HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-05-27, Page 13MAGIC IN WANT ADS 0 Cl Elul ICIL 1171 1EI IDt CIL ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE COMMUNITY HALLI CREDITON SAT., MAY 29, 1971 1 P.M. APPROX. 250 LOTS IN GOOD CONDITION FURNITURE — Cherry — Pine — Walnut — Oak — Ash — Etc. DRY SINK — flat to wall cupboard — spinet desk — set of diners with needlepoint seats — rockers — large ROLL-TOP DESK — commodes — dressers blanket boxes — oval parlor table — picture easel — frames — ripe bed — spinning wheels — wicker, spool cradle and spool beds. GLASS — CRANBERRY PITCHERN.S. Thistle — Nuggett — Pin-wheel — goblets — spooners — candy dishes — crearners — 5-piece cruet set — pickle cruet — berry bowls, etc, CHINA — R.S. Prussia mustard — R.S. German celery boat — Royal Bayreuth bowl, shell pattern, signed — pair of Staffordshire dogs — plates — toilet sets — platters — toothpick holders — mustache cup and saucer, etc. BRASS & COPPER — tea kettles — bells —boilers — scales jardiniere, etc. CAST IRON — kettles, large and small — flat-irons — dog door Stop. 1 GAL. GOOLD OF BRANTFORD JUG with blue painted bird. MISC. — 4 ice cream parlor stools —butter bowl — paddle — srints, rOund & rectangular — vvooden rake — fork — hOvel muz2le loading gun — Page Lewis .22 — sword — 8 gal. butter churn with blue flower — jugs, large & small some silver plate and many articles too numerous to mention. LAMPS — student lamp — satin glass base table lamp —hand lamps bracket lamps — brass base, etc. CLOCKS — will be sold at 3 p.m, approx, 16. Seth Thomas half pillar — Plymouth Hollow — Waterbury walnut drop centre — Vienna Regulator Pequegnat shelf clock, inlay case — China dresser clock — Waltham Oar clock — Waltham pocket watch — DOXa anti-magnetic watch, dated — numerous shelf clocks, etc. Norm Etreland -Prop, Norm Whiting --Auct. Phone 235.1964 Phone 234.6426 Seating — Paddle bidding — on view from 10 a.m. 15 J01 C.9:C&OCiescz: A BUDGET 16 A METHOD. OF' WORRYING BEFORE YOU SPEWO I NSTEAO OF AFTERWARDS You won't worry abut that long trip, when our experts check your car before you start. Cottle in for competent service at reasonable rates. TOYOTA, SALE4ZSERVICE RADIO EQUIPPED 241bt.TOWIN6 235'1/10 • EXETER RON are AUTO sm.es MT. CARMEL The May meeting of CWL was held in Precious Blood School, Exeter, Tuesday evening with a good attendance. Mrs. Greg Fleming and Mrs. Bob Cuillerier were delegates to the 51st annual CWL convention held at the Holiday Inn last Tuesday and Wednesday in Windsor. Mrs. Clark Hodgins is a patient in Victoria Hospital after having surgery last Thursday. Margaret Anne Hogan, nurse- in-training at Stratford Hospital, spent the weekend with her Crediton folk off to West By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR CREDITON EAST Margaret Haist of Caledonia spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Haist and brother, Robert. PERSONALS Robert Dolphin of St. Thomas is spending holidays with his,- grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dye, Eber Lewis spent the weekend with his sister and brother-in- law, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Wein, Mr. & Mrs. Wm Pfaff spent the weekend in Kitchener with friends. Mr. & Mrs. Bev Hirtzel and boys of Lucas spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Russ Clark and Larry. Mr. & Mrs. Stan Preszcator and girls spent Sunday with Mr, & Mrs. Phillip Biernaskie and Angela Mae of Kitchener. Mr, & Mrs. Ron Foran, Karen and Robert of Blyth spent Monday with the latter's parents Mr. & Mrs. Stan Preszcator and girls. Mr. & Mrs, Corner from the west are spending some time with their daughter and son-in- law Mr. & Mrs. Marven Wein. Mrs. Margaret Clark and Miss Clara Gaiser left last week for a trip to the west coast. qi‘cerapictiew (lewd Brussels United Church women visited Huronview last Monday afternoon and entertained the residents with a variety program. The May birthday party, held in the auditorium Wednesday afternoon, was well attended with the residents and staff respon- sible for the celebration this month. The Seaforth Public School provided the entertainment under the direction of the Prin- cipal, Mr. John Talbot, assisted by music director Miss Lois Grasby and several teachers The theme of the program by the seventy junior students was the "Three Bears" with several students in animal costumes with the rest of the story in action and song, the commentary taken by Susan Smith. The Family Night program was provided this week by the Wheeler-Dealer square dance club of Clinton with Ross Merrill as master Of ceremonies. The Christian Reform church Of Clinton held a song service Sunday evening led by Dick Roorda, iNSIANI READER RESPONSE parents, Mr, & Mrs. Wilfred Hogan. Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Hartman and boys, London, spent Saturday with the latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Hogan. Mr. & Mrs. Don Mahoney and Kerry Lynn,. Hespeler were guests on the holiday weekend with Mr. & Mrs. John Mahoney. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wilflin and Bill of Blair, Wendy Trainor, St. Thomas, and Richard Trainor, Hamilton were visitors with Mrs. Frank Trainor. Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Carey spent the weekend in Windsor and attended their nephew's wedding. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Carey and. girls, London, and Mrs. Marguerite Mollard dined Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Joe Carey. Jack Hogan has purchased the farm of his father Wilfred Hogan, recently. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Houlahan and family, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Houlahan and family, Sarnia, visited over By MRS. M. H. ELSTON Mrs. Chas. Atkinson ac- companied her sister-in-law, Mrs. Bob Eagleson of Ailsa Craig, on a trip to Ottawa and Hull, Quebec, where they visited the latter's brother. Mr. & Mrs. M. H. Elston, ac- companied by Mr, & Mrs. Borden Smyth and Brenda Gaynor, visited with their cousins Mr. & Mrs. Ardean Randall, Wyoming, Sunday. Jim Dickey, son of Mr. & Mrs. John Dickey has accepted a position with the government in Toronto for the summer months. • Sylvia Webb, London, and Sheila Elston, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Allan Elston. Bonnie Blair spent the weekend in Grand Bend with girl friends of Medway High School. Mrs, Jack Blair visited her mother Mrs. Ellen Flannigan, London, who is a patient in St. Marys Hospital. Mrs. Audrey Gardiner, and father, Clarence Fletcher, were dinner guests Monday with Mr. & Mrs. M. H. Elston and also called on Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Ladd of London. STACKING DISHES A necessary part of equipment for a weekend camping trip is a set of dishes. Assistant leaders Bob Read and Paul McKnight and leader Harry Stuart are shown packing dishes Saturday morning for the Exeter Scouts camping jaunt to the Pinery Park. T-A photo Farm changes hands M t. Carmel lady in hospital the eat mower iveaway we'll throw in a mower When you purchase a new Cub Cadet or Cadet 60 Tractor That's right! Purchase a new International Cub Cadet or Cadet 60 Lawn and Garden Tractor now and we'll throw in an International rotary mower. That's a saving of up td $301.00. This offer is good for a limited time only — so stop in today, select ,a new Cub Cadet or Cadet 60 and get your rotary mower . performance-matched to famous Inter- national power at NEW FROM INTERNATIONAL PUSH MOWERS See Them On Display Today N. T. MONTEITH OCETER LTD. 235-2121 "The best in etviee when you need it most!" I. ' the weekend with Mrs. Kathleen Houlahan and Jim, Carol Anne Desjardine has been staying with her grand- mother, Mrs. Morrissey, each evening since the latter's ac- cident. PARCOST PRESCRIPTIONS at Reasonable Cost (Government Promoted Plan) Middleton Pharmacy Exeter 235-1570 VI'llaraggiggigiovvigivir * Comfort * Style * Quality Is what we look for in Boys'and Men's Clothing "Our selection is new and the most exciting you could ever hope to see, . ." well almost FOR SUMMER • Summer Shirts • T-shirts (knits) • Swim trunks • Golf shirts • Slacks • Golf jackets • Etc. Etc. FATHER'S DAY —JUNE 20 A Date To Remember • Suits and Co-Ordinates • Formal wear for Weddings or any occasion Thanks For Shopping At McKnights Len McKnight & Sons MAIN ST. ' EXETER MEN'S WEAR IN I kift,,,wilot ( II tkrit:X PHONE 235-2320 17 Properly For Rent 40. ACRES of pasture land. Call 236-4626. 20-21e BEDROOM apartment with utility room, ground floor, in Crediton. Phone 234-6301, 21tfne 2 - /3EDROO11I front apartment over Gould & Jory. Available July 1. Phone 235-0270 days; 235-0685 or 235-1515 after 6 p.m. 2ltfnc UPPER APARTMENT — Fur- nished, one bedroom, newly decorated, p r i v a t e entrance, Highway No, 4, north of Lon- -don, at Birr. Phone 666-0397 or 666-0234. 20-22e 18 For Rent RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 1/2 " drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235.1033, 2:22tfne CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT--- Plywood forms, wedges, form ties stocked, power trowel, small mixer, etc. Phone 236- 4954 after five or Saturdays. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich. 4:24tfnc CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex- tension ladder; skil saw; ad- ding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jacks; hand lawn sprayer; utility trailer; cartop carrier; 16' van; rolling home. Whiting Rental, 63 Main St. S., just south of river bridge, ltfnc 20 Wanted To Rent 1-BEDROOM apartment within 10 miles of Exeter, Phone 235- 2376. 21* I NEED HOUSES to rent; also others to sell, W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 9: 24tfne DESIGN ENGINEER wishes to rent 3-bedroom house in Exe- ter. Phone 238-8112. 20-214 2 OR 3 BEDROOM farm house in Exeter area for a security -man and family being trans- ferred to Exeter. Please contact H. W. Collison, Apt. 112, 1116 Garden Court, Windsor, Ont, 16tfnc I HAVE A BUYER for a house which he can buy for $10,000 cash. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 2ltfnc 22 Notices NOTICE Township Of Tuckersmith The regular Tuckersmith Council Meeting for the month of June will be held on June 8, 1971, commenc- ing at 8:00 p.m. in Huron Centennial School, Bruce- field. JAMES I. McINTOSH, Clerk-Treasurer 21c NOTICE Would you like to retire in a small village, without having all the headaches of maintain- ing your own home? We have that location. Now leasing 1 and 2 bedroom apart- ments, living room, kitchen, bathroom and laundry. Other features of these apart- ments are: Ground level with no steps to climb; Electrically heated; Each apartment will have a small yard; Low monthly rent; Walking distance to stores; Rented exclusively to people of retirement age. For Further Information Write • BOX 134 DASHWOOD, ONT. 10-22e 22 Notices Township Of Turkersmith 1911 TAX LEVY The tax bills for 1971 have all been mailed. The first installment is due on or before June 15, The second installment is due on or be- fore December 15, 1971. JAMES L McINTOSH, Clerk-Treasurer 21c NOTICE EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd the hours of business for THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, Exeter, Ontario will be: WEDNESDAYS 10:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. FRIDAYS 10:00 A.M, TO 8:00 P.M. Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:00 a.m, to 3:00 p.m. 21c 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James Hobbs Riddell, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of James Hobbs Riddell, late of the Town- ship of McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, Farmer, who died on or about the 1st day of June, 1963, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 5th day of June, 1971 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administratrix Exeter, Ontario. 19-22c TOWNSHIP OF HAY 1971 Sand Cushion Tender Sealed tenders, clearly mark- ed, will be received by the un- dersigned until: MONDAY, JUNE 8th, 1971 at 12:00 Noon, D.S.T. for the supply and hauling of approximately 14,000 cubic yards of sand cushion and supply and application of water needed. Price for water to be at a rate per "M" gallons. Township specifications and tender forms must be used and may be obtained from the un- dersigned. Tender to state when contract can be started. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Marked cheque for 5% of tender to ac- company bid. Karl Haberer, Road Superintendent, RR 1, Zurich, Ont. Wayne Horner, Clerk-Treasurer, Box 99, Zurich, Ont. 21e 25 Auction Sales Estate AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques, Auto and Misc. Items. On the premises IN DASIIWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 29 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Plan 10, Lot 11 and 12 Stephen Township, Dashwood on which. is situated a 2 storey frame dwelling. Main floor has living and dining area, large kitchen, utility room, 3-piece bath, Sec- ond floor has 3 bedrooms with clothes closet. Basement: also small garage. Property conveniently situat- ed with extra lot for other po- tential value. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. 1936 Dodge sedan, to be sold as is. Chesterfield and 2 chairs; oak and leather rockers; antique parlour table; small tables; sideboard; dining room exten- sion table; chairs; pine chest of drawers with ivory knobs; chrome table and chairs; Cap- tain's chair; large cedar stor- age box; reading lamps; sew- ing machine; phonograph; iron- ing board; Admiral small re- frigerator; GE large size re- frigerator; combination hydro and wood stove; Kenmore large size space heater; electric ra- dios; antique pictures & frames; coal oil lamp; alarm clock; organ stool; albums; books; 3 oak bedsteads; 2 steel bed- steads; dressers; wash stand; cot; child's antique bed; an- tique high chair; crokinole board; vacuum cleaner; bed- ding; quilts; rug 10x12; assort- ment dishes; glassware antique dishes; silverware; It h en utensils; electric iron; jugs; garden tools; 2 lawn mowers; oil tank & stand; work bench, etc., etc. Terms: Cash LORNE KLEINSTIVER Executor for the estate of the late Lucinda Mclsaac ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20-21c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Polled Angus Cattle, Feed and Misc. Items On the premises NORTH HALF OF LOT 4 AND SOUTH HALF OF LOT 5, CON. 20, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 5 miles south-east of main intersection, Grand Bend Hwy, 81 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 12 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Part of Lot 4 and 5, Con. 20, Stephen Township, approximate- ly 3 acres of land on which is situated a well built red brick two storey dwelling with all modern conveniences. Also bank barn and poultry house, Property nicely situated with beautiful shade trees and lawns. Convince yourself by inspecting this property. TERMS: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold sub- ject to a reasonable reserve bid, TRACTORS & MACHINERY— McDeering diesel standard trac- tor; McDeering No. 100 Farmall standard tractor; McDeering 14 inch bottom 3-furrow high beam plow on rubber; McDeering Si' spring tooth cultivator on rub- ber; McDeering semi-mounted 32 plate heavy duty disc; Int. 16 run No. 10 grain and fer- tilizer drill; McDeering 4- sec- tion diamond harrows; 110 gal. weed sprayer with 20 ft. boom. Above mentioned machinery all recently purchased, CATTLE: 4 Polled Angus heif- ers, recently freshened, with calves at foot. Assortment of household ef- fects to be listed in following issue. JOHN PAYNE, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20-23c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Furnishings, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 17 WELLINGTON ST., EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Plan 20, Part of Lot 1071 and 1072 on which is situated a storey frame dwelling covered with light brown siding. Mod- ern kitchen, living and dining area, 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bath. Full size basement, oil furnace. Also small garage. Dwelling conveniently situat- ed and in first class state of repair. Beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Inspection invited, TERMS of Real Estate: .10% on (lay of sale, balance in 80 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Pull list of 'household itetns in following issue. EVA P. SIMS, WILLA A. BROWNING, Executors for the Estate of the late Priscilla Matt ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3300 21e Times-Advocate, May 27, 1971 Page 13 , MAINTENANCE PLUMBER/STEAMFITTER The Ontario Development Corporation has an opening at its Huron Industrial Park fora maintenance plumberistearnfitter. Applications are invited from individuals with minimum Grade 8 education and who hold current Ontario Department of Labour certificates of qualification for both steamfitting and plumbing, Qualified personnel are invited to submit career resumes by Friday, June 11th, 1971 giving full details of education, experience and references to; Manager Huron industrial Park Huron Park, Ontario 21 Property Wanted 24 Tenders Wanted