HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-11-10, Page 84 • • I Jt 181 every detail almost too perfect. Still, the farmers looked real enough and the barmaid wished us a pleasant, "Good day," Could she, we asked timidly, give us some lunch, Yes, she could, and soon produced won- derful, thick ham-salad bun- wi ches, In a few minutes we were all friends and what fun we had chatting with those marvellous, friendly, jolly folk and listening to the squire, blustering and with good humor, tell stories of his trip to 'America' several years ago. We hated to leave but we had committed ., ourselves to seeing St. Albans. Before we could get our pence counted to pay for our lunch the squire had plunked the money down on the bar saying, "It will give me the greatest of pleasure!" How do you beat warm-hearted hospitality like that'? They marked out the route to St, Albans and we were on our way. Coleman's HEAD CHEESE by the piece 45c lb. sliced lb. GROUND CHUCKrb lb. 6 Butt Por H k COPS or ROAST lb. 59 GI} MAGIC FROM ELIZABETH ARDEN glue Grass Flower Mist 2 oz. 2.25 4 oz. 3.75 F oz. 5.00 HUNTLEY'S DRUG STORE EXEtER 25,1070 NE.MMEREMBE.MBREMINKEEEMEMOMEM Duncan Hines CAKE MIXES 2/89° White, Devil's Food, Banana, Cherry Supreme, etc. FROZEN FOODS McCain FRENCH Shoestring FRIES 2 lb. bag 49 Pepperidge Farm LAYER ' CAKE Vanilla Cream Chocolate or 59 Stafford Berry Box JAMS Raspberry, Strawberry, Marmalade etc. 4 lb. tin 98°' SANI FLUSH Giant 47oz.69 ° Nabisco New 20 oz. Size SHREDDED WHEAT 57 BEANS &I"4612K 5/s Delmonte Fancy 19 oz. tin FRUIT COCKTAIL 3/9 *VT Wi WO fit IR MO/ The operator just keeps raving about the Page 8 TimesAdvoo te,, November 10, 1971 FOC' is N'Fcincies By Gwyn Alfa/ a ckete4 clit4( et eat edied 61/Age& AUTOMATIC Home Delivery Service Provided By BOB CHAFFE is covered by a beautifully hand- worked cover. My eyes were upward on the intricate carving of the alter screen when they were pulled down by a movement in front of me. Hardly able to believe my eyes, there sat one of the hugest, orange cats I have ever seen, boldly and leisurely, taking his bath on one of the lovely seats. As I watched him go through his spit and polish routine, oblivious to the splendid setting, a young man approached. "His name's Orlando," he smiled. "Like to hear his story?" Of course. "I picked him off the church steps one night more dead than alive with his back leg smashed and with many deep cuts and gashes. I took him to a veterinary who cleaned him up, splinted his leg and sewed up -his cuts." He went on to say the vet's bill amounted to 10 pounds (about $25.00) which the young man didn't have, However, being assistant choir leader, he showed the cat to the choir boys who immediately took up the cause and in short order had raised the fee by doing odd- jobs. They made him their mascot and christened him 'Orlando', Eventually his wounds healed and there he lives today like a king on a throne, "Oh, he pays his way," the young man said. "He saves us about forty pence a week by killing the mice who used to chew up all our candles." And that's the story of getting way-laid in a pub on our way to a church and of how we met Orlando. It could only happen in England. Christmas cookies - It's almost time to start making them. Ever start out for church and land up in a pub? No? Well, I have, and I recommend. it. Don't get me wrong, now. I recommend it under certain circumstances, One day, in England, we started for St. Albans to see the famous abbey there. Somehow or other (it was really easy) we Made the wrong turn and became lost. However, since the road we took seemed to be taking us into interesting country we continued on to see where it led. It followed an old canal through excellent agricultural country and we were surprised to come upon a windmill with its fans turning lazily in the breeze. Apparently, there were a lot of these old windmills in England at one time and a few can still be seen in certain parts of the country, many of which have been converted into dwellings, Interesting, too, is the fact that the government is considering opening up the old canals along which barges used to transport coal and other produce. It is thought they could once again be used for this purpose and alleviate much of the heavy transportation on the over-loaded highways. But to get back to our drive . , this road we were on just kept wending its way on and on until, about noon, we came to a country pub called 'The White Bull'. Since we wanted to get into a pub anyway this seemed the logical time. The old black door was so low my husband had to stoop to enter. Have you ever gone somewhere and been overcome with the strange. eerie feeling you've been there before long ago, just beyond your memory? Yet, you know you never have, really, That's how I felt that day. Everything looked familiar . the low, black beamed ceiling hung with mugs and tankards; the rows of shining bottles; the gleaming brass and copper pots; the ancient swords and long guns mounted on the walls; the snowy- white curtains and red fringed overdrapes at the windows. Behind the bar, a good natured inmilim.„ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, mut , ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, I , Mini! ,, 1111111 11 1 ,, t1111111111m lllllllllllll Itill! llllllll 11111 lllllllll 1111111 lllll lllllllllllll 1 llllll III Recipe Box II/lllll lllllll ilf111111111111.11111111111,1111111111111111111.1111111.111111m1 lllllllllllllllllllll II lllllll 1 l 1 llllllll Ilui lllllll M1111111111111 lllll l 1 lllllllllllllllll lllllllllll lll 1.1.11 llllll 1101 STERLING FUELS Phone 235-0405 Exeter That bit of snow in the air makes us realize it's nearer to Christmas than we think. The wise homemaker will soon be getting a start on her Christmas baking. These recipes were gleaned from a Swedish cookbook, You may like to add them to your repertoire of dainties, Sift flour and cornstarch together. Cream butter, add sugar gradually, cream well. Add vanilla, salt , add sifted dry ingredients. Refrigerate 2-3 hours, Shape in crescents (roll in hand). Place 2 inches apart on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes. Roll in confectioners sugar while hot. Cool. Dip one end of cookie in melted chocolate chips and then in nuts. Allow to harden before storing. They freeze well if desired. Makes 6 dozen, I Orange Blossoms 1 pkg. (6 oz.) chocolate chips 1 2 t. grated orange rind ( op- tional) 3 T. corn syrup 1 2 C. sugar 1 2 C. orange juice 1 pkg. (12 oz.) vanilla wafers 1 2 C. chopped nuts Melt chocolate chips in top of double boiler. Add sugar, corn syrup, and orange juice and rind - blending well. Crush vanilla + + St. Albans abbey, wit second longest nave in British Empire was built in the memory of the first Christian martyr in England. He was beheaded by the Romans, about 2110 A.D. on the spot where the to to abbey now stands. Words are never adequa describe the sheer beauty and design of these magnificent d and buildings. One can only stan look humbly at what man has nd of o the created to the glory of God, a course if one is truthful, t glory of the lord or knight or rich merchants who financed them. that As I wandered through immense, ornate place I became ivity. n and thing urns. aware of a scurry of act Many women were rushing i out with flowers in every from bushel baskets to huge Never one to curb my curiosity, I approached one of them to ask what was going on. She explained hurch they were decorating the c for Harvest Thankoffering the tting Sunday. Knowing something of difficulties involved ge h its the 'Phone 235-0212 ...If iffi SHOPS' 111 AT ARM/N'S' 1111 ((c- barmaid smiled a welcome, and flowers for special events in my seated around sr44;:thigtifirrplgn small church I gasped as I, polished black tables were all the gazed that tremendous abbey. down the 550footexpanse of local farmers having their noon- day pint. "Decorating the church . . . how can you? How many women does it take?' She said there were 80 ladies on the flower committee, who by a rotating system of six to eight to a group, always kept fresh flowers in the nave. For special occasions about 20 women see to it that there are plenty of floral arrangements in all parts of the church. Amazing. There is further evidence that people care very much for this lovely, old place with its Norman arches and superb stone and wood carvings. Every chair seat, and there are hundreds of them, wafers. Add nuts and crumbs to chocolate mixture, Chill mixture, Roll into 1 inch balls and roll in granulated sugar or shredded coconut. For best flavor store in an air tight container for several days before serving. Makes 5 dozen. 7 -Layer Cookies 1 stick oleo or butter 1 C. graham cracker crumbs 1 C. coconut 1 small pkg. chocolate chips 1 small pkg. butterscotch bits 1 can Eagle Brand milk 1 2 C. chopped nuts Melt oleo in 9x13 pan and sprinkle other ingredients in order as given above, Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Cut in bars while warm. Makes 48 bars. Dipped Creams 1 C. all purpose flour 1 C.corn starch 1 C, butter 1/2 C. confectioners sugar 1 t, vanilla t. salt confectioners sugar 1 C. nut meats chopped fine '1 pkg. chocolate chips Fresh Grade A lb 39' On a stool at the bar sat a country gentleman with ruddy complexion, bushy mustache, dressed in well-cut tweeds, brushed leather walking shoes, his cane leaning against the bar and his dog at his feet. Tall, with a certain ex-martial appearance, he looked just like an English country squire should look. And then I knew what had happened. We'd walked into a movie set and this scene before us wasn't real at all. It was a setting some one had dreamed up and built there, perfect in TURKEYS Oven Ready 5-9 lb. Lean & Meaty Fresh Pork SPARE RIBS Coleman's VacUum Pack DINNER HAMS Or • • • 2'/2 to 3 lb. Buy of The Week CE CREAM PIES Maple Leaf-with a hint of maple or Super Value b 59 BACON 1 lb. vac pac Golden Ripe Delmonte PEAS or CREAM CORN' 3/65' FRUITS & VEGETABLES BANANAS .9' Palmolive LIQUID DETERGENT Giant 24 oz. ARCTIC POWER GRAPEFRUITithe 10/89' Ontario No. 1 Washed CARROTS 31bs.25 Ambrosia Ready to Serve Johnsons Wax Deal Hard Gloss Hasn't anyone had any new neighbors lately? Please, ladies, give us a call if you know of someone who has recently moved to our community. Rebekahs attend friendship night Pride of Huron Rebehah Lodge met in the lodge rooms Wed- nesday with the Noble Grand Loretta Ball and her officers for 1971-72 presiding. The members were invited to attend Friendship Night with the Oddfellows at the banquet and dance at the Canadian Legion Hall,Saturday, The program for the Senior Citizens in February came under discussion. It was decided to hold the Christmas party December 15 and Mrs. Marion Skinner was appointed to be Degree Captain. Following the meeting bingo and lunch were enjoyed. qa141140.ed€40 OMR), There was standing room only in the auditorium Friday af- ternoon for the annual Halloween party. Several residents and staff in costume led the parade to music by the Huronview or- chestra assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finlay of Goderich. Following an hour of dancing and games, apples, candies and cookies were served. Members of the Senior Citizens Club of Goderich joined the residents for an afternoon of progressive euchre and games Wednesday. Twelve tables of euchre were played with Francis Inglis and Charles Jeffs sharing high scores. Consolation winners were Mrs. McKay and Tom Clark. Communion services were held in the chapel this week with Reverend Russell of the Anglican Church officiating Thursday morning and Father Kelly, Clinton, Friday morning. The Seaforth Junior Farmers arranged the entertainment for Family Night with the president Keith Williamson as master of ceremonies. Beat Inflation Now . • V GAS 47.9 Snell Bros. LIMITED 2354%66 Exeter z. $ PUDDINGS Rice 151/2 or Ta o pioca / 1 GLO COAT Large 32 oz. and Get 34 oz. Bon Arrii FREE Bayer ASPIRIN Bottle of 100 67' Ammonia Delmonte PEACHES Halves or Sliced 2 /6 5' 8hortenirm CRISCO 2c Off Maple Leaf Sockeye SALMON 73/oz.tio.650 JAVEX 128 Large Del Monte PEARS Fancy 14 oz. 2/67' Fresh baked from Wonder Bakeries APPLE PIES 85c each or 411101101111111k,