HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-10-14, Page 19October 14, 1971 f'at'e 19 Canadian cancei. MEETING OQTOBER 18, 1971 at 8 p.m. Hospital Bosernent guest Speaker Mr. pcm .Brantt of Canadian Cancer Society of London HEY - In loving memory of a dear wife, Times who passed away five years ago October 13,1966. Through tears I watched you suffer I saw you fade away; My heart was almost broken, You fought so hard to stay, But when I saw you sleeping, So peacefully, free from pain I could not wish you back To suffer so again. So sleep dear "wifey" for it is true You suffered so much and told so few; But someone knew you needed rest, It was God, above, so he took the best. - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by your husband, Albert. 41* What's Doing? HARVEST DANCE of the Bluetones FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22 EXETER LEGION DANCING 9-1 Admission: $3.00 per couple $1,75 single No one under 18 admitted Sponsored blithe Exeter Kinette Club RECEPTION AND DANCE for LINDA SANGSTER and JERRY TRAQUAIR (Bridal Couple) Sat., October 16 9-12 HENSALL ARENA Music by KEN SCOTT ORCHESTRA Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome IN MEMORIAM — STONE - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, W. Roy Stone who passed away October 22, 1962. Somewhere beyond the sunset, Where loveliness never dies, He dwells in a beautiful garden Beneath God's heavenly skies. May the wind of Heaven blow softly, On the sweet and sacred spot, Where the one we love is sleeping And will never be forgot. - As ever, wife Frankie, 41c CASH BINGO - Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, October 15 at 8:15 p.m. - 15 regular games for $10; three $25 games; $75.00 Jackpot to go. Door prizes. Admission $1.00. Extra cards 25 cents, 3 for 50c or 7 for $1.00. Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Canadian Legion. Proceeds for welfare work. 4ltfnc ANNUAL FALL BAZAAR by CWL St. Patrick's Church, October 15, at 8 p.m. 41c GREENWAY UNITED CHURCH Anniversary Service, Sunday, October 17, 11 a.m. service, Minister, Rev. Don Stuart of Exeter. Music by Jr. Choir and Bluewater Male Quartette of Zurich; 7:30 p.m. service, Minister, Rev. Douglas Warren of Crediton. Music by Sr, Choir and the Ropp Family of Nairn. Plan to attend these 96th Anniversary Services. 41* CANADIAN CANCER Meeting, October 18 at 8 p.m. hospital basement. Mr. Don Brantt, guest speaker of Canadian Cancer Society, London. 41c AFRICAN SAFARI at Clandeboye United Church, pictures shown by Mr . and Mrs. Don Waters, Parkhill, at 8:30 p.m., Friday, October 22. Lunch will be served, miscellaneous and bake sale following, fish pond for children. Admission 50c; pre-schoolers free. 41 :42c CENTRALIA UNITED CHURCH. Thankoffering Service, Sunday, October 24, 11:00 a.m. Pastor Rev. John Beaton, conducting the service. 40:41c TAKE OUT DINNER Caven Church, October 24. Get tickets in advance from members. 41:42c RUMMAGE SALE sponsored by the Kinette Club of Hensel' will be held in the Hensall Arena Auditorium, Friday evening 8 p.m., October 29. '41:42:43c BAZAAR, Bake Sale and Tea, Exeter United Church, Saturday, November 13, 2:00 p.m. 40 :41 :44c ,114111011.•1111..0.1111M04110•11.m.i11.1•10•11111,041.11.0,11M.41•1111.0410..110•1440M.MMAU41•04M4141•11.11411100,1111111611.11MHNIC seep 110( PIGMY own the motion pictuPo t tolls the the truth! GEORGIA ROHR' SAMPS JOHNNY CAEORD•JEAN ENGSIROM JEROME COURIIAND • LORENE TONLE KIM OAR3Y.o vcd'".. B1111 GRAHAM Hear popular songs: "The Restless Ones" "Song of Strength" "He Is Everything to Me' ‘jiMES COLLIER • 'R7Phl CARMICHAEl • iCTa TWO BIG NIGHTS OCTOBER 28 and 29 — 8 p.m. South Huron District H. S. — Exeter TICKETS: $1.00 Advance; $1.25 At Door Advance Tickets May Be Obtained at: WILSON'S JEWELLERY, EXETER GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE, ZURICH or by phoning 236.4736 or 229-6418 NPArtigrAWNINFIli r. • Huron Road 4 AT SHIPKA Box Office Opens - 8:00 First show at 8:15 Rain or Clear Children Under 12 In Cars Free FRI. 81SAT. - Oct. 15 - 16 - Double Feature - Start the Revolution Without Me (Color) Gene Wilder, Hugh Griffith The Learning Tree (Color) Kyle Johnson, Estell Evans Last Show of the Season Driver of each car will be issued a pass valid for opening date of 1972 season. T LATE Enjoy An Evening of Fun and the Finest in DINING AND DANCING Every Friday & Saturday AL HARVEY AND THE BLUEBOYS Try Our Delicious CHICKEN-IN-A-BASKET * * * Book Your Christmas and Festive Parties Now While Good Dates Are Available Club Albatross Huron Industrial Park Phone 228-6733 FRIDAY and SATURDAY • IE Oct. 15 & 16- Bumutimiummilutimmummonmimimilmmunillommiiimmiumlimununinnumminie Egmondville United Church Annual Fowl Supper Wed., Oct. 20 5.8 p.m. IN THE CHURCH BASEMENT Adults $2.00 Children 12 and under $1.00 For tickets Call 527-0876 •••••••=lik. DINING OUT IS A PLEASURE AT THE Dufferin Hotel CENTRALIA Live Entertainment FRIDAY & SATURDAY THIS WEEKEND David Lee King & the Electric Power COMING NEXT WEEKEND The Country Tones Open for Sunday Dinners 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m, Specializing In Canadian Roast Beef Children's Portions Available A Very Large Menu From Which To Choose Your Favorite Dish A EVERY MONDAY 10 Steak Dinner Buy One At $1.99 And Get The Second For Only One Penny Includes Potato, Vegetable and Beverage Daily Businessman's $ 4 r SPECIAL I13 ANNOUNCEMENTS, On the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary the family of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ryan, RR 1, Lucan wish to invite relatives, friends and neighbors to a special evening the- Canadian- Legion in Lucan on Saturday, October 16, 8.12 p.m. No gifts please. IN MEMORIAM SHARPE - In memory of Roger Sharpe who passed away one year ago, October 20. There's an open gate at the end of the road Through which each must go alone And there in a light we cannot see Our Father claims His own, Beyond the gate your loved one Finds happiness and rest; And there is comfort in the thought That a loving God knows best. - Sadly missed by wife Eve, Mrs. Richard Noble and Jamie and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tanton and Ronnalee. 41e START NURSERY SCHOOL - Regular nursery school classes began this week at the Exeter Scout House. Teacher Mrs. Marion Cornish is shown with Taraleigh Grant, Kevin Varley and Georgie Pratt during registration Thursday night. T-A photo CARDS OF THANKS — The family of the late Maurice Simpson wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for their kindness of floral tributes, donations to the heart fund, cards, visits and food during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. George, Rev. Carson, Mrs. Clarence Hardy, pallbearers, Irving Lodge Lucan No, 154 and IOOF No. 70, my brother Jack Stephenson and family, the ladies who provided lunch. - Isabel Simpson 41c We wish to thank oar friends, neighbors and relatives for the lovely cards, flowers and gifts received on the occasion of our 40th wedding anniversary. Also the ladies of the Elimville UCW for the lovely dinner they provided for our family gathering at the Elimville Hall. All was gratefully appreciated. - Elva and Bill Routly 41* IAMMAIMAINIMP.0411111.10110041110.114111..1111•0•110.04111;0111• 'aillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111-: F.:- .... =-- .1-- = F. = HOTEL HENSALL BIRTHS — MI-APPEL Mr, an Ms. Brian Chael, RR 2d Staffs are happy pp to announce the birth of a daughter, Sherri Elizabeth, October 8 at South Huron Hospital - first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Hamilton of Exeter and fourth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chappel, RR, 2, Stale. GLAVIN -Mike and Betty Glavin (nee Bullock), RR 1, Crediton, announce the birth of a son, Robert Michael, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, October 7 - grandson for Mr, and Mrs, John C. Glavin, RR 1, Lucan and Mr. and Mrs, William Bullock, RR 3, Parkhill. JAMES - Mr, and Mrs. Walter James (nee Mawson), RR 3, Leamington are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter at Leamington General Hospital, Saturday, 04 October 9 - first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Harry James, Leamington, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mawson, West McGillivray. MARTIN - Mr, and °Mrs. Mahlon Martin, RR. 3, Bayfield, wish to announce the birth of a son, Mahlon Dean, at South Huron Hospital on October 11 - brother for Roxanne. OVERHOLT - Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Overholt, RR 2, Zurich announce the birth of a son, Christopher Ronald, October 7 at South Huron 14 Hospital - a brother for Lisa, second grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Maxime Overholt and eleventh grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Maxime Ducharme. BUNDLE - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rundle, RR 6, St. Marys announce the birth of a daughter, Rachelle Anne, 4 October '7 - a sister for Tracey and granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Exeter. WEBER - Doug and Faye Weber, formerly of Zurich, announce the arrival of their son, Kevin, at Stevenson Memorial Hospital, Alliston, October 6. lE featuring . `The Maitland Trio' Entertainment at the DASHWOO6 HOTEL CARDS OF THANKS — William Allen wishes to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, visits, treats, flowers and the many enquiries while in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Read and nurses for their prompt and attentive care and Rev, Miner for his visits. It was all deeply appreciated and will always be remembered. 41* I 'would like to express my sincere thanks to neighbors, 'friends and relatives for the cards, flowers and treats while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. A special thanks to the neighbors who finished sowing my wheat and the other people who offered their help. Thanks to the minister Rev. Packrnan of Kippen for his visit, and to the UCW for their thoughtfulness. Everything was very much appreciated. - John Anderson 41* The family of the late Walter Cowie wish to express sincere appreciation for the cards, flowers and expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to the Exeter Legion, Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home, Rev, Anderson,'pallbearers, and any friends and neighbors who helped in any way. 41c Thank you to the doctors and nurses on 3rd floor south of St. Joseph's Hospital on the great care I received as a patient there recently, also Father Finn and his helper, along with Ross Pickering who was so kind as to take me to the hospital in the early hours in the morning. - Martin O'Rourke 41* With our sincere appreciation for all the help given to Dad when Mom was ill. The kindnesses of nurses and staff at South Huron Hospital. The sympathy extended by cards, phone calls, deeds, flowers and card donations after Mom's passing. Special thanks to Mrs. Geo. Realer Sr., Mrs. Cliff Brintnell, Mrs. Lily Dobbs, Irv, Bob and Ernie at Hopper-Hockey parlors. We thank you all. -The Jake Reder family. _ 41* I wish to thank my neighbors, friends and relatives for the cards, flowers, visits, gifts and prayers while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. - Mervyn Tieman 41c Featuring Earl & Martha Heywood Fri. & Sat. Oct. 15 & 16 61,111114_ COLBORNE TOWNSHIP'S 6TH ANNUAL Christmas Country Fair a display sale of local arts and crafts in Township Hall Carlow 7 miles NE of Goderich on Huron County Road 25 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20 and SATURDAY, OCT. 23 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Bake Sale 2 p.m. Admission Free Tea Over 50 Crafts and Antiques Come early to avoid the rush South Huron Hospital Women's Auxiliary Stag Rummage Sale for TONIGHT for BRUCE HORTON AND JOHN MORGAN Stag Furniture Auction BLIND . FRIDAY, OCT. 15 Hensall Arena on FRI., OCT. 22, 1971 9:00 - 12:00 at Hensall Arena Admission $1.00 Support the Canvass for the opelomemeime Exeter, Centralia, Huron Park, Dashwood and Crediton EXETER LEGION HALL Friday and Saturday October 15 & 16 Town-wide pick-up commencing at 9:00 A.M. Friday. Please leave bundles at curb Pineridge Chalet Now booking Christmas parties and banquets • 1971.72 Snowmobile Club Memberships Available $30.00 per family • Hallowe'en masquerade, Saturday, Oct. 30 Smorgasbord -Pri2es $5.00 per couple * advance tickets only • New Year's Eve tickets now available 11 DON MOUSSEAU • GEORGE BEER 236,46'10 262.2673 Auction Sale Friday, Oct. 15 at 6:30 p.m. Courtesy Auctioneer • Wm. Smith Doors open Friday immediately following Auction-'-• to 9 pm. Saturday, 1 p.m. All departments replenished for Saturday's Sale Further information 235.2697 • DINING ROOM OPEN MON. TO SAT, 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m, AND 6.00 pan. to 8.00 p.m. rake Out Orders Phone 228-6648 . 4 TONIGHT Thurs., Oct. 14 8:30 P.M. Exeter Legion Hall JACKPOT '400 in 56 cells 1 sham the wealth Admission $1.00 for 15 Rounds. xtra cards 25c each or 541.00 Sponsored By Ladies' Auxiliary No One Under 16 Years Of Age Will Bd Admitted 4 O.— 1—MIMI