Huron Signal, 1870-12-8, Page 1• anointed Wiut[tori. or. l . •* •Ildttpougall WILL $1 AT BOMB wt COIIULTATION apl.Il retook, o ,. •vey ay. Will ,..o unto at MY hoer ••s' wards, u'r►i or day arab (3.0. 411811.1 1U011 RC °. rTS6DtAR,Wrano,ac•leo•,one T.w DRMoLE API P H YRICI A N, EII RU W 4 N. CO, N1R. Ike. Ogee sod n...4.aee itud door root efC.stal Wore'. 1 4R.M• M.MLOKINC1. M.D• II ICRNTI ATR CIH.t.ROR PHYYu•IANI sen NI•R snap .d by sMr J F. CC. •1 Idut; Orihoes.' boon. rurst.rlr DK, C AMI• A111f, (u(. Nonni Collage) PHY1ICIAN, SUIROWN,•e e.. Dr, oras his ONE wre,0edench, 0.ten.. Medical. i ft1ll Tp lesson MOORIL PHYNICIr N,OURORON aali lir AtOosherr, ya.eh,smr, C. W. Rebmann "`'"'. Mer •. WsrDler, M. D. L & DRESS -MA • TRIC I MI SU HO ROM I9 AC)U: HEIR 'a C:• -- I tollme l beaks. (1.x16 Wider 11.ertreuu'e Howl). AmbMt net., Nonab.rllat IMO. IP i GZt).00X A ABRARA ITN, Proprietors. e WIDUaTffiffi D )F"VIII: WEEI' LY EDITIC)I4 ■ The Oreayst Peasiile Mod Ie 15. Omani liwiU/Xember•" 1.1 UODERICH, ONTARIO, D.C., THURSDAY, DEV. 8, 1870. , 1g r Dlr talo S 111 $a was -et. aro Lopata. BAaataTtla IiIrea...14. AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Camay Trow. Mimeo). O.s.r1h.0a484.We$. oak. to Coen Moose. •14•10 son. M. 0. Oam. BsoRISTRR, ATT01NRT. WNYRTANCIR. le., Mas.`. a. OM.rloh. Dat, .10 Oosewo Bs (*meso. BARRIRTRt4, b Lia4011CITOR# 1N CHANCERY, 40. thee. s.'.' Amok* _d.•i. J. tAataOw. 11. C. C•auon. 111111 Joon H. tlordon. Oesisy Laic w1Lierres l V CAANCLAT 1 N PClo reyr,en, a.• , ac., Hoders a.▪ wmMQ.wamMirwool side `wet Wen,ird e da•eero-sow blear, _• lmooe F. Tom.. aa1RT1R, ATTORNEY-Af-LAW. wOUCITOR N. C►avwy. Ate., Orl.rlck. Ontario. olar- •WO No A. limn.. street Dvylw AR S.guter, . B&RR11(TLYt AND Godene:t1R1, lOtICftOR1- M' an. liodeneh.Ont 11. 0. Doris. owl w. R ROena. 1. A. Altera<)au l.a. I). F. WALKER, L1 avn:ll rrat:haw. ,mer, Court Holte..no4er- os...wd. tyeh of th._nw, MISSES STEWA.RT MuaMarketSquare stere 114 'NIATS THA We T1est door Macke Co.f.'thmelMore, where there 0,. w execute mo„l.r.. The Newest Shea asd with Des . M. r.versl appose/18M W M44 tauwl..t N nwl.riehar Iy4,L 1170. nen asr>►e-41-Monod. AM MMaCWeeryi.,MieIRMe AT ^I.eA W, 14011 - snowy onwy ' - wme.frahaes LLAL. toor Mr. An►iMYY W0- ma Wlnlsm R. Han, H- A. CAhba .a [sages t, neL tat, m. orrice. • mew N. ■..-Conve7011 +Moue! let en reasonable .nes. Dl0psrt; •ad w''L.enre 11(400 to real th q•,.1 4. Ood.If . Aug. 14 1.0. wattM. Tor ICiiULFtU Y. ow SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms over the Post Office, West Street, Ooderich. August Ina, 10.0 CIFFORD ELLIOT. B. McCORMIJB, TAILOR, (MCLRANB OLD STAND, EAST PRtY101:*LT CUTTER. TO J. C, DETW TRSTIMONL&L Cnn11t1CA Vr0, RCPT. 1111. Mr. Mem 1 W Iowa la uurlemel1yteat 1. Cutter for aOrsyy `y M 4° tri ol: ImmeekIfforr therm.. eM7 ttrren14" him. "AM C. DSTI[) .ORO seMI d' Waggon FACTORY BATES doIELLIOT •1l ling e4, le ubO..,1 nort ttst Rad a Waggonera•e.r _ j11111•.tt'_ /beset. raw •..Ll. .. .mdywly dioloinl the Wasters Hotel e attend p.rmo..110 to all the .ark entrusted W and are lo„pesed is tato out Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, o.g ...,pth.y in lids 1M, of the yery 1r.t ma art rurkmaa0kip awl at the very lowest reruns -r rtes, u ba. a JOBSIMC3•I Promptly attended to. •large aslortmeot o ON HAND. LE3IGar MC. _ welch wtll be sold Cheap fur Cash or Co Ousiatsg Mired tT NOW IS YOUR CHANCE I HONEY TO L OA LtlY TERMS INCORPORATED 1 '1'11 It: HURON & E ENO • J\ ', n m A. U. 7164 0 SAVINGS & LOAN Sa CAN T.AL, - - - THIS SOCIETY Ant/VH.ra MOIe Pt/ of ISM tsyw, .40 . Terra, to le anoint k.i'Y. 700,000. ON /41.:C1 . - y favorable R LL A RG ED. NOLA. Y W ERS'COSTS♦ E(: Th..to.lete yrs• Its ftdin4d. rh.' W. .ter non of merry, fro 0liO overarm, n rarm, le lent t r u. .mber of lean from to a.,,. Hooey may he nkwtud .t thy thele tittle .4 00 dela, Iwyood tM U.* 00 - copied 1ft sting the titlend preparing the. 11.h. , Goat of rh1.-h in Iea1 by the arenny Tw l`Yd of Umbo. a ton aro q -p,. 4.'",',' f eamsia.i,ut or other. rg.. whn h nMmrmlly 40 ther oah ,n ser haat Individual..1 reamer can ■►N ' half -yearly. of Monthly )r.. p Iastslraet. 1001 1.. beside. I for priori el. ted the • e me bolsi Off. other ark repay , ment• t later.` a t aam dirt fed that by MMI payment the debt I. •nmroly •a 1.1gt.hed. Red St 111•11808• dueheged at th•.d of the time stipulate, 11C.XALMYLid-ANOwsw cybon• /l e w lar set. M 1a repara n each peals( at the .ad of the nen hi. Y Y paid .4...11* npldly s- er.elot burn., IKlaty u the beet 1n b...sa o t or the an. wllx num n wgnrled by Om (Analog ms 0.114. 1.41 101 popularity '.ill lusam• Own -nes Um rented itst,elsm of koala/ looms he iter known • ad-ed.OMod !N the small p..wl<nr of intuited acluld la not yearly instalment, He harrower roan ally. tad rhinal t.0.0.. pay AS bis lows -los avoiding the risk oll.eyg ki. pp y, which M ot.' happeo• rhea the peri* 1414. d • large sum at the end Of the yam. He o t on of his on m *4,..a. or. favorable tense or dr rel, be •en Vol .t yyy monthly seem .og by lM D 0400, ns. the • ITlic1)s1 of Use bu 1 sad Inityot d Ma per 1. millIMINLlt111 swab 11ell pooh niers and boon table r.)Y4 ..Mind at the Anen?. (Rhea or by . tter j.,.1 . .ddr.ae.d w Um lasaW-yy from say of Se ! : e 0.wawn • (11•R1.11 FL -ITCHIER. V.l.ter t»1d.rich .0,004. ureteric►, *y 1 1/17*. ATT - 115E7 •1 Io., Ytrit, In , kene . 1.' y.ya••.1• 111110YA1. oar. RM to lewd. eYpettel Titles ,1•,,•1il. Cron 1.o4 Patents obialw'd 11ssply. .T 1 y July kith. 1170. T. It. p$totseit oY. b. NOR Shh. ma RD propreL,r1. R.0LTHMAIL 441001. A .1411 ( w .11.17-01 H .ry11 YoSI- S. Maleomeon. BAYR111'Ra.ATTORNIY, YOLICIT *, &o..M• t: man% 014 I1 MONEY TO LEND. Wtro..1 1p 0111114'. LLL 1p1TATI AND IN11U1 RA S. T ADMITS. No. •e ▪ (. Af17..0. actor et -lee. W 1. Mamem. I.A 1%17..0. 4111. Attorrin) as Aug lath HMI IV. Menonerall Cowry*, I0(!(IIR0 ATCT1ONr.1R. RAYPIE1.f. F 14 Harem SIMS r sloge or moony punctually y a t .da to. L. R. Hamlin, /'ttytt. 1' 0IPRta Mill a 'RVme OL, LAND • .tad Ooevenne•r. rio i i i3 r NEW.(;liO('EIiYISTORI' WHITELY . ELLIOT 1)10.1.(14( IS OBOCERiEO PROVISIONS', 'WINKS & LIQCOR'. Comer Kinston Street & Market Square f3ODER.I(",H. W. G. WILSON Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Insurance & Real Estate Agent coextmiosza IN B. It. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, Ac-, 1.4 wx mon eincticn. MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 per cent. o,,. Ihh:L7a :w17.17 LU R1( H, Ont. pAINTINGI BRADEN AND CLUCA8. Or•ierok Jaw nth 1(14. TIM tt MONEY TO LEND tarently reduced Rates of Interest• DI1 uo•t.,t,.nrl has a t oars. te lea. now w 1 • , 7, n o... • , . . y Catered .e. tail, ler mo..1 t rig. -.d able to ;early lea.YleYb rale of ey„ 4 WI,i d peutos. HORACE HORTON *praiser for the 4'R Per- mt•et1 Building 4 Nallhp A Society, of 'I'grticto. INSURANCE CARD, sir.......yer.s. W the 0141.11 nlroiolt= IW roamer, Oitwnitnnfeu 'yl•.F.41Int lewd.,n, raeia011 101 floodlit wf Hertford. lips% 141.140 rl Tovnotn 171611 A11EN7I•4, o1410400(0, as Mortne ban..., 4 . • to (4.4,ea .t 11ORACE HORTbNI • (Mice Market Begone,G,dericl,. p 1170. T ring y. MILS. DAYS' HOTEL t17ROXETZP. 0 V the direct rood 1(011 Seafortb to Walkerton. Every necessary arcom modetion for the travelling poblor. FIANNAH DAYS. Wrozeter. Aug. lin 18'7, .30 HURON ,HOTEL, ECRICH. CO. HCWN JOHN PRANG, - •- Proprietor. House, Slgs'9s. Ornamental amen taI P ala to rC Marble n Im.ytrwe of w,rnl. and )A1tl Itemns.s.n. a i KiPr<1MCUN Matf.ra. 4 ODNI rt. IC3WE. Agents for Jackson's universal 'M'1 and Wenger ' Opposite Inserts. Menlo arta W,.• (ioelelrh. Ang 1701.1470. -_ 1rw31 . THE LONDON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Afm TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. ' This knee. is nu.l up with every enmeni O re for the lnvelltan pabbr, r w Orel nabbing and orompt stteadare Ay lm, 1e7e .ls u PHOTOGRAPHS- $1.00 Per' Doze BOOK•KRE4'1Nd RT 411101,11 AND Doable Retry, taught by • •opnior plan ni Aetftel •04(4ss. :;bnru.n In 0.s"mi.l .. Arithmetic p; ppwrdee.•e, P.emae•hip, Ranking Telegraphing. pebnn 11wd Writing, In , •e, Nor fall atormatlon, Addy.., J& NES DELL U London, Ontario, Monro W Lend, p9 serf r.u41. terms Apply to l 11 L. DOYLE. tlantgle• Raw) soh Oaterw•,' A.dls. 1670 awl tom- t. HALF' DOZEN FROM BACK NEOATiV r: 51 cents, postage free. One Amen from hook esjatne 87 cents, postage free, to any address. IT- Particular Attention paid to Copy- ing old Ambrotypes, For either large or small pbntographe. The subscriber io returning thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, would just say that he hu made such im- provements in his gallery se will merit a 0021 tiooaoce of the same. trrA Great Reduetlen ea Large Photographs. 8.1,. JOHNSON. Ooderieh. Aug. 15. 1870. .30 RRONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED FAWNS, AT PEh CET ! F,ome to invest In Town Property, J. N OORDON, Ra rib. metar. e.,Qode c (lo ench, Aug 15, 1870 awl PIANO FORTE Lazarus, Morris & Co. AMeer CLAIM 6R!RV O(TAVR, FOUR motet nanny Rosewood Plisse, to Weber i Co - fo. ,,1e 'y M, Werk R way, Po.. Port. sad Ow. r •nu ; to bit term at Rru•N 1 home Hotel 0.4..1011, 6th AeproL 7171 rya. COLI;ORN E HOTEL. CODERIOH. H. YARTIl, Proprietor. Pa U Prices Secure the Shadow ere the substance fades. m H ort m -^4 • to Suit the Thiel Photographs reduced te''1.O0 per Doz., ,,it 76cts. PER 11 411 D.,Zif. large Photograph Reduced in Pro •ortion. .row .ill wa4w the lareet PhnlograPha made to 0„rier ob. very cheep Pon:Main picture. 10,a oa. 4011.1 up.ardeat L. CAMPBELL'S Photograph a3allery. vas Goderloh, Aog. lath, 1170. GRAND DISPLAY _.'-CL ETAS OPENED 01.1T LN DDT -DOOM- _ THE LATEST STYLES THE CHOICEST PATTERNS THE BEST QUALITIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES His Factories & $heetth..i it will pay you TO DRIVE 20 MILES TO--PIIROILABE For Cheapness an 1 quality all his stock Is Unequalled. TUB AWN BSWMR. To 0. Wlwr of use e,gual 8ta.-1 few hints thrown out at this time in reference to the construction of the sewer might be beneficial, or otherwise, to the lt•teps,Yts. The Council has nut at yet committed themselves by accepting any tender, se 1 behove the tenders were not opened Wt night, as it was geueruly un lnrst-,od they wen' to be. Should the billowing suggestion mot the eye of soy QUO. of our City Fathers it might change his mind as to carrying out the proposed plan of Sewer. Take the apeclhcattuns as they read. Cedar piles cannot be driven at the Esq. in reference g. to the road nveyed to • thank your for the time and space. terminus ; as the river bel is offlatrock. I the Council of Turnberry by T.hn Fisher Yuen truly. Cu An. LILLRY. An u n stone gutter is liable to be re- that the said conveyance be not returued Lunauu, Nur. 211. to Mr Fisher, nor the paid to him tall the existing Mortgage to Thomas Galt on said property is discharged reefer m the Road is conuerned,deecribed in said Deed, but that the money be deposited_ in the (Sank till said Mortgage is released -Car - tied Moved byMr Scutt, sen. by Mr. Haugh that the ollector's Bond be accept- ed by tie Council with H Gibson and It A'Gs ahem as sureities-Carried. Mored by Mr Scott see. by Mr Haugh that • de- Iaenture he granted to James Mc(Juire fur 'els given to Mn Blanchard -Carried. In Blanchard was granted $10 as charity. Moved by Mr. Scutt, sec. by Mr Moffatt that a rote of the ratepayers be taken at the Municipal Eloctiou of Councillors to consider the property ofron.odelling the 7(chool Sectiuuaon thisTowusbip-Curried. Moved by Mr Scott, sec. by Mr Moffat that the By -Law authorizing the Trustees sorrow--Nae-- rUm'oe 83W to -build an add 11.... le the School house in said section for the term .0f-3_year.-6e p•.wd-_LStraod. _ Moved by Mr Scott, sec. byMr Moffat that a By-law passed be pad for hoding the Nomination and Election of Couheillors'for the year 1871, at lief 15, con. 7, and appointing James Johnston, Returning officer -Carried. Moved by Mr Soott,ssc. by Mr Haugh that the Council do now adjourn to meat at Fosters H.11, Lower W rnghuu, on 'Puce - day the 27th day of December next at 10 u'cluck a. in. JAMES JOHNSTON T'p Clerk. 4 este. rag only 7 villeins aid afuw,k retie the Frrueh lost 1.600 to al eve. The Preach kers been ten hear Annelle. Their army was - routed, and fled toward Arms. Fume French guns were recaptured. 0. Mout day, the 28tk, the Karin body of the trench army of the Loire attempted to force a paw age homed FOrltalneblew, by a heavy andeneral attack. 'I'I.sy encomieat the IUth Promise corps at Beall:us YO miles north of Orleans. The 1 immune' were quietly rtiuforeod with the nth in- Yttci_ u !a i 11 T alr. .. hal -...t lf?ISn< unalau,r u was repartee,' 1al nary _ lots in killed mounted And pria,ttiw., "I'"11'0', {alter. Eating in this a/- JAMES YOUNG, Editor. tempt, the reeky of the Lire withdrew; ` ` w Q71TI PLOB.%DU. V()i.. iia A Iii.-Ik (\. u' Lewder, Nur, 30, !1,30 p. •( 1e "(lube' this si.erueon put Ohm Menet- - _ _ Rouneemeet of the espitu,ties of Oh entire army of the Loire. Th. ntart traced to no eau he authentic e0a'fM. CONDITION o ► PAWL The efforts of Aurelio. to &drones td the relief of Paris hare tailed, The pro- visions of Pers are almost exhausted; alaerly a fortnight's supply is remaluiog. PROPOSID allTORATIoX ON rut IM PIR`: Darald repairing culvert, rue. 6 and 7 f splashing us. 1)f alarm i( -int a few tours nit it 1 sa w 4. ammonite n 10 north tali W r u 15111 the•n jobo1K ,JohnstonP b J .nw ole K sol til ' 11' ads Lou Wu 8, 830 ; Thos. Simpson dub 1 let them do it as tar r they choose. hat at Greys bridge, 823-; Peter Cautions tub London requires is • small Cheap rood on B. line, 81386 ; David Logan's. job on 1 through a country Out we aro likely to ..o aide lune 50 and 61, 1st con. 116 ; 4uhu business in; 0 it aotldlbe built for 86.009 McEwan job on B line 88.45. Jule re- ' per mile, it would do We want a r.r.\d ported let but net finished, 6 Locklridge a , to benefit London, mutt not one to bunr8t ob u1 cnnawaying on con. B. anlnuit 827- ' the Kincardine people at our expense. - 66 and Edward Fair a job on side kne 5 Again, 0 y.oi ask the Londoners to rote and 6, ('on. 6, gravelling, an.ouut 811, . for 1011,000 fur a nod that would out, Moved by Mr Scott, sec. by Mr Moffatt before it was in running order, whelp 112, - that the account -TA W IrwiufurCciial•ble's 000,010, they would vote usy, Isi/•ask a fees, be paid amount 83.10 --Carried. 1,eaa.4nablet amount for a benefit and they Moved by Mr. 5ol.tt, sec. by Mr Hogg that t are ready and willing. 1 like palates.. refiring to the letter of J. W. C. Brown, 1 but am out willing to go into it blind. mored from its bed by the fdtennguf water through the seams of the paving, and *leu from land slides which cannot be prevent- ed d on a hill aide, where tintro are au many spongy springy places and where earth has to be made up to receive the gutter. The stone gutter u laid down in plan wiU cost • brut 83000. Now why not substitute an iron tube of sutNcent dimensions to carry water,off the With thegreafall diameter. the pipe would have it would di.charge the water farther than a drain four times its size ; could carry `tie water at • foot un the 100 of a descent. The cost of an Iron tube would be about 83 50 per fcot run g Ineashro and plan ed is position would not exceed 85.00 per. foot which would be a Meing of over half of the sat of tin stone paving, be inure substantial,andsupply all therequirements of the stone gutter in ce rytng uhf the IkratiareeiWohnainattaatokiWat a its getting out of r6Iiuf s.9 Latta, teed slides, feats, ac. As to the cedar biz dram; Fathers draw -- web matron of box drain full size and look at -ie, he will imagine be has drawn.ome m,deru barn- door tnetead of a box drain. Let him calculate how much water (for 1 believe the purpose of the drain is to con- vey water) will Now through a drain of 3:4 feet with a descent of one foot in 100 and he will come to the conclusion that the drug 'world be tun small to convey this water of the Maitland river, but entirely wo large to carry off the water Iof this town. A drain 2:2 feet will be more than sufficient, be ler expensive asd leave no room for doubt a1 to Its strength, if built of 3 inch cedar plank. And there is some room for doubt about the strength. of •3s1fto cedar box cenatructedudeecnbtd to apa•t14•.liee The great liability of the box is 'to toilettes f•os the-prsa-.rw -elf- earth from outside. Tbeorist of 2:2 feet drain would be about• 810 per rod, and the one proposed world est about 120 per rod. Now why throw away so much money on the large drain 1 \Vhy not build the 2:2 feet dram at hoe ehalf the cwt 1 Neither of the drains will last inure thaw 20 years, and by that ties they will all be surpassed by good brick or stone sewer. Your, Ac., A RATEPAYER. LOT OF COTTON YARNS BEST QUALITY AT, MILL PRIDES A LaTne none \\'INOHAM: Wingham, Nor. 26, 1870. kfl. WILLIAMS'-Dam'Sle,-1 We your e7 city is buwing alive to the importance of • railway to connect .Lake Huron with It. IN BOOTS AND SHOES HE CANNOT BE COMPETED R'ITII NIB GROCERIES Are eti $ 41 respects to those which ken gaited him the reputaUon of keeping THE MOST RELIABLE FAMILY GROCERY IN 11CIODIEHICII Opticians and Oculists, 3acONTRiz1A.+y TjAVP. WITH .A sir.`' 1Y) 1RtT THY ((1 ricarvom der and 40 dr celebratedheist• ted wpwmlek., •pr -luted r mama, there ew ,i tkwar.et, M:derkh not . ell nw .. fl 'e A Int .h, par They Men nkra,e needful .nntrrtmn•and have eeme0nre In IM ales d 14e11. Agree. to ton rrrl it mein. of all venom . AR nppnnnn0 i w.11 M th.Maf afforded 10 I ii.rer.rlk- at al w in oed pr oranntr4 ,shore. ear Too meek carr! be sodas le SON espri1nterl nne. the ordinary teasel w..m. 'ken m 00 • entreel woven, r(4 the •it14 t•ed0 ary, from Om wenli e.nn..mn. Mn, nn r7. ea0. me - • 01 nr kir l.ofrel of n err n 1.0?,ltbst rid Moment lrorl0 ,seen. a be,:wo d relief m 0 .114..* and l hmItuy seise ...d on. r .. 'n 15• natural eshhr wgh. The„ r•.b , nlv rpecse.e khat tel 1. TO CALL ROUNe TC HIS sP€rn ON HAMILTON STREET IBM -GROCERY IS FAIdOUS FOR ITS CONVI,iNIENT SIIIIATION RELIABLE sTO(TK MODER.ATR PRit ?gl IND ('ONMTANT ClVILIT) Ie 1...'e completing Inns peahen.. i O CHARGES NOTHING HE CN GOODS N(i(IO I SH W FOR AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY BIIYING FROM D. FERG S')N The large Business done by the fir*R secures a supply OF GROCIEIEs ALWAYS A GNI KENT flood Ae>eommodationo. Ample Stehle Room. Thio is admitted to he It nest clam hones kept in Oen, Style. Aaiun int(4 1.71 8.111 - D»IWtateretelliet 1.1181telkelic.W AMU PRESERVE AS WEHITAS ASSIST THE SIG lee see th• eh•ul`r.l h•.ww•• 106 lea. always Meting e..,, r .,1051 14aTl Ming suers). -w ,T Iasr7•w.. w,.,kr r F. ,JORDAN, Sold Keno for nodenrh'.1e 0eder48(4 AK 11 1111. rOEN RIOU, Proprietor. This la th s tanmeswd weirromerp BRIO la Wismar oa.N.,a•d 0•.130. u maivsle •e e.] Heave re M,o.hwll. Ni ago Ptoprrmer. Ike d.e.M,•gfer 100 Hareem Harem sadl:.rnedea for Hne .e Go'M4rt►, eborteeINetuel IIi MONTREAL '. lti0, "fest ANT ,FRESH• 11 e► w J OF ROCKERY _ Lamp ed 1ila•aw•re ria (4411 los pat term, styles and view stook ini(rnte tow, a 1.4 isPa N- M A.b9, .4 w saw;are"' any aA j)n ,rj 41111 alba We for aKCai ► eHIN(i ,U HE 2. MACH omen AND* pr•_AOW F.LL. i3OSB .waif lob Ay Mattel{ A„ a Yone$y to Ttos *area ,apply r A rRstLM ,Bos non i M • fk steal Estate, N I.r issenap•1y , elate Ceeterorh ood.rb h, Ang 11,1.11 von If 113111 11111; Li 4 4 Mil p ox woa11VO CI, ins -we awm.pTmedw al mire.. .ria mean. replier.. 11 d•, W .teueftk. time rr.h<,p.rn d .m,s. •wSedSedum.eennye i.es,, {1► •st em i Me. Fn.m•',renhr, eli Ee 1: b hwMYeOOsiy.aaNk•rnrn sato . Thrall. nret m1. ...at the Mohr, er nuke this Mel ace net Nleeded.reritr•A Mary semi. 'OP perneeYn.u.elnuhlunm- .1 -NI b Talc Fr ',.k udd,•ee nt renitence ark • arse pr rt. rhk r rALasLiY i' otlnaGsr Muilm. e Tho Northern RaD way. We think it wouldbo advisable that a meeting of the rate payers should be called for the purpose of interchanging opinions -4e Ando, is rhaJ•asees-asd Lake Huron Ittilway. Let oar business- men get up• requisition to the Mayor to this end and- let the meellng be on an early day. The interests of the town, in this direction, demand some action on the part of our citizens. The following Tier of die es.. was expressed at London by I,aae Calling Esq., M. P. P. for the South Riding: - Mr. -Mr. Carling, on ascending the platform was received with loud cheers. Ila said -Mr. Mayor and citizens of London ,- I came here, in company with two or three friends, to see what you had to say about the matter of building a railroad to the north. The people of Exeter trail a deep interest in thceon.tructioe ofthe proposed road, and are prepared to give liberally toward accomplishing the object in view. But without the help of the city of London, Exeter wauld eland but a poor chews, although the ratepayers would give a bonus in proportion to their worth, at all events to their amused value. They were exceed:og anxious to have a railway constructed, and would cooperate to their of Loudon < assistieg the citizens utmo•t l in the enterprise. From the active manner r in whish it has been issue hold of I have no doubt but that the road will be ennmt:acted, and that without any delay. My view is that (Inderioh woatd be the bat place to locate the terminus. There wu a good harbor alou1 to bo made at that point, on which the government were about L, spend a large amount r on of money, y and the ><H Huron had also appropriated a geent to aid in the ooudructionf,f a harbor of refuge. Water communication of the hest kind could be had there, and although there were many other places where a good harbor enuld be built, I am of the opinion teat (hoderich from ite palmation and standing would be the most fitting place for the proposed line to terminate. The several townships wrmld grant liberal bonuses. Their eredit wee gaol, and they would 'pay ever shil- ling ea it became due. (Cheers.) The county of Huroa also would aid an the completion of the undertaking, and will 1 am certain oe-operate heartily with the citi- zens of London in this ontorpri.n. Hones fears were expressed that 1ut1 miles would be too much to constrict at one time, bnt if 100 could pot be sucoessifully completed, 50 could. whether the broad or 110.110* gauge was lest, I am not prepared to say, but i will do all in my power to farther jigheme_veditc6ohaa bee tt _a, t itoot be leying that at will ma(e'n-affy beiiellt-The different localities through which A will peas. The people of Exeter were waiting for London to make a start and 1 know they will use their utmost endeavors to combine with you in fnrtherance of hip scheme. 1f you cannot carry a bonus in the,city of London it would be 'repealable to do so in Exeter. i shall he most happy to help the charter through. (Cheers.) Tows Cur Kelt -The regular meeting was held on 1st Dec. l'reeeut, the Mayor in the chair, peeve, i'asvmore, Howell, Smith, Seymoerr, Cameros, bixcLir, Detlor, McKay, ltuncLman, Clifford and Watson. Minutes of previous meeting were read, approved and segued. Sundry relief Petitions were dispoied of. A Petition was prLsent.ed by Mr. E Hooker, praying for • remission of part of the license fee on his new premises. Moved by Mr. Seymour, seconded by Mr. Watson that the petition be weaved and fyled, carried- The amendment of Mr Gardiner, seconded by Mr. Smith that hail the amount bo refunded being list. A Petition praying for 'column intoe eaees.- ment roll to allow the ratepayer. at the coming elections to vote • saloons" or " no salons"■" wu granted. Sundry ac- counts *ere reed and passed. Report of the Street Inspector, showing among "cher 3hatthe grading of Maitland Road whit sass tendered for .111.75 per rod but the tenders not accepted, was complet- ed at 61.10 per rod by day labor, was read and ordered to be typed. Mov.d by Mr. ,inclair, seconded by Mr. Cameron that the tenders (of which there were 8) tor the amstnwtion of Main Sewer bp opened by • Committee of the (toad and Bridge Com- •lnittee, with the addition of the Reeve and Deputy • Rea,. ; O ommittee to meet on lJ -L w No. 8 appointing night; returning offt.ien was passed .s fellows :- 41. David • Ward, B Hazlehurt at i;robb's Hall ; St. George's Ward, D. Gurdon at Warerooma, West Rt ; St. Patrick's Ward, 8. Pentland .t Fireman's Hall, East St ; and St. Andrew's Ward Enc McKay .t Cabinet shop, West SI. Moved by Mr, Cameron, seconded by Mr. Smith, that if the Northern Gravel Road do not pay tat least 81000 of thir arrears, they Is proceeded ageinet. Ad- journed to meet on the call of the Drayer. Roomn Or SCHOOL TICATII4.-A special meeting of the Board was held, in the Chairman's office. to consider the applica- tion of Mr. Andrew Patterson, for uttn*- Gnu as teacher is tow Central School. ATrefIlfirtflrentrettersttrin, t all being •11 of he highest od rer, and in- cluding a recommendation from Dr. Sangs- ter, he was engaged at a salary of 8401 per annum. The Reenter meeting of the dried was held on let Dee. Poems Mr. A. Lefroy in the chair,Measn Crabb, Kay, Ferguson, Hood, Mckay, Elliot and Nairn. The minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and approved. Sundry accounts were presented and ordetedto,be paid. Moved by Mr. Crabb, seconded by Mr. Nairn :__That Miss Dixon be aPPoint- ed teacher, in room of Miss Morgan at • salary of 1225.00. Moved in amendment by Mr. Kay seconded by Mr. McKay :- That Miss Emma Baily (recommended trom the Normal School) be appointed at . salary of $250.00. Moved further in amendment by Mr. Ferguson, seconded by anis E. Dona h bo :-That Mr. Elliot K appointed at •salary of 8245.00. The amendment to the amendment wog put and het. The amendment was then put against the motion and carried. Mies flatly bring appointed. Moved by Mr. timid and unanimenely resolved that the service* of Mr. James Thompson, as teacher, will not be required after the ropiranon of his present engagement and that the 4ecretery notify him *oaordmgly. Mored by Mr, Fergneon, seconded by Mr. Elliot and unanimhaaly resolved :-That kris 8. 131100 ted 0it; I honl .t s H.ap4'ary4 o . The meeting then adjourned. Stoves • tr toH 0 0 A 0 c A l Q Pt in. 4' r I'LATN 4gai, fro sit v = BQ A COAL OIL, WIIOLRSALR AND RETAIL.8 ' Cod Oil Lex, Amt. ke. Old Tr"Oeeps,, Mass, W..1 'Iteebisee. awl Ahe.9 1. .. 1. melees/re,1.s. 1. ST(RT. 11 • Mire efts Large Prost Otlilorred, Otters►, erg 16 rwTO 1w1 I am sure such a work is the thing that should be dune, and will do more to de- velops the trade of the cite than anything else. In fact A is the uuly thing to sere London from the Wm fete lues of the trade w h the ,worth. ' If • irailroad win built, 1 for mu, would do all my busi- ness, 1 chink, in Loudon, as A weuW be far leas than at present. If you do not move vow, the other railways will get the start of yon, and the trade once diverted, it would be hard work to recover it. In this part you may dapeed epee it we will ttaaor!ostieursaoiriapooriiMly+s♦ the railway, should the matter be brnngttfOr ward. As you are thoroughly acqusiutel with -/drew .ustc1-y1u will know -shat_ . best route would ten through Wingham, as it would be the most direct north,could be easily made, and would pais through a good country throughout, and as You aro aware, this village has natural advantages w its wa1014._ .ririlegis' superior to ally other pI11 in the teunty.so that a railway here is the only thing needed to develops, a large manufacturing trade, and to mush this place to become a flourishing town. 1 know that you are • public-spirited mat ; and I hope as you value the pros- perity of the wholesale and general trade of Leaden, that you will use all your in- fluence in endeavoring to brio` this enter- prise to • successful woo. 1 trust you will have a good meeting, and that some- thing tangible will be done. Yours re - T. G. JACL4ON. A LITTER FROM BLTTII. 31yth, Nov. 24, 1870. MT DRAM R ILLA11l,-1 ■m much pleased to ace that your city, with which I was so long and am yon identified, hu at last arakened to a sense of self pre- servation. Now, in respect to the route of the contemplated road, a few of us bore have the thing all out and dry for you. In ou( wisdom, we any the line to run from your city, through London Beldulph, Usborne, ett Morris Turuberr Tuckenmith, 1{ u Ily, Culross, Greenock and Kincardine town- ships, to Kincardine, suppose the line to terminate at Kincardine, touch:ag at Aryl", llirr, ElginScld, Luoan, Marystnwnl Adore, Devon, Exeter, flay, Rodgerville, Bruoefield, Clinton, Londeeboro, Blyth Belgrave, Wingham Traveler, Rivera dale, Bervie and Kincardine. Wo view this route to be the beat for the two folio' oar reasons :- 1st. The easiest to be built, and ltd. The best paying, being a suitabl, distance from the lake, relining through the ,orden of Canada, and sure to draw to the line all the trade west of it, and is sure to draw all the trade from Mtn -20 miles eett and north of Seal'orth back to the 'minus. There is no doubt but that all the above municipalities and villages will, according to their ability, cheerfully grant J l have no enterprise, be en c bonuses to t hesitation in saying that • line of railroad such as I have iodi•yated will pay as well OA any line in the Dominion. For many years, cordwood nos he gut here for a mere bngo'telle, and rithln a qu0rt.'r of a mile of our village there is an nu uonea peat deposit of the finest dcncripton, that could bo utilised when wood gets scarce. Fancy the continuous stream of tosmr pawing over this road all the winter, and orally all the year rou d on the way to the Clinton station, and market. south Fanny the droves of cattle, sheep and pigs `het aro driven through from the north. Picture in your minds eye the thousands of barrels of slit that will yet have to SRI a way from here to a .outbern market, and you will form something of an estimate of thewortlt of the line indtoatud, leaving islt_ _ ye, aJtojetherth immense. passenger traffic over this road. I am, dear sir, TII Rif B /ART. The Council met at Mrs Day's Nov. 1711 pennant in Adjenrnmen•, Memtgn all or 50 rules north-west of the n tetter to came out toward is Hay, supported P riyya nTsewnt. The RwTe in the o!sir. Minnows lwmdrwf then 2(i0 miles wroth -wast. A their nhnats in the tlsi e. At IhN g tat ()00 rade would c"r1m Cher* was skunked lowly; draub New York, Nov. 30. -The London `'Tomei' says :-Importaui rumors are afloat, to the L8.ct that Bismarck hat resumed hie old pian to restore the Freuoh Empire to purer, epee the rein0 t r L' of the K yin ho. Tu prove this the "Timer" says, term* of peas: have al ready been settled, it nut siooeeJ, with` Nap•k ou at Wilhdutabohc,wheleby,upoa the bu.i. of the oeseion of the strongholds' of Strasbourg and Meta to Uenuanyo, Napol000 and his Marshals, M,oMsboal Baaatue, L B..of mud C.+n.obert, at the bead of the remnants of the Imperial (luerd and the 3(01000 French prime/re now cuutiued iu Germany, who aro 1111 lista their ares rcetoreJ, wilt marsh iu pageant, from Ibis Rhino, and relieve the Gorman guard now before Paris. Tb•y will force the capitulation of the capital: 'The German troop( b'sinaiu,p Paris beiud superseded by the FreudS, will retorts home, except thowewhose practice will be necessary to hold the coded p. evince. Tin "Tomei' maiden the story difficult to believe, kat the difficulties of Riamarele moi Nsookxe may Lave rcudered them --t -31144,01100110•411•11416111411 t em to blindly overt ok them The Eastern gustiest - RUSSIA. WILL GWVK A SATISFACe TORY EXPLANATION. TYS Pta1T10N Op PIU:w1A. DIPLOMACY TO SETTLE VIE TROD% BLE. St. Petersburg, Nur. 30.-i roposltlorlo fur a Coufermmoe 1111 the Eastern Quest to be held at Loudon, are moat favorably received here. Rumens will give a satisfactory sapiens-. tion of (lortachakelfs trst clnmlar. 81, Petersburg, Nov. 30. -The (totem - meat is in receipt of addressee foot alt Plitt fkeEdspirw. w14e ehwerd a4 -'nkat loyal!y or the pw,pto nukes SOARS sera mailable and fearless of any hwtile alliance. Leudun,Nur. 30. -herd Lyom tsawait- ing tho de cisiou of the Toms (invemmeate as to the matter of seeding • plenipoten- tiary t.. the Conferences.: London. A Vierra despatch says Br*,narcl's pea Keel fora Couforence was made after hie had arrived at a previous understanding. with Gortachaknff. No enders have been. given by toe Emperor of Austria fur the, formatter' of a new Cabinet. Greatgnanti- ties of corn have been bought in IAtuubiauh ports ars account of the Itussiau severe - went. The Rnsi1n circular has pnelli ed great alarm at Bucharest. The gr,veroment i4 helpless,a)d turns nn every side for advice. .Au agent of the Porte has arrived at Bucharest to propose an offeoai,e and.de-- fensive alliance with the Suttee, on a,n-• Aiken that the Roumanian troops .ball bee entirely at the disposal ..f the Porte. The fertrcases of the Danehe aro being; rapidly armed. The third army aorpe it ordered to Rouschchonk, Varna, mit Stlistrue A great number of horses have, bran bought an Austro. tot ,the Turkish attar), The Turkish Meet is ready foe actino. The "Herold's" London special says :- Tow p -Thep le1tiontaken brP russia on the East- ern question, and which probably will ►o communicated to the Brutish cabinet to- day, is as follows :-Prussia maiut(ine that, like It.ly, having signed only the. treaty of the 13th of *Larch, 1856, which. wee concluded, as mentioned At the intro- duction prefacing the treaty, for the pun pose of•guaranteeing the independence and integrity of the Turkish Empire, she is not like England, Fence and A nate who. K•, concluded an additional treaty on the 17111 of April, 18d6,by which they bound them- eelve• to consider any infraction of &IT r tt of the. meet the stipulations of the tros es 7thof March b.111,*nd obliged the,selt•ee to tight for the maintainance of a dense to which a greet power cannot subunit fur ever, and which does not in.ny way infringe lm the principle of the first treaty, w far aa Prtssu is concerned.. Therefore, she den not regard the Hessian position as .me threateniug war, becaoae' the Ht. Petersburg abi,et due' but in- tend to endanger the independence or integrity of T.rkoy. The statesmen of Russia declared than any alditirmal eon - Inset of territory woe undesirable, and also relinquished We idea of erecting the Greek Empire at Couitnntinnple, und'or Russian protection. Neither du they In- tend to establish an extasir'e meal mem.. al on thLgnwsf of tae Wolk Sea. Under Under .lite cirmunet anent, it In d.mlre idly odiplomatic r n that by manna an seder - ;Minding wild n arrived at by which this tinware which signed the trusty of Peru will accede to the Russian roiliest fwd' nl the nmtreliLathe) of the Bleck Sea. To h e end, Pru s a offer. mediat..m. Nothing et.• lone in the Cabinet to -day. O .rt•obakoff a circular is still withheld. Prnjsii . noire wt keens England in • Vent. r. Lowe, Bright and Csrowell are read! to keep peace nn any terns, however humilielingthey may be. Abee•lt-tip t:ls Cabinet it a ill lutetitemt. Yours truly, • W. i). Hameenn, 8pf Mar HEAVY FIOIITING DSP ORS PARIS. A WtRTIR ATTRMPr(0 -111111!011 DRIVEN MALL WITH 10M. .RAILW.Y a.Errllsa. LETTER 1201 A RATRPAY IR. LONDON AND LAKE HURON RAIL W A Y. To the editor of the F. Pres : DNA& HIR, -flaring been present at (he night, i was an menton last rimed to hoar K p reo little soundargument in favor of a London and Kincardine Road from those who advocated it. Now, if we are to have * Northern Itaad, let Kincardine be for- gotten for the present, let its be content with *small Northern Reed, say to lttd- delph Hay, Stanley, or a little further if and I6W note engaged. A thousand the ople north will help liberally, tint French were found deed on the held fur RCMORRD CAPITt7t.ATION 011'1118 ARMY OF THE 1411118. TALI 01'ART#=1'1RRf OR RING ! FURTHER ARTI"l'I.A n P M ► TH■ •..ATR to TYLR. Berlin, Noy 30. -The Queen has receiv- ed the following di.latcl, from King Wil- liam:- Tuolday, Nov 20th.-Frolerink Cherie. reports a completetlefu4(4 of the Loire army in the battle of Monday, in which the French had the 20th corps, pro- bably.th. Inch and • portion of the 155th by a I means do not sap the B1lffaln and thon-aid ern wmindd amt ei_twen ham. (tnderich Road. When you do that the deed taken prisoners. Oen. Aurelio* Y people will trate east; no person wnnld en reported wounded. The Osman Ines WW1 west to trade. Yon might as well try and one Unmeant', amen them 1s. ntrlcsga get tie LAuatpk.Assiwr•e.fa-try and gas» T5fti88ft tow 3e. -Me o w ng, *WI that of Kincardine after the 'Toronto, Wel- Vermilion. early this morning, has just hngton and Hence Road is aniand to Kin. ' been received by way of Berlin: -On Mcn. cardine. Toronto will have that --then day and Tuesday this fort* around Pirie, ie nota aider of ohanee fns lemdon,- rticnl.rl sirs. t., the amok mafnt*ie- L.nndnn may getamn. watt of Orwlenoh,bnt • fuinnwi c*mnrnede ninety to sower * none north -eat .4 that. A smell rued Ml 1 sortie in force. On Tne.da the Pertinent' road of 40 miles grnng throbgh 1 eonnlry P of last meeting read .rid mppo' oral. The that will trade with w would art say I print t * psf __ of rho Sfxth Perrier Inflaming job. of W.W.I' wnrw sled London Kan r give 860 000. anishd and dwbantnres granted .w tba tsanmuly ether arrow wen merle In ot11R. same. 8. Porter'. jabs m 25th side line 1 hwlieivs then world be lift a dilRonlly sn l diPeCtinls, pto bath, to pn t rRIAielwe• I gwttin` 8860 1100 taken rip in cloak •sad gee from the boundary to th. gravel mad Nm t o north. Then we world have a I menta u, Sixth txrpa, a aU usage tH 1rd..ttltohF es* thew ted teamar aw,>:I p+n•T►a•a A hweh'?INfhd Matt" fl11' 1m0004 818 25 : W . Mi Ie'e job nn hnwd.ert the French wiry IlSd lath side pine • le London, wettest bei% is danger of ^inn es Burnerds besrsr a f clow 810: Abs. M . ger jh1 enarel t1*pjga lost j►({kjl esAjwNp '1'h, Yelverton N*rt'lnas The 11 10,4 (kugland) Times has the (1, lowing remarks : ---The death of L•rd *vomiters raises a cnnou1 end p.rpleaing question i the Kato M tm oe r. our Isar. l pan n rpmre risco laws His *uaeesnr In the title •eel estates is Major Yelverten, the hero of the iw .wgwurth-Y Overton romance. The peer. mge is an lrieh one, and by owe verdict oe an 1nth sonrsof 1,r Mint Irmgworthis the wife d Ma' Yelverrbet. She h esw. thoref.,e, Lady Arommnw., sod, MI the wife of an (Trish poise, is entitled to bee jointn.e. How u tl.iS drl0eu1•-ay,,. i be settled 1 On this gide of 141. VRR 1 Chanel the widow of Prof.saw Verk,sal Lord Avonn).,r.:. with ; in IreW gra I.,ngwurtirlr?Alrr..E►, and his i114Yala.. mrd Scotch wife hos neither UW ser (tains. It u o ternlesiww// po7R1•a ter • gentleman to butt himeeuf in. BRI what u hie pori) ism in comp+miens with DDM e8 the ladies? Wife and 10 wife, `ted and no hothead I Petri** Merrill., hued h ialiN Iidwell, hes boon stoned 10 this* Templeton*. Lean TGmmow" ks Motion to gin. i».eM M Chereh. leisessesi +a►1 ` 1 tt •Y 4 7-