HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-9-22, Page 1Tho 3roatost Poosiblolood to the Greatest Possible Nuntber.h ewe. ALT NAND os• Itsewht. reSh- trammel &ay IMalfartererlinle. soot leer $1.00 Per Dozen. FITIIICIAL1101101101f,/wilm.411.14Wes,(1. W• till DR. lifeLin AWL pnyineux. 41111.0&014. CORONEE. Er. Oder and Boaeltiato Orr doer sail of Corwalllebeel. 59 ICEETI ATE COLLEGE PHYSICIAN. met. SIM. regained br Er .1. P. C. Haddas, LIgla arrest DER cAoalv.tuir. lof 11.41111 Celle* etas, PUROICiinlito.. 401101•111.4 let Amiolne Pion. lo• of the ttlasUe Hutu! Inner • Oiles mid Reesilesea Perk st Et David's Rion tan /ORE Pli 1•41,1 •sit Annie/nor Manche.. C W. Fe 'veer, 711. 1541. erlIrr 1541ft SURGEON DENTIST. kwinis over the Post Office, West Street, •aeaal 14th, 1474 wlett I via Lewis. ER1W71111 AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ou Chancery. Coe., Conine AlOwneY, Q rich. CadelaWvoi. ofile• set Caen Mewl. •14.60 amereellie hoots. ea, Oodarleh. Oat, Wel . 04114w, Eleeelles onto, notarial. aunts ti. risordow. _ gg a% 1: pleeeor• In 111101111111. - and eoent/y that they Iris, 11 ▪ is choweirii4em,..=asa. Ontario. GODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, )870, "TALE DOZEN FRO M BACK NEGATIVE 2A 51 cents, postage tree. Oae doses from hark negotiate" SI Rea% postage free, tem, Partlehlor Attention paid to Copy- •• old Ambrotypes, For eiiber large or email photographs. Tie 'subscriber is retorning thanks for the liberal natroi.agr heretofore eatend•d to bun, would just say that he hao made such tinuauce. of the eame.! ta" I Great Redaction se Large ?lister aphs. Goderich. Aug. 15. 18711. -30 B. McCORAII3K, TAILOR, 'tki (14eLBANS OLD STAND, EARI'199.7• an) whiroly Maya.) Loa Priers to Salt the Morel Photographs reducidt•SLOOpr Doz., olt nag. PRE nets Dom. Largo Photograph Reduced in Also eon veal, Use leirge.e Photograph. made lo ti.ter speeardsat D. CAM PBELL'S Photograph driller,. Aug. Mk. 11210. 1130 GRAND DISPLAY O. PERCU8ON HAS OPEN ED UT 1N DRY GOODS TER 3231D A D 331141 BATTALIONS OSUMI AITALPIL We. tanabounced, moue lest issue went to press, the "nivel in Gittlerieli of straggling companies of volunteer, end the tidings of the approsieh of uumbers more from parts et Bruce aud Huron, for the purpose of undergoing their annual eight da).' drill, in brigade camp, ou the Rata of the computes of the 32nd or Brum' Battalion aud eight eurnpaniee of the 33rd or Murton Battalion had all safely arrived. 10 a space of tinie, incredibly short to an onlooker, the touts were pitchedand camp life begun. We do nut know any locality fitter for all the purperes of military. training than tli 4 which is now so tansy a scene. linnet...Ion tte east bank of the Maitland, at the foot of the ridge on whioh Maitlandville is built, where the river takes a bend towards the hike. with auy etianWe of levelitround all around, • range of 1000 yards, if chaired, in front for target practice, and a pretty steep ascent behind ou winch to manicures skirinathers ; what more could command- ing officers desire? A lively and brilliant spectacle it presents now,at any rate; gar with bunting, white with tente, and dotted over with uniforms scarlet and grey. Stirring sonnds too are to be heard there, the watuitug of the bugle, the crack of the rifle, the cletter of hoofs es othoers rule THE CHOICEST PATITSNS /NT 3E VP I hen. lehtotte .11 414..1.11h. rB011111 4111 llistater• • attend primonally h. all Ma work entreated ta LI in-, lieorery, lie. Godenehhihrel • Waggons, Buggies, in chmeerr a laminae* Or ewer nor. at M▪ ono', to. 011191111 rid %sweat AND '411W OFTWIL mom., humor. 11.•yinai, neree. 04.1•041. • lhapnle Ilya MI. In rf..I ▪ loose. nab. Ase.1.4 1404. arle P.. F. WA411.41W, Moak Itor.la.Chaa. "1" SPLENDID NEW STOCK- - ranee erarrillibig alike M• ac wto. A will in nod Cheap for Cheek Ccroll. twOneL conlekriele. /mg I INC elf Extensive Now Premises WW1 le Med. nivesteit Tula . JOY Pith IWO, MMALMIXATC:INI* MST A neer PAIR 'STRATI', /RD AfIRICCITCRA I, bi) led flood ell trio strintxtr. NOLICITOIL 4, „lac Ll Chotoo, (No. yogi MONEY TO LEND. 13.0.111111111111 AND itrecsaXelt MAIM wo gpm nth 1111. .15 WHATNOTS LOOKINC GlAtUf A. GOOD ASSORTMENT aiteare, sunk as TA PLEA, IINDRYICA WASH PTA EPP, MATT147/41, IA, MST QITAL.ITIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES 11 will pay you TO DRIVE 20 MILE TO PUROHASE For Cheapness and quslity all bis stock is Unnyttshed. 1,01-1MTION THE BEST QUALITY AT- MILL MUMS IN BOOTS AND SHOES CANNOT -1E COMPETED WITII Are equal in all rkperts those which have gained him the reputation of keoPialt 171E MOST RELLU3L - -FAMILY GROCERY 1.. If. Illarnlin. rem rtnrienn AND ErelIET014, LAND 0.1; P 13 1114. oreryllung Cheap for Cash. A CALL SOLICITED. 13E' Tung TO CALL ROUND TC HIS ON HAMILTON STREET before nentiletleg your parehaae* end, at intervals, the inspiring strains .1 one or other of the splendid Battalion Bands. Our citizens crowd thither to re- new almost forgotten sensations, and we do uot bleme them, fur a prettier eight is not often to be seen in this vicinity rba boys is lodged in 105 taut' ; 48 toward& the south are devoted to the Brum Bet - talion ; and, in 57 to the north, the Huron Battalion douraciled. The tents of the Beate Weed f fall apple., 6 of savb Jno Illeeart. Id J. Wilkinson 14.1 E It .ken. 'Ca t T P Bull, Lieut Thomas Let, likkikk Beat I Now i dee 1 t I Jugn Wilson Misr kee INun-com. Officers and Privates - 49 leo 12 Nopolb.:7,..ztet (lee Cos. sd ie. wdideer, Cap: Murray, Lieut Grigg, Eusign Proct- Beet VI Ban11.4.N. 1st Jse. kep,,,gd. ,,,,i j mi.,„,,,, lemi riles rob apples yell... lot lien U ' Capt Jackson, Lieut McCann, Ensign T. 133.1 PIM* It., NIA.. rid, hit timer Go, 14 w Non-com ,Officers and privates • 57 BAN ili‘Vrottlr: iln“iesji. 1st A 31 Rom, Id tog m.o.,. Sim in ComplinIL No 6 CoMPANY, RISTAIL Beet 11.11 radon.. mined. .ot John /Stewart. 2.1 Jae Wilkluom Capt Hynduum, Lieut Howard, Ensign Bent 3 •inher named, let !An sta•art, Klliot Post plata. aortal. owe variety, 1st John Moder, James WIlkliewei. Non cons Offieers and privates - 44 Bast Ned Heyeet culla leo., enured. 1.4 ISM U1•41 4 Boot plate imperial Dap. lel Wa/aos. du Pond's Ileodnue, Id A 16 Wow HulilLes sliver", 1.A A ,4 do Tallow Wasiiiininentir., lot 1 Hood du tiesei'• rumple let W 1.1 do Marna Claude de Mei ey, let A 11 Roes. Capt Shipment Lima likkkakkl, Eneign Non-com Officer@ and pirates - 49 Capt Kane, Lieut Leach I Non-orma Officers end privates - 45 Capt. Mallough, Lieut Pennington, Ensign ie dulained Battalions foot up as follows : - fitad Officers -Coin. 16 Company do, Brut*. 18 do, Huron. 24 Non *ow officers Prirstes,B. 325 de, Huron. 417 Total 81.10 lant young felloss, worthy sons of the pioneers el.. hmred for themselves h venture to predict that for much) and efiii.ieucy this Brigade camp. will !be clamp- ed try- ttfirAeffiltan147etititiT,it this afternoon, ea emond to none in the Doruiniou of Canada. We would in con- closion, acknowledge our indebtedness to Adjutants Jackson and McNutt, for the trouble they took in procuring for es the figures which we now publiah. rank and file stand on the lower ground FALL •11105, towards the river bank, while those ef the This Exhibition, which took place, in otlioers ooeupy the slightly 4"144'd the Drill shed, Goderich, on Wednesday, plateau adjoining. In the ciente, of these 14th inet, we think, with. ut the sligheet letter, distinguiehed by haring in hone • exaggeration, was altogether the best and tall flagstaff with an immense Union Jack moot suoctadui 4.14 ander th.aw The and lent thr this um- war - or fore hlic, glad Mit the oda Rol 511111 orga den and ork Major, Lien!. Col. Servioe, of Stratford, public' will now be ready ackno• who le in cherge of thr camp. The -tants that thia easociation has been quietly of the respective llolonela °teach listtalion oreittentationsly carrying out an excel may be distinguished by the seine brave work. diesentinating • knowledge of flag fluttering at the entrance. Busi- curettes of fruit mist Imitable for the neat is n • aegleseeff here. The Battal and climate of this siction, and jiolivio parade at 6 and 10 a m. and 2 p. m., and giving preininius to the best specim :after careful and . 'fhe total entnes in ail ileipa' tweets vaar ware nearly one -fluid over years' list and the visitors mnst have n breed over 540. We are indebted to the .Fir Vie opportnoity inspecting the magnificent display, be the Hall was thrown open to the pe and 1'. Adamson, Esq., the obli secretary, is entitled to our heerty tha for Ina attention. The following are name. of the judgesand their depertme Ftowees-Col. Ritehie and Dr. Wo (Capt. Murray, who eas appointed,did VEGETA BLIN-Meosra lisby Willi and Goldthrope (Mr. Mc0,nsgur also appointed but did not appear). Feu re -Dr. Stokes and Messrs flay and Ellis. DIE.4. WORK --MTS. lie3YIlLildS, Mitres Parsons and Se iin minim. There ems no hurrying over of the w thepart of these ladies, and gentlern Ever article received the most are drilled Oro hours each time. This is no child's Oily under the h-4 sun of the past two days. Two companiee each day engage in target preen.). at ranger :of 200, 400 and 600 yards. The shooting ail through 11141 been ve7 isir and we Jag 1117173- Wing Aerie teirielifig Mid- 'Closet conteeted match on 22nd and 23ei tut the officer's mine at 6 p. m. The officers' maser catered for by Mr Joshua Callaway whn is acknowledged to be the iieht man • right place. The brigade canteen is kept by Harry Reed, who is • universal favorite. The „men amuse themselves in ell-sorta of way/. &AIM endeavor tn sleep all they can, others try how little glace they can du with, and meteor concertinas, violins and all sorts of instriiinents-awni their service. Tile inmates of one Wilt we peolaad, were piously enipmed in singing and apparently with satisfactery results ; on coming out with hit picture, shout gleefully Woeld you like to Seel an !net Nose ," Ever one GOMM e ING GOODS YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM la and jollity. Theri.f..ro, ii.dirett, the h. ridtal is empty and the four Able surgeons hare nothing i,- do. Below we give detailed state- ment of the comp iodine of the two fiat- x Ilion ma have more numerous Wiens, which we believe will he found .rat i- bit certaYinl will not Ile able to eh Mucus, Ils.roa le CHASM. tholle exhibited at this show. Among win - g collections we noticed the full Strawberry, Gravenstein, Canaria Re Maidens' Blush, Porter itc. WATER APPLES. -Baldwin, It. Greeniny, nineties, Northern Si Swear, Minister, twenty Pippin, hfelon, Ribaton Pippin, Rene Caned", Belmont rte. Bo. The "Northern Spy" which common shows to advantage here, wee not ex good, this season. Pears, we believe, • generally a lighter clop than hint yea Nevertheless they made a fair appearan The ride adjudged the beet was if t PICA. MY. Beet and largest me alio, named, eat lew thaa 4 v•rielim. 1st Jos Wilk.** Wet plet, eas..r. lot Jos T 4tann, 2d Julie eel Boat aad largest cll....Don grow* la opra chute, of each 11 P.m. Bad 3 lentil.* do. A 14 Koss Newt a booming Delaware, 8 Pentland, Rest 3 do Ilanforo A Id 14...s. inowssa Most naft largest ndlectio. kir LOOM. teamed, nin leo 11 Gordon, Kw)) eat bets. named could way he reonnairod..:: Reel evilln•tern of Vortweas named, not lois thon 14 Latest from Fort Garry 11111 1LRUC LA KA AND - PULL STISRe. TUE ESCAPE OF RIBL. (.13s Telegraph frosa_Glebe thrresposoletil FIAT GARRY, Sept. 3, ma St Pain,Sept. 13. loom, no ltegilany. MIND hal commission swil,L:ii.t.welietreediEeyna.n„t-i-fmr-lii_r..,-eponadri- or_ A:1:s_ hinibalitbd. envoi at the Feet - here lest night, laud was received by Col battalions Ur Volunteers have ar- A getinemen just from Fort Garry aa - sorts thot there La • bitter feeling airioug the French against the overbearing acte of ee. the Voliniteeryted modest what they term the violation id the pledges made by the Coruiduin Government. The day before that lie intended to turn over the Govern- ment to Governor Archibald peaceably, end everything w ou Id be all right 0' Dune - ghee_ however doubted all being right,but until the troop had arrived within a fit nide. of E.dt tharry,Rtel was still nainfidenwt that the arrangement was itill to be carried out in good faith ; that the tenor. had no other than tlie pacific intentions which their commander and Government had pro; at his hands. These assurances had been *SW kiln by 'rube on behalf ef Governor Archibald aml.thet.. Caudiau . i V,O. eitiltio ,rivuilltomIN. 7 , September 12, states thug 'MP' proposal menus are repudiated lay his HolinethiAmirr.411"goi from the King of lady se White declines to acknowledge the emehority ) the Kiser to treat se to the subjecticio of the Papal States. Loudon, Sept. 14. -The Fenian* siyaretitly quite "Qua agtin.- The polies yed ion documents st, cork. One of thee, areettireutiluynad7rered.. end "MLA ¶sonni Fcen, . Was I plata for pillaging the tirasteh Bank kiailwielphia, &pt. 14. -In the barn ball mated' to -day, between Inc Italia', aotl Olympias, the former WOE lair a swore of 30 tot. Berlin, Sept. 13. -The catastrophe a It La 41 is inseeseing the ill feeling valuer t French. The ars is gonsidiered bar; baious and opposed st all modern warfare: and way lead to similar Wei on the pars of the Germans. Loudon, Sept. 141th:- Advice!' from. Strasbourg iist) the beside defiles. i• drawi lug to a nom, and • surrender is ivomineug London, Sept. I 4. -The St. Loger wee, woe by Hawtherndeb, wish Kir:Toren amotid, and Wheat Ear third. Londou, Sept. I 1 -The following bag . been remitted in Pails :-Straaboargy. client from the Prussian advanced work* Lasa:.:Cflignsept,ontwElanYa_Prirnttnsbertzpoihr:ibig% popular rising lit Nies aumeoulfriped. The , French authorities were depoised,prisowent roloased. and the republic proclaimed. , ado g fleet has withdrawo form the mo4tIt of the Elbe. went has demanded .roprjaals for the see- rtfiee of life by the French,' le eirilodinif viscid!. Correspondence, referring to 14„. Thane minima, says : present. Greenman' at Perla veleta only bp inyne of the gutter democracy. Berlin, Sept. 14.-A. part, of sooialintin at Brunswick, who were tatriguingugsjos• prison on the Pru•eian frootier. the Prussianpatbormonse,,whalvuem.been. 77 sc. Bromic Sept. 11 -It is almost OET gain that Prune will refuse to entertellie until unfavorable 110118(30.8 set In and rendez. the situation of the army oat* ems fates, Boot aoll.the of Perenniol Pilot,. not les. is lesiselleatapeorawaskillorimWeeseerat AIN awe. Ws of Gladlnlu. eared. set tea. mos violates. let • Pogo Alex Solon. Mg Andrew Goodall Plerr•ylgaMener Charlie, Widiler 12.4 1. Best euars:tion st:451• 41 Woos, A Wet... heat ivollection of ht... ks, apiltesi 1st • 11 Nem, Al • Mental' Beet e011ectnon 44 Poleax. bit • X B(. 11 B Sleet cone -Dim or Penn.*, 2 tenni, without unruLers. neon:anted...I to retwe• the prises offered it)I :tot 11 dopiet fur table, lot Joint °nodal'. 2d II E leen 4 Arliivienen, vtore pleats, 1st John Goodall, bed Beet InTon Ian 1st in.. up, 2d Jokg mot Rune ore* leek Ir Fleet col/et-time of Potatyee riatiod, oat See than 4 wirimien. petit of limb, r 1.1 11104 S1 W Isomers, fleet 3 net. NUN fur T•b14, lot E Bingham, 24 7 lien 4 roots White Celery. le Goodall 342 Goodall Utord.ser Au MC Comoro* Eio/ k' ) Red* mote Red t'elem, let If 1111.1wood. Boor 4 !eels C.1.hage nalso4, In IF Elwood. at atrium MA 11.d. n..noy.. 1st Emmy (endow le aaarlell hider key ) Keene Jr j.st 0 needy turnips Ian Aliiiiertio, 2•11.8 Torrance BASMIA mine competitors Were gratis with the,result. Of Apples. we never taw a bends') array. ...Fite NVestern Fair or l'rovin mer en - ow Lan the ick inn ol tte tra re r. ur eles nine J Metier COI Clcolii1oh. Awl 14.11Th w30 Auction & Commission. 1.3 every rtsiiird•y, rind la Chaim. every Wed. Moo.. %dee Seed no Property for I naistartalf Penn Mork and inter !Ulm punctually attend- toihroughoui the county, G.MLTRIIIIMA IPA Amebae 14•ti. art I Nuke, Square. 14 wench FREDERICK ARMSTRONG, Afoot for the Conoda fend..1 (Meth , mad the • linIlding, Marino and houtivonet Co. Crown Land Patents taken Debbi aflame% Ana awl Clodeatele, Ana IS, lieb we 21 in...on. eine or Sy the noon miewele. sew r writ so we. 7 -hymn venhaew Alm one.. sere ow Me oviebleof won*, redi *lama •ohaseloatra- whInis .11 Ow onresnasna Lieut. Col. Service. of btratford. 132d OR BRUOR BA :TALION. liEMOV AL, ri UNRIVALLED for Panty earl Chaspools. saws Vega, Pleitter etc., ind ...nut. le meneia nothing Nemirow For *ale hy the Oman. ROBINSON k Agent* far Ooderleh. W9f Marooletts, Nooks, OM Ontario Carriage Shop, ALEX. WALLACE, HMAKER AND JEViELER, WO, errors., <4 23 ERICH no MINI ...ill be spored In mem annntinonnen a AO, patronage, hie anon. needy vrill he Deopply Watches Olooks and Jeweleryt which will sive ereelefonient 11,• gg gi, work leen leen done to mewl!. eretneeme my depend on having it well e veered. Wstrhos. Camas storeroom bend ALEX WALLACE. MELODEONS, HOUSE ORGANS, CHURcli ORGANS, R. 8. WILLIAMS e. Toemem. unakne. 2. the INewein4.1. ,T.ffle.,,e,,,aiesa.1 two lothroos Oral ho 1.1.1 Anne 444' 4.4.*anndillikik On. rinson to own an atilrlos road* by Mut, all Wore-Roivaa. West Street ' DA NIEL GORDON. Gedmiah, Aag 16, 1870 w24 Land Office-, Agents for Jackson'. universal 'Mop and Wnnitir Mitem .eee.% MIN apply es R E. roma d'•ye'' Mer R *et den Oae►. see 11. rare rt Money to Loan on Heal Zetar A KRAIeR R u l he Trusteed Lee mOOteNe/ Di et Dome l:ewMe. t��r rain In rnIlleporellon. and In Minim( ont anpnrin Carriages, Ruggles , Warn. of all kind. uetnne rTritlir 50. elms Ilnellee ea hand, find her sale sheep for oult Prior. of ell WIS. in Um Ham that compro fiern.rohly.wItte any la the 14 Awn and Carina, 114 - ono IL watTaty TO SILL frAlt EAST 18 41.7 OP -FAIT 1717111PER men tnnaltil Annroallon sf Hanoi, OR the Mimeo., Ilea henries Myth. one Wattes,poot eroy, 0004 ye...wood , watered with nee. Minor ors.* 1104 O•1144 fainhe going Also well el.. hy the Sour Per, arm oroars.l. von frAr I, 17 1.01,. In all fee ante, psara rarl and ',low Lieut. Col Sproat. Senior Major Brum Junior " Daniels. Adjutant MeNab. Chaplain Rev. Mr Cooper. Quarter -Master Eckford. Pay -Master Adair. Surname Dr. Scott. Aseist. do Dr Martyn. Sergeant Major Rae. Captain Sinclair, Lieut Clark, Su* Me - Nab. Non -conn. Officers and private' 52 Band attached. - . 12 Captain Barker,' Lieut. Horner, Resign Oeisell No3 COMPANY, Kt/IC/AMER. Captain Pelery, Lista. Smith, Ensign Non-com. Officers and private. - 48 No 4 COWPANY. PAISLEY. Captain Mitchell, Lieut Saunders. Ensign Non -non Officers and swivel.* gg No 5 COMPANY. WALK ASTON. Card Hunter, Ident McDonald, Eneige No fl CUM PA N f TARA. Cap Morton, Lhasa Foster, Ensign' The Directors will have to make more neon for the Fruit department by next year. Classes were inconveroently mood- tnget her. The grapes alone were worth going Si sea. WO co1111154 some 16 or 17 different varieties. The size of the "Rngers 19- and "Ontario" attracted general at- tention, and the pude.' were eloquent about the flavor of the "Sweetwater ; fortunate judges, who taste as well as lisik I Plaints were well retresented In the best and largest collection, eight (we think) rodent] iil varieties were eribmitted. The Flowers were a lovely sight ; the centre table being, if possible. more eorge ously crowded than n former occasions. The prizes were pretty well divided among last year's' veterans. There was • °remitta- ble turn-ont of Vegetables. The flut prise potato was '' fireme's Purloin' ; the 'Early /toes" riming in second. The beet oillectien of potatoes comprised the follow- Non-onm. Officers and privates • M 4.111, Goodrich, flatnet Chile, •nd Pram* Satt OR HURON BATTALION "Si lit ladies "f ti°doric-hi who" welli Yoni or rather, where Were the elegant ior useful tient Col. Roes. admired the worsted work. neised and not 14ajors Coleman ainel Conner,. raised. We were charmed with thedainty Paymaster, It civil mour. apsetallora arao loft Mot ..P1n1 of an - Peet V Early lione Carrots 1.1 4 Goodall, lid P Bea 9 wade Belgian Carrots, 1st W 13 Elwood, Best 9 Parsnip. le else, to It 0 ibbona, Id la Bea Pelt heel Osions. J roudall. 32 John Jatimare. Jr, 3d J Beat pecn :Nieto stie Onion., .1 F. therti•ro 2od A AI mu. He, .1. green Floors Mel..no. 1st John nlewart. Ed .1 Alerere Jr, Hut Ile•J fi veleta., 1.1 A Goodall, 2d John Pleven et . Leal If So 6,1y, LADIaa' worts Res Worsted Work. rsi•ed, lot MIA Rent. time n °feed Work, not isienal, Nies Elwood, dad Miss Carrie How. Bost draidnie. Hesse Parra. beg Policy Knitting. lel hire Sus.. ▪ Wolfe. guilis, by ft W1.3011, recommendeu by gm Juba Wbolorly, highly ie Indian Ink Mowing, by Met Rau, highly re com Mended. Head, -hona•nd one Work, ewes Payee. re lovernment ; trit at daylight on Tuesday 23rd of August. word was brought to him that as the troops wore adysnoug tip the Med ltiver from the Stone Fort, they were making. prisoners of everybody passing through their hue ; that they wore advanc- ing in fighting limy, capturing horses and mounting then, with riflemen; and that they were prepared fir battle. He at once saw that he beeu deceived, and that these warlike demonstrations in • country with no macre), in front, the preparations battle where ell resistance had previ- tions, had • hostile purpose ; that it WWI • teeinheropiambriseastki, of which Up Pro- s miasma Ouveruntent Rene t11 be the vic- Attereitity breakfast, Riad, 01)uno- their horses and tied, the two [urine! going to &notching River, where they •eparated, Donoghue going to .Ptimbina and Kiel ti, St. Joseph, on Atnerhan territory. while Lewitt weight refuge in the settlement@ west i if Fort Garry. Isod chaplain of the troops, and Rev. r. Poor, Kolnan Cathode chaplain, have *r - The /Vie Nitimt says that mimic the rival of iSs. tvuoyei-vrerybodrie Fail of limitless, one m o'.inies are all bueily engaged. Inunigrinta are arriving Tram Canada Ahmed daily, end the great want new IB builddige arid house accouRuotla There is twilling said of President Rid end hie followers, save a peeing allusion to 1%1 r. Thomas enrrespintileni of a C en IC by Reit River Indium between Pembina and the Fort. Our inforninot, who is a friend of Rid. meet of whom are Orangemen, and toy@ the dissatisfaction toward the Governturbi exiete everywhere, and hopes on the if - flys! or the new Governor the wi.1 be men met O'lloniihue and 1101110 others armed, near Pembina, rcturutog to the • etc Itdar THE WAR MCST GO ON I IMPORTED 1150AORMINT BY MILAN& THE FEELP:G OVER TBE LAOS TEM SUMS OF STRASSOURG. FROM i• RANCE. Paris, beptember 14.-Cremieux Min- ister of Justioe, is entrusted with the gov- ernment of thou departments not 71. in- vaded. The remaioder will be under the oontrol of the authorities at Paris. Perla, Sept. 14. -ear. Waehhurne, the by shouting sud eathueratic Frew oaten, whenever he appeeni in public. J . Kendali, an American, lately. loot his life while trying to ascend Malta Minister Weilibunni advisee the Ameri- cans 11 ho are residents outside the city walls to display the Anit titan flag if they moat on IL...laming there. Paris, Sept. 14.--Jilles Fevre has re- spired theoungratidstionsof the diplomatic 6ipl Holland, Valle remain st Paris. Fugitives iron, rifseMahon's army ruck the neighborhood et Pair by herelreds. The Prussians are pumping water from the moats eround Strasbourg, and it re- ported they Ste preparing to sand out Whitten, from which nitro-glycerine will be dropped, into forts and magazines. Miniderlieau. Sept. 13. -An engagenient betseentlie Miens and French Turco" took plaeo to day, during which the former were reptileed, with several killed and Tours, Sept. 14.- A great romber nf the bridges around Paris were blown np to -day, the woods set on firi, and houses likely to other refuge to the enemy deo Toni is again bombarded. The. Ibis; ternaged, Pit the defenne editions. the Pressmen@ fermented at the reglad*/ of Plwitserlend, to permit alin-conihments leave Strasbourg. It is reported that en envoy from Resets has arrived at the Prussian Ring's head- quarters • Wannlanni, 14t1 Sept 1117, he reawilo on the ewer, Uhl ninny teleinene boa« beisyphseotatell with lousiest,. thee Street.. ve thron, ed with Millis., awl military In rift,- romso.e, uniform. Steamer. from Detroit aad ith.r thence' Mt.. an looming In tbelr quote of Mild *Pr,. vti I • one member. to ihe crow. ainedy throuteme all Dr. ovenne• and *tomato of tin tone. The troop. we, •loi mantel y nrainined every Metall 'dile iir AM a an, equipment. examining .ch roan .nperntOly ancl /(1‘11, kindly bearing towarde the 0111..ro eked inns, awl trei .1,1,nrent howeee pride or any I hit. approaching eneneublog ben., Vito sense. ass samba ear. ini• pl., to moi row The root Meld -en, ,60.4 untlinif In a ahem .neet along the tens. of Me river he Inn liars.. Th. immense erewla of .pivitatom welt, mar the camp goo net orowlarl oirfy big •nonteongs ors. told en thern--lhey Swing only U../ ordinary carte... to defeirni trneelveo we. Seen nnn1149maenti MO noshed fole the airOnn of neat., ea the boat at short range. line letter, vfna pant) portent.' from th. allies gee' Ay on earth -wort fore. eel by . *aide al Hoe fame. .1 aretnatly Sam 1014 oe. et, ae la sy4to of nese Tivorew6C1 determined re. meant* all tee neN bees fnmn,1 In tad son nt--hle ars was ailawod by tin haMoy on ohm., to twine ay. wavy 1.11.01Ing to tint of the weeny It son os thl the th.. Ppm, AtIrd *horde her greatest a as oho fairly 1.1. IA Assist do Dr. Holmes. Sergeant Majot Moore. rit7ithtahtmin'tTiernTfi"iwrtlinhoft*Gcloduititriciisb,waiuthk P111.1'°7 n"13.teL11"-!Tt; ":'11."1:fil..1.1":41i7s/ateh el"! 1 11.7eros" Quarternumter Serg. .1. Stogy. Paymaiiter Rug J. MeIntosh. hens 1500 lealy inhehitants, there wereonly ?enrol preetie• In Ian. Horne tier. Inlag a bawd o• Orderly Serg 0 ?Stewart. 18474 2011Ip 'inmtpnr17,0"mf leanali64na. Ewe otirrnk *151: ishbala"1 Respite! Serg. 0. Thestm. *wises.. somebody euerely. devo▪ ted swim.' ape Theme.% nnet was arra owafteratial. PRIZE LIST. sr, Mk %nu ta mins arriving beet all the sliertan liaison* ••• 7.: .2114741,01 AtAtirkirit frOreihyi: V114) 1410 Tdit DRAT RA rri,s---80IRZSDIROPP-A;214. Mal news is just made public' :11 -.Ther Papal troops have eveglished the town of Ferrecins. The Italtaiie were warmly weleornpd at Viterbo and elsewhere. cm their apparance in the Pontificiel Terri- tory. Gen. Cardoroa's advisee soiMlbell ward from Viterbo was stopped Dm ed time st Civil* Casten/ea. The Papal Zouaves are forming a garrison iii.*es castle at that place, and opened Briton they Italians. A Ivaitlo segued which taste i an hour when the pontificiel form ellIn rendered. They were then talteri tot troops at the request of the citisetia. Thai ourth corps lar, Castellani late last night, after reducing the turtle. ThW form now nisrehing on Ronne, ONWARD TO IONE 1 that telegrrns front Florence armoire,. to -night, that advance guard.' of ehe maid Monte- Boma on their way to Zoueves of Col. Chapelle rettri tore them u they edvsoer, and no sellision has taken piece. The understanding, arrived at by the Italian Government int viikrence between. Monsignor Nardi end ((Aim Generals of which I. some linnet -ince notified yog, hoe been rommunisselled. by the mitistry of Victor. Euatuanuid to. do the fnreigu representatives.. ilt ie be - ,final entry of the. Italian army help Rolm. will be abenliseely ermined All the ablest, 'defiers of His Holiness touter in the The Couto...et of the King of lady. effort Ills Bohner, most poet ti re wormiest, :lust Ito tordependence and authority in all affairs shall be fnlly guarestook• together with lus absolute ciontrel the` atman the pelmet'. of the losontne City: al of ecclesiastical ciliflone, excepting! eutonyents, which =mint be suffered ite emit; thei r present out/titian, if the eyelet - :bide shall °enter rm flee Italian revigerclie• • city and state of Rome. da is mit :ihought here that the 'roma elk aceept or 'worm +idiom of the Italuentiiovernmen tr. k estop hoard of • British mawei- intwyer is denied riuthoritetively. The (head, .uneormasli:::::Offror.te th:a...14Komiraw:nperarealleramoo a:. *Lilt oboes, who declines eliknawleiget the j hpact•on of if r_deatet. Mre. Mite _4, Readedk. Aline of the ' c. .wele :owe, limiter bees eeketed-f ouggeggs gm die Iwo of itiewes,1seradiell • AO* se k Imalliter • • St AN Weikeleille. 111e*ant