HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-10-28, Page 105 Help Wanted OPPORTUNITY FOR represent- ative in your area for our rap- idly increasing real estate sales. Earnings above average, with bonuses and incentives. Train, ing, co-operation, advertising, all yours. K. G. Ferguson, Bro- ker, 459 Wellington, Woodstock, 539-3091. 43c Page 10 13 For Sale October 28 10 Livestock For Sale 13 For Sale APPLES - Kings, Spys, Tal- man Sweets, McIntosh, Snow, Delicious, Russet, Greening, etc. Cider apples, Closed Sundays. Phone 482-9141 Fred McCiyment 1 mile south of Varna, 43-45c GIRL'S BLUE HOODED winter coat, size 8, with pile lining, excellent condition, $8,00; Frig- idaire deluxe dryer, new motor, $70.00; Zenith automatic square tub wringer washer, $30,90; both in excellent condition. Will sell separately or both for $95, Phone 262-5659. 43e HOOVER WASHER and spin dryer, 1 years old, like new, Phone 237-3388 after 6 p.m. 43c HORSE-RADISH AND red beets, Wes Hackney, Exeter North. 43-44* 13 For Sale CLASSIFIED RATES Classifications BOARS - Yorkshire, tested, serviceable age, back fat as low as .73, Murray Thomson, RR 6 St. Marys. Call 229-6117. 42-44c FARROWING CRATES With er without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction, George Troyer, phone Hensall 262-5282, eowe SEE THE NEW Evinrude Snow- cruiser line how on display at Milt Robbins & Son Ltd„ Main St„ Exeter. At rear of Len Mc- Knight's Men's Wear. 42tfnc Make Your Next Tractor A 11 Poultry For Sale WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words, Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1.25, 5c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -No copy changes, 4c per ward, minimum 80c, SIX INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 3Yac per word, minimum 70c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTION - $1.30 per column inch Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half Inch. BOX NUMBERS to this office - 25c per insertion. BIRTHS - No charge MARRIAGES Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $1,25, each additional word 20. Subsequent insertions deduct 50c. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS Phone 235-1331 YEARLING HENS - Phone 237-3326. 43c 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7, Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock Fpr Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13, For Sale 13a, Personal Items 14. Wanted To Bey 15. Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21, Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales MODEL 344 MODEL 384 59 h.p 70 h.p, NOW INTEREST FREE TILL MAY 1, 1971 CALL US FOR A DEMONSTRATION AVON MAKES CHRISTMAS merrier. You'll have money for all the gifts you want to give; you'll sell guaranteed products from Avon. Be an Avon rep- resentative, It's fun, it's con- venient, it's profitable, Terri- tories in Hay, Biddulph, or Stephen. Call tonight while areas still open. Contact Mrs. M. Millson, 1.7 Hawkesbury Ave. London 32, 451-0541. 43c LEYLAND FOUR 14 INCH chrome reverse rims. Phone 238-2708. 43* 2 SNOW TIRES on 14" Dodge wheels; 1 snow tire on 13" Val- iant wheel; ppir boy's skates size 9i. Phone 235-2884. 43c PLEXIGLAS - Clear or polors, Signs by Webster, Exeter. 235- 0680, 38tfnc ORNAMENTAL EVERGREENS, shrubs, shade trees, fertilizer and peat moss at Sylvan Nurs- ery, west of Parkhill on Hwy. 7, Phone 294-6665. N, Masfrank, Thedford. 40-46c SPECIAL - 2 bushels for $5.00, Northern Spys, Delicious, Mc- Intosh and Courtland, Windfalls $1.50. Large, excellent quality. Bring containers. Low •trees, no ladder climbing. Ross Middle- ton's Orchard; 1 mile east of Bayfield. 42-44c Exeter Farm Equipment 43c 12 Cart, Trucks for Sale 1964 COMET CALIENTE 2-door hardtop, 260 engine. Fair con- dition. Phone 237-3297. 43c 1953 DODGE PICK-UP - Good running condition. Phone 229- 8815. 43-44c 1965 EPIC - Green, good con- dition. Grand Bend 238-2105. 43-44c 9 Services VISES, $10.50; ball peen ham- mers, $1,25; adjustable wrench- es; one used 2-ton chain falls. Hamilton's Machine Shop. 235- 1655. 42-43c 1968 MERCURY heavy duty 1/2 ton, custom cab, 6 cylinder stick. Phone 236-4819 after 5:00 p.m, 43c 1964 CHEV SEDAN - 6 cylinder standard, good condition. Apply Cliff Webber, RR 1 Woodham. Phone 229-6685 Kirkton on Sat- urdays. 42-43* 1 Lost WEDDING CAKES decorated. Phone 228-6411. 39-43c WILT. BABYSIT children in my home 5 days weekly, Phone 228-6274. 43-44c WOULD LIKE TO babysit child infant age to 2 years. Mrs. Kenneth McCann, phone 234- 6401. 43c 9 Services A New Service To Our Subscribers 9 Services WHITING'S ANTIQUES, USED FURNITURE, APPLIANCES & THINGS FOR SALE: RCA Victor col- ored TV; black anti white TVs; chesterfield suite; French pro- vincial chesterfield; coffee ta- bles; odd tables; dining room suites; buffets; china cabinets; beds, springs and mattresses; dressers; night tables; book shelves; chrome tables and chairs; wooden chairs and ta- bles; stools; steel cabinets; lockers; refrigerators; stoves; washing machines; pianos elec- tric guitar; violin; tape record- ers; radios. Antiques: Settees. and chairs; rocking chairs; "Tiffany table lamp; oil lamps; clocks; toilet s e t s; washstands; umbrella stand; jars and bottles; Nip- pon, Cranberry, milk glass; cut & pressed glass; goblets; cups and saucers and many more assorted pieces of china, glass- ware anti pottery. 63 MAIN ST., S. (former Pentecostal Church) Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-1964 43c 13 For Sale WHY BUY an adding machine or typewriter? The T-A has an attractive rental-ownership plan on Victor adders and Smith Corona manual or electric port- ables. 6tfnc 5 Help Wanted LOST - In Hensel' on Satur- day, female black and yellow cat with white face and breast. Myrtle Peart, 262-2090, 430 The Times-Advocate can now Offer its subscribers the oppor- tunity to save money on the purchase of an ENCYCLOPEDIA We can offer the Lincoln Li- brary of Essential Information at a much more attractive price than a multi-volume en- cyclopedia. And we can show you a list of some 19 schools in Huron that use the Lincoln, making it no • stranger to the students in your home. Li- brarians, too, say that because of its more moderate cost, its high quality, its conciseness and ease of use it is ideal for the home or office. By buying through the T-A, a publishing firm, the high cost of distrib- uting these 4 million word ref- erence volumes is eliminated, resulting in a saving to you. Please feel free to come in and examine it - without obli gation of course. A BONUS FOR YOU As an introductory, offer we will give you your choice of one of these three recommend- ed publications at no additional cost except the 1350 postage: Hammond's Classic World At- las, Funk & Wagnall's Standard Encyclopedia Dictionary or Med- ical and Health Encyclopedia. $62.50 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed. New weeping beds laid; old drains repaired. Fast, efficient service. Butler Bros., 227-4312 ar 2274254 Lucan. 9:5tfne DRESSMAKING and alterations done in my home. Work by pro- fessional. Excellent fates. Phone Frances Nash 228-6793. 5:28tfnc REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 294-6321. • 23tinc WRINGER WASHER - In good condition. Phone 235-1826. 43-45nc TUTORING - All elementary school subjects. Former Grade 8 teacher. Well qualified, at reasonable rates. Phone 228- 6371. 42-44c COMBINE FOR CORN- 36 inch row preferred. George Troyer, phone 262-5282. 41-44c ORNAMENTAL IRON - Porch railings, columns, posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Elroy Desjardine, Zurich 236-4622 or 236-4242. 41-44* 3 PIECE BROWN pile snowsuit, size 2, $5.00. Worn just for good. 227-4519. 43c SKATE EXCHANGE now on at Smyth's Shoe Store, Exeter. 43tfnc LABOURERS WANTED- Phone 227-4721. 37tfne FULL TIME Registered Nurses Assistant, night shift. Queens- way Nursing Home, Box 250 Hensall. Phone 262-2830. 43c SOMEONE TO house clean ev- ery other week. Phone Mrs. Scotchmer 262-2835. Phone after five. 43c MATURE PERSON for restau- rant work, Apply Box Z W P The Exeter Times-Advocate. 43c SIGNS BY WEBSTER N E W OFFICE DESK, high school project; quantity of hockey equipment, 8 - 12 year sizes; boy's suit and windbreak- er, size 10 to 12, Phone 235- 20 43c PAIR . 8,55-14 snow tires on O3 Dodge rims, one season. $35.00 firm. Phone 235-0124. 43* ELECTROHOME CABINET TV, 23" screen, 1968 model. Phone 235-0684 afternoons. 43nc • SKATE EXCHANGE now in op- eration. Wuerth's Shoe Store, Main St., Exeter. 43-45c FUR COAT; plaid cloth coat; blue lace dress. Phone 235-1167. 43-44* Specializing In COMPLETE SIGN PROGRAMS FOR ANY TYPE OF BUSINESS EVERYTHING YOU NEED for Hallowe'en. Fresh cider, pump- kins and apples, (In your own containers.) Wilfred IVIousseau; 2i miles west of Hensall. Phone 236-4110. 43c MEN'S SKATES, size 9; boy's hockey pants, age 10 - 12, like new; boy's knee pads, elbow pads. Phone 262-2213, 43c BORG SNOWSUIT, blue and white, 24 months size, detach- able hands and feet, washable; also circular baby walker. Call 235-1210, 43* PHONE 235-0680 EXETER 38tfnc PIANO TEACHER - Mrs. John Turkheim, A.T.C.M., will re- sume teaching in her home, Main Street, Zurich. For ap- pointments, phone 236-4713. 43-44* GRINSVEN AND BUTLER, Lu- can Dead Stock. Phone Strath- roy 245-0838 or Lucan 227-4312. License No. 202. 11:5tfzic ANYONE WISHING to obtain a private pilot license, ground school course to commence Nov. 9, 1971. Please contact Ron Riley 238-2925, Central Lake Air Service, Grand Bend, or Elmer Rowe, 237-3435 after 6 p.m. 43-44c Canada's Best Leads the Rest MOTHER'S HELPER required for a couple of weeks toward end of November. Apply Box T S P The Exeter Times-Advo- cate. 43-44c ANYONE WISHING to have their barns whitewashed, con- tact Wm. Watson. Phone 237- 3306 Dashwood. 26tfnc CUSTOM COMBINING - Beans and Corn. Phone 262-5075. Ted Oud. 35tfnc SINGER SERVICE- Repairs to all makes and models. Sales and service on new products. Singer Co. of Canada. Phone George Vriese Men's Shoppe 235-0991 or Gerald Courtney 227- 4884 Lucan, evenings. Mine H. T. DALE septic tank serv- ice. Phone collect, Clinton 482- 3320. 11-43* CEMENT WORK of any kind. Call John Dietrich, 237-3374. 17tfnc CHRISTMAS IS COMING Win fabulous gifts for your family and earn big cash profits. Studio Girl Cosmetics. 234-6424. 43-44c "SPRUCEHOLM" Home away from home, for elderly, retired people. Ambu- latory only. Lovely surroundings, close to town. Opens Nov. 1, 1971.. Ap- plications invited now. • For further information, call Mrs. A. Lave at Ilderton 666- 0340. If no answer, call 666-1269 or write Mr. T. Busch at RR 3 Ilderton, Ont. 43c BOA-SKI THE PAINT POT LETZ GRINDER, model 220X, with bagger, good condition; Hoover spin washer, good con- dition. Phone 294-6790. 43* APPLES, APPLE BUTTER - Lennis Gingerieh, RR 3 Zurich. 237-3287. 43-44* Ford Rent-a-Car or Truck SNOWMOBILES Now on display, Buy where SALES SERVICE PARTS IS OUR BUSINESS STARTING AT $595.00 QUALITY ALMATEX PAINTS AT DISCOUNT, PRICES Next door to Exeter Co-op Phone 235-0680 VACUUM SALES & SERVICE to all makes. New and rebuilt. Supplies for these models: Fil- ter Queen, Compact, Electrolux, Electro - Hygiene. Clinton 482- 9574, 202 Rattenbury St. E., Box 113 Clinton. 4ltfnc CUSTOM COMBINING, bulldoz- ing and backhoe work. Leon Triebner, RR 1 Hensel'. 28tfnc TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13tfne BACKHOE WORK - Sewer con- nections; septic tanks and drain beds installed or serviced. Call Pete Butler, Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254. 18tfnc WATCH AND CLOCK repairing. Work guaranteed. Fine selec- tion of watches, Bluebird dia- monds and diamonds re-setting. Trophies. Hess Jewellery, Zur- ich. ltfnc LUCAN RENTAL & SMALL EN- GINE REPAIR - 128 Market St, Phone 227-4412 for your small engine repair and rental needs, 6:4tfnc WANTED - Dead or Alive BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter Farm Equipment POTATOES - Call Tony Mar- tens, 234-6488. 34tfnc DACHSHUNDS, ESKIMOS, Wire- Haired Fox, Toy Fox and Man- chester Terriers. A, Macintosh, Clandeboye. 227-4598 (Ten rings please). Closed Sundays. 34tfnc TOWERS TOWERS TOWERS 37 foot tower with antenna, $79.95. Complete line of Channel Master antennae, rotors, boost- ers. TV technicians do the in- stallations. Free estimates. l'he Tower King. Max's TV and Ap- pliances, Grand Bend. 238-2493. 14tfne Local Person Required I need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $10,000.00 yearly' for the right person. Full or part-time. Age over 21. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Apply to Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred St., Wingham. Phone 357-1383 43-440 43c • COWS AND HORSES $10.00 EACH Smaller animals from 500 lbs. to 1,000 lbs, $1.00 per cwt. Calves and pigs pick-up FREE Our TRUCKS are POWER EQUIPPED and DISINFECTED daily. For prompt removal call collect 887-9334 Around-the-clock pick-up service 7 days a week. BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES License No. 309-C-71 Mine PART TIME TOP QUALITY , BARN paint. Red, aluminum and black, as low as $2,50 per gal. Kitchen or bathroom gloss, light green, turquoise and coral, 3 gal, for $10.00. Apply William Parker, RR 1 Lucan. Phone 227-4839. 4ltfnc Exeter 235-1640 5:9tinc MECHANIC'S HELPER Wilson's Jewellery ALUMINUM siding, windows, doors, awnings. Free estimates. Expert installations. Thos. H. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 6:25tfnc TV TOWER installations. Lease with an option to purchase; $7.62 per month or purchase outright. For particulars call Lucan - Exeter Electronics. Lu- can 227-4621; Exeter 235-0540. Installations anywhere in south- western Ontario. 13tfnc Opposite Exeter Post Office WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Work Guaranteed for 1 Year CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER FROM 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. DAILY FOR FREE- All the materials from a white brick 2 storey house. Free for removing from prop- erty. Phone 235-2650 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 42-43c APPLES - Macs, Red Spies, Northern Spys, Tatman Sweets, Kings, Greenings, Courtlands, Delicious, Russets and Snows. Cooking apples at bargain prices. Also cider apples. Please bring own containers, Phone 235-0387. Barry Jeffery. 42tfnc HIGHLAND TABLE potatoes, $1.50 per 75 lb. bag. 1/4 mile north of Con. 16 and 17, Hay Twp. on Hwy 21. Phone 236- 4210. 40tfnc 1972 SCORPION - Snowmobiles and accessories. Used machines on hand. Phone 228-6293 or 227- 4412. 40-51* DIXON'S ORCHARD, RR 2 Ailsa Craig - McIntosh, Delicious & Spy apples. First grade apples $2.75 bus.; second grade, $1.75 bus. Windfalls (in Spys only) $1.00 bus. Apple juice 20¢ quart. Apple butter available in a couple of weeks. 43c EXETER - Large attractive, quality built home; large living room, fireplace, dining room, den, 2' bathrooms, large kitchen and breakfast room, sun room, wall to wall broadloom, 3 bedrooms and bath up. This house is situated on a large well landscaped lot. This is one of Exeter's finest old homes. Terms. CANADIAN TIRE STORE HAULING - Livestock, ferti- lizer, gravel, grain. Jim Siddall & Son Trucking 229-6439. Live- stock and cargo insurance. Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto 43c and surrounding areas. 8:13tfnc Pleasing you pleases US. 5:28tfnc EXETER APPLY IN PERSON JIM'S ABATTOIR CUSTOM KILLING USED EQUIPMENT 165 Massey Ferguson Tractor with multi-power 85 Massey Ferguson Tractor 990 David Brown Tractor Gehl Grinder Mixer New Holland Grinder Mixer Several Manure Spreaders - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1, Dashwood 238-8242 20tfnc AND PROCESSING KILLING: Mondays: Cattle and pigs. Wednesday's: Cattle only. JIM DARLING, PROPRIETOR PHONE 235-2794 41-44* CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING There's Always Good Hunting In The T.A. Ads - 2 Butchering Days - Tuesday - Beef and Pork Friday - Beef Only Pick-up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn, MERNER'S ABOATOIR 237.3314 Dashwood 19tfnc R. D. BECK (Gabby) LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER For Complete Sales Service That Satisfies, ' Call 228-6865 GET ACTION BY AUCTION EXETER - Enjoy living in this contemporary ranch style home, brick and stone, extremely well built, wide open planning, extra large lot 243' x 100' full basement ideal for workshop and large rec area, attached garage with double drive, 3 bedrooms with second bathroom, and dressing room off master bedroom, study, mud room, carpeting throughout except Corlon kitchen and mud room. Special features include 17' x 22' family room living room with stone wall, open kitchen with built in stove, dishwasher and garburator and 10' pantry wall, central vacuum system, floor to ceiling Stone fireplace, extra large closet space, cathedral ceiling, main floor laundry. HENSALL AREA - Livestock trucking business for sale, Hensel{ area, two trailert, one tractor, new, one stake truck, 2 (F) PCV licences to haul to London, Stratford, Toronto and within 10 mile radius of Hensall to and from. Well established, Priced for quick sale. Dwelling can be purchased with business. Terms. Available now. EXETER - Thames Rd. West, 20 acres, commercial property adjacent to railway tracks, suitable for siding property, includes a 3 bedroom brick home, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath, oil heat. EXETER - Lot for sale, 88 x 105, new subdivision, King's Court Crescent, Exeter. Fully serviced, Taxes $7.00 per year, WINCHELSEA AREA - 95 acres land 20 acres presently in corn. Balance in pasture. Make us an offer, EXETER - serviced buildings lots, Dow Subdivision. 00 PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous, CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall (519)262-5515 7-17c Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON , AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, any plate. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0033 666-1967 BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS to MIDDLETON'S Drug Store Ltd, 359 Main St. Exeter Phone 235-1570 YOUNG ROASTING CHICKENS, 6 to 7 lbs. live, average, Phone 237-3453. 42-43c Exeter Farm Equipment 43c N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 235.2433 NORMAN WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient Any Type, Any Size, Anywhere Phone 235.1964 EXETER HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON WE'RE STILL IN BUSINESS Our recent fire will cause you no inconvenience, We are Still offering the Caine fast, tin- Cita, totirtooua service 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. CALL COLLECT 482-9811 PER BUSHEL Bring Your Own Cbntainets THIS OUTSTANDINO BUY AVAILABLE AT BANGHART, KELLY, WIG & CO. HODGSOF4 LIMITED Chartered Accountants MERNER'S MEAT MARKET 235-0120 INSURANCE - REALTOR Phone 235.2420 CHANDLER'S GEN. STORE Dashwood 237-3403 M; J, •Gaiser 476 Main St, S., EXETER All farm stock picked up free of charge, License No, 237-C-71 41-44c J, A. Kneale DashWood 237.3314