HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-10-07, Page 19•
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first meet
• • • -•-• •
-The first CWT meeting Of the
Season was held Tuesday, with 14
Members present and one leader,
Mrs. Ed. Melanson, Eleven bf
these girls were new .membefs
and. it is hoped that more of the
older girls Will come to Allure
Sub-committees were formed
but officers were not elected
owing to the absence of older
Registration fees should be
paid at next meeting, which will
be held October 12.
Girls are urged to collect
clippings of reports of, meetings
from the newspapers. The
Mission Africa group are each to
keep a scrapbook of clippings on
this subject which will be shown
for the Mission Study.
To begin Bible Study, each
group is to take an excerpt from
the Bible, re-write in their own
words and dramatize it, This will
be followed by a question and
discussion period. Girls are to
present wordly pictures of the
Parables and discuss the
heavenly meanings,
ENJOYING NEW FACILITIES — The Grand Bend public library moved to new quarters recently at the
grand Bend public school. Librarian Mrs. Frances Panet is showing new children's books to Craig
Sylvester and Susan Morton. • T-A photo
Police speak to Lions Club
.Lucan District Lions Club
were privileged to have Cpl,
Robert Boyd and Cpl, Bernard
Crane of the OPP as their guests
at the meeting last Monday, at
Holy Trinity Anglican Church,
Cpl. Boyd is the Accident
Prevention Officer for No. 2
District of the OPP, He gave a
short talk on accident prevention,
and then showed a film, entitled,
"Wheels of Agony". This film
was made in Ohio, and shows the
accidents encountered by one
patrol car in an 8-hour shift. The
film was in color and showed how
the accidents happened and also
the victims. It was very
Sunshine donation
to aig}hritic group • •
The Sunshine Club met
Thursday afternoon in the .
Mascinie Hall for a birthday
party, with 14 members present.
Euchre was played and the
following members received
prizes: ladies' high, Mrs. Little;
ladies' lone hadds;
Lawrence McCarthy; ladies' low,
Mrs. Cecil Neil; men's high,
William Frost; men's lone
hands, Ben Kelly; men's low, Lon
It was agreed to send a
donation to the Canadian
Arthritic Society.
Hostesses were Mrs. Eldon
Hodgson and Mrs. Evan Hodgins.
gruesome in places, but really
made one promise oneself to
drive more safely in the future.
Canvass planned
for bible society
A meeting was held last
Monday at the Lucan United
Church to plan the October Bible
Society canvass of Lucan by the
three churches.
Rev. Jack Thompson of London
Bible Society was present at this
meeting and a film-strip was
Also present were Gayle and
Bob Harrett, representing a
group of citizens of Granton, who
are interested in improving their
community. The Lucan Lions
Club presented them with a
cheque of $100 to assist them in
their projects.
The presidents and secretaries
of the other clubs in District A-1
were also present to attend a
Zone Advisory meeting which
was held after the regular
Lucan Lions had a 90 percent
attendance with two new
Buy then
ofyour choice.
Here's Why
On The Local Scene
District woman
dies at Strathroy
Millie Sherritt, wife of the late
Charlie Haskett of RR 1,Lucan,
died in Strathmere Lodge,
Strathroy, Wednesday, Sep-
tember 29, in her 85th year.
She is survived by several
nieces and nephews,
The body rested at the C.
Haskett and Son Funeral Home,
Lucan, where the funeral service
was performed by Rev. W.C.
Tupling of Lucan, United Church,
Friday, October 1. Interment was
in St. James Cemetery, Clark-
Pallbearers were Calvin
Haskett, William Frost, Jac Van
Arenthals, Clarence Hardy,
Brian Haskett and Eldon Young.
Dam as a conservation and recrea-
tional asset, with the use of ARDA
grants from the Department of
Agriculture and Food of Canada.
* He proposed that the province set
up a Teacher's College in London
— now the Althouse College of
Education, established in 1965.
* Bill Stewart supported the estab-
lishment of a Community College
in London — Fanshawe College.
* Bill Stewart proposed that the
province operate Beck Memorial
Sanitorium — now established as
the Psychiatric Research Institute
for Retarded Children, first of its
kind in North America. -hbvry
*Other local matters did not. escape
his attention as -he'arrange.d for
the building of a riew.develd&erit
road between Clandeboy
Highway 7, and the 'realignment of
Highway 7 south of 'P hill to
eliminate dangerous . -cotners. Bill
Stewart suggested and 'was suc-
cessful in having .a ne* 'bridge built
over the Thames River on the Mid-.
dlesex-Perth boundary and in ar
ranging for the St. Marys bypass
road. road. • .•
* Proposed and is active
ing the building • rrOniaiio
School for the .j -.earner
of Oxford frtfte'et
s,Avenue in. kiriddK...
6; .Provinciallevet
Church News
Sunday was World Communion
Sunday and the Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was‘administered
at Lucan United Church by Rev.
W.C. Tupling. The meditation
was entitled, "The Sacrament of
the Inconvenient".
The Director of Music Robert
Blackwell was at the organ.
Thursday the Junior Choir will
practise at 7 pp, Next Sunday is
Thanksgiving Sunday, and
Sunday, October 17 the
Sacrament of Holy Baptism will
be observed. Sunday October 24
at 8 p.m. in Metropolitan Church
in London there will be a Festival
of Hymns to introduce the new
Hymn Book.
For the next UCW general
meeting Tuesday October 12 the
ladies are asked to bring cen-
tennial pictures, numbered and
named for display
development "prograrn'-has been
instrumental in pxpOnfilligletaryiestic
and export -niarkets, for',:dritario
Food prodticts.
* Ontario has• undertaken, a ,massive
Rural Development pi?agram Under
the Federal-Provincial ARDA
agreements, the' , latesirfOi 'the'se
being a five, year; :shared, cost
program committing 'ffie'two leVels
of government to a- tatOI of $60
million. Projects 'incliitdefarm, en- r°:-.-
largement, adinrrit;6§, *Wares,
drainage,-.cilternaterd. °use, vand
With financing
at the Commerce.
tUnder the Milk, Act, (196 7d11 rl5ilk
marketing 4.0i
hands of a pro veer •'
*A Market Information Serviee has
been established providing free
reports on prices and trends on
agricultural commodities' to Ontar-
io radio Stations and indiVidttal
* The Ontario Department of Agri-
culture and Food has expanded its
service ana moved elbser:;:to the
people of Ontario, reflecting the
personal influence of Bill Stewart,
whip has served as Minister for 10
progressive years.
* Crop Insurance is now available for
13 of Ont9rio's principal crops,
with the two levels of government
sharing the total cost of adminis-
tration, and 50% of the premium
cost effective in fall of 1971.
* Free soil testing service available
to all Ontario farmers.
* Under the Ontario Meat Inspection
Act of 1964, all red meats in On-
tario are inspected.
*A feed testing service is now avail-
able to Ontario livestock and poul-
try producers.
*A two year course for farm ma-
chinery mechanics now offered at ,
0.A.C.; Guelph.
* Supported and developed the farm
tax rebate program — whereby
the Province of Ontario pays 25%
of all net farm taxes.
* The Ontario Farm Products Market-
ing Act has been amended to giVe
Producer Marketing Boards great-
erakaruatots.nomy and influence in farm m
* The Ontario Food Council has cre-
ated a new image of understand-
ing between producers, proces-
sors, wholesalers, distributors and
consumers. A dynamic market
* Strongly urged and supported the
building of the Lake Huron —
London ,water pipeline — provid-
irig London, Ilderton, Parkhill and
shortly Aitsa Craig, with high qual-
jty fresh water. ,
1 L * Strongly supported' the develop-
ment and improvements of com-
munity-centre facilities ftr sports
and local entertainment. "
* Was instKirwrital in, having traffic
lights installed at Lobo Village, the
intersection of Highway 22 and
County Road 17.
* Proposed and vigorously supported
the .Ausable,Conservation Authori-
ty in the building of the Parkhill A .
.- ....,.r ,
*A 12 year program of Capital
Grants for Ontario farmers was
iitreduced in 1967. This program
provides 'financial assistance for
the construction of farm buildings;
barn pollution control facilities; the
provision of farm water supplies;
bulk milk tanks; and the removal
Of diseased elm trees paid to On-
tario fartnere-to July 1; 1971, etc.
Ontario is servet1 by 6 Diploma
- Granting Colleges of Agricultural
Technology, , providing courses in
agricUlture, home economics, vet-
erinary technology, farm business °
management, all financed by the '
Ontario Departhient of Agriculture
and Food.
* Regional Veterinary Service Labo-
ratories are now strategically lo-
cated in all parts of Ontario to
provide diagnostic service for
Ontario livestock and poultry
producers and practicing veterinar-
* Extensibn services have been ex-
panded fo provide indis'idual coun-
selling on all aspetts of the farm
' business,. and to make available to
farm people the results of an ex-
tensive agricultural research pro.,
Talk to a Commerce
And ask for a Bankplan
loan. It's our personal loan
for your personal needs,
And we're happy to give
you one, even if you've never
banked at the Commerce
before. On October 21, Re-Etect
If you're convinced you
need a new car, you don't need
to convince us.
We'd like to help you
get the money to buy one.
It's a simple matter
of respect.
We respect your sense
of responsibility. And we'll
work with you to tailor
a repayment plan to fit your
own personal budget.
That way you know,
ahead of time, it will be a loan
you can afford.
Sunday the flowers in the
church were placed in memory of
Mrs. Millie Haskett.
The rector announced that
there are 32 on the junior choir
roll of whom, 9 have missed once,
6 have missed twice, and 3 have
missed 3, times, 14 have been
present at the service and
practices 7 times during the
Next Sunday, is National
Thanksgiving Sunday, , and Holy
Communion will be celebrated at
B: a.m., Sunday School will meet
at 0:45 a.m. and Nursery meets
at 11:00 a,nn. and the League of
Loyaltyat 11:30 a.m.
PromO ted Plan)
Exeter 235.1570
More of us do more foryou
at the Commerce.
Your Progressive Conservative Candidate for Middlesex North
Aiithona 16, the Middlesex North Progressive
tuteir4 . )iWttAt."
teener Hidasbery Ave. A Huron St.
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