HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-05-20, Page 20El- E-- Thirty-five percent of the F. = students registering for a class —a* in z--.Introductory Auto F.- = :....— = A panel of six technicians for = LE a tire company has the sole = = job of sniffing the firm's = = = F--- products to isolate odors = = = = = , If that's your pleasure, we can't = = = help — but we do have an exciting 7.4* = Ei = selection of "ground-only" cars! = = = Test-drive one at = E-: =-- MOTORS LIMITED Fr.l. 's Largest er EXETER 235-1250 EVENINGS 235-1130 Huron County = 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 llllll 1 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1111111111111111111 lllllllllll 111 LONDON D 227-4191a Dealer 5111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIlla Ford = =— _ a Buy with Confidence = = Mechanics at a Minneapolis = _= high school were girls. Dobbs Motors Ltd. = = Drive with Confidence 1969 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM 4-door Wagon, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, 55649X E.--= 1968 PONTIAC PARISIENNE hardtop, power steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl top, K31744 .."44. 1965 OLDSOMBOLE 4-door sedan, V-8, • automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, J89712 = .74 $ 895 $ 249 5 E-7- consumers may object to. EL: E- A new company is modifying $1895 a car for flying as well as E, ground travel. Vehicles will g sell to the public for $25,000. 1111 llllll 11111111111111111111111111 lllllllllll 11111 llllllllllllll 1 llllll 11111 lllllllll 1111111 llllllllll 1111, = = El* = $AVE With A 1971 Demonstrator • Fred's Chrysler Custom Sedan = .7. r.:--.. • Harris' Polara Special Sedan =— = = = = = • George's Charger SE EXETER 235-1640 = a= i5 • -TON PICKUP, V-8, Automatic = Larry Snider FRONT CONTROL ARM SHAFT KITS Moto-Master guaranteed UPPER 7.85 suspension part. For LOWER 1.39 mo s t cars. Chevrolet 1965.70. Bushing only GREASE RETAINERS Steel encased, For pinion FRONT win . shafts, wheels, Chevrolet WHEEL . / 7 and Pontiac 1961-68 REAR .87 to (most). WHEEL 1.75 FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS Chrome alloy steel. INNER 2 .99 Cup, cone, retainer. Chev,. Pont. 1961-70 OUTER 2.46 STABILIZER REPAIR KIT Ford, Chev MPoenrtc.u1r9y6.31y-711eteor 11.4.399:0011:94 99 1960.71 (most) TIE ROD ENDS—ASSEMBLIES Chevrolet and Pontiac 1963-70 (most) INNER 3.59 OUTER 3.38 Each Each to 4.59 TIE ROD to 6.29 ADJUSTING SLEEVE 2 59 to 2 .79 CENTRE LINK 9.85 to 11.39 • GUARANTEE • Ask your Canadian Tire Service Technician about the generous 24,000 Mile Moto-Master Standard guarantee or the 40,000 Mile guaran tee you $et when you have our Custom Bonded Linings installed by our experts. • lammirammaresonserosseasS Enquire about our "Severe Simko" Brake Shoes... For taxi cabs and othercom- mercial vehicles. Page 20 Times-Advocate,. May 20, 1971. SCORPIONS — The playoff and grand championship of the Lucan men's bowling league was won by the Scorpions shown above, Back, left, Pete Sovereign, Stan Whitehead and Richard Acres. Front, Jim Smith, captain Don Hirtzel and Bob Smith. T-A photo INDIVIDUAL WINNERS — Trophies were presented to the top bowlers at the Lucan men's bowling league banquet, Friday night. From the left, they are, Clarence Carter, high single 339; Earl Morgan, high triple 828 and Jerry Nurse, high average 218. T-A photo 1969 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR SEDAN, V-8, automatic, power brakes and steering, equipped with factory air conditioning for the hot weather ahead, 431090 1969 RAMBLER DPL 6-passenger wagon, completely equipped including factory air conditioning, new tires, 38532X 1971 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN 6-passenger, power brakes, power steering, V-8, automatic. Actual 7,700 miles, X17308, Was $5238 1969 CHEVROLET STATIONWAGON, V-8, automatic, power brakes and steering, heavy duty suspension and trailer hitch for your camping needs, X37895 1969 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 2-door hardtop, power brakes and steering, V-8, automatic. A sharp metallic blue, 473231 1968 FORD GALAXIE 500 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes. A lovely pastel blue with black vinyl roof, 626424 1968 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN for the economy minded, a 6-cylinder and standard transmission, J85318, Only PICKUPS 1969 FORD STYLESIDE 1/2 -ton, long wide box, 360 V-8, radio, heavy duty rear springs and 6 ply tires on the rear, lic. C86594 1969 FORD STYLESIDE 1/2 -ton, long wide box, 300 Cu.inch big 6, radio, 6 ply tires, body side mouldings and heavy duty suspension, lic 56738V '2295 '2495 '4191 '2495 '2195 1895 1395 '2095 '2095 It may boil down to a-little pill whether or not the world comes to its right census. NOW SHOWING * THE 1971 COMET 4-Door Sedan, V-8,' automatic, medium blue. The New Idea Car From Ford * THE '71 MGB SPORTS CAR * The Brand New '71 AUSTIN 1300 AMERICAN All New Shades '1969 AUSTIN 1300 AMERICAN, low mileage, primrose, K33066 1968 EPIC 2-door, automatic, radio, K30682 1966 METEOR, 2-door hardtop, automatic, 390 V-8, power brakes and steering, vinyl top, radio (privately owned), K38392 COMING SOON 1969 AUSTIN MINI 1000 1967 FORD Sedan, V-8, automatic, all power, low mileage South End. Service EXETER 235.2322 Open Evenings Sy Appointment GARDEN HOSE Remember... It's Sense To See Snider's Hi,,1)1? Cr), int v 1/4 L argyst f ord norilor Lam, Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227 4191 Open weekdays Until 9 00 Saturdays Until 6 00 Gas pumps open until 9:00 p.m. evenings except Sat. & Sun. Prices Go Bang! /4 , 4\lt, As Larry Snider Shoots The Works To Clear The Lot For THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND son, E. Degraw, J. Freeman and P. Crudge, From all reports Comrades, we understand you did a fabulous job. Many thanks Comrades for being so kind to our hard working "Gals." Don't forget Branch 540's annual "Hockey" Dance to be held Saturday, May 22. The entire dance proceeds are in aid of the Legion Sponsored Hockey in Lucan. HELP THE LEGION — HELP THE KIDS by your at- tendance. Our good friend and en- tertainer "Extraordinaire," Claire Stanley will be in at- tendance and supply the music - Sounds like a "fun time." Tickets can be obtained from Smilin' Carl at the Legion Lounge. DATES TO REMEMBER Thursday nite is Bingo nite May 22 - Annual Hockey Dance. _ . "MONEY, MONEY, MONEY" that's the"Nameof the Game" at the Branch 540 Annual $500.00 Smoker and Draw to be held at the Lucan Legion Hall Friday May n. Yes sir, there is "five hundred bucks" to be won by some lucky person. By the way — Proceeds are used to assist us in our many community projects. Remember the date now, Friday May 28. NEW BRAKE DRUMS Mr 12.75 REAR 11.39 New life for new linings. (Sample—Chev. & Pontiac 1959—'69). BRAKE FLUID Super Heavy Duty.. Meets SAEspecifications: ads .1-1703. 16 oz, oS111 DISC SHAKII I'LCID 16 07 1.39 MASTER CYLINDER 1.10 to 1.85 Omit & P..it. "11.1.'66 (am.) mom TIRE Moto-Master Highest Quality Front-End Components EXHAUST SYSTEM Let the experts install safety and silence from pipes to muffler. Replace those worn brake parts now! ENGINE TUNE-UP By "top-notch" technicians and the latest tune- up equipment. HYDRAULIC BRAKE CYLINDER KITS The quality We've had built in takes longer for you to wear out! By SID DALEY WHAMOO — you've had it!!! That's what happened to me Wednesday night Comrades and just as suddenly the old flu bug hit me and I was down for the count. I am still staggering a bit - as the "end results" are rather painful. With the above explanation I trust you will excuse the brevity of "Comments" for this week. Wednesday, May 12 was election night at Branch 540, and for previously mentioned reasons I was not in attendance. However I am led to believe it was well attended and the following is the result: President, E. DeGraw; 1st vice president, B. Thompson; 2nd vice president, G. Elson; 3rd vice president, H. Hillman; secretary, to be appointed; treasurer, P. Crudge; Sgt. at Arms, R. Needham; Executive-Comrades, W. Smith, W. Mathers, P. Knee, R. Worthington, J, Simpson and S. Daley. It is expected a special meeting will be set up in the very near future to have the slate of officers installed, so keep this in mind, just as soon as I know the date you will be advised, Incidentally it will be in the form of an open meeting. Therefore, Mother, make sure the "Old man" remembers and make it an "Outing" for the two of you. Branch 540 continues to grow — Our Membership chairman advises we have 9 more Comrades seeking membership in the "LIVELY" Branch. If possible we will try to have the initiation of new members coincide with the installation of officers. In this way we could really make a night of it. Branch 540 outdid themselves again for on May 15 we held our 2nd annual Ladies Auxiliary "Appreciation" Banquet, Under the direction of "Chef" Comrade Bill Smith our ladies were treated royally to a 10 course dinner. Chef "Smith's" waiters and dishwashers were Comrades, K. Dickson, B. Siefried, B. Thomp- By MRS.. STAN PRESZCATOR Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hamilton of Grand Bend visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs, Leonard Wein. Mr, & Mrs. Stan Preszcator spent Saturday with IVIr..& Mrs. Bill Moser of Dorchester,. Wilfred Preszcator of Kit- cbener and Ann Rivers of Stratford visited Sunday with Mr, & Mrs. Stan Preszeator and called on other friends. May 28 - Annual $500.00 Smoker & Draw. May 30 - June 3 - Provincial Convention, Waterloo. And that's 30 for this week - remember C9 9 J EACH "Standard" (1959-'70 Chevrolet and Pontiac) .79 n WHEEL SET FRONT ' A. (EXCHANGE) FREE Irak* bispodkut , • Quality built by one of the world's largest producers of fine brake linings. Enquire today about brake shoe prices for your car. Expert installation available. "Custom Bonded" at exchange prices Our better line of brake shoes which give you the "Extra" mileage you're looking for, plus an added margin of safety is built in. We stock for most popular conventional or power assisted brakes, (Disc brakes extra): Sample Listing-2 WHEEL SETS heat Exchange leer When, 'Chevrolet, Pontiac 1951.1958, All ..,. 4.59 4.39 Chevrolet, Pontiac 1959-1970, All ..., 5.99 4.39 Chevy 11,1964-1070 • 5.99 4.69 Dodge 1962-1964,40" brakes 5.49 ' 3.49 Plymouth, Dodge'1962-1968, most 5:41 to 7.29 4.73'fe 5.95 Valiant, 1960-1968, 6 cylinder 5.49 f• 3.53 4.45 t• 4.99 Ford, 1956.1964, most models 4.95 f•7,19 4.39 f• S. Ford & Meteor 1965-'70, most 8 cylinder I 0.97 5.0 Comet, Falcon 1962-'67, most 6 cylinder 3.49 4.39 Mustang 1964-1969, most 6 cylinder 5,39 _ 439 DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Down but not out 1111111111111 . ... 111111111111111111 llllll 11 lllll 1111011111111111111 Lucan Church News . lllll llllllllllllll Continued from page 18 drugs, though the drug scene is one of the more serious moral and health problems confronting us today, leading researcher recently said that alcohol is more dangerous than all the other drugs put together. What can the church do about this situation? Rev, W. C. Tupling was in charge with Miss Kathryn Wor- thington at the organ, Mr. and Mrs. Tupling will be attending the London Conference at the University of Windsor from Monday through Thursday, and Mrs. R. E. Williams, Clandeboye will represent the charge. Next Sunday, Rev. Malcolm Fife of Ilderton will take the services at Lucan and Clan- deboye while Mr. Tupling will take the anniversary services at Birr. Sunday, June 13, is the an- niversary of Lucan Church and Rev, R. B. Cumming will be the speaker, lwl Car of the near future will have light-sensitive glass which will darken as the sun brightens. A new sealed-beam halogen lamp will illuminate 50 feet further than present headlights — without adding El 5: to glare A bright idea. Extra! Cash Bonus Coupons on all parts! Use your Canadian Tire Credit Card. 111.T ROEI 1:1 n/ annomonnoinommomin 235-0160 Exeter MOTO—MASTER Shock Absorbers It's travel time again...time to ride a safer, smoother road ,to fun or the .freeway. Fast--expert installation available. mom TIRE COMPLETE ASSEMBLIES (exchanged) MASTER CYLINDER WHEEL CYLINDER 8.98 to 10.25' I 3.85 to 4.55 Choc I Pont, 11.116 (mug Gov. I Ponl.'412411,(suist) WHEEL CYLINDER .87 to 1.08 Cl,... a Psni,11.1111 (mut) .69 2 REAR (EXCHANGE) • * We have 3 automotive service bays to serve you * 01'