HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-10-07, Page 8.‘IRIP O W.litillIMMIIIIIIM1410)011111MOVkiiii$Mii14110111141W4W1411,0011.101.111111,1$01(kiii,011.1pliuntimi40.11L The Correct Support Makes you feel better as well as look better. That's why most women like the entirely different principle of design used in Spencer-Spirella supports. Let your Spencer-Spirella corsetere show you how these foundations can help you. MRS. V. ARMSTRONG 89 ANNE W. EXETER, ONT. ........ WitliolAWA1011$011 . I ...... IMRIM11111111111,11W111$114! llll $11111H1 lll ll l 401.1141111...a Frozen Turkeys Grade A Cold Spring Farms 390 12 to 16 lbs. lb. Schneider's Wieners Vac Pak l's 590 or bulk lb. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Ontario N.. 1 Carrots Fancy Mac Apples Florida New Crop Grapefruit Ontario I\10. 1 Cooking Onions Small Ontario No, 1 Potatoes 3 lb,pkg. 25 4qt. Fancy 984 White 5/59 ° 101b, bag 59° 79 25 lb. bag 1 Full Size 3Y2" x 31/2" Print PLUS 2 Miniature Prints 1 5/8" x I 5/8" Each The two Extra Miniature Prints Cost Only 9c More Than Each Regular Print At rime of Developing Brown & Serve ROLLS 1*'' of dOzen Buy of the Week THANKSGIVING SPECIAL Clover Cream ICE 79 CREAM 7 9 Page TimosAilv9cate, ,Qctober 7,. 1971 Facts N'Fcincie$. fi#y Gwyn. evroceptiet By the time you read this I'll be cavorting around in jolly old England .. . that is if no one in the family (including myself) comes down with the mumps, which are now in our district, breaks any bones or brings down the wrath of the gods in any other form. The editor's innuendo about the rise in price of this newspaper coinciding with my holiday abroad is not to be considered seriously, unless of course, he's planning a wonderful surprise for me when I return, which I doubt. The last time I took three weeks off he said everything ran so smoothly he hadn't noticed I'd been away. He's a real ego- builder, our editor. Anyway, this will be my first time off the North American BUSY IN THE PLAYHOUSE — Youngsters attending the Huron Hope school at Huron Park have various play activities during the day. Shown above in the kitchen section are from the left, Jeff Pe Kort, Debra Brownlee, Cindy Weston, Susan Hemingway and Eileen De Kort. T-A photo continent, This really dates me, I fear, for it seems that at least 90 percent of all those under 30 have trotted around the world, or at least made it to Europe or some far away exotic place. When I was young I dreamed of travelling, too. But, unlike to- day's youth who just pick up and go, it's taken me alrhost three decades to get moving. Although my friends and I had the urge to see the world it just wasn't as easy then. I do remember, as a teenager, writing several letters to steamship lines seeking em- ployment on a ship, but un- fortunately nothing came of it, Of course, the war stopped a lot of galavanting except for the fellows who had to go whether Christian home was topic PLUMBING PROBLEMS? DON'T PANIC JUST CALL US TO THE RESCUE! At once, our expert plumbers rush over to find and fix the problem fast, reasonably. Better still, let us modernize your plumbing before problems set in. FINK ANDEL. EN CG+ RH IECAATLI N G HENSALL 262-2114 of women 's club speaker by example as well as by speech, "Young people, who are lovingly trained for the first five years of their lives seldom go wrong in later years" she said. Mrs. Sharp Was thanked by Mrs. Morley Hall. Mrs. Art Whilsmith, who presided, welcomed both old and new friends met together in harmony from all different churches. Prayer led by Mrs. George Anderson was followed by a popular hymn sing with Mrs, (NTH Smith at the piano and Mrs. J ,,, k ,, 01.111 ,111 ,111.11111111.111,1101 ,,,,,, ,,, ! iiii 01111111M1111.11111,11n1111.1M1111.11111M1 lllll 1,11011111111111.1011111 Recipe Box 11114lll41v1111111/1110111101114111t 111111 4 1 4 11„! 11114114,11,11114iiiii 111 iiiii ...... ....... 1.,kirlin Exeter and District Christian Women's Club met Thursday in Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall when over fifty women enjoyed a smorgasbord luncheon and heard an uplifting message from 'Mrs. Lieut-Colonel D. Sharp of the Salvation Army, London on the "Christian Home," Eric Luther conducting, Mrs, Captain Girling who, with her husband, is in charge of the Salvation Army Youth work in London, sang two solos. The offering to be given to the Youth work of the Salvation Army in London amounted to $31. Next month's Christian Women's Club program in charge of Mrs. Douglas Warren will be a Bible study discussion group meeting on Friday, October 22, beginning at 9:30 a.m. She stressed the importance of parental influence over their children stating that the home should be a place of worship where children are taught to pray 1 teaspoon dill weed teaspoon ground black pepper 1 2 cup buttermilk Line platter with spinach leaves. Arrange cucumbers on spinach in a spiral design. Sprinkle dill weed and pepper on cucumbers. Just before serving, pour buttermilk over cucumbers, Makes 4 ser- vings. The joys of Thanksgiving are generally anticipated with great relish, particularly the family feast where friendship, warmth and plentiful food abound. What to do when there are waistlines to consider is a problem that concerns many homemakers. To help women be the gracious hostess whose festive board is appreciated by everyone here is a Thanksgiving menu that fits the Thanksgiving theme. they had the urge or not. Most of them would have preferred to stay home but the government staked them to all-expense trips to England, France, Holland, Italy and the South Seas and it was difficult twould you believe, impossible) for them to say, "No thanks." Travelling to these far away lands, however, didn't seem to hold much glamor for them, then. After the war, the boys who made it back had no desire to leave the country again for a long, long time and we girls who married them settled down in the hope of raising a future generation who would ban war and travel across the oceans only when they wanted to. Well, so far, banning war hasn't worked out too suc- cessfully, but raising kids who want to travel ... we've certainly made a good job of that. I'm almost ashamed to admit that I'm the only one in our family, except for the littlest guy, who hasn't flown in a jet. Everyone's been giving me advice about flying. What most of them don't know is that back in the late thirties and forties I logged up a good many hours in my brother-in- law's little aircraft and even got pretty good at handling the stick myself. If flying by jet isn't a lot smoother and a lot safer than the dippsy- doodling we did around the country I'll eat my flight bag. But, this trip is all very exciting and there's no way I can keep my cool, act sophisticated and pretend 'it's nothing at all, really,' I've waited a long time for this jaunt and I intend to savor every minute of it. One of the main reasons I married my husband was because he promised he'd show me England, the home of his ancestors (mine, too, only farther back) some day, He's not speedy but he's dependable, and 25 years after making the promise he's keeping his word. So, we're off with two or three hundred other people who travel with the Zurich Travel Club. Most of them are already world travellers and will be going on to Spain this time; some will be touring Ireland, and a few, like ourselves, will stay in England to visit or travel there. Wish us bon voyage . .. we'll fill you in when we get back. IMMEMANNSAINAWNMSte THANKSGIVING MENU FOR WEIGHT WATCHERS P.ZSZUS.== of thanksgiving specials 14 RHUBARB RELISH 1 1 :2 pounds rhubarb 2 cup low-calorie citrus- flavoured soda pop artificial sweetener to equal 1 2 cup sugar 1 tablespoon grated orange rind Cut rhubarb in 1 inch pieces. Add soda pop. Cook covered over low heat for 25 minutes or until rhubarb is tender, Stir in sweetener and orange rind. Serve chilled. Makes about 8 servings. COMPOTE PIE ' i pineapple (in wedge-shaped piece) 2 oranges, sectioned 1 grapefruit, sectioned 1 tangerine, sectioned Fresh cranberry (to garnish) Peel and slice pineapple wedge, stand slices around rim of a 9 inch pie plate, •Follow with orange sections arranged in a circle. Then arrange a circle of grapefruit sections, then one of tangerine sections. Garnish the centre of the pie with one fresh cranberry. Chill well. Makes 6 servings. 14-16 lb. Hayter Turkey Ranch Locally Grown Oven Ready Fresh Killed CELECLAM BROTH ROAST TURKEY CAULIFLOWER WITH PIMIENTO SAUCE GLAZED CARROTS SPINACH-CUCUMBER SALAD RHUBARB RELISH . COMPOTE PIE COFFEE or TEA ROAST TURKEY Roast the turkey uncovered in a slow oven 300 degree F. until tender, allowing 25 minutes a pound for larger turkey. Baste it every half hour or so with diced unlimited vegetables cooked in seasoned water. (Celery, green pepper and mushrooms seasoned with salt, pepper and onion powder - make a good baste.) CAULIFLOWER WITH PIMIENTO SAUCE Cook whole head of cauliflower in 1 inch of boiling, salted water for 20 minutes or until tender. Serve with pimento sauce. Pimiento Sauce 2 4-ounce cans whole pimientos, drained 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Mash pimientos in blender (or put through food mill). Add lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce. Makes about 3 4 cup sauce. GLAZED CARROTS I., teaspoon cinnamon m teaspoon allspice 1 " cup low-calorie orange soda pop 2 17-ounce cans carrot logs, drained Add cinnamon and allspice to soda pop. Pour over carrots in pan. Cook covered over low heat for 15 minutes or until carrots are heated throughout. Makes about 8 four ounce servings. SPINACH-CUCUMBER SALAD 10 spinach leaves 2 cucumbers, sliced fl urkey Hens e4 Also Heavy Toms over 20 lbs. 45fi lb. Fresh Fresh Grade A Roasting Chickens 5-1b. average Grade A 6-9 lb. lb. 59 0 Turkey Broilers lb 47 0 Meet your neighbour Pretty, petite, with blond hair and green eyes, Valerie Goodwin lives in the Darling Apartments with her husband Leslie, who is an engineer with Bell Areospace. They left England four years ago and both worked for Canadair, in Montreal, Mrs. Goodwin being employed in the Industrial Engineering Depart- ment as a statisical clerk. She is hoping to eventually find work in Exeter but in the meantime she is busying herself making bread and other home Coleman's Epicure Bacon ,,t. 590 Vac Pack Fresh Ground Beef . 59t Schneider's Blue Ribbon Bologna lb. 59t ,,890 Correction Sorry but an important ingredient (the baking powder) was omitted from the Champion Cook, Mrs. Martha Weigand's prize winning Banana Cake last week. To avoid confusing you we are giving the full recipe again this week so that you may clip it or add to your recipe files. We sincerely hope you were not inconvenienced in any way. Banana Cake 1 2 cup butter 1 cup white sugar 2 eggs 3 tbsp. milk 1 cup mashed banana with 1 tsp soda dissolved in it 1 4 tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla tsp, baking powder 1,2 cup pastry flour Cream the butter and sugar, add eggs and milk and mashed banana, salt and vanilla. Add baking powder sifted with the flour. Bake in 350-degree oven, When the cake springs back when touched it's done. Is Ready to Eat Boneless Coleman's Dinner Hams Swift's Premium Butterball Turkeys Also Available Give Us Your Order For Fowl We'll Do Our Best To Fill Your Needs 14 oz. Stokelys Cream Corn 3 /690 330 35c each 3/$1 290 19t 2 /85 4:49 10 oz, Shredded Wheat Libbys Fancy Fruit-Cocktail 14 oz: 14 oz. 7% oz. 48 oz. Stokelys Peas Honey Pod Clover Leaf Cohoe 5 /$1 550 2 /60 2/27 3/69 930 5,50 1.21 .11INIMIONNIMINNIMINNIVON IM1110111! Salmon Libbys Fancy Tomato Juice Campbell's Tomato SOUP 10 oz. tin Stokelys Piumpkin Libbys Pumpkin Libbys Deep Brown Beans Coleman's Smoked Picnics Vanish We've Got It! 28 oz. tin 14 oz. tin 28 oz. 1% lb. tin each The New Optional "3-PRINT" Developing Service For Your 126 COLOR PRINT FILM 3 lb. cannister Del Monte Kernel Corn Fancy 14 oz. Giant Tide Cash & Carry Promotion White Swan Towels white or coloured Fluffo Shortening VALERIE GOODWIN baking and preserving jams arid jellies, Valerie says she reads "anything and everything," likes to sew and knit and go 'camping with her husband, The Goodwins also enjoy skiing, but, with the scarcity of hills in this area, may have to take up cross-country skiing this corning winter. Asked if Canada had offered any sdrprises, Valerie answered, "The lack of red-coated Moun- ties, which we expected to see all over the place. We also didn't realize the country was so huge and expected to see the Rookie Mountains right away." They came to Canada because they found England "a bit cramped . , you can never get out of the sight of civilization." Life in Canada is easier with a higher standard of living and the Goodwins say they enjoy it very much, Toilet Bowl Cleaner 34 oz. 49 36c doz. 3 doz. 1 Grade A Medium EGGS 5 HUNTLEY'S DRUG STORE EXETER 235.1010 Open -Friday Nights Until Nine