HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-07-15, Page 14LIcal and district news Correspondent: Mrs, Frances -Seward Phone 47-4$11 DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Shoes successful TAKE-OUT SERVICE * Pizza * Southern Fried Chicken By the barrel, bucket or box I Home Cooked Meals In Our Enlarged & Completed Renovated Dining Room VIGILANTI'S RESTAURANT Formerly • Dave's Restaurant YOUR HOSTS - DAVE & SOPH I E VI G I LANT( Phone 227-4701 Highway 7 East of Elginfield OPEN 7:00 a.m. to I I ;00 p.m. Weekdays Open Until Midnight Fri. and Sat. ENTERTAINMENT Dancing to One Eyed Jack Friday and Saturday evenings Sat. matinee EVERY MONDAY 'W Steak Dinner Buy One At $1.99 And Get The Second For Only One Penny Includes Potato, Vegetable and Beverage Daily Businessman s SPECIAL 1.25 DINING OUT ISA PLEASURE AT THE Dufferin Hotel CENTRALIA Senior citizens to have camping A summer camp has been arranged at Camp Kee-IVIo-Kee for senior citizens, July 26-31. Anyone interested is asked to contact Mrs. McHale, 433-8403. So many boys were wanting to attend camp that a further week has been arranged for them, July 25-31 for boys 9-12 years of age. Information available from Mrs. D. Max O'Neil, RR 4, Denfield, 666-0817. There will also be a teen camp, August 22-28. Hold shower Drains let at Biddulph for bride .elect Lynda Young, bride-elect of Larry Lewis, has recently been honored with four miscellaneous showers. The first was given by the Young family at the Shillelagh, the second by Joan Cunningham at her home and the third, a community shower at Lucan United Church, arranged by Mrs. Earl Young, Mrs. Clarence Young and Mrs. Ernie Ross. A garden party shower in London was held by Carole Morris, a colleague of Lynda's at University of Western Ontario. The setting was a rose garden augmented with bells and streamers, and the bride-to-be sat beneath an archway of roses to receive her presents, Joint services for two churches Sunday, the United Church met with Holy Trinity Church for Morning Prayer. The flowers in the church were given to the Glory of God and the memory of Frank Hardy Sr. by his wife and family. There were also flowers from the funeral of Stuart Keith. Next Sunday, Miss Ellen Whitmore of AiIse Craig will lead the folk music with her electric guitar. The theme of the sermon will be "Christ the Saviour of the tion." Tuesday at 9 p.m. there will be a practice of the Centennial Choir in the Pentecostal Church. All singers 12 years and over are invited to participate. At the Bidduiph Council meeting last Tuesday it was reported that approval had been received from the Ontario Municipal Board to construct the Beatson-Riddell drain. The contract has been awarded for the open portion of the Drain to Robert Nicholson, and the tile portion to Roth Drainage Limited. The engineer's reports on the Rath burn and the Kerr drains were provisionally adopted. Two readings were given to a bylaw to raise $300,000 to construct tile drain and the clerk was authorized to forward a copy to the Ontario Municipal Board for consideration. Building permits were ap- proved to Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bison, Lot 27 Conc. 5 for an addition to the house; William Ruston, Lot 38 Conc. 5, for a roof over the bar- nyard; Joseph Weaver, Lot 35, Conc. 4 for a new furnace and bathroom; Joseph Haskett, Lot 32 Conc. 4 for an implement shed and Karl Ortmanns Lot 18 Conc. 6 an addition to the house. IVAMBHMIMMOWItalMIM WORK IS THE YEAST THAT RAISES THE DOUGH Irish Digest Revington s picnic held at Arva park The Revington family reunion was held last Sunday at Weldon Park, Arva. Dinner was served at 1 p.m. for 75 guests. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Revington were the presidents and had arranged a good sports program which was enjoyed by all. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Revington will be presidents for the next year. LEGION SHOE TOURNAMENT - Lucan's branch 540 of the Royal Canadian Legion hosted the zone horse shoe tournament, Saturday. Shown above from the left are, Labatt's representative Bud Young, doubles champions Don Hill and Red Noble of Mount Brydges, zone sports chairman Cliff Cunningham and branch 540 secretary Sid Daley. T-A photo OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111(111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IMIE Club Club Albatross Huron Industrial Park Phone 228-6733 PHONE 227-4411 LUCAN $100,0 WINNERS OF THE SECOND MONTHLY DRAW lst Prize Ronald Wright 2nd Prize Laura Crotkett 10 Prizes Wm. Greensides Ivan Donn M. Brankovie Roland Porter Don Mills Scarborough Toronto Lindsay Toronto Willowdale Con Politis James W. Coady TOM Fisher tartan Morey Miss Murphy Marion Currie $5,000 Mississauga $1,000 Scarborough . $500 each 24 Prizes „ $100 each Edythe Phillips, Toronto; M. 8, Hilson, New Toronto; Mary E. Carver, Bramp- ton; M. Funston,Toronto; Frank Tozer, Toronto; Mrs. W. G. Guest, Islington; Eleanor Fleming, WillOwdate; B. Red- mond, Weston; Donlenio A. Data, Toronto; John Koides, Toronto; Wilmer Steacy, Toronto; Robert M. Syer, Mississauga; Mrs. J. Clara), Cornwall; C. 0. McDougall, Toronto; Mrs. Lloyd Finlay, Napanee; M. J. Gi- zikoff, Haymer; Mrs. fl. Bols, Sault Ste. Marie; Bob Vogt, London; J. A. M. Hall, Toronto; Airy Arsenault, Toronto; Mrs. R. Watson, Toronto; Mrs, W. Hovey, Toronto; Carolyn Pillon, Windsor; Eaton's Social Club, Kitchener, Stratford Toronto TOrento TOrant0 Winners of monthly prizes also remain eligible for Gran$Prizes. Buy early... entries remain eligible for all monthly draws until drawn. GRAND PRIZES Draw to take place Nee,. Novelnber 91h, 1971 at the St, Lawrence Hall, tat,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,8100,001) 2el.., „.. , ,.„. -.830,000 3ro1., , ....... ...820,1100 10 inizes, „ .51,000 each MONTHLY PRIZES 5 chalks, one each month in Ontario, May through October for; 1st 55,11011 20 /1,,„, ....... ,,, s1,000 10 .8500 NIA 21 prizes, „.., ..61110 each Entries remain eligible for all Monthly draws until drawn. dor Wawa -Wo low wig - w ,,, Iwo dm woo Wm Iwo 6.11 I I I Lotterio Box 8800, Terminal A Toronto, Ontario a Enelbsed please find „ payment for Lotterio tickets ro 52 each. I understand that each ticket makes me eligible for monthly prizes, as well as the grand prize draw in November. I Nene— Address _ I I I I TO speed delivery please Include stamped return address envelope. Ontario Nov. Lic. t7147 NO,. -ETA —7108-,I 'hi no Jut mira .oaf I I Pace 14 Tirnes,Myopte, 40y 1$t 1971. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMiliiiiiiligimiiimmitimitiminimilluimmiloliimiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM ...q. = 'HOTEL HE EiNSALL E E-- rF..: featoring. E-. ..t.":-.- 4 13,C, Three Plus' = .▪ . E.-. EE F...- Fri and Sat . .16 and 17 July ,._-. ,„▪ „„„„„„„„„„.„„„„„„„„„„,„‘„„„,„,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„„,,,,,,,„,11.,,,,,,,,,,....." _.. Candle Light Tavern GODERICH nightly entertainment This Week Doug Roy the Footprints ComingJuly 19 to 24 The Cherryos NEW W.I. EXECUTIVE - Lucan Women's Institute recently elected a new executive. Shown, are secretary, Mrs. H. Suelarove, vice president, Mrs. J. W. Lockyer, treasurer, Mrs. 0. Saward, and president, Mrs. R. Crozier. T-A photo forward to the celebrations?!! How about you, are you thinking centennial? Come on Lucanites it's up to us to make this the greatest occasion in our lifetime. The ultimate success of our party depends on each and everyone of us. Your Committees have been working long and hard to produce a week of lively and entertaining programs. How about those letters you promised to write to your relatives and friends telling them of our cen- tennial plans. Say, kids, how about a pollution probe around Lucan - how about organizing and make our town not only the most beautiful but the cleanest as well. I'm sure we can supply the garbage bags if you will use them to clean up the town and keep it clean. Let us all get together and through our combined efforts leave a lasting impression with our visitors. And that's 30 for this week - remember - Adverse cir- cumstances have never made a man do right who wouldn't have done right in spite of them. offer the fine facilities of the Sea Land, Air Lounge. On the other hand if you are seeking in- formation or assistance relating to pensions, war veterans allowance, veteran's land act or assistance through the Navy, the Army or Air Force benevolent _funds, we have the trained personnel to advise you. These facilities are yours Comrades - FREE - You built them - through your service made them possible, now it's up to you to make use of them!! Come on over - Branch 540 is for the Comrades with a flair for something Special. Now hear this - Now hear this - only 6 weeks remain folks until the greatest birthday party Lucan and area have ever seen. Imagine Lucan 100 years old and I lived to see it, man am I looking Perms0044 Mrs. Edna Burnett of Toronto spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Earl Young. Mrs. Kenneth McGoun, a former Lucanite visited Lucan friends in the McCormick Home last Tuesday. Sandra and Susanne Morris of Mount Forest are spending some time with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Murdy. Mrs, Harold Dickens, , wife of the late Rev. Harold Dickens, of Rochester, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Bob Coleman, Mrs. Thomas Thompson and Tommy, and Mrs. Ruth Ann Chisholm visited Monday with Mrs. Katherine Fischer. Karen Hodgson, Jack Hodgson's daughter, is spending a week with her grandmother, Mrs. Eldon Hodgson. Miss Lina Abbott assisted Mrs. Webb at the second Summer Service in the McCormick Home, Sunday afternoon. The Salvation Army Band was in charge of a capacity attendance in the auditorium of the Home. By 510 DALEY Watta Day - Watta Day, Yes Sir that's the exact description of Saturday, July 10. Just a beautiful day, a little warm for the Royal Canadian Legion Zone A 5 horseshoe pitching tour- nament, perhaps. but it was a great, day for good old-fashioned comradeship. The number of participants in the contest was a little disap- pointing, however the en- thusiasm of the contestants was exhilarating. Our sincere thanks to co-host John Labatt Brewery for supplying the prizes and to their ambassador of goodwill and comradeship Bud Young for his attendance at the tournament, his ready wit and participation in the program led to its ultimate success - Many thanks Bud!! Woe is me - Branch 540's 1970 Zone Champions went down to defeat at the 'shoes' of Comrades Don Hill and Red Noble, Mount Brydges, who emerged the winners of the doubles after a hard fought battle - the singles champ was non other than Mount Brydges one and only Red Noble and that match was no push over either. Our sincere congratulations to the winners - Good luck, good shoes and good comradeship to the top four teams of the tour- nament, who now advance to the District A finals at Chatham. Branch 540 of the Royal Canadian Legion is still in the same old spot Comrades - just because our meetings are recessed for the months of July and August doesn't mean all activity at our Branch has recessed as well. No way Comrades, Branch 540 is still there to serve you - If you are seeking Comradeship we By MRS, J. H. PATON Sunday in St. James Church, Clandeboye Rev, R. A. Carson preached to the combined congregations of Clandeboye United church and St. James Anglican Church on the theme "The Winds of Change." He said there have been tremendous changes over the years in the monarchy, the parliament and the church. What was thought impossible has come to pass. Mr. Carson said that after the Anglican, United Church, Church of Christ Disciples presents its formula for union other churches will follow. He said he felt this was a good thing. al Ar of Newlyweds plan Huron Park home and Paul Abbott, brother of the bride was usher. The guests were entertained at a reception in the church parlours, after which the bride's parents held Open House in their home for friends and relatives, For travelling the bride changed into a turquoise Swiss voile dress with white ac- cessories. The young couple will reside at Huron Park, Centralia. Hardy family holds reunion The Hardy family reunion was held in the Lions Park last Sunday with 75 people present, including guests from Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. John Warren. There were baseball and other games and many races for the enjoyment of all, Mrs. Jack Knight was in charge of the sports and was assisted by Mrs. Mert Culbert. The youngest guest was Terri Lynn Telfer, three weeks old, This year the reunion was celebrated on the birthday of 'Mrs. Frank Hardy Sr,, which made a grand birthday party for her. DINING ROOM OPEN MON. TO SAT, 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. AND 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Closed on Sundays until further notice: Take Out Orders - Phone 228-6648 'ter —vmposimpo :011111111111111111111111111111811111111111111111111111111111111111111118111(111181111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111M • rl Lucan students Ontario scholars Two Lucan students, who at- tended Medway High School Last term, have been named Ontario Scholars. They are Peter Tim- mermans Jr. and Allan McPhee. The award is given annually to Grade 13 students who have achieved an 80 percent average or better en seven credits. Enjoy Summer With An Evening of Fun and the Finest in DINING AND DANCING This Friday & Saturday Lucan United Church was decorated with pink and white peonies and ferns, June 19, 1971 for the wedding of Janice Lynne Abbott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Abbott, RR 1, Lucan, and Donald Cameron Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, London. Rev. W. C. Tupling performed the ceremony while Kathryn Worthington played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of chantilly lace over satin. A veil of the same lace was attached to her wedding bonnet. She carried a mixed basket of summer flowers. Mrs. David Turner, RR 1, Varna, was her sister's matron of honor while a niece, Mavis Turner acted as flower girl. They wore dresses of orange and yellow floral sheer and their flowers were daisies and car- nations. David Turner was best man Angelo's The PIZZA and SPAGHETTI King Open Until 1:00 a.m. Monday to Sunday GRAND BEND 41 Main St. Phone 238-2161 AL HARVEY AND THE BLUEBOYS Try Our Delicious - CHICKEN-1N-A-BASKET itnitunitit tut!, Hun ma net He nemetllttultl11010lt111utlitinaiullrtt flu Himtnllnttiitrntnunr Now Appearing The 25th Hour F.-..." EVERY TUESDAY is Amateur Night INSTRUMENTAL Fred • COMEDY Campbell 04MALESINGER Bob Walpole DANCE COUPLE Doug & Wendy GO-GO-GIRL =▪ - Nancy CaketSubblied For • PEMALESINGER Birthdays and Anniversaries E. Donna Make Your Reservations 8arly bAILY LUNCHEON Special $1 25 * * * Starting Next Week The Soul Mates All Color Group From P. Grand Rapids, Michigan FREE Er: Cell Ahead, „ Have It Reedy When 'You Attive fi▪ llillifill#1110011140100filiiiitillimullitiellitliiilliftilltiffliffilnitigiligHtmlittiliftlitit# Ills ~r HOPKEEPER OISPLAYING THE Lorrento gION BUY TICKETS FROM YOUR LOCAL