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T.rusi, 21N1 Nov., 1870. l -Anse nren Oignxl t
The Cuunrtt tNwuoet woti 1 pm
. ., lire
Wardell ea the chair.
foundry amounts were retkrred to the
tlrunoe C'.nun nit...
Moved by Mr \I"ITew, eees011pa►y11t
6leser, That the Engu"ser ler instructed
t, let t11c Comity Tie:gates as soon as vol.
\sreld mi the Satre rate of Tola as last
ear's req be
y mar roti that the prawut • y
11,s meet price of said ga4•g--ro.r
errcd try
lite imam.. Coinerrttoe. Moved by Tait
Smite, seoiode.1 by filr Armstrinte, That
rdernug t. tie matter of Messrs. Clerk j laugeruw ladle•iG.,u W lead the utiwar)'
end K1llt.tne (sureties of tollgate keepers
tn•tlti"utltg ter reduction), that' the sane) out of one bog -hole iutyatluttier and the
1.e laid over enol next meeting of Co^lual, iuy*ssiblity of knowing, when you leave
..red that to the meat Ume the Tremens*: I blit one week, in w hal •bulrush anti brake
further .;tum'
k0 no f
Le 'm
air wir1 to to
t w roil
themax r ti ro-
roe • 1 11 lied Lem
, our •aril
ea tuna
.m edwl 2,a
A! .Aid r Y
' ("°' 1 1 weenies.' the adlutieu W mus UAW* UT the
b sot pi.•jlad,crl-c.n'ted. Adjourned.
FRIDAY, 23th NOV. justly cermet appellation of Win u the
Council met pursuon t.. alj..unnenl,
Wisp. It a rimming to notice the sol
• U anion in the chair, Ontario is rising from the torpor of s
(1-• assurnnw with "Melt. es he u driven from
Como.tntcatien frau Reeve of Iteldulpol deeadeompreaced with the greatness uf her•
r es read and referral to Finance Coir I pillar to post. he contiu'tes to assert thy{ tele irerod the glorious prospects the
e11't i
to •bas Sin»W 'n c 2,a'
Ad 4i•Nal asr, t. d his slot u l burn
1+rp• rt ..t hlnance C. nunulQN+era reed, I the ) f" ri. tmwdtt !c solum h , mid
)loved ht Mr Young, geanp.led Repeat Dir 1 For Dun's p00ce.f ' 1, ill the preem ie 1 planning•nda•cowpliahi**gtheinttrsycuoe
Loren, no 7 i aid the 4 * 1,r. c !ii•y of 1;, tnuleuious defeat, there is no more of the entire provinca,froul Lk. las Lake,
le 'intruded by chauxung the prcwnt era ,
ton, of enleeltng toll*, to that of eolleeliugI cfoclual euLatttute for logic emu couiwnt.- with the .wiflcct mea^s of htoowotiun.
a hill T..11 of t•else c*-iile ewe say, with 1 sire then self -complacent olfroutsry. The
.naert, liege of nein ruing toil free at any' Idt0r Npialny fur enutem lorory presence
1 Late wa•tore 12 p. m. of the night of. the in boundless measure s2, that the prayer-cfir
led. \herd by Nr
0 .11or ne
E d.r
1;rsewwar, wcotilrd icy Mr Brown, That 1n his O.
r grant cif *1d he nestle t! %\'m rlleritt, he " *1- •d . •2,,v •• r•lo ter e nt. rt. !o.Y.
Loam 1.40144 baud and conargnuntly uua. T" "w t11iel es Attars .r. l'tw'' for the) d(.as'ruus i <<:ete to trade WD
1... to sateen hi"wl4 be nay kitnl of work would be a uselesekepheatiuu of devotion- I s,yurnt o2, the exe tewent,and the des 11
--coned. More) by Mr Shannon, sec. • al energy. The towering bump "(self- I iaer(iu that Rutile surely below. But it
L,y Mr 11wser, !'het the time for paying esteem that emelt' hu ieiciput would never
the Corsets rote lie extctis'vel t" let Feb., eller him to mckuowlcdg.r • defeat. While
1 tit, au t that the Clerk her metructed toy . egn.N7+ rominent hemp of ■"gntsl-
t otify the Treasurer t"Uuiself:et-carried. the tumidness of uure*-aiming railway f:ve
Sender ace routs n (erred to linalca Cutts, t1, eller would protect hire quarrelling end we aro glad of it. Whoa we hat
!loved by Air t.irriu, seconded by 51r with miut\terial 'broad and better' what -
Yonne, That this Council element • C•,w- ever nause.ola demi he wieht lure to swat --
100A" f .r Ike pt.rp.ee "f a nlaldertng "fin low along with it. \1'e d" not write for
'• p Walt e m,etua of green; the I"wndn 4 his reformation, which is ter ielees, but
.f Nes11wroC
aah, "Iberne and As - Ill
GODLRIOH. Dec. 1st, 1670.
OerUer'a Local 1.11.c1t01.
Our Wan emitrulla,rrry, o2, lie principle
of limos a nen Ilue.r(. or
'hieing only
enough to maim his duo.. durkuess risible,
is out unfitly named. Uu - ae"uut of his
ArrougeminIta have been meds, usara M
ova V1SR *MUf.
.alt u struck, for putting in r plasma aro
per pan. As thereis affinity Weems the
commitment properties of sill mud iron and
noun i.etwueu dose of salt anti copper, it
is *.hough( that 11e use sit copper eel ob-
seate euereslatiuu and make the very
, I
manor of the min
m t mit. The dimensions purest
an I to bre 100 lent !unwell," 13 (pet 2 inches
wide. 1'Ian siker
r w 11 lie Menne,
& a oToronto. Item
Ko Toronto.
telegr..phed for to 1 ee/tau been
sheets the
length ,f the pall, 6 to 8 feet utile
sold j inch in tIielnes.. A brick tyle in
to he ad•1.d fur the papers s a,f listAhutiilg
the bum' ellnally over the whole pee. 11'e
aro sure every citizen hu..rttly w 'she* the
enterprise way rieceed, even trevoud the
of the courgette
who aro carrying it on.
Lake Irt tO Lake ikiuron,
The follow in; u the *edb00s met with by
the iislwruee at the Wands this tall, the
figures after mob name representing the
number of barrels secured by
11'tggius, 180 ; W E Leonard. 200 ; dames
Colder, 250 ; W. Saunders 160 ; A Mee
Donald Allan llunrld 290• M u fir
n 200 - H
k1. kle 'lersin 225\1'
1n 736 t 11 alb
1200 1 A L•wa.0 723 ; C Dresser 75 ; J.
(Craig 261 ; Norutai McAuley 150 ; It.
Brut:hie 2')J ; Neil McAuley 160 ; J.
Hey a200 ; A Striker 100 ; C D1urr►y 70 ;
U Mc Limit 170 ; :yin McAuley 200 ; Uor1
„n 4 bletianatiO p K DIcKonxie 126 ; D,
'l'Jo.rburvs 100 ; S Splann 123 ; J Martin,
50 ; U Dotwdler 75; N McLean 60; John
5tclnt .1i 25• J Merriam' 100 ; J Medica-
on 90 ; D Melon 00 ; send James Me- I Donee KcOrza heel veritably come at
Int..sh 50. Ts wilt show aaam of about last. Three more beautiful days than
034.100 rescued from the waters of Lake Sunday, Monday and Tuesday "mild uut
Heron in *21"21 Iwo III.,rlhS. The *etch be wished. The air is quite balmy .ud
Were this one of these mania. for hpe:u
talion which cvcrteke every Dud p
iotllcally, far th 1 delectation of Full,"
• Lea ' and other
ani mal•
limonite in "corners," we th •uhJ tremble
the CIO/ Tallied of strong and healthy
develm ams that se ks to w.ke Leery
township vocal eitb the ateaw-whistle, not
the opportunity of tasking our i'rovince
the central l iehw.ey for several thousand
wiles of continent, it is tome for bu'inese•
mien to do Ione more the, 010. -pity rub
their eyes end Iiok. Jl°Areal, Toronto
e. uiralent Gr the rate ehA d that, hui•g niece ata•rud mt t u wbjuet;
I etch fair
1 4f' we ought not be accused uf, by our &armee,
lip 111 thew Teacshipsfor the constructing .imitusghie raga:ice
aid kee eine in roe er the C .int)' ere, el U. a former occasion he mmle'the der rmergunay and the townrliips lhroug
t set. L.t on a di,iann by a msjonte
of s t. A 1,0lrne•l to 4 p. m.
l'be Cnuurl regained at t p. ter., the
--Warden in the chair. lir Law N..7, 1870.
t. impose certain rates of sett on the
1'.ntn%r I:ra,el Reals mss read and pined.
Report of the Printing Couru.attw See
IRed : /doves' by Mr Ferran, se tmliel by
Mr Young. That the Itriee t of the Print -
leg Committee be referred back Lar reon-
• devalue- carried. Itep.rt of tae Sobou1
l: taint:0. was read and adopted.
Latter from the l'onuty Tre:uurer WAS
✓ a.ld and referred L. liosuue Com.
assertion that the Liberal p.trty of Omen° which they od:rtd to construct ltallway
reama:orwl "to wrurore I. .nxhes( y" for valuing the prieibege of reducing th
the red-handed retitle et Feet Carry. That tuarean between ttlo picot of produ
charge he is now c tilled to depart (rem, at heal and central markets, have cont
rhluntgh heendeevors las make his descent bated ean,1semo b„,„... 1,1 the ver'
o.nnpamee. Leiden is noir egttatulg fur
a line that well rim thenee to Lake Huron,
which will els.., by mean of the Port
Stanley road, euuuet our own waters with
Lake Erie. No doubt, the municipalities
id, nig the route, o2, rrweiving the nec.sssry
queranteea, will eagerlj coutnbu'e to the
!lee. n • of the little Bron
gr,w any -T. me, me -.m n..Y .2,1 1, •" •i 2,i t
1 pte.t .'.l) promisee to ROI and C ., I be suiteiagelegth'2. undertaking. F , rn .my
_ fresher et1.•le,u _ Ua Lou lit diet Lis not the _only ting .rtrut a,nslder.tum.
t er lelmit and his pan'.htiwn-T&. rr n1relrttim ft *.trhatt1..Tt tes-t5 •
,r*ert lire.entrd Au nd,lrus b1 Lieut. I London a grand railway terminus •honld
overser Archibald, which contained the belk'l.rgety in the newts of the denizens
!lowing clause :-
yvur t. n.len •r rm1 a.rert2der permit us to Les,
t w.l.,ik )st. n.• r.•re e.seut•sl Doug : we are,{
in ILS otieuwLite with eertaary, for A has Wee j,xt i11 rimer', the promoters of the scheme
let.! T. ought t to mike lueer walls to adopt the
°.4 •,l ,roe more immune! think is under -
Port ' i'
01 in the settlement t, be for 'amuaty'. fort Stanley eanJ , an that throuek freight
nen,..i by Cartier to lhdr.t and he could haus along without transhipment.
shut to his L.A. No atn"uut of mole- Wed. not know what new light the mass
n burrnwlog ter something to hide his
n1rteng en 11•mday night tnay hayed ruin
aster behind will ensblo Cartier's local on the affair, b. .t at present the fullowmg
Bay -
key to protect the arch -sectionalist'. '.L -retire points are talked of, rix :- Bal-
.nrtces from the indignation of their 6ebl, Clinton, hlneardloe, Southampton
atltilt ole. We tempo Inf1.1e11 n`
ewes 01(0(1nn Let ire esti kuuck from
ST hew ileo . J1ro .x egir as the 'twin'
abisdo burrow from anion us twkeep hien
mat ; and l.'..11 ever)' loyal man in
Ontario,Cencorvette° oro therwise,isbound
to J 11 ban n.u'uatt.n entirely
mineItly paraded. 11 hat did the Im-
perial gortrnmont no I They sent 400 re-
gulon .long with a boat of our own noble
volunteers, and these revilers del nethlryl
that could not have been equally well
done by the letter, while, if the organs
views u to imperial reep.,neibility are
correct, . Canada, through her minister',
is's.dited with three-fourths the expense
Tea C•.,2 :. A ma tot .fie mauled it. l
Mur W p.Wi.kw.. Ihe. Oen, VADA aur„ M
T.rwW, t5ro4a1 Pr. 't, J. YuwkO00 . rima l... ft rum
. ab. Ti. An......nutaian Ito longed u( valuable
fief w.I1 d
ltd ,uWnn.lru, t".W,ul..i poIi1i1Y
. a4 el.' rhe .dr...ea of the lit 1•. r '. .d , r r'.
et.lf moot..., lke !"atom or k2,.. l.nOW de-
sir err
.or w
Y 14.1f.tl •rdl'brk.sir eheeua'Palatka. Courte kl.
.1.4 eu.l,l •t oft. lariat ...nor. firee•.24.
le Ina bf.d2••las !her ..foray three, els. „as
b doubtful 11 41u*
ter t q•m„phy ,d lee• country, the
0SNwkk ray socomf•0)le4 the Leek b,wo.W ie..
use eke
.aT• .-TLb, *20 1
a•Ls ..r 1.• r r n f
t' u2,t 1i2* 'urea, W klye ett,aw. (
A I 1 a... t:.l . r •denser•
leT ILna. aunt •0th nue in t e elli.k..t w_ wyY aY1117
,w•Nal •t. All tier lot. in U. 0101 atm e.1•
12,•4 r• r . • ,,L., lei .a • quarto/ .rr. ITAXI idly
tail.. fie n. est Li.witl taus sir rnkrkr le
twfati,1 Omni s •reong ...sin Li. with .mhoaa0o,Y •d octane.
Wee 90n** (2y AYaltivil ulb. lootYor tlua
wan genrl•Ll .•Iwuty .utlh not for nw t•gly
fall o notes ity. Jun .n'y unwittingly
W' hero
h ell notes u,ute thi1(0*21 menet..r hiSS•1
tut wrl,Y. W 1
,11 -L ...Iwo)
Uvw site t •lull
.u:-c.,uwo. rufin,m..u.
as inter for -himself as tensible, by say-
• Irte. It.U.' 1, .Id .•,t tr• to teo,-ure •Mn100
rt,r 1120 a r.• u,ry Ad try t, ,.f•'l.o. o2,.• •,r
Item. 12, ....ler w halve a rwo0Able bun to Sod with
the Irow.0Y•u ti•nurnerut'
What the Liberals did was 4..41 in
preret..g Cartier, Macdonald .t l'o. front
ai.g to ,otrage the sentiment of .11 the w. rk. We cettnnt agr,e path the Pr. Pre
-ver erred tai Finance Com - --
Mnve1 by Mr %emir. s'rondel by Mr IT
Tattfioott,- That Yknt4a ylt+sep { t
4tstrnctod to examine the bndg.•. at/,ct I a
land mu4 Merrishiauk and revert t • eliceV
COdd al at the J.u,uary ineetteg u to their (i,
r ,adninn-carried
Mewed by DI, Forret', see. by Mr Me-
C'aughe%, 'That the E'(gtneer bei enstnteted
to Put a1 extra e.attue of gravel in depth
•ed width or. the maul exteleli.g throu h
tea bnaicess parts of the village of Ciento.
sad So.forth --camel.
Moved by Mr (:Irvin, sec. by Mr Scott,
thatthul'onnti 4' .thoriutho('uuntt- Engi-
n eer to pmt the 13rOlge over the Maitland
ver between the Townahelm'of East and
\:est Waw..mwh in a proper state stat. of
lepeir, as the bridge u iu an unsafe state
f ,r p•thltr trarel. Lot on a division by
a majouitrei..13 Adj.wrtted -
-' The ....ouzel! mel, pursuant t:. adjonre-
snout, the Warden in the chair. Thi
minutes f( vesterdey were real and ap-
preiel. Report of Printing Committee
esu read and 'adopted, Also ropeat nJ
!:rat el it Sad l,o,muit lee, and .lee report
..f Gaol and court Boost) Committee.
Supplementary report of the Finance
/lam mi' tee was read, Morel by Tait !Scott,
seimie e l lie Mr Carrick, That in amend-
tnent t. Noe 88 .n4 93 of the Finance Re-
port refening to matter "1 Welham■ and
Clerk, that the sme be laid over to lenit-
ive meeting and also that the Treasurer
Mk, no proceedings against Kerr and
Arm.tmeig until after and meeting. Lest
.a. a Diemen by a majority of le. Moved
by Nr Me *.,,hey, sec by Mr Brown, That
the nffor of Nieman ('Lark and Williams to
work un a pr"p•.od contract en the [Myth,
Ne ed ender tieeaupenintnudelas(ofthlt lin-
ty Engineer be aceptecland the
menet of work dorlr Ise credited
fmm time to time ria their respoetiee Mert-
Raees tae the Council and that the rest of
the sureties be pe„00dod ageinat and their
respective wnounta be aelected. Lot yrs
o'dirisinn by a majority of 19. Moved
Dottier in amendment by M1Jl,ek ••, see.
he Mr IL•sh•.p. That N" 95.dille Finance
lteport ba amended by hiking nu atepr for
collection 1n the ease of Kerr 2,,l Arm-
ear.wg until after January nicotine, when
the report. was agent submitted, X1 'mewl-
ed and ado ted. .• by Teet Stott
wi• th wewmapers during this semion vete
- -cerried. Mewed by Mr Morton, mec by
r Cress well, That four Additional !tetras
be appointed along wish them already
nominated. to /Mlle (Le Engineer in lett-
ing t be tollgates. 1he t'ott twit nom iiiat ea
Masan.. Kelly Leckie, Ilislittp and Sitr.p.
Me The CoillICLI then adjourned.
..f {root ea* g..od, of elute tieh poor and of
herring altogether • future, ao hat the
prices of the tatter two kiuds will this seas-
tn he high. it is generally thought, by
those who un'lentand the 4uestien, that
the tishiug aausou ought to lrm rlused µ 1st
October, as thereafter .pwning ia„u-
muuons, end pr stoutiuu of • 8abiug
after that time •aru.ld year by year
d h the 10aeess.
on Rosser to Isaac
OomDltnt pp0
Fr ick, Nap•
The Mechanics' Heneyulent Steely, of
the gram boguuuug las grow menu. 'Look
out for leonine !
Sr. ANDREW'S DAY cnmoa round 02,
\Yndnu.day, 30th inet.1 S.:"lemon .r0 not
enthusiastic enough in this *vett m to mole -
brine tt in public, but we presume the
"honest senate face" of the time-honored
haggis will silent many a private table.
A D••taveau O•JO*T.-A litersry:en-
tertaiuruont will he giveu ill the Dsaeu.ent
kindly ranted
of the Wesleyan Church,kt
hY 8
for the 44rp,se, 2,u Tbunlday evening at
8 o'clock, for the express benefit of • desti-
tute but deserving family of Eneluh iur
eau sea az
Berlin, NOV.tr-I-I.. th
Parliament lo-dy, • 111
Bele 00,000 k w
orth (harm
The (gravel 14W4 By -Law.
Te LIM Latter of the elll.W:
tate, las yesterday 'Mtge tlw Clinton New
lfrosay..-"'Cheri* 44.8ruu3 iuu1ppw-
Iug that tM tryediva of the alwlitiuu of ' cur• Ilse .W w,.,Me .vet, . eau and need,
IL t Teres w.o u, d• r nest vlra.0 and
1'2, esu lrseated at M last slseliun, it r r oK.
All aurrr rNr IM .aa esu nun, old hn4L*,
may reef assured the it was the dead ere bt tM 1b Y.I••t.d v2,{ vr.Ilrr.t ,
• I aeightuf the Aortbrn (lrwrel ltuad which art sew Illhi hieud•41v 11.1
mesiad the 00{.6(1[04 4tkeetiun W bel de- I t *l Crisis ttw art4r., rto...«tnr,t...
ef'rt' seated. 1 4Ae (Lea y A r, "7," .h•11 b. ry .., 11,y (220 a 4. gived
1.njthnuasn r2, /uYe left Paris. f t Cow ore Uo rYr. telm de r Nrri.'. It. lL. rYd.
Xi" bit tfi thee* r.Yg trite!.
are dedruyed. tentinant o ti err WIYtltWNk, IAsy well cvYw. t meat Iwt 1l,.r „n. •,,,t IN„u a,•2, r,,,
Tu .mint• m. sero it c"LI and drltk l ,
b isle u
l Y deo
sAuw Arir akka.aa'
` cu • a. Y n..
u t T unroll ev w1
mere N l u s t r l Ltk ,
M of Y err
k• I r 4 l
New urti Nov. 71t (fJA unw0psper tion I srA•Iwe to ubuluA lir Tons, UYrd Ill the ROM A, w2,g •. W„li.lt sl.0 w .ort w esu.
respu.d.nt .t'Vorsail
Belasrc;c On the kltejwt
of Parts in particular
al. He Sayysj he
is not hu, bui)V
S O1I1' totIIfC.
Ian the •fibro: _--. -.-_.--_...-...
1[Y Wf10LL11N 5', O&.
es interviewed, time &&rodeo to Ili, IOC 2,,.d 31'vat JI"ase- 1.
lNe investment i utwOA." eljt..top.ot 7 . of I Sia 1 re, I beot yond ,sou,. Lit?
140 wa iagener• 1 ,. Now Sir, 1 thin several elements ware an t m.. set w lad a buts las .M..
t.rvueg Y.ru out combined in Ile(r in t4' By -leer. • WIRT SATO. ivIl• e.r•.t w .aurara er r
U.4 he 12.d l.n ire 0n{ pier . '11teth still • antsid- i ll,elllTeta niet, :at ie• saris he RI blow his way, that run
boo', •!tack- .shin b*lauw du. 2,u tit. Caravel Road £o,l Pu w uv .s. rpm. to We dere.
reset bt. b the rd n wk.. cue r.w.r err.
tit •wind • d de
tin • u ' t Tyoa, k
ed I g Iwt ti+n'r . erre colder that 1 feel,
long N
! Itl *bole of r
urth• aid. 'ft I b e we n not 2, i
the tuardt u 9 1e ♦ •use • .. right e•,n I
.r. 1a,• n e
u k aa0 oM 1 . anal.
nee u leh r
Nor. .1a it Ln that tike lthae•lie
Lumbar!- .ted (err t
h n •I•
d Juairo Y
wart ;that he at ♦ gid d Prt'P rr0 w situated th.t the C"daru'd through all NatgWwr rum .red try r
uiir t ant rttack, blLL,has laWly been na• Srd. Mruv } 7
012,101 frolu dl ) tary councils. Ile did not mend t4 2200 the road much •aid pm,,l... ,, t,,.,, w0 esWs.0 t. l.•n
disclaimed any object sit annexing Alsace werupfrridtheithe eller Taxes would-remisetridmetmod pt.ultwh,e.t
or Lorraine,
anti decI.red that the war amount to nog. than the tolls they would ,.lie lie. ease rwwrht.
was the uuifi wtiun of Germany, which he bare W fir. 1 Mir NlkOe 3 tkam)grthav Lured
voted a it a sit • •,
p ret 1t the e h it .
considered now 0112 halsahl-T(I1 4th. tial g g e. 0q, u0a0drs00taa4ho,
.altooaL[Nt1 TH■ y.ANiNbmlatt'm, Inst sit the r r test Icing kept ill as gowl iii,
tiM I.et ltar r11W,
The F'ranrs-limon aro moorrti(•auiaing un- •state of rrp)♦uas un.lnr the full eSetem; rY rt .bre, rkr a weer 5.:I.
tinshe Freer ut'ireu 'moor rCioi,ucy hu 614. Centum lu.ueare0s in (iudsrich TMS Masi Mr• .t.y tr... (.part.
t 11 rip th•.u, (rkat leas ruuM •awriu de,)
ilrojdV been greatly entt.te0d, T1wy} altil)i144?t•nl1Y 0tum d the Towu- Hut tuw,t h•1 tW rk4,r uftM two
make Ireq, sir t captures u( Prussian trains'
.bop, tryn Y: impetus the Electors with
and munitions,and fighting to mean bodies
the bi12ol t •the cuuuty wuull get 14. ah. .•,Mill thee, Frisian 2,,r run, and kou:k.,
I..,g, that tt would 10,11 Gill fou .111111 tm.... Frisian
2,a ta,a
tl':l I tl.lnk ma then a Ikw, f rucked filuux,
w sit the Wwa of U"derieh' t'rnl ?:..,W rop•ot w. t•, put tee• v
situ 1
vs. th v11nr 1
t t. w
Y .o Mel to dare
,'Dual l Y
Council could thou
wend t6 n r
silt t{ r. rt
n t►
r ase:_
fulls, end that 0 xlerich W wuu. a. • . hNrl• .Leu rwudwl,drar•)ree1.
d, wood hater to 1.11uw suit. The sille b,ot., and eight. 2,.a will •sit L..1,
more from this cause than Ay., ,. r rrrww,rd my wurldy 20... ,
filthy towards the ''own of ev °k ' anti aWr .r... uvr'.1 hW a rend,
r4l tear that it would be bene -
change. Ido not think any
y that the people between
..d Lueknow had not as good a
rel roads as Nn se North of
8ealnrth, and OW the roads
. would have limn built h the
:;the Northern Gravel 1Ww1 Cu.
2,u !'tura
fru cc:mutunr
Millet *emus sir Brno
callous. j
tyre DOVE MINTS. th)nw elf
The Unman plea for the iuvnshn•mt of prottet h
which Dlr. Fredrick was ori natuy roiled- t- iuegrrub, recently arrived amongst Ur.
I'1'Iw[nlndy did not make atingle annplant The
have fallen lulu the Lauds sit the
vrd, on his deperture (ruin lioderieh, to tbuulsd,es ; but their circumstances were 1'rcuch• any tithe
sloe- their ertuew for him by •. gathering l incidentally demote:reel to be very diner- satttg .t'rokm- any tthe
of hes triton's and acquaintanLroa around I ing and it is hoped our bunel oleo% 0,tiarur i F.ngageinentaue reported .t Ceulmterer (itttd by
th• swirl board. tl^ •fhursday evening, will turn out iu large numbers- Se+eral,audBreen. ""'' one will
road for n.
'lute the h
and that t
sive- GO gOuUemen eat dorsi ti. •splendid holies and gentlemen are prepered to A v(TQ.v 1* 0 TBE TRENCH. (iuderic
furnish'readnlgs and music, and every ef- Lill., Nov. 27• -An engagement took right to
supper in the Colborne Hume Christopher. fort will he made to take the proerrmme plain on l4.tnrday,.l B•,ve.s, near Amiens. Clinton
Crib'•, Ert., occupied thelheir, support- • 1.120aing ono. 1'Che disbursing sit them TI,. Emrich trouts repulsed the Genuses W Luc
ed ou the right by the gum( of the wren- proceeds, for the benefit, of the family with the bayonet. 'I he aa.ailanta sulfured Count
iug, and on the left by Mr Elijah Dllore, had no
!'resident of the Society The edible* J J A l II
having been dune the fullest justice to, &dean
the Chairman proposed the usual loyal the
and T*tnutie toasts, which were enlheatu- _ stuck
Deafly reapoudud to. Theo, to • neat 117 7
speech, in which he posed a deserved 1 J ( [ lh of in
culogium on Mr. Fredrick u -the founder French 1 d aid t T
I this institution, which had done so N r L they
much for many of its members in the B7.
t11110 OI se:knea• and death, and character- - p ha^
*slug hint a au h'uest man, a good cite- h t 1 Em
sen, • gaud mechanic and a winu-heerted t
friend, ne proposed health, long life and ern
i11 be taken charge"( by Mn. D.n.y, Din
and Mw Budge.
It. F. lBra,N, MINN. Glad to firer
rem 70U occasionally.
severely, losing three limy& s Many u the
French- The army it anaruuu mina
u full of confidence.
Toil' RM.
Toon. Nov. s0. -The "Mondani.' says
• groat battle u iso A•udlne. The skirmish-
ing s. far las resulted las aver o e
The ['resilient nmonstral 1r
wards then and ontar s, ueener mter-
md a resistance which obliged them las
change their las of attack. They moved
• p ,rtiol sit their (temps roe 'the .entre
to the right, welting to overwhelm the
French life, which .0 too extended to be
easily defended. The enemy's movement
etas in such force that there hailtoa
heavy cuncenlrattun of troops to resist it.
C'heteau Dun was in conse4nence left un -
The Eastern Question.
Tus Rceau I'at'5211A-r TREATY.
r sperity to the gw0.1 of the evening.-
need nut say that it was warmly re- be f C.,
eeivu* and drank, Mr. Fredrick, 2,1 an m
interesting manner, recapitulated the hie th
of that enterprising city, outsiders n1 this
aerate' will expect the new line t Mede
w highway to Lake Etta. With the ob.
•:i1 Cold ive:mel. Any of these will bene-
fit rime scetrnn of Finnan, and will be sup-
ported by the section known to be selected
--*11.4*- tl.1L'ut iestlyn.. We
ethtn'k - 't9k'6ale'1fKM
eennusly thought of u . terminus. A
line rennin_ in that direction would be an
ern n • attempt to reverse the natural calix of
,rthy of our eontentprrry 1 -'-flier (the trade, which s from west (• last, and
berets) wnlleti In their inmost hearts e1.n11
not succeed. 4 -o erich seer every
at the pardon w"old bre granted' After [!"'^( of view would be superior to
is matioioua invention, we shall not be
t^car/1mo. The Southampton ret°
ken aback at any greundle.s and oon• would be a feasible tote end meet with
niptible accusation the organ Indy in. general support. provided it did not pima
Imes in. Tho 1 mp.nri01 'sh.10' a again pen- too far west In the county, end d a breach
Walt Ault so that the company might aid
and f"iter the salt trade-- esec!, is ret to
become the must important interest of
Western llntarin. I(■ far as perhaps
Eynon, on the Linden mad, the Nene
would be agreeable to all And secure the
support el Stephen, Usborne and Hay.
lkyond that punt, the cuntroreroy et11
begin. Making the terminus at Ray -
any a who a .1111114 to %urk and Yea
klikee '9)14 cy4((yx«0s* Igo 1 Irldlra•wee•
twin of seoceu. 1'1,e best et the "lieu
was given front the chair, reld,vd to by Mr
Young of the Signal and Mr Donaghy of
the Star. W T Hays, Esq. M P, P., en
a pithy reply to the 1out of the •'Delano
Perh.uient," assured those present that
lie !:r.4 voted 18 tiu.as agahat Sandfield
Macdonald, and intended le Parlt,atwent
always to use his own jedg.neut- \1'e
have not space to parkeml.ran all the
other toasts and speeches, but must men-
tion .(home of "The Commerce of (lode-
rich' coupled with the amts of Merin.
S. Platt and S. H Dotl"r, familiarly de-
signated as the "Two Sams," who both
gave utterance to the cheering belief that
they could peke their fortunes out of mit departure for the rat of war. The
and assured their audience that they in- neutrality of Russia was the penc,pel
aneesta apie4 ut(:ralur .4ubject of negotietiwut _esiLcoseiogleYeQ
which in 6 years, tbeye 102 "`ri then, as a reward for neutrality of Russia,
city 410,000 inh.1Htento;atdthe "Officers demanded the acquiesence of' Pruasi, ill
iLe ('1 ribuoe's" Vienna correspondent xtL rUaltall 0n Thundsy-botab.Td.it`
aI that 00130 insist thatj__,_
us tosndTitaesla" ive mmkdo a secret Tours, Nov. 27.- 1!;unnan G>rce, with
treaty. I artillery, is starching en Lo tiovy, Great 1
The "Tribune's" Versailles special, of alarm profols among the ulhahrtaute.
Friday, says that nothing definite is *taT201a.. -
the r rees made between New York, Nov. 27.- The `World's
kuowo of p era
Lord Russell and Hl.marck, but the Tutus correspondent Wlegraphs-28th-
l'ruwia^ feeling is that war cannot follow that agroat French victory was wnllyester-
the kohon of Rossi I. day near \'ondome. The battle begin at
The "Tribune's" Berlin a dal, dated two Hattie aftnnnon, when the Pressen,
'Pm". attempted P. turn the left Nana of DePal
Friday, gives an account of relations lad,nei forces, paled along the !'hart
existing between Russia and l'rusaia. At .¢'Vendome R It., under Genie!. Th
the outbreak of the present war (.ort• Prussians were repulsed and routed, ase
saltation. Lad several interviews wash King f,riug great lou, and were pursued nn
Wilteam and Bismarck, b:lure their nine .t night. They retrsatwl tow.
tI.-4te.0 Dun. Two guns were capt*t
-Gut eminent hat also despatches
nonn.m; An engagement along the .h
ii4"1 wboth 4*aka u(e"1"1" '4
all of wI,id, rw*210.4 n vetrte" fur
A "\1'urld' sp•ciel, dated Tours,Sii
night, says tiehtrng is g..1ng un all
the line. The French have carried e
thing. The Prussians tried W fur
right of the French at I:en, on the
aid their left .t Plateau Dun,
between Lem■ua and Tours, bot w
ward on me conclusion of pone between11100( in both attempts, with gee.
Prussia and France. By this arrange:. There wallets„ hard lighting at 1'e
meet Bismarckwa.enableo, by the waddle with the French left centro tool.
of August, to send for two o0rps which French drove Lark the enemy •
had been left for the defence of the •00 ',motion. Thera is no daub
caelernevinces of Silesia, and Yrusait rr&'a b.ttUhu bcun run by the
p Ne11e.( exeltwt.n°nt hero.
was enabled to set the time for the be-
ginning of the war. By this underetand-
ing not o111y was the neutrality or Ruasil
secured, but Gortsciiakoff had even
0 donut, Nur. ata, 1115 B. P-
Queen Victoria has now nine grandsonil
and eight granddaughters, together seven-
teen grandchildren, of sheen the (flown
Princes of Prusaie gives five (one died in
1811x), the 1'rit.ceaa of WAIT five, the
Princess Helena two. And the Queen has
still unmarried children.
a1 '• The wife of • journeyman baker,reeiding
4, i• ituoney as in a measuro at King's Cross Roil, Lonlou,
was the
10 the an(,th %y TownA"‘.1mwltet have' other day delivered of three fine healthy
firm kayo lest army Dolt e I This it chiWron,two girls and nue toy, very much
011 are now mot tgagod fur arrear to the astonishment and ours deru.puu of
IOle journeyman baker,
dos the Tura. A youth at him randm fir. funeral,
1 • n advanced 564.48)0 for which
!rebuked a tender-hearted boy fin took the
"1"11,t_ gly have g -.t 1/44)'°u°„1""1.,76 th
:crd. Th. C'ounty on MS oer liberty el participate with molal eyes and
..111 eta road valued by then I handkerchief, in the exercises of the occa•
sten : 'Shut up,. will yet ! It ain't none
rat 843 000 for 640,000. And the
rat wont. hare est the Conuly
104,000 had it been enbodtel in the
,:ravel road whome. Ae far as the
of yer dead grandmother !
A 1Vestere'1'ornelia thus maternally ad -
dreams her eldest jewel : 'Ny daughter,
Council were concerned • large You
aro new fifteen years of age, engaged
:, were in femur "( the purchase and to be married, and without a freckle on
,•otion of the Ton system, and 1 your Taco. 1 have dune my duty.'
r. rlCihT0-a iliii7 i oi:1" a1cu y." " -
ff da borrowed mope of a germ to whew he
2, embodied is the 81•laew wbio TZ
Yount truly
of Meehenics Denevulent Sudety" "1'1'1'1 the abolition of that part el the ('aria
to Dlern E. '•' --•r•e and John Nairn. 111
pmpo•.tng :I ah f Mr. E. H1.ker, Treaty which rurbids l(usaia keeping a
Mc. B. L. 1) •, ,k oo0aa,on to impressSect in the Black Sea. Bismarck ac•
on th .e present the neecrtty of going iutc ceptcd the proposition, and it was then
the erection of &Summer Hotel as the nett tuutually understood that the claim of
step which. after the proseeption of the }lueaiA.hould be first publicly put for-
Sa!teuterprise, w0,ld conduce materially
to the prosperity of the town. TLS "chair
mw" and "float and Hostess were duly
honored with bumpers. Jokes in,ntmer-
able were cracked ; excellent songs were
sung by Mean Juhn,, Jitcbell, W. Mow.
E. Honker and others ; Harry Reed on
the guitar and Dlr. Duckh*in on the Con-
certina discoursed most delectable music ;
and altogether the supper was rte of the
emel•lfurthersecurethe'e 'emote( Stanle m•,eiLeuul, cordial send friendly enter
a military eeppeedih'n In acquire a tern- I t Y' tiinments we have ever been present et.
y that should have been Landed over to `lt^PP" 4' wt CRiw'"'° w"'r14 1.w0 chomp \"o cannot eenclnde without weenier-dingin peace, \lee gnat that 'the psayment1 le'n of Stanley and gam the *support of the Mechanics Benevolent Society at },ar-
the m•,ncy would not have gotten the - the yellagv itself While. tuning from
the ticu:erly worthy .l the attention M our
idiom there ant' •sorer ;' kit A 5tlle 16nplxen termed* .(inleyylle would lose the
citizens. A "rainy day" stay uvertakei he
no m
avl'sm support o(ClintonA Stanle Mlt u doubt
tiro efficiency, and a little les 'reit tape ppm 4 y
n.1 reetino' in g.Irerlunent arrangements i brtngboneses from 1'nckersnitth McKillop,
unld..A!ove all an c.tr:eer payleant oi the i (trey; Turnberry and whatever township.
f • might be passed. through, Oa the way to
,n1 .amp on.
wling a rend - or to put on un
mremind the pro -
',voters t11 ttoe aters that Gotench is r p,iut which
porches* mire, the s1eedier p.
g.larantlnd cooststuttTvtos, lit jM 17 in 1 Se \1 a would
nery stn, m so 1111.1) assent i ht not, i( •able, to be overlooked in
ten Ifttlettknr{acr (authority on his I "' K Pti °
paw- 4 RA itis *erring up disaffection' their IIII elle.. The government is nb•
IR le mote inculcation of loyalty' on 1 out to0 make It the test harbor en Lake
do I hlnrm. M present the salt -works are
The Huhn Murder.
Our reader' .01 remember that rather
?o• ak Mho/ ELI nwiding ith her
brother. the !ter. Mr. Bolin, at Beekin-
eheni, disappeared under very ans.-moons
ofterwards fminil in the river Lievre. 61r.
!Sabin war arrested, tried at Aylmer, end tee 1251,58 Rosilo7e of the • et MIXO:•0-.-
drys Mem he died in Cincinnati, and on tkiarn.:11"1.;%nti 1;41'1'11:14.'01:41;:tit,112.1:;.t'bi fo027:4:1!
4.2 woe Diet the half 'Mfr.'. ar• loyal to their
fila death bed confeseed that he was goilty
of the crime ; that his Metal's etin linen 4.n",'" ern'. "J''''n't
The whole niatter, by the adviee
wee a wretched and henries* one, and that
a, long aa she lived she wait a disgrace to
loin and all connected • seal that,
in enter to get rid of the burden airoulihi
end anneyance she entailed mann him, he
lad himself driven her in a sleigh to the
river and thrown tier la through a boleti)
°misty (travel Ronda.
I the nt masa
genthenati nisy talk an he thinks the
'gentleman' ,1101.11. brawl he ;este w.,i11.1
like him to, but Ontario will hold I
Cartier's sepporters responsible for the
rebellion, restiolisilile fee the Murder of
ferret, reepensible for tlie ireeeption of (lie',
reeponsit,le for makings French l'royine
ktonitota. As the Sarnia ()hurter we
reniarks in another ernmectiiin,
we were &meta the find, In Ontario to dentiiiii^•
win. • for 11,0 tnreale▪ aval rebellion
tis tar Territory ware tlaaraly (nrearen and rolat.o
*wed dis nation, the following motion
wee agreed to :-"Moved by W. k until%
eeeonded by E. Brown, that No 77 of
that the Tolls remain as they are) be
.if odlecting Tolls, to that or eoll,eting a
f all Toll of 12 emits one way and the
privileee of returning Toll free within 48
andersband that the bonds of the
the aggregate to 8754,000, reiontly &boot
on the EiiWieL maraet, hews all been taken
sit a public withering why he had shaved
off hts side whiskers. and wee answered
Mod, to meet sums mem, he reerinsd memo
.. A eemsepowdemt wishes to k now if young
Sebes who lik• Mem their own relectiriiii
being 'a teei Mr, their glare.'
0Prime -Os Menial night laid the dwell -
*IMO nad, cEillop, twat fire through
&too in the elmeneyowel was totally
It was Goateed. st the time,
Maddigsa. who bet ~of hie
owileg 11150. Ne lawman.* un any id the
Cartier and with anything but the interest
of of tile Dominion in view, • heti-
*By nenesienweel hem first to last sud the
'manatee' •t. intim& will be refoired tiy
the peeple, to pay the penalty attecheil to
the betrayal et the trust reposed in them
by their. const ituents.
depth ot 415 feet. The well of freah wa-
ter which beget% to flow at abont 129 feet
has gradually ineremed in volume, ia now
rising about 3 feet from the surface, and
discharging, s000rding to calculation, some
10,800, feet of water per hour, or 69,300
berrels in 24 hoursoindflowing away with a
velocity of 6 milea per hour. We were
preeent at al interesting ex pertinent made
for the purpose of tooting the practicabili•
I ty of turning the well Mao a water -power ;
which, in the locelity, womb! be no Ilea
valisahle than a salt well and conk! be ap-
plied to the drilling night mail Jay of a nee
hole; to the purpose of the dry doek
which we have been advocatir,g, or to any
lel. teetered into the diecherging pipe end
I made as tight an possible when the seater
the ground, which experts say would give
fully 1101meas power. AR the joint Pali by
ma means tiektenewslpehateethe water ea...
a notch greeter altitiole, and consequently
greatly increased driving power, worild
attained. Mr. Hawley haa under oonsid-
W• ring for a water power and putting down
e mit well in anothet part of his lok, all
Hie delay oonieioried would be abont a
month and it it if /deer that a 30 or 40
horse power ornild be seemed, the delay
would be compensated 10 nines over. -
tion will Tire to 1201 berrele. Uere is
the merket where London merchasits,ainte-
tweet. have • hand in making t heir city the
2 ii ely run • line of prepollers hence 10 the
and le.rt Stanley *lead tr. cloubt cotnplete
the connect. 1.y running steamer% to
Ohio and New y,,,k. 115 snother seas in,
a Slimmer lietel nett be built here capable
of accomodating 1000 guests, which ...old
ir an important aid to amisenger traffic. --
All the trade of Kincardine and northern
to Goderich and o odd be Coililieted for by
the new line. The Lake Huron fish trade,
both 'minuet end fell, is beceming an im-
menee source LP 'wealth mil eite ell be
brought Date. Otelerich; mid these are ell
extraordinary 2•011P.701 Of tretlie,i0 siblitien
to the ordinary tirirduce (retie. As a fair
' mile:Wine of ieir prosperity we may men-
tion the action of th• Pflanz U.iorraiir in
raising the rinee of land held by them 50
pet cent. 13 view of One, would it be
wile to ethp the fie" at Clintow and give
another company the opportiiiiity of put-
ting on such a tariff, on the 12 miles from
liielerich to Clinton, Se wonld Choke off
emits between London and Goderich 1 --
Without desiring to dienarege any other
roitte, w• tusk the 'trimmers of the new
scheme to think eiriotiety before deciding
to Tenor. ne. London rio Kippen tot lode -
rich woold probably secure the greatest
amount of trade, until the line conld he
further intenr171._fre.m....Kippeti Mei Alois, -
vale to Southampton,
Covent Roos, Nov. llizin, 1870.
The 0 -arnica met this dav pireptint to
The minium of laet meeting were read &nil
approved. The following execeinta were
entered te be paid, viz :-Ituute Rogerson
Ile, for rer.airing • scraper, and for work
If ekridge 404.18 ; Arch•al McKellar 119.-
Petitien et W. Armour and J. Bell, 'ray-
ing to be milted to fl H. No. 13, was mad,
1, when it es. mimed hy Mr. Graham, sec.
I he Mr. M.4.0y, that the Clerk notify the
ligt esser~1- Merl* of !het
of Om Consent. mike the change -Car-
Tied. Th• Cheek was ordered to ROA the
County Tellatellier, te atop the sale of lots
81 211 37 in Itlytles Jag•law Rea 80 win,
reed and passed. The Conant! Omit ad
interned ti meet again 0.5 this rernad Fri -
most prosperous and this ergsu:x.a lon
guar.le,ag:uust the pnasinillty of any of
Ile members being distressingly in want.
We are 4•aro the Society will gladly
come Wits membership every gaud .aid
sober man in the community-
*044 b ♦ RAD(!( Dar, -The l'o.t
posits Lave been as follows :-
Yesr to 3 1st 6Iarch 1E69 17897.00
Year to 3Ist 6Iarch 1970 9239.00
Year to 30 Sept. 1870 6973.00
These aggregates consist of small DPW
from 51.00 upwards and are principally
the savings or working men sod others
earning only ordinary wages Beeiles
property, in the shape of • house end lot,
la is been purcliaaed by this clam of per.
eon,. Such provident habits are A greti-
fying indication of the style of people the
town is ailed), isomposed of.
Connection Church will he held on Sab-
bath at tho ternal hours and on Monday
at 7:30 p. m. The sermons will be preach.
erl by Rey. 0. Richardson, of London,and
the meeting on Monday addreifsed by ham,
and several local clergyineh.
New Co:eon-viol 7TWISI..-A Social will
be held in Hee Church, on Wedumilay
several times 4ruiled to the intended cot -
struction this Teasel -the very first to
be built in Canada on the composite pent-
ciple cf iron frame and wooden planking.
All the material. ere new on the ground.
The iron ribs 'eighty -1g bins have ar-
r.ved frontLiverpeed, and the keel, 104
feet in length, btu; pot been Messrs
Strachan & MeKinnon are to pot the iron
work together and have made all the holts,
screws and mho For the purpose of the
wrath Mr. Leonard is imported from the
States • bseictmg plate of the valim of
5300 00 and haa purchased • punching
machine worth 5120.00, end everything
will the proceeded with, with the 'Armed expe-
dition. The wood- work is te be construmed
by Mr. Henry Maiden, wk. gave so much
satisfaction with the Wm. enyincer.
remarkable to us that nit Thornlike night,
at the very hour the hue 4.10119 of the Star
tout passing' through the prom and long ho -
Owe it was given to the public. W. 'I'.
social getnering, woke making a speech
kir. Bancroft has received a
from Washington for Mr. If
(living him permission to leave
pledged himself to restrain Austria from
interfering between i'russia and France. Railway Meeting at E
Some weeks ago the Cabinet of Sl. Peters
burg thought peace was abo'Wt to be wide
A mee'ing in favor of tltera1
prematurely, and the silence was brok•,n it m L radon northwards w
eonl:ernin the dcoigne of Russia, le Dr's a fl"tel, EseMr, o2,
R avenmg. There were prmeut
Germany no one apprehends war:
i'lew York Nov. 27. -Count Cateisy,
the Busman Dlioister, now in this city,
stated iu conversation today that Hestia
would not r4e-de one jotfrom the pn.itinn
she had taken. England must comply
with tile demands ol'Gortschtko9-s now
or war ' inevitable.
mg g Keil , M. P. P.: Ur. ('o
Ja>♦ea Pickard, It. E. Elliott,
D.77 ohne, E. Drew, W. Lauso,
- Eacrett, - Sanders, and
gentlemen. lame Carling,
nimbi the chair. The chat
the proceedings .0 the Lon
Trade, reported .n W -day a
had been read with the *re
871,172 and'73. AB WotIld gins hearty mop
GottschakofTs reply to Granville main- '0 011Y measures for buil
note and withdraws wahine.
the onus of constnencing hostilities hmlegemiLin„.70,11i.iantreariiiiketrhei
England. 'Elie Calinet will held &nether weld,' have had a meeti
formal meeting on Monday, when a final people, Exeter felt so in
decisien will be reached. The Cebinet matter. Ile begged t
will meet the QaceninCouncilatlYmiser,
prus,iii has made teelo or , het. .Mr. thurcher said h
on Tuesday.
the other l'owers. The beide on whieli service by seeing Mr
the propneal is made are unknown. . friends. After some
New York, Noy, 211. -The "World's" the merits of the Flee
correspondent, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, "d great satilefect
say,: -T here is good with way for tdrunot;tohrt'hobl tau°
to meet iu London, ;Med to co-operat
stating tnat Conference adios Prose
has b!en Agreed on, mr. piohard sem
which, it is undestood will tatify accom- the matter, and wait
The "Tribune's" "Penal despatch from scribe handsomely
Oohed facts.
St. Petersburg, CM Sunday afternoon at
3 o'clock, soy, stocks are up Anxiety is
felt among diplomatists concerning the
'Beet of' the Russian answer in Engtiffff.
The peace Ministers, backed hy the
countenance of the Queen, endeavor to
retreat from a warlike tone by an argte
moot that Englend cannot set upon the
note, that they must have acts to justify
the war, sod ere endeavoring to three a
temporising. *newer of thin deecriptton
through the Cabinet.
The "World's" London ilexpatch says
it is the opinion in official circles to -night
that there will be no war -at least for
Cie present.
New York, 26.-A ppecial dospateh
from London sap that it is stated in the
beet informed circles that there are
serious dissensions between theQueen end
the Cabinet, and the scene at the Connell
resterday surpassed in excitement and
antagonistic maniteatations any other
meetlng of that body in modern time., or
even io the history of tbe British Cabinet.
RUM0021 in court find highest political
• tr-
1 Thursday the 17th dee of Nor, 11170.
ss engaged, in u er to pilfer • init.
ag.'(eeMOK-11127 impended lose tn,aey WE --
procuring a license to merry another wo-
.%OTI C S•
oe 21st year of her aye, Jane beloved I i Lint..intimate(u the elub0eriben and
k -
wife of Robert Quaids, and eldest daughter ; P eternal h til I aWi (111eekl1 the and Se6 n,,- W ori
James Crawford, of Port Albert. She
.• married on the 16th day of Pebnery
!.-14, shortly after nhech she got • cold
m the effects of ehicd, she never entirely
-covered, but wasted away by degrees tell Ise notify my debtors aid creditors that I
,ath erdud her earthly troubles. tine have•esigned my books and book debts in
aro her .rth s without a murmur, resign.treat to Mr. Abraham Smith and Mr.
fig all earthly ares, devoting her atter- Junes Young,who.1», ., are
o -fie to makin her with her God
•unionised to
peace g collect
accounts and payclaims in that be -
material of the same to Mr. Abraham
Smith, for whom 1 week' bespeak a con-
tinuance of the generous patronage eaten-
ded to me f ,r eight years poet. 1 would al-
tnaa le.
be Ieaves • largo circle of friends to
:..meat her early departure. May th.
L,rd'aanctify their sorrows to their eternal
go..d,se that they may be prepared to meet ors the Siena! Hadco, for either large or
her on that bright shore where sighing 2,.d 111101l amounts, to liar rep to this date with
som,w . never enter. She ca t return se little delay as possible. l're,Lture are
unto us, but we may g" unto Ler.-low,
The subscribers, in reference to the --. --..-
ab.ve, would rrs,,eclfully urge all who
The Marquis of Lorne -
Mr, Edmund Yates, in a Lyndon son•
temporary. describes the appearance of the
Marquis of -Lorne on 0*. oecuion of his
taking his seat in the Ileum of Commons.
It may not be uninteresting to some of our
reelected to send in their claim., w4.:ch
wilt's. liquidated out of the collections.
Crediton may depend that all diligence
will be exercised in collecting accounts end
0ettling claims.
.t A rI ICM YOtTNa.
Oolerieh, 15th August, 1870.
reader. '11e looked,pays Mr. 1'►ws •-w, A (hxlerich,!Iev. 20, 11170.
very voting, and rcemed determined to, Fall Whet e100 re, 1:08
look ao very old ; c.mpleai•.n d.1,cete mkt Spring Wheat 1200 (n 1:08
pink ; finelly cut and feuuuiue feature" i FI""r a 5:50 (4, 100
a alight reel mn1[whe hie only facial adorn- 0.1, - • - 0:34 (4 0.35
0 acme meal ; genuine Rule locks ; small ears, I'eu 0:50 (9 0:57
I at hands and feet ; a light, apnngy step ; B.rlmy .......... 0:40 (,e 0:43
..,..lay head high in the air, and a gait which AA- I Potatoes 0:37 (4 0:40
.tel- pressed generally a toll omkiousnes of Butter .--- ..... 0:18 (4 (:10
0:26 A 000
I LLL *0n,
et other
. vat•
.- u I that
e London,
the netits and titles and belongings ot the
Dukedom of Argyll -ouch was the Marquis
of Lorne, as he appeared to no from the
Speaker's gallery. Let me ailil that lie is
widely popular in his own srt,and that one
hears on all sides hie is tine nature, mid
ene which will be improved by time, like
itenerous wine.'
There anage to aeries from Paris, iat
long end uncertain intervals, and through
the precarious medium of balloons, items
of correapondence which throw It lit on the
...an what state of affoire within the be tapered
If theY capital of France. The general time of
them lettere,. despondent. The people
having experienced the bitternem of the
'hope deferred which maketh the heart
sick,' seem to have settled down to that
semi sarelefteness cf the future, which
Tiger' badly for self -wrought deliverance.
Cooped up within the walla, and shot out
from personal interconrse ith the outer
wmld, the people are on the whole behav-
o boo they
ooest in the
luce Mr.
-2.2 to Exeter
iir tad no an Oa -
is 2g and his
;;e,t,e-tf Eszheot ue rl d, a nbiel generally thro▪ e off th▪ eir ITSIIIIITI, and sp-
end Ghettoes are strongly c.outrasted ; liven
pear in their tnie character, ; the lights
'. Pren•redi°11"11- degrees remove▪ d from ferocity,
K. Jenkins, Wyoming. Pa : I find a- great
deal Mid about a certain machine for dry-
ing fruit, and its coat is only • thousand er
two donate And another machine to dry
-Jena on iiiiitikingotove, conting only IM.
Now I will tell you how to dry fniit with
a machine still lenge:pensive. Take one
of the same size., SO ths lower end of the
hoop of one will fit into the topuf the next,
two, three, five, or ton mileh-mend itievea
like the joints of • stove pipe. As fast as
the fent! is prepare(' fill the sieves and
stack them, fasten them together with.,
!wins or wire, so that they are easily ad-'
your fruit in the morn-
ing. The top sieve should serves, • cov-
er. Turn the nest of sieves uteide down
minim hour during the day lay a paper
over the toper, as to keep ont dust and to
let the ratified air past. This caps all other
way. of drying fruit.
Thomas Carlyle. writes at 'treat leniph tn
the ril1teft a Noe. 18th, on the antiect of
tte war between Frame and Primate. He
claims thot France, after an experience nf
tour centurim, Maitre to do again what she
did before, when she recovers from the ef-
fects of the war, en,' therefore praises the
ft. ri,,, puretred by Preemie, which he Say/
.+1 I is teindeil on *mid and practical prud•
f anew.
Earl Rowell haa 'manta a peniphIst OR
Motet ion. He proposes • paint armed
anee of the Powers of Prussia de -
More than Alamo and a part of
• and urge, Itriglend to form
AM en▪ eweepater. The p.m -
mad Oen withdraw*
give aufficterit grout , o Exeter village for
Several other le.enen spoke in a
similar strain, whe th.f.1 wing resole -
joins was moved b Ilr. folioed. mounded
by Mr. D. Johns, d rimed unanimous -
Resolved -That au meeting having
heard from Mr. Clerater of the action
taken by the Board -.I ?ride of London,
relative to the coestrielon of • railway
from that ;dime warhead.. tn some point '
action, mind hereby pli,ies itself to co-
operate heartily with ea citizens nf Lon-
don to take such 4211,41 m may he here -
Mr, Elliott rileeirmen led that I Eitibli0
meeting should lie called at Itzetar, and
that it woad bedews/de if a deputation
tnon London Mold attend. Mr. Church-
er assured the meeting thst London wonld
do all in IM power hi fereard the MOTS -
meta .
enthbliaam on the etibjecit. -5' rea Awes.
sfehe , Warden of Bruce
Agile vet on horse Wilt Ba1 lase
Mr. Thome& Pinkarles near
identical in word and sentiment with the kernel Villege, in the 11" 01
fitar'seditorial 'fienilfielilesibirt -collars.' clrele. forhode ooneiderable difficulty car,„„, khdh kem 1 kick
W• want to know if the vend joker, who amor,g toe geyeeeing alarms.
torn dip ittorte whieh Mr. P.: wee0:71_
is not afreid to perpetrate a pun ender the The "Army end Navy Gszette” to day 1112.-0 ado(22m taken to I" I!! rn
derstands that Ramis has • new wasp-
s. n elk le warelawee. ftekert.o whore he Mtn rem
SLOTT' shadow of dolt SATO shirt -collar,
merely tawdrier Instance of the feet that on superior ) a y
kindred &pints ere always in &Mindy and
will, onoe in awhile. *atter Similar ilenti- ad
meat. it1 identical language, within a few "
hotirs of each other, and 'Ahead any mitortA17.4.0tp.le.etadyrIell.il rsettnhti.41 .rittoceo: 'care f,71,,,,:n.„0,614 nt fy, 011 the Standee &flee
lie left the social gathering. tdRee Into Ore evirete he tlo. he mid 0 of the service at
pri vete understandine er collusion. (sie holds, oi 1‘,.g,, gemitsties are ehipmng by
thing is evident the editor of the Flerr sea b,,,N, .., 13... verb.
miiMn't hare twitted the offsets* afar
Tim 1281, *Seem. lak• 'Swot *A, OA rilies06 16:111411.4.411.111C4'..-askinadenf&iht":7477,106" nia. "U1-
ly left , and woe (mind stramg
mono where ah• had tile arid
re was tams of her, bet Maar
I, pined away, and 101 me int
Hided (green) 6:00 (4'11:00
Pork 6:00 (4 000
Chickens per pair
Wool 0:M3111 4 31
Sheep 3,00 (4 4:00
Ilo• 29, 11170
Prii•nbarlia sad Nave Tort ?vb./. bnY1ns al 00
olhoe Rd Silvio townie large at ni . ••11019 at
collet .
Gold ordiedaat 1111'. and 010aa.I at :Ili
Rpoefel Telegraph for (hi r
Clinton, Nov. 20, 1870.
1:00 1:141
Fall Wheit
Spring du 1010 4 1:141
Itarley ' 040 (4 045
Potatoes 0:30 0:40
Hour 6:00 11:00
Sutter 01.8 0:19
Pork 5:A0 (4 700
ESP 0:15 014
Beaforth Mariana
iLWISILTilegratef TA - mem*
Seaforth, Nov 29,1870, Nina
Midge Proof • 000
',Irving Wheat (4 1:13
Flour per the 5,00 (4- 6:50
Berley .. 0:40 B46
Potatoes 035 0:35
Montreal, Nov 29, 1870.
(Py Telegraph La Hui '31911111.1
FLOUR-Plopetior Nitta
Earley. 530 (4 6:80
No 1 Western Wheat6:60 (4 5:60
HAI Flour . 2.40 2:60
WHEAT-Camita Fall... 1:123 146 •
Western 1124 11 1:16
ttaRiellfsL Per 48 DI ....ODA& 41 0:00
Store Peeked • 013 018
AWRINliwaftearresrevrt 11/15 441111 ---
Pearls 116 (4 0:00
PORK -Kea 111110(11 0:00
PEAR 811 (4 00
Flenr doll AV /owls --SOO Welland Canal
115.45 free, small Wee of ordinary in vici-
nity oe Trammeticms either
grades are of comparatively retail charm -
ter. Grain nominal in ahem.* of transac-
tions, unchanged.