HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-08-19, Page 11RITEASITT QUALM IAVICE We Specialize In PORK and BEEF For Your Freezer Or Locker GOVERNMENT INSPECTED In Our Modern Abattoir • Cut To Your Requirements • Quick Frozen EXETER FROZEN FOODS Phone 235-0400 EXETER— Lovely frame home, redwood siding, nice location. Large kitchen area, living room, 4 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, full basement with area for recrea- tion room, 2-piece bathroom off kitchen. EXETER — Brick bungalow on Huron St. East, 6 years old, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dining area, 4 pce. bath, full basement, oil heating, large lot, carport. KIPPEN — Renovated school- house, 3 bedrooms, large kitch- en, living room, dining room, bath. Large enough for V L A qualifications. Beautiful treed lot. EXETER — Beautiful 3 bed- room home, completely modern- ized, oil heating, large living room. A good buy. FARM FOR SALE CENTRALIA AREA — Approxi- mately 110 acres, on main road. Good house and barn. FOR RENT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -4 DARLING APARTMENTS Two - bedroom apartments con- taining stove and frig with heating supplied. Large living room and bedrooms. Completely broadloomed. Kitchen with am- ple cupboards and large eating area; 4-piece bath; large bal- conies. Parking. Only 1 apart- ment available. TWO BEDROOMS $149.00 PER MONTH CALL 235-1863 LOT FOR SALE LAKE HURON — Nice lot in Lakeview Gardens, north of Grand Bend. Ideally located for an excellent summer home. BUSINESS FOR SALE CREDITON — Variety store, pool room and retail gasoline Yx (Supertest). Room for living quarters and lunch room. Lot size 36x140. Ideal for pensioner or someone to expand present business, JOHN BURKE Limited Broker Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages TrUst CertificateS Devon Building Phone 235-1863 32tfiic 17 Properly for Pont 1- BEDROOM MODERN apart- ment, living room, dining area s kitchen, downtown area. Avail- able August 1. Phone 235,2420. • INCOME TAX FRANCHISE AVAILABLE H & 0 Block is looking for a responsible individual capable of operating a volume tax business. Prior tax knowledge, while helpful, is not necessary. The Block franchise is compatible with most other service-oriented businesses. We furnish: • TRAINING • SUPPLIES ADVERTISING NI' Frf Catiada'a :Largest Tax klervica With Over 250 Offices imom .6•••• II TO: 013 I rn fidnle Addrest U City Teleph on e No, %am 104 South cnristina Street SARNIA Please send me your brochure outlining the H & R Block Fran• this, Program. 1 understand there is no obligation on my part. CLIP AND MAIL TODAY Peovince B ay n I I SEASONAL WORKERS REQUIRED To Help Process Delicious AYLMER and DEL MONTE VEGETABLES * LIGHT AND HEAVY LABOUR * DAY OR EVENING SHIFT * FREE TRANSPORTATION ARRANGED * NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY * CAFETERIA ON THE PREMISES *WORK AVAILABLE UltTIL NOVEMBER ** INCREASED WAGE RATES ** CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED is once again recruiting men and women for work in their food processing plant in Exeter. Anyone wishing to take advantage of this opportunity to earn extra money, please register in person or call: Your Local Canada Manpower Centre Goderich Huron Park (1) 624-8342 (1) 228-6932 or Personnel Department iCanddian Canners Limitedi . . Rhone; (1)-235.2445 g".. 21 °Wellington Street West EXMR,ONTAPII0 =' nottommunnimmimmumuminommoinumuntoutimmisummummumonminimmiumie Times.Advocate, August 19, 1971 Palo 11 FARMERS FLY-IN — More than 40 planes of Ontario Hying Farmers attended Sunday's fly-in at the Ken Elder farm near Hensall. Above, a plane is shown approaching the landing strip with others shown in the background. T-A photo Mount Carmel group enjoys trip to shrine • • 16 Properly For Sale CALL JO AT 1863. "The Centennial Office," IMPORTANT NOTICE 11 Property for Reid 18 For Rent RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1,4 & 1/2" drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2: 22tfnc CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT--- Plywood forms, wedges, form ties stocked, power trowel, small mixer, etc. Phone 236- 4954 after five or Saturdays. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 4:24tfne CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex- tension ladder; skit saw; ad- ding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jacks; hand lawn sprayer; utility trailer; carter, carrier; 16' van; rolling home. Whiting Rental, 63 Main St. S., just south of river bridge. ltfnc 20 Wanted To Rent I NEED HOUSES to rent; also others to sell. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 9:24tfnc 21 Property Wanted HOUSE IN CREDITON — Con- tact W. C, Pearce, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, 29tfnc I HAVE A BUYER for a house which he can buy for $10,000 cash. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 2ltfnc 22 Notices NOTICE Under the provisions of The Waste Management Act and the Regulation, notice is given that it is intended to apply to the Department of Energy and Re- sources Management for a Cer- tificate of Approval for a waste management system serving: the Village of Lucan, the Police Village of Granton and the Township of Biddulph. including the hamlets within the bound- aries of the Township of Bid- dulph. C. H. LEWIS (LUCAN) LTD. 280 Main St., Lucan 30-32-33c 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Emma Brenner, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Emma Brenner, late of the Village of Grand Bend in the County of Lambton, who died on or about the 17th day of June, 1971, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario by the 27th day of August, 1971, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario. 32-34c 25 Auction Sales PROPERTY AUCTION seven McKillop Township Schools and contents to be sold on the premises at time and place stated below. Two schools subject to removal or destruc- tion — property not owned by school Board. AUGUST 21 No. 2 at 1:00 p.m. No. 4 at 2:30 p.m. No. 6 at 4:00 p.m. AUGUST 28 No. 8 at 11:00 a.m. No, 9 at 1:00 p.m. No. 7 at 2:30 p.m. No. 10 at 4:00 p.m. School bells to be sold sep- arately. Terms: Cash on contents. Property: 10% doWn, balance in 30 days, No reserve. Anyone interested in viewing the property and schools con- tact Bruce Rathwell, 482-3120. Maps, listings and tithe sched- ules are available at Huron Expositor, Seaforth or Winthrop General Store, or Mail d self addressed envelope to RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Bruce Rathwell, Auctioneer RR 1 Brutefielti s Ont. 32-33e 25 Auction Sales Extensive AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Tractor Farm Machinery, Garage. Electrical Equipment Household Effects Antiques & Misc. Items On the premises, first farm south of ST. JOSEPH on Highway 21, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 et 12:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of 2-storey frame dwelling cover- ed with asphalt siding, built-in cupboard and all modern con- veniences. Please note: Dwelling to be moved from premises within 30 days of sale. For informa- tien please contact Charles Per- gel, second farm south of St. Joseph. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days—if not previously sold. TRACTOR & MACHINERY: McDeering W-30 standard trac- tor; 3-furrow drag plow; for- age with hood and blower; rubber tire wagon and rack; grain drill; 2-wheel trailer; double disc; blacksmith equip- ment; hydraulic cylinders; air compressors; paint spray equip- ment; power tools; cement mixer with motor; rolls of tar paper; pump jack; 1500 watt generator motor unit; numer- ous electric motors; drill press; shaft and bearings assembly; power take-off pulley for Ford tractor; cut-off saw; air lines of various lengths with fast couplings; McDougall shallow well pump; calcium chloride tire pump with motor; 2 h.p. electric motors; numerous chains, various sizes; grease guns and buckets; windows, complete with frame (some new); porthole chisels; cement mixer on trailer; steel tanks and cables; pipe cutters; dies and sockets; new fence gates, etc., etc. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Elec- tric ironer; chest of drawers; Admiral 21-inch TV; Admiral portable r e c o r d• player and stand; centre and end tables; lawn chairs; storm windows; glass doors; venetian blinds; chrome table and chairs; com- mode; liquor cabinet; telephone table; deep fryer; exercise bi- cycle; lanterns, etc., etc. Plan to attend this interest- ing sale, No reserve everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. HECTOR FORCIER, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 33c Twilight AUCTION SALE Of Antiques and Household Effects Marty Interesting Items and Some Home Baked Products at 29 Winter Court CLINTON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 at 7:00 p.m. Oil paintings; furniture; large business desks; bicycle; 4 large wagon wheels; dishes; old clock; metal open hearth heat- er, etc., etc. TERMS: Cash. Lunch available. Association Auction Auctioneer: Association Member 33:34c Twilight AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture, Appliances, Antiques & Car WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 at 7:00 p.m., at 99 JOHN ST., SEAFORTH Furniture and antiques consist of a 3-piece living room suite; arm chairs; piano stool; love seat; writing desk; Westing- house TV; book shelves; walnut extension tables; fern stands; tables; mirror; two rugs 9x12 and 6x8; couch; 3-piece bed- room suite including dresser and wash stand; dresser; blan- ket box; wash stands; sewing machines; golf clubs (right) and cart and many other use- ful items. Dishes include Bridal Wreath; cut glass; two part toilet sets and many other articles. 1969 Pontiac Strato Chief, 6 cylinder, as is. Terms: Cash night of sale. ESTATE OF THE LATE J. C. COCHRANE BRUCE RATHWELL, Auctioneer RR 1 Brucefield 482-3120 32-33c Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles Exclusive healing substa nee proven toshrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue, A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substande with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly. It relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Most important of all—results were so thorough that this improve- ment was maintained over a period' of many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (1.3io:Dyne) ,which quickly helps h ! injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. Now 13io-Dyae is offered in oint- ment and suppository form calle'd Preparation H. Ask for it, at all drug stores. Satisfaction or your Money refunded. *ow. 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor Farm Machinery Household Effects Antiques & Misc. Items On the premises, Lot 10, Concession 12, HAY TOWNSHIP, 21/2 miles north of Dashwood, Bronson Line, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 at 1;00 p.m. TRACTOR and FARM MA- CHINERY: Allis Chalmers W- D standard tractor; MeDeering ace-bottom plow, on rubber, Used 1 season; McDeering $1/2- ft. spring tooth cultivator, on steel; McDeering tractor disc, perfect condition; IVicDeering 3- furrow plow, on rubber; M-F No, 10 hay baler, like new; Cunningham hay conditioner; McKee forage harvester, in- cluding closed-in wagon and rack; 48-ft, hay and grain ele- vator; Cockshutt No. 6 tractor spreader; rubber tire wagon and rack; light rubber tire wagon and box, ideal show wagon; light carriage, buggy, P or t land cutter, like new; heavy duty 2-horse closed-in trailer, like new; Gehl ham- mer mill: M-H horse-drawn 2- row scuffler; set of diamond harrows; single •row corn har- vester; 2 single walking plows; harrow cart; fanning mill; set of scales; new and used lum- ber; sets of chains; 150-gal. oil tank; heavy duty fence stret- cher; Stewart cattle clipper, like new; cattle brander; cedar end posts; hydro posts; 5 rolls 100 ft. snow fence; galv. water tank, like new; 38-ft. aluminum ladder; mail box; rubber tire wheelbarrow: 2 dump scrapers; feed cart; sloop sleighs; team snread rings and show bridles; 25-ft. steel antique sign dis- play pole; 3 flag poles; bird houses; antique weather vane; steel piping; forks; shovels, etc., etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS and MISC. ITEMS: Walnut dining room extension table with 6 chairs; oak office desk and chair; antique kitchen cup- board; daybed; Singer sewing machine; 3 trunks; coal oil lamps; lanterns; Aladdin lamp; brass bed; Edison phonograph; antique baby oradle and bed; high chair; 2 antiaue baby buggies; antique buffet; pine tables; small pine cupboard; 4 bedsteads: 2 dressers; com- mode; white provincial dresser and chest of drawers; end tables; pictures and frames; mats; feather ticks; dishes; crocks; jugs; sealers; churn; butter bowl and ladel; antiaue wine press; sausage grinder and press; apple peeler; cut- lery; automatic washer; pro- pane 4- burner stove; small steel furnace for coal and wood; small Dutch windmill; small cream separator. TERMS: Cash. Owner or auctioneer not re- sponsible for accidents on pre- mises day of sale, ALVIN WALPER, Prop. PERCY WRIGHT, Auctioneer 33c AUCTION SALE of Antiques and Household Effects for MR. NORMAN COURSER Lot 35, Concession 4 BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP 1 mile south of Lucan. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 at 6:15 p.m. ANTIQUE S: Toilet sets; dishes; several pieces Prussia china; 2 vases from Ireland; spit oo n; jardinieres; baby's cradle; chest of drawers with white pulls; part of a Gone With the Wind lamp; organ, in good condition; butter bowls; picture frames; copper boiler; hall rack; piano stool; trunks; old clock; crocks; oil lamps; settee; matching chairs and rocker; bookstand made from old organ; buffalo robe., etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 8- piece dining room suite; kit- chen table and odd chairs; rockers; radios; McClary heat- er and pipes; odd tables; sew- ing machine; beds and dres- sers, sealers, etc. Mr. Coursey has sold his farm and is giving up house- keeping, Auctioneers: HUGH FILSON, 666-0833 and TOM ROBSON, 666-1967 Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. MT. CARMEL The Parish bus trip to the Martyrs Shrine was a great success, There were 36 members aboard and the weather was ideal for the outing. Visitors from Parkhill and Zurich joined in and helped to complete the load. Members enjoyed a two hour guided tour and a film at the theatre on the grounds of Ste. Marie. They also attended Mass in the shrine church. PERSONALS Rev. Father John Mooney motored to Chatham Sunday evening to attend the Golden Jubilee of his cousin Sister Anita of the Ursuline community at The Pines, Mrs. Mary Bedard, Zurich visited with her mother, Mrs. Morrissey, last week and took her home to Zurich. Mrs. Helen Loos, Sarnia, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sullivan Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Benny Morrissey, London, visited with the former's mother, Mrs. Catherine Morrissey, Sunday as well as with many relatives and neigh- bors. The occasion was the 88th birthday of Mrs. Morrissey. By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Mr. & Mrs. Tom Meininger and Eric of Detroit visited Wed- nesday with Tom's parents, Mr. `St Mrs. Art Meininger. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Chapman of London spent a few holidays last week with Mr. & Mrs. Les Adams and Harv. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Russell, Kathy and Donald attended an Eastern Star picnic at Exeter, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Sweitzer spent a few holidays up north at a cottage at Simcoe Lake and on their way home visited several of their relatives in the Welland district. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Campbell and Sherry Pickering visited Sunday with their aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Pickering. A community shower was held Wednesday evening in Shipka community centre for newlyweds, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Arnold. Mr. & Mrs. Dale Schram, Dean and Mark of Parkhill visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sheppard and Dave. Mrs. H. Morenz visited Monday in Exeter with Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goodman. Mr. & Mrs. John Talman of Brandon, Wise., visited recently with Mr. & Mrs. John Kingma, Shipka, and with Mr. & Mrs. Toornstra, Hensall. They all travelled to Mandin, Mass., to attend the wedding of their niece, Elsie VandeLinda. Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Shier, Kirkton and their grandson David Shier, Toronto were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. William Thomson, Andrew Street, Exeter. Mrs. Scotty Regier and family motored to Kincardine to holiday for two weeks with Scotty at Douglas Point where he is em- ployed. Mrs. Hanlon McDonald, Bornish, visited her mother, Mrs. Charlie Glavin, recently. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hogan and girls, Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Hogan. Mr, & Mrs. Joe Carey and Mrs. Marguerite Mallard dined last Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Jim Carey, London, By MRS. M. H. ELSTON Visitors during the week with M. H. & Mrs. Elston were their cousins, Mr. & Mrs. Ardean Randall and Stanley of Wyoming, Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Mullins, Lon- don; Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott, Lucan; also Mrs. Audrey Gard- iner, Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Allan Elston, David and Sheila Elston RN of Cen- tennary Hospital, Scarborough were guests at the Scheffer-Webb wedding which took place in Hyde Park United Church, August 7. Robin Blair, with her sister and husband Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mills left Saturday on a motor trip through the western provinces. Jim Dickey spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. John Dickey. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Atkinson spent Sunday with Mr. &Mrs. Joe Kemps, Dorchester. Jamie Dickey of Exeter spent a few holidays with his grand- mother, Mrs. Inez Dickey. Hold reunion for Lyon family The Lyon reunion was held at Riverview Park, August 8, with approximately 80 in attendance. Officers were as follows: president, Jim Lobb; secretary, Mrs. Jim Lobb; table committee, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerslake, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schroeder; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Webber. ' Races were won by the following: Allen Pym, Lori Kerslake, Margaret Pym, Elaine Pym, Craig Kerslake, Dale Kerslake, Kathy Lyon, Sandra Schroeder, Wayne Lyon, Steven Kerslake, Joan Kerslake, Joan Pym, Wayne Lyon and Brian Pym. Other events were won by Kathy Lyon, Wayne Lyon, Pat Schroeder, Norma Hooper, Don Case, Roy Holmes, Pat Schroeder, Archie Webber, Diane Lobb, Bruce Lobb, Sue-Ann Schroeder, David Webber, Janet Kerslake and Archie Webber. Relays were run off with Elwyn Kerslake and Archie Webber as captains. • a • We have recently completed a contract with Bellaero. Lumber Limited, a firm building houses- on Pryde Blvd, in Exeter, whereby we are agents for houses being constructed by them. At the present time there are two houses under construction with two more to be built in the future, These houses may he purchased as built, or could be custom built in accordance with a purchaser's specifica- tions. • These are 3-bedroom homes, with a full basement, large liv- ing room anti dining room, large kit c h e n, storms and screens and are on sewers. CONTACT US TO DISCUSS HOUSES FOR SALE EXETER — 3-bedroom brick house on Pryde Blvd., large living room and kitchen, full basement with room for a family room and an additional bedroom, good lot, reasonable. EXETER — Sanders St. Bi-level approximately one year old. • Electric heating, living room, large kitchen, dining room, 3 bedrooms, Full basement, ample room for rec room and addi- tional bedrooms. Large sun deck at back. Ca rpeting throughout. Owner transferred and anxious to sell. • EXETER — Huron St. East. Brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and dining area, 4-pc, bath, full basement, carport. EXETER — Two storey brick house on Main St., completely redecorated, 3 bedrooms up, 1 down, living room, dining room, 4 pc. bath downstairs, 2 pc. bath up. Hot water, oil, on sewers. Large lot 100x165 zoned commercially. Close to schools. HENSALL AREA — 11 storey frame house on 1 acre of land. Large barn. • • EXETER — Brick house on Main St. close to schools. Liv- ing room and fireplace, dining room, bath and 3 bedrooms up- stairs. Basement. EXETER — 3 bedroom house on Sanders St. Older type brick home completely renovated. g?` t Large living room, dining room and kitchen, 4 piece bath up, 2 piece down. Beautifully land- scaped lot. EXETER — 3 or 4 bedroom house on Main St. Full base- ment, bathrooms up and down- stairs, living room, dining room, • • large kitchen, large lot. LUCAN-- 2-bedroom, 1-floor cot- tage, re-decorated throughout, $125 monthly. Immediate pos- session, 453-4917 evenings. 3gc MODERN 1-bedroom apartment, unfurnished, on Main St, Phone - 235-0915 or 235-1497 after 6 Pm. 32tnc 1-BEDROOM, furnished apart- OFFICES — 2 broadloomed, panelled, complete with recep- tion area. All services in, Phone 235-2750. 32-3$e ELGINFIELD -- One - bedroom apartment, all utilities paid, private entrance. Share the bath. Phone 227-4564 ater 6:00 p,m. 32-34c VICTORIA PARK apartments- 1-bedroom, electrically heated, large broadloomed rooms, 4- piece colored, tiled bathroom, laundry room facilities. Phone 235-0526. 33e COTTAGE ON REACH at St. Joseph's, Two bedrooms, newly decorated, From Aug. 21 on over Labor Day. Phone 235-0173 days only. 33c "What is the good Of CI good thing if no one knows about it?' ADVERTISE YOUR GOOD THINGS IN THE .„„,„,„„„„„„„„„„,„„„„„„„„,„,„„„,„„„„„„,„„,„„„,„„„„„„„,„,„„,„„„„„,„„„,„,„„„„, Webster's 11 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 One low monthly charge covers cost of sign, installation, service, land rental, all permits and insurance RENT-A-S1QN CALL TODAY SIGNS BY WEBSTER VICTORIA ST. 235-0680 EXETER Open All Day Wednesday gl111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII"' '' -""111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIS 7:4 2 570 OFF E * Short Sleeve Sport • Shirts, dress shirts and ▪ knits * Summer Jackets FINAL CLEARANCE Thanks For Shopping At McKnights 235-2320 57 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ff7-; SIIIII1111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IE Len McKnight & Sons --= MEN'S WEAR MAIN ST. PHONE - EXETER