HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-11-10, Page 500110iii 1 01s001110u0111111.11 iii 1111144 10011P111110140 000 k o 1110 /1,14111100 11101100 0 0 0 0q110 0k 00000 0 iiii 01 iiiii 1 ii 0 110111(01101111101! Hensall personals 1111.11111111111111111111111111111111110111111 ii ii 11 ii 1111111111111 ii II l ll I llll ll 111111111 l ll 111 ll lll ll lll 1 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kyle and son of Georgetown, formerly St. Smiley — Continued from page 4 thoughout Europe, and especially among the enemy. And in the second, despite the disillusion of the depression, despite the cynicism of the Thirties - perhaps the most anti- war generation of this century - they did it again. And once again they proved themselves beyond a doubt, as doughty warriors on land, sea and in the air. Personally, I didn't exactly * flock to the colours. Both my brothers had jumped in early. That didn't bother me. I was a product of the cynical Thirties, a university student, and I laughed at them as they went through endless months of dull training, while the war in Europe was a • complete stalemate. But a time came. The Germans broke through. Cilvilization, as we knew it, was in danger of being tramped into the mud by the jackboots. That was when thousands of us stopped sneering at the "phon- e ney" war and took the oath. Looking back, I shake my head wryly as I remember how desperate we were to get killed, It was a traumatic experience to be washed out of air-crew, where your chances of being killed were fairly good, and wind up washing 411. dishes at manning pool, safe as a sausage. We knew what we were doing, in some instinctual way, We wanted to come to grips, That's why I feel a certain pity for the conscripts of the so-called free 4 world, in these days. They are forced to go to war against an unknown enemy, for something they don't believe in, amidst an atmosphere of corruption and downright lies. To all veterans: don't remember the blood and mud and sweat and brutality and fear. Just remember all the good times and the good friends. You'll never have them again. Thomas spent the weekend with his parents Mr, & Mrs, Byron Kyle. The Hensall United Church Choir are now working on their Christmas music, but need more voices, If anyone could be of any assistance it would be ap- preciated if you contacted the organist; Mrs. John Turkheim. Dr, Norma Hopkinson Lion's Head spent Tuesday and Wed- nesday at the home of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. N.E, Cook. Lynne and Joan Dodds spent the weekend with their grand- parents Mr. & Mrs. Sim Roobal. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Barrett (nee Eleanor Bell) New York, visited Tuesday of last week with Mr. & Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr. & Mrs. Mickle, Rev, & Mrs. Arthur Jared, Mr, & Mrs. Charles Crouch, Arva, and Mr. & Mrs, Robert Mickle, London, were Sunday guests with Miss Evelyn Jarvis, London. Mrs. Glenn Bell who was a patient in South Huron Hospital returned to her home Saturday. The sacrament of baptism was conducted by Rev. W. D. Jarvis, in Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday, when the parents presented their children for baptism. They were Mr. & Mrs. Donald Volland; Mr, & Mrs. Garry Lawrence; Mr. & Mrs, Doug Dalrymple; Mr. & Mrs. Jim Love. Install slate at Seaforth District Deputy President Mrs. Ruby Bell and installing staff of Amber Rebekah Lodge were guests of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, Seaforth Monday evening installing the officers of their lodge for the year. Mrs. Dorothy Beaton Vice Grand presided for the regular meeting ofAmberRebekah Lodge Wednesday evening in the ab- sence of Noble Grand Mrs. Olga Chipchase. Mrs. Myrtle Orr P.N.G. assisted the Vice Grand. Communications were read Bainton Limited Factory Outlet HAS NOT MOVED Baintons are continuing to operate in Their Original Old Mill building in Blyth. Shop in this old building, a landmark in Huron County since 1894. Wool and Leather products offered Ut op 30 /0 LESS than last year's Sale prices. The name "Bainton" is our guarantee. Open Daily Mon. through Sat. 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. RECENT WEDDING photo by Phillips John Finlay Skea took Carol Lynn MacLean as his bride at Egmondville United Church, recently. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Skea, Sr., and the bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith MacLean, Seaforth. Attendants were Karen MacLean, Dorothy Skea, Donna Home, Phyllis St. Louis, Laurie Habkirk, David Skea, Peter Bisback, Gordon MacLean, Murray Walker and Bill McCone. After a honeymoon to Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Skea took up residence in Huron Park. Wed in United Church A quiet wedding of interest was Goderich, and Donald John held October 29, 1971 in Hensall Forrest, son of Mrs. Lily Forrest United Church when Rev. Donald and the late Ward Forrest of RR Beck united in marriage Sharon 1, Zurich, Mary O'Neill, daughter of the Attendants to the bride and late Mr. & Mrs. Henry Clarke of groom were Mrs, Mary Dalton as maid-of-honor and Tom Kyle as best man. Tereasa O'Neill, daughter of the bride acted as junior bridesmaid. After a wedding trip to Nor- thern Ontario the young couple have taken up residence in Hensall. Lady dies in hospital Mrs. Archie C, Wrench (Elder) passed away. at South Huron Hospital, November 7, 1971 in her 77th year, She was the former Anna Maude Madge and wife Of the late Archie C. Wrench. Surviving are her sons Harold, and Kenneth Elder, RR 2, Hensall, her daughter Mrs. Earling (Audrey) Lund, Pitt- sburg, Penn,, and two brothers, Percy Madge, Vancouver and Dr. Norman Madge, Aurora. Eleven grandchildren and five great grandchildren also survive. The funeral was conducted I-torn the Bonthron Funeral Chapel, November 9, with Dr. B. C, Eckardt and Rev, Donald Beck officiating. Interment was in Lakeview Cemetery, Learnington. tO I 4 it See the 1972 Sno Jets now Models from 19 to 37 H.P. 15" and 18" track. Manual and electric start Priced from '125" We also stock a complete line of Canadian made clothing and accessories at reasonable prices - adult sizes only. Southview Sales & Service Don J. Proudlove James St. South St. Marys Phone Medina 10r22 Vit.11111"11. WERE THE BOYS WHO DID INHERIT. PLUMBING KNOWLEDGE OF GREAT MERIT DICK and DAVE Plumbing & Electrical DICK RAU DAVE DURAND 236-4607 565-5281 • Zurich Bayfield Auxiliary plans Christmas party Tuesday Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary met for their monthly meeting with Mrs. Ernie Davis presiding. Plans were made for a Christmas party for children of Legion members December 19. The Auxiliary will join with the Legion men in a Rembrance Day Service in the United Church Sunday. It was decided that the members will cater to banquets in November and December, At the regular December meeting there is to be an exchange of gifts. Mystery prize was won by Jean Smale and guessing prize by Iva Reid. Tickets are available from any member for the annual money doll draw, and Huronic Lodge Clinton will visit Amber Rebekah Lodge, November 17 and present the 'travelling gavel'. Mrs. Margaret Eyre is convener of the social committee and Mrs. Vera Lemmon convener of the en- tertainment committee. t, tHao 6 3 4 ITS oNi 11th ANNUAL ACTORY UTLET OUR NEW LOCATION Hwy. No, 4, t Mile South of Blyth To %Ingham 0 NOW thru Dec. 31 We're wiry proud of our OM building. Now, In conlunction with ATLAS FUR TANNING & DYEING LTD, Iprocessoril and COUNTRY SHEEPSKINS lmanufacturersi, we ore abH to offer a most unique wool and leather elltiowrooat, Come and join us at our annual Factory Outlet Saks. Our new building has been constructed for your shopping pleasure - a country etrnoeplmre with low of beautiful scenery and huge perking area. Because of our new facilities, we an able to offer you prices direct from our own processing and manufacturing plant. To Gofprtch TO Wolk* .y1.W kill" Ti', 01.I/ 0 • vorinkt.4.4., :434 ei Will BLYTH ONTARIO 519.5234595' . 19,101-01 I Open Daily 9 ;MTS p.m. Fri. & Sat. till 9:30 p.m. New Hours Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. You'll find one of Canada's largest elections of blankets, sheepskin rugs, shespdtin toys, ladies' and men's suede and leather coats, hats, gloves and ..a ones, phis many new high fethinn lines min' offered Wiwi. lb. 3-lb. pkg. Fleischman soft Corn oil MARGARINE Pet instant SKIMILK POWDER Swing ORANGE CRYSTALS 5 31/2 -02. Pkgs. 69 Bright's fancy TOMATO JUICE 48-oz. tin 3/95N Shirriff POTATO CHIPS 10-oz. pkg. (regularly 69c) 590 Dare's assorted COOKIES 13-oz. bags 2/$1 6s 2/690 Lewis 1000LATE DONUTS by the ,29 lb. Side Bacon sl ced 49e Loin Pork Chops lb. 690 490 6 oz. pkg. Cooked Ham vegetable or tomato 2-lb. pkg. 584 10-oz, 8/97e 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111115 HERE'S PROOF. YOU GET QUALITY FOOD FOR LESS Bere's Seedless RAISINS Aylmer SOUPS Surget SPAGHETTI °r MACARONI 4 lbs 694 FROZEN FOODS Pi cnic Berryland STRAWBERRIES .250 lb sn 590 Smoked Fresh Side Pork lb 39t 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r 1 lllllllll 1111111111 llllll 1111111111 llllll 11111111:111111111111111111111 llllll 1 lllllllllll 11111111 llll 1 III III llllllll PRODUCE Mix or Match Ont. No. 1 Cooking CARROTS or ONIONS 2 ba gs 454 U.S. No, 1 RED GRAPES 2 lb. 594 Florida TANGELOS doz. 594 size 125's 754 5/84k 59 $1.49 6-oz. tins 4/490 15 oz. 2/954 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 24-oz. in tomato sauce 14-oz. (plus 5.oz. FREE) CRISCO OIL Catelli SPAGHETTI cooked Fresh Pork Hocks Pickled Rolls Fresh Spare Ribs HENSALL REBEKAH INSTALLING TEAM —A team from Amber Rebekah Lodge 349 Hensall participated in installing festivities in Seaforth Monday night. They are, back, left, Myrtle Orr, Belva Fuss, Margaret Ingram, Grace Thompson, Irene Blackwell, Dorothy at UCW meet Unit IV of the U.C.W. of Hensall United Church met November 4 with Mrs, James McAllister presiding. The thought for today was, 'For Planet Earth, it is Christ's Way or Chaos.' Devotions were taken by Mrs. L. Park and Mrs. Eric Luther. The Bible study was given by Mrs. Luther, who took as her topic, "Angels," She traced through the Scriptures, the ap- pearance of angels who are messengers of God and whose purpose is to do God's service and defend men on earth. Collection was taken by Mrs. Jarvis Horton and Mrs. Grace Harpole. The treasurer, Mrs. T, Sheritt reported $586.35 in givings and $139 in project money, Mrs. Russell Erratt reported 15 boxes packed and sent to needy persons, and Mrs. Earl Rowe reported on the Regional meeting, held in Exeter. Mrs. Laird Mickle was the pianist and lunch was served by the committee in charge. Parker, Pearl Eyre, Leona Parke and Aldeen Volland. Front, Maggie Campbell, Evelyn Mcl3eatil. Dorothy Beaton, district deputy president Ruby Bell, Bertha McGregor, Beatrice Richardson and Olga Chipchase. T-A photo CELEBRATE 68TH ANNIVERSARY — Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kyle, Sr., celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary, quietly at the Blue Water Rest Home, November 6. Members of their family and friends visited with them. T-A photo TirmK.-Advoc4te, November jo, 1971 Pao. A New Service To Our .Subscribers The Times-Advocate can now offer it's subscribers the ollaprtUnity to save money on the purchase of an ENCYCLOPEDIA We can .offer The Lincoln Library of Essential information at a much. more attractive price than a multi•yolume encyclopedia, And we can show you a list of some 19 schools in. Huron that use the Lincoln, making it no stranger to the students in your home. Librarians, too, say that because of its more moderate cost, its high quality, its conciseness and ease of use it is ideal for the home or office. By buying through the T-A, a publishing firm, the high cost of distributing these 4 million word reference volumes is eliminated resulting in a saving to ypu. Please feel free to come in and examine it - without obligation, of course, A Bonus for You As an introductory oiler we will give you your choice of one of Ines, three recommended publications at no additional cos, except the 86 cent papaw World Atlas, Funk & Wagnalls Standard Encylopedic Dictionary or Methcal and Heath Encyclopedia. CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hidden, Phone 262-2002 Mrs: Bertha' Mecqragor, Phone 262-2025 Study angels and. district news '62"