HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-11-24, Page 2err . ossessuroomoseessereearrosseetrapetpcoressr•• Allt01% nal, • • r to 1 da fray tletir fru ellies rale hies lel DeneructIve eerie. Fort Getty, mid e. t theme go he life, ' e . „ :-.. Mdemi gelolite eed 1,) 4,11 ogam I b,„1,,,.1 DT thltLY tk (.0 4 OKI INte li !Lk IbtaTttoli- gregi Tltrullyaf -4T1fratfr, ' Wil- me -I, me. el. eto-getedey Morstingeerimere-Seielevele, trjaittiptud rocceyeemg Coentervatives and th, dr) eiee, Lie,. el c,ewooteee sole:qua tett stheit tee canue-to neut., elms., .111111 -.• ', . Z."-...".3`" -- • • er mi n. use . u any , ni yr ". . y a . en. y a r „ Ministevial lepers heePtle.en atel instantly the entire etneepheeseneeee, and ettehuines exerlious were in. inwttel, ; ite, ver he -3-'4 ih""."/` 111'1,1 t'''' '4'11(144"e" 11"Et Memat l'Elr•ins''n• 1 nnali ' outing co, t!iat Air 41e,orro Cartier exereisaa ems (edit eep,.jelli, eta. etantly "made to put it . caut ; but it .11116.-ter4,- .- g(:- 1 rem ilia -al ill Om t thee 1 iitial Henry I Mortars bsla eormilitte tow:then itio ',roam term trg tinlitencr tit the thnuin- . . "1 Ills is wItat the Sfuliruita.1k, the llontorro- .. fo mot to have twee making in...grew •itities diet& o eve,' 11,10.1 It.ain cutuplani et tierelincetine ailjourned tette elaudey Meht eftlerl mune bauei teem leole I sulnieriptiens to tlie deb. -ten ted. he • . 1 i • i 1 , tiete-od Herm" to amorree of, pr tile eutt,... ' . but 1;in 1,1111letk. ; ..13. AO •II 0110 Or tuUlie 1 140t till- tlf:P-V4111-3 111ACC. I IL MO 1114 ,,t 1/111 it I 614Antre 0011. 711411 41.,1 doill; any' work: • .1iict of ,goveritiount.--- le -Nether loudly coaneerilitalk aords that don't carb a rush loges that tiro government never' granted side noel that all efforts to leapt/rent it, as teetiteettoe.--We were itireotweetlY iir. W. it. Litt e, Ilaurti. refilled when tlor.1 1, toll C111110 to hilt& t3 ,t111111te WIT rabtroottleUt ' 1,,en,,,,1 en sayti#4 sleet the coati,/ 01 t ILO All to s.eare, but proMieel titter lie hal ' sieeeeeed Themes Loge41, Eel , ,„„ „Ion. PVC AU , _ . .- 1/.L.1 theta. Cerd,... theil Itere 111111 41/015.00 the time lie notelet the club that the trai-ia --H. aweates Sete %Vete. - This (Tuaa.1.y): a boon fide leetilit'ae 0 Mr. It Oil Illell Atilt 110.0 Ilia vein% 'and I ready, so long at lie leope the rink 111 Illter11111.4, 1110 depth reached hy Me. IL,. ! Fr n e tu bold eleetiteue Lreught out the articles tritiltkiia them g• eel order, mut istpplies lights anal proy id- low, tile oanotreeter tro :115 frost ; obrvh h..1 t000.osor relieity pr -dealt, Wlieu 1. o tug at them l ed lee tfweeleneelnuelest use-ef-the stoma etateneutauesaileettlamet the --latisheami-neeeelOMee-itt Pre Idell,einit ',AIM Tait hit urns mewl liaiiils trej:k ap- l he him tem OD lista - -I. 'Arnett. It *WI i dent• 'rtro fell "r•lomorrtra oarer, itrocir in Whitehall, 'I he ,,,IyAkjig0-..- ag.a ad seuundisilsity Mr. Art...the depAhtetle.e. teeteeeemeeeemeng t ' artielo. I 4i:treater thee the-unnebership iee for the . the Poll capacity et a 7 melt etre,. eleariiiue,h,sa;s taken up hie Ile bg, A ' d • - t.:Arrtv.1. It eat' a la sll the ciittinge. M 0 are very uMeli ,`!"46.' Sal 144 4" lAw . ea . aittielwia -Vent sNY *let fer tietionelitt ; -*tad (het Jelin A. 4 tea , ..ii aim...stir to lteel en( Itis (nettle. Thet . ter lkil 11141 k ilu wee cent:erect, were her '' Man F41.114Y " t'' d" hie 'Adding, as I NA* .4 length 10 DIM:11-a 111/4 lea the Mirth- (atilt'. 'I'lie 11,11C0 00 MIC11 wale of the tlte ?Ott ten iiheve tlie hidden *tiring*, h." 4 t". If ' itt ',likened • hPlalajama',. 139t building wits ktteckeal Joan tas out ' olf com ,-tohe actual result wag equa.:ly perneamis tt. !wand% 111111 all theallrl,mit3thgs theroueh-• by wee h ,its testier operates it. %bat I jeetee ene eed eet the nierit sof buieg 1,. eatia;ated wido eater Prow idatunillt ,,,,ii 1h,#y say 11,,es Alynek the AppottiteleMt i 11..ttwot 41Y1 AtntLe Meateeeltieli ain ii.uiteste the until we' bloom.; trete the el• (Nr• .4 eleeistrates In lted River 1 S one of I. proCatitiati. 411,011.1 at least have baser. It a hich earniol the tire clear out od the yard then% w.tv vont*. to Ilse str *tit lanotagelleAll'In" " ell'A'tive IliildAn "wild ittel"t ' reel *salty trout the sew mill uot fat feet oft armia i be ..1.1.4" fitehal.NItal, What do' 1111.l SOM. 10 tell itiel atid has frit:rids to o atm tn. salt blocks tunitudiatsily adAistriitig. thee thotk oi the fact tltat li, we 1 bra I toi.i" make thenieelres scarce, le4"re thu treope • . 1111, -elite% ea& peeked felt I lie eit i its* ilktiesge (bone a as the-. est rile - ...roes e, stperi ri obore beet, boun retied to rerriviel. From n.any reliable sources tt tseeseeeetee,4 tee itteeleteree. tenet', Mel thtt *totter the I hu been isseertaitail tItat Itiehet anal Suott e with staves end bombes:, !The locuunotive ..oelt lose! nowt nominated refused tit se. were entree,' altogether the delegates of ..1,4i,,th,,, 4.„1,4 1,1„,,ing fr., th. t.,,,,,, th. i • tele a Ceinuitesien ea the l'eace in 'onetiottne eteedelehd hie flittethe eieeted he l'reee"44. lire oriebsa st I ; eetit P. Dew nearly ato hottr , tien w#tta them f ‘Vith I:refl.:la yutlitits.in attil rt,ts.useleu fureee Stir te dote thIe . after tomtit the bell was' rune. Thu tire -e 10,19014(er the law and rebel jeitteite.fir -"T etteurpe- to bey that thee beee "Dill •eoutpally intmediately tiorr.iel out keit did keep toe peitee, ger•erotinent i,rgant will prehahly never be known." And it , le iiee ree,,,I, tee leen.. Wei, • see engin., tie a areely retitere to deny that French iu- equally useless to attempt torelieveCariter' almnt 4:o0 -it. iti. They perferuhod good Mimeo ...piles tie Tema' 'at (to roe arid and Lie MilliolLe of their resp.ins.loitty by herYtee, n hell t11.1 Llit1 arrive, by, kiseq.iim is-- p,,,,,,,,s ,,i.,,p,,ou at Fert,14,..try. Will lay Ma airy Ideate *teaching to tlie affair 011 the fire a it litii the kiln atid- test allowing te„ rieei.,r. ..1 ontaeie ahr loouger return Attu eritulders sof the Imperial authorities. it to aperad to tlie iiidautinable ttiaturutlal•I repr..ecatati‘isa liku the tititr31.4 • 1.112.iitild_CtiYeaki E.14.1a441.4114_,...t.E421Lt___,b° ni"lEet w" ""E , rieuatul*' kk's. undo:tan:said tee, it. lie.. been mean:el Me:Melt to iiii brtairee .sucb sectimiel lead (-iv the Territory et, tea eiroter time; coodeniPlated to attselo e hese to 1/r. he- eled 51cDouga41 tient out liku "09 seal", • Luau's high tauk it' *Lich there are alwaye . ..- tyreuuy 1 . . HUGGING A DELLNIION. . --- •• The iweleeed abolition of A.:. lolls 'AI i eas the impenie goventimet. . My gee- be tay,adrisittile: tit adopt Ilia plan, ill - etlid g-ai ol r eels in Huren *AY defeeted eresient betel tit eionformity rvIth Itt+Iree- such sio importeet establishment, so liable -hat seek -were vote aif 1.11.7 te 992. Ties tees. Irt„. i)„,,,,,,,iiie eee ,, i ...11 tee conteare t., teke tire tit s eta ef every ireettutiou la 1., he regretted; bat the sots 1" t"r"r "f the Imperial gllY1.111UMIA acted uttitorinq aiel ,... ehre1y It titrottitiled by large salt ettreetremetinfere"""10 w'95 Im%11" e""egh etecuatforinity ilith advice fruit, Ottasa. vi.olot. , The iinusediste loss will lat about 1th/talon intended to leave, after l'iv441444 . it... g,ve every hem* od fin il success to the bur, „fete 0,,, stoe's ',ye :- tliker. apart from the temporary ""I'l'a,II" ' the Law Society, sheuld snot hive given friends ..1 progress, The Erje.11ee *aye ." Another *attire** broitight agthist the in getting status and Iteatlin.0 ready lur 10111 MIT411111g. All *bolo, he told Gordon that the defeat a the by-law arose 4 j Ottawa governmed 4 thee Cartier is at- flea -oriel the inconvenience to Mr. Parkyn the convimeet th at the sive 11""981tri tm teintitin; to wale a Freneh c,e„ny mit el it lie au wetting for flour liarrol .4 11114 1 Ilet eataite ths Northern Graeel It aul, e4 ii, • ! meint„e114 e„,ei e eliseee is se,i,e,iewe. salt -manufacturers alto hay.' only a small ID)), was tlioil:i1 b. be tie, high. Th a i't A ity men ..1 ceinnoel 10111.0 LAY". 14114 . supply of salt barrels on hand. The kiln a matterofileiallof which 11',.., "t.'1"'k, even if suelt a thine was attemetea it ', eni presume sill be num.:ilia:4;1y re-cun- Mit the fact that WI of the voters Nail) 1 weeld fee, •At.010 year Ilitramigr.tioil a ettlal structed• _-_:.. . eim . ' porreel tee be -law hills "MU tii 101014A/1 , 0104. A/1.{.!! AH7 FrYtteli intleence there.- • the fact. Krogetmo ' is -nrovitel 441 EL° This is tea a roi it al in Ler shape, of , AlluitaLY.--Ity card lie our Adiertising eirectiou of , Fe.. 1:,,,,d, . and tho ill exy uf fr.:ncla domination, and r ill, voluinus it • ill tai seen IL Waldo., Est., Free 111srlets'--the 1Ffri:j l:ent‘ the 'him, • l M.D. commences the prectiee of het pi o - emcee' tif the welling. ee THE Cot•Nry Core/at commences lea lettings jo rotlYt litAted hveu to -day (Tueoulay) =edited. Work goes on ay for wen - A war Mt COUNTY uouNtat. or' muitozr. riled te de e„,„ ---- at tho M amigo* el The I:overtaken!, t 1 eliall withdraw her The Colwell met, in the Court Roane, i „ l'a'ele orde".re Mu less 111011 a eextaiii amount lie stated. ed tot the oce.asiois iif the fituJral at the at 4 p.m. The mimeos of the JUDO Melt- l lloilerich, Mt Tueaday, :and' November, jilt* ri!, iron, cant boeu iii the Olio, tav ii,e ears -t" give him . t retiatest id thu friends. 'no, *tel. au and copper eel Mg having Levu reed, approved anal sign.; An official et. s°"1"ti1"" after ,the ele."11e,"_„„,"1 hie liet1el's Mien on eleuday, iu consequence of ler el, the Wardait addressed the Ceinicil, • the Restate at tionliat • tret,geo """ t" """" "YE "1"." I vomitory instructiene fruin the Aetna efe thillg. 'king rehreeseeetoraked hint tit , I iii.iiratioe C.k, teethe purpoee uf elven- &Reding iii fetaing and regretful tome to , he eeloweie eileence 1191.# something! on ',Nonni of the' the !summed deeth uf their late ceiluage . salary he 11'111 ti/ get tho third year. toiras relative.. , tieation, and bleakest the wishes of all hie a.,• 0101 A11110 1104101 rota WWI to tittle, 114 Le . . ,. . . illiecise,ikiLdet,!cireptalh,iiE,I7L,'d#•fgk.,:r.t,,kuViii;oritti; •ntintrY' 977 asked it. Ile got $69.00 in that sat the' tiaettleort Foe xp.--Du '1 hursdey mom- me,. they 1,tet .0 ai,d H. ca.. f,,r :,:,. g‘rutneill.erYt;,69080'.'2 hiat year...6 time about uew year, luelshaeg'etIre,fielt,f"r4 ut 41'' arlvel Pt' 0" dIelen had tureen. Ile had only te regret troops of the tu the ',Aurae of eicae , *peke ate beitig adout to i.e. up Le the Law I eeee. e°"tente ...M.. that the pimple had been tit to vote down cavalry, 143, homety tiering kis fees to pay and teased i T411"1", Ili '1"4";Ei7 01 Item" f h'iTee•'-e, ape Ity.Law for the mirth:um rof the North- 220 ; total 1 witness to lot • hint lieve, whet' the time 1117" Y .*. ' " 1 t le,,eleePti"it 4) 1 0....16wItriethavel Haeof The vote wise tallen in . John Stu cameo' certeinauteutit say .25.00.or $35.0% : one, were very MOLY decomposed. ra• a legal way, and the people liad a right to alto eierne Wanes sae' lie wi,uld teasesteiiiii iu hie th" tut that 1110 late:Otis appeared to,,ir IllieAk Ullt. 61It 11O euUld liGt 110 p sayi . f , the" ie htt'd that, in his opinion, aaularake had bet"! #7;11:11,r,4174.14,, , •• covered over with bark, mutate and he asked fur Ile mere Manley.. deiebt the skeleton ie that of some Indian; made. lf the Company had not made the mitiels Ul Who W28 burial before tile recollection et Garai him a cheque. soolutiale lit 3t aryl' er ' „._ „eweee etheekeue., _ road %heti they del the te.uncit.MUllid 1111 a orthy of April rilieu lie aro' rang Up. 11...111.1 re- i '''' doubt have illAile 1 1 111 A *hurt time titter, . o rites to lileillber the AiiiiiliLti Fro ilil the t11110 he 1 0,1'11 tea ELPIllfelt ill the Gederich atul if that had been the case' the l'ountr. meta te first iyoke to iiii.uhelit -*Ito liew:- year tiil j Temple, No. 22.4 for theiourth quarter would- new .harre been in the imetteat of , wAr. he emit tehieles eae a atreadiug iip his Latin. ' ottbe year 1870 ..--W. Ceief, bro. James haring All made petal de Aid :Memo. 110 i Jim ef e 9 the ne lout., the wore. to de.These immure! Thumpsou ; Right /Laud !enlivener, Sister theueLt that e4e,V0e.waa • fan price fair 1 Itituia, geat tea. the elldernest, Rut ( artier over 100.1.9errel. uf britie.and whiek %meld were not circa him by, way of salary but 9.A.Ikti ; Left /land Supporter, Sister the roa-1, amb that the Co laity C0131i1 tiot F which 11 might be able to manipulate Wiry little readily drown out guy orJinary tire The nutters for the benefit #.1 ••lois "en Lunt - # • 1 by way' ef -advanceiuunt te mutat him, in I Ellen.' ; %%oral?. Secretary, Bro. W. J. in fustier ask the Company to lee. men I The f it wow le willing togive the coinpauv the I the expeetete 41 411.14 wheit he passed the ' ettellereill• ; Assistant F•cretary, Bister than 1,40,000, allieb tho would have been . whet 1 real. ' and thin say :-"1 del net do it, it erivtleee of mem' this brim ati•1 it wuehl Law &a:iet. he amid reitiltoinae hitu by earwig ; W. Vice, Sneer Dames ; F. Sec. doing by willing bottle County at the price ' err, tug serviced. After an aefeemtuietfur salary.liad Bro. Senagel eurreu ; Treesurer, Bro. R they agreed to. No doubt the Tien falt 1 se been Made, and under -the full understand. Campbell ; Werthv Chaplain, Brae John keenly in the matter as it was their motley •• thi. , jug Mail eXpectation tl.at lie would remain flames ; Past W. Chief, lire. A.. I) Vanier. priatcipally that had gone to the construe- trela the four years "(hie 0114e. 1110 lie known ion ; Worthy NI a rilliAL Bro. W. E. e-tef thy react EP:redline would hate Semitone ; Deputy Marshal, Sister S. Worked more smoothly hereafter, and 1(.4nresis Balantine ; liisido Guard, Sister `l'antel- greater iiistice sonla here been dene to all treat ou ; tha K. Iluard, John Campbell, Setto•• if the people had not made the nes- mut, • -411•••11...-•--- ei.utipi011 ot the lin•renemt. Nu it ottit it What is 'Manitoba, with its milli 9t) mil ' feeSioll At title tiring village. He is Mehl), bleat PrerAi• iu all 19 aite•of ("etude if the a half uf acres set avert fee A special iia ' recOmiliendtel (rota Eliot, Wu near Flzetur - • pe•cle do not confine,' to hug a del 10"."• tilitkAliti Awl r.liee n, but a Fearch : where he previously. rceoload aud practised. e-.4,---- Home eeeith Re* ltheedee :whe eeeeiee- J''' Pee. mce 1 Fen e het reassert- mow Portage-, - • - --- - - - ,,,„....e_r_ 'Veal' e it Itente-esheitrearrkrarova. with Bo 1it 'Prairie Z..1 t gill t -..f. the engine mapetnit 'or .."1 enter N"r yet w eild the ere Police Court. grannie.; tttttt ith, vegeta,. eves, scarred lace, I .1.: , . and weeden head depialgthug it eiet 'eery, 14 " lerench tbeninetime" be so very . • . ___ . Geniee-i-e";e7 1V. R. It I tee -Thi 1 1-1-19rii genuine satedection then du 201110 1.011". ,,y1,1,:ult.1/4 ' if Appljet4 to OV.er met., • • - the absurd mot* ot that. in order to keep ; tont ; dm loa.„,,,,Ionial 'Leeway for • CAA@ henielit Friday morning,befere W. T. reads in referit is iiecessary to so tin.rt an ',instance ; or the 0..ii.mion arbitration; or eefey•Eet. MATor,oti an inforniati.ni leelby elle time el a slistii y at every five miles 1 lee en,„..etion of the Fortificatien lean for th,o9u. ti,,k1,iii, plaisktitf, for .634.60 ef distsruae, la order to meke the (arisen' I tho benstlt of ht te,bec, if the reformers of that lire aro.atill disgorge fit•tt cern& :owlish. do not rally to. the retiree and waisee "11'4" te h° 09'1'14 40 him' a' a bleu tiatte they *set au Hu tu market .ur ,,,,,,,,, the amount being ben -owed: Articled 'sleek, by' Mr. Hein. 14. 1. DoylA pey A runt. Thu inore etupid the delusion While Johri A. and Saniltiehl:gyette as 1;4,- (or tv!onytiff- - , the clurer a is hogge.l. ' It.riier pill* the sures, and ale st• set for I, e. keettlote lioltletkr, Strut -DV WM All artitled ' The action of tlie rate -pavers of the, (riche** awl agaiust tentareo, "eheeen !clerk of Me. Bain be articles dated ' 30 County in voting against the tiravel Itusd ; LA:111..I01l;,:.114,..Irfy diswt!tnia‘trioonli".441:er'..ualt: JaInoIre ISA9. Believes Mr. Ittin is a cheraztelised thee, in die fore/. ee treed !berme:Yee '•• mix op.'', 411.1 find it imp*" the term of ri yeare from that date. .1 By-law camel not be more felled eislyi nea.E t keep el./nate what the indirkin:#1s prattesiastki«lietor. The articles were for from the lire Press, as " Lugging a shi-j Utile to diserameet‘Sandrield's Aeloll at 1 eiees7. was agreed mem. not expressed in bie.en." The tete, aliiiw the exilietesfeiit,let wa frx hhjszr,,:ritei„,;:t# hers,,,l'ecioisc of • ie. Tee, -1.the artielmee6:t was paid for the first year state ef feeline, eslimild be 'given at 1901 f " b t I. d t •b •••• • f ft • • • 't ; withara"lee etY.Fre.. w e_o_e_tel_e_e_e_e_eeteette_e__eteeeteal__e_e_eir eat Ines to Ilfee and net as above. The feeeeeter - 'einettetntlieendli him in. when hcsays the waa sealed down, because evetem was theight to be teu high a pricy far the N,,,theen ("ravel teey eantiot-forgate the Yr.:tines id 'Mein" , doe, eeetral Ow, lie (era 011011,16ioUl 110:01. It was, wily Anil altogether, , fcr supforting, in his piece at Ottawa, rae said he lia.1 red any or onikd not gii • insensate and sairidel kcal prejudiee that 'cud' *ledPehee at'PlaY 1.4 "'mu"' 4.1"1"1" hirn -sn:- word* to that affect. tin the carried the (lay. We heard ef a man lie, take mere than ten days! further hit oemsion hu refused abaolutel,e ing ou the road, who declare.' he woula rather mil up a ith the peas:Laity of Tee- ing 1115.00,a year of toll's than agree tothe eertaiii7pripsyingerlollara year of tax. We avot Le iiiirpriseil hear A preposa Minwernmenitere- • 71keyytirmrigs#7.--- 44bitar#,. Sta '4 be Frrtich la and Tr▪ ois ning 1.11 loyal itten7fruirterii salary.- 31r. -.Bain egeetieureso beletiging te the Floper Pros me., and witnass /3.1.61. Ilwasked him for 1111;e4 inenbatiou, ou the part of tlit ...! ir, to en- wit give hiin atty. able lien to setiefir eten the E''"'""miyel i Cnoel Ex'n BY Me. Date. --The articles of Ileirou that having deceived them in the , contain ne Melitioll of sklary. Thinks past Sateltield is worthy uf ceutidence , fee tee feline. • f84,00 wax the we...9,e, tie lerelm tirst year., V *mold also rein' id the liar ttAto t at Ait-its1 ma e . 140911l.' re 4 X‘,71113 • , ,,,, la :ei had with r. tiu. Went to the roads 10 all te prevent the TolinSy general- te tole, knimple 1,g,:imellii,Itliiiw.r:Ziellt, 1,11i,l.„1.1ittiteeiedli 011iCe 27111 MX,. let1 e a few aleys Aftor lie ly from being taxed seme /000. per an. 1 tel.:J.1i tl'i: Ni'irtnli. Mid South Ridings Not sewed to give lee".00 ritel said hei Would num for the support rif those roads -being 1 1 knowitie 6-4 nurselr es we asked t -he .141,1r coed stick to *few dialers At tho 'begin-, theramoent paid for rejairs abo le what is ' to enlighten toe which he hes failed to do sing "( secend year he was to give him received froni the gatekeepers Aa rent: 4% e again ask the Stor--w lea are the C1111 - Such wieill be ft retrograde step ; lint if it is proposed ,iiii4 carried the ratepayers livitiefatri.04,,,ifjounty_ ima ref., . a easeee-41,-.••••=.- 411114 te10.wi Itteateseet -lretealtry'fitamittlitinn ' only have themselves to thetik f.r it. The! Official palms have new been re,eived ji, eeeo. pert „1 may 1n7or. .k I( tter was hoostilit i tu the Ity•Low au unreasoning ' in tull and the eetintt ion the t :ravel Road produced which - witness said he sent, Illy -Law stands as he hew i .- deliemal and the Free Pres,. seems to be I , throttill the peat applying for a eitamtion r.eht weenit says .-- "The more stupid , . oie erie • ' For. ..ig.,i. 4. ' in furonto • ' luek a thrce weeks' the' delusion tieeluaer it is hugged," sk,anrrj, viiine, 72 7 . holiday dui ...e vacatiun. M eta away *91.- 3 wig ma Barn a eepeese perrisissl4it . It Tiro ratepayers will yet be sorry that Clinton " 31 31 , was utileritooll he was to lia,to la aid -rig. they die net take our advice and tote for celtenme Tee 'Ishii., 1711 7 the II) -Law. .41 117 I Shortly after -be M1.110 Lela( 111:....1 11411 foi• M-lcilioli •• Illoikey Allil 1101) for an eseignmeut of eidates 1 Voting on Cho By-Leoer. for that yestree The- setirles -were .for ve years. Was in the ,habit of pte- raring he Latin, en the office his leisure • Atter a protracted petiml, devoted 10 eedoeis and selfelereing pewees of laatiltio;;, the .`,1,ir hes, thus morning, pre- sental te the piddle a 'monstrous conglo- itier.tisa which he has chriateued Toadicel Ht.r, pre•en t ationt. "1 he propriety as" nauslaig tlssue 4,1 diejointee statements, mierepreeenting a minter "n which the peonle of Ontario • enelles,us to give the Star credit for, "rev in A Way, 11.11.201y though unintentionally, tolling the troth alviut his Oanutteranees. lempaustionably the Slur might, with re- . nameable Lope alatiocess, enter the lists for the chArnjoinnship belt as • inanufactur- t r of "radicel mierepreseutetemee The fleet clause uf the article referred to is as. fell.me Having failed pile minter an sanneety foi Hie! and hie friends the of Ontario are put to their alto end.' Thor is a beta and tario" the Star means tho feberal party, we would! like to know what &Mete indvi• dual of that party maw endeetemed. fee "preens an amnesty for' Biel and his fettelitle." Wt. *Mild libe to know hits lowly itidi•id ells of either t heCensereat ire or Liberal perty, throughout Outman, throughout Heron, in the Town of 1.,3;#1e - twill, faded to deemed, instead/I of tin •.utmeety, 'short shrift aed a long rope' for Rio! anl lee friends. What does the eh', lile•11 titlee his opinion un the made, of emitt wee ne outepoken as lair mow. Dia Cartier ellispered, Jelin A. wiiiked. and all the parasites and lackeyel *en tothe VA/. atrnigherir Magnet, tem .1.0th this, extetmato the!, and expesin away something else, th•t the usual la elicion.of ministerial milk might still 'atop llowin/ itttetheir inmithe. Thee,. Gees Hay Milieu - A1 al 4 Stanley ". eteplein " receureinith " Ternberry '• Cleburne " Weverneali Wise Weenie sli 107 77 24 111 ,163 13 PM II9 n3 176 , flia Al 11:4 LI 69 17i 191 III CAI 11077 1.:01 1577 • Melerity agninet 324 We reeret to litel that in this tnattcr local prejedice ia 1110111 powerful thee rue - 1011 A101 111111.110. T110 Sentriloh Throuo 'sit Last.: The vieing 00 a candidate to fill the epaulet throne watt 011 1110'1 Lth 111111.. and heated in the eleCtIor. id the of,t1losta, loy a vote of 191 tig 1 21); pm:Solent ef the ',etre. A glee "1' artil- lery ("Ikea ed the procleniat ion. %Ve fear the end 1 1 nut vet. The duritic udiet ("ar- tists it ill yet create trouble. mit aekiii,; Mr. LIAlli•I 0,14- , 1411.10011011. i' Remembers a man cermet with muney ' Tedin3fre flrieeke Ifebanee.ltlie envelep t . witness whet itandei it to Y. tain Atelier. Me got the meney basil. from Arthur, g:ree a rennet for it, and retai eel tetellitig Mr. HAM her•had it. , Ifiefee'e.--Ilad no pernieetime to ip, ttway.for holidays at thr trale, • '111. Woitantr -thought tins quest iOn HAIM WA tie 0.1Wett 011 All Ile Le0111.1 attach . t lie olive.; ton ty if he had liked to bring his apprentice before the Magii't rate. 11e•El'ii.--•!11r. Hain gate no eatiefeetiell At first when he aeiaael fee 1101 arucles, mot finelly refused. Til0 lb.00 spoken RI 4 deducted from the amount wor.ese claims. .tfter returmug (e'en the holidaes eli• Kee never receenised or spore to him. Hu continued to the tollt m iready to do 11.111( mirk rieetired. , ceose lex ei HY Mit. ilet v. --.trt ielee were signeil by 3Ire Reim Witness lee one nail and Mi. Bain the other. - (Adj ttttt nude" 2;30 la. ie.) ()rent resumed - e serer:Al tintea that he rolopeoed to give saw j , take/ a geing against the Hs •Law. At of a et Nt#THER use roll SALT.- There seems 'tries the tbat two. years, that he looked I . ' • . • tine "'teethe{ the rcianig of theCOutity toll ,,,,, upon tuoneyegiveu then, il.1 money thrown f nt# enel te the hygienic, culinary and -eget- gates eouldillAY0 to b. ut:elltleil .20 ter rel.( cultureless:A to which salt ma. .110 a ilted. asay. At the elide( aleeir twe years, • suet her;year,atel '1 aveuied to linnet -1y fen re Let amok. ti•pyiel t14;91 eel:2170f' salt ini the IsawiliPe aloes: he el1110 and «eked for an aseign- and reasonable th a do, ton. or, oro c,oro- • mete of his arteles, and lie foetid' teat e lee are .illit 4., eteee ,,,, ., ,etatee, ee ty roadi shutt:#1 Le raised to the &tine rate , -after t sousing the Law Society be had been : a ei.niteisseurgin the. •'rile rli!,:filef,-^1117et. it I 1`., ththw oti tlie Nerthern teed, being .ae.plying e.r ta, situation la 'Toronto, lea felt • will al..3i rb the. d not vie14. Aftereearas 31r. klaeara inter- • l'r the • ..o. /* „ *at „.1, e ' ‘41.44I thej ere/1111114e ,wure. it was too tnhute their proportion to the uebt; pay that he lint been ionjewed upon 11111.1 MOillil . , ' ' ''' • ''''''. `11 ' .. '' , i Lail tO aek four er Live "I'veillaliip. to eon- • and altogether milt:ince the grattheatoon. , . ceile-d for hiui &stet lie agreed to assi:joi his Y 143" sud e4E8h6 " 1" 034" the • hig• it 1,11 on a Pied belonging to a pre . firth:lea, oil 111/1 restoring Mr. Gredu s matey. The clause about rages eau in - "settee tneavweetyrther truuele as Gor- don had set. t hat 11'1 ir$ A reason for bin llne• gratitiole of the salt manufacturers -by ireetritie up &stew channel of V0111111141tit.111. ltlf.-UNItoN -This So - TAW company and after all aid ta matepe up The ad -went by Which the reeaire 10 die lemeity roads exceeded the A111011114 cul- tist gathering, in e inneetion with the Nab- lected• for rents. Juetiee could only -be tnidaft, Das reasen fur wanting tu terve I Wish Seirrerl, was held 01 Rtiiixe, Cleirek illette til All by railing tho, tell,' 01-Tillgee was foirfeirlir l'orionson Law. ' .iiiere, on sr ites(lay evening, and wits A plea- roads to Stlelk a este ea Woll'Al t11101if the (Imes EX•IIINLI, Willieli paid prie,luntand masecoaftil meeting.. Mr, l'ro of- Ipitea to rei-t remuneratively. lie spoke lIi•4116111a-salary. 'fie might hare Wan l cupied lbewriair, the duties ef which he Els mind fatriy and openly mid censidered with hen one yote. 110 ir.ight have trot 1 perforated in a very -gent 41 manner. El* It the ditty of the Coure:irto LA* act lull at the rute of Olaf 00. lie had never beep ',Input address,01 Pi UM deliveretby Itev'ds this elnection. lt was stet riger. that tho in 11 Lse oniee before. 'Flier.) was no agree. i W g. BleeLetods, lloderigh, Mr1.)naist, using the County remle should hare A inunt at ale reethelordan for a sal n'y Melee; Clinton, and Celdsurth, Seefortir. on preenmed to be batter than that uf promise that after lie peseed the lab! SoCi- 1 the platform ue leaked 'deo Revile te. Centel -eine anal* able to use thew at ety,ho would give hies a salary. Promised 1 -Smyth initl J Seiveright. Dr aii etre ilia' rate of toll. to ;gee hmt 8150. the- year after that ! Thempsen 'mai two thrilling selections, Kept a ineireakindum oof the par menu; that , with melodeon secionpabinient by Mrtiee. ' .A. TERRIBLE AFFAIR. _o__ ___-__ he 'eight charge them et the proper time. l Watson. Soule aerepteble lettere was also got in the areetil A tar. That was thee ers and the audience, the meeting dismiss - Tin, seuter were paid I. .rdon eatloili the ' discoursed by the cheir and therechifieette Tel le, 4 4. . esT lire year at various times. The next he ! .efter warm vote@ of thank. to tlivi epeak- lerte'refr,ne:14,:t.,1::::: r.71,7;,,,d',;;:-•...4.4,...14 tt aehinkton catoopbell, having a b amount he got when lie went to the t.aw I ed. Iteceipts uf the evening about s7A. raise, meiteil a number ef his neizt. Society. •He had -net pod the Arthur! A Byer 411 Al. 01,4'r ar.e ce•A,-Mr %%en help hill, For the port-e0Le of ,.11 ine;ente hoes rine salee4tereteeki- idiee.oneerd,,e,itirieeLEirhit''',", 4 goiners'ef this town has „green a !manta lua.lemuda La itly, 4,,,„..., ..1”,..1„41,..4 --$8*gito.raelliiWIDOOt-T11=, 'Zt.100111144.1144---' tinfe.:,, is" th.t„ .104 Lin, badanitel, ____T",_ r_.._ .. , . ,. .. , ..__, ..,... . , tilr,-.0.1kil''.4-1,04Pliiii,n t he grebinntilgl. eteilttiheFIARlreAlelttRIMNe..A.IterTeieXe"eiee foe_ _ _ , •.,..**-4,,,,-,,...4,...i. ...,,,... 4.0.1 to the other ' " Here 14 action taken in the matter. Tte tine year j letaexeetvrem.-Ineit Andrew's church, sheep wai killed. Ilere is tlai lia is 41 get $39.00 ; theeeeend yeare 50.0e; • on Thurailey night. a thankagir ing service ,, L lite ty is the glee. the Ined ee. c and t 1.50.00 the reutainoler of the yearn. fst the tete helmeted harvest was conauct- with: Pia your eimie dowel teureou during the latter 19art of his time ml by Rey JA1//ell Seieeright.- cluipet me. Thebes,' did as d wee giiilty id a general ueel.eo ad business. . eletereeeoa Fax...ewer; -whe has bone just me the axe was raised Mrs. seriously ill for imite weeks pattesnow, we discevered them, anel eeemeee Are happy to be ihferined, in ft fair way of tractml the attention ef Elio at tenet a year with him the tiret time. recovery. All whom he • has delighted were at the moment lifting When witness wanted alty'litilley Ile ilyeta . DIth hill splendid pere.rmaticeseon the er, 'and the felling of Ow . Irish Union Ilannenie Pipes will be glad latle bey's neck se startlet to aek. Hein for A cotypleof (hollers. itelieeell sevenet he wed t heir efieel there NI nal- agremvienalet weer-i-hii-iith . . • a ataait $4#40 for tbe tire years ---841 the ere ace teat the side w elks are giving way ore veer awl efet the seomd year. Witnees posit., some. stuneetitrances. the damage omoo 1-mmm11 («Helm: ask Bain for seme being apparently catised he tee elintipitig' employ after Gordon h lil returned from lit• of heavy goods frnni WagsfOlia tot tO the hUliLIAVA. Mr. Itein said he wmildsce bee aide walk. Storekeepers should endeavor ; Russian:War Al* CeilaiP. !Wain. Thil .1 AA duriug die tette (lordon • t i gnArtl_attainst this. ' - we" in thfin a - °IliVe -an* -htki n'l *01`41,- - WATellkftEX11 AND irwriorttee.-We !lave done Mr. Itain's general werk 'etch . AA lighting tires -ace Can't say how much keee 1.4.1"4"re 1.".e.ellireff Stlenti,."1,,..' t" 1!"." advertisement et 31r. ibinglas st•benzie, he g t for it. ., . who hail taken. Mr. Isaac Fredrieke" olil Afar. lgeridST TTiriirtimmis, tlle C •urt EON IN Astern, recalled. Heil 'been alenia 2 jean. In Mr. Itun's °thee. There was n avreement #a hell he first went. Was wt11 perui" ri the War ee Admitalite of Cambridge '4 at tins -War the Admiralty The tlinelph lispeeastato that 31r Thomas. Betty Connulle, well kiiiienein Onteurnee". "4 Its:Serer, reader, reperter, etc., ette. temperarti s in this cite smite yeartil ago, ia ii-F7o.T. Poor 1.7011110411/ DIA ' ethleatiol, tool pessessed literary ' bat- he beeenie slaeoethertellik, *lit "e'eeee"e" aloe+ fleece tutu tn body end oninteeniiiii111 g apreps g has been called rly next meek. that Ritual 'items or he qui el here from Russia, hie, lead antimony it the strerigth of a wet Moline shows :- Regular array- , cavalry, 68,500 ; etigineere, • 25,160 ; e'er unny-Uossacke, sus itteentry, 37,17 i ; artillery, 7,361 j gum', 657. till writes to the Tim* aesting against England's NM WW1 MU/Nis 101 any et, especielly' as the &- Rusin* thus far seem Aeration., A friend also , 2, urging the Govern. (runt rather than extend , rust, per resent, says that eeaut.. or embark iu a liar ere her haimilibtione lenelend to -day is Volpe- ..crful, but there is still a , itrient uf eitele Nev. 19- eflie teeret of eies that Russia elferedi new ellaala ceadation that the re. of 1856 ahead be set elide. ie desired a meliticatimi #4 the elle Russet is quite williug to preteusions tu the discussion Prituia %ill y con. w heelie on minalitien that her eli France shall nut be aliecus*. bt War - ...ARIBAL4.1.11N iteltfeD1. ' • Nov. 19, midnight - Ihe ..al dispatch has been made iontilic• • oilaNITIe 14:44./11•01. Dery - trty of Garibahhans under leccuti, lilted -or teken prisenere • nYMPItizte 14,110111.. • Germain ship Estafette, returning the. :email Sea, entered the pert ..f e end Was promptly aeleett #411- tl!...."tr; iirtraV"RtVg.Y11:.r.1 tt iiiiiii s'it.iftte wajorriblislied ,s• ment to the etject ai Wrinan ship. a; has nearly. been driven from the Pa - Ocean, as eel) as the South Spiel* f'''14441:rbliFit'A:TuNgui:°•.yrn: r.1A9k:-" 7:1E1," erne• els at the 1.1116.0612 cramp say diet PA1 is 0nted, It Meat fell before the lala iif Deeetutur. . FUEN,LI 1114AATRA, A. telegram from 'Lair., Anted torolay, +ALA thlt nimors are afloat of a diaator 1:10 army of the Loire. No particulars. TALAZU neg°41""kb.i-bDikie To h-ieh .p.""nreentiae-siztkeliratteeelete.'"n- e 'Ye I -London, Nev. 20.-A tleapatelt (nee , !Tours reporte that the Grand Duke of e de; Sleekkribuirg r ;en Vera der TA1111 are 1 ell vet 11 The en, 'he ry tile,: the hem .4'31 dieeeee. else was killed by Cie axe. sei-see-eeemerse- ! stand. Hftrieg been employed 'Wed' Mr. ngein wet' on toeiley mottling, 22nd 'Fredrick, fer two years to his mei... satin- inet., at 10 o'clack, but was once inure f keen', the pulolie can, with confidence, adj iurneil, • pending. we hope, 10:01, entrust him with their work. amicable arrangemcia. SLIGHTLY AaTft Ve- In a reinib with this ee caption, in winch the Mae attempts to Tee proposel to ennstruct ter awar lits position with reference from 1.orelen t liroteeh 11 eree, te 01.1 a, arts. lael ee in an artiele 1,1.11 aeei nee he • le. the follow it understoel bow greet a Lomesuce tin yearajaiJen to a a speech mita rpo is. would be CA auks toitted:_,ins, Hon. mr. Chavean (sic) i:enrio'Ys 0;1 theuugh which it will pane -as well Ag tjwy Qiiebed, 111 'suit its iota bate Lath.' Tee trade of thii city. The Hu seal of Trade Giobies trarniation vets literally correct.. as will meet to -uterine to 401131.1(r the the peddieta ion of the originel text clearly 'matter Prres. EfiGLAPD p AFL% NIGHT It DAY Lrindon, Ser. 19. - Florence state that ment 11•P, eertAir diplouritic move agai Earl Russell's pa him been suppressed his friends. -"There it a bettor &need object wit' St. Petersburg, reply of the Granville's letter to London. B falling leek, elute the retell Are advanc- ing and thmaten to, eue-teeik _them. Im•LLLANIFiti. ogee. London, Nev. 19. -The Fretielt report that several Ilkirtnieltes have lately taken place 111,1111.1 Peri, and towerda Teem, in Which the were repulsed. The town. of Perithet, fent, and Feu- trevrbeen burnt. A WIT1TOR reeseten t tie -has arrived between` .e41:•-"1t1e1#111,1i,, ilieregarding all preteet, has mtl4r*dilit!irr.:":x1ele,ikit•eins f"r mutiny ale e0111- Inntine ti.enrAt itnr:;:1 t sre cruising bout in the NOTTh Se4 Anil English Chan- nel. Tours, Nov. IR, or'ing.-31te l'reigaians occupy the heights of Cherieliy. A ennere.bettleem rageag-befere Brent eetteh'' hem since two o'cleck this afternoon; result un - 1 t iit l0Terlie known. 1::::,dotit.teic in a Vim Der Teen ecenpies the line extend- ing from the Pans ;nal /1"le•U• itailWAy to .1, jetiesetee Removal The alien. At Athenay wee ot tratroz iffit"'"=.TRE.Trt... . Berlin, Nov, IA. -The tieaty between iteerie. 114 the Smelt Gennati eitheleration areIthe etch war. v. le, P p. ITO 010.111Meflt to prolate:, forwarded adop a highly sleeved and the so-called tranehttiou ad the concilatery tope, reunite namely Erin fialeere was oult• a g Heeled' paraphrase. in the Najd.. :.;:eady depict!, and _ • _ Reseles the limed' *as not 3f. 1211311vonli 0.1 principslities in rotv it Lraltr. but AL Latigerues. Su 11111e11 fur the tauten at 1 con trate•n tine OA :Treaty of Paris entice .1 WA facte Cox picked up his garden, a Week ago, a handful of ripe raspberries, second crop ; .. C„mrLfyileyitAftY Syrelte-OLtr eeteented Outten' ati leauPitelrick,Eeehavitienearly welled up his Minim." here and 6611.4 At, ellt te heave lie toy good, the Mechanics Benevolent Society. whili he originated 1 sue wheel leie heett • dein% excelleut I • i work m one midetemaremolved to entertain, I him to a farewell metier. 'Ilie arrange- Iinellta are nowe completed and the supper I- will lie given in tho Colliertie Hotel, on : Thtinelae evening, the 24th Met., at 8 t techek. A large *needier of ticket,' has i THE NILN. --• etes Nei AMU T1.11 01.01.111'It If (1.1. --The Irange Society and It' it ish Ara elean order of Giuml Teutplare hate conaehee teicen. itrilet • hall for 11totr menial ie soinielatirat, it the Nile. They are erecting a large frame building *Lich is now nearly finish - in which there will be a had 29136 be- • dii6.A Oa Gaeta anter.mine. meet of Angeles referrea 10, ( /tomboy, feetillell. The 11061 produced is the asaigtintent of articles. )'r,. JAMAS Doyle bruuglit. tee Settetetteellto fitin lo ib•,sr mu& al- terateme .Alr. Bent bad maile in the mean- time. Sent Mr. Doyle back to Mr. Beet 10 get execution completed, • e II he at. teratien intact, ta Willie the Alf' lava mete aii.1 the articles preperly delieericol tdag-ev.- 11,1,1 1144 to pay the illeatit on the alteretion -of tee neftelei. eo Mr. Deyle) Mr. Rein attempted to erase his name end he tried to prevent him. Had et the meantime paid When he trie.1 to Ketone him miming his memo, Mr. Beet term the metal* iu team. Then hail a scuttle and trams@ sew eeerti tbe document on the door peeteil it etp euall put it itt his packet. I !eked It Up Neu:LINO Ilt• kr. e v at wax part hill articles. Found mit after verde that -the aignatori, seele were not attache' to tee pert he gee 11441 given Mr. limn etedit for the Voi UN oil the heeollIlt Ire ill. glit lie eel emitted t" the motel* at Ire tinreito tonlieLtb.:ITI TS .,19". never delivered them to hen. ew s A wth t• a, sworn, 4 in Mr. Rene' ',Oleo. (einem lefl. .1.11y le10111r; pap. er en the table saying Ile was gain for 3 weskit. Wheelie came trek teld to tell Mr. Mahal* Wel gong 1, r 100 .1tYt. GEelEIBLN GREY. We thought the Tewnship of Grey, heft ao remote 1.0 toe lliesAtialirtl Willi 1146011- metien stall the l'outitv ilnroon, and MAA too owe oble, from ihe regime:tell 1111(1 -iner.reti4 Reeve, John Leckie, slownwtrits, to allow itself to he made a e it's pew to- wable the erection ef antbieuen Lietowel into a Ciointy seat. The meant ttttt its re - thin .4 the Townelit Coen 1 1 b • In t issue, Is expaga an omen". Manuf tether* of new Countivs will there• fore have 1.. elsewhere than to sen - Obi. Grey fer aid and countenance. 1.01.•hu# Swirly, for Novenber, in te han4. A ithusgh it has publisher' feleefeeeJe ter. Thr. oom• Mf11.0111 contribute to ite poxes, and the 'mine Artists Mantra's, it eillt thole pencils. ft ceramics at fate head et the magelines „wheel are Pot ite tendelfer thinkers.but to spied pleasantly leisure halehour. For sale be Moor - amen. organs whew et istenee donne* on govern. iimet "pap" to speak, Oil 1111 eccasien. tho vine* of the iwolile It ia curious to mitese the dilferettee between the tr•atinent Ho, ottiiiioa givreril ie.•taX•IVIY. kg' °142Titf,r, 10 le Atte /1164)4*I'' Lynch. The 60mnd:els Itachat stud tbenti te meek reline by en Amareen route to +vole flat IX, and afterwards hit encort- ed teem the lie, by • detachmerit et polio. thais• But when they fet tlien#, all theorisers were forgotten. Ministerial th• open to th.oe, niatore#1 hands ewe h..14, nisstemst, •• friends and brelbers, these *hues garments were red enallt lbw 14.04 of • true hilar:ed ten ie thikanea.;•• .1 • Iran the •Stue t., ses'irood interAlsy; feundehotr heed bill handsomely ate* and • leap au ta hie ICJ tu each of thous The following persons are emit to corn- dvsse the Centel C0111111iMiOn -Mr. C. fle emirates end Me eiece leedlee .4 Toe +too; dr. Cele,. of Kingston ; Mr: liegh Aloft 4 Ittoetreel • Mr Canteen, 111 vol. of .Ine'Jec ; A Janline, St. ./ohn, it natio ul Iffedifeao Ifeennel Keefe:roma aroar.110, edicteteerf. , 0.. be present 410 perches's' ticket* lamp Mr,, James leteN. Brackenridge, at Mi. lenry Herein s store. Tut PENNY inlYA xna in this elan were neve+ snore ritcreishil eiretterir ;Hie eien- ing of relay last. Itearlinge were given by Meese* .1, T. Gerrie, .1. S. Sinclftir, ee. It Sqiiier, and J. It Miller ; and 070 ttf Samuel le0ter'll genuine kith atones wise nerrateil in An inimitable manner by Itier. E. L. Elwood. teept 1'h re cited the "1711aege of the Light Brigade." Moine, vocal and instrumental, i .1 ft loupes riormrder and welt execiasel, by Mee It. le theith, Miss liktuanings, the Misses freitier, el r Harry eltuith and t apt Thom- son. Leery meeting te adding to the in- • tercet and emcees of Riese eutertamniente. ' A If ANAMMIS 111t04)U. -We hare receiv- Ilioneeten Ct erten CLUI--A meetine i e4 (rem Messrs Cox & Macdonald, a broom called b,i Ale. 11 Forename President, fe; of their manithictiiee, superbly tnede,with the purrnse of electing officers and goner- ar.t iatietplit term. mem) ermine t he handle. any orum.,,i,i4 for the comiee., eeee,,e, wee ! V% 0 undent end puttee willing to pig held on SI lay evening at 7'341 o'clock in higher rice for ab extra broom can ha* Me Henry Heriene store. Tee h.,,,,idant their washes met by leaving their coders st Roll ro tivetrel to aet ft* Secretary, it wade Amu. geten ewe Tee.-- We gee ! the Factory. being celled to the Aerate! Mr I'. Adam - eery Herron, seconded by I direct attention te the Hireling or 4-14 Mr. A. el loom end unanimously reaolved Moderich Curling Chili and spittle erre flier Mr Robert Gilibene he ooppointed those intending token to send in thee, Premelent. It WWI morsel be Me Hugh names at once to the seee,a,ry. Them env Genteel.. seconded by Mr Samuel Platt i le no more healthful ana I racing elm"' and meanitimmily fest.#1111•1 that Mr !beau i tlim thin gamo ainmi.e.nbonti.,nre, parturilsT.y Morton he appointed Yr** President. The those et n tt ' EALETAN 440fIAL. -The social given"'".."114"9"'hy fiet.ndly"ii"....poireni t.--46te 1142PP"40 the lafttct litilliut 11 Mrs. Blackstock, on 310nday Might, was ta congj.,,, j, (ktractic it,1 in tbe present very successful and entertaining meeting been expected in such banes, were all thet an" c ear uf the reineerel Erropan Powers, xpreself deciaiee .any hostile iri The "creature comforts," as tnight ItAVe Could lie desired. The Rey. W. S. Black. tentiun or &are lo Me oird any of the- eteck tilled the Chair, literally as well fla PrOTill0115 of the treaty ,ther than those nfiigennnieetriv.e17Reisnilfting47,flaialtipaarnedialyc"nmufiCTitlehtke jitilit'ituda" gentra;IY . el6pret9iTe A22111111 her. She ninetted to be tire idras Durin,Merisrs . . e "nein 9v w„ejee deeply r...gret any interruption of John C'. Detlor, Janice 1er. and Mrs. Thompson, u thee always - the friendly relations which sho 1111 en - Tieing, W. It. Siiitier mid .1. IL eliller. do, delighted every one with their graceful deivorcd-to ',titivate with Great Britain, remdering of beautiful words elothed in ereeesei eotificetien i ireeard to the Illsek but repeats her inelei 91 to act up .ri the f beatitiful music. The singing of Mrs R B Sea. The :Teem! lyeatig ot the people of miettfe nee...Peeled 17 -Mir ittrr7 Kt. POIWatarl,Ift (17.ble to the el' the &tee, nettle. bortschakoff bad a long kierrien with the Italian 31thister and A 1111,,iAl en.rti) front Florence yester- day. ' ' feu Flo litite The I u 1 the at r 1 Smith was a great , treat ,• so also was j that r9f the Mime Treiner TI e ' evening concluded with an exhibition of titivate lantern .vis.ws. rangime from the 'sublime to the ridiculoun;" tracing the ei se to the celestial city; the prior drunkare's Itarroom regrew' to de- atniction; illitstrating sundry phases of ordinary life smell as the egliug of the gay empiette and the old hely in the hurri- Cane sttipped i9f perwaol, bonnet and wig and eolopdlet1 to inn before the blset eith bore !sill. 'The }nippy gathering wax brought to a eleae hy the fringing of "God Sere the (Piers,' fUllitrired by the benedie- tiun pronounced liy Rev. Charles Fleteher. . tine' enty of ▪ work t.. de. lorthin eat Pt 11. semetintes reading. }fear.' lion ask Mr. Nein tor sit image meta of articles after he came back from led elay s. lees net recol- Met Mr. Rain ri reply. Hemel tbinlon say there DIA Ati ItirreeMent f paltry when he Rain said if he *mile y en he wo ire hire teener Outdoes he se st• lin wiebed to 4 thee da„ fer leari whet 'Neb. ,0110 lat.) Article*. Halo liA111 he 1 w:01.14 eretiply hew of the letter he 0 koct first. came to the other.. % ice Premolent then took the chem. it ea* moved loy• Mr Semite! Phut, eecouded by Mr Ilugh eierdoier Arol linammottaly regolved that Mr .1 autos rotlitg be *event - ed Secretary Treseurer. It was meted Ivy Mr. Henry Herten and 'meanest! by Mr. A. M lees that the tieceetary be re- qiiestel to communicate with the Bee- retat ire of the Caledonian Gab, Hatwellim and the Thames III ninla.gtolyiret (MDT ell tho same Wm tweerteinitng whet a eel el donee for h I I .ed ns Mr Forr111.41 A flt1 IteellIkattal hy ; II•ceon that the anew of MUM pee it peel to mr. W flpeltres from than among the myeterie• of "Amps Rud "wicks" an,1"tee-lenethe." "Sweep if vire Words specially adapted, whelteht"".•41. inerrailimely lustier tones, r invittorttr weak Nogg. °or y ice to ell is, Tr1 the' pme for one winter arid thew it Will 131.1 Iamb a faiseination. fee you thie4 7"4 111 I not giro et wp. _ . _- A phinclau being asked byl.,Iltient if thnught a little spirits DM, MO I:ten worild hurt him remelt, replied, 'I de know tf,.. • little occasionally non:1 etc pass** bat il yan 4011'1.14k. eat 1101111112.= it all! • re*. 4.0...••••••••••••., on, Nov. 27, - A telegram from of the Joh, says a great ex- t wevajli there its regard to P0•11:011 on the treaty of '56. el-UT:1r enthueasin fennel neherence cause dies:ea. The report eletif . I ini4,1 it reedved not to take joint 9 with LegianJ and Austria, ia well elle petition taken by ties .1(14 understood to be a determin- er. held entirely aloof from coterie ens that Insygrow nut of thie lineation. The Government will have enough to do harmocise the new atate or affeirs at Nome. Leaden, Nov, 20.-A. warlike. feeling ieeledly prevails all over Eneland. An rupetint di teem exists in the Cabinet Li -e,41, telyaltad to dawelation oldie Minintry. rourille inftirts that Eneland must now t down her fleet firmly, or forever five her voice in European affeirs. Ile I fled the present. attitude of net yet signed. . NIDIOTtATIoNe A die atch from Munich, dated Thurs- day nig t, says thet the num aietiousediat were carried "91 at Versailles have beer, finelegenucluded. The treaties *ill besign- ed itt a few days. AN f'.7141A0 ME VT. A telegram from Tours. dated tho lath, says thaf a detachment of jetrdes mobiles A tidy 111 Jasper 1,011111y, aged seventy-five, wants 1 do 'nee (rem her. 11111bAllil, aged' seventy -eight het:Attar 'epolnle hall hia tiutu running about with the girls.' Clediceller [Peke, tether ef E4waral Itleke, Eel., M. Pe died id Turunto M'edue•dey. A teitaker hely recently el pla,nett te hey , new girl tied, 1111A11111g-LINY C11110 every • Second Day. The girl left au high ditdoeun. Slut t go tu be washing every ether day. e * nefy dear see' said a Andidate, acme. ing • 'dente Wag mi the day of election, •I lam ter). glad to see you."Yon ueedn't 1 bee replied the weg, 'Cris vuted.' l• • Clergyman •tilteg to ft tot Nytt. ...yaye Iitnopto 0 ludellalbefr pot pow., Lem .11.e...re.4 ;the bottataleollow.1110 1111.1 1.141. 11111 /114100 le ' , Tiara bottles of 11.: Perot:4w nya tot hat.. reeekote nie 1 roan 11,1anas th • 11.-14 Ntalernai• lt#4peptly• sheubl emit fess/11.1. fouation. • The 1.7-11elph--3,f7ecure gets this cruel hit et the Leroler : 'Thu fentimi Free Preii is the 'lily newspaper which defends Gniy.- Of ienirse eu alieet consider the erolcr a newspaper -at is a sort ut 1.ibend.Couservative alutame. •„;•.r. ream el ate a al • ti for if SO. 14..b! by *other 11.1.1011 and by Y. Cuw.1111 4 Co., aieat. Dolitke4. - 'Ent lanal an I tLe ['toted %tate.. It eyetwe LaMothe* tnat things 11•11 6010.1 9.111., 4litily 111.0, Moue. we talltete that Ett.;14.1 .tettrht to rennon eerie. OT in the matter . rat, tweeter break oultetween thaw. wet bop* foe hontwrity stake Out the wale. #.111.y.r •ell enth 11..e• eettallan 1Not 111,409 rr the brat 11.ting in the set ...11111.11 rlereintall•ni. sarneni2L.,10irn4 A • 23 k ebb. i.er eol I b. 21; M. I., te Ito ,Gi• Owiee• WIRMIrIC AND VENT1LATI1G. REI TII' PATENT, ,„ .1Erc:at .stt.12` 1711.X.1-33.ix, a3, lei l'ilt:APANDLIFI#IENT)11.AA ,,i 111 # I I 04 Awl rftitnatiiit, ell 1-111111.1.4. 164.: 1 IOUS 1.1111 uttit ntxng, JUR eeS AND PRIVATE DWELLIN(IS. ellfiey wood or tor 1.'arto-s 111 #..i". #.1iiTimi4neestm este v.., i1. rivet- . e.1 l'uniere For let tbetpulladays. •eely ratrutee, -YA.Micea T.0•44.1. 1.tb ANA. lale. ser 3.0 • 1 IPTLOSS TOWNSHI- fp. Hi.111:11T ITRN 1.9.1teK Or THE Towillhip of biol.... We flee no.lersigne.111tateteyere Tonn•bil. rrqu...0 'op lo a Vol.., ling' of Ike E.., 1' lye, of 110 Townetto. to fake into the, .ol. o 1. rat ,“ the rotalastnett liae.ntig a H. a awing ',rime.. by the lot...to titter stet !boat 15.44.ay Contyalty., lo tarty thou twAtoe4 Itoon,11 vire Toarearli.. oi,-1,„ N11%. I TTTT, 1'47" 't aro ...:11111111111 LI 00.4. .....1es_11. though. Pete 01.•.0 . 41..11a tn• moo.n. • • K, urot,L#. comulltsee arta us: Inane reurnialas 1 gee 1. 1e -reeve to. neon. of the Te•nehte ea 44, at Ifel. 14..04 es Tames, the reh 44). 10f Aerwob.r..VO. 14.#HPAIT PVI19111. 1.1h, Pre. wai - - - •L -AND -S -INT- HE CO CHANCERY SuiTNTITIEs-1--- 11-' PERTH HURON. KRICK _0 15177.4,74.". W't , • I. re.Litti to:ate/be% heel 4.tete. 1,1 lie 113Y 1.4513LIC• AUCTION, a. follow.; (.1111 the ap-oohation or fleoun walked, 1 Lawreue... Tootle, Na.tey or the sant Court et •tfat- foot. at 14 Wel.. k et...tn, 0111 the ..I.) A •INi a4,,t1se Owes hereinafter epattheet. LANDS IN PERTH .1 NIIIIII:RON: 1 A. nt. liffuN'. 11 01, os 11.......”:4.,..forth. 1L. 11... 1 ooi.ly of ...won by -4J I' 11:12., .1312 ....pbrutal f4 that 4.nrliatoi. NIJ. 1. All ayel intga'ar it0t errtain pareel awl 101,4 of land Int jattenswe ty leg ahil bring in Mr ton welop et limbett, 111 111, 1.,,11.1.) of l'ettlt .06.1 hot ince of 1/..tario awl Wong roni1.....4 of lot 1.16 Ler thotv the booth eAtireleion et the sant toot...too of 1111.1a rt. e..,.• ...• ...1.etweorawerni one loirs.liel a, ea. ,loyi pi a. e.r.ro les. I and 0.1, b.'', 001. or Gera 11111,14 Pont Ilia Gen Fierck, wheel is advancing froM re The Neel la Intl Ihoteit SAVA114 Along tile 1111. of ratline /rem that , 1 .. see wo roily eatcyrd. city to Chartres, had reached Dreux, 21i miles south/net Verneillea, ween they enemintered the 1701 etsion of the (Jere man Arley. lemig mitnionbered the de- tachment fell latck upon the main body This engagement lime mat ing to do with the army of the Loire, which at last ad- vice, heel fully completed in turning the German right. tITARVATY011. A Paha balloon letter ,saym that General . PARCEL NO. 2 - ell and iingular that certain pturel or Intel of land an.1 vernier* mialiate. lying an4 being ll. the Toltaelnp .1 Tockenmeth In thr County of 11 moo atel Pro•tner or Ontario, And being ',imp nte.1..1 Lot No 1 In Me tr.I•11011 of the 1 owte0.11. of 1 nekrranitth in Ilin County of Huron Anil ennitter of Unbar.. and eon• Wrong by a.lniesenrroirnt, ow. /olieli,1 WW1 roar or 1. ki e.11 kei•..1. in a good Lotelilion vet x liertion let* flier.. arr about thirty .m4.1111,14 km. elearoof, r.....„.....,..::::..•,, with lintotLy The bleber en lee let Aosiaela 1.f 14,11 notol. mail elm. arel III 1.141/1141.11.11 The farm ei ore irstrrevi awl the land ear 10 01/0 lualf•sterved citizen*, fo: wheel • barlb on the lot Thin lot la 310 je.-1 to a 10101reTal Trochn intenle eli,........rtly to force froill the".:77":11::r:;"1" 4". ''''''' "1""'l ". 11". k "s" he cannot Linger provide. corietret tetill or SW.. yea. to one 14111411 Kt' POT. tl„:;;',1Z7 7,.'::: It'sui:r.niirr,11...7::rin PAIto el -Nate 3._ -_. _ , Grey Council' Rootn. Cennbrook Nov. 17th 1870. Council met herb this day perutent to adjournment from last meeting. hfembers All and einvilar that c.rtain fp.r0e1 or iraet 04 NnA •11,1pr•Pii•P• nitwit.. ty Ins arel being IP gthot Town.hip of enekeraniith In the ( minty ot Mein and Proeireoi of Ontario vet being Potplonowl o,f 1,,t Po. 2 in the 31,1 ell preeent, Iteere on the Cheir. 'I he ICrn.h'':::' i r . ''' . '''''.irin"%nr:11b .1 i'.17:' ''''' :::"1"411.1"1::::1*":". " 'i7:114.1.: :: .' ''' l'''1::::711:1: 10r:: 71.1: ITIIIIIItea ‘,1 last meeting .rold and passed. g":ro.".17:ollihrev*.ir?i::11;e:ily :nov,r4t.,"•:. 1=7.'re.. The followitig ncenunta were then pre- lee ern. bee... eet sem' mem. 'Tn. limo 1: sente4 and ordered 4,, he peke • Joseph of tise YeTT hell iles Ilion no 14.1,11111.11 crinmeob Ridley Crisman) ing $19 11.4, It Costa $33.90 7;s111,1,=7;:sliiI'llii ti.::: !=•71,1,::"'‘.-7,1;:.,4';'4T 115,Fven").4901Actilat$11,11,71,,e(..7.41,17,;$5.1h1315.15411141:4t1enth,,m1t43:toort jt,n•uig$80,14is.,00i137.01,6•A Ima.prtha.nyd, Olio mile of Cie Unfrato and Lake Huron 1 Aswr 1 :re ei e.lit,Nt,rict,,,h1,06:14.12.05(1,14,,(t:tac,fimire.h61:853to:iLl'..,,It. haMenx:ciloAf.trnihili.art: irei.i'''rli...r7E,•774:7212;ri'esaVia '7!::#1......' "Z7liii. es "il • rngneiliostiti..wne.y:riet.8(00. c funneic,imi p.litanpree„vivniuth, 111.1)1r ell:1°.0.111AlleJ•z 'L.': pitilrp,mo. ta. piene eee, ends, .,,see 1) monomer,. An.' ,l1.' ISM: at . .. tilekl. 111 Litt Lowe of UneVerri 4.hetu. Iasi if,,nStrahcbheand,ettr,chebtedeef'r(?,4,:csiciheen8.01464 szirrevmses. ettuate..1.fintyth:.a.nA,..ttayinwort,,n,:,177itogi meetings. ft "Ma MOV6.11 by T, Williamson, .. r .. ,ri.r...0::;,,,w) r, :,.1,,,,,,,,t, ..,...,; i,..1,:b .1e:..A.;,.;1,1,,, ini,nflb„....S:i;, I, ..,:41,,,,,, ::,S.. r: ...1.9M.:;.,,,, (r2r70::::‘,,r ,,,,,, .l h:. 7, ,4 9:14. All and „1„,.11:ARCEL, No. 4. T. that certain Turret or Nart 041.1.4 Twenty-nral Any at December, A uctl.otear Raman balance brill 1 Teairrviiesitli; ni.M.no.yethd*btytJhoeituraicerhkann,08iititify. tbh: er,10.r.4, loul e.t.rei and re . e'en.. larn.hhe: been an,' rivittfoll, • ie..iel doe.lin&h..iore, large ban, Matt- o a number of y•ire to a 14.6 stab. of mink -ahem .01 iii4v0461# en Ent. The present moment is t1io Only time when Engls nd een hope to ruin searastnily a policy wbielt hereto. heeler.' het fought at e great saerilleos or lieea an4 treasure. Lowe and Cardwell are penotely arrayed agsinst war on the preset* luau, 7114 l'eneervolivie ere about le (1111 ""1"Ieght bondmi to emseiter tketierie4. Led Ilona, at Totes, hoe given the 'err -alit to orot.r.o,rod that 0910 Ree- l; 4 1 142f4enet tilade of 8 mated not ooly to demand an Ort th ernbyent-ettiee nen et. bna also le firmly dr laud tinell will at their next meeting make the following &keret erne Seh./01 Seettrine vis : 111 Nee. trt•. 7, that lots 20 St 21 lot 22. 28 At 24'Con. 13 will be detecherl fromatee. 140. 7, and attecheal Sec. No. 8. en See. No. 1 that Iota 11‘. 12- i'A Ken, NO. 5. Ar and tenant..? that reettln pareel Or Ira,. errand of AAptle In the eons of name, albeiraiet. Wog etti.t• •n,1 ering 10 the township co...rowed we Lot 240. la 1440111111 otesewene or no, ▪ enektp awl eelleallitattlf se wee. • - germ elsevall. enia Mareelet Kee. No, 7. In P4e. No. 2 OM to , „ 8,9 & 10, Con. 14, wiN be deteched from gee. No. 2 and atteiched to No, 1. In Ike 10. 4 that IMIS,Cam. 9, will be taken from floc Nn. 4, and attacked ter .1441e. No. 3. Canief. Monet by J flimflam see. by T Williamson, that the Clerk write to the Reeve of Welleee eating that the Rate- payers of this Township are imanimous in fuer of presorting the eonnesion now meeting soh the County ref Benin. Case tied. Moved hy A MeDrineld Sec. by filemon, that this Council now argentin 10 meet &gala ovi Mee 8th Du. nett. (tarried. .1 it, aztort,„ • ry. (leek. MIllellelet. ore elbow CO/0)1110MS OF 8.111.14 Aegatelt ot thereat Ion .4 tee 4,41404ot the The Mimheser 411,1; at the Moe AY sale, fray Mims • t0 Venk: Plene1140, sea the egoot=e07 the ',reheat. money On nr holm* the ',relit" AV ofl•• A I., 1071 In ether respell.. end DI ahoy...Hr. eorelitleola of 44,4 me the atanAlne of iten. of the 1.nort nf I :totneeey Pnrtew Ipartre•Mw a may be onial..4.1 ti, W Weewir Ittrattent. w01.# 111. ofeeet of Jaaeph A. Iteneven Roo . Vendors nollellor, tont Moser. owlet. * Moot. ar the eft, ef Toemtto Wpm", Doyle awl Netnte. In the teen et memo* r 41 vievienet 11.4 Iteekrorth.aw• Melesre •a)*** Olettalte, I* UN TIP,* or Pt 4106411. 1001•111 1111N1IVAlf. W 1.11ThaTCP. INsateealliplerflet. Master In 4.h4nr.ey. A .1111.116111kM/Dell 1141MriT ar neertmew wit! antletal • tee affithee.1111110111M111111. zrlem - , • i . r -7 .