HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-10-20, Page 2-Qin Toronto contempwaries - - Lynch Law en litaAltuta, I Toeikanota 2 -Propeller U.X Oran* of Detroit battle. C lot r flats haviii g iu tow Wv very touch raglan that a few of 'lb* •drockeall I twossiwa,lielunging to t W.4411P.Tel ,144.9p-; perpetratilig acts wttich are calculate -late to rem rt to the petty e epedient, "'",i`atfriat7Pmgrgutrt, In the irtie-eniewei ri.Liiod Gray 4 teimbooa,4 evaz-eratind.fimAs attil invell• gag strict Georae, Itrown. SA le:Wisher of tii14 t,i exeit, eibliefir for libel, and in wino!' the Jury I if their sitadera... int 41n, 10th neat. the to w, J,099.9t1.1.2.trici.ric•ritwo. When or 6 toile& -4sTertilteffiethwineeis1sieeelkedthtkethaDILit te veryww.nclt against, a speedy mows to the dredge rusted. The elem.., -MIWT*1411r4 4414;WlWrIeu444.1. Whales... =ay jap their elageet u iffeith ite-eaptern-of-elefrfreep-aneelled- the ' _Every asitailthijneket we heartily sympathise) witl% the pusilla half Agricultural Society, Tall Mostabition. was held tin the Ilth inst. In inst-wppeor wiry promising, but in the we- '11/414214"StnAJEUfailitt'tt to I ' mid the ay aim mit pigs, partioula jig", joie& were Assurna nisei.-- The fall of 1870' is CPTILI •ND Currie We hate Lail our °wt. share to reeord and fellows:- mum. kable ter horticultural aeountricities. 4,14 cen scarcely pick up • ettliWwporary ith- prup.a.r to 41,4 Swt.11,13...rule i;olitireootbo) meet to the whit yi preparations 'ince bet year there being tut addition to the Town 11411, ant seine new subatantial show Innis. The general appoisrance of the show was eacollent with the exceptiou 4,1 the holism' depertment. There was • decide.] lac't 1,1 Irate.' fancy work. owing seppose t there being no encuitrtge ment given to Thent iu the society's bills, but now u the society is gaining strength ho,,,e t., see them encouraged. The ladies of (hie locality hey° buth Wetland skill and why should they not brute the pro- ductions of their spare moments tu adorn the Society's show 1 'The show 4,1 rent crops, wheat ,te.,- we are informed, vied • ith that of the (Muni, show, the show 01 fruit was also good and did ample justice to the f :tat growers of this }meaty, Mr John Zimmer was on the ground with a choice selection of fruit which he offered for *ids trim etand (whielray the way emits one eh,. bettered in advertising had pliscurded vrith "Shen Zimmer Ithien Wein. Pumpkin., twitches, grapes, &of where the vieitor. regaled themselves mith ItIn best of feint end the cheiceet 'juice of the grape.' The mitries fur ateitibershito itueiliered 68, end the articles and aiii- Maks, loraterlotel. Atinesed te the prise ist lloaans-gccod Mare, lot W Kerr. 2,1 Alex. McZweet ; Foal, 1st R McAllister, 2d 11 Stageon ; Yearling colt, tit A Nlee Ewen, 2d 0 Moir ; you old tallier, la R Sturgeen, tt Kerr ; 1 rear old Fill, illlilill VAS.* Of ll44, Do111141141U thlt0111- ,h,,,,, ,,,,, ,p,,, u,,,,,,,, 1,1. & ti,:,,,,,t yco,,,rditig- lira ltfor Mr. Brewn mid 2 for the gio.1- 1 f"ll"al"g• l'"'T 'ru'll 1" 1''' a 'P''"'"' "'"" t anent, and the soctimialtmothigs disight etd ly pushed ah •ati, arrived sifely in tioder- . .latit Celottel, thefellowi ig interesting de- i grain from 1Vimlsor, aptairm.4 in tisitise by Cittedien 5IiI,Sters, we estsects.1 Br ich •ith the dredge and then went out to • the lake Aga .1 to look fer the (Ahem, see- •tivils, as to how minenei y Jolla A. pays • pipes : - - t ' Schulte mid others to strengthen Ind li, t • 4he rotate°. who woralt p at his ehriaie, . . ',taken tea hands of Lieut. Ouv. Arch l'ugd unlfuliefurtitilast4ttecAn/Itt'ac/111%;;:eastl"cln "The goinfect P4 -Cee. e A fiteif series.) ' here at norm ioolav with Ifon, Mt. LAU bald. It is tou bad that before a jinheiary goo. 1114hott1 oll tin, north pier. After die JR ens lorseight out iii cri -exemination :- 1 0,1 GRAY croft ex by Mr Wane -1410 Itl.l. i .,„,„ i,„ 1,,,,..d. 1 lae• moue through the could b.•• formed residents should hate° tirki.d pia.' "P 11.0 lc"' 4 du' "ble lowl Iknow the mime dine of the meetings et the . tr... canal construct,. by the American taken the law int. their own heeds and mown parted and they (ths amiss) ran 41,,,eriotieot .,e, tha. "it. Clair netts, and ,attenautatil to inflict tetnehment on their esliore smite nie Miles await uf this pat neik pcsession of it f•sr .thi Dominion (,,,.„,,,. siiireta.aire. Very likely Speller Ulm Last ll'iroess lies limit and dry on the (hovel, Istiemr.heteting the British Batt:01." thiserve.1 to Worse,. hippedowil if he was tiorth pier with her tilde 'toes in. This On this the Wale; founded an ac nts atom gAnity ,f tke insult, to atm sdi,iii, tie ie tTbursilay) thinning there a a hear"' "4 ageinst X. Lingevin, hlinister 4,1 Pithlie teemed of, es do not wonder at the bola 4 the a way is dashiug over her. worti, totally inideserved 1,) him, for i 1....1s A .Lailast.,(0W:iltnr:s.d.a.y,),rii.ith„ti., iinaltiwistv:r„,3 t1.1,enri)., tewer.ty wkieli he waver dreamt of at- 4.,:e",,.,,e7".,,e '-ijirgt'ulr,i.,,,,:iiht,g,.....1*::,":' „,,,,,'Nth," Ille ','i•aselea" fabric' as it reit and cam mete of the ProSinist, lit low...mill,/ a,. notitilita 4tiak, so that there shotild have 5 .u'elock as the tug approached the harbor, the en - justify the doctor, in the present ansettled .temotteg. The Telegrelt slur accepted itlett•04 thereon le it* oriv 012111. Roth executemer of a probable Plat sentence, bsen 110 dill:silty in a captain at• all ac- jdn rove 11 ought to heroism's% thet the pant. unls•ss it•was chief that the villain, en Mei evmillted wl111 the "41 makilli graph hare a lie 00 i44.144-13 Alia hilt', sta- WAWA 44 government weakness, was•hltrly .trance...1'ortintately uo lives welw Wilt. The eluded it fries% their Colitnins. Altbeugh to go iinwhipt, ,4 jlisti00. IloWlel dASSWI. SIM. 1./. IL (Irma, et- second, time came the Globe's "towncorreiteitident ',mat slat, ed tli bo drowned Itteeribig-,•-•inr be was: safely tutu port, where she and the dredge treys there wits na "I”retalt&hill P.0101111i- James Ras merited to have his hornet'• n"" ha• on of the cone'', the Mole tl,ww it,,t cool,- oest bunit about his ears; and shooting soma to withdraw its a'tacks en the Cent. was too as phi ler-like a death for this scoundrel in OW 7.5ser of Paella Works. This is carry. 1,,,,i,,,,,, 24 ja British leo should heist been ail- ing party spint too far. As wo hate re- lowed 1 nee toamert its pnrogative and the 'tableau -asses uf information at tier coin- a.if.ail,,,,intedaftngersesfienreteraasFutigalt otand, we have liken Patna t° te the mitooesse, asior puttiug thruseelves in ivnertnin the true facts of t 0 cat • a fA144 pow' itiLA__tby thrir stettoy. We pro-. , &v.. ig.X.1. pal V.V"Iii (..r Irhit"thin4- At!. e4.41444.4- 44, . tile WILLA falligni.kil4Vbitte- twit ligAinjagl... I.yut,h, 4m._ British soil, relator.; arlotretion, I was mines in esy _. muaiSifrnnn•I is • &Tines matter, aad'a•ida- either wintering Scott er avengtng thio lea j ha .1 Meolouald to .41.1; it me, ti, ly published • tsetse report thas each WAS tadd•Wootled deed. If Ilatittobe ie to be • uh.ke 01! num.'s:try preparetioa for ileum= 'lime et the Wt. Cloir Castel, will raise * speedily settliod by peaceful immigrants, in; nitiforuiti of the laws"( the Doininiou feetieg agaiont Ile a,wing our Arcertcan Lieut. Gov. Archibald mist without hen - prop %rawly to the appotutincitt 4if a cont. ,ftigh,,,,•,,....,hiol, 11.. buother of 6nitnidi, miasi et to Nlyilmenitild kipun it. I cern* to Lona will allay. Ou arriving at the Se •04tawa by ilireetio n IA the Peilue Minis Clair flats -the Prinee Alferd found the olu .ter. (received a telegrint to c tmernrfor paeliage blocked up with raved. 'awl it was - 'the ;et rpoe of attZiaing, te tit, arhitration. seggeeteil thet alio; inieht get through the :bet %Then 1 Cann, tip matters were not rim- new Cita I. A •ordingly the vessel's head 'If, a" 1 livf t" arai.""""'" al 1ar "1" was uirn in bet direct:4.11041W, te, being elliense; "nil 1 think it quito right th.e signalled lei 0 an, she passeil int„.,!.. ill, it .1, ethei:.:4t 'holed give me a ,,,,, etlialig AO ttin.1:..i1 stopped about midway. 31r. ter subteenaing foe. Brown, the Contractor, appreached ia hi. Q. -after 10:tering aleitit six weeks you I ig sail bad a cenference•with NI. Laneevin, t ,,I.,, end wog g.6, e you rim "dies of mak- after "ditch the Pri&er ,Ilfre,1 steAm.4 Arbiteators, AS they were Ciititiutl.,04. I d meetiegs taiiiiiiiance,1 in the antit,iiil of 1849, in Solitambec or iletobat were held the greeter part of a e trek :ilia Ilitn ad - *earned for a nioath. Ditraig the fallow- .ing P liainentary assien a hill the . Wig - "leaf .• It MOO wad not •ressing we met ic sthree.e. awl adjim rue to the close of ithe seethes. The article • mud the Al. tarsteesmatirely Caine *ma, .nroom.i..),) . 4...10,14.-0 to me ; as fir am the Bugliali• .langoitee menus initthing-it indicates time 1I ans the part ardor lewdest. .• . .. L.. t.). 1105 !lire ei t!'e ilescription.-"A gal-• ,;,,lint member of P•0100114WCII"kitlkt Ait "%efliCial potation,' Vi1.1"hei broom% Wane- •orti et not imiatie front his mini in eollee'ine -.- eidetic.. .to. & .i.'' We admit -the lire, pa• t of the Smicripthiat. ; bit t A hat shout itle offi.eil preiti.m 1, A.-1 procaine it rehire to arlitration, and ale, ta ;mother acition 16%h, while epplied Oil thivernment ter s•imethine throolgh and stopped at Witiusor. dog .jr1 Ilia lass r. ins et a salary I Was hooded on shore nor may thing done . A. -.tt no salary. that amid, by a stretch ot the liveliest imagination, been enistrited Otte tab nog...toot thy eged, the itensationnl paregraila oil puddle opini- on in •the Stades, an esteemed f Heed of the g‘tpint. writing front Detroit says : " The Ymikees thia 'side of the river racked themselves into* fever excitfr men' abovit their matel, on ilos departure .4 the Gunboat yeeterday f,,r Santis. It low reported, in feet conlidently stated, *at she - -micittoginte -to--tek•--op-ber station at the Canal and hatter that she was to be reiuferce41 hy artillery front Leridon' and tlOtlerich. The Mirkeens, United States vessel, was partially dis led istakin 0.1 anionitionathella o te., and Will-stsat wsth a a %table crew al onee f..r the sem While any anouber of volunteers including Fenian& Are itfeeaug Oor. Baldwin their sarviaus In fat the' emetic -IT -iteitinisent •prytaihrafrd-threnre /LH*. _ are-leauut-ther. /be Ymikeea _ _ -,---EMMEithOhatt Mi Miffefettletibtliest. • _ . . thy eity Mit t oe 7-er”*"11'.6".4 '11110."-tAlt tatAt'ssIAStwN--Ws leue- just rfr cotes' frau Mr Therpeohe foreman of the ostiblishnient recently started inMattland- villa, a specimen •4 the Milt produced by this system. Each grain is a beentifnl hollow crystal as bard as rock, end se coarse. as Liverpool salt. It can be Groner: to any degree elf iineness,-and will emus to he razi--imputteut department of Mr salt manufecture. %To aiodentand large buildingeare to be eructed in the eminent the wintee; forth* purpose of proaanting the business extensively next summer., Q.-.tt an cio 5,ii.iienr. A.; --There was nothing arranged whale ever. -Q. -Bet warst.undarstoil yen wero to g •t siesiething. A. -Of course. Q -When nen the pay filed 1 A.- It eas not ta el regolarly. A.I the elese of the .441:on of 1863, I ; there w•to ITAlit made hy the Hostas of Cony mons to meedithe wipeout of wall:yang iluit laws. Q. -It was If IGO a month? A, --I slid not receive st that rate for a Inkr time; I think I waS pita at thst rate. 1 mit still in remission of that "Mei. Q. -Anil a nice ramise•tabie office it ie E)04) A year 110 :V ihe yi-u get this nauneyr front Sir John A 3i eaelimehl recoive • cheoptenuthe bank Nom WA r Johu A Macdonald ai Mt -meter of la- . tw.`1192/m42.1.1*-141-. every' -_,TtalWrar• year _ - hire ? - - A. -Yee. Q - Does the stabin-nt, malleable for his z •sl in collecting milese, apply to you ? • A.- doo't know . I promote it waa intends.1 to apply to we. 1 presume it applies tn my drawing tuilage tbe in" session wit in Ottawa, when I drew about X10 mileage due to me by law. I rime uo to attend to my official Julie.' aodilba and had been__ tatio4 notheichltIfly aseert the supreina4 Arrts-r. Adamson, ran , has hsuidea us a manlier apple, ice oaring iu circuutfarerce 15 inches, from bleicoiii, Campbell, Esq., pt the Br.. 0..to hue. eAtitittiett has a soleuent orchard. He eakiketeil this variety at the Bay field shoe bet eilforaitiately .bad st named tii fdpitzeisterg, while it appaere te bean A le s It Brie largest- apple we hare seers in than parts A Itegoa --A rumor reaches tte tha the Prosee ATre..1 h, be laid tip at barn , for Ow winter. Oi course it id utterly in of the law. I pantile thet there can be a shalow - - A AvA.RRIOR AT itErIT. The telegraph brings the trdings,that 011 Wednesday, 12th October, Gen. Robert E. Lee, aged .G2 years, died of conge4tion ef the bram, at Lett:4ton, in his netive State of Viroiuige Nrthy seion of e chivalnius rwee, born in 1800, educate./ at le_sat Point, *dice ever attiring tem A [tier - teen army' in 1822, he had distinguaisheil himself as • gallant soldier and •courteons isfriatI4OAAll. 111 tlie Maxima war be gads- -ere(' many lestreSe, Yes - world did not net on him anti' in 1861 he tn-row tip Me commission -at: West 2./11n1 awl drew his sword On the aide of • South. Friends end has alike regirded •ith adtaratton the tiallineling ronrage iudilaring-genius with whirl' he contested step hy step "e-.7reilysitice-of the- Northern *tory for years. 110 and bis amends "Stonewall '' Jackson, who fell on 'Ilia, bright !day day iu 113„. del mooch to re- deem the century from the accusati in thor "the ago of chivalry is g .ne." lt.rth ;led Satoh Will SNOW wiwp 111 concert ON.N Vs? grove ef the heroic lead .ir nii I g.ilierults hunt -tad MM. • if truth tu C.e -rkport. Government would ncver sanctien the laying -tope( a gunboat; in steel clowerirazienty to AM* American - ride, where etiolates of wir country intik ent adrift, scuttle ur bora her tenth little trouble Tile British government chow lIelertch as the heolonerters_of the Int - wand gunboats ou account of its central situation towards the tippet' lakes, &he its safeta in ell o oothers, and we do not 'be Inseams lievernineut sill alter this lichee thin. C. Drums & Co. have received a complete stiek of seasonable dry goods ; irdketchicli cheap, they anent that they cannot be beaten Try -any Guneliten HAAS IR -- We are nappy to see temlers advertised fi,r,l•i• "the Dredg tog and Pier -work aces+ iry f. oral new: entrance 'charnel to the I larle.r the enlergetnent of the bsein, •t .LakeHuniu."' Tenders will he received at the Department of Public W,rks until 12thienveiliber next. M. Lengerin has &ate exaetly as he told our citizens he in. teuded to do: 1114S IN Paoraarv.-A lot near the llerhor,e4 lo feet frontage, wl.ich las offered two years atm fur 415.)0, mild a few weeks ahem for 7'1000. ' . TRIAY T . Star overcerne -with gratitittle at the recepticti 'elf -a, little Governn•ent "pap" from tho M. tieentavsth eltiv=„,-taManthatelLs weft - s n iteldtdi- if 'frille.:--ret-MW164•602frma. .. •Carialtt541-11dItst'• 'who nqs--ont- frightened by the areech of the Kigle.' shooild nut have liked to heed epplieel that paltry (pewit:1 we might Imre send) esethet to any Carnelian Minister ram elioitlil we have liked, aa the Slur does, to *cense the cantiowillominimioner of Po hhe Workout "buisUng tho Union Jack" at the R. (Asir Canal, under circumetances in afirehmich a fiire-Tnifing niontitalienkt (Legge Francis Train might have threaten- ed bot would not have direct to heist the stars rind Stripa; Gratitude, however, makes ulnae el us all . _ ski tkilist. 1. bl- erste. Ales raiii46- Jaitirak, and - ny st;•ncees• sess, • ha masnitteent diennrsibieh he-possisided fur the julges. True to the traditions of the place and "jii t ter She NU dike thing" 1:.tte WAS a scrimmage et the close, whieli ended la all parties laving beau friends thee ever. Bi•low is the PaSt11,111 LIST. lloariss.-Span of Horses in wassewlat It Iliol•iti, 91 P Doualitie,31J McCollum; Brea Mere, 1st J 2 lt Had• lin; Foal, 1st Youute; 2 yr old Gelding, 1st J Rose, 2.1 Stfll Hello; 2 yr old Filly, It It Hadstin, 2,1 P Donahoe; Yearling Cult, las It Ness, 2.1 tied - '14*. CATTLI.-Bull of any age, lat W Daniel ••••••=,..• '.44*^4. - TownehtP of ntnUIWY. SUPw AT HATIllgUt. zi,:.^a-ma"inire4SZ4sigtprthAttlittr,„-4, eanesday, I tn tett ere was ate" Ott "''14:15" 'Jew. intsulasmint. MAUL iiracZek FlPefigrA111114/IttidgIFEWLYIVen! It D Mcklwan, 2d W itictt 2 raw old F lly, 1st Dltfekwen, 2,1 Petty ; Span Ho.as in waggon,- let.,Tkua. Diek, 2d D iteEwen. ' GIINSRAL rreeose Immo -.Yearling ode, 14 It Divine, 2.1 T Dick- 1 year old Filly. 1st A 1411.:113.1,40, 2.1 !chi% Geiger ; 2 year old Fillv, Ales-Buchansin. 24 A ifoRwen ;Cermet, Homes in Harness, In Potatiiee, lit J McCollum, 2.1 luut.rass; W Elder, 2i1 A Itose ; Buggy Hunt*, lat J Dos Table Carrots, 1st IL 'Riley, 2d - Johnston, 2,1 .1 Willis. - • Iletehannock; dos Field Carrots, lot J Cants Mila Cow, let John Petty, Webb,. J Henry; dos Bass. lat 'Lau. Ferguson ; 2 year °Id heifer, let Hoere, 2d A Andersou; Peck ef Oniens, I Petty, 24 ts !Penni; Yearling heifer, 1st 1st 0 Young:Tr Vriltompent; Dos abut-- Airtaist, foliegassusesok- J- , s'ebb• Eon' of ,orn, . ow , 241A Young; din Apples 4 veriet Les, (label- led)lat T 'fayler, 241 J twaig; Six bunch.* nett--Camed• .10115, took loiter of hat ri nit aa late in .being (lewd to allow the receipts upup, Tbeons erns to be 'unions h e n otfy J' to: east - doer. 'Miro was s splendid- ittotr-ot Sassoxsata Umonte--Oeo McKenzie is fruit aud Vegetable,. Liorliee' work war now fully equipeed fur the wintet Cain- gtOd. A good niany entries of exeellent melon in all departments of hia business. ; waggons, buggit and double eon juges Give Iniu a call. were made, chnly fium Chutou aud Antifield Voutaliii• Varna. The Hume mete ys ry good but the rattle sunk war to trimly LS good 'I he Council met this day tieptember as usual. Tho numb r entrii•s lar 18th, pursuant tv adjouniinent, all the est:weed that. of lest year. . patent members enemata. The !emotes 44 lest • admitted that a lite r pl me fur a show meeting were road and aeproved. A letter amid not be got in the Comity ; the from Mr Jannis Brown, Petit %tooter, call- • • . . large mill cheo, end large, dryl mid dean ing the attention of theCouncil tu the state of the bridge ever the 18 mile river on, the uP11"1 at1"1" b,jui4 ettibthie Lake shore road, wai read. Mr Jobt. F midi au exhi,,it ion. Between 2 aud 3000 Stele w la sing presented theCollector's people were preamit nod all seemed to do 24 0 YORSIlt; lianas:1g Boll, lat J Bolton, 2d bits Hallsts 3r`t J Washing bond. It *as moved by M Ltalts.m and What they cool 1 1,4) Ai she day pass uff ton; Working Ozen, 14 J Harcourt, 2•1 ses"Ide'd hy P Clare that dust -1011001"r pluarautly. Tbe Judger were :-Iusieur 111,11.0tigh-Ist041 01.14, tot J bimd he ate.epted 4A satisfactory -Carried. tintat,Mr. !Pik bf r. Soot t, Mullen, 2, 4 St , - t Methl, 2.1 0 Yotiii4„ 3n1 G. Young; Heifer i F Andrew, that this Council reject the ap. 9 yrs old, 1st L1 Medd, 2i1 Peter Denahoe; 1 plicatiou of the Trustees of Scheel Section Hattori yr old, let 0 Yoting, 2,1 tie. I No. 7, to levy v. rate to boil& a School McKay; Bull Calf, 11, Medd; 11,,,fer Gate, Movie, siitheieut ciente bovine been shown. J Mullen. • for the rejection -Carrie& -Moved by 3; 811111P. -Aged Rain, 1st 0 McKay, 2d Crawford, seceieled lai l'atriek Clare, that Moved by Jones Crawford, can. J, hn Haploid, and Mr. Shop' ejd, Outleriell Township. Out•door department, Mr. II tItoncliouse, tioderieh Township, anti Mr. DleTaviah, Sundry. Subj, bled is the TIIE PItIZE LIS Iloasse.-Brood blare and Foal, R. W Anitemoui Pair of Estes, bit W.,;, An. John Bennet be paid an.23 for ditching r, ennemen, W. Merbuion. 'Iwo year old Shl Washineton; Per Shear's's: dmie by bins on th. dirtiten line, under a an, C. Simons. 'Two-y.ar Rua, 1st Wm -Anderson, 2,1T Taylor ; tisane:1 in 1869 -Carried. Moved by J. filly, B. Seen Crawrird sow by M. Dolten that dietetic old Gelding, J. Switser, D. W. Yoga e Pair of tww-faeteberbet•tt-ns Amlersois, .1 T Taylor ; Rau Lambs, lat W Andersen. 2d J Weshington. . ihniv--4--yeee-ete-uva,- 1st .Lie. Mullau, 2,1 H Seater; Sow, let Id Witte voter, 241 J 11Ionn; Boar raised in 1[470, let bl Hoare,2i1 11 Webnier; tiow raised lit '70, lat 0 Young, $41.1 Glenn Cleat. Two bush Fall Wheat, 1st A Young, d A r Dentin': do eitiring %%heat. Moved by John 1' Andrew, sec. by I- etnek 1 I . It elle. leering bull calf, C. Simons. It J Rose, 9d ItStedd; do Pmeeklk J Hen- ry, 2 1 J H Tarlor; do Barley, 1st B. Riley, el"ra lbat "au.sea"11 ba Paul 1112 f"r Yoke of 'reeking ozen, 6I Hudson, nos - Id J Rose; du Cate, 1st A t nuttg4.24 .1 .0: tfraorseir8siiici,esi_ erv,:drieer,,,L1 ishiyotedn bray t.j..,:likliteLi. tii.-, . ii.Y.,coodut:i. Yoke two year old steers, A Beare; Half bah Flex, T Brown; half , M Campb.:.II.. ,Ii:okot one year old hn.hip,„,„ay,s,n,43,o Bean ea it w,te. Andrew, sec. by M Dalton that the part of "' the motion on salaries reii g t,, the steers, M Campbell, A rocott. F•tted on Roues Adis irgorrAsi.ga,-OndTurnipa, Tavern Inspector be rescinded, and 11,.1 or ale,r, A Eloitt. Fatted coner heifer, WAIL 1st J McCourt, 2.1 J 11"e"uit: Busher witi,hlhesaToLatie..c,nrn,nvultbictiit.sp:cii,gmforiLteeo.:11.:a.,:17%2:.(,),,ft,:.tr, s1.1‘s1iiiiiii64-tort,pit,__DMilt%1::1,7,:t.bioill.1..111zziahirinionb,,,113. Love,,S,n . II Lire, Sen. Two ewes lbw; rib.; C‘1. Amndeter,ilith"avtedP1:?triPCILU)1;171;1.5";1; having bail ',abbe iii 1870, two eheine be gmnted 1120 se charity tu aulet him in imilthim a•housee-C•rried. 31eviel by J. and ov.er, II Love Sir. n•, C Teu,_oh. l'air riark....mr.041"...0.444064w4,::::.:::,.,..,:::,,),...7.........,:..,in 1:sr.:7:e4:1:611.rt._ Rwl.i.,0;:frwil 1,1irisiger:teiw:i.:eit...1:.:cel.aiiiti,Sen.:.,11C1 T4up.g b. ...„..„7.......T._ • Paw - Bost, large breed, C Simons. Boa, smell Breed, W m Johnstoo. Sow .1"d Piga. !err breed, 0 Eberhardt. Saw JJ.,DA:,ioimanstri.inuig: W.. agiotiii"twitv:::tst:16A rttth' en. rt setVre.liiti:gito,,rtii sAuivb,iart. aft.i,dr Oop..criy eery eotuldlini.....Afiltir; the par 1S67, be cancelled- Carried.4i=iil ,ss'iman, i,,,::nn,,,.Ainc honor., E. mo,. ateve,1 hy J Criterord, sec. -16-frofin lir• i L „ B ou ...comic of %arrears of taxera fiir• 1868 Andrew that John Jainitleoll be aid 413 401 c;', ' • '„ ' - ' .,., , ,, „, , , caked- -iti 1r 70 1). W ilson, A. Eleott. .. USAI.S1;ATTLS.4..411.en l.olf outing cheesed wrongfully on the Collector's roll agAilist William Ferins .u, the tete* for . Two-year odd heifer, J. Campbell, A. ..id year having been paid-Carrhel. 1 bilettt. Q4,-) ear old h,ifer, 1). 1V ilson, gathered ON wharfs and public places canvessiug the qnestien at issue. Of course when the real *rate of affairs is known, the excitement will he a but,net before every port (the c %tinter wt.I have heal their any on the ttriseter. I have forwarded metro( tbo Detroit papers of-thim imbruing which will theiw some more lien on the agitation From the, Detroit free Press at, ere tint fell.* ;••••'• • , "A STgeg.011 Mayon; a remaineil there &trill.; the session, end 11.4,ra been th:re el.. since 1 all nog travel from Ottiere to St John and St. Jelin to Ottawa in ree'peet to that werion , haJ • Kum iu St. John, bat it had be, n muted, and my family were living at Ottawa with me at a hetet. Q You n 4, in tit , thelateetinu heligas the Kaiwier-Of Public Works in this matter wee serums in eieiming this work for the D Goveren iiiii t. was probably autende 1 as a p. joke -but even j ,kes 4.1 tied 'kind are tee. nl- waye ride. The ittiestion of whether the c•nal is or is nat in CAnedian waters can- not be settled in this way. Our govern- ment coeitructool the work under the MI - 114 that it was within ourderrixory. and patelsea that the British gunboat Prince Alfred came 'brutish tin new canal thneigh e St. Clair Flats with the Canadian Minister WI Public Works on board. It is *titled that the Minister pretended to take format palominos. ef the work Utah,. nanny of the 15,minnin Govern mine,- hotlines/ river it the British flag. We Win Itardtv• mide to dr iw mile am gin! th a you resided at St. Jelin, N. 13., &Mont by the neareat mail route "Vet 600 miles from Ottawa ? A. -Yes ; sa 1 in point of law I di I reside these - :gr. III. SKIL-I am talking about the piint of tact (1 de.ral lagiv. after iever LI years' sepuracence on the . , • ii, • sg.. (1,1,1ion 10 Ilin Hon. Caw, f on or my edine wet I in the Ireie, I .k it 0.1011,1 14W EaVe 11 10 SW, and %hat the law gives me 1 will have. Q.- Of course you have not ptil it back spin. A.--Cet train!, not. 3Ir. BLAItIt-"ItiSe it the soul that pep." cit et thought I wni co -eel mt; nu 'y entitl tn, reer iv.: 11 is term', I could hare taken a bowie at (-Haws tin* Immense advantages for the creme, lint 1 di.I not take - M r. MAK is (Ole elite jog had tn nein reeideoce Bo re, What kin,' el re4clenee bed you i St. John ? - A. -A very good one, as you would see if I hail.youslo it. And so on. hits made • mistake. At ao es, ot., if tli,.v raise a Illation about local.ty it will take more thin one eunMett to settle the matter if gunboats are calledintattit- -- olliNVUO.' Nose it is arc pitiable that a contemp. tilde pennyndlnerelliould here been sothow• ed send mit to the world • paragraph so strickenly cakalited to injure our friendly relnt with* irAmereianneighbers. "tie correspotideet fintherays ,411 this time the .Prervie Alltel is lying riniet- fur whom it es intended svill largely take ly at Sarnia, withotit anything %ambient 3'4101',I•01 of it. 'The fee of 50 meta per month can be* hindrance to none. New LITLILAST JOIMNAL.- hit,* re- coiled tt.e fourth number 44 the Cunielian Literary .1 Genial, puhlished by Memrs. Flint & Van Norman of Terintn. 11 WA gerated additions, and it will take a long neatly got up work of twenty-four pages, time to Tepee the damn*, Very probst- -published magazine shape, ind &toe.' 44' 0'0 141 Clelr Callal eotnitructed on 40 originol literafere. Many of • AIMS ; p pasture thot r Ins I stock, son of our esteemed townsman Bev. W. 8 Intekotock, has matriculatiel at Univerilty Cellege Tion,nto. Rrstesnatt's FOLNADAY -We are glail to sre that strriek -intemem grang on herr. We malerigen1 Mr- Runettuan hends are nearly all frutu slt anil Itrantferd, Men ho aetnally worked oli the pans present, MI operation in therteeras. lie has n True, her of the •glain pots with hrine hooter in emotes of cow/traction end we presume he amid snake Plate., _patent as well and cheisply ita any other Funrelrymen. is all we want to keep in 'the tow': a large einmint of no iisey which has hitherto been leaving it. Wraraa CL.WIIING.-ff. Dunlop has . • pint received a ty0iiiiletw Stook fif "34sths t• • - dd Steura, la A McEwen, 2,1 BolloCh Inn; Yoke 1 year old Steers,'Isr 1.) McEwsiti ; Heifer calf, Ist J Petty, 2.1 DMelSwen ; FAL OM or Ifhtifer,..lat It Fogitson. 2d C Raschlen ; Faf Os or Steer, lamd Petty, 2%1 ; Yoke working Oxen, 1st 1) Be11,2d ei Rennie Suter -Aged 111011,151 J Petejr, '21R Manning • Yearling -Raul, 14 Tue-11. OM, 21 'Ft Manning ; Ram Lamb, let 8 Rennie, 24 11. !Maiming ; Pow Ewes, let 11 Manning, 2.1 it ; Pair year- ling Eatts,lat R M11 g, 1.1 McEmen; Pair -Ewe leinehn 1,1 nasining,-3.1-1) 44&Ewen Pairfat Sheep. let -job& Patty, D MeRwem,-- - Pros -Boar, lit a 11.mmert Sow, ltt y Carrick ; Bar nig, 1st A_F led .Co 2 1 9 Broderick ;Son id 1st k J Henry, 2s1, T Anderson ; Blankets, all de to record this death at Jersey 'shut I, Int reck,s iThom,as Lereen, Esq.,of thie town. at the early age ot 39 'sass. Weems& seas, we believe, a waif.) of Ab sl.i s, Santana slut came -to Cowls at a - serf (arty a,re. lic its fur neatly 15 yet, s in Wiriness in this town and hal acquired the-univereal teepee of his towns- men lOr his p• meeting enero, AII1 010111111 01' charmer. lle eye,. ted R '4.'1 • Woolco P.m -try in town, ebo It . year • ego Ind she stralght•fo; w r 1 mariner io seliach ltirtrricil •bu-iitees aid se -urea Loge cirela of ft A110 44 111 rine rely mourn his early distil. Towy Coveitt.--The C oin,e1 met en Mondo vet,. (1701 ins• Pree•nt the up .03iii0re, • /1,1.11, ma , Tea 13441.1.1 )1 s liKET.-On Saturley, en es 1 einclair, ll-itlor, ilu well, Coif .r..1, Benet- Mr. S ,s1' 'An gave 4 ciente per bushel men and. Gardiner. Tile ionnottei ef last right 'tong fer borhiy, and secured every lime:ins were read awl coodiresed. A limv1 that wile 1100 Godcf1Ch, over 700 petition was read from the Salt Cuinietnies nediels. . . . on the M sitland read and Standly and Bravura envie; rots Gram -Miss Limp I Co., Saw mill snit- Malt woek, to haventintoge Nlaitland road graded and the crave worth, we hear, 14 opening A SldWiTIF4 Class e.,,npleteil from Ilia station to where the for girl" in Etst Street school to Ise held every Saturday afternoon from 1 t•i 4, gravelling lies already been done, elan This iii a capital idea an•I we hone 014.4. Britannia Rigid graded fr,nn the Heron reed to the Staiion end the gravelling completed on it. • Resolved that the peti- time he referral t o' the Rood and Bri'le comtnittee +with iestructions to grent the prayer if they 'Would deem it expedient ond have the work done at ones. A o ttttt titmice, ion • f tom Mr. •I i din leitetworth on certain subjects in tatince- 515,0 with 11110111111,10f, was referrsil to road and bridge committee. Aer,ount of Mr etetts for home -hire for ,g oispen„„f es444g; Three Cabbates, let - T p Clerk Illeurinton 1)oings.- L. • h ty ,itt t .eee p,Sy._,,t With e revolver shoe hie companion . Theatitchell ealt wellcollepred. Seaforth'and Cliutott salt manufacturers mate a profit of 40 to 45 cents per barred. Col 1 :ray, of mileage celebrity, has failed W_get a jury to convict tie* Globe, of IlArel. A Are in Brantford on Veiltiesdir de- stroyed tbe Exeowitor Aloe. -Our esteem- ed (vim. h.. foie ever saver -1.i prom and some type andstill usual. " Slore 1 nteratlostialc; intrieforitillkof McCoort; 2,1 11 Salley; Pumpkin, 1) Mc- SlanioCk; Squash, Webb; Dug Tenni- , Jars McGowan. '-lortestryre-Dotible. Wagon, 1st H Me -taerete, -14cLaughtirs ; Day, 3d U Fleury ; -Set of Harrows, tat J Jamison ; Set id Horse IShues, 1st R. kicOnarrie. • DAISY ‘'WILODS011 AND LAOIS'S' nut -.4µLAwaseele Ikator. tat. LI TWILlig. 111 Tissdall.,• Cheese, 1st CI Titans, r Alaimo/I ; Tom yar. Cloth. home Made, all.wool. lat Mra Ratisrfo-d, ti Hare j 10 yards Flannel, all wool, lo -rewe&-Nie "'"F -4114111.131gtart.-31. c ticks, 1st W Carrick. berutesevii-Wood Plo•Igh, 1st Thorn - lean fr t &nth; aweless, lat M Dtlehart. Ietn-oa -1411.114., TWo Bushels Fall Wino., 1st Tengla. D Zeller ; 2 Bostick Spann 'that., 1st 0 fieigh, 2d 8 Rennie • 'Twu 13tishels Barny Ar-villohnesun- Babas Black ova, lat C Troser ; TWO Bushels White oats, la W Artemide, 24 Broderick Two Boahels Black eyed Marrowfat peas 1st Shit -ray, 2d Win. • - Two La witoe Peas, but her,sailing crew, and not even supplied with mini or eentinnition..- Meantime the stiptioetal threatening .ect of the Cans, minister will oscillate to the ekteetni- ties of the ration with All sorts of essay - white peas, 1st E Philips 2d W Terniiiill; 1 Binh' Timothy seed, '1st A 51cAlliater, 2d W Arbuckle. Gsnomy Vtorrsattni.-Peek small white Beans, 1st Wm. Rush, 94 John Munn ; gins Lieris,Ist -I Reg Potatoes, lit Ifobt Thonipson. 2.1 R Manning, Seel Teo Ilentbron ; 12 °ru- nts, 1st 1.) Mask, 2,1 Win Carrick ; 12 4weile Turnipe; Itt s Martin, 11 8 Ramie"; 12 Carnetolst M• riiiner.2•1 N Shigray; 2 Mangle Wurtzle, 1st Rich Mftiming, 241 .andro Johnstone; P pkin, Ist John „loam.). ; squash, se if ; 3 heads • shiage, 1st C ,Rasehlen, Wni Carnck; Mood Beet, larll Blueing, 2,1 ThomP- 5-411. Faerr.-Larre cellection of Apples, 10 A'in Bell, 241.1.14n Zimmer, 3rol Won Convey int. the 310 '.' Bo/Chian ; hat 6 ferare,Ist G 2,1.1 B Sieger ; kt.or. 12 Petehes, let (1 !intension, 2d Wm Bell ; juyin Zone -1;r. MAMIIIACITOR.1111.-1010,4 • fulled (loth, 1st Won Cider, 21.Je." Haggen ; 10 Yds dowsed Satinet's:Kt des White ; 10 vile Helmet all wool, 1st Jae White, 1.) 5back; tO yds adored- 'e Isnitel all wool, --1st ohn 'never ;10 yds reion all wool,Ist 1) Meek, 2.1 Ilueketter ; Peet erlf Boots„ let .1 Hoedali•ne. 2d 11 Wetzel. Ls roar Woita.-Pair Woolen socks, 1st David Mack, 24 David 14 tick ; 'Woioolen Mite, Devitt Mack : Patch work, Quilt, 1st Wm Ilieth,.241 Rieth ,• Quilt sewn on /round work, let 11 Meek, dohn Petty ; liana Made Coverlet, 1st David Hostetler, 2d'David lloatetler. PR /DOCL.-11 Balteal Blittee, let D itleEiren, 31-41 Rohe ; Frisch W . sin, i .. io----e"wied-ttat up to 30tit April 1860 Colonel Gore' ninent to mak., the claim an•I insiet on it before the proper ivithoria.. ttut we , Gray had dras n 'front the piddle 'chest meet retreat Airlines alienating American • tinder the pretence io cm i ying ; dim sum of 82,290 end from June 184.19 t'n fuaing 1r"'" " by all"'''tsill 'nun bomb", witi , Cc editors!, te appear in tlie t ebbe ptintc• .23 -fatillery 1870 22704 niece, Shich Moot the way to envier/site thilliaiiiii4.4.31nr the saliction-M-:-.Palianiant all without their kit ott!St1{(0111IltiTIISIIiiiliir "I Cga"n"-Igt'slil':IITYVt4t solltItlee I1114- . A return of full pertbatlara ;hal been dir - , ; weasel to the. prim/verity of both coun- ' mended by motion. When soy implies.. tries. The beetmetinieuted man .4 ali ant creation Wel pravionsly 'eked on the subject John A. coolly state41 that no 1'6104 tha fluu 11 Lanifvvin t° thtd his sensible tour of inapertion eourniationers on 'Ittuformity ..1 laws haat '0'0 el!4' been appointed. These f4940 wa petsenc f.,tr'till Into 1 l'ellw"“ 0h•king of (ha I • nun% Jack in the face of the Amerisan ; et.iulii be bodied at as a government il ra- t tiner isiptinat 11 1 int wheulthelearned mil e I e e .in .41,....111••••••••- • it et to be beped the imblishers will be re manerated fur their eaterprise. AttoINSIIRST.-We ATM pleaded to dee that oily, talented friend, 9.1,1 Yorbee. newts ty of Iningannen, new rs inem or 11ThvmsWVoltbleenekot.the 3tethe- that griscopel Chereli, and 14 itsrtmessitst Ily not, on the Winonitand Rt. Peters R. R. We hoot he will meet With great ilittraien ill his new moliere lahot. . F 1 ick, being abent leare thiS loaftlity, oTer his large stink of jeaellery at oust, after Monday. ClIWTRat. IdclannL. -The inenthere of the Hitr..n Presbytery, during their session at nederieh, visited the selneil, at tho invi tft- tion of Mr. J. R. Miller, and were highl gelont Colonel (*tee men being mart tl.d Minieterial benches.) sli,iiild be asked The Woman PH:senors Pardoned. ae a cominiesionor to hen is Ogee . enereira to ths poplereas task 44 'enditl- Jest AS anticipated, efter km months oide,,,,*,„4 with the condition of the whom, — , cation. 'file hitileege' mailer is a plot -tient dining and wining in Aelown peel, anil the 'potent of teaching carried init. . litt1,1 *tory. Colonel Gray not satiatiea jolly with t :IA per month es •codifier' and $00t) on, President Greet bat deei led that gratis or tun Plover. Aeriao.- fhe por annom es legislator le:heron in taking th ' est of international law hes been remerkehle mwed o4 tkis 1,ost, since the . awe of the penze AS well as the pounds. •intlicated end that it ii time the Fenian alterah"t".• is ettiting ni . itch Afton ion. . Th'el'411 he hail rented his reeplence in Mt. prienere Ghoul.) bo released. The Re- Me MeMicken of Va indsor, who wens • Joins anti take% isp hie abode in Otteera, he , - ' down on her fio'm Gsderich, says that iihe mikes an aifldrftt that he I1W1 travelled punlican mutt', you know, could not afford left Gokrich at 1 30 a. In. un Monday, 1440 WIllos fore Mantaiidencet II PAT111114.411t 01 1180 the Loh vo'e at the coming flee- reinisined ever an hour,at the Sartita 1111.1 drses #1,4 if telle.tire. To jostify hie times, so thet h•oioe awl jostle° meet all g., wharf, wax detained 45 minutes in the Mega niwit"pn ,•fyittivi4 in Parliament. Y canal, end aftet all, though fired With in- to the wall, that an army of repeaters mit der the Crown,' 'olonel Cray says he drawn ean yew seelueliglitly our nciglikiarseati- thl %ante clay. This was miteething like it, tor ttiel, arrived at Witolew by noon of while hOlding ars ..i11,,,, „f .ni„t,,,,,,nt, mi. be induced to allot Om ballet ()exec We r hia eislary evoithly and sot !swirly. Irrtene- ala1A a dvit•tmul natre'!" 0^ 1We """ffrud- sailing really a moat extraronlintry trip. tilde I,gie / .)81, im.1 hy,,,p,„ ...in o„ ,1„„ht ing Dominion and h•ey cheaply their J see the/went little bill, *Melt, is ailditinn .„ Tot -so Mesta' Croarna a Asmoctarton- 4,, . .11 ti.,„„. pidt,..,c. b4 win, naii-nal h""r il 6'14 whm it "nes ''' ' The just open meeting of this Society was be eon'idere•I whether • politirel party - , , . el • I n paYntsla-sisasissnuniiin Arbitrator. i shall lose or Nein a few vete. . There wee h Id h r nyoranos 11111 on Tnestlay inallacznite.t.10,71,75: ''',2, irenegialor o • takedie_ttme when even A ,nericart le ateemen evening Init. The ateliettee wee split. aa , ,mismo. 0;Trir. tt-,-.4tc,,,I;.,-,, .,t, . pi=tilealW-- 4.=.1.tiiii..46;a„.4,fiftmoiii..i..h.1.4i3V1*,terV444'4,,,,i,r"."I'l h's.., an' the parties have of their °en accerslaiirred etrium, hot 2flell wounntriY ••••"till rt.+ hut i'',..T ', ,, ', ., 1, y " i ' ' . 4*"..„.., '''''''' np hie pithlie litepeation. 'rite ettenpt t., reckened Arcatime simplicity unworthy '*"'Ill o• •""•°"'" aint"'Y',„,'"" -"*"""11 At ••riednat offeline nil the Wolfe hd. po. Of • wideawake F1.0.. Nt. e here the T.,,,,,, the meeting• Be•• E. b. eestt",44 Burs' ,,,,,ii,,,i b,,n, ,,„ C„)01,1 ( ),,sy ig,,,,,,,,,,,t ;n4 .04 sober tgoxii.e r,pt,...ht,,1,,,.. ,,,, limin. nociwied the chaar, and made . a worse on his moister. Whatilo the Ref. enters Illnottd speee_. ,.h , which breatnod threighosit the y holed:ono', over th'e l'rtsident's rot Mr. 4.11. soot Clonal think of the noinar in %%Wei, went oty proclam..tion, and sang such ""'''''' ''' "1"111•mitlan Cha --Y• V011ir Ji,hn .A. Macdooald provides for tia jelsilant petits,' of 'Armenian jesting as Miller reel an aisles and instritceive piper friiiii•lo 1 If it were ten e.' his ewe revoke ollnetrated liv the Fenian emivictions, eel " th0 "11 ie1"17 and Orea^11,01en ef Toting Meng' Chrietian Aseranetem." Mt. AttfiMa=44.. jai patee it haiks vwry in •h I,k. net triee• pilfering le it n•it time to put theymn. • +strings Nilo honat hand' 1 tronerwitemt --Jniateeseislirrn We his tan some Is tbadariek obese the Oblast. se..,,ot,.. .jeet, for ever bold their 11 'het the Ilepu 0 44yitiltr"ft14411:114at *i11,";...t.,ce.. . gnats onus 1 t_ 011 1 :IV to An orgAnisati,wo i -11 0 4411trawee in -wilistseinf Wes, II hoglitt . itneas 11iI/ F.011R1111 7;41414 . the .iitverle &fret at the rite 1 t "tns"4 tectmessa their layeophieste iseasity I ' right. J. 4. (turas followed lath apjoling fro., argetgas. landriomdro.Pbausdalne. "fr. Woritirita INVFifri= My. !atm 1..almn tery, 13. Meved by '..1r Itiinciman, see - by Mr Dalin., and carried, those the ac emont is bre/unit t'ae metal pries'and that the SION of fl be paid:. J Gorden, Bet. erldreise,d the Council on the matter . -I t:e rad ets'.ednees Of the Northern Gravel Yo s Ina asseintrrElettroirretrs of interest en4 making fer relief. After cen- sidcrettle diecessi n, it eas ne.ved Mr flortam, seconded hy Mr Detler, and ear- iliaf thia Connell agree, upon t County Council becoming purchasers • 4 the road, end paying to the' C tttttt cil the slim of 44,000 in cash, to remit the Northern Ortivel Haad-Verapaity the of 131,emo on their &erten% of Uttered, but in the meantime the said Compeny to pay their proper monthly instalment of $266.044 Hosanna niortssare untittke egad ,011111 f40,000 receivel.hy tine Municipality. On completion Sif thie arrangement all mortgagee, papere and liens be howls,' over to the Northern Gravel It -ad Co„ July discharged by the peeper °nicer, in &tolling mortgagee mede by Mrs. Brown and Sheriff Nieedoselcl in Atari, 1868, fest withing contained in this resolutioti ithaft Affect the eresent relations should the (ale of the Toed not be effected nor the inimey paid. 'the yens snd nays having been called fer,there voted Yea Moues IVationi, Smith, Ho Yell, Flinclair, lhetlor, Hort ,n rardiner end Clifford (e) Po A 11100Ars Names', Runciman and the Meyer 416). Adjourned. MARRIAOS LICRNIITS VausjIttiP4itAttorl•sk4=7.44. ,rif'?iffterrit/lk. can eery conventently combine with his ,eher loudness as Inaurance gni Real Retitle agent. eutiargu- h Ituate pillhattry Kent anti, fit Iirt;ttng tfa Meet Croclret Wore, and 2,111ests Rose ; Cov.erlet, 1st mid 2d Mrs Helps ;' Patch. work Quilt, equal Bre IlloPheslren, Mess Itutherford ; Pair docks, 1st T Anderson ; Rahn Wte4„ Work, 1st A 2 rising, 2d 3trs Z Roithefurd; &aiding, 1st and 24 Miss Yowng Paper Flowers, 1.e end 2d Mum Young ; Colleen oar Aebeei M'011Ottntli. **it ihat in the towtish:p of Brock. The plumbago mines in the township oaf Bisekinghana are at tractang the attention of English =pit:diets. , Theli. S. Association of Canute has pot closed.a rery interesting and suecessfor session at Galt. The neat mareetion will of tiarden Flower*. lAt J klefni_P. flaalteklatiatuloa.. . . 34 John 14l'arreti C'v'T" Id•v't4. do ; 8°' treal is the author of the 220t1, prime assay Bract.. PILIZIO4.-Fin• Boots, lit aiiil . •R., w,b.rt campben: A:, m., a li. Single Harness, 1st P (1, White. on Presbyterian Union. ' -- Farmer," 1-1-'en.try—terInter over tier Frissisci4:11ineks IS inTrronto suss7e. red _ _ _ _ tors were re elected. at ,n An enamel:Atte_ meeting of over 300 Plowing Match. East Elgin reformers irmeoldressett by Mr Ales •Mackettatie at Atha" ThnratIs/ 'The Sontli Huron Agrictiltinal Societj'a Mowing Mita, win Tare plate in the i's"' vicinity .1 Kippen Tueids7, 27th inst There will he three dames few competition, viz : -First -ehussi men. feec.orel-class men, ouel Boys. The peek -a ere ea follows 1,- Filit,yr.cl.AaA MAN ; lot, 'rhe magnificent reaper, valued at preeetifed tO the Society by tbe !..inesey Manufaetering C Pon papy, throngh the agent, 31r: 0. C. Wilson; Om tanner to pay tt10 into the Society • 2.1. A coltivator 'allied it 52.1, preatrote4 to the Someti 1.1 Bell, of St thiorga, thniugh Mr. Thomson, end 23 ; di5 ; 814). A Corea. :ocafia th ; 21 $10 ; 3d 28 ; 4tli no ; 5th fd. ; 1st 215 ; 2d A plow, value(' at $15,' presented to the Society by Verity & Ross 44 Francistown•; :441510 ; tth ; atl, Gth 84 • itla a cot), of the Hero,. N.q,,,,eiter and Oirinelo Fareter fur 0114171111'. preeented to the elocioty by WM. • 7.• xton, Soaforth. The match will be open to the Dominion, free to members of the Smith Hutson Aerictiltural Society, and of.contributine Breech Societies', and also to their sms and bona fide serrating, end to ouch • is come under neither 44 threw im payment of one doller entrance. Ah• persons will be eligible fot competition an- tler iirwt named class ; all Who navel' a Provincial, or • 1st or 2i1 0 mute prise, for the Second -china ; awl all melee eigh- teen years of age for the last class, , We do not think e• are Ravin. too miteir prizes ever offered in Canada by 4C.,11111.1 110011.1t v. The prido.bility ie, therefore, that the compotitiiiii 1.111 1141 corre1111011,1- t 1 44./C, Thee Dick ; Nice honey in womb, let Jelin Zimmer, 2d Thos Dick ; Oa dr"- Fiac, Roach.en ; Bt.:W.10M Etreail,Ist 13 :Bet:wen, 2•1 h Derelowt. ingly giVat, an•I as t lie managing ,a. Erre., PAISES.- 14 diernmentledgroll "pare no penis in eertudn( unexcep- . , , • iir ; anTiflovrelr, RintliM.95nrneetteogiaLeapect t 1..4 Tol. , , , I flg I mt W 0 Wilson ; Hair Wreath, David match to be a graiiirelMr:4-1.- Hostetler ; Berlin weed work. lst I) 11,0netler 2d Wet Carrick ; Orman, J Conner:rms. -We are obliged to Mr. Zimmer ; Grape sine, Da Win Cernek, LuzPon for tenting na that. more eke pub - 2d .201114 Zimmer ; 11.Irse'sbo,N, A Whit- liention a the &bine in the &railer, the mer ; 1 Chair loth., hit Wm CORA ; 2bersiore hays reeolved to require the 11. hewer, Vt Gerick. liming the day 4 ditching Machine in- vented by Yr. Chtatian L111,1,er, was on Ezhibitiou near th.. shoo gro.nnil ; also a el, irer 'T hresher et, , ogether with some plougheeif MeTitt. it: Son Freneestown manufacture wlook *mead too late to com- pete at the &anomie ;a churn whico was "trough' by a i.l.,8,and no morons other erticles. Notwithstending the large con- course of peeple M. poised off very quietly the principel part •.1 the erow.1 diseersing winner of the Reaper to pay 23A.00 (and not $50.00)intu Die funds of the Society. En. Sionat. Wagth/ '447 I !shirting. from 111111rts sop nt Fergusion'o. Township of Ocalcrtch. llotWEACILLC, Om 10th 1870. The Council met this day accor•ling to poiDIMellt All the meinbere present. towards evening. The v.,taries of Ter- .P root and approv- pekliorehoweverwhe had been performins ....m.'.n",tea "1 heat m°0111,2 in the 111.611.reom 4 th."Vactorm Hotel ' 1 Ilse collector of Taxes w4A authorised throneh the coterie •if the efterneen Con- t•• receive American silver at sot per cent tineing to oh, So net only until the discount in payment of tetra. The Rum eine' boor event tie. twoil" but iintil "4.4.7- i_s4 et ilnod iwirnoegrante:11150fre f T. intei tr giniamace,initnint: If titAlii. tthh.iolt B‘iiiciiiiiihre,,,,t,oire,dwahnen no doubt the7 ‘,.; ordered to be paid, viz :-William cing strengthens -flail 24 ; W Shepperd St ; r II Rttikea in Lieut. (Int. Archltnla boa beettpeti- toned by 700 Red River rosol..ota to in. stilling a search fur the 111141iiital of the mur- dered Scott. The York Amiga are being Iii;1•1 at Toronto. The elraml Jitry hoe lir it:11A in a true hill against Robert 1Vatiptaff for he niurd.r of eiltggati'Chapinal the mire." (whet carried en ,_to., litinkliaciKi8n7zie; .3261m5„;.4RV...Meoirgilann 11;5100;; .(446,tio. ' for surrender of Mete. , T , g‘ihnnefotkiin Ilsonleti-lecatise it conld • tail l'Ing) It talcs the erre ittition and thet loss . oi . ; simmilesee at PAtlls, and wort that flextime of ei•elhenneadevabh weekend) the o7•11.•' p 2A7 60 A Leormon 211.101 • John Life - T. it., ,e, in . has sent a General to hosedgeertoors to treat Millen 210 • J Fox, 25 • he Republic Ilea Teat. Sum, it Den trosonit. John Crosier GAO. The Couneit <Kea ad ' i p • ' I p • being geln pocket -picking, ea in almost every- ,o4irer ''''IV2ReAr=.=JarMtAl••• 7110-441,11c• „....-,---;1&, '.ttiffp#41.'}'4° weer", X.e. 84'1"-"r1,40` n'te '4V.'41:-"di'01•41 Jiit -iwaram• ' Jainert 1 I Vaiarilij. , It Elliott 41! ; se- ic ir, n erected in 51aitheadville itnmodis'ely,to be ts ais ant . ..e.--i- rote ' nett to meet SgRin 011 the essond mays t ne ruici ens nom ant are Monday in November next at Colclough's Tbi. Show wait leld on Timeolay, I I th Motel, Ilelmearille. three, new Stilt blake are ate nt to he the grounds The fable depirtment T. It STOK Ef4T,,p cuit. MORS SALT 11110eSe,-Twe, if n o Oatober, end a large envied searebled on snot *ell Gilled itl both storey'. The iiiiiiTera seiliTI Issoy Ipso ar &nay Pane 1,-eheeeellei Ceeest•ritiample i,500,001.1 Prenwilny AO- 000 • _ _ I'D; EVIDc EVor11. The repnblicans ere talking of Worms Greeli for next Prealident. _ w ar &Joins dieted. Severe *tome have' pees.) over•the British Isles, causing mooch' ilsonage- shiming and elso, thnough frealicts, greet destruction te mill property. It is rep %reed diet the Royal Marriage L4W has .beon; set *Mole for, tho purpose of allowing& danghter of the Queen tu marry. a 11011 tithe Ditke uf Argyll._ • Prince Amadeus, of Italy, with the ap- proval of Vict.,r Emmanuel, has accepted the offer of the Sponish throne. Ex•Queen Isabella of Spain hal settled neer Geneva. The rinilerpest is rapidly spreading throughout Belgium.. The Lakes of Connecticiit are drying np. New York is to have a children's theatre where all the infant prodigies are to appear its actors and actresees. gerM is in - The Engineer of the Italian government report* th it Rome will wst be ready fur ow tion capital for,ten years:. Oen Grant has paranoid ell the Fenian prisoners ; who have been accurate res. .4Lmek • and pigs, sui .11 breed, T pounds new charmed - butter, made up in riots, 0 'Jude, W Herbison. Firkin of butter, 25 Ibii or over, W Herbison, Cheese., 10 the es over, D 11' Youid Factory cheese, 1011w. or over, Thomas Wells. _ _ Goias ebb Se. Ds.-TWo boibels fan wheat, 1! Tough, II Hudson. Two beak spring wheat, J C Tough. Two Una. bralry. E HOy, Irelph Stomata. TWrAinah. uata, 0 Tough, 11 Hodson. Tani- p as, large, C Tough. T vo ..ect, You'll, P Crertailirltustul Lag D W Total- - - - - •ND IrgultrABLIII.-Bag a pots - tows for table 'nee, • W Townsend. Her bush of Onions, Westlake. Half beak .1 applts, not. less than 4 tanctiraT Well', J Ai mstrong. Beets, 12 rums, Jus Arms mg. Six hada of cabbage, J 1141 bush saran, fsi table -soy X LINN,- rbr Mar gewstaRY. Dustuir:.• Mari irra.erransi-Ten yards factory cli,th, Jacob Beicheti, Wm Herbi- son Ten yar ts Anna.% Wm liveln.c.in. Teo yard. 41..ii,etic J fre, er, Win Montifemera. tett N satinette, PAii woolen bl.odo ts, ..1 17.iniphell, A Duncan. Pair wo it. Ia Jura:warn -Liiitilwr • eir gott, iron axle, Leslie and Itolinee. Wie•den axle, Vantelon Bros Pooh..., boggy, Leslie and Bodine.. Pringle boggy-, Iseette & irtotmtee. Iron plaugle 'Cretin. Wsteles feniogh, Thomson & Pair iron harrows, (I Ste, ensen. Set h arae •shoes, Simpson Ilirdy. Pair seookings; l'amphell ['air mittens, A D/1114.1111. Quilt in patchwork, .1 Troyer. • Skein of woollen yarn, ten knots or over, J Troyer. Peer • line boots, W Foley. Pair goatee 'beets, I% froler. Set double harness,- A flingeton. Aesortnient of cabinet nark, Leslie & Hennes. Exreie.-Seheition of Fowl., A Brain - 11011• Poteoll11, UV,/ l'04111. •h S 11..tioe-k. ivoys, Coen A Brew teem. y. • Cooper, E McLaren. Terme., J Ford. Celery, Josh% /Aran Cutter, Thomson Jt Williams. "renliZongiolwirelrileds 11":141.11re Too MI".11Masnater.-Mr. Bell, a slum Bunting itiireitor in Glasgow, was dining . en An ,Weitelolis with a parsinioni tttt &brother tawniridl otnh,, heat. npact hic.tmotel dItymfrgh, mile; a small quantity voui compiAindesl,' the hiiw I toeing about half fell. The host . launched out oi, the extras agent style in *tech heoks were get up, with snch broad . margins.- "Weel,' replied Mr. Bell, am terfectly of pm! topic. in that rei- sLitift,ympel.neint511irer boogie,' • hrlillyterscieantsla)iaLl'istory'ri*I"'"k7L---qthta Kohl, domestic in Newark, used kerrowne to light the Oro this morning. Iler funeral tatr;p4,:osce4.to;LeMer,t44,rown!.".444- „,„444411.410., e r even i '' a n f'd iiielefe me the loan cf your white dress, to wear to a party. I do hate tn be askin' ye, for vrtfl borrowed clothes niver At me like my own." Friossia °meridiem the bombardment of twoldielsr;eicardsirlis hi:. lit'St. irrgraLnLiiilt all Parianerraeary, brit says nothing decisive toted he looked for sheet of three weeki. An embitrourient1Trnen—in Connecticut The Germans released from Metz proem eppeal+,00.1 his own signature, "Too thee to rectilinear, the Pensioner', posit ion. • Ad-. mid Rt „Tice weriL michannicks an.I lahuringe nten er my native town. I will reprixint you in the Bazeine4 hiimenity. Garibaldi arrived ivticesilelfa:71:nnill:nri:: peace negotiation. are priceeding, the chief obstacle being Wait asiimblee -irriepeetif Of Otillytiem,- the war temper of the Pan/Cans. The Premien' ere appr,cching Rouen. A despatch MU ef a great French victery, in whir+ Odom,. WA4 Ileacilatail Anil the Priesione drivel beck. A 'sortie from Pens, led by General Tripodal, is said to the relief -hi Verdim. Diem itch tontuinos do you Ouch I want to lc worried ont of rine at all points. Baraine hem este tned from Mete and st marching in full force to to iii.i.t. on the eceion of Mance sod Ler- nom.. Prussian dee lia race deny the French relijien, or eddicamhen, ' At a joerenile torte a young gentleman, about GOYIM ;ream old, kept himself from the not of the cuinpany. The lady of the huneecalled to him :-"Conte and play dunce, my dear. Choree ene of those pretty girl.' for y per wife." --"No•• likely,' 11.1.11 Te1111111:11 in the replier, of the Preset cried the' 3.'"'"11.171"ci no wi e or m , my life like poor papa f Wi.at ill it that nobody wante,yet nr400dy liken to lose -A lawsiiit. Wh ig with twisted tail like the auppliel with brie, from exiining lathe* ahnet.'d hastsmnit fituilts and The reliukt.inn of hotolon ie 3 214,0On; J 1(01111g emielmied the programme by an *how ad in tremendoes poSatn, wooOtor acy hit,AR.honeatts .641 I thVerstries:hatheltengwr:irose 'T in • flnexon "Parei.nal Traiiiiit' All the mg 11 in••hes in length end w •ighing 2 effort,. war. 1•577 3,414.T" sr 41,88 Vienne ROAN,001,1 , No COO (VI) faver • la eetiag will he on Twealit M.e., rititirittatlAa SAY Fluker names "'PW. ' Th're****11.1"81An'' 4071,mi62110 ;81111Matir,S,ter001)717din Tuamotu -niette....ealsareeelteeei eine( eeetler AWS11441141wAll 4, 440, Um. t with WM, the carroty the " Mtleeeerl. 1441..4110.4f hat", -otta,A0114. both, Inn .1,n1 AtAnatiestat .21141010 i_ASittpa„,140 i Vlifialfe beat this' 1.44.;.••••+.1.0.• tl I reed. Two primmer* were lately acquitted of constan y rein The Grand 'Neater of the Kirk degree of Freemasous in lenglend, the Roe 0 R. Portal, has aderemed threigh tirla Grand maid, "No, Trait worAbiP ; we should net req-rearttrqy Onion to mit the brethren of • Tyree ogorew i •41 swillais teals 11,4A,......,-.4; their helve together AS Soots AS polsOh'S, 4 circular 1" all IN* have eoms now if we had nnt h o, brought.' SnereiAry's office, neuter% of lodge. ender his jurnwhation, SetiAl IIIApii I• be teken to ornm re kelp A baton stalk pi • n . eh talon In Oa. wpittarde rat tt. Verass,,s .V.Sr.t.....0tIckattitC conwilt with them es to the moat ef- for tI• siek and Innen led in the i re est ventral, Whieh nant'in' over 30° wee __:.3 - I boas.. _ . . a theft. The nitigistrate told them not to oonte there again, or they might not be en fortunate. Oa of the trimmers .a... ',--