000 Bethel Reformed Church on Huron Street was dedicated Tuesday night before a full congregation. South Huron Hospital Association has purchased the property of Miss Vera Rowe, Huron Street, for future ex- pension of the nurses residence. Double bill at the Lyric. Theatre this weekend contrasts historical excitement in "Carthage in Flames" and childhood warmth in "My Dog Buddy." Monica O'Shea, a member of the Kirkton 4-H beef calf club captured the Shorthorn Lassis title at the Royal Winter Fair last week. Another Xirkton youth, Allan Hodgins, was reserve champion in the Queen's Guineas steer class. Ladies Auxiliary to Exeter Legion has donated a baker- treater to South Huron Hospital to provide heat treatments for patients. my storm windows on during that glorious autumn I was raving about. Man is fallible, indeed. We are born equal, but some of us become more equal than others. We are born fallible, but some of us become more fallible than others. I am content to be in the latter category. If there's anything that raises my hackles, it is the person who is infallible, or thinks he is. Or she, in the case of my wife. For example, did you read about the way that Jackie ex- Kennedy has that poor Greek, Aristotle Onassis, tied up financially. He made himself a billionaire, but despite his first name and the wisdom it implies, his marriage contract with her makes him look like a real hick who has come in contact with a very shrewd horsetrader. She is guaranteed $10,000 a year for clothes. I forget the other items, but they're in the same vien. Even my wife was appalled, She couldn't spend it, she said. I merely raised one eyebrow. But wouldn't you agree that Aristotle is fallible? The political experts are just about as fallible as they come. Premier Davis would have a real battle on his hands in Ontario. Joey Smallwood would • ..-Knfd.77;:::,,..aaamt;aiza.,,,iezzrgsz,::--..----: times Established 1873 . Advocate Established 1881 -Published l=ach Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario Second Class Mail Registration Number 0386 Paid in Advance Circulation, September 30, 1970, 4,675 SUBSCRIPTION RAPES: Canada $8.00 Per Year; USA $10.00 ,