HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-11-24, Page 3•-• 1 *SO r w k art tot thAl nuty .r.re4....stad leo. • jx. nmo....mmomr. * • walm• - irr rm, ,4•44.4IN • X",,,,,••• • -•• 1 - -14. at, rErri,:v ;ILL a co., ad CARE joW, blEa 1 MK. INii olPit Xgbp sygliOctfaturrnts flowKi.i., a co., -10 l'AltE. 11UW, NEW •. ..... yoiltl. u•loo wet" for the *sett ini • - ACHESON'S art .1o1 111 11/1111 OIL STEAD' FLOMMORIST • t, • treutittett illYthtt ftb, • It 1 trtt. r • r lou fier.lArr• 411110-01.• OW thee. moor • rt ti. Toe rut.. ire..1 Ito (ruoiill •titers .Ir. Indoemie Waders, tor , • lo..srmer.„ ro.tady fOr the 11144. 1.4,,i41...•4 4940 1'. 1..10.1.1 hy .11 •.. Is s. ts.cs1 44.44 1.4olIm,,I A . 4..1444 41.2J lit• t• h.01, 140114141 Life. . • • a eaas ilw Waled* i1(4411111 tO warted awn,* .iiiiaatee there weidwi so wide: atilbut.d'a• foarse.TIM fact lambeeli hig4.Ip isderted -me 'to toe .r.tuoveth• WOO Palinritioto lahlah •.jb Di. '4. It In alvon. Wats awl puil tiratly apt* 444g4outa• - meas. au 11, 04 101144t1O1 » 4.14.14,01•11 1110.110.11 *4.0. 11. 0111•1 .1 11, Madre% foil Me led lidt-eneapy.• emeirge. tur-trlaw,p1.4•1 lyeemitserr,t. aid wide r.44Pt sweet to the Nall, he won r•nirisettrey aleaulete theiweVi lopoliabsit 'via. 1.o4.. G aped footictimacie ealleetleg a ..e• 114.1 • Pints taloa* e4414•04d. "Me 11..31 P tir..."41/se emesoitodly tree at ether ..etharo..... e oreltai trufe !glee **critical bY oe,eafereis. nontltioey • VOW. 47010.0 woo holblaattlob, h1 *140W404 04.� 4.0 14, en..1 wile lean, inoperative, operative ; *atonal.. of "rat. ow 'net* Nat :II, lood•of y.,•ra ana prinowtsW 1.. eboustillte ; awl. go theists,/ Ilion., ore .0114 while owned upoe Cm wand.. or,4.404 /Ivry matt themartree 1..1 boo •• riist r pai•ar Ai .1 si.11,1414,, a general Thirst.). ..... . Their or • • 1,.• ito tarot.," hu.vered r .rt, r sir4..411 or grip ;4 0 .• • frau salt. at...sand 041041, • VO, {1.141114111,1114 of Appotti, • CANAD!A Nillotrated News receive! USOO" 14 puhl:ali.J. AT MOORHOUSE'S. • NEW vs:Ls as 4001 al issued. I.4 AT M'USE'S. 1\14-W BOOKS, NexwewsEibtlaetsiontry Nevi Famy.Goode, Inim811139. Variety. Vleagatis 1/1.•0•ei. 11/eln4it, Ina . Ty1.11,44 and ottor .1.11411.1111 'Fevre. Ullio•i• fbotrhsei. gliyeenirt v. Potwar." 'Ague. rub other Whitellie. ON. Villa be wawa. awry -Herten are weerelly i'mpanbei. a The only I.o.W.., 0.01110 ..f that WM.* ail. noel, they hitt. 'toll -roily nre•Prest. Itar.op.r.litan Ilawlyeet 41 ww boThIe, -0 NMI. for LI, 14.10 r V. eta per bottle. Pills 24,t• par Ur Ilsole•ty.... liernolits •re s41 I ell Drogrots awl gn.untry Mareit0.1• Jut at 144Velal. s Vforvt onset, 37 Meld. 11. 114. aud Mkt* red oze r Mont mar *rad vete •ret True. Posusll our 1.-14et •Aisols 4.• lIr J A 1'..., i•A ot PA.] 40., Ilautred- inferiors. toti worth inainaol.** soul thsel thins -it ie • goal ones nom dant.: on *.'*-of.''. ,04y to law fal I l• C -it 14 • go .I to we The rotor of he .101. to • •sisa's Nub_ a .•-. Loot la los as 'mewl 4o4. w�r.sg .4.1 1414•4*1111414 ni the 1'.1•11VITTlint AVOW tt is a ementiin. goehsysts 1.. I r • 1111,... IONA hy 1141 pond.. h.14 e., .4 11, mt. pyr loti le. T1111 MARKEL'S . Goderieh.Nov..22 Fall Wheat *4440 '.1.1.1,ritig Wheat 1.00 _Fi,tur - tlata:.......... ...... ,0.34 ll'eas4 00i 0:50 liagley ...,....-.... 0.40 1 r 0,13 I`iitetieit 11-:.Q , it 31) i, II; : . :1'0 , Eiia• 0 ::-. I. IP) 3 to i . I II , 1 t ..051JEIVELLEKT, IV ITCHD ES AN e1A_)9.1i r., 144 ort all a1,.1 4. • 1..11 .1.1e.;1.,.. hole pf t 4- - • ii,f,jetrod lt*- 1 prices. AT 141001t1101-SE'i. cedetieh No‘. iSib 1670, DOUOL&S ItIcKENZIE • • AAA YOE 110Ntilt .1NN01.- iNtil that he lam easerml oft • of Ile- stand t,:o bort 1,,a 44444.01.4 MR. ISM FREDRIcK ! FIZ OM TIIURSDAY 17th INST. 1]. T 0 3 .A. 1) 7 1:4, 1870. my:1itiztoutipoo irodietiO1 401.444 at000rs..• It./ the rota of Ng. 11111. all hitAle, 4slicssest 114*0. • itool & Pomo.. o. Atruini, I, talon... 1111ne.' e all.. sapid Vauno1..oali rri (.). Inwoutews, liereNdig•, sod ...soy oiler 16•1,1 • LI .11 how. end e.Ule •r• Jact 111. 141d.o.'olaalodlia..114.14ant Us beam %wed for many "*".1".11‘ • 4'o14440.0l.lhoroegbly Ord. g al a to moueu...i 1,, ie the rampooa awl IIIs.IIry othbO/41.1oli In, oil attiono•I *444 en""d iloThe iset.4.4 -.II Woof' laila %rhea IMO,' ailea /OA SPECIALTtEi! AT THE ri 114 etZt I 11 - \ :1-''EIVED A 11111:1) TIYOSE WIDE BLOWN EMPRESS 6LOTIIS 35cts per. Yard. kSEVERAL PRICES Figured eenstat 25 cts per yard worth 40 cts. PiEt.]:S GRAY- MUMS One Case MacIler Prints at 12!, cts, Worth 16 cts ---4 HIRD SUPPLY OF BLANKETS 14..v, • • (gzet.ii) oil • Wood. Beef, per ea 1. i• . 7.00 u iv/ 1),I4.11 AND 14 PREP. 1J111-8-11 CUST011 yll sed tow, *bee. reftu • naIsThisfol ion •Lioli Ir. Predrio2lt idled so s • WA IT11-,MAK I: EW ELLER, • ' 1 le. I. hi..., 4 • • d, 414.711V iela. A, LARGE QUANTITY OF NUBIA SCARFS FROM 250.7 1 2 DOZEN CANADA siiitas& DPAWLIZS F'I&c411%1 33 ONE CASE MESS GNU AT JOB PRICES' 330 Pairs Boots & Shoos-*towest Prices LADiliS. GENTS' & (.111LlillENS' FELT OVER reitsh4.4414440417r 14 ve,tessed.euir toumrats eat rouser,,4. r, erybse14.4.4.11,4.1.4,1 14ot 11.44(00os4 IN WU WW1, N',“?Uttr, & 1.1'4.1AS, lie • • 1.11.1.• Prow...ours Clooerich .17 pa A'Sittle earl 41 looketi ; trerdr.e. ('0. Ile O I JettiM1 I4.,,h...,. (lodger* 2. Fit'kerd ExeterJ. J, It, l'i('441't.,,P1e J. 1.1se linteo •u. Seal. roL, tied ant Aletlit•g '▪ teal/we.r. LOOK Alf --- GEO. M ACKENZIE'S 1-tticvis 11117‘ e: Come. 11-001•, no r. spill+ o !sheep...hid In •telt 1, front $1.911. strong loots. Iron $1.10 MIENS' in.:Au Ovt.retiate from d 5.00 N 8"4' Pei -Jackets from th 00 1.11•INS. Mar WOOL Tweed guilts '• 09.0 ALL WOOL TWEED FROM lh PIZ. 4.All. • Cotton Ya.i $ 1-60 po.111tkudle G39.T! TOBACCO 29 eta t. stiniolidni , , per. wit. LANDS FOR Si NEAR GODERICH. ITO MI: Willi. Li/TN TO SUIT IttlIAT. S13y4, THE ItIDG11 PROPERTY et/NTA1N1Nti SOME 400 ACLLES 1.11.1411 OF 1r4/ I /1•4 Late 1111.0t1, (01144.11.•0111C 'r44440'1• attes. A Pion of The 4' --ply PM.. .1 TMELIENICK A104isTJ4I11/17.- _Laud p. 11 spt N 1870 . 10tBOIES NEW LAYER RAISINS AT $150 per BOX. • in ft •r' J. C. .DETLOR elper Gederich, Nor. I5th, le pale W001 11 1111 SIIOOp 11.1 1 • Apples .. '41 I stIod0rich Salt, wholesale, rr.lr, pet 11 geko • 4021.1m. • TAR-WANT/D; 1,41. ilt hiRh..1111, St:C(141N. N.. R. lit /tIERInil ✓ --mvermn.. A -mot tra."-ne tvni.moz at east • seriatim.- to toter or We doh. ve 11•4 simart. 1571 3I4!er) 4:1". trt The -Ten oteind JAlik411111•Art: • 003 %rah r"1- tvEs1..N. • 401 ,114...,4 1 .. 1.-!.,,. heTawr•lip. 44*' 4,71. ••/Z,At• .441.0 I ' 2,27' • I/ sott of f; Ede. 17th, I 7. 44/14111.011 Markets. LOST, STOLEN OR STRAYED.. *u..001 _ 4‘ilev 4:14, ry4*r4047; 11.pr1n4 .10 . 1.10 1112 be settee. y le o aro -.1 to own.. ()all • 4404117 3'eas Pritatoe• ' 0:30 an 0•34 Floor• • t4:011 (01 0.09 Putter 0.18 (o 019 1'ork A II. UiPtt.t7,11.1, ii.p..,. 0:30 (4-0:30 ore •-." _ 040 0-.45 (1:.-4 (41' 41:17 w. isz i. IC Fall Importations are Good GAO 414 :110 'W.15 19asfortb Marltatel 14,0, ..1 1. h. .0'.1 th- Nfirlgr: Proof . 001 ,,o; • 41:100 • I el '1% heal iv,* 0110 Ff.. HO Spring 0 heat Flour her MA ()ate 1-4,44.7 Poled Oel . . 1:10 6, 111 4430 (m 5:80 0:37 or -0311 -. Ova .0:10 0;30 14.0 . ......,.... 01140 (st 0:118 0:17 (re 0:17 6O0 If .10 0:13 fit 0:15 MONTREAL MARKETS.. Montreal, !roe '21", 11473. f• ....7-atTh oi to e 11.14•1•1 '4 s 4 FLOUR- Sopurinr Extra ,_,"• . O. 11 ./Sup. rine No 1 4:Atuela W. . 5:30 64. 6:411 •-4. Nn 1 Western Wheat. 5:45 (to 0;70 " 'No 2 " . tilX# tut 525 1134 Flotir ......... 2.10 (0), 2:60 •%711EAT-/Canwio Fal -1 . .1:12i Citi 115 1 29 (ie 0:00 • i Western .. . - .1:12} (-4 1:16 0.‘T.'4- re, -32.49' 00:42i 680:50 itAILLEY-Per 44 4*r .. , 00105 , (.4 0:70 0:14' tie 0:14 Asn EA ---11,44 ' 585 ee 0:03 • l'earls ......... 1:214(1. oou poRk=51 ., .... oo:oo (7, 0:00 IPE AS- • .. ... 871 (ih 90 Receipte-wheat 3556, flour 15Cati. Ship. mente-wheat 14274, flour 331n. Flour eery dull, no hotline:4a of routtertehee ro- ported ; small tales of Welland Canal at ALL Wool Plaids from 4 5cts ; FRENCH' Merinos from 45 cts; ScARI-,m'r Flannel from 25 cis ; All wool shirting FlaxMel from 35 cts; PEA. JACKETS,' Men's & over coats. AXE MAKING:4 . - WHITNEY, Balmoral & Glengarry Caps .BOOTS & silOES & & c '',Tilt. 200, 1-70. wt: biit40sIgur4 MATO. • THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Moseelerlediral Pills. • NiNivy r.tnr tirtil, I • P•4.'N1'1II 1 V.: 'I' P404.. r11..ff lei. to fo.f...p. Stir poets I . 'till early trg OA the .% X T.: 11,.t...f a tots m •• • ,•.1 Light 11.....• *tree!. '....l.,.l, Ile t. eoanebeht thit expel Imo, he hats. liver 10 mu. tar. mph • leiter .14.11..., he arty ostler., - Oliva btu. a trial before porl'hasIttg Aare ran be •14•4*nl at Ma, Ye Manlove -wow REDUCTION IN 'PRICES I • .IQIIN N„,e nth, HORSE LOST. - A 0041 14 S., b.,. I.. nodrri. to Ty. , • t11, a hay 1.4r.4.10 v....WS-At lama 1.4 •O-lk" wonte rpoton th. .111/7' wee Aaiun am I. tap 1140*411..4,Ai • 11) t•O its Weever,. will be writably k II sit Re/ IN?&OVED FARMERS' BOLT liable an mem lead remedy -11.o any ether. Thom who have o Awls I. peollietat .111 yik 41 •rery m' i•rael 'on Ma I Mono; thuov who here Ma I. ol oosta 44.444* to .14*.g aild Cll.. Weed Hs h... , stebilbotoltail frieuds, . locow: a. le la se, .1441 UMW. 11,•••..ts 1.1.4 -11.., 101,4.14,4. Lb" n does onme it doe. a/wayel wt. 1.- • ,,se him 110.1.1.-4..... hoodlof &Olt dooto pis; eau all huow that may faith or towlertor .. '' ,,s a ses..1.14 ..t ' - that It never f. FL .. Itf It ' 1' tIA- 0 A N -T 13 i, CELLE 9 TII,E COIJNy T1'411o, .,11 .44. *494' 4 e...WA ge00.40 ...AI grata 5,11,41. ▪ . STEAM MILL . 1.. • awl an CA.101 o wen 1.411 get the.. OBISTS nE om'rut; SANE DAY ?Wei" .• ovum (roil r sad noddy's. AP *Item • JAB. POMIBRIlliaLE . " 4 Mk, WO. avo ?KW TO BUY TO UR R11I 1E NV40 ItT . MI AT Till STAR OFF10.;-.B0OK :STORE. sat oldwiasst Aiwa logo he found.; 11•11101: tip Att, IK I t'0714INTING r+. %NO NKr* milli:Vt. :re. 4..4.,'o and how tate!)* MO hot RODS TO HIRE -1131( '1' Tim T)AY. 11114011, .epri..erd ett r..caeontsble pries. $tationerywancy Coode JIMA:LI CT 13 NUM:, 111.ACK. JET, . SET, Cheaper 114.0*. ZLSEWHERE. $tia- Doat-i,,rt at the srAA '4-00 Buck Starr. MERCY'S BLOCK ICING: 3:);.4 47:14.4.7. W. cartior. Goolerleh A • 1st 14170., ' GJINNES'S CliEBRAIDDUSLIN POR, ER, is.merno,y, VANLTICTC11- 44 G:0P,.: GRANT. GROCER, WEST SIDE xiUARt. UODERICII. - ' PilICE ONLY S.:.3 PER DOZ. BOTTLES. IN EARLY 311. SOLLITED. each 1,114041 are known is teener] joAtililit Wont. 0011.10MOnaay =111, 00 1111111 164powerfL:!..1Tet .121j$'4.... the Maras' Marra 1144 gmilyW4Tralia litibbon;I:1447:4:4114:740'lk444'14. 002110•110"4; lato healthy echos -- temort the Obetru.•tiou. uf the ,,t,eneett. I...welt, W. el other organs of the body. ressoUt rina ak .0(40* to health. .04by 0040.4084.. wherever eslat, ouch &rouge. ••11,11. al* 110111.1 ih 010 wrapper 144.4.440.4. these l;'k1P.Wy:14.1.or Imdtgewkleapk e1.4.00.00.eet••• ▪ leaarasl Loa. ag Aplee, hey should Lsrcumoderely to stiumbste 1440 .4.14 ▪ an4 lealdnti 04 healthy Lona &.,t action. ▪ 24104.4 Complagsa &Jai Its re .... n• symp. boas, Mallbam glameamelm. Sick glanaagorkmb or Aireem 011.1eneee 1110Illemel Celle and 1'..r.. they ehowld bo Ju- didouely taken for each cam, ni cort-.41 the dlasissel WW1. Or 00011070 1114 vh•tracuous which c1.Sd it. Loyremeey ,orltarrume,but Imo sula 0,.0lyreutf„ 7mMoot. armor!, TOO. 4.4I 4.4. •44* *44I(, -reels la ChM aide, eekar4Le1e,t084Oltt,.rr.,7r,,,rl=d .;:;.r;th... • taltrzYuiu:11,1•11"....i.airr...a.ge wady utrwirr..seaigibw.1"1.41.7•1::".• A4:2h1'; "or Illeppeeeeleme • lame 4am shoeld he takeell MK produce. ti...icairet edWel, by eympathy. Ago Limo..., Vre, Lake one or two PW. to IWO- Theft tlitleatMo and ober* Me stomach. AMICIMMIMMeal due, Milmulatee Ihis stomach and bastrestereieteeimmile ItHaMMO lifegit iezardzoimi toaout *meta.gzs01 "4 of .mtrYtertrn' thle alma( i =agme tire appseeresa DB. J.0.417118 • oe,.....si'sod essivolov. LOWELL. IRASE., E. S. 4. 301711 M"PALTIIAM, nevroodle, Out., rate. • foot:anat I. 1/0 41014,,,.,co,. )0,14. m tor • • m Mho u.4...1 .1.4..11 oj Patter ,f• ',le and • as I r. 11, 4.*.. ▪ 4.044.04..!..11411. •LOen.: Mta ov-17 • BUSINESSEDUCATION 13 Ai Neu /tots:loco 11111.1NI401*COLLIS*: sal. relnerldtw ioasl st st to The .01y repowentall..• nolitoraf The Bryset g 41 rattoo swat Chem i;olhins.. Tie Two.y Departin, it 4. than...ably adapt ..1 Thaw wii•• ...h(o lay (14.0.......4.1,.. of • sone i 1 tot 0,4 Edaeaten. The praetscal eloper.. mt. Is • miniature New 00111, • arra 40-1. perform.. all lay 0.4,04' jury df.. IA* wort. sari... ir.1, .4444 04 ,..anntdoon. and tog ....hoe draft. and t reJuLir 100444 0444,4. 4404 ••••Imectsw • itl. 0.1. do tot noel, *rah beautifully en....Yed look not., • In O 0 1.1feet 4,14. .LoWs As 4.4 beat ..r.1..4 -'d 141111.111- 110411 4,The Penni, . Tr ...,rra 1.1.4 l,:(v `ill dal • rl a .) • 4,',.. boom, ...litre. 11,JA41464-st _ouls-, I .4"1'1: AL l'illnr*Xtr:/00.11--, "Joe ter- tetirli-i osi HOTELS PRflIfLY srPPLIE11. licderich Sept. 11,11114t, sw10-tf EW OA& SWEEP CLE COX .&, MACDONALD'S 181'11:. T.,004. M.9"-figti14.411EAP.. THEY dAVE 4 WS ALP NOILltlt. &dere h. NOV 14th, 1470 It GOODS I NOTICE. .0 4T - SPLENDID STOCK int lane ..of 47,711E1, the SerT;ns of a Pst-class Wprkman Piret Priza Peunnuaship. VI NWT PIIIZEA in 1...1% 1.0.1avas awd.ontrastenTh: • hameted.ip soort-d to ta• .t th• Pro...m.4f T..c,oto• Thi• be the sr. •rit1. year 14400 00' 1. o otgehtd tint • 1.••• 111 r•nt11311.114111. TWIN, 44.0o44 Imes 16I .41.411.., the tern Peowlom e.014. 11111110010a 44. 1o•01.14in it, leo deen.erian system. a- .-41.il4tel Pnarin. gal etlathiThse„ • Lk b INS the ot,itool iota of all Who:dors STRAY C IsTTLE, (11:0 from Alit pr. role. of the sitherrrei 4) bei I% , • .11 Mole net 100101. 41.1 r .hltv ettli hores toremi t4....swersog looiro• %liar' • 146.• 414(4.04 •604.1 4440 ewe, ea.! 14.. ottlosl ' 4 (4'l rad 444.4 slate. In) orni pthei Inbrronatio, Wets oce.overy 1.11 he mOluldy reward o. JUIIN 116:10, • salninzannon, P. 0 .0.1.0e44 net, Ink 4474, nnatt 1 al are mend 4,. t Huron •...1 94114*. !1,11,114.7.. boob., „ . A CII01‘..17SELE41-10N-4NBW-1114-4EAMitt GOODS is JUST -TO-HAND- -.-..0-.71770sa.. ti‘rabk11.11..:74:1:1:1:!:":1;:‘ beetlaTho It•rt.....t 0. 4: .1 r es *line or °AI., . An Extra Heavy Broo ell at JOHN -HARRIS: Aprill2th1870. NOTICE, W NTED T4)t114,1111E47,1:..n.ptill.1 tir9,1.0.11,T A1.1,41M;rilirl 04*04 l000toess. for pertioilar Apply in perom J txuo cm,Awitionn 444411116•11 Nor. 0.0 1074. towel t VAltlt)1:•(112.ADES. rj. 51erehttuta and irOors will do'woll to coil before prerehaning threw here. TV4) 1)901114 MQUIPH Olr THE u DM 1. El.. ,Kingstoo Stmt. es*, mei • Meedy cure 1 'I ( NEW AND FASHIONABLE • TIP 1111A41 PootIonlpton. 444, t 1.70. we St ,TollARRIVIort.ior.• 4, i'aladt1 take, bong *0 004 tweteleimer ITIn**MT• 110.. P11"....41 eat h 4em1e rAt 141481' .ifttA4 rf Pfraga....r. el rho, arts Fere Wingee kk, .11( ni ray .41.r at, infem le ell Owe. Nerves,' end Spinal Alleetem., Pent le the 11.6 .0 lout.. 4',, str !II or. loo. • d tlh.••• 11-1-1• an. Mtn Kul. • poo....41 I mcdy, d • 11A 1•0110411110.4, enlano I, au tiMally, or any ths.ic 'lustful to the- .0010141.- W14 Idireetion0 le the penaphIat •ronal each peckliTh. Wilton Thoe' 1...4a4e44ly petwereeds Jo• 970171711 rAoll4111111011. SLOP and in orente for irrege, •nelmed in Northrop la toms., No...ratio. arneral •4.01lot iho stri I hoar! • hut tiu oVoo 30 Ma, oy rune.. mail NORTIiittir k I Y MAN, tieweestle..t:. W.,geners agent ferrite:We 6.: frvo. Any transaetione in ..ther, Cr bobt tn fiailerteh by Parker A Owle aria grades of a pnrely retail character. (frain (., lisy, ; no rerorted .Ileo -rate, terminally un- &einem, Rowtmllr 1 J. PielianhE toter; 2.11. ehangel, Provetions awl heavy; hilt. coml., 71, ese4.'11.0ek now; E. 44 .11 ter tend ih lower --moles nf meditsin0 to em. atirl el: Medterse Ortalsre. win 10e, and tido-tor at ra, choke taken at 10 ▪ 20* ( %cote spice EINA911N PAIN DESTSOTES ,r • QTR Fl4fmn, the i.rva.i.0.4.1 of the en twertherilaffit •• . • ote Ashisbi afoot the 12.1 .lay &,l.'2. S.../33 40 G-3'0. last • of Coots ..41*.nraf a Ith ' 44.• other Ito rot an -1„ 7:3T.T.IsTi,c)P Ilaa now received ,a large stock r 4 Winter reeds Me'tons vercoatings &C s FASHIONABLE AN CAELP THE .311ORTEdr NOTICE. *II. 4.0 wined} rewarded. and 0. forty do•inig thi.m .nor Me 0.4 1,-. «111 1, nod. Ablt11111 TKIT(.111‘1.1.- A....4r1e4 P. 0; Oct. The PTO, Iv 1134 - - FOR SALE OR TO itENT. rrot...oldortentol fora teem of yew til.rowo.d. j. 'Ton. That n.1.•“1.1 Porta! nr.b.lin /tort a', (...1. (Id) I..4.. W.0 11-01.1,0040.. tnr 4 owlethlp ef y in The Couto y Utim,11, 1', '11.4 of ono hundred and Sao.. 144,0,44. Prowit'llay Lanai, 4,5 41., olio.. 01 Itutyn. caoo linadro .and otnibir es 11 s ips• 4,'nt'10, Prink d .11ing Thole Math-. And every eons...ewe for a form. will. • 440.,.l 4,04I.r I sal .etint. io,14*. teener" ("441 404,4, gal .0 104,40.....11,44.' of Iloyneld, wiore the Mhe.t prl,a lo 1d.r.• el.1011.4 Oalth for the proellial. no• Ato.iy WI tar pronn..1 .1011311A/711.31' 11[71103, Oct. 2044s. I 41.1f TOROTITC111108T117T-IKAISICIT'r Pr rawly edterse , swell and (trot obi y known CuaL m,,y, 21. Iv) Ibr Pse past ten 14101 .14700 io • chile .m.a.LLode :gb......1141 e 1•Lk.rrietila NEW French Merino., Irons 271eyArd NEW Etas PItufdPs 19c to 70c tnill yard. I:W *astern cints-Ilcntlfol NEW terrors, fteppe & 'Lost/min NEW 111114e1 Imnitrrs 17c 1o810 per 111,1 NEW Dtack fink. from $O Cie. NEWOlik Poplin Drillarg prices s p awl TO LET .iitret.t,......,,,1121. I and n The serail L ..Ayioj to 1.1'.113. *1.1.711. .4•41.0 'FARMS- FOlt BALE. 1.1.132 Td. ION LV % EIDNEYS, SEON, ICH & BOWELS. DR. RADWAY'S 4 - IPURGATIVE Nag, ^ •• •11•11. •• , MATIRI111EDICA aontaidi In Its rertnielei I visor etusehre Sid cathard• avoid' dellturar,r.rotare , Smrtavlbs: um* the bred.. ,,J through What is canal • •• periateltie • nom' ezut, pingo Ont (hi Mt-. ' Warne) WNW ell f:.4'4 04 (4.0 ....A'. Peek Simile \ for the carouse a ezre. ur resat:rad asp sewed 4.40... 0,, utter', useleTh. . Dn. nen•x, 1..i*Ilrelie41 One ei tb4 Most eases: 1 tiol ducCuicrtio .11111011...1 .11•101111147- tit VS01 so...da- 1 sati‘a • virmAlgarabetar...es, for Oa Portion., .7 4.. 1 PUluMTIVE. Art:WENT. cou.vrr.40-1144tt4.-- ANT ALT1:kaTITE PILL. 14.4.1 4141 te LAG** or adatietateveg 40:41.t:t0 egotist,* eetta'stY "(an'', hnid, TS01101:111:1 EMPP1."10N el, ALL Dra.'.1.111,U AND DEt:0511.0914i4 slcaunta in the harem . body and aisoe•f• to toke 444 41, hoot bial4..,m114 ,.r Grill": tire Fever.; in ries laera 11.• tuneuus ....tabalTheli * the i olorsid.1 ..413511 tat laltna• Dee ilkaratlerg tellainetiun o, !rue Gastric, Botn i!arpyia1 ,;1:t.anscroatid ci MEDICAL DISCO7tREL gletelreds ef mealsime 110 0101 • p under th.7erms. e mcee. 40 Imlay Ildier fefaitalion or souse •usems- klorgyiuMov 'lbws we, however. 4.0.1cry &Ale Medieiase Ebel ere ou.ried to eue disorsotive op e•vaernm. AN thew eo.nuton pate .o pale ersuer01.131/.10,04 Aim active 04.11.. 414 Lr • base leri• Medic. het hied tai docoo ex le Mater 44. 1KADWAYI! PRA/ POW, 444.04411.101 01.111 ka ee1040044 04,1“111 .", Iblard'ott. Calomel 11.• 4.1444ereposoon,,e Weeny, for eenThrala roindlei • olo,oeire. tend (S. met p..p'I*. 44.0*4.4, reap.- nistcred too eues veld 1110.44.1 los.. 4.1mboou deep sa whir the titan., toot •nly fur thomodiri Faunal -my. Aptonone PeilliOluIetn nod kialre Priendatiser, hat los at ems et the arleerti.bd rigs; DL RADIUM PELL la Rsewsr's falai are .P44,vanee P../..j 3404 Woo. • Pill pansior la st 44. aroloolics to the inert demi 1040.494 411114* kerma ei Mediaat Neon,. 74,7 04',,,, *meg y*44'04440 reditrimppok. iagaa....44mman.1 the cagy Vieketaller that supplies 11 Whildu to for Calomel or ltercary. • Is RADWAY'8 NUM yo bare one annvielpj (4..* nib oar. quinker,ormannnagla tow., e..otia then rut biro. al Ihnn 41.15.1 ,-r mot" obt SUOMI OtactriptioAl of ths *hal praetitMeter.- A* a of thho : lea are wiemi slob 11il4.00attmk ! 1. 44004(44.41 1414,. rarcr entorest 1 twat Pomo mot,, aloetieptIl et maim to work et the etfeetil ado. Llers_ciii• Ti.rs meteors >au: and a a01.40 mat (meg or • prate limner. whereas UNE LoAtt 04. MA IJWA 'Pt .41"4.:ii The 4r..4 41.4 Woe or mom prescript:ono are oven 1..• o 'lb../ vn_ n•-„• tong any ...kitem unnianaliaaoTot solicaLs4 Ulf Viagra. j N'Yiy is Pargaliox .Vecessau Thera are two principles which exist la •otre hetes Mamas holy; oaf. lathe pr,Auct of 4 owoow...tieatdeao hewaw or Coments that arif rowed he. 444. aiwortnuta lacteals as • ome.1 • •• ..,411theellet111111.011111011101k.hitspeeewase1evami- :•'•ANNSPre' tfi• body Maliggesaral aial oxen- aisatith.se Moortabygimiotand the ditrhaser adopted. For th• reniord d Gra die bodi '1 esP1•1:c4 with low lielneys, liver s'..ru, berets, 1r., At when, I: one my caw e, dee tuact.000r ef these 014;11L.4.44 0*.l10fld.I.I*4D it eteential resort to .14 0, ocieue• in emptying amistaace, sad .1 .4! medicines seer sires 4.l4.. human rade Co ibis Pereese. there le none is the anima of SIATIP 11.1A 111.10e.( or CllEallnIT tbst secures theme Impui tent 0444441 ,0 t4oroo4411.41'11LY, sal witi ends CUMFOKT a• leilVT11 HALF ir Tile NORTH HALF OV 9 id the 114!, 0111. W.4411..1.11 01041.40,, AMIN' I NI al Tha land ,. ;moth" rivaled awl fedeed Al... 1.11. Milt.. lilt1 at led No I. 014. ront Wr.l.ro Dit otos, A ablIsht 1011 /mete bush. 1.1.41 further mon. 01... 14.', pply to let I 130X • 10/1 n Ige.t her. t eolarolt RADWAY'S PILLS 4. P.ADITAT'S 4TLt rhea pr4c:p44 74?. 411,.'o 10 •ocu red -ted L, 16,71..4c( 441,111i64 no the.inn-e• an.' excrement. lre'a th• 1•. but Liu od humors that ore checkout ay Mewl ,n olt•ir leaeum ibrough the r•kag. 11;44ae4s. /Jona awl a!I caefe....4 aad 'Secreting (ancients. ton .4 Uwe et, reoto..:loh• secretions belongIng to the elm, lose lump, aro itt corrupted in Thetr escape, &ay 14041.11/1114/4 decay and deroutt am! rot ha twiraitO 1rwia tha r.eren Through therer eliminate 11.0a 4*.puteetive qualities of WArtl i'LlAt3e1 • co the eccretions of the Si( KHALI& 1,11.',1.(1, to here.. 4.0( 00. either sitsanieed1PiRs elm/ le lett be.) mai Umbellate. . • - sc/.1*C1 lit /hi frill 'Plum are many etarlitimn ..00n 44.4441 4,4,4 to hot 10. Op. -.luny onion.* boil., .4 elm 1:1170 .1.11..LL.. 1•I D1-34.:LIAOI.. LL.i IL,. :10141it,..i".1 tt LADIES Arituvred 14.111, Laugh and Grow Phat TEL FUNNIEST B3OKS OUT. THE CELEBRATED JUMPING. VOW LIO3T. --Strayed from 14. es of the sithscriber, on the 111t444o1i Road, about Saturday, 24 Sept a red row, .41!, largo friitit teats the right one dry. About (144.4.4. old. Any rine giving such infretiostion art will lead to her recovery «4(1 1,4 suitably rewarded. vr, knee* MIMI of tee` wont( 1.4 tiee ••••e, in lit/ineietit set.ottlly (14.441)4.' 401an1 free 111OUNNIall oliooLut.tto. la Marti arias inn:4 e;""l Nit aro o. ItA A V' 'l• PIM:" tt Onto.% USA. *'AI,UI.I.I 4,74 It b.14../1.1; ENT.1••17.O.17.11..1.11.g .1.0 Secret/no flose11.1... 04. 0.0 i trigadtwl are km weak to hold their Coaelltte•I it wet.. i• 1.11. 50 411 crane* of Inytiituitary I :114E100 .lea 01 "4 4444 rot), Jinni of IV, .4 1,,),. : a Min, it, leant,. ta,41. In conientUt.t:h41 duermasetit 4.040.440 grope, alas IA. A4 ItEADV-M NEIES' HE • r. eel, 1 a very ...Net .1 rad, .41,4,1. 4., wilt CHEAP FOR CA11/1. .t fit I1 aittu•ot of Otitt..nahrelotlain, tleo,cellata, • n1* limit 4 Y111,11110111•gc Igs lost ally. Call and see stifles and price's. fkt. 1711.• 1870. er3941 SALE BY THE DARREL itY, ihosntea k• and Nor York Printer, lorylny At 91 Melange In (IVO perlielvent re -He *4.', .imety 30.-Ile74Welt 11.1142WIt 4.. KR; le came ol dissebelaction wink/the directions have 'moon ABRAHAM SIWTH• GoI.1 opened 01101 ch....I at Ilni yr/perry torloWed, hoot on the venta), • l ere 1 Goderib, 401 Nor., 141';0. • G. 'Yreemtte tittle Regiter. 25 -Farm stock, Jacob Crozier, 1..t. 8, 6 con. ASIA01d, neer Dun' katinon. Pee. fr -Mortgage Safe of Londe Miehael Casheu, a• Mart 84 of tho West 7. M ton. Arditield. _ ___ :Kew 11bortastments BALT IERMTORT. Lion s ALE, IN 2 ACRE °: /CLOCKS. ON RAILWAY Trwielonnediately out•Pie An 1 ol Hatna tI0 Cnrpnratinn 1 1.*.i *holt 2 onort.r. of a vn I •fron Market led delighted With ite operatonne, and apeek in thr hih011 Ilrfrot til le.eirtuit and Mies' Orator, cANA DIAN PAIN DESTROYER hag won for itself • repetition, n.. blood pun et , allrrintVP momaeh 1011 c,Oneoreeerol ,,(4., y Media/II preparation*. It ,.'Mom Valle 10 VIC, 1/•,.epeele, !Ave, Complanp• lion, /hawthorn, Fllek lirtadache, Kidney no - 011841114. Stomach Phth lair or - Astha, • ad 010!000*!0 net alatorityAm- system debonair by niflenne end oloweise• 11* hintrictil a rod I:kende:HO Mora** In enrols los Men rolde, "I ore Throat, Pond he, llipihen* • tne In the oydr,hona and heck. neuralme,toodi eche, rbenmattr nnif otherimint in any part Of the hotly And from wbesterer eerier, bag omen il O place in every houeehokl and is lain paperer& roe ell other pre "no nn• of 4*, 4.4041. CHEESE, CHEESE. Shaphard Strachan, GROCERS, GICDS1.IC11 ['AVE been re Appointed 4010 intento el 11 Greferieb fn. the sale of the celebrated Easter Factory Cheese. Local dealers supplied it the racer. Prices. 1411F,P IIIA RD 1r STIf AC IIA Otwittrith 1,...44 1147f w30 14.01,1., Marna, livnimee, FJpraiam, 870. 04, an et 1131 and prompt .eNnedv ----asr--Iarai • . inct Esdriam..rar r11101 Nil. V /afar, in the Innimanh, Dindurn. e • I. nolo,* morhom, f.hoi re. Cholera Itel, Rotresnment Rooms. gum. Dysenter•, . 14 ,o•nho. ES1 of Fancy Fintinels from 23 rent, Plifeirli taTWItireys from MC Par* PILE!, of Wool wiinwts fro. PII.Ev of fled Illtinkrts /mem ALL GOODS SOLD AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. R. B. SMITH. evi.t irlodytIch 711. 0,I, 1 COLLECTORITOTICE. rime re... th• Town1.1p 5411114bl are 1 (.401.7 require 1 to take sr..," that Ina 4'0114+10ra win attend at the. followlne place... At idiel.now 21I1. ,,,All hit 'Memel..., etnngannon the lh 1..,id40r. fter the lost mentioned dote all u paid ...ow will Se Owed 44the handy •coastable WII,LIA111•24DREAA ., Nov. 15444. 1.70 MUNICIPAL ELECII0N. B11INE8S EDIJOA'KION. Carrada COLLE(1E, HANIILTOti, EttiT. (l,.,1,, Roma Dominion ( 'otlege .) PRIZE PENMANSHIP. /11113 • i 11117.11N-111 aWo 1.111773 4.041 • Pesinembip tho Ion Piollnelal 1.13 1111,1Thm Toronto. The lana, 11110111•1010011190•le 414. 014104, and moat largely petronia...1 •ny Polle• In ilerunt, 4( 44. .4.01140only Inwinese enn,Ineteer by an experieneed Apepohlent The 11...Therw gnome .4.- beores ThealikK KEPI NO, 10. 104104 the wet ach' 1..14111.4 ayaten by doitide anteelegle entry Arithmetic Pentrianal..p, nunmes lerorreapoedeare, Couniferela. Laic Splling, Heeding, er PHONOCRAPHY a Tatatidirrt 7.4.141144. IlY F.14 rylnirwrii v (MTP.Ite. MI be obtained In 1111.410 INntIllaw • ?407 to...onside Voi 1040 ,0.,. •nd ar Altrular, M/44,111114114 of Penmanship toe 1 p. npo. 4"i3h1.1?4. , soe. 10t4, 1411. •n Ilsnagar. 0 0, It' Th14 14 ne• nt th• moot Ivalnehlt losationd for Salt Weald ffi !hit ...Own for Mrs wing of torelnd Anil the eenenenlea 0•1,./1•110 of 0041, Ear fnr*. prototelorra 140'1! 11 NAL OFFICE." A MewlR..044eioe (1.01.lebleer Ilheeltenneeie I A , NUM RON, A croti.'11101IR *C.. 11.40 Am forty OM., Nemsehertlott linte •• -...! w44-ilie -.- 111 STRAY HEIFERS no IV the ennovore404414*4 re .4 1, MI Wit eel Ada arlatto and tele'".• Awr en• Ore' *eel% Inforevrtlos ea .111 1.01 to Owls ...erry 111 ',enemy reeurdel. Jrk4FP11 140414.40*. trotTgO - • Mop • 40.4.1, NS,. 2144, MM. 74.41101#.!'`* Newnounie (v. 9.1.1 Agen119, eitnada, rp-9.4,1 id floriemsh hv Parker 11e Cable end P. lor.181.1 (tontine. Pe co. James 41,41 44,,,,. Rodger., 11 le; .1. Pickerel, Keeler; . 41,411.04 Lneknow; X 44, 41... STRAY HEIM, .---- CIT3 Allen from the premier* 01 14.. noblerfeenol, 1.1 west The owtaron nen *Ws ehont end of endow, a brown hotter. rioting 2y.... nAl, with whit. Wel lege led whit. hp on her ton, A whit, eled on r fon* heed, en 1 m,0.�rolOt 40n04 ••••• %O. 1111. sm dieing lineh Infnmetine ae 0111 leo ten,, 44000007 will to ontahlr noefrodmi. 740011..111 (1*44.07000. noolleriell, ?Inv. *104,1074) twee..e. 41 11 Alin sr se.1 Is (SF. Now Re -opened In lime NEW Building • FRESH OYSTERS log on the old wenn ts,sslers A, Kr 1.) MA. 107.. riatM TOTEYALX-- sr 4,1 r...NU len acres tieing Woe 4.I( 4.'! 17, rsso an w waw,4h an 11/114•11 elwred, nes.. ell et, I ...tr,, pionarbed rowdy for mop, free front talstio. month., thhbelli4145 ehnlee fruit twe., 10•1 oteellent wetter with par.in'In 11 Prorne dee:lung one., /tame hero *hot with 4tillIn 01,1100 .04.1 44*. 18, Co,. 7. West Wawanosh. Monday lhe 1911) day of DeceMber neet Ant the purple* or Nor instimor a Reeve, one 1)Pput4.Adoitr end three Cotmeillors to '404* nor 41,,'ethos' evil4 be held at tbe same yloce on Monday the 2nd of January eliti et 0 teeleek in the forenoon. JAB COT,:tetarning Office. West %immesh, Nw. Etth 1870. .48 IA net.- wh.ther proloord Map or 14.1.00..1 Mon Me in.. anyani. a Matra the eb .4 en ar• of Any hell.4.h..1.1 tembamie. tea Mar elent th.noelve. nal their biontooltedo Poo 1.0014 04 In mrilet who are Amply al.lr to provnTe toe Sues without mak tee s efurffi^e 411011 of 1.1.• rules or meek bra '1,14.11470 11111 eery. MI T T „., 14 4,7 ,•10,,,70.• tvApr7rronipot•-ri, 704.11411(144ren‘nhIl 1.1.M11 .1.4,4.4. he will roil et kr Half .10...00u0I4.00111 11441 0. J1001. 1•13.141 0111 be heel*, be me Pre elm Trueleee, NAssrothlitlis.1111.1.1. Ca1vera3 County Cal. etc, sto• x"" IA_T Vir.A. I INT, 100 pgesprie• only 10, cnta. . JOSII BILLINGS, IIIS BOCK OF SAYINGS THE MOIli amusing book ever published too 'Alps, only 10 cents ' ks /waded -to Thy addrsea TELEG EST M H NEWS rm:bur. ET EQUARLI florlorich 4411 Oct. 1870, 37- Hoit-sEs-tTEAldfF- 4:s..TIt %VICO VIIr11.1 Tlf OM eell'ES1120% N 10 Fp, •1.....1 14111 (ht., one oniftlealsed 4%.41•6. "rah a e Mi. spot In the fur.1144.1, df the oh 01 • 4.*1111•••0. ak. al on front fest and rude.; four ) /tr. ..14, awl ere ein.:4.410,. 117,14 hay rear . wIth the to14114•Iorild. tin twill Of her tos vein rold, -soy one siring sort. Inlioloation a. 4441 lead totheffermerety •111 boo snItobly reworded. .Thlree ROU1:114 DAV 11411N, turd. 1'. 0 11 Huron 34,1 Oat ,14470. w41.11. MORTGAGE SALE. 43CRAXIA 13 to the Pn orer Asir runt/leo le a 4. to the Vendor, i• payment nt 01.1,1. of 041.11 Ma,. lion4All. mod. by Ith,:lt /EL t. tellYN aloi wife made, Thera will be .414 by Penile Moth. he 10144.* el 144* Weeto• ilw Teen bi Mert•. tlies MoD4J1ke 51kday ofDecember t70, AP TWRISE O'CLOCI1 NOON. 74.41 10,4,4.4 and proem. ennenned i• Meade Mort:44.4 being, Vir•tit the meth Mir of ohs mat haY 444 e nniber .4. 1,, 140,1.0444 of the of Aahleld, P.M, of Ili. ron loaning ally Ionia MIMI* kiloo.•11,111.. ooditerly twenty live .40. 04 arra MHO 40100,0400.l0In tho OV•tith nneeseirtid tbe owing 4I091"041 the esti 1r N. It NI101L-1',,,n pot reel leperehase nonvoter In reek tl/P• 1.0•411* 1441101••• 10 nay acal.11. rwer} n with tee ter cant labtrot. Mord 411. Jay .4Koren, oiiitytyairey-sneit, Ma1414. ger, MagOnver -Mggerprb1 GwIneleh het late. les TOS SALE. lied. half *Oh 40.01110.Mod*. lb the ,o.1101•14 (h., wet well* in the 7.1011 et enderich. f.. .v44141441 by Mr 414441,. 11411.4140 of th. REV, 4*4:1 Godeneh Sept 21.1, t% F I04 MIMS or. oda enquire • sell In. DIERI C K EirECT PULL 10, all lobs not owner*, by the 25th for tbe cost of repel WI. PAT lit' AT I11MATP8 THAT sag es'd for by the nal bt sold *0 4017 1)1411TOI1.S P Goderich 4thNov. 1070 sell • JV11•111 odiOn40thal osef • I... left we stor lmst. .1.1/141,1 bold Inr 01 ',oh" may Inane sal I heed, em.,,...ajo.no am/ Femme from harbouring hi.. ‘111111STIL1 TRnelt. .• nee, 11.• Wid I Aint•-A . S FOR BALE. RET Plooke Ignineol Inettstrenefl rya* Asthma P. 0 leer. 012.1 2, M. fileeLslit Von Inn.' 14.111 Itor. Novernbor Ilth, 1170. *12-31-14 TO 0010111110118 .1 * PR rEN14,119 WILLM2 FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER REIT, at nowt for Gee ionstrtictioa Of. A MAIN fig It in the Te of eladerieh. Commenein these* sloes the west rd Welorleo Street 11.11ill it inierort• the North Side GI ELGIN R 1 REP: r. thence Mnaterly 1101.4 445, torthardeof Pets Ittereie anvil it intereet• the 4.0.11 Sid* of SOT7T11 ST It gE r. the antic to be rompleteel ton tor before the arm der nfSISPTP:114111111, 1471. MANS and SPECIFICA1 IONA eon ha Seen on awl attar thi fitA Nneember st4 4.1 Otto violent and severe strainetrm et iron/ ell 400414.41.' mod 47.1002 lonlito of • mon: lie nth/Rost ressrAns s.. of n'll albs ant. forting f.ott 4100,. iltIrsetisiloss. AMA! 4:4101- OM • 0.011100 tiros. re •lob, r• -el” '1'4 wand...int aka I tuolet a etott 44 0,04444 Mint .41,04 a homilies. ....Intl ma 44 .1 /on...ow* 11.114411140.411 1.1111. nil then/ OW, 01 0(4 l5..0 Alertly., noel ern* eater billy I all cane* wve!" there hi Wooln•-.1 in I ho 41.1fliti5itlesels,deetrbe... - the mean. r in al 1004." 14 tato m a, eh:winn.1 er. .443h..1 you, pent o cry ttation.rous. In way ron.iitiom 44 14,1,4)14* AV/ r11.1,14 aro Lye, only rurtiatito IleiL r1.1114111 Mao. Title le sierra aims to Cie und,rotritirlinir•I ▪ nom the wenn:vs .iratrInnt/re. nf i.m,„...mtm. onto le their coon point... Tool the rowl.rtoill MTh! mk ils feculeil. Om..Mewl( 1..1 InVA I.II.J411 an onlinary iwellietants Who/villa twin remove Sinatra,' alai rleem.....Thl rhsefordis •nal restore rt•Vtarltg. to the onclOwe 44 1.:44 144. bk.'14.41ILIS EDAM LTD, liuW •• HOW TO TAKE, RADWAY'S ATICIAT1e ritrA WM eteely 1014-'0100'4.iht, ihair eamieai onutraten„ 1.y er• *Nil I i) 10/1/0941.11 t hat nro eitenniini to Um condi. Moo of Melt' systole to Iwamoto Multi,. L. tin hetet no thorough puranTNY 44140 word rho" verge ere mean to Mosey Oust ths Ir purpttlell alielltlee bap e plied to the tleIng eat or elleckeell al . • alemeal• of the 4kIn. Itelney.., s• well with* ertained tn.., 111 the bowels) i• ',pared, loop IS Ks will free the ayystras from t110 Of elk Matter ready to Unpainted Gut 2. 1(4. Mini end gentle aped •nt and leataillelli aettonbireestred, Wrote Alarm win proles, 314* 4. If morel, winnow appettoev, end.* 740.0444.healthy dlgsUon, ewe 41:41.. or three Limn hen 5,. dinner. 27atir daily Tbn 1.1.11. of body In demo neonarpit: liolbe brad, psd 04 r=,lin lite. not only e orsesele, al0.111 pleptoms. arc 4. all 1ee/1110 le nem, corners Woof an tame DYSPEPSIA. 01 itAlnWAYM 1`11.1.11 tarn se (bro. **Mil r telt n deity, wilt MIA, I O1/Seirt IV K14 EJSA. Dear la Afloat. „..,Rants Are PlIdlareltveuillyg. poarownles PM '..linitoo•orwin 0.144414. 4*) They 01454440 1111111111611111401 DV 414) hey 1111111101101(101.1 111 1 he 440051400411114eedereSseed, a little enrol ,uo with whlt• fare and white few. MTh one 11.1,0.110.Infoomolort mt. grin 4001 00 It. rossovlsry IWO he 44110'17 005a01e.1 10113 r Ae+001111, U044114 W0V7S, 11* eelni *111 el neeleenne et it. there 14 • inanlitt 4(pme nit M. Title leollayetahle aria horn...110e 4eee Pnwilterr putlentersopply Ja J No4A 01ro6 the reonedere, if try Inter priveld. 4PtrepserrateoT.-Tillt 1111/117- do 0e(1er4.e. Par portgaMon AMMO, 1) ALLAN, *800.Itned iindrrich It Nov , .254.1474. fee au ma toy Mere Al moth, • norther 4114 pig "rot .144 hinvit Swim th. 4100 at the Itrehrike Ph., sterol 004.rieh II wheel helot peeler areee• hack. nrens, *44.04c0. 11.,. attr 71 s1*ted "Oh gjien,.PEr.FICII