HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-11-3, Page 2• .t 11 , 'paha stairs. Z1,000604 Tie email enurnotaily recrossed, while that of Eng- Tao Norttootru Gravel Road 1 anioang the more intelligeout of the *Socking parted, and Gra/MAO hae DO longer its claret - should co.ne to posa oar pooseseion of the 1 "Pu7 Tithe m., era of thin COUllty are fool- ee tn.. fiditer at WS !lee: - Auld Scotia. -- aud middle elusive a growing taste aud dr cal notoriety. What ia true el notions, tot elm thud' the lUt0111154, ler the pati, nt huld •ould he diamoished. If gest et ent oaring they and gives 4itui, remarking sire fur pore( air and more oonsbirtable I true of eines -It is true of PlAehataa ! A ib,,t be hit., eiteA, cei.e„,,ei,t)ii I West India lidardis would really be thou tett enough not to vote for the puiehue of . tilanow October 1876. 1150411114. hti thews nas.see conspire, , to no- few evenings ago this inn was a moue of wmesetteretteimeoseemtitever Neffiewee•lewe ee...the „.,.„. room ,."&":"triertii At, 1V.,11. IK1,P441,10Au B1 CORkted 447 1 eacalisuitent unusual tu the . .1005. the AneWrathe PerettOadeet•IMItliellua .. . „ .e4,....4„.aertreangeao. mole, of I ufference by the United Statue. We Gall r- - . . '. . , ,. . rioted 'to ite OWN ilaIrsil*His Them ill mull a sonaiderable to synch from which it has not yet 'abatis --,„.. 2tre011'-":1"- dellt0AlaSZWo1MX411, LereC'' Ille h per ist diet essay woe 104..,1143411111,1161Libtk. sear Jou settimeintu auen uniticund, onitleitteAlditaf. - .Z.M.ss -hollitteemitte•iseedes-ae...L... rnaladh...- rattatteut.:4-...tt.ttabit,7.4h41...lai i :ytiktpaliotit,,,-„to vb,gbdmotig rarm, " lrotlibe•The I ..nent.a.. - is the future, withoreepeet ..-ehances of a war would not Le &lomat tm, ., , -r:" , - , - ,-, , mi • whom it watches will in ge -Immo sie ',attars' inefrealle uf poplattatiour and the been able to learn were "big Rom," 'Joe' . wiii uoteroorate very Innen in WIL1110. 1010 4,11=1-.,,title.11,7,#),-,I.,-.41,tr,,rihmtlrv. rt„tpjfirt_ , ., ....#,A,-177.tr-i7tr*cd-Tctaht.frrt:141.•" ,- - g re * • 3.*f.r.14-4151ttrk 71( leV417341Iittitt,,, i. /Yak', Tpi, , t'Plitt .„ , . • 47,711001%M.:..1774.11‘71;V•194:"0-!....Cr...1"71PrVr 4'77* heave' or ralstio opinion du ibis-- plum. ii.vorittn4 ititutAnaAjoion,„.....440,,, tuuni,..itniillialto,i,loatd,fipi,r,ttre,..s.t.o,f_thocoulatt; t-arliMlo.'• ' "'''"'i f.Suuift'indro i jai...in:" ti,,t • Osseo -iss thsteewelleotioesse,4.1aienor-Asok-.4.• .:54.44.tott to tr,,,et moro lolly .1 this iii sey s 'forty rod' pole. As soon as th• minims ut sonvg• 4,.) 11III SIVII," " s`anstraisratinur-iinww rineatireer trietures nto treqpentry en.. Areas -Min trickliciatelf y -tits .iterteljteu'l tt teas. T. - aiii'en--4-44 -me' i , v thou 1 trust a few tortes about Glasgow next letter when 1 111CAll 10 give you • began in the bar 'dos' exclaimed 'ehistla t Mr• II wtkerlie i*egalwed Ina "Al 811"‘ itIllean‘triiegtlistilnsalaatiore"isouf "l7ide.totvc1 IZIlret;:l for improvement* to all, but uo summit . may not pru% e untuterestiug. sketch of our gnu; City Improvement boys besthall, we must keep a quieterhonato hlr. Blake oh livered au a 1..quent mildews oe. , .i , ' , c . . , el el •4151TO 4,..1 Pi, osa oi prestige; -- - Circuit Judge to au Etiglieh Meyor. "Yes reVeutly opened., tVe have now three of general. I understand that 'big Rosa' hied mut prolouged applause.) Aolsr413.111.41114.1 In:11114i of deli:tier:edam' ita one section!. "Tours isa very ancient City," said • scheme. I have munitioned a new Park Ethan tbis I' But no, the row Goon become Ooderioh Town Council. would there bc ier fatal loss of stromila, isty 1,44," replied the "mayor, (slightly thew, the Qt111.CU'll on the South, Kelvin• fainted and after she reooiered front the - , w hich, moony( nations, depends so le liCh oio The C 'tincil met, ,,,, Friday, 2.th ()ego- perturbed by hiroroxiiiiity to the repreiten- ' grove on the West and the Aleasiadra on swoon, she mounted the stair -case, and be presti„oe eel . haraeter-in IlIcIt a pi loomed be P • ta.,ive of E,s4lislo la v mid justimid "it was the North, while uhl Glasgow green still becoming the 'hew of seven bottles' she avowal that we are 110 touger alslu to re- 0 11 • • tl 1 .r &ways ao ! ' (Aragon WWI nut awl's, tnd Maintains Its oriental esteems mem dirobite uttered the first @tory. She then declared tam our le iontaiions 11 'floe Boer°, Colin:Alborg Pasinore, Howell, is nut yet a very /umlaut city. Sho is -a blaiusuu sleeping bait still with its that d her husband wu half as good • a•c'.tt nee .1110 le p11011101paa opt i c. eite ;" Wateen, Seymour, °evildoer, McKay, imieger than some of her nearest neigh. giant arms keeping off the Philistine man asi oho was, they woad rid the house. awl if we cwild nteke itp mir minds to let Itunninian end Clifford„ Thu minutes of bount,triat somehow or ether btu* has made armies uf femme eitinineye and belching i hlomutime Joe gas buoy below, and after --- - _e C*Ilada X.. the etlort reanired at a later far furnaces which beleaguer it. These parks eaitneseiug ',me preeateg appliances he en- Auvon ,,signal.. annoutti of A,,,,,,.,,,,e, e,ead .4, c4,,,i4,„„. Oa. A comments:titian ea, road from the 'Piety I,ttle. England &Mild then (luau% er, lion. Mr. Lingovin, blinietur -of Pulite: , -17`,:"..",,T, kk ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ,,,,i.,,,•):: " .,,,, ta stall yuutig anal shows no appeari= 71.1,70% PrThus inp"iruto "'Is 11=YoZniliellieilrereillAtiont ettx°itiugwinate tailino"lhlueftrak Itoh.111!oetinta'inf7e4aiwroat Ishtee f toning laat ina7cting were fte.ji Apt,e,„,,,t end two. better tied of her .upprrrthuities period to give op the West Indits at the are mutat blessiuge to the "community and quires' 'who's lathering aue behied 1' In en tie, late, that 4 the noiiitoototi eat Werke. thenking the town for the hmeir Cat ada it now • inceuiv.nielit,' the itt,,r. intended, in extending to him an invite,- ut nearing maturity. She still grows, and formed 5.00.yeavra, ago nerare,...rutitili,ohvee,i:t.re of foiri.,&(.3tiedone,riglia; closteliy, iiiient, bays pae...,1:11. sup -f 'OODEE ICH, .111-0A. .3rd 10J. pc,rotmit sift that great .coluny With our torn to breakfast during lius tete visit to titulary year ovith appftrently greater eigour. the city no, progress of building has this year busu in the caric.chest-for the free &atom o its r ..................,..........---...................,,,,,,,,,........................„, only al ultimo rivet, ehttai t,„ no ,et tria Gielerich, which lie would have had 11111C11 1111E11141M., miles id MOW atreet• hate been heart and lungs. Four or five am .11 parks I /"Ilrt! N ti voes.teg,...rree.s,v/mioth4i.tut,teelliiii,en,idwiloirreuctint; - ______ ,„th, 1„,,,,ia,., „/,,,,t.u.,tivv, ,„,,,,td t.., p,.„ pleasure in accepting, but the press of i .1 .a/.5 old, and Will.; %bile, 1. the better or play grounds -together equal Won. of he rettintoel and took formal pausession of I thicti.e of cei4e.inencee that eitAs 1, businese being EINJICS DEPOliETH• of ouch a nature that pre- liocalitiee, terraces, crescents and detached inn nett 011.8 -ata pieced in .uur meat the establishment again. fly now more - charaigerieed by a term ‘,1 graver import ' .11111.41 Mot from 11.0.10:111.1 al- thm 111".. eine, are rapidly biting upandadorteaur the densely populated centres would have dome fully behoves in the troth 4 41 Ill! ',ironer but hoped to avail hiumelf of their kind - All theingli the article, there appears a suburbs. Nor ta thus tuerease confined to more to preserve life and health than all Inman' 'begorra it takes a Altrung emu tu nem at it future time not far distant. tote or two localitira. luf a long 'Luise, three Call note acomenplish, placed iehore keep boar.' -COM. praise word y attempt to maattr the sites- Petition of 0 re. Amp* Freser ( Widow) i , _ oast many of mar C1111111, OI well iii coupe. th•y Ant. They 1411liewever benne. more lion, and if more of this desire were es- asking to bo relieved frau the payment, of ph; Ailaaw,,,, showed a ateot,g predilection ceutral by and bye and our posterity may hileted, in relation to colonial affairs, by 4.0few•eanJs t utterly arethe limiest etectors It.,,....t,ori,,f_ thr r.oviect,71 tt,(1,7 7:ialho,“nr ;1:•;fielarethirn:4;:tel.lt,Y,474,..11•T,C;e1,11'1"ttit:::•tie:p'r11:1;‘,", tor the 'rest, and her march ass to the thou bless the wisdom and liberality of . ten whom lie woe foisted hy ttio toiroia4, of 11.0:iigittrryt„htarire, i.ilt.elsprra.,tia.int I "1."" l'cial"n be gra"Ral• Pent"'" et the smith. but now like a heAltlis well other grOwing Conadian towns will take • John 11 liatehiek for remismon of ,T.axes petting siiii. 'Ellen for a elide she tried their ancestors. l -haps Goderich anal lesson iu tUne and preserve sufficient w.is grented. The Petition uf Thomas ./..eteed fiewer, she la spreading out pretty equally all d. To give some idea of breathing 11144045 where it is moat required, what is going on, I *hall describe a some- in the very eontres of milliacipal vitality. Yours, etze. ' what irregular circle rJUII41 the city oath MONAD MrSIUNG11. In 'Millar ifiect awl be woo !elbowed by wale Mille, McKellar 'lid Miley:I. lee meeting sherd with three cheers for Queen and three touoiug cleers fur hirers 51sekei tio an 1 Blake awl ller .11,1 jer tie loysi Opteeilion. 14,r Frencie appear% d before his about- •tuents Renfrew, en Thunniay last, and attempted to jestify his record in • speech ...1 three houra' Jur ition. Su lame was his tlY"i's from the false conoptiblei voters by g, ei DI Monty, incvnowy of .44.C.1111041 utilitarian legielators. eilisg toted with their mis-reeresentative, th it not a %ode", wa.s raised to ioropcme the An Insult to the Fermero of On - .16413.1 formal vote of Ili in'.s. --The bril- tart°, int •• doomder" ha, • LA very The London Frenima Herold gets off the much like • whipped cur mid waist be exeuseal if ei. 'with ea appropriate droopiim tad. - di was prepared, uf course, he 'meetly ameversted, to 'Nevin " Gooey act of •,lio Govohninent from the -North West queettiin to the Betaking ;policy. ' fArlioary gratitiado demanded sct his 11.M.I11, after John A. lied plat the country to the ex .peouse -4 be vin.; out nankin Anil (teetered .thet, th oikh he hut been asleep to the progreis of the oeintry for 15 yeerathe re was et0 one but "the Rio V.111 Winkle of Cede Use re itice"a oriole by looy nau aliened te borrow money at all bands to make up for deficient revenue. He is Nate annoyed thmt Mr. Stackensle doos net Mte coelitions, metepeoes nemberlesta up.lrimil an heieres ror mined in view gigantic objects. To draw the c on - elusion that tbe present despicable, small- sonled "Patent Comainstien" to keep of tke Dominion parse arrange and durep.the purse replenished by Rny mean.). :a.od at all hazards, fau the purple al des- troying the ludepondinice aif Par- liament by bribery - that this C.onitination could- be justified by any /wituber .1 51101.'0'4es, Teas asking toi, imuch credility from his long sefferine constithente. It is very &trance the dif- ference of kiniuti among the CArtier- 'Nlutloaald ',flowing, as ti whe.ther a Gotha ion of par, ies lioCII net exist. A London evening corsets, fed at the public crih, Boys there us no such thing. Other agthontwe rich as Sendtield and Meek* (who have still the audacity to call them- .....toriams Hob _erwerti) sol_lsortcles rritiff rather amok the Meet mt has. roma logic on its side. There is no siieh thing at reno-party' dodge .is exploded. The present tleveniment mimitigetedly w.rnipt and obet receive mid •the referiners ot the country intend to treat them to' such. Minato has the impertinenee tel call the loyal iippositi on of Canada, an "Otitario fie- •tii.n." Ile doe, not deny that everything .ie under the "dictatiim of Sir Geurge starrier" but, says he with much naivete, "We are not shoen any subetitute for %bite." We rather think mi excellent nth- atituta has a red on the scene Rwl it la • ineke the 'Oat it to ion. klincls's Inter- - colonial confession is Oh amusing eorrobof- ation of the charge that Sir Illeorge CArtier is bith head and tail 44 the Dimon ion got - eminent. Ile (Hincke) was in favor of the Southern near:Mit die (Cartier) was in f LI or of the Northern ; therefore &inch be- ing his Wart ier's)yopiition, he sit seeko, hesitate in accepting the proffered services of Mr Mackenzie as is suisitititte thoae of gentleman mach 1110T/3 bight,' gifted by nature, having a mind niore enrielled and strengthened by culture, and prepered to grapple with the clitheitIttue of states- nitashin, by the experience, of a quette& of a oentogy.”Ifreverencefurhisereator,nucere conneteirmiu religion,•indponsialciairtesy anti oonahlerati ''' for Ins fellow men are gentlemanly quoliticatiens, then Ale xen- der Alackenne is a getItiOillall Id gentle- men, and infinitely siaperior VI the coarse and irreverent Saudtichl Aludoneld. good neturel gifts, well trained by self- ealuoist strong common au use, an ea, le est oppmeiatniti of the manta -a llistecuute inplarchastable Integra y,anil pow ?if 1 n dna ehetuence are prefemne io a Mat el- itism to the shifting and shift leen cethistrier (4 a legal mind tine/Waited by honesty, then Alexander Mackenzie,es • etaleentip, is infinitely 'superior 10 corrupt (Kilt - noel trimmer, rectitlfield Macdonald. Mr. 61ackeettua as a "nun .4 the people," se admireule speeinien of theintelligent, self- edunited yo,.inen O.1 the country, and e hoover 51/403ra at him would fain keep the clear-lieaded mid elou-reasening fernier. of Outario in perpetual iassalage. 4.10ntout to bz in Opposition. Th• London Etvoih4 fferold,_ %Inch sent • Mr Hamilton Hunter to roue a meat and if possible break lap the groat Reform haa ths andatigey,„‘to say a Messrs Mackenzie and Blake-*."ther greetest grieve..., or •Il being that thtre tuen thr not themselves hold the offices which the min %horn they comi& hero to coalmen moat provekiligly ...secure ;" and seeks to emphasise the talso insinuation by the use of italics. Everybody knows that if Mr. Mackenzie bed been stilling te betrity his principles and barter hie honor, he Vella ere this have been reposing un- der the *mg of Sir. 4deorge Cartier. If the reformers iof Lau Domini. on do not send liberal representatives aweigh to the • e party a majority, we 11Tel COIllettl that [may should ..ccupy the moue honor able trainee on the opposition benches.. they here wow dune fin- several years. And if the refertuers of Ontario cannot send a malority ta the Local Mese. wee ssy of ie.. also that eat should prefer to ste- t etu continue in lion:Table .opt, month after hunting', round for erguniehr, r on than secrifice pureparty get ernment 5n.ls that a good deal woold sa I thiow iu sties lot with the present wild in favor of the N 'Ohio n n,ute. Gareer, the 11011-veet her, wants to run ill the onto - site' direction 10 what the rest -of the flock desires to pinto% and straighway Teich mouton follow.* hint and leaps over Ihe fence, formerly shied at, exactly in the sled aloe:. C.1111 14 pinipwl. Sir Francis' great hope is that John A.'s health is now wrest sod "his intellect u keen a* ever." We al restored health, nor • p. in the fulminietration of a men se, Anpple of conscience. did aa willing to be led hy the nose by Sir George Cartier. As Sir French' Hinek'm attempt hi justify 'his course was not reeponded to by a sin- gle cheer, a single expreseion of thmika .ir .confidence, ha his own conalithency, so will it he with tha utterances of Ins mouljutore, threughout the country. 'Blackwood'. on the Colonial ftfece. eorrupt nanietry. A clean record is the only importaut cons.derittion to the party 0` progress and we (:eiy that M.A14111 Kitimat and Blake are seeking eoffice in tl,eir present °rimed. to the mimeo., awl "shirt collar" regime. If they were in quest of "pialungs and stralings" they moililpunine the very opposite course and, that flumes weathercock, the Linnet' PIM f'resi begin to "rattle ionising of aya. In the Field -and on to Victory. -- The Star mildly stooges% that the Re- formers are "alreely in the lield.'"Ihts is uniastial ilecarimination un the parte( our eiontempolary. Ile ix quite right. when he signalled the tug. The Tug nook off the I Kelainare "'Jilin.° au'll)""4"1"11 Anhnrhe niteitte. 'rho tug however was fortunate.. Puedlitg. g„ e„,,,,„5,ery of very modern growth, still rapidly 'a- ssays •Nlr Mckeneie is ilie only emu tit to crew, expecting the 'target" ly able with great exert'ins to brang her Tha new University Fluildinge hold office in the Doiiiinimi Parliameet and Mr Make in the LOCAI House." Nor intil Gioderich. Another vessel loaded in this locality have given a great impottis do we xlispute Ins conclusion that the re- with barley has gone "Lahore at l'ort to house And shop building. flillhead woe termer' of Heron " have Indy te !molt at Elgin constituted a borough about 2 year,' agobia t In Blackwood, for OeUber,ese we already the record id the put teu veers and ger it SW** meant,' obsorb soon. Northward .eatioi, there iv an onttp.ken end ioneible Who are the most trues worthy to hold id. TOW'M DRAINAGE.- We WOeld direct fere , still, the Botanic Harder. has quite lost ire • article on "Canada, the Fenian Raid anal /ice.' The Star fr an I character and to now otimiunded by • the 0.1oilial Office." There is nothing in I streets and teeraces. Behind it on the his velertiel 'abut:on attention in the tenders advertioed for; hex apparently more lig!it than se I Oilleall. Rini •to see that the matter le meting. ' Eelyin • large estate hail retootlY changed .it specially new to um, I et it in importent bdierr we Are net far wrong in soling the at the feir ludy who wrote the po w with Pettey itteDien 4.- We can only guess hands and is beinzbilalt Iiiii.n,two splendid Ile annimuces that, h.r Om county " we tee aeon& heading. The •ititionnet 4 ao bridges having beet: orectred ticoeirine eNio,m,;, . as indicating that the heart of • greut pet candidates have actliallv been chosen.", e t • on the Colonial coalition. tr. Can easiily triltondightion soft4.e..eteemeaweeroomesee-ee COIK1 tnet Ill eateurt. but reiterate it , IgnndnietlIke"; 9Ctl.cee-wee7111:sre thee Inv.' 1 We are in the clerk in this respect. Who, ___, , .• (dun of the British people atill beats right r'ff 76110 tro the Penny .11,..a,linge one and ;row the reesalite of romance to tb!,se el • see that the decadence of Great Britoil, "C:aw ma and Pli Olaw Thee.' all. Tho ner serles to on Friday rTrIt. every day life. Three ftyl..an menet; of will commence avith the first act of the -. many • It hispered Inrst v04.10,51 no longer. rim oppoeition prces is making loud de. ing 4,h in10., at 7.30 p m, legisleture haring for Its object the cutting Ex Pease Waggsn.-Mesara W. dz J. Key The domestto tearth and cupboard have, adrift of "Greater Britain" --as A talented 11111,0 lied a handsome light waggon con- aa in the natural order of greets they mends for the Liberal pekoe. l'ho recent .linaretwor of ilt• premed olay him fetietile otherwise. et bake and Maekensi• _should strueted foe their himinees as &grate a the Ihtal'oi,tiken the place of Cupid's alta: and it J Whitely, who ib•serves the highest shrine. May love still hum% those scenes . end America -said we are pleased to see private for the excellence of the work which 01 fernier joys m•nglingiM nrystis motto Dimly named the British Celunies in Asia satisfy them in this reaped. Ws don't American Express C.o. Thr tviihrt..r te at I, T. ry but high -seethed Mops hulling find Policy, for we understand it thoronghlY. he turns out. dies end dreamy delights with the more resod to ash for Stndliell Al••donahl's When Hamilton wanted the Ihnif and suhstantial comforts of domestic, life. COW • •xpressing thi. conviction. The Imperial Cvmeroevor. -Thie Comet has been tit- tinuing the circle, between the Kelvin and wish you ante ocet it 1 1 kn ow • trick worth Lordahip, Chancellor floregge. We shell Maryhill very er :Aware military barracks two of throwing crumbs to a city that re. ere bnilaling arot of course noauy houses duty ot defending Caun'in 0 tlel'irously Daiinb'w As) lion he "Aid 1 "Don't you ting here, Rinse M eilneeday, bef, re Hie taints a liberal representative." The Other 111.1110. and shops in their .vicinity. Merybill is puiuted out, thus :- no what &mashie grounds Canada Call be day at Belleville he said in effect "'tutorials thus all Mit eounested with the city, and "Wo confess our inability to devotee etre a summary.of the ease. iry our next beyond it on the Northwest, Springbern is ti.ms 44 which the ohjoet in altogether ini- mew something et elle honals. Rtiek to iis in the satne coodition. In that quarter • called 111100 10 ',rondo the coet of furnace- to A gOoft .14 CollACTVAilVeC0111111.y 111141 41e.- QUIT1t A .Csarts .-Thts new reoidenee several large new works hav• been erected of W 51 Savage, Esq., as it takes form and perial ; awl we hold that England would and we will &tick to yam." 'fhat'e thepolicy RS a neer-nary con character, glees premise of bewg an ele- and dwelling holums . tacked, by tke empl.,yment .1 au English supporter" At all hosorde with the pc,,ple *• sequence. More to the.east . hmt., nee, be beard to defend Canada fLowtly, if at- of the present government -to purehase gant 'demeans, and an ornament to the park eas opened this summer on the hinds sla declines to anyone any responsibility (i.-fx on the grim/ principle of ',ch„,,,,... machinery in almost resole for 'York and 411.1!. 11/601 greatly embelished a hitherto, 11 1W1.111T.P1 14111;T 4 Witki.. -The boring Dolt° !erect the fine na is/whorl& o emus - of Kenitylnil, and near it on the line"( toe Oar. army am Canadian soil, tom' theugh Cana- money. And vet this inao who ales% s beyond the equipment and training of her and l'11 elaw thee. •iii throwing hiafavonito will be tried thie week. Aleurs. Bigelow rather drearv locality. 40,010 etcellent volunteer milina--aduree which, in preportiou to the weelth sod Joni...it-ranee' has the bra. Torret.trudihamnot14 • strike en Monday. We hens they Rill & liewell, the contraatoro, expect to make • it a:roiletioried the two reentries reapeetIve- preark "no-partyiont." Whet, his "opium- 1 have now cterreel yea pretty nearly ly, to mach 'argue then the Kiirlialt scaly sort WWI before Hastings and hate to Ilk.- Yol./en Pass' Cwasertay -Aaancircrox. roundthe city and sket, had more rapolly to pull up his saintly h have good leek. *ad militia, and even exceed" thot tinny anent for their sit,:port of A government We had very great pleasure in being pros- than 1 wonld have wished, het perhaps Um different .aritli all its reaerves taken together." that treated with th toe billy for your columns, veer IC e ,. e Salt as re lines tif advaneement. 1 have port...sooty • Mt Rev. E. L. Elwood delieered an warmed to the aim le fact of ex Latium alaaktka. ........,,...*. ".....-.........M.',,,,,,;,,.,-e-... Graaf& luinteres 'erten'', indulged in by ontaapoto. pr eluded it or the tenet* we the lids -one II tttery (A Gen. '. Awed" in • menace whielt they do not of the iwelieneeerracluslly impreving. The c•n••• which hwy. '' ILitish jenrneki, into nnt !nastier at Ifttettiss Nentrod• of the Silk," oonchood in very grao•efnl ehareetse ef the extension going on. to eke senora at the toile Meg adopted, find --ea, thews 1 may Merin • (entre letuor, reran - and impressive lecture on the "Wonders elaadjoir,rre tititipA trx.vs., 4 jmuu In an &miming artiela, with Aloe above Kr. 1,1100•Waupa‘ e osinektr,,,i,,,,,_,,,,,,i, pull th.e. ,esternoion of budding in..oett. • time I may cowhide with *few petters' mad eloquent language. Mrs. Simms and, nonorke eogyeeted by at7 rap area?. wry IN*. ki tbr " .-...'' ''..b . .. ...444 . arrrA.14.16;&t nigli Iiii t V . it 0,0* -40. en. Avertiimlitite:',ffitith... ihataariiipnrp.g*. we emn„,,j1,..... the t•• kfaeslonaltis as bestridIng nne lag in his lieu& p ement and defrost/mire tag %in 1111 Tall aath'fix"" 6'11747"11 Creat'Briteinseauminnelat ion to t h • p.8. te s4 dullness of trade hie.. itiral horee ; John 5. behind John A style Smell meetings deserve bargee midi. th t ‘•11.1aek enrol" duct, that disconneetion with itel The hitter bin never be the etwatiality thisifear.thatkpeer unfortunem seinotal the 4 !44Fort5" w" :51: : 'UV Zicri°V.i;tArdt blhtrallsAllSqY ine""'" 01 P""lis"1" Pe" hihn" t. 'n been eery yestealent few wow* year*. W,. Th., ideation is even more aligned than enema. while the loyal nine -tenths of the A hui.;. r h no In tedhanotbree ewe:este. M. 1', quietly atteneina to his host. creaeing of eannfne m nit nit ItneraVIIT •Infer • ems:emending , powdetton mos sass their stersag right "moot headline the ribbons ; John A. with adds. inuild sotto to in nem, none the worse of his London skir. that the 1""tew b8lkii.8 rams tio : tlefrootkoe, . Mt( /pa, - 110114arial.,..frOS/1.4tetanotta .r. res. 4.P.."16.1P:•`•0.7S.tqW...--'t-P".21110:_4 4'($415"'4'44441421,, .44-4,1.003,004.,,o.t!'.. tiiiit:. .. , . ., . _ 1,...,. of bit. **n woe .4,st•d 0* rwi '','" I ,. •I • . s "4.1144-•.`'..., f -. aoara * -t • • inilieue. Strfaawell sanitary inedluirea • • - n'"r11 u nuns 'two-, l' 't5.-" • „ ll....„,•,,,ele,_'e •?..e,_- reet. - o- • ....,a,.., Meedooelo e „,„„,,,, der.rot. , le tineakillisetr as ,'mar ---Tamiiitistrieting sot tb. Asa Andreae. Stephen Andreae and 04).414C. Ililtoti, Betchers SIP.% ing that they 'kite purchased ground from Mr. Robert Willem oe which they etre about to cruet a , • r•diue of easy from 2 to 3 miles from ite Slaughter House and pray ing t hat a certain contre,plusing thnoigh er near mcat of our piece of road on the boalailary conneeting rinearal stalrerlie. St at wig un the sont h therewith 1111Iy be graded and grevelleti an tank uf the Clyde, fr.im near Rutherglen order that they may have 41,CCOSS thereto. sotathwArd along the hue of the Cathkin- hale to lautgaidearidCatlicort many houses 1Nt..,:\lii'irdei.,,,,P°1tilirti°11.,",,ro441'.,Na„'...1-•::::i.ki3 aolnidiAh.. hays recently been beilt. 'the river -ward Square and Coliseum street and asking p.,_alion of this thstri A us chaetly "copied such renitineratiou fr 41.4 the Contact'', as ta oy Rectories Laid factory workers and al generally &hosed. Referred to kois4 and suanufocturing ball n,,t been brisk fur some Budge Committee. Aciamait of Robanuon year*, the exteution here though consulta- n t .1 Howe!! all 00 or !wed to h. p,ttd, able has not been proportionally large Account of M. C. Cameron for 4161.31 and Above thie Is siniiiingdistnct aud the poor Mrs Harry Heed 65 00 referred to Finance mineeadwelliiig ....sr makes •gpwilacieeis , feat ere in the lendscape * hilt lifF*, irkshop il•-:; '' a''',.",:it17iii-edP:ittierii;;::‘,','Inl::::"`f,i,•r1 reM:-:,..1.),•"rii: ie not seen lit all. Still in this quarter (erred to the Mayor and Mauls Watson many reef, of 110W. Cot 1 /NM alli./111 great un - and MeKay, protemeoll, looking like palaces Iscside the The Connell then went into theqnestine hotels of a bygone age some of whieh snit ruaimu I1S tnemertoe• of former niusery. of the M•in Seher when Mr •Weatherell Southward "till, numerous snug cottages Ming pereent was r. quested la read -tit, :atervithui 1.4T tho beiter-eiarse-snied :. epeiticatioos e hich he hed preplred landscape, the outpost., id Rolvencing lee-. When it was resolved that the su:n of .2.1 b11111-ta"""- Here 41" a Palattal """i"" ['mecca be deducted front the eontraeror• 1..taa loem, isreeted as an aa.iliiiit for t „,,d e,,a,,,,,,/ by tiui corporation as noottrity pulinue..*.egotrLii.iirieb it:tell:Lag:1i ta).1,,e,o,nwiiifi,et atihtiel Mr -the due fulalinent ef the con•rect, alal paid "aid contractor on certificate 01 the 0.1 menu 10 -years ago, a moderately aged Queim's Park. Since thet Park was "pen - Engineer that the unrk is completed ac- town hes &VON{ up mound it, chiefly on eurding to said contract ; also that notice. City side, and now the new :When, and created smile dissatutaction. It .will he inuerte.1 in the TOM, papule asking for the ntoe have become ono. Thais Glasgow Widens to emistruet Said MMn Sewer, is alteeily grasiong the held where gioneil mew tm roerfeetly understood in future and comminc:ng •t the loot ol Waterloo St. at Mary hat her crown and kiarying the 110:111- IS 011IS pl. anal right. The Directors also the River Maitland, thence Rhino the ones (acted atrde in the mauve -sits (if ruled Diet ploughitig Ran !unshed ellen IVect side or %Voodoo St. until the same peaceful industry. To idle Suuth-a est we the sod was &Jimmy.' under. A great Mall, intersects with the north Ride of El•in St. are preemag herd on Ceossitiyloof and were thrown out on acomint or nut being Pollokshaws(Strathlump. and Pellekshrels done when the utile was Hp. The style"( until the iuteisectioe of the Ent kilo of being atom ly e iitr teed) while „tt the work was,•in the first class, excellent in South St. Tenders to be no, Med to the whele spassoolutstetio these places and the all cases CM the swore' class .poine good and others only indifferent ; wit! -in the Town Clerk up till noon on the firlt day Clyde caeseway cal arreet• are taking the of December next. The Cu*ocil does ',lace ot "Corti riggs; and tenements and boys' class middling, the irilifferent nature itilkiotiatie.,11.,,,tha-3-mii,est _, Lateesaga...apapons_aapInfl stomaheontaar:in AaaaaboaikaaMkbad Oa. reflf-fidlinnml: f.."' "" any tender. Plans and specifieatimesant; turnip and "tattoo.' fields. I moat here Mut List edema. to makes% en pusable stork. pause to hotter one of the newt brilliant 4-11114. bort .."12' 5e0 were hniulted *In" be seen at the office of W. "time" was called ; but the Directors in - Mayor, on and eller 5th Noventhernezi. 'r• MP; i'..14•, •,,,,t• in the hstory of our cortionstion 11140 that 100 poster.. be ptinted mid large ellinelimone is just completed, and uf the youth, after giving the 1st and 21id I.i Dna locality • new gasometer of terry 'riveted the Pidges,for the encouragement circulated. Adjourned. this being the first work of importance prizes to those who joined them, to due mnilertaken by the cite/ea-anon since they trrilmiteoffuthffefurum.na111,:oung 1.,t-isea &Multi/ lila WOW n if lab. became gag manufacturer& pro bOnck pliAlie0 .,theirs in this clue, according to merit. the et cut eas celebrated by a spree. The Magistrate., l'onmellors and their 1 i i •nds PRIZE LIST. to the window ..1 130 dined together in the Fawn Ctessaillifire. 1st L Correa, Coder. Gasometer it is reported that their ich Township ; 2et James Petterson, Tuck- eastrolleollite ',Wen, were found to be in ersmith ; 3rd James Heebner', /fibbed ; thorosigh working order. If the poet 4th Alex. •Onompson, Stanley. irandiai a eches were slightly ,y.ta :ona,1- e .-/SOOND eL•4I MIS 1st Donald RoSa, • LIICIPCSIOW, From aisle own Correeporefessf. The growth of our village during the past four or five years haa greatly surpassed Gut of minty places which have risen to eminence and opodence, in a short time. But uf course, nothing leas may be expect- asstAin Count!! COronttle. ed front a ilex° possessing good water _ _ „, I privileges', eittleurpoinded by agouti farm- SOuth Huron AiretentIntral eoolety ing n"""trl: There is nothing now re• PLOV0111140 HAWN •T ZIPPY. Thursday last, 27th inst., did not seem topromise fayiwahle weather for the friendly in all important and thriving towns. Rail- way facilities are ail that we requiew-to COIlteat between the plow...buten of the Sot: th pla-ce manufacturers oil a favorattle font- Itidang, but after all tensed out eel!. The i mg for competition with thou of our sur - ground wos scarcely so gout' as eould have !rounding teens. This summer we have erected a newt frame Sane,: house which been desired, but waa.lie best the Direc- tors could secure within the proper limits. 'with the (Ad one, will afford snip!. School Neeny 150uspectaturs assembled to wit- ruoin for yenta to tome. 'No lave also a nem the trash Entries, to the nuniber uf new Methoolst Chive,' awl parsonage in course or and will be finish - 31. were inede as folloWs _edema_ „2_men ed in a alien time. The J..cits:p.AuLiajm is carrot:mg troynnug• only 3d. however, competed. Altogether, • number of souls fur his hire. On Sotunley of last neek, pen...lent to match was the moist succossful of any that urer tmok place in the County. The 0"10c*, • •aa ilmid 1-1,5 house here and a Tenclier's Asaociation qiianitty of hied to be plonghetl by each was fornied. 51r. t'. Clitfe, head moister tees g all acre and the time allowed 5i licre,was e:icted President for the ensiling hour!. The Directors pialtothue:or. dsoltniyrpia: Year, 61 r. Itliddletain, Vice Preen.lent, bringing tee competitors altiamigi. not having been done befure,tiou Mr T )1ke"1-ch."", SecretarY •".1 MT W. McKenzie, Treeaurer. It is to be (Attired but the radaay facilities which are • regerly looked for, at ne distant clav. Then will °M. ior.apeets &inch inenttfactiirers as are employed Tits WL5TH6R unusually love- ly for this season id the year. rbe late storm seems to Ms.& purified the air and it is now bright Red bracing. Novembm seldom r ices 1.4 SII.VISR NrIntael Maori/et. This meet- ing, oil Nhiliday night, WAS very poorly at. seeded foul not very unanimous. A com mauve W AO finally formed to CIMS/111 the .various warda and get the names of such business awn as would agree to take American silverainly at the following rates: -5 mit pieces at 4 cents, 10 emit pieeesat IJ, cents, 25cent pieces at 23 cents, and 50 cent pieces at 46 cents. HALLOWF;EN %vas celebratea on Monday night hy the wicked laiyliood CI elerich, more malice than fen entering into the celebration. ,A hell A 111140,1, are upfet the ditch Anil broken, fences polled down, aide -walks a., bunt:ad-el thtt citizen+ are in danger (if broken li•gs, and planks so arranged in hies, ihiirs ran the party tirst opeimig the (nun the Oen 14110E04n to be brained haat th se not otherwise brillu04, must le reinein tiered that the conteuts of a giutometer might not ho become lionininix lien! die cnarged thou:from. It is believed that there was abundant latent light lady want- ing expreasi '''' ; mid now that the Ii0ge Ives 1.01.* has ritaliateal them over the citxe it te to be hoped that we may fitel oech our worthy represewatit ma 'a hurnin' and a ebonite held. to a' Ohs place ' Resuanaig our circuit. Peuley road which bet re- cently was only a road la I1015 for milea • • built street end bids fair so"n t* be so all the say to the teen id Shawls and Thread, so that the old joke about Paisley beteg • autairb Of Glasgow may mein be a joke no more. lluvan on the kolit h bank of theely de ia slready un to laelig..w; and though it is still- • separate boarish at - it tem ts bete h n Inade and will soon be NAKIION fronl'AP11.-As the TIM .41044sees e4 Detroit was cruising I/Iii nEl the Lek, on Sunday, 30th abont Miles from here, looking out for t vessels that were missing in yesterday's vac, she fell in with the barge Ifarettf 1.1 Da•troit water-logged wing. So nnic e designate trenseluthine Glasgow. Partiek • ea the siver the some condition es Govan. Waitron is herd upon its hannelieson the oast while it is burry mg on Whitainelt on tho west Northward e nd ,..(10.1 with Coal for Chicage; imo, from .Partick rm the west bank of the Jihn g. with 1.: /.1."1.1114 teil igneatha- 1•Ry the jest -Boa 4 Camels with the P.1 amaeleAing ie-otettawhie are ea featra . „iiiiy b,„16 ,,,,,, by do 44",p.o. +.40. t meat be astege isa OW the 7The,darasetes rheite se penebaeirtesa, allatifiese peeve .4 MUST, Wista Le jaaial .243040iebt Oatmeal' oat ettsete na lee forget Bia 11.-mlids p, Irish a twinkle la hive, jocosely remark .1111 • •atif it was from Onto tall, Umbel bore ' bora months' Meededlethilw 4111 doing known as the "South Bruce Teacher's Aumuistien" including Smith Bruce and North Heron. It• place twat einem uf meeting sill be Rlw aye decided on by vide'. The nett meeting will be held in Lock now, Saturdai 26th November in 10 -.clock a. in. invitation ift sixtended to all teachers and others interested al the muse "1 educatmn. - -8ectorM0-21 Ve Ten men of B31- - _ No 5 end 10 men of' God, rich Totenthip lo 7 met •t Ifityfiel 1 on Mon. day 24th in 4, to try there still at target prelim. Atter AlltlIC excellent shontin. by North tesrus, the footing up or tlie selves skewed that No 7 were tile victor. by 3 1 pinta. The competitors and their hien I* Pied at Mr Juoline Hotel and spent a peewit evening together, 37.6.RN A.. a flao. _We asked the Mar for the authority be had,,for seyitig the bead- quertors of Um guitharits Prtnea Atfrel were to be removed from Doden0b. 11a y wing the "change" is I -.-17.714"..17,10Le • :,..o1:1"::.:00,317 ,1; 610b, sot in istie-Pr- We rather think ' toet"41.'r.r•ottg.itna:.‘,.."1"I"-ratie*"*, -ant tiustint*''' by the &peal, was unseaworthy at the num she bn,ke down. Mr. Wyatt has not , said to tie that we "accauted him of eritilea of which he was not guilty " lies he done ▪ 144 the titer, er is the Star ititrudioe it• self on the publicus Mr. Wyettst unmked and self-appeinted special pleader 1 We have always wen Mr. Wyatt great credit for the efficiency cof the Prima tired, which he honestly deserved. No lem did we teel bound to gall attention ti. the otheipticy of the Re etse,• fact that was potent to all eyes. It is scarcely dveeut gape, so widely for "erutule,'' Mr. Mar. A Ilaereeiluti Deftetcw.-The buildin$1 mrected by Mr. Harvey Nowell, fur Hal Hawley EN., at the wharf, smuts to be the handsuulest cif all the salt-derriek• around. leeesmii en. The increase of Mr. John ' Paimpires'o baisiueas is such that he le Wak- ing • large seletition toles workshops. DtIINGANNOIC. Tho Concert given by the Juvenile clam of Mr Ward took place in the Tenaperaec• l'et tha Sigma. PINNY RIAGIN1510 nee lanai tee emu. af-shia-4-nise Ms& Um....1,114 r4,....,"1.,..6...:!:!,1-r.t,•11.2,tt ttt,:riog • .46simweamomplativr4, 71/411.5: -;..r -^t. eiscouts,pag, toss insiewees., nee. wet et item fatgoillAtas. Ike eir maw. aelstest sass. Awl Ye 5.147)1110111111 (1)1111it.51114111 to./ cuaL5.11.4 4/4.11/ 0:1,11.111„ S1175.1.41:rre 'nest tiell 1.roeil411 J toot We, a, epee Wien eisearen. firasie"..71."..1....ita":"."4""e bees liao•ortreee"""54%".". to 410 assa.......1 foe 111411.411, Thritee-1112114".•14•411he ke04%4Alwi. .d=6=11=1!°-.1.4 tr11.451".;:1471:11‘...'ne'll.ay 041ieutia,r.k14,1:1. 0.4 se, srt., loiee we kora 1444 right. arViersY.7,aurPral. r1.174:1U.1.47.714.'' ;5 .3.a:trill. ; V.. Mr, 1.! al, 44,54, That 11,141.t. outme 4.14.414 1.4411.4 men dowel 50 10•4 15 44.o. 54 4454•44. 4114.4 1.4 VIIY1:57:1r1::::"...11.o..14lZk 01'1154111 altaNr--- te hot 4•11.1 v•rtur,cilel* rroprrs.**,r, 11:'141!:griFil•FtlibtaiP's""c15op7..7u1-41.oilki'":: 4,06:17:1".(10*..:':u1htl'kciet V A 1,s•• csnilisstl as IIk• 1:011101.1 Ur. •141.10 Ito 4.4115,45. otae awl .11, ASI.I 11111.10a 40001 id it 10 Ms ttad 7•Tritt_Thrttlriv..,\Mw sehistatfirei, Oudevinis,cateh.r$601., _ to. DR OVIIMISO 011 l'aorester -Teo Pura .11SOUCAD TO "A NAltalt, • (11E51, •ND A PARISH K11.1. -011 HUltday •ventos, St Hall on Saturday evening last. Th• Crown Court CbaPel, Covent Garden.the weather waa every thing that could have , Re1 Dr Cut ''''' 'feted that man', 70a111 haeu expected. There was • good tuns- sr he delivered • aeries of lectures at out. The anticipation of a great treat was Isseter Hall, on the Aprealypee, and he sarong iu the coininumay from the rumors then drew front prophecy (his words were of incomes that attended his Juvenile taken dean In shorthand and were itt concert in other places, out we most my print) that the downfall of the Papacy that the piecesthat were siing' by de pupils would take place in 1868, or within two or was far beyond the anticipation of the -three years from that time. The news andieuce. The clue ei orn poems of &bent 30 pens of the day sneered at and .4 scholars. 'flier., will lie • free meehng him; Mit oho wall the him prophet now I held in the temperance liall on Saturday flte Popo had now only a meow (to speak 1211i Nueenaber on order to orgauize mo in Scottish phrase), six acres ef glebe, and adult clue. We wish Mr. Ward every a Farish kirk, although at was • very map success. ON E 9F1-11ti .L1S E NEM. , nitieent one -that of St Peter's. li• ex - 1 pressed his opinion that Franctscans, Dernsi- Tian Story of a irrenob F1 -00111Y1011- iinuaides issuLtsp, (nlearaty. .Ferreiers.i.611,glacekhigFothaarsy, flow hus Life was Saved. could 11 bnng about the "Iiir of which the Front tlo 1.;ottien Tones. ' Thin present ear has been prolific ie illustrations of the value of Freemesonry in dengerous emergencies, and the &nee- dine'''s:s reA neunii‘tigletishe"cfairht el iloal vet': ni.41'171.1blinilledis a,C,atrilt'a",li":: d(.1hv'ilerceti:41.trliallat is.tuSgasultliilitt ladasiiinbt of both nations ethieh arnied fr Sedan. i .thev e("iuld ever be healed. . When the -wer"oilisr "."4.1".4‘iras so mark.: aseufm-tx.....aeastm"n.""n ihwineins"giter "t"Wilrarliphree ttrarnir --bworeilri-inntnist shin giwarew:tynftrnit he rmirtirst - ----'-'--- rhey were the f'russian and the French of a 'series of wars. In 1854 there was uniform reapecti.a-ely, and ilellit ileithee_ cniaciu,,,___slyarlig_dt..,...rds se-'lare;niirTiate"idgu.nt‘re044'bee-CYinlihnAte4".dreh‘at'nnrk:i:ignntaitt°Ig7::1171'slienrodsf 'I', wiehas'arrelaigh:lintAettli:aeAniaiitit'rtri7.:::''Ni",:illi:tt;f:el:ire.h ie.:unlit:ha: sanity all day long. --Their story w011 a 111061 terrible weir, in which Gwen had been very simple one. The Prussian, who la I already itt..r. terrible alaii.liter than at an officer, and a man (if 35 or ao, wrath a auy woe dorms the imiLergi el ivanatoti, stern, grave (Ace, and a loony overhanit- 1 ...._ _, . ung inmost:who, had nut tve Frenchman, I Tee Lew Fink. -Ist all the Insurance w ho as at least a dozen years his junior, on 1 Coir.pcniestlefinh suffered by the recent the battle field, the latter betel supported 1 tire,none adjusted their losses with /treater by a couple of cotnrades. faiinime than the Proyancial insurance Ts lee .lid the watts of the conflict bring , Company, representad by 51in. lir.eler : these men in contact, mad on the lest "am- It is not in total but in partial loses. that grounded in the chest, pressed the roung , Company is shown. A total loes properly i sem the Prussian, eh,. neita himself badly the spirit winch autumn"' an Insuranoe Frenchmen list', and had indeed his !covered by a carefully worded and truer geos,1 uplift...I to achniiiister the nee .4, i•tatement in the apkheattoli ROO& aliralll Apears-witem-the latter;Wito wee- ' en l'borperet-pet- peroma-TwecoiromoTlio moat the lou id blood, made a hasty sign to his I easeis be evaded by cor.tpanies desirous ef victor, whtch mused the latter to stay 102'40111M so. Theatuteger of the Prot incial hand. -l'arley was imposuble, both frolen ha• acted on the equitable principle -that the a ‘11fer•Clen 01 language •nd, the termoil damoges fairly traceeble o, fire are to be id haute ; anti, hereles, leAh men' lost ineAle g eel under the Companie• policies ; consciousness, aud fell at each other's and in two eases of parties who lost try the eide. li toner,' out that the veung Frencn- recent contliwrati.01 here, the Company could have escaped payment under the timed conditions of ittairance policies ; ia one, that ,4 him. Philo altegether ; that of Mr. Fatterly, in part. The ',idea.' of a 'eompeny which lays down a fair ride of this kind aro worth more than those ef other" which do not, arid we More no hese- tattoo - r,u,14;ifruoiyAirtrlio experieriliocedfz, readers to apply lor insurance to the agent nf the Frovincuil Miureiborit Courier 1411, inst. -- ----•-- - - Dr. SchultUu paper denounces Goy. Archibald for marrying tarot with the Hirt party. Apocalypse spoke. g.nne day before hang he thought they would have to call • great Protestant neeting in Exeter Hall for the purpose of C4.11/ eytng a vote id Gawks to the Pope for having broken up the Roman man had been niacin a Freeinason a few inonths before the o ot break of the war, and that he had instinct,. ely made the sign by means IA which members' of the frater. nits are tamed to ask -/-11-80t brethren for he:p. Th., Prussian wax an old Masen, who re, otritzed it instantly, and who as tostioct.vel: palmed, and before there waa -tuft -MOW V 5 MN 4. -14:10. teen 4.f the VANIA: yieltog .1rd John Cameron, 'Stanley ; 4th It Me - men had a *Turret hunt hut week. The Machael, Hullett ; kli James Hogan, n iimber 'het wall 3.781 The winning Stanley. Nth. r.,tinted 2 195. Limes Reid amid B.,T41. lst R. Beacon, Voilerieh ; 21,1 hight score 380. In the evening all en. Win McMichael, Hiilleit ; 3rd dempi joyed themselves at a splendid supper got llogoarth,llibbert ; 4th Witham tlardiner up by il '''''' ea Armstrong. One of thu Hibbert ; 5th John Watt, beatiley ; In other Hotel keepers wd iip an opposition James 51eLein, Tiockeismoth ; 7th Jain per.y. in the evelin‘, to deprive the veer MeMillsai, Slackillop. After the match, the competitsoirsr,st-e,.:. gr.:. peNrttry.olAtliermaflardwasnmo .i. Ttereo yii;:r:sisadh,lyr anadthte; Kvs,,pilenretie,i.ttteeirte, ni Id vb: yttibuse sf.:ite:,. cp1:::fly. f.ii1,,Ie;cawifn.liti:enti n :ti:h:eryucctoattlii,llodnufghe,..ti,,i.lieo,,,pi.11e.si:tf; to A Apiendol dinner, got up by At a meeting of the Dire/tors, held the l'i4T". "li nall10 reviling votes of thanks rent owned .0en or THS SgutaltIL DUSTILY. to the Massey Menufacturing Anil h (it. aggint Mr 0 0 Wilson (who gave tin:up- on/ machine) ; to It Itell .if St Goo,: and his agent Alex Thomson (Cultictor) ; V w 1 peeper mantoer, to stay away. M C C4116611141 44 • n sal $20.00) W F Leiter Freq., Sept rth (foe CIII/y of the Efpotttor and ( Ufa .1 Farm- er) , and other liberlet contribute" GRZY COUNCIL A Special meeting of Contest was held at Moor's Hotel Ainleyville It- order of the Reeve on Thursday the So October Councillors Strachan, Shemin -e'en', the Reeve in the Clout, The mftiies (if load meetong were read and penel. Messrs Little and Mills of Wolt1W30 AO A received as a deputation from these Township to limit what arguments may jite advanced ;,•1 slipport of the project of Ilite,14 a new theinte, from portions 0.mnties of Wnilingt•mv.'Pre'...1 and 1,1 I and invlutl- mg the eanship of (; an a Frortion thereof. Moved by /4 roon sec. by ifehn•liersehen tha leering the dele- gates from the tomtit:at mum! of Wel- Mee reletive 10 the 1 1101 & WON Comity at III resiolved 110 action can be (Akan at this meeting the matter but, that this Council end r er to obtain an ex premien of feeling ie. Ratepayers, at a general veto to be lin the township on the 14th ,prox. report tlie same officislly te the Me paltry of Wallace immediately after o mined meeting to be held on the 17th ,x. Carried. The following &corollate .then presented. Amount W F Lux for printing 30th April last aniounti 121.00 also aceornet LA. raston for ni eg Coffin and burymg James Mcintosh amounting to PD. certided by Ames amount Thos. Dunford ford grave James McIntosh the of 81. rutted by Dr. Holmes. Moved by John han :400. by S tilemon that florerting 'mid, and that the Reeve grant de area (tummy. carried. Moved by 8 81 .e, Sec. by John Strach• in that the Co I now adjourn to meet open at dames hotel Cranbrook en 17th Noventber, pa nt adjournment from, bun meeting. ed. J. R. (IRANI% T'p Clerk. - LtYCII WOW f•- Ivory body aertiminted with our village tows that there's' in it • steels id retsdeavuennown aa the 'F- 's 11101e1,' Any 'ithniar peddler from Teranto' m ty visit 1: once wild be able to feud a rooverloo. Annt.14elf.rnr.gtvrtio.,1111.., 444oen. 11.5445.4 ntinglhlrer street le a balcony or verse- d,' •hioh doubtlem in days pone by been of thogreatiost enrolee. to sponters the ••eronen I eights," question, or to 01 hers ef 'sore literary or unaible Pardionew that rare battens! haa been the /Inform of *forwent and patrio- 00LBOttrile TOWNSWIP Newtown:in le ATI - This Thresia° Srd November sit 9 a. m. /Mt 191Yir SUWII•ItY OF TIELLORA1111 raw' 27ris 04.7. Ts/ lay 1,017. Prince Napoleon denies that hit has been cluiloyal to the Kinperor and Em- press. The Prussient deinanded the nor render of Verdun, and the. Mayor valor- em?), &eked timed to enme snit take it if ther could. All fugitives (non Paris and :oetz are vigorously turned beck. Tne French l'rovimional Government will soon he obliged to leave TOltrIl. Gambetta has issued &anther proclamation urging resist - 'knee. Gen Keratry has ordered the 111111111- ing of the Garde Mobile of 13rittany at MA1111, to oppose the Germans who seem approaching in thlit direction. Fiench reports say that the vietories of General Garibaldi have effectually checked Prus- sian progress in the East. thi the 27th Raisin* and Meta capitulated, the miny Anal garrison laying down their arms. - The number of prisoners was 150,000 in- cluding 29,000 net -and wonnAed It is mod that the soirrender of Bancine is on the full understending that the Priiseisto occupation of Meta and Stembourg will 15. accepted as an adequate basis fer the orticlumon 'of peace. The commandant of the pension .entered a written pretest gamiest dhe surrender declaring that he weicaboudantly able to protract tho siege indefinitely. Austrimand Italy are active in the oopport of England'e negotiations fee rime. On 25th, the l'russlanm wore defeated in an att mpt to eat off emu- monleatinn between Amiens and Rouen stet were driven off with the Ions of Oa. gun. The Freneh prom trying to perouode the people that there is great 'queering in Prnosi• on account of the war. A revolution in l'aris ito rumored bet not confirmed. (lambent' says if the cspi•elation of Mem io true itis a crime and 'Ithere exists one thing •hiell never o.TI.1.1...e11,4efelte/e,oetitakje.the..*Keeeeh-J41t. rmalimlie.i;unTkihrek inorrettliariliettO thhael BIB! tale. King mum. hae made "our Frim" and Frederiek Charles, Field Marshals. The French R. pa bite eays that General cheapnew is Ms motto. Dive him a Basalt's in whom tie; Amble' ba4 betf,a).-. ,.- wit - .4155,5 s:stettr.,* protests'', in • high ammo that from dna YAM Tooranl intelligens* and minions. r• been differed to inteetiee wet inotnir- mem& Ime sear Vas aamm - *et of Milne Am Ae. ....A.,. 4.. &say 1411,11 Collnil..11111 ens was restored they found theiewlree side by side, •nd itith the dead and dying reund them. -Ity a strange come:el-nee. their wounds were mach that each c odd give the other some slight relief, and the laie enemies employed their aeary hmtrain which they ley disabled and untended, in rendenng 1011e kindnesses t. etch other anti in thus cementing the frictid•hq, which had hvglin so strongly. When help -eine they petition- ed t, be permitted to keep together. tell Goderich.No•. 1, 1870. ing their atory soh considerable effusive- neu to dm doctor, wit', after some nine 8Pring Wbruf Osta Fell Silleitt came to theist 44n the field. This gentle- Fl"nr ° (6011 75:3050 1((4-i 00411 . 75114 RaPelarle; .• • '''' 0 46 (el 0:45 hdatoes Butter . • 0-35 (e/ 040 0:16 (4 -t Jo --7 man, who visa not a noilitary surgeon, hut ft member of the blessed society liht...1) dues from General', rained his hands an pleMod astonmihinent at the tale he heard, and at waft showed hunted to be • Free - 864111 ne over the strange chimes which had thus thrown them together. The woranded meneare impremely sati•- tied at the result, end their 'dory has given them 44111t.e a re'. laity among their fellow sufferers. At (gee, where the French orisoners were plered after the capittnation . of Sedan, and ^shore. it is but too true, they were all but starving; some of their numbers contrived to make it known to their c4ptors that they were Masons, and though this was ineffeettiel in meaty inst- ences, the sturdy And unitioted Promises lelighing the Masonic gestures to acorn, wherever it ancreeduel, the men obtained little comforts which were prieelesa. A idiot tramper wee seen hanging • warm frieze coat to une prisoner. and giving part of his rations to another ; and explained his condoct to in impairer with a sheepish smile which spoke volumes, 'They ore my brnthees, though I have fonght with them, and• they are hongry and cold, and must be helped. They would do it fair me."' These aro mere trine:it CAA011. 'Rut it is im-pesible ftlia 11111Ch with the troops particularly After a battle, without hearing kindred inaturees of Miasmic useful. in M11111,HANT41. MALI' WILL SE1YoRTFI -l'he week, at thie well, ie wow, under the management Of Mr. Peter MeEwen, progreeeing tnost rapidly. Very great dal- ficialties were enemautered at the (infest, in the ahape boulders,ete. which hada very retarding effect. On the I I th inst., how- ever, the drill was set to work in real ear - nem., since which time everythieg haa gone like • charth, and at time of writing a depth, of (iver 200 feet, hie hean attained. Mr. Megwen informs us that the sm-face, woo 35 feet in thicknew, mad was composed or clay, clay and herildeni, gravel, Rod boulders The rock hoe, se, far, lovion hound to be pretty uniform, varying only* little miler. The contract for the hotline shed, for these works, is let, and is tea be comp- leted by the Ink of December nest•-•-te.r- pos i for . 4KIPLASiefeileettelif,datiKor-iiellaw* Store, Abileyeille will be found* complete stock of Dilute and Chemionals, Dye stuffs and patent medicines. Physionois pre- acriptiops Ind Veterinary preparation., careftilly dispensed Qoality the true test --•••••••■••••11111.MIMININM FIr• ILineerthem 0.M ,Trietssa's 9sle Resister. Nmr. 54.- Blacksmith and Carroentera Ea regret to hear, - that no the night of Teets W Piper's at hfarflanderieh. Fralth lost •fire brekeunt in thereat."( the " 8 - ran" "mit. W• "n" nor's 4,nr. Farm Stoek,loot 10 Hayfield road, Stattlisy near Hayfield. ¶' -Fame elm* W James Lott 6, dhesYi nigoy""ow.1". 14.0'esPihtennit l'.,°125pc.eslu-irstabd::":7"''.4(j:I'..8.-"411.'4436.AL;e:k."44,14-.:.t.:galigar:4:•,•0111111'.11": 1YOPYINTION11, *WSW HI totally anniltimerl largo Nana fts Midair% oecepied by Mr. J. Lang, of the freee llbeem, as • printing Aloe and etak./1",_•4*;:5,..4-2. wisor ewe mew wimp merit Ili, es (green) .... 5:130 0'00 Wekd 2:50 (4 2:75 Reif, per cwt. 5-00 (4 7:00 Pork 0.00 (4 0:012 Chiekens per pair 0:30 (4, 020 Wool 0:00 (4 0133 Sheep . 3:00 (4 400 Landes 2110 (4 2:25 Apples 0:50 (4 0:56 Goderich Salt, wholesale, fIo.b. pet bb 91:20. (Hinton Markets. . In, Peerfal T0esp.ph am the Stoat 1 . Clinton, tlo•. 1, 11.70. Fall Wheat 1,10 (.4 1119 Spring du 4 1:10 (4 1:14 itend., „La._ ' ''''' 0:31 (4 0:32 Rarley ' ,0:46 (-a o,48 real. 44•44411,5................• .44..550,51$ 14 0.57 ,. Potatoes 0-30 0:00 Floor ' 6.50 (4 6.00 , Outt•r 0:18 (4 0:18 Pork • • 715 (a) El° Yorge. 0:12i 4 0:00 TOBON'TO MONIBY lesm,X11T-• Ort 21, MO II00sharlt, Tnrk Fr -301¢.. kny.11, .10 rrIlIng at tr. Miler bkvik. 1st 1111 . OW at eheeent. Small -baying 51 10 , 544114n5 la olls. rnnnt . opr.nerl st 111; . 11/14,1011.1 al 1111 MONTREAL It ARKNIII• Montreal, Nov 1, 1870. (Ay lipnrIal ',Wring', to LW '14krnal FLOUR--811perior Extra Extra ...... ..... 5:75 (4 510 Fancy . . 6.40 (-* 6.75 Sup. fine No 1 Canada W. . 5.45 (4 515 No 1 Western Wheat. 5:45 (4 6:50 " No 2 " 6.10 (0 5:15 Sag Flour 2.50 (4 240 WHEAT--Gattaiia Fall1:20 (to 1:20 Spring1 20 r4 0100 Wmtern 117 (4 116 OATS- Per 32 th- 00:44 a 0:44 It ,7--Pereg Th.. -00:06 (4 00:70 -Matt 0010 00.21. Store Packed.... ...... 0:16 (4 0110 ASHES -Pots 6:30 do 4:75 revels. • .. 660 4616:911 PORK -Mem ...... AO (4 0:00 PEAS 86 (4 871 Receipts whew! 13061, flour 5.100 ship. mem., ern slang. and little Melanoma repAsffiall- ,gasstioninally nnehangred 111/111i110. wholesale transactiens, Previstone generally nnehanged rates. Ashes WI end drooping. Posey **el seIrtlees frame Meets op at 9 fetgoesme/a. 144401eimuteibioli. „osititsr - --- - At Onispiot, au thel- Ian hut., the w1114 -44-11.7.-.11als, k -P. P. tattita " r