HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-9-22, Page 2• 0 -AND FlMeme DAY. Tux Cattier Lommeitet, au melte New 1.4 tebinua. -- The H t ,,,,, i Rom Lamle Muhammad about 1J oilles t row lava THE 111111XII On St' RON 111141TELIGES. stand, this g ate to Seaturth to see the an I striate ru ' g (ruin it are briallom wi PI ra, _ X=rmas.etleemeemea meetommemeirseiree :lemurs X an of the Weekk aaa ti...ta-W..k- eliotiou4, -1/64-1444.-Aglitr-. l'am . „Awed . Tuirtinmecinail.,13- e I. '1 Mesa. Milt lei and W JCLieseams. ataorc, Silt. 1.1as Lode eassmie. Mere lenuteremseem .:,..7...;=.41164,44,141,0041...et,i.ii..11a..04.4.Awttor.riiriz.1.ity A Demean r ti me seem Roam. _ e_ Illiaellinitli SY s' -, s of iejtion,rjoi yo .. r et Withrow Mu,. Salt WOHO Moe workium trout the Kaileisa els trkt to-eatinr- -off ot the Mews; t.6htt"MIK"-lAkt!!!!!1:e• oseesseee, . e,•.• . _ .,..e. .._. -ie . , 1 .nyTjill',oringeinejtIlaapaseggisapieje.,j1144$741-TeeseyeeTilast. 1°e...,....:::,e;:r4: ,,,,,,,,,tooiordterac-twith lieW house., all occasioned by th. entiotet, h. att nberilev. - Patiteres 'bed. no question to ask ilea _ , a 01,1 11" !46.6.9"1 MI el. Themday sod Friday, Wieland 23a1 . einnanateef est geseareus patronage ashen- piens, the *beet Une coat and the unia• mad weather ,for liar IlLejeaty's, august i "nate vttr-,-7,---"-ImerneCet.tetn,tet elnt.yernipnee..4.3tenid eatinnieteitnersa_temuus:..sitt. ouPs,en,c•arioutd-hc.c"Leenuatient6WitifitMitdt"---- ....::....Theete•-tillb..atiatap.steilt..sbASsAtaalgU ..-7-.-.7, A-,,,- .--:,-._::- _, _ISO %Moldy wy debtors sit c In . ferw- Mr Dean left. le peedicelY "t"'" fAv„y Met m.j.ty's do,,,t44 ',dilute., gs. Moat Voinewfigm . Ocrigni0.-• The the competition will no deubt be a kaim i 1,- ...-.4 . tit kin - . - Ai. • • 14 - .,i I- (.4:T.14111'241 .P.' 1 ri.p.e altet T.I7,41.8,75714,r,f q marl IQ vitirtilay..laaL._ It reale /oak. Nig „Telire!!'O'ifro 331retilii7:' ;;1171-(ir7IR:irrects"i ct;'ila)ivilZZINii.51171111- ii., i.• Mt o ...tom Oirtrew - vw • ••• • nor .igt in me causeLon oreimmitor. -.- Jame Teeing, ale. Aram me melee -Mal G peeetete bee et, ,t,teeteet„ wee& groindir 'lb ' Otitertlr-The Perth llst- old time. to see mr Win Wallace about, collect aueuents aud jell Manua Ur that ha *imams. a glurious day, fit setting tape brilliant ,, hearty and widemwake as S ToLfillia, sworn, aaw the body in the seems of military •yelittion end nimilie . tw"nn' we underetand, ts to put iu le ke'kuld bale. leaf. r . day's drill beeiniiiim of October mei we mvwr-i“."rwil‘en ut thw III"'IdY nut' nut Wwi W'. Me COX• weeds, Saw the jemly put iuto the ...Min tielit. Always pictuneque, sham the arena . „kw,. ars' saue or tee ati.reet The subscribers, in reference lemele ue ia . • essetamaii-e, The" Moat end Ames 't tat Ntts sumii, NIP Joel lahunilrill, the fiats id tl!,c _Midland . 1 . to' fellow-. T ,,,,, ANC{ CoNTINTIO1.-A germral shove, rand' reseeetfully urge all ,111 e e 0 Wein VRTii. Tilla tio di) thClii siteroundings wervitrii-enenht- I tm nsre, trtlireeu will: fInCrinitle'.. c;rod convention of the fennel' of Temperance, throughout the county takes team here on owls the Serail teittos, for either hop tint it le Mr Dean's body. '1 here was a Mg. The rapid transit of stetting mon. house is adminibly kept tu all respeets,anl Thursday, the 22d inst. Delegates will small amounts, to pay up to thisAnts w,ith lireast pin on the biely, *tech he knew to meet in Crabb s Hall at 2 p. in. Tea sill as little delay as tamable. Creditors ere lei Demo'''. He helmet to tell the body ill patties in gay unifurtua,the nevieg crowds we weuld strungly aline travefiers (nen of intertsted sitectatmrs in laidimy attire, te t 1,,,,, je_ be served from 5 to 7 ii. the Drill She.. this eeetien te give Mac. a call when they reeteested t , send In their chitin', which me (i.e... 11 tete 6 hoi* ,,,, tee lee, eel end there will an entertainment in Crabb's the bnght green of plate mid Iiill, the i Y -,1,1 -u -s rInv- . ,itamizat. tti,1:.Y1Aite.tn. we blear, il1 Hall in the evening. yerieeated hues of the trues, the lovely Ii , sry , a d Klee Yam is begiiming to remind us bilie "I the IlIiat'suw11 laka, lan4 the re'. i ta flieln2 tral *1 eatweenierteet: it7,1' ulelan'r that he will seen resume 14 sway. /lei ',tendency of the autti ,,,,, sun, all combined iiewremlnereinnBrues Mid liiirou whoiipeal the eold truth is nuw tar be felt Unmet ever) te lein a picture of ' treatment and beauty. t SOLVINO THE MYISTIST.-The tact. the lumbering wiImala. night To Messrs. 11. Tooroser, T. M. Doody, N. ho,:i could scarcely be excelled any whirr, .. and perseverance which .11r. B Tolsout E. Ilo.ker, T. J. iroarnan.. and eo Battalions were under arma by 1 'ne7KY A lex . iosiosos. It, fn. pretteeeter, te, bethii re,teeed by Trainer, chief oonetable, hie exhibited Tit. (Jammer • biry on the Inquest into Adjutant General itubertsou Rosa. By I in wntking up the ease meant the murder the death .4 Mr. Jool Dean; dime.. to ea- , or Mr. Joel Dean, are worthy of all praise. press Mere admiratem of your itellant con• 11 a. ne he was on the grounds and the Mr Kr. We omelet point to a mingle hetacee in dee, th ....fully .1,hitiii trle.pe, being drawn up in Iiiie, reeeivisil 'biol. so ['mate/Anus au affair bait been Dean's body They. weu1,1 reapeetfully hen with • general salute. The Adjutant elucidated iu so short a space of time. convey to mei their umet hearty thanks. Oeuvre' then inspected the entite line, Six moethas work by moat metramolitan the Mabel( of the Jure, reline slowly alung it, with the Colonel detectives would uot have produced such ISAAC FREDRICK, Foreman. f mach battalion acnompanying hint the reedits. A N,MHEit etZIONITY.-- P. H. Carter dummies occupied by the respective cern- Teetrr.-The gentlemen who stole a lot Ent, Agent G.T.R.R., has handed us a manila. The teur lain completed, the el tomatoes froih the garden of Mr. W. T. sprig II Phan tree in full blessoin. This bngade was formed into culutrin fur the (:,.•4 ie informed that he can have a few tree "'reedy bluemomed and borefruieafter inspectios ell arms and aocoutranewtt: more if lie will call and ask fur them in Wittig 'struck with lightning, and doubtless Tenderly meat the Adjutant Uremal lets I day light; but if he goat in at eight, • shot will bear fruit again, if the cold weather the Suider-Enfield, tor every rifis ef every gun mid • big dog [nay produce unpleasant keeps away long euough. min passed through his halide and was rosette. will be liquidated out 4.1 the of the head. •astuld by the pritioner, terediturs may depend that all diligeliet. *et, eehteeed that tie shet here thst he will be exeremed au cellecting aocomita awl hot from the left to the right (Te settling claims. the fereausti) Believes that Jeel .111114 FOAM SINIFTil erne to his death by Ole shut ,4 a gum .5 t )1 Wel V. kl. SC,V. When fiend, he wee lying ell i fiett Ooderich, t5th A1.1(114,1870. brush, where he could net have fallen. ppeareol to have been made toy a gun o, ene ether us.11.20 hands, licenuse he ties ying as if etill. 103111,1 his gante-beg his alletdmg with shut, aed lie gum. nir licon'it lineation in goim, wee to hunt Mr bears. Mr Dieu se GODERIOH, SEPT. 22d. 1870. se told witness that lie intended to go se. rem the preinsula, because he bad vital, • heard there wars silver ore there. (To it AWF 0 L TP. AGEDY. .1.. 'nen) Found 11,, peolitteti ihata...,it t:,e way from Modena:h. %Veen' th. prieene-r Came doWn on the steamdesat, hi COLD-BLOODED MURDER OF are hint a pocket- knife .4 Dean's, see « looney which he said etas Dean's, wheel, MR. JOEI, p!LAN. *items mennerel tu 1u:isomer. A ivuleh. terming to Dean was found in the Wahine HE BODY FOUND AiND BROM; I I emeatier. His wax teld by, the priamet aliens the watch was, and witness) told Mr Middon where to find it, so &hole laid 1. be Mired in order to Mei • it bitterer. *hi lood the. outr,n4e*of the steamboat Walneslay, 14th at 5 p. m. Meagre It aar maiden toiled OIMItly where the Trainer. 11.roker, T m Ltaiwy, pi Tolima, prisoner said. (To the foreman) %%Mune TJ et.enhouse, and A Ls vremetee.mtimn,e,r WM Lot te1.11 where to find the ring Wong ley Mercer, tele. wait arrested ..1 um to hlr. Damn. 1'ro the oor...ner) erten, &charge ,s1 robbery iu consmpience hey - was told by t te prisoner shere Dean s ins in his janiuseion certain property be betty amid he (maid, the shape the la& Longing to Mr Mee Damn) entearked was in, mad that the prisoner shot hin. hoard the propeller Frith.mei Stemeer, When he Mewl everytlitee exactly an th, haviee in tow Mr el Telsina's flailing boat pr...., ...I, he h....hatatt that th,.,.itnia• tie: T110 party reached Satigeen at 2 a. m. ott the deed. ilo the. hareem,. Therialay, and without ,,,,, ment's dela. ne prieener to1d • ittmes that Dean ler° manned the smell boat and set sail ft.. ye.,y,b; nub., „Lee., um_Thanday hint, off the 11 . Nee te go wee hie, m a bunting elcursien and was to pay Otis time was reached. Mover pointed hen the same wares as he got on the en, out the little Island, in the harbor, of Iler. (T. a Jere MAIO withese did lint Whiell II -e Asd hel 51r Deena tent, Marfa), ate., ef eon ittiowlcdtie, larllecco ""4"14441-il . f -1/4-114,10- iefrttremittlietieerr •Ninf, reca iihilletAK-es7a ion with the prisener iat the eay ne r..iiiir-Sdiventeda, (ales • peisoliet set that Dean met he went together to the busB, two seeks ago, list ing lit lire they lay dewn. After a little they waxeue.1 ire nal found the lire out. Deau was eel, with him, struck him with a ifun on the houlder atta ,yott minim devil I is fix you in the morniisto.7- MeDeas" than •real severttl nuelein "hots in'et the bite, ttel he (prisoner) was afraid of him. M •an theulay Mean again MCI bill asleep. Pensoner mid he had s gun and 'fueling beta 30 feet elf fired a shast striking...Down behind the left ger. Ile then stripped Mr IT,,n of hie moneS, watch and ring and waited till morning When lie made for the y mid mishap! ref. 'the lirreoner said to ivittlivie that he was three day• tht hike banes haisembeil the r Deana ring was hid tinder • atone at aletn Statinn aiel the tem told Mr Trainer e here In fied it. The boy showed .thr party the exact epee where they found. Mr Itean's bely, as hu had blued the track in mining out from the Melt. The 1.0, mead never have Iteen found witheut th. prisoner. The 1. iy Seel that, as he w miming the tithing island, he threw Mr. Uean's glair and trunk tiverbeer.1, as h., • heat approaching aud ass afraid they hotild see the things. W. Seen, M.D., fSouthampton, sworn. made a pen mm•fren examination of tio hotly, and found the apparent entrance 01 HOME. 01 THE TitAilt nog free thin island, ou the mainlan I Mascot mental nut the spat Whore Nli Doan and ha hal firm camped on Siam - day, the 3.1 inst. The trate of • ramp• fire Were (mind ae iniliaated and the perry paished inland, in search of the Melte 1 il- lowing the blazed trak made by Menier in coming old,. The Meth welch they heal to make their say through wee exmesevelr thick, being oomposed of temente awl ceder scrub, with n heavy ender-bresh They hal, several times, to fell trees to allow them to senimble thnough. Ale jireoemIi er &bent IS ani!es, mitten:ling with these obeteeles and drenched sith a mai- tummies torrent of rain. THEY Turn yna Twiny of Joel Dean, Islam extended on the Mark . Abet threttelmtheiteed. with thole/ids la- -thevisitee,' exactly whire:ned in thereiti. -:-..stin,.Maircer demerittal. It had hy this lime --ereasived- a rests of !aesthetes' putrefaction. atoll- ems stirromeled by fire, wl ich ram etill burriiiig. We esti imagine the feet- ines of the brave men. at so healing their friend, elthough they were mete tampered be this leirrible end to their I,e Om jour- ney. Altar hunting all round the locality and picking up the alumhag and haver- sack (the latter initialled "J. D.' ) ..f the aleoeseed. 'I'hey wrapped the corpse in new canvuslunit it Gt • kole, and at ouce began Tilt I I, &AST i,SAD-Waltell d - to.Eliti liarte.r. D ,• l.nem overtenk 01 ----Tiara cadifPleirillIclittewmwreetteettrttne and, hornet no provisietts e ith them, the% were Oneep011ed tO olroop their sorroefii Emden and beaten on 1.. wove thernselse. from being behightal. Adattistiat they lei in the boat, soaked to the *kin and *tuba, ing intense celd ; and before dey-hreak they were &set vein. The boat being mmentil beside • MAIM. hemp, to *entire 4 fire te coots some breakfast, they had t. heed it on planks. A hasty meral an I on tligy went hi the Mole ono. more, by 6 o'clock on Friday mortmg, returning G. the Harbor ny 7 o'cleck.. ln lese teen an hear they were UNDER W4T 005 news muting 'Donn with the intention of piek ing up •hat property Mercer sae' be tied pet meter ranter end hid away. Just etit aids of Eagle Marlow, Mercer wed, he mink Mr treen's cheat and steel teams and zieviMrpiang41 o e„,titaglimilwese. had to be allowed to peas along remit,: titer 1 3B • ere means, to) intake yourse wee adepta in finding them. I illiside of l'inetree Bey. ,e,t nay whether deo es Wei loll CAI tre MOO 010 IMO od i he role. And in thia cennuctien Mercer said he had stink. noe.alleut Kiln anal t 'Mel NMI not think thediret inn would hat I would min ratty merammend you never rifle, Mit, not being stole te pent out tit been the same tf theitarty tiring waa seine to fire exeept at an °eject. Atuo at Write - exact epee these UM bbd to be left nine leg. Tiiinke the body must here beet them and do not fire in the air. Cenapare cowered. Rerehing nice Station, Mer,m dead 1 long Blum . eon hen been no tde between the ['temente showed the stones undei which he hal hie mel French soldiers. The French have Stag TOLSNA, retailed, (Te the foilsman Mr. Lean's !ergo, heavy, geld ring sn.1 fired excitally, while the Prnamaris hate Whmi the body was felled, he WTI I) iiii: pavane, commies. They were friend in Os. beam cool and oulleeted. The result e as straieht on his tack, with his hat melte were plice pointed out. The masonic en,- that the formerly meekly committal their his heal. On the right side :of [Menefee. biome were seen to heeresed. Thin Merrier was a creek with IS steep knoll.down te it. emmunition, whtle the latter generally had explained that Ile eht...n the bow uf the Monty to spare. Yon all know the case- tte Metlieentui said that the pesitieti boat, while he was satire, dewn. am tte• sequence I congretulate the ofbeers iimin fermer melon on. Witlimofirtherstoppage, Sei:i,:it1d account for the direttiiin of the having so fine a body of men, and the men the party reached Kincardine at 4 a. m. on in having so many fine othcers. I hope Keturhay morning, leaving a teleeram to The .1 ury, efter • ph tie consulate -in, re- to roast you retain in the, course ,4 another be sent to Materiel' that they were so far tereed a 'erect of Wierve Mennen year. 1 anilid now eall for " Threecheers against William Mercer. on their way, with Mr. Deans' remains. Mr the Queen." It etll readily be believed Tn. ARRIVAL ATI/MIIRICH THE FUNIR tt.. that this call was heartily responded h. by was anxiously 10.-k0.1 101111 afterneen, One loyal and stentorian voices. Colonels the bank WM crombei with citizen+. A Imut. Tenk pimp from the Maitland gmund„ Wee and Spntat ainultancourly demanded 3 p. m. the Willingt Herm"... tr,t11 liv on emulate 18th teat, at 3 p. in. Dlr. Joel '. Three cheers for the Adjutant tleneral," colors at helf-mast, osamed out to meet Deen having been for several years a re. which were given with much enthusiasm. the Imat and .toweil Ito in from the heir gweted resident of fleriench was Hither The men were then dismissed at 5 p. m. were tended, Mitt inIcita• (*.ilium about tint, tinoiernsive end gentlemanly Ily esteemed by him fellew-catizens. His after having been on the ground nearly teee. seven hours without intermituion. They mile pond. The rernaise of Mr. Dean 4 ea, m. d eerved a long rest end a good dinner, iier had made hint a general favorite ; Mu. Deism' WATell mid they ne doubt got hoth. Three elide his tee:henna] mid hennas. apility On Wednesday, thil watch Mae friend. rt., sal minium in which lie teethe. aleath, cheers, my we, Mr the gallant volunteers of Bruce and Heron --yes, three times had tweeted him a barge ellen, of itiMPOEt. itn it therm words hail Venn mretchal bs three and one cheer more ! described ni /dr. Telsmais sentence, and the hands tif somecold-bliaeled atsassin. mit • thrill .4 horror thrleigh tee ehole some sharp instrument :-"Wieetee Mem eninunity, and 'inepired every beset with eta, A/Brett), 10611." ottnle Illid sympathy bir the wife and , Tith isiteliT .401,1 so awfully' bereaved. II is cement mu held by (Meaner Malloneall, at Creige erethren resolved with elle accord to testi ft, their rigerd for tesir damaged beither Illkeambasa 1-104•1, au Beads! Willing At and etme 70 or SO of them mumbled te ballpoint 10 o'clock ; the fellewingeeronel'a Mary bee with mesenic honors. As they eery having been empanelled and sworn, marched around the Moyne occupied by iris :-Isesto Frederkk, foreman, (a Swim- alra. Deanthey taw thentriekeit wife Mean an.: w i;‘,..r.; T ii,..,d, a lc juvii. m. roil the gritted in the agony of grief anal th. gentleet heart conld not lielp marine oto Nicholeon, .1 lianas, M E. Male, W. W for retriMition on the murderer, whatever ellilnaoks, F Caasaday, 8 filrian, and Ed war ionneht he. Theater/n-0mm drnoped ball- ast -high An immense cemounres . , titahant. Ira Lewis. Esq., Omit! Attorsey, • ownapeople eseembleti G. follow him to he tomb. The ferieral was one of the prettiest on behalf of toe (7r ma. largest we have witheareed in thia locality. The Jnry appointed Me J. Callawey The Seantifie meennie amen.* OM feefinglt - Clerk fair the nocasiant. I reed neer the gitt;ave by lie W. lim. Bev gem Ike William Mercer, who is in cretto,tv ir.arIsti411alkon Mthe alell"n7".44rtach-"HI-Iiroth"r"Ier &Meet ned•th-e- eilt on the eft ablei;parr The etrietal and temper:al bone being carritet away. The appearence mei that of • gun - het welled, and was need certainly suf• tweet cause death. Thought the bed, imint have been hiug and that the shot wan directed from • little &Imre. The tate of deceenemitiott was MI :11, nest du examinatten was difficult. 1 he left fora was cempletely Mont .iff snit the right feet aercliatd. The wound the lead woidd mum Meant death. %Vance* knee Oren permenelly and believem but could not swear, the cermet to be that of Just: Dam. M McMlex tem M D., morn, made a poet enerfrin eta ,,, ,, of the Mely. ;omit identify it. Thinks a totnnhot meted was themes. of deeth. The flied) *mind was wantiug to guide 01 the en• ry. Tee (rem Ore roH the left side is th, lager. The shot 'mild lint o been 're' A PROstaellSOF LocALMATTERA prevents c sr, billy examined. The Moyle again DEAF ANDDCMINEDUCATION -On /tater. us in this mile from tieing our meal eta tallied into line "eager tor the fray' and day eveniett, in the Coati Home. It. tioe to generel news. Our subscribers, the 33,1 Battalion -Mint fiery MOM of Orbhmes Kee in the chair, Mr Met:anti, however, we dente not, a ill approcinte hying valor rullitigon the foe' -• Is auced as of the Hamilton 'Institute, gain) illastne our devotion to •,sne airstrs alsAo and ik;,•;,..h.,.. ; wal, th., 32d wittitho. . note of the mete adepted, au that Motile. beyond everything salmt. tion, ef comuitinicating instruction to desf n reserve, not murmuring at their cosition, mutes. The remits, as exhibiteal by • ...111TUARY.-we regret to have to an - 0.11000. in smeller colleen, the death, yet !mitring ei be et the Duet iu the poet little boy, 11 years "(age, who had Men through Marmite bronchitis, at the early 4 danger and honor. The battalions were 1 unlY *mut 47, of Mrs. •11cock, Wife of General 3i years under traaning, were really surprising. It wasclearlv pros ed, to the Allcock, lately the much-esteems:al U. S. thukked ,on the right by the Goderich satesfactiim 1.1 the audience, that deaf- Consul at this port. Though deenat1111.1 WM Merriam battery. A sharp, running fire mutes can by this Mean. be relieved of an 'mallet, ho many months previous to .oninkenced aad the enemy was irresistible their legal disabilities &tail become lil'a"1 .her.departure freer teas term see had, ell- Irkvvii from the keights mei pummel, itietil citizens.; and besides &miller instruction, cleared herself te • large circle of fnenals, the Hunan boys hal gamed themmunit of can have communiceted to their yacent eh. will sinoerely mourn her early deuese. the hille The hematite! appearance pre• minds pot Memo( Seel. Deity, and Milt a - welted III t110 carrying of the heights MA/ t1.111. Mr. 1. i b bol tg 011,104.41 much p.eas- i . MASOAIC.-On the er ning of Wednes- H•ppels arm. and nose, atel almost break- aine. A committee of Oenesn work aseu T, Ms liontoi of no el,lual Inuit Matured Shier. which wee erelikenehedAgfit tillaIne , _Alla a_ecew a -thaw WIT' . Sta,-1 ham te 4.es that at the Cluderich Bottum, Opo lieL-"rir:lin,gSept. 19tb, 1870.r:le„e, maL.,1„,ist,r,,t a co,isinice,...i,t1,,ie ,iciii4rii..people the! Linungin.',...7stletrtsse..oull":17eFi,:witileioebtroLtdu.arty7.iscoeiodNoOtipo.nkg. seek • state of things lee lama telecasted lene memah in this otherwise quiet anu ing his tieek. The alimmeeful omeirretwe maids a protest spinet the war. Floe), .44.4,1‘,k7.11/4=4Plariligialr ' ^7' l mar mamma." meeker...mar is Misiftlit eifitITSidrititiliVatil of Nectarine', and 'one of: la 1 A verY vAltii netenkletittel b.I be..f.97 sou .4eee left_ 1'41414 A INgleua 181. spetge.ose peoptirlitruir entitWitotit-Mitl4nittlient a upon a tAktii#5911714 oclritt-„rimirovnwpctirl 47",:,tryttop4.11.1y.w.7,7rT Ttv:Iiteurp7mhviiimmlarttiranizac or two ezeepttieu,I on whits i the Ise con eieruing, • particular (Timid went In the ate written,' iii:821el vie Ckipltliea- gl -. -- - - - '. sr TIM ITALIII.N Yawns In goiemt, Statutes id ont D. .4 C. itiforiiiitig them Mtn the bee' ilque-rtere-orilie Italie" anny Drill Shed for the fruits, dn., who found that unless they would Miry the la! that a °mutation in Roman territory at the beat phyla of peaches, both plates of Morass Komodo', of the 17th, bays : Heron nectarine* (except a solitary one) and • Yr. sleuth Weleinen mei to represent the part et the apples Med Mien tekee away.- temple Red see the Inv. rigeurely enforced. Arnim came to Oen. Cadorea's quarters, M was heped.that after la. Polite a wareing by authorisetian of the Pope, to explain Meeting the ultimate he eniptired " where are Mr. M.'s peeeties t" 'Plie reply was, "I 1 there w""Id taI "o ""d "I "Ythitlit that &reign military Pace" for the moment think Mr - has taken ,or wok them." farther. But no, next Sebleth although emit.„1). the Hilton and Zurich Ilidele were chual. it ruled Beene, and Ilia /felines. was un - Now if the; Mr Snip Cabbage, . t by resistance the enterenee called, • prick•adouse. tailor, did take Mr Hill "1 %he ''N'ictoria ' opened out a. . t" Ll'e"e - of Iteliau troops. He wished to know and eat of this furbidilen fruit, without an proudly alehautf. The people went not tole invitation, Savo Anil except by Lis ewe Wideman preceeded to Michael •bat coulee Cadorna %Mended to teke. defied, however, seal Inuit morning Mr. . the eigh some qutlable in the Law be mule Zeller Eel. The Beyond rt plied that his purpose wt.* fully eet forth iu the royal proclaruation. ounimorette &petite. Allow me to ice's) J. P. te lay infortuatien agleam .Min, but him thia friendly advice : touch not, taste oaf with honour swear G. the informatien, The King ban thew(' great }talker, hut not, any of my fruits, ite.. toberwine I and by ehis rause Mr. Hal pots his Mule the feet thet toreigners bad attenieted to +hall most asatiredly Ca.init his cabbega in his pocket W0.00 richer to day than lie ilefendthe city end rule the Pope tried lit slk understandings to be marched tutu the presenee uf our worthy Clue( 51amei would otherwise have been. And our Hetet ampere niust know that elite a thnt patience severely. Arnim begged • trete, W T Hays, Eat. . Yours very truly. moseey, people says "We war that. t4). are net to th hay of twenty-four hours, that he might 1., Mg imitaiou•I influenee to Lear on the JOHN be defied. And in this cue the Law sill Pepe. Calories so far yielded as to sus. - - be eritereed ilee ite the threats of 'Thrash. rid the attack on Bum. twenty-four °me' .Tar and aesthete' A.:. of smile of Cla ours, but rearviug the right to man- es. ern loafers Islet are no, doubt 'kuoutally a on theaide id the populace, and shall eati• metre bin troop., which now °reticle the effeniled.' British aa well aa Divine Law . IT not be obeyed, Titus *ill shu at. THE Klee INSIST8 ON OCCIIPTII s 0 EMUS. New York. Sept. 18 a -A special to the Dint° AND MIT& tenger from the front and King's head - Tribute from Paris, 17th sutIs i A tees - :trek and the quarters repent, that Blew King insist um. u • pei 'lenient eccup 'Boa by the 'Meantime of Strasburg and Meta. Inaleninity is uo question or .0 touch con- sideretion, but the oth.r condition is ab. so!ute. Parte and delaying th • operstione, relying The .Pneetians intend beleaguering upon au insurrection agaiust the promai. oual government. THE WALLS OF STRASBURG. A Trihatme airreepondent Deter° Stria burg, the 14th, says : The fire continue' without intertutsition anal the walls are re- duced to • shap•lese mass. The citadel is subjected to su iecessant fire from three COUnte. btOillflr. emit %%awes...au - bevel ricoti, , was olectwil Iteevo. Seteraley 17th Met, without opposithou, or the remainder ,.1 this year, in room of H. Helps, Esq., de- emsed. GRIT BRANCO AURICULTURAL -The Fall tiliew .4 this "Mottle tekem place at Andevville Os Tnesilay, Ilth October. Tama's:wren Berea -Hi Aceneeternat.-- 1' le teen Show takes plea. at Si eforth, ..0 fluirsdiy and Friday of this week. CRICK'S. MATCE-A grand match came off at SeeforthionTlattorday, leth inst., be- tween 11 Old Country anl 11 Canaelien players, of the County of Huron, two tunings the 'Old Meintry' made el and in inningeCenada WJ After the match there was a pleasatit reuniou tat Foster's Motel. Cuterote.-The Fall show of the North Riding takes place at Cliuton on Tensile' and Nielneaday, 27 and 28th Sept. Etemax-The splendid Scotch Presby- terial Church here is m.w entiney free of debt. The money expenileil tia the Cut10- truction 0( it was about MJIMO; in addition to the large autotiet of _labor given gratuitously. position of the Huron liattalian an the latt,:r famed thtaeggert, Ttes.• ed in gall•nt style, wtth a reusing Britinh cheer. The euenly weight now hate been "Mural, in their retreat, turtling tusranis the lake. The 32d turned in the mum directien and, after considereble firing, drove them down to the bay, sending many we presume to "alseplehere peeris deep. ' At this time the tiring eras very heavy and long -continual. The order WM then given to re-furni companies, by marehing uri coverers. The battaliens hating ettintermiarcheel advanced, the 32d first. ' 'he lot and 2.1Ooderich communes set lit ollt AS Ilklinitabolli These SFS isimported by tire ether companies, and them again by the remaining companies of i he Mee the 32d hat...the:seeming the rear epport. hieviegeulvetneed to the br"W .4 the hill the 3gd battalionelemended (Ann..' as beautiful a sight ea the ascent) prereated by • heavy hie emit ilp by tt 33,1. The 324 then ferried itt mention •t tac bat of the hill, acting ea • **port to rhu remaining battelion. •bo meted thit Mell-fought nein' and the victorieus bri- gade was ferrued tutu a witiare and address eal by the Adjetant eileueral as follows :- Ortirsits •SI 1111 OT TRE 32d AND 3341 Berraxiiies. It affords' me great pleasure to have the honor uf inspecting you Om dny. I have inspected a mindere of Brigades, • very large number iof Volun- teer Ceniminies ; and, while ale wit wiah fiateereerse *WU ' have not seyn • finer looking beil IA men. In every respect you hese dene tee work ..1 the day, very much better than could have been expected after so olomt a time sealrid. If circumstances *Medd occur - acid Mod forbid that war should overtake !-I am sure that every Man befere would be fonnd doing his duty. A Mon whe hen been 011)(4),:ed ome over, 110010 tO participme anoteer, but it la well to be preprima '' To be ferewerned s to be fore•arined" and I would earneatle urge on every man to male himself thorough in his drill, prepared to meet the worst. I week( Mao wish each to reinem- bier thet the arm that has been placed in our hends .015 tof the best in tlie world anal ou;lit toe sell taken care ef. Prizes here been offered this year by the Govern- nient stentilate yeti tekreeter proficien n target practice t Althoegh the sum to neat look mo the honor t • title ne. iad been care 1 V testis! by numerous queening from gentle- men in the anthenne anthetens that the bov had not been craintr.ed for the ocemieu Mr. Miller.of the lemons School, said he would only be too pleaaed if his boys oo.ild quit themselves we well in gram mar, arithmetic and particularly antieg and spelling at • publicexamination. The smallnessof the audience was Tory much to be reeretted as the tehicatien .4 the Deaf anil dumb is a neble and chriatian undertaking and ought to bc publicly en- courager:. nese-About 3 p. m. nn Sunday • tire broke nut in • new stable, belonging to Mie Cattle, originateri hy two little lees whe were playing with inatelies. The stable was tattatly destrot ed, but threigh stremons exertion My. Cattle's residence -srenseved. 'ThielfeateseI mass se Selma ware itasicaa to check the are at the start. help- ing however to mit it out at the last. The Hook and Ladder Company did excellent service. Tits Tool.E-ol,Tay of the Northern Gravel Read' are to be sohl by aection at. Mr. Trueman's rooms, du Monday, 28th Sept., mem, for the AIM seeetbe ming filet December. C isonne•tu. EDI:MATH/SI-4MA! and 'Trout advertise their reliable and highly recommended College in lorratte. We witted direct to that advertisement the at. tent Mu of all Mantels of • sound beauties The Cerinter tient the conetahles to the .1 there the "everereen" emblem of toe in ereauention twilit this awe, that he might me -tedity and 'hemmed hosiers were given h. present asa kis own Th neither Dean "mete frau his labors and rilletter wee duly motioned Nolte soar his works do follow him." . . •_ .... - - .....„... A ILANOIROPS Jou --bfl Eta.r, -eliwit to that "solemn hour, when niiiht and 'meet slumber b• II loud summon@ at the street door. Donning ner inexpreanhles ,,,,, ening meet" we were startled from a m eleepy confusion, w• meshed to the halt .1 AI 11 'sharp entemement yesterday ant the . mem To comiugovicips. If'orbl from le.nalon, 17th, says : There Now ToRII, Sept. lf% -A special to the • WONA, DROWN/ all TWO CSILOISE,san 11114 IV MIR NOMA Mil TNI/I AT- __ _ ........ -.m. anal shouted ''Vt'llo's that knocking at the ime .4 the' Orleans railway. near Corbett, ' door f" "Are there any otheers in. man of bet tame the IRIV•41411e .4 the. Premien left the 33rd Bettalein here?' was the reply. wing and a bedy ef garde ni, Miles •nd Crane, ' near Hudson, Miaantlein, Mrs. Ohimign,44erpt. 1. -On Pride v Iwn,in Rt. We oi course snesered "No." -Are yen men.• timer, siipterted by • detachment ,iefirenct.h.reeth..dhr,oLued...dhetrh.tne.,mak p.u.n.ren.„ Teeth. siire 1 wasnexc Liked. "Yes" ! irks our I TlitrWinisd-rrnay IsiefInernc.:71. .inaritity of I...loin sl.e took acted as an rejoinder. "Welt. si., ' the voicomreplied, ....ficythe.:rraiityaotefeFita.risi uear tionlinet end driven i)ack on Melilli, erudite; and tnes aimed her life. She claims "we will take your word for it ; 33rd Bat- talion, pettrd, Quick inarah" ! New value- "1.'11 that her children were drnwned end the teers, se like fini, hut don't he nerchia on the Paris and Lyens railway, Weil Mdl hee.,,meneled 11, I''ree l'a %Veld Molise set on fire by a man er he came to the roma enouvli to again chstiirb our sleep. arada) I y infantry anal artillery. hens, and then ran off, and that the tmk Ths editorial cranium is nicely balan Yesterday merning a 0o111111111 ef three the potean under the amine caused by the and if you wera te unsettle our upperate, 1,40 uf her children, but her stery is not ar6.irn, rahnd"vaninack....1 frit- ,n, ilizlisun aui roh nt hC./toribe,i.ci I ; it would be a grievous calamity to the believed. Mrs. Senchnie and lierhushand Mumma Osit. It is pleasant to hoer 'Of: acartanr"aYirlinesg atthethflaTipoe ri:tille•-:Indhi "ther100,14 Ccunty, the Duiumion and the World ! ! shilis.:ess'or,alwarive p.lit-refttlii;pLeil,ve. h .grehteherrwoanual ..rklo011f." l;erlar t - t tibr `I.4 . . foraaril a 'arty te mit t.he direct line of .... FailitallidellUlkeilliallikiiiiiiiietQlliirsitaAtiatAltriAlkelI for the deed a therefore • mystery. none in the Denuesen. their trip. Tney del glee Wein very much to..•• Own Told,' it o a p.,yors pn•o OA, ,. ottoined, but the Prilasialli having toothed er 1 tee miler. blither Timm, explains the engiu .1 the late out. THR AD-It-IA.7 I IIINERAL Me GODIAMII. Net r mold • oh wait 111, 111 • • inooterl I helfb wt I, bleak at Tientsin, in which the French Col. Itebertson Wee et pressed the belief logoralle• ol 1•0! •St •••/13•011 ty • itt• • i 0. on three MIMS further to Ahem, Were at - Leek 1,1 by • superior fere., and after • Comet and Sisters of Mercy were murder. crestdallee that their ammunition tan mit 'wthw'r "I"I' h,III IIIIIIIII I"IIIII.II II.I"Iten...1”.."...IraIII, that, in all hie travels, he never saw a finer and that they were considers.' beaten in thread Mrs 'Mrs !men tar in...stories sod sthausa ed. Kidnapping un a greater or leas scale the shanelielst. . • Fame of suitor Foolish to the tau of It-Itto tio a,vere conflict were rnmed and c mpellett situation than that possessed by Modeeich, Inalswan meths ths Yron•hman. ••Parlrydoua F1•41 1.. retreat upon the entrenchments they ie, he says, ail .51. s g,,mg 00 10 Chi". .,,, . poyeller sight than the Review ground Gomm ru Rae Rtvaa.-It is lasted, nn tsia eel Yos, MAI ,Aw tbv 'wri or rItsrio.lre"• a., c'''n" I :ids ars carried Mr and sold for immortal on Freley. reliable anthunty, that the rrinee Alfred Pse"7-vle'rl" "al """04. "" ik" h. ''' .1*". nlaudlog the passage of the °rage bridge port,....... ; bovo bee sold to compudes of eltatimp,,ta_t oalf-erimail • Inell. blows Ms Me hal thrown up on a hill at Meese! C1NTRAL IICHOOL.-On Monday fore- will lease teelerich, nn 1st October, for aer am te meet. tee memo. troth! Judrong fr... . troops of the Manitoba expedition. • veee.eget a w imee•.it prolong • shin fentt IA the Priem . io, leo eerie ea knows as .no,,, •Irost reet vine... iner which neer it had been blare n up by pia,,,,,n. At the same time the Premien' et Cm, been untienally active of lite in seven', P.a.t William to bring home tho 'regular The thieves IlethM tO nave n eon Mr. Medium, of Hamilton, exhibit- REEtoloini SlInVICIIII 11 T115 Coral. Int hot I. ller I gam lain a summer-1.11.mo tor:Insists ed his method of inetructing deaf mutes to parte 4 China ; the people have got excel- Heinte.-On Sunday, 25th inat., Bev. T. iatio nare Mtn to do) Mt In • he most ems. s nom., proof to mAstentiate his nnivirtiI.r.I.,air..; (07,,,ok,hh.: the bindet ,, 1 }tee b a has been directed against foreign missioe• the pupil*, niuch to their delight. bed, wilt had estal....lieehreetlimith.caikn:adlyrsy in ed in CforlIturillOnCe, and their excitement Ayhere, wilt preach in the Court Items at he has studied the .ntest. hind •hat nyona excituamt h• Omuta • 'hurrah for our and Frampes. They succeeded Ill main- aries, who, they declare, buy the children LONDON SOclITT.-The September No. I, phyabern, II. I/. Itaptiet mineter,from French ferce ad. anceng on Longemean of this rnagasine haa made tts welcome ap- pearance on our table. The illustrations 1 1 • m.„ 2 34) and 6.30 ?. ni. Ole,- tars tunas awl 1110 4 for aka OM frightemd at thrruarror 4 me nen 0.,1,e. In enalt an evailitInal tainitil their prositiane and during the in order to make medicine and philters el Int off adminably certain phases of Eng. 11••••er - Trull+ • ehe, ka 0 olMger for noing to Mao action the extensive mills set granaries fon 1,,th,deivraven, breasta, and other pieta of their lish Life and the reading matter is inter. Tun 4.1AMP-COWTRACTOR11 ARS :-Ttohin use prammem to meetion ate •••tet. one. mi., the Femme were set on fire mid burned to Three kidneppers were recently n•it the haat sem. son a Iloeell, grecers ; E Clifford, bread; or •ele any mem me lee audarey to rate.? wirsour eating, fresh and racy; Ini'dm"""*..I "" IlVi'n".1""J"C. ' . Tn""r the gemind with all .4 the contents not enable id which is the paper entitled-- an I T Andrewe meat. The manlier in le. ,,,,, tattoo. ...Mowed with sorb hoillmt Weals caught, and declered theme.' vas la h.ghly sattsfactory to the Quieter awl who mu destruCd to neeopy Ito "rometurs mane - In the mete n at Abian many •illas and showing the emu at their breasts and re. to be agents. .1 the French missieneries, "Shall Juliann Hue a Piano " I Buy the wbath the cenrrate are being carried out, mom- te ma. um...verse. ImbooMblal .b.,1 .5. previrmsly transported to Paris., make Pa world memoir. I Ma perfectly Awe. Hut way kw ran masts mot •,...,•,,,,,,,,,,t0.10 ••,,,,,ii, pr vete residenisi were set on tire and an ey m support .4 their otatement. Neither yourselves whether we are right or not. Mast. re. "Truth" would like to choke Villager od. hot Me ono atotient Pretestent church ene .4 the few meting the tonne .4 Kaman Catholic pray - number at Moorhouse's and judge for MAMAS 1,01 HT ANDROWil C1111.1tell. WO Mar of .,ne .4 the Huron Coln panies th o mgh maned," ho ny 41.1.1. le, his soormler ,Inglaingaite rho. i Emnpred by the reveestion of the edict 4 it inipr •bable that there was Rome truth .71 8 Me I T AociDeNT happened t., • mem- • rene'ietting builet. His hand was injor- remotion, loloo--runt 11 IVO 111,111441 Writ o. Melee 0 1416 of Nantes was serienely damaged. % i the manse for Rev. Janiell !lair eright. ed hut he was aide to reeente his duty al- weh• w Armes he amid follow that rue rse. I em um, low that Mora is . we, woo so content, tible le • 01111- in their statement. The libimish mission. are seed to see progreel lasing made with Ile frame ill now arellaidranael and mime ,i4 column adf tr., Ma WM Muting Mit to remote IThen aries liabiteally celleet large reenters of geed indication that the building will be mon immediately. Theaheence of amidetat 1:I, los.".4...--- X11. of sltrni::- ow te'Vreta.:,17., f'1,'::,S11*.b1-".• ":1 the noway moth... did" pswple 11/1.0 ant perpa.i..alty •••p our species] correspeelent left Chartres a ehilalren,wh.tm they bring lip as Chriatiane it a greet indicatiorehat the camp amines- mg. and Interfenne ou nuterpveplm'againo. VIlls40 r attack upin the Pnivoinna at Invisy. „mem, at seminaries which they have erected in A Hmapeowit kettemorea. --The Biters being carefnllv carried out. doirolitlos of •"Inith " And I would Isere lobo the si.oriw, awl Is, Thl. hie nbsind " lent Oh jpino',:,. sh- The CitwyAieifTillatiatiAswanAdithAel:higiIle Pude lloerty nf olvisi4 him to IM•ert hot present roll 171.,tr„yuid eOrf.one:it roe reaideime r.1 .1 fe Sinclair Karl. ie now , v. be be able to supporAtne I. holtrart•/ ' Us 11.41 thai no one drearitt( At h taht et hc°45 completed before the Fall is over. menta have been well conceived and are Mantled contend. all hut the cornice, and is Vohterata OWIFIcERS.--There ia meth- notes lude and hail 1 salroltin un Howe roman' the keine/aping of these children ; but it Catail were this morning (teetered in • a teamed and aubatantial three-story brick ing we se ieler at more than the aptitude ., , Itnthe.".•1 the nett Ulm you allemet As wirowl iseol. Mate rif siege and under martial law. tee, • h groan,. 1160 Alga ymos If • • H urn Mg." 111 Communications by red and telegraph is not at all nnlikely that they have imp. E01Ott Calk. structere. The green& around are very tete. In private life tkey look like ordin• YeaterdaY tdraautlye of keine leved Chinese Go collect deetitute children, needy Mel mit and planted with manly rise of • r save and ulla It - Ilirra,liorallihi." aisle any ire in innin,ngn •nn me timi ik o swum itt.ne ent between Amiens; and Paris. brwi that their agents have oombinal the which many civilians show for the military eourinom, be lisone me as baths hurled heneeth the between Pans and Calais were varieties of frint and ornamental trees. t ay citizens, hot at the annual drill, th. ir *or itmeary 1 ein eery . Truth' °DM, no emtle.- It /AFAR TO NAVE API INTERVIEW WITII pper with tbe more 'worthy Ma h the appeatance aod value of gale voile and manner are entirely trans- 1. more Mons that he Minehl be lwrisd deep 111 the NtalllARCIt. enhances termed. Colonelsemroet,A. M &tea and may slemiut n• &Isaias in - his own dearly taskosat mud, the Breiee and Huron Battalion"' marched of their subordinates would itha me some thereon a basiwuod pleb insterOw °yob it th• follow. girl : ' Well informed persons slate that in The Londnn exhibition of 1871 will 001 MILITART.-At 3 p. m on Saturday, the locality. lord throwiss • how esti* aria omit... sad inaartlas A IfrmIrl imeeiel from Park, 17th, be pontponed on scented. of the war. up from the Camp, &fool il•roilton St. r co pr.e'a J °mine 1,,- W e are glee to regular, ifflOBTS WO have wen Who spent Mg memorials epitaph from his favorite hard :- "Beneath three stases Ila Jamis's tense, interview In *beet to take plat* between won't ern fairer Court Douse Sqnsre, and West St. to Nee eur old friend, Mr. McLean, now tern their entire time, (rem boyleItod upwarile. .0 Ilosath, Ma my 01/11311111, Mrs. Sel. lant and field r dm Beak overlooking the lake. The up in Toronto. Elie inures' is an abl immuring a knewledge of the art .4 atm - mending and mane/mooring mums of num. testae Mit eutemiesc. - . limo tv'er lore .1,- a Methane, b-li Julie, Fevre and Bismarck ; and that the WPM am ellen an.1,3d ,,,,,,p..1:1.:,,,,. rclbrolth I du ly, martial appearance and bandanna,. enedneted, admirably written eel we?; Pnypir Cor eT, -et aeon and Maid MC- Years lac, VILLAGER muscular phyaique of the men were maoh selected sheet and we missed it very mach Brine, on Wedarisiiay morning, were fp?eunit'iorni.1 Cali ernain'hwIllile w,igtehesat grrlsol ivilii;;Pr7; reIL'etaii,f!'"naltItii;F:ene15.;ee'reIb.i.the".*mtle... lie:eFt A T1110117: or livery -v. -Vi'e eannot now more eentrioal and we wish ,bin all on a eharite of stealing frt..% rum the A SKIRMISH AT GOITER,. Ilme In O.- ernrIereniOnm when • man might do thi. 'Mown by the National Defense Committee ,,in, „,„,...seeteee se pre. at. for Woof. Revs. admired by the epeetatote. • from onr exchange liat. Hie 'emotion le i Ell, We hies given hoth sides new a full brought before Clarietepher C'rer, helloing, and the above twist terminate at Tours in ell departments. the eiz gellant men who went in quest of seep Req. iii quietly engaged in the herd labor, and Mows G. • fine oof 111..00 Wing riga memo simnel •Il other mullsonm orprrn- - •nis 'Hwy ;moot the nonermor of mrtne• PI health If talwei st onlhabIeglrom, anst they pomplly onto,* train from expreseion our adnsiration of the edeeella which he richly merits. --sm-----. vne AIIMUM1011.- En. SIGNAL. AN0T11111 Naw Raeznaera. W. M. men. Armin was sentenced to 30 days - premises of Mr. John time Mee re e On Saturday Om. Vinay wide a Ne011• 0,...,,n ,,,,,,, .„ry ,,,„. 0„,, 2, „„0,51,,,,), yt; foi ei• of 30,000 Premien" posted at Crated. ,,,,,,,,,.., tee. see tie heeer. a reo ,tel_ICate .4 enitiance Com I'ari", end dieeovered 1 emeteete usesetes se it., enemeoe.he eon es tee Alwase when It twIdly attempt. to boom Moll It I ZUE ICH. The tiek was no light ente and the dream. lot opposite Mr. L. McIntosh's. When up :or the same time en "cheers of aura,- ofd„,,,,,,, dy Tui ilinnt ...ntilkntrit Helm rooted lento gee it-. ie es the remeins of their friend Mr. Joel Dean. erection of a large, bnek dwelling, 011 th. an,1 met* Mr. A. M. Polley wan brought This A ekinnish took plaos in which the. rwitl'onn",:* •"'" . """^"" *h"•• r"I'l'1,7" n'',.,,4 r at; in doing them honer. - as • iliseirahle allii musteiredions residence. tent for sometime' pest test anyone, who A cannonade followed, lasting t aro hours :eittri.k;3.747..ze• ee.)::•.74.. Ir.::,1:1;;;;:Lef,,/,7l.;•,..te wu not acquainted with the orderly and mettreaseee et amnesia, eel mi In .. ; wee enough to try the strongrat nerves a' w" t ee feet n., a th. . ' will he acknowledged to an ease sae 'adjourned till next Wednesday nnisamisTnie-rsenit--eierTirThiS Snell an ex, Trench lerif la tIt'rn-", r TiM-VITWAINaga• spree*. •• grin 4,1-.11-Iiiii, MPLX1111ylneettv inri ..-1`.."..-'7:". teellh thotihugh WiftyMt creep's!, thireld-hentee, 0* tho--eneem---ia-clled• mei ensosult isomer,. JAR Kafue. TM %Ye are Pure ear citizens will unita with "C"4"1". - ---- r--- - - - - -- - tr"en, " wen lurniugt. Oitirmter.- Mr Wee Merree, On old no the reptive to the mill -rat* ite't th" ire- Puirr's Mtue-Mr. Perky') is pi:shins th•y sornnonwed operation. ( 4...testy y ,) Tin 11.1. M O. 14.10 m.o. mr,r,„„Nrr.r, .0., well kept Hotels l A the reed of the week, of Fort Ivry and Charenton. It is 14- :,."4:741,',...,"".„, A. * ......., irri..., ... .0. The ceenonade waa beard in the direetions without a min A • • teak my ..,4 I. eitresee Ow, ars potter.. as •n altarativ. lb* TA enter sens tie han a ritit to pram ioe' C. trienniums weievertert he ezamined. The Jury haying returnee from viewin i-n.WilitorAlantitireol.fillt THE TT 111 Car* TIFT0111110.. The threat Boat Racal - rill. A very large enrage relatives Infra! workinteriler. li will le reay'rn 44,er mow eflmit,.--...wes sot Mt bord hones, bur On, ;WHIM ItHilie101414 /I 11/144111Ii", ''''' '-' let - ' ' - . " 'be gmati ''''' """'-' . - ..".. '3.1**. • '' ".' ' • • . '.. t . . •' ' ilL ' ••••4'. ' :i49641 . ...""1::::: Or'. pi"::::Zn.'"*. . 'W.V.= : : V. :I' d". W., I t h r . , 1 I 1 h the doors would be all that remedy In the ..-mildirte Pals Ilretemo7 Om e A* i ad led to the Pr01111711S feted* approaching pernng. pm,. &pt. riv;-.. „,.....i enowIttMeo 0 lb. Mond , kw ...mu. r '0 0010M•rld ia wnsiniMe. be • Olownlest May gm all Hot en. he . rr:7:171111$ enmity Tr hploto stM110 SI =k, I:LI : he • vete. use Typhoid Pg.. : Mr NW ant t• WO, and ItmestIl ,,,....„. , -,M,,,v„-*A4107.,246.4., .....,.. y.... . , w - • .,,,,t..-,-,-..,...cma,-,-;-. -.,..!:..- ,--.- ---....-1 ,it 7 !---.Z.'...,, • -. „,„.1.4,, ..„4„.. 4,,,,.- . .• ,,,,„glig,,,„, gg, emend the nu* sod waohline carried i. • • would be Imi to think by the Certerds en 4 ol.0.1r0II. *a a oulorlfle they am Islmlbthlro. Radworny. , ., pelted that Fitigenstein nerraer env queation, .rutlese he liked. 1su and reepeeted resident of Go& 'eh Tows- prneements to the interior of the II mi__ e lie, mono of Instil baadool MIN -a daller7."iiTtah; alth of Ow whole metal city r r el, i, Imehine tnehty, between the Tyne Crew, etteamtanat remora, intend petting on a line our le ing atosiebly nparrarde See the oruntete.ne„ , . ...i.. ii • very odm11. mow,. tont, fro momene .i. wall entenaide and As inhabitants ere dr Ter.;,../,'" Sunday, to their resting place i Maitlaaid ma.,,rket hire' and hierwhi attended hi. Ili 4,26, 0,2 eloaTlent time for the opettlfigefthe wheat- -e requisite to niake them hmk like amnia of meedietTetaammeiteteanwitmeiTridastait Pin* lite boa], she Inquest was prameiled eith. ••••••••••• by rall blertInt.r. rimers, si se ruo Jew both, wet InfoIrM nmorlalats. Ier, prielowt ...Peon`, After r nor Ann promotes teal of Fla 1":•7"lIonialne:171""kt714:71:AM.: iftintill:: aaitILB"lad• TM. ••• Mlle,. ihan Mow or gold tn mow, rime of tinily in iibIl itimb and here rumored that Messrs Ward, the i HO 00011tlints WatiaT Mannar is me"- "“kle• 0,enestest ...Mel, tonlf• iii•ii.. h.. 8.., tha an is... (.4111/P11111111 11 f • e• /1• H•PI11111(1111/11111111111 1•• 111••- , - 14:4 . 44.64 '1••••/,', .' 46 #11, 4'1•471AfriiiititiMMil11.44. '4•4010. '44'464 t4111•4411r461016,11C ."' 4 :5" ' ' Waselna, :I F., lanowinherS,Iht- ,, , ........stwroA ..,,tioart.,J,witsw.. ,,I,z1450A414;:kortry si or, thyme beek..,„„Laneon•einet .- ee - W •••••, .7 101.1.1.... laws It T sad Oa In Fein It Premien. have been leen in front of "meal. ""__21:.,i__ ,,, ,„,,. b„,,.rd 1 reinter bloshent. and At Dr IlwrIsmee IIMInal m Intl, Inn IMO* Pr Itiotway's Ineo•Aisa ara•nlittryailitniersata one IL M. Dairen', •woill. Ran th Leehine, Rept. 15th, IS:30 p. m. Dreamy TO anflIRIOH. -WO hear it S Francisean "palacee of sin."- wrin••• *An pni.rottly it•hia• enr4 Hem Cemetery. Hee every remota tie belieee it to he th Oho Champion" of England.) s al th of Mermen between Detroit and great ly. Barley, Pam and Oate are coming in free- z••• went to church, mime MI,. and wont into LYnne- i''6""" er"... v: Colmar end NI olholaie, marehing logtrat, flarsepoortIliannemiwoot $1 pet MM., 0 MOM. fee me a. Ramer Relief In sio pot AMU* 11115 Sale p•• mu. The Greet font. oared Beet Rime et afield ow.. oi death be tee- nt r Lire is ingt MAMM011ell Me eni ei.;caroeieliemeessete remote. and well wroth, tne tavern (Huron Hotel) • here he ro- Yrul 61 .0 Rie• Ta %le weft II . it teen Moth, withendivet 6 wiles .. Time tl 1.4144 10 "wood,. Tn• Coenese's Wee:lutetium mammy., r place ea Ce., jskeiessisalests t nem et ma elm , • for r .so ...li ny mom pitehea him mit doors •nd ever the bight gem may eseognise dm parer me- ::"...":.:*"". ""ai 11a the Landlord el the hotel nasal lern anal reengaise the penile. trotWellkailltewer e c lees '''; .- ' weeMegrelfree '''' ••--mme - . Valli.. p •, AIM Its binit for the leelf an, . ISM, 11,1T --WO 111,1401100111I illITTO ie tO ..,.,c '.".:A44..rriat drirataii-, .vrs ,ept, era, .---a . • ,; . ,....11104". ' t . 41 lark titootarm',ItteiNter ,,i.,4,0i.t.P.- . . ,. ;Jot- r ..- jigvittr4t4ig . -- .., .-4,...i" 1001rUCZOLI- IMO 1160111.1401 • i .r.,;' Z. V givvoesTer -! .* ""''''''.4vv"."400,14WINISANIMIBIliellfflaillINIEFX...0.......INWIT..- . ..- .1-......,:,......-.....,1 .. „........,ratIst... _ • .. . • . Crow by 6 length'. the Tyne r he a geafyillrlehl-flay MI the AM' 1,011109111111 rw,) fr, f lig, flons mi 1 tment of WI . . (W0d10144117)11110111 not to -day be expected. ±2, ef rival entrier, • _Es. _''.1.4 i , towards the ariewsfir, Meshing erv..e.r...,....,!„.r„,... eeese.....un„,„,zeoneies„..rosesessetee. •-...........-.....-..........emomeineseme oniessies-o-ses ' RA il.W.tT MEITINati.LECKSIGIV -01 late the agitatien on railway matters hae ammo it, nest, convene a num r however, it ha. been revived with ad of master Alagoas in the Maeonie Ileli, me m s eat...0Pu -Yager e Instead_ ot enc. eceenui drtto porpoecof efinftfritif, On' Medi the now, hero ere "palm of. 0, e &rheum i ddeelegree of Ark 5Iasterse The lt, W. a .or a branch of the Wellington, they & Brv. delivered • beautful• PrelIati"arn Brum from Hareem to serve the moutbeyn lecture on the deliverance ot Noah and ..townshii;,1 of Bruce.; but thie ilea only his family ; in the mune of which he ineem the views of • peculiar few, and is illustrated the Flood, thelArk, tha Doer, likely t,,, con,„ to the greuod never to be the saered numbers "seven" and •Mortre revived. On ll'e.lowslay, ae 7th inst , Ile then communicated the landmarks ef a nits tine ems held in the Town Hall the degn4,in duo and aticieut form, to I. to tak eito conaiden Boa the propriety$01 master masons. The fee • of 12 perm- repre-enting the Menne of the sdjoining sterling "money collected by tbe 11. W. tonius!aps to the T. U. & B. Co. at thei lir°. from ench candidete was banded by next mutual meeting A delegation cent him to W. Bro. Foreman to procure -istine of M. Cinipbeil. Etil , end Dr refreshineuts. IL W. W. M. Whit ,t. ...arner vas appointed to attend tb.., meet - having been elected mister of the Ark ing. There is no reamn to hank 11, it te, brearLodgenn, thpremene Lodtgeipentwascommilosed nat.nood ;Lei irtoomoo___ , .._._. of ibitiolifitill_otb„sii_ th.c..t!eat.,,,b,,,,.....,_ hour together. %Ve regret that tbe preen wakiiiir Kincaraine the terminus of thee °C utile' 10..1yr Pice""te ei rive' tlieut71 A road. In MI pobtbilitj arrerthi•ir auntie, more deteiled accottut of the eveciag'. on the letl, inn., they rill be 'Islet° si.a. "lebor snit refreshment." to the sareral eownship.- ilitereatell th. I NCENPIAKISW.- Early this blorleine, *mount 01 bonuses they tequire,and their seine aeundrel, or amitidrelme had sitter- „ 00 doubt that 'butt . doeutud wit' b, mod the rear of Mr. Fraser** Revel Cm- eausad _ jr,. x,.. . . _ ALLOIL Hutel telth Coal Wiens( Tit lire to. A-- - - - Luckily it was disco% ered before moot Mann waa done. We hepe the destarell; inceildiary will be traced and the 110V0eti BE_RNIE. possitee penalty indicted, . . i te. r . r of the Stool: . . nia this Wilder) mernmgat 4 P.a.:Met ham 'I-,,,''' , ' a...t.,,,i.seimelemr.a. ' . ''. ''''' "::ii'I'I'.i..1IIII.tIal'71.1iniiiiFist:Ith.e.'ia7ilrad" : Tug Pantos Atrestereturned from fia - itisse-breird- Adjutant teen. It.- ' - : - - Roe, land Cianniedere Wyett. A.. • : .. ••• .• 011,14•11 UM hughtt enrolee. taken tereating account of the ahem hglit, i . , . mime imp...4 iondod lit the mud Hie •• W-„. we mmt be ettowely °Attlee ow to the pen 11 • "thelerich tem ' e• sglgt.o. lir . • • e-tlunrard guiwer to ilwarrloo•chroge. itr *Ill be foetid in another colutem ....., . ,..„. ‘;.01....14=1;...e or.u.d• sg1.41mt hoe iu go Imt ha‘vemeTtniNireidiTih-e‘t%aMeteareof na'llr".' Kaelirr,ma:nui:I. :44III"."'''':7"....'4;I:IIIII.rjr."76' h:In'Il":"ak'"77::'7I'.:::ruh."'.I: tame -.ma , hie.. IM pots a in the roti of . the workmanship .4 Mr. F. It. Alsiin, tii Law.. - " '-'' wrd-d awarBawr-laller earrl ,d, the handsome minted blind, new to be • "'aa" '''`'1•4." "''`a " '1' ""I'"a"'"" ""`"*"". usgryth• -,••. sa .11.1•111 It Meow? Ii M hs.1 direct seetLal rans of the yfindews (.4 Mr.. Kerr's .. ...mud Gad tee a...righted ishsidtwirs.dibo.id- glaillety. . , IA. had assawid ilisiward•r• 1.4 aitreatilils MINI ini • mu easeme me 4 wet kin it wouog Wit. Mee wen TN. Antrim:Or Oassuer. is i lan.yersal favorite lig ne the volunteers wheels he IIIIrm-'17ar‘e..,?;eminrireweab.,e rosIIII,..11•07...1. Ie14,7.4111::flta'II has inspected. 1V ithiett relaxing frern •.he woos' as allms1 m clear 44 the hind be datdoles Infaini 'strictest discipline, he takes such a friend- roo owelandes m the well ',born .)11.0....-1••••...... IV and persenal le wrest, in e v en int I i v ideals :"..• a's Irg'''''' b••• -t"""... 113'/...."'"":"rt".-. '''''''''''''''w.' -1."--.7-% and contemning'. that he umpires tbe men IIistnwiel",,,,e",4ybutieeliTerYeeetIVarintil.ret" 4Ii.o.'tri,la.4- with • like sentiment tow:e'en himself. mutate, lame.* me rh,"5 `.10. Ins litses.S^.• n.d. Such a foelin4 .4 mutual ',earl augers that his troN• a, ah noi.raiimi of Mania( ha lime - Pore parolee Wow ma 4.1 swimmer. witboiot moos A, well fiir the Moire seem.. or the volunteer vett ... roster the •ais idea lbw be id 1.,,Iblerug uk a ni mernott. iii rmy reinstall... I WA pwriwtly ftoli......1 "pt. that hs -now he h., poor Au, kloorif. after MO nol- Tux GoORS, II ARTILLERY marched ni, mum- 40 oaten Im na. m414 vt niarsiltlen In 1,1. %OK PH Live. -Onthe 13lh east. ea Mr. Brenner elm resides some 1,1 miles from tho velem, was drawing • Mg eels a chat' upon the grimed, he 14.4 creed.' between tect leg awl • Mom, teitekitete that. the log would toll out he ordered the homes lee- ward bet nefortiiii itely it rolled over lue tog cainiiig a very bad fracture. Ur; Moore WWI called upon, who set the lug with great skill and it is hoped that notwith. mending the way the bene *as splintered, It all taata he healed egun.•-•Cue. • .__. __ OULB4:RN D. The Municipel Council met permute! to netke Muni the Reeve, at the Townhall Saturday the 10th inst. Preaent the Reeve and all th• Ceuncillors. After reading the minutes 4,1 laO meeting and of 6 awes & Spence, 112.c. 1ty r Robertson th.ft • ritie tieing apt , ed. It was nmeed ley Mr. id,. to the dehhe, ber,,,.,,,y'sides Its preacipal gate has bee° destroy - eaitie.-Carried. mem, and that a By•Law be panted ter the lac citadel More Mon &ed. .or County pair. Kehl side and many buildings adjacent to d. There is a breach in its walls on the tested and cellected on all the reeeatile property of the 'fownship f int -Ali Stalwr -4AfifeetKke4Arr.Let eit,...1'etarebsgs ,tor7"rttelertaritrtetgas ierverre the so,,..1 Truelove for eertsdu sums Go -be milt approve& of the downfall uf Napaliten, Tunisia In the different School sections _S., exylng lac ank system desely.„M, . pay -TEM 11141--iifiani=n-tirfate. Th, (if u and &Am., aszette ex penses,be granted and • By -Lava passed neve the the hope uf France fer the sante-Carried. Moved by Mr. anal Itele, mot that Span and Portugal Buchanan, sec. bytnfr Itottertai•n that the ere a hehl ready for prepagandism. fruit. ei uf No 6 Schaal be lent the slim The St. Petersburg Jew -tell m0441140 • .4 $260 till the 24th December neat-- letter, Waisted to be edictal, saying Out - Carried.. Moved by Mr Spence, hee. hy Elio Germans in wishing t40 keep Alma* • Mr Stalker that the petitien .4 It II Kark- and L maim, may line people to amposes petrick A CO., Mr change of rail. be grent• the mt. loot in keeping thorn they will find ed -Carried. Mos ed by Mr Spence, sec Otto all people ill 1.111.14.V0 and her glory • Iky Mr Itioticrison that T Merrieh GM will be 'erect' as Well as all interested, her lector...Carried. Moved by Mr Ketertie own included oh. sec. by Mr. Biehanen that the fellew Weber, en or tefere t ,tey • .1 Marte, says The prospects fer mace look m :re eer.0.0 eirosaLn. lug persons be n..tttied to cut down at! A apecTiliall tawft8 riltd0Wket-toft WO>, en41.110010 itehrettrerte, therneorrerntrntthe hiat-ne London, ;en-, naming threeith their dirfereet lots, viz : maxck bad -censented to twelve Jeles ..stoi able ttrd•v. The statement that Bia. next of the ois olth ot 25 feet en the real. r -Mrs ellen, J J Venst mend Fevre. ilifermally is regarded here as am •invder 4, thW 1SYcler on -the Maitland the rime .11 his demands. Lord Lyans do - ^sibs la! 0.1,-.16. De *lea J el" arriving before the walls of Paris, to retat c tn. .1 Asher on lot 6, let cm. an.1 J C serves all praise for his efforta to bring startle on Lot 7 Maitland con -Carried. •about the intery ew. Bitchanau that the Teernithip Clerk, ar- The stammentabont the imperfect arum- TokTITli'aTIONg ot PARIS. Moved. by alt Itobertain see. by Mr. max range the Maks fur the chtferent Schoels, meet fortifications of Paris are confirmed label, mark and corer them, w as to he by theevacustion of Vincennes, and the remit for a printed cataloged. Messrs e,,,,,o4,1 of the old style.4 gene tothe city. Ithbeetison anal Buchanan, *misting at the Bet • small p.rtion of the wuods in the .r..Waiship Clerk. Those at Clement can alrealy &Hord shel. neighborhood of Parie were destroyed. ssuie-Cerried. J TE WSLEY, ter to the Prussians. A gentleman from Dublin informs me CDC Mar beeneniselerahlemetters of Felten' are _ . Leavitt tO serve in the Trench army. FIGHTINO AROUND PARIS. A Borr:1314 mama. ^ ^ ^ AC 41M41441141 • +wren lip• .101.‘ • 41••••••••••- freov. s elh, „, aid; ••I