HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-05-20, Page 8fiy .1111101 i i lois imilt um !ism 11111I11111111I1t„11111#(11111111111111141111111111 Recipe Box to open-face sandwiches, Slices of bread are buttered, then thin slices of cold meat, tomato, cucumber and pickles are used • along with egg slices. The ar- tistry of the finished sandwich is limited only by one's creativity. If you have a few frozen strawberries left in your freezer which you want to get used up before the new crop comes in here's a good recipe that in- corporates thawed berries with softened marshmallows and whipped cream. DREAM YkapgRe 1 S512olE tuAn strawberriesWe e13 ElaRaRe 1 cup graham wafer crumbs 36 large marshmallows 1 cup milk 1/2 pint whipping cream 2 tablespoons juice from strawberries Drain berries and save juice. Crush berries. Sprinkle 3/4 cup crumbs on bottom of 9 x 9 inch pan. Melt marshmallows in milk in double boiler, stirring oc.: casionally. Chill until slightly thick and add berries. Whip cream slightly, add strawberry juice and continue beating until cream is whipped. Fold strawberry mixture into cream. Pour into pan and top with remaining crumbs. Cover and freeze until firm Most persons enjoy egg sand- wiches. These suggestions make the usual egg filling more in- teresting. EGG SANDWICH FILLING 4 chopped hard-cooked eggs 2 tablespoons chopped celery 2 tablespoons chopped onion 1/4 cup salad dressing Combine ingredients. Makes 11/4 cups (5 sandwiches),, EGG AND BACON FILLING: Make as EGG FILLING but use 1/4 cup fried crumbled bacon and 1 tablespoon chopped parsley in place of celery and onion, EGG AND GREEN PEPPER FILLING: Make as EGG FILLING but use 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper, 1 teaspoon dry mustard and 1 tablespoon catsup in place of celery and reduce salad dressing to 2 tablespoons. CURRIED EGG FILLING: Make as EGG FILLING but blend y2 teaspoon curry powder with salad dressing. EGG AND OLIVE FILLING: Make as EGG FILLING but add 3 tablespoons chopped olives. Makes about 11/2 cups (6 sand- wiches). Hard-cooked eggs need not always be chopped to make sandwiches. When they are carefully cooked and sliced, the slices contribute color and design Spring Rainwear 1/3 Off Good Range of Sizes and Styles BOYLE'S LADIES' WEAR MAIN ST. EXETER HARD-COOKED EGGS FOR OPEN-FACE SANDWICHES: Making these artistic open-face sandwiches is no problem if the ingredients are already sliced. Each slice of bread is generously spread with butter and topped with slices of cheese, meat, hard-cooked egg, pickles and vegetables. They can be made a few hours ahead, covered and refrigerated, At serving time, knives and forks are provided along with a choice of salad dressings. Members of association for retarded at provincial meet Stuart House FOIL Banded Deal Bold Laundry DETERGENT Giant Size Shirriffs JELLY POWDERS Reg, Size E. D. Smiths 28 oz. bottle GARDEN COCKTAIL Lady Scott 2 roll pkg. BATHROOM TISSUE Heinz BARBECUE SAUCE 130z. x 25 Rolls 2/63' 89' .all' 35' 35' 29' Fresh Lean Ground Beef Lucas Arthur Boneless Hams Ready to Eat Schneiders Wieners 1 lb. Vac Pack Fresh Butt Sun Country assorted DEODORIZERS 8 oz, Bomb 59 Chase & Sandborn S159 INSTANT COFFEE io oz, jar Monarch FLOUR 7 lb. bag. 79' Hostess DO-NUTS ido,kg 2 /4 9° Cinnamon, Plain or Sugared Buy of the Week BIL(' Rw irct Margarine ( H I 'CI 3 9.0 it Davids Cocoanut Fudge - Chocolate Chip 490 COOKIES 1 lb. bag Surget 2 lb. bag MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 3 9 ° Wonderfood 35c Ib, la $ 100 MARSHMALLOWS lbs. Cello TOMATOES 14 oz. pkg 37 a Sunkist ORANGES 138's C9 Doz. PO California LEMONS 4 /2 9' Announcement . . . Page 8 anyone with it. Then the would-be employee begins to yell about the in- tolerant establishment. However, they also yell a lot about 'it's a free world and everyone should do as he pleases'„.and it happens to please many an employer not to hire long-haired men. They may be wrong, but they have a right to their opinions, and they happen to be in a position to make their choices stick, Recently, Ann. Landers pointed out to an unsuccessful long- haired employment-seeker that when you're asking for something (a job, for instance) from someone you have to do it his way. The kids may not want to believe this, but it's true. Out in the hurley-burley world concessions must be made even though they sometimes hurt the pride. I know of a young man from India who, a few years ago, was seeking employment in this country. When he applied for the positionhe wanted, he was asked to shave his beard, even though it was against his religion. This seems hard and un- reasonable ... but, he wanted the job and he shaved off his beard. The last I heard, he was doing well and advancing quickly. Hopefully, his employer will realize someday that his beard had nothing to do with his capabilities, and allow him to regrow it if he so desires. I sympathize with young people who cannot rationalize our thinking. When I first donned my blond wig, there were several people who looked at me askance and who seemed to think I wasn't the same nice lady I was when my own natural grey-streaked brown was showing. Most of my contemporaries know it's ridiculous to judge CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY — Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Pedersen of Dashwood celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary May 11. A dinner attended by family and friends was held at the Dashwood Community Centre, Saturday. Included in the family are son Loric, CFB Calgary and daughters Mrs. George (Martha) Penn, Santa Monica, California; Mrs. Joe (Inga) Manuel, London; Mrs. Bud (Siegrid) Durdin, CFB Winnipeg; Mrs. Bill (Karen) Nolan, Van Nuys, California. T-A photo y*:1:74:4e 7.4 • ' • - • • ; Andrew At Huron St, Remetnber Our May Penn Specials M.:ZZ:L:MIL7E2MSSZEIZAMORMYS5 someone on what's growing on the outside of their head rather than what's inside. We know this...and yet, and yet The other day I talked to a long- haired youth who has embarked on an extremely worthwhile project. He was sincere, serious and completely dedicated to his purpose. I wish him well. But, as I talked to him, I wanted , from the very depth of my being, to beg him to shear his past-the-shoulder-length hair, He is going to be dealing with people whose co-operation will be tremendously valuable to him, and some of whom may take of- fense at the length of his hair. I wanted to suggest to him that if his program is so important to him (and to others he plans to serve) perhaps he could com- promise a little by getting three or four inches cut off. I wanted to admit to him that we are wrong to judge him by anything so trivial...but, I wanted to also say that I felt his pride was making him a little bit unreasonable, too. But, I didn't say any of these things, because immediately you mention hair to most of the sensitive young people they get `up tight', close the lines of communication, or accuse us of being narrow minded and bigotted. So, I kept quiet. I can only pray that all of us, young and old, will drop all the nonsense about such unimportant issues, and begin to worry about the really serious things that need to be corrected in our society. Alpha Pi sees building slides Alpha Pi Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, met for the final meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. Tom Duffy, Hensall. Mrs. Gary Baldson was in charge of the program on ar- chitecture. She introduced the guest speaker, Ken Eagleson, who showed interesting slides on modern homes and buildings being constructed in the London area. A June social is planned for members and their husbands, June 26, at the Legion Hall in Hensall. Refreshments were served by the hostess and Mrs, Howie Wright. Otier SFO eted The Exeter Times- Advocate is happy to ex- tend birthday greetings to the following.: MRS. SUSAN MERNER, Dashwood, 95, May 1.1, MRS. FRED FORD, Exeter, 80, May 20, MRS. MARIE MAIER, 790 Quebec St., London, (formerly of Dashwood), 80, May 27, ALBERT GAISER, Crediton. 80. May 17. We Are Pleased To Announce That Has Joined Our Staff She has had over 2 years experience and training in hair styling. CALL HER TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT Times-Advocate, May 20, 1971 Is it ever one: business how another man wears his hair? Not really, I think. Yet, we've seen gossipy unkindly women, and fat, ugly men insult boys whose only sin was that their hair covered their ears. The kids wonder, with so many grave problems making a mess of the world, why we should get so angry because some lad, we may not even know, wears his hair long. Why should we care? they ask. It's his hair. But somehow it's not that simple...as it rarely is in con- frontations of this sort. The establishment has eased its stand on long hair con- siderably in the past year. In fact, men who still wear a short cut tend to look rather strange, now, and certainly out of fashion. (Who knows, maybe the pen- dulum will swing far enough the other way, that one day anyone with a burr cut will be the centre of ridicule.) Speaking for myself, I like a longish cut on a male...not so it curls over his collar but not shaved off above the ears, either. But that's my personal preference and not to be forced on anyone, except my sons, of course! Most of us 'liberals' proudly proclaim, "I— don't really mind long hair...providing it's clean." And the young people, who don't believe that cleanliness is next to godliness, tell us it's none of our business whether its clean or not, either. I guess it isn't. However, most of my generation have learned that one , of life's lessons is it's sometimes' wiser to compromise than to fight. Many a yot, looking for a job finds dealing with personnel mane z vho frankly detest long hair will not hire • Facts N' Fancies By Gwyn '4 foag gad dkne a6 11 Sheila Walpole Maryhelen s Hair Styles Mrs. Margaret Purdy, Mrs. Nonie Hemmingway and Mrs. Helen Kneale, members of the South Huron and District Association for the Mentally Retarded attended the 18th an- nual conference of the Ontario Association, May 12-15, at Thunder Bay. Over 350 delegates from 117 local associations throughout the province discussed the many problems still facing the 3 per- cent of the population who are mentally retarded. Keynote speakers were Fred Krause, Deputy director of the Presidents committee on Mental Retardation in Washington, D.C., and Dr, Don Zarfas, director of mental retardation services branch, Ontario department of health. Mr. Krause stressed that the retarded can now be helped, can become, in many cases, con- tributing citizens. Among the issues discussed at the conference were improved Mrs. Norman Ford and daughter, Mrs. Phelps, Gregory, and Julia of Detroit, visited Mrs. Ford's sister Mrs, Frank Taylor for a couple of days last week. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Anderson, Dearborn Mich., and W. Smolanski, Kitchener, were guests for dinner Saturday evening with Mr. & Mrs. W. Coates and Wilma Coates of London who spent the weekend at her home. Accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Coates, Mr. & Mrs. Anderson visited with Mr. & Mrs. Keith Coates and also with Mrs. Norma Coleman, Lucan. Dennis Cann, Edmonton, workshops and residences for adult retarded, better services for the whole family and recreation programs for all age retarded people. The local association provides nursery school facilities at Huron Hope Nursery School and sup- ports the Huron Hope Day School. It hopes to expand its service in the form of a workshop for adult retardates in the near future. Alberta, spent the week with his. parents, Mr. & Mrs. Carman Cann and sister Mrs. Andy Miller and family of Usborne. He also called on relatives and friends in the community. Jim Gifford is back from a five month trip to Germany, France, Spain and Morocco. Wayne Baynham who travelled with him • will return the end of May. Recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. William Thomson, Andrew St. were Fred Thomson, Woodham, Mrs. Pearl Thomson, St. Marys, Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Hanna, Mrs. Wedlake, London. Heinz KETCHUP Puritan STEWS Beef or Iri Holiday Weekend Picnic? Cookout? A e Be Sure To Stock Up At ,Turkeys 6-9 lb. Smoked Picnics 20 oz, bottles 2 / 79 45' Grade A Oven Ready Fresh Pork Chops or Roast Schneiders Minced Ham Colemans sh 24 oz. tin Cherry, Raspberry, Strawberry etc. Stafford Cherry PIE FILLING '19 oz. tin 2 /$100 Staffords Berry Box JAMS 24 oz. jar lb. 9 9 9 th.69' ..43cf." Phone 235-0212 2/$11°° 24s 2/49 Good Size ° FRUITS AND VEGETABin California HEAD LETTUCE Mix or Match HOT DOGS or HAMBURG BUNS Flamingo BUTTER TARTS pkg of 1 doz. 75' • FROZEN FOODS Somerdale FRENCH FRIED POTATOES Straight Cut "9 0 2 lb. Poly bag gla McCain GREEN BEANS Fancy lb. 59 4 - pkg of 8 4.,S11 00 Phone 235.1482 Exeter -"‹ -1P . ' • Ij