Huron Signal, 1870-9-15, Page 41. `. tr t „ illivura.1•. w5grte na.isrir xclsl t. • sit Feerdi e Tarts arlDggga, CI ar rig le lir 1 her et ea rep t the w,r thio 1004o tee see V rat, ,„poor,,,' *ed to *ed Matas d W eta rfl.awti• The thein kine see* ei S d Sense, the reeks war, to the Brotherhood ata feµial held is loses' Wend, New York, last Wedas.da7 :- 1 Chime. and Bddwm,-Akb ugh I do 11.A think tks eimelP eiNAl stag tie ors. /eiathat r eyatlA:eei,P• Wiwi -e %sataos of the elements of t ie .eoo,wr sere. ee. moist' • "•"""w" , I eft Aw r r0mt eera...,llp tile_ clogs os. It 1115...�� Sag ilaliliF 1l• ea4.w.. l y T 4 Sell' iiir .r'it '*per i`. .1 :)7 t , tai Tet eel ye bas, la ear .. Tan too e/ .ease eMrsinr WOE. W ser erste TMrid ear Th ..4 book tl °w lr't►r+. , 111 a dare tie err , Them . ra.w•. sem. ant wwew, Then are air 401 row pool ewe. rd mortars h, rare t tire T4 o Mpper d Leaaw. s With Wan d when Ase e.,... -..vena pre Of ars nee err rimer T. lie rederteg heart ef ter, So 1 Marr te the dreg Of Oro tread steers tar - 1a@ obri45 air, W midis, ler. awl tht amp, rotors w ; 1.t so err rUm Mater mess male 11.it erre dee, Tat we ewer till the .Mus Or the more 101011aday tsar. Orr t....rr..4rr. • pghuiq a_ Rhe grouted*. t had jut thea 11111111110141 from tbat geeM esuo- try now M Ns Ewen of .g0oy foe IMlsry hod life. I Flash" yon that grog est" from your tte1111pitriots im Ltelsod. The faetioee whir► Dave gained for years !Is jjlkilsrri /Meet. It is a aom•wh•t queer 4.0, that a e.ss- pasite.e (ekes meet s es whoa he m hordes" a work. A yoga' mea ata recent fin threw away • pail of water berates it was too hone du ar7'uod. ♦ ee...1►ellettllwe...esder nae -3. -. rod sacs 114 EP** wire faloaa easel to bi?�1r li an' a as the " R : '}r tba► 44SIGNAL'tINEWSPAPER '"� B. SMITH, DODVRluniitis(E7I' Wit}ON & CARRIIAC$ F. Ma Maxx; Hous Sipa & t;srre Pelf: Walla TO &NU411'T ,�y. PU4IJC TIA as dal W ■► s est/ fa 1.Aa Mwet wt to IX r ■waMlle tanrra +w .ew .two IX �CBIYiD uteisr.eel�i' wi,aiJIe11JYIlllSaau..0 I I I.1W IIIYai+' � -OTT 1•0•.,/,..0,.. 7{f tritio,i ,,, IWhoasop aasslastsid$t� -� zi'- advance of his sus 1 "flambe's kknocckeel v.P, �-.i 1 -.>rutyh`utrs•n- iuto the middle of next week. A facetious doctor at Fort Wayne, Ind. having been applied to for advice the other day, by a young bachelor, who suffered Ili elf Hie, eettbe Mort). PurWYwses journals are di.ourl•g the n.. .4ty of a r.anluti.m. They thre•te• to overturn the dictatorship, and declare they will nut permit dorsal. of their ren - Ire A 'Note of Warning' from India -For the last two months • circular from the M bas been p• eaug trots vill- age in the Jnllnuder Deb. The paper is called • 'Dlrshutnanu,' r 'Note a waruirte.' 11 u principally religious, bat then are • few sentenced that imply midi- ti..0 in it, warning people that then will be • complete change 1.. the rule during this year. The paper pr•feeses tooome from Moor, but it has not been traced further than Delhi or M►npooric, and Men ems every reason to suppose that 1t has emanated from ons of tbwe pies. The objectionable feature in the case in the way in . filch it has bees copied and sileetly pared from village b village, re- minding us forcibly of tn.chupp•lie distri- bution before the mutiny. 01.11 (7hN4endnm 170,314,000 se con- nected with the Boman Church, 104,541, 000 with the Protestant Churches, and 141,- 648,000 with Greek, Annenian and ether similar communion., Belgium, a little kingdom of 11,328 wg'aa'' !riles -.bent 'Imolai of Maryland ON people, or shout 5 to ' square mile. sr .J.i.w.., Yet 11 11, 1 1 e • ter from the deturbri state of Europa In Pans the demand for art workmanship hr almost missed ; and the w.r threatens the great Lyons exhibition, th,.tint stone of the building for which was to have been ba about this time. The German .ni- venales are closing. and r many of the professors will :follow the stode0te the Tartan breeches of study will he interrup- ted. Prince Alfred has killed $14,000 worth at elephants in Ceylon. Jenny Lind and Florence Nightingale are among the London committee for the relief of the risk and wounded la the Fran- eo-PLLeY1u war. / In 160f1 then were net one hundred ea- tint r tine Protestants in all India and Bernath. !tow then are not far from eighty thaa- hod church members. England exacta £10,000 indemnity Fran the ((reek Government for Mn. Llnyd, wh,.. husbaud was killed by the harasser spreading in South Eastern • A few Cerus" bendier* still moving ab- et* b eut Spam. The new grove of big trees in &diverse scanty, Old.,huone giant eighty-four feet is circumference at the roots. . ef-Methatonkeriellirited el • daughter yesterday. The shore sod of the !rel 1841• mill. bas been .ueswfuUy laid. A conference of Bmhops at Fulda, Ger- many, has unanimously resolved never b assent r, the Infallibility dogma. A telegram from Constantinople brings the news th.t theme -port town of Samsun in Ase Minor 1.s hese buret ; causing the destruction d 500 booms, 6 charohes and may line. The first newspaper in Central Africa hsa just been trued in the ewty od Tashk std, in Turkestan. It u called the Twrki.- twtkaya Visfemoslt. A Turkish Puha recently caught • re- bel, nailed hone shoes b his bare featwd then gave him half a minutes start before the...Idler fired on him. )1'be emuent I. - - in ettesdanc• f10, rtl a w., crisis 4n France ore the act ni the veer m rear epee their unfortunate patient, and, as Deo enh.apsted, the sudden shock of the •.mmnnicltlon to the Pruner Charlotte of the lel, Prumia. victorie, and the ap- proaching *Jlspse of the Fringe empire, be hn.l • wonderfully salutary 'Manama on the stere of the Royalpe tient'. mild. The Interrnpted threao(14., idea. has been restored. -She reads with avidity the news of the day, and ser in the retri- bution which has oyert•k.n the present °cements of the Tnderiee the avenging hand of Providence, and the fulfilment of her warmest.. the Emprw Eugenie, when frantic with grief, and nerved with the courage o>( despair, she told the latter, if Nspnleom brute hu anlemn promisee and •bendomed IraiinHwt, to his fate, the •--1Fnp•re of the French would incur the wire of Heaven. The phr.oia-.s are now confident of the complete repertory of the Pnlior Charlotte. exist so bagss. It ver „loom. then ; from the blur, gave a Latin preeorlptiou the ewe ►a. cot bat its eIIast now, he- which was translated by the druggist as (allows : ' Provide yourself with eee•n- caw is the tar of the world the eaten yew yeede wraith, with & woman tin it.e An old toner being requested to define hard dnnking, 5atd,lt wee sitting ou a rock and sipping cold water.' Young nen can hardly hope for any commercial advumin...tit mad they get 'infirm.' An American editor recently said to bis , 'If we should desire stupid articles we can write them ourself.' A humane farmer in Indiana recently procured a div.,rr from a auk wife end married. a blooming muds° of 1insteen. The divorced wife Inas m the house with of 1relad must be .� point. The gain then rm•at has been most benefoialto the emus which you all have et heart (Cheers.) It would be impo. *hie is du short nine to review what bas transpired in Ireland sloes. Yon have been kept in good .oquaittanes with the p0.rel oetUne of affairs. In eoojaaotioo with the united Irish in Ireland, I rep. meat the mar who eod.avor.d b make ■ ailed Irish in America. (',;hash.) The u nion of the Irish la troland u paramount of their Snide here. Some mea aro car- ried away fodishly by prancel ideas. her suaran and and u frosted with greet Still our common masa will help us to kindness consideration. loaner and ignore their endeavors. I oosshe (r.ry impel... bring I.Us i be• bring bock from the Irish of Camorma �' '� t>°P their hearty felicitations I have noticed 2 la 1 lank. in the s ■ great deal of • do- 2 oohs auks 1 pagers g W00 !sighs mak• 1 welts. votsd to the feetioes which the Irish have 3 _altar mak. t p 1pitatbn. mported Mn, Unfurl oho flag, and let tore gee the orsege-the orange sed greso, which you see united by the pure white have bee. the subject of • great deal of criticism. 1 sem sorry a riot 000urnJ, but I .euro" refrain from the remarks it The Pump>tta. Snob. Minis, in imittAins of Groel ,k writi%ga wines of articles *Meted. 'What . 1 Iseof Farming.' Men is what he asps'Cb•ne.wiey Me Pis*ydjrw,-This harry ie * favorite with the nailer of the Interior * New England, who prefer it to the goose - Seery for the making of fruit cake, and *he 18..ise give it the preference near the l.pbrry for feeding Goes, as being more II!Iflg, end fully ea.stiefsing. TIN pimp - him is the only esculent oftherwr ge family ghat +ill thrive in the North, except the gourd and moor t W0 ysrietiesof the cal rash. But the custom of planting it in the front yawl with the shrubbery is fast going out of rote, for it 0 now generally conceded that the pumpkin, ea • sheds See, is a failure. The ris- herlsw. Orr American amusing are .t length be- ginning to feel the f of the p5rr, htbitios regarding their Mhingin Cana- dian eaten, rd .•U loudly upon their •Gerenment h betsrfere and obtain a mitigation of the rs.I,otion Oath ops them. We are engin ere that one (is,- srnmenj ia*wreuiv so tem s prlby, and lie trust, they will soStinne. A now rase will melte the orsliniun r.epelal. OM ke the Bra. 5 .. *very rink intends 2 palpitations make 1 call. 2 calls make 1 attention. 3 attentions make I fool (sometimes 2 ) . 2 foci make 1 flirtation. 1 flirtation x 2bouquets, =1 engagement marriage. suggrwta It is a ootioeable feet that -A ehoknc old gentlemen, beanies while the stupid quarrel was being carried mlrteed at the stupidity of sen aged and out 1n New. York, the omega and groan faithful servant excused, '7. mode, you were fntenising in Inland. Sinai the dolt, i shall go out of my wise at your disestabli.bwcut of the church they have Jalloes.' To which the honest old ser - found their orcupatioo gone, and their rotor replied, 'Well "hare'v one comfort, eyes have been opened t the •faithless- master; you won' have far to go.' nese of seeming friends. If then be -'Aw 1' exclaimed an English cock - such people here r Or.ngemeo, they nay to a Western traveller in England, must be little ;posted with the news fr' fa 'spanking-aw-of lbs law of Dnmogenl Ireland. Orangemen and Catholios wet lure, 'ave you handl in gAmewive l' at that time frateruising for the cause of 'Hertel! 1' said the American, looking at Lrelaod. Men had belt. r listen to ma- his interrogator with curiosity ; 'ne, air, sac, and not perpetuate these faction.. we bars the oo.ak-teat.* and a_ Yea. the very pe.pk who weer thereon - An inventor, 'named Joel Strong, d Lbt the ore's sense k008.fat b s just bean before the Courts of Ciocip- they are fighting for. I veil give you my mai on a commission de lssatico, grant - opinion as to our duty in America. Our eat at the instance of his wife, who sats duty is cot to evoke, to awake, or eul tort he claims to have invented • broom �-�s1e� tirade anything that may cause a dieter- for sweeping the moire globe, through the nitre Q e cajun,As sLZ banes between Milieus of the Uuited .id of seven devils, by whom he believe States. While 1511(1eg events in Europe, himself 10 be we must be sedulously careful cot to pro- -Atalented young African, of the AND bootblack penuuion,ob.eryedeneighboar AT CITY PRICES MARKET SQUARE, GODERICR, ORNAMENTAL PRINTING IN EVERY COLOR, INCLO'DING BRONZE AND GOLF. THE ESTABLISHMENT 15 8DPPWID WITH FACILITIES FOR EXECUTING e'trf64.!! .. osis .,SV •� •r-- !•', _. 'e�islRa jJr,�jtkkjti�taa�li■�n i/i ifs..�.til.�+.1(4r`.: a �,l II _ Ic to ! ^7 sal :/efaas•_JL,.r.,.,??7', -...blt!.., 14.1,.;. 4140f..,,�.T.'Fr"'-�-"•-`''T4 ! • sub JL be M Nerve sad teem, that Misses, Mar y oo, , ,_~geg._.1020oo. ".R. ■astrisg int -clay I/. R. 343141( toll $arrlases, Waggons, Sleighs, wed,. res, a_ QLitt,O2'al, e�7eJ., r Tim ASPke {tt' V BSTITTrrI AS - 10R SILVERI STAPLE is PA CT DET1OODa, ELLIIIEsIT •STRAW GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCER' KS, Stook _ark will be ...N CSKAP '-tilt "'ASH. p1� Waned • wood -worker, and owe they ther blaokwe tom Wuo�-work and Very Large and Cheap --Call and See, Godenob, April 19th, 1870. aw67 GODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY (KNOWN AS PIPER'S MILLS) IN4:31-LII & t4O/NT P4, RESPECTFULLY intimates 10 farmers and others that they are prepared to IIILI all orders In ROLL CARDINC, MANUFAOI URINC, Cloth Dressing, Caston Spinning, Dyeing, Satioetta, Fulled Clothe,C1 Winoeys, Flannels, Blankets, On the shortest notice. Parties wishing to exchange their wool for good home made roods, will fiord it to their interest to give WI a Oa. as we are satisfied we have the goods you require. Partes coming from a distance with wool to get carded mat im nearly every Luatance rely on getting their wool home with them the same day. oaf Af.L ' WORE WARRANTED. Goderich Woolen Factory, j June 8th, 1869. ` 511 JOB PRINTING THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COM'Y Eft 1626. IJORN PASHORE4 Victoria Bisset, Oodeneh Ce6rlca,U.v Nab. ISM. wag FARM FOR SALE LOT 24. CON 4. rotees.M, of Uorierrt, r tetralas, e0 ettu aunt till acres cSIawa, 214055 CONCI ITI 100,1 ON 1111 GROW. .4iW+. Pstwr, sltrMs, W11 .M ad. room o■ the road hoe MW y 50004, large ler - O.4 5.0.. , .M 14.1 other bedrooms . o. w Ire re 1. w n Yrs Trutt room Mae room Mr tor. /rams tern tufa reg. noire from ells. bre re r has 00441.4.. flood 1.T_wart of or Me rector Inl4 trod Soil p .4.7 loom. sail r,dr.d h 41a�■(ser ad tio.i4 .011. Tel. Pre 701(7 r ate. o.e. be ream Ial. Ser.+.sir e\1rg ms■aa •M. or he hr Sr 14.. saw. *,ply 1. gems "gm._ ma. Sea, es ted ➢seem w LA, TR11I111Ar _may Own taw load Gay wt,r W■► ttln LANDS FOR SALE AT IBAYFIELD. Lone Noe. n it 71 BIYTIII.D w*CMmall, Toenrip ol:alwteh. ermerbt .s IM acre are boot gritty of led, Ioth1. art r tar d ted 45A4 ver W Tu. ser of dyfdd. Torn le • rare of id axes .hlub routs readily be poserd lar rep The err oder of the Ise) ,. Hoary .red with UM beet of beech and maple timber of read arse!►, 5... - cart nod pear on two area of led ppa45rwtty. whir ts enrol r as old de well arrt rig►buruod. A lilt(h.-lint 14. Reege A Towrhlp nary, 0.W.l145.ee. of wall reread timber load, welch .e Id pr..lnce • lane qua*t't' "(Arwood to re r'... The lot rues to the Ry ser Myer with a e rUdereble .errtil.pash 'red4*mints1.44544.ver.1445r w.•.■1■etur,as Wrl•wee• Pur tens apply to, J*4r D. ALLIN. Gorr r W, W. comma. tet. lry■er _- Guelph IS Jute Ire vette �>♦' - A%L�S rf•wlie 1rtRwt)eirr�e• ,--if0i�iiah--tw'f�-�- -- - - 3-re_�'C�:�--,� Canada : Montreal, -Standard Company's Halide's*, No. 47 Orem St James Street ♦a I a . w0y seas .11.5 .vete scat a.rala plated by Use potent eases alder. Ntly- les • On, aid le beer .0 .u.prsea. the very teed snots Beat to .terry slaw set orb employed as r► else rally ea errmrWlr. r b ee Para toe era It he 4Mlue.rk.e mom .est .goer "MORAL- (WIICI arra. A a tspla K =red et aesteaaWr M Yea r /raw tteea lir% T►aad Old 4105 prole year parte pater gets. to eta ter drag 1Ta4le Prim see......amp IOM.. 100. t fDun, Peewee.* est ........ .fws.�. 1 Tr epode 4M aM .ii.... Ips silt . S O agdMd M .... ra..l.dlr est fll. , fleecy 1st In M..» wt vitt bran ad . ▪ word de geprep.m _ KM - red say .15.11 Ai d W above arra le M ted n.dr at Urs peer. N. I.- THE SAT .t...0T 0y .0. of gore bel Is earl. 1.0547 goat. genre) aodred card a the wear easy pasta rite --vel seed!" ONE PRICE ONLY .TIRId8 CASA. 1.5 J. a1,0M01rel aod.le4. N4.111111680 .w ALLAN P. N ACLEAL fro 0 J • ▪ _Baooger-W. M. hammy. Inspector-llitbud Lien. ACCUMULATED FUND $23,000,000. ANNUAL INCOME 3,500,000. The Company having deposited the sem 0( 5150,000 with the Receiver General, inconformity • with the irunoce Act passed Int Session. Aeurancee will coatiooe to be carried out at moderate rates and on all different systems in practise. Referees :-Dr. McDougall, Dr. McMickiag, molgate unnecessary 150timemt1 that may cause trouble between Berman and poring windy Over a newspaper, wber- Irish. When Oakland taloa. aides in the opon he addresr•d him thus :-"Julius, war, then nobody will. blame you for tak- what ire Toe looking at dot paper for 1 Mg sides also. You 111511* forgo you .wt read." "Go way relish; ' b Ang• 23,1851"'", your object -Ireland. cried the other indignantly. "gums I can madCol.:Robertson Ross's Tour or In- I's big end! for dao" "Big snuffapeotkou,," retorted the other eonrofull; " . "fat ain't uufo. A eow'm laid aullt0:' - Oot. Robertson Ross left Ottawa on the ketch • mics but she0a01...0 1st on a tour of Inspection, proceeding -'If you do not close that window, •Brig( 0a an 'far Lee Tl5fee8. first to Montreal. Oa Monday he will be waiter, I shall die from the draught,' said ---- --- - - as DT New Woolen Machinery is now V EMI Operation and in First Class Working Order 1n Kingston inspecting thedepot companies • lady dining at the Crystal Palace 'If PRIVATE BOARD-rtw.SnaNL JIOTe1.,OM of the lied River Battalions 1 thed 1 t I hall d r theheat anD rest HI 18 rca5 nxrrRt J. TJ�YLOR` .Mho aver t.a .. sea, vol. xxi No; 49 J. GALLOAgent for WAY, Ooderic4 ..4 0l r 1r - 4 rain ---.try WOOL, WOOL, WOOL 'L 1a-h1.E 0LT0 RAR T. -Ir4 Ea •. Cr L. . 1` erred. nor4, (b. He,O., ee.aW45 m yak oe the f .la boos .r ter. TPee 4 • scaly • are oa the rans IIel le a 00155 lot- Pelee alar re are rad deo a owl ale. MAITIN lett.11l. Ico.dw.IW.f. I,ef, wt Farm for Sale. Lora es .Mat. Iryar4 order, le tter rower., r uoder.ck Costive.., el acre, w l►w neer 40 sera rimsd wits good Pre.. Ben, ad Log How, shoal 11 nor from C4.ee. Pur Threes elra apply at the 1*,.... Aar .nes a1 '*dance, r to W. W IOUINU TUN s oke �Pee..mmte.a. Oeuine►. U.t. due. 21, ISM. was u. TO ° Farmers, Livery Stable fI'IH11 andertdgned wowltl bag b infer"' hie samersa5 Oaa15Mrs rd the Pe blie KEEPERS AND OTHERS. 11 that his In ou 0 close I. . le from afternoon he will take ever the miliary chi. hot weather!' exclaimed a stouter RDASD ase w hoe 4r the.. stores now in Fort Frederick. O. Tees- fair lady. Then there was a giggle r..;....-.....ry spptywwr tbr..... day he will inspect the cavalry at Adolp- amongst the dine.s at the dilemma of the Godrn.b, 4017 cera 1771• huslown, and in the evening will io.peet wailer, when a literary gentleman present the 16th Battalion, neat Pioto.. -On said, 'My good fellow, your duty is olear. Wednesday, the 15th and 49th Battalions sloes the window wd kill one 1.09, and Lazarus, Morris & will be inspected tear Belleville. On ' " " " ' ' ' Tbar.d.y Col. Rom will be at Prercett, when eve battalions will he in.p.cted.*nd. ezereised in field movements, Co Fri- day, 9th, be will proceed vio Toronto to Goderieh. 0. the fnl'owing day he will sail In one of the Dominion gunboat for Sarnia, with forty gunners, who will go through their 'Donal gen practice. At Sarnia then will be the 7th, 22od, 24th 2516, 264h and 27th Battalion., Member with three troop of cavalry and one field battery, nearly 3,000 men in all, who will remain eight day. in .amp, and have . field day, tae gu.boat taking pan in the movememte. On the 16th, the 3'2od and 33rdBstWionswill be inspected iobrigad,- at Goderich, and on the 17th Col. Koss will be present at the inspection of another body of troops encamped at Oakville. On ate 17th he will inspect aootber foroe ..oamped at Bacrrld..= 0.. W�,.^.j.t-esd- w lige ..pYl pp6yl,.11l - (a 44•Id "!hare "i.Nt i. eriia+jtisiiwil•af 1i'• linlbat'tr.�ti ' et a1I t1mr1.`Tila" �fi�-• -A worthy nld Highlander went to kis miweter eeweigh4-is creakiest**. and wisre•l the man of consolation to some and see Lis wife, whom he represented r just at the print of death. The clergymen happened to be engaged with some friends, end told Donald that he could not get "way at present, bot that he weak' see Janet m, e'rly r poruible next morning Very well,' said Donald, 'I'll just go home and tell Janet that she must net die before you come.' -Pesch is responsible for follow- ing:- Female I When I behold your skirt Dragging behind you in the dirt, How plea.ed and thankful, too, am I, That i have not your cloths to buy 1 -In the bull baiting days a blacksmith who was res a 1 brigade, oosa.ting of four banalities and ball. Tt e canine pupil ptosed the old t ome cavalry encamped ■t Cohost'. Os man by the nos The eon, disregarding the 25th Colonel Rose will r.*.m to the parental roaring, exclaimed, "Hold Nnotreal• On the 28th he will inspect him Growler, boy, hold him 1 bear it three battalions of infantry at Sherbrook 'uher, bear it fell be the making .f At all these inspections field daya will IN the pup, held, , and all requisite have - bmade for enabling the men to go Moan Monsary.-In a certain plowing through their target praetir. The bat town in the county of Surrey then u, or sdot,, among them will h. *lasted to re- was• a cricket -ground nearly alrrounded rive the anneal prises, recently feel " y houses. (04. fits morning, just after a great notch had been played the secretary by the Government. Detailed untrue „f the club received a letter from a lad ',d tione for establishing uniformity of drill, c.rtain age,the tor " e proprieof one off the their oamps,baye been prepared by id Ste., in Meant hostas. declanng that herdeliesey the Adjutant -Gametal, and will be pub had repeatedly been affronted by the sight lished this weak in the general orders. •t gentlemen "in every stege of nudity, I putting on tneir oricketing flannels in the pen deeming -tent just before her window•. At Warninft to Sunday Sobool Would the s,eretary, therefore, she en- Tesonen e,,rv,,, PREPARED TO 1v..r utJ.,; FARMER'S WORK E%PEDI'1I0IISLY than last season while starting his machinery a1I new. Custom Roll Carding, Fulling & Cloth- Dressing spinning and Manufacturing, CO. will nedls prompt attention. Having now on hand the largest best and else•peet .wet-tf Opticians and Oculists, AIOm3'R81bL, HAVS. 4VITM A 511* TO MIST TH►. 1r- CRe.*kru derme M t4 errand Perfected Sp•ee.k., .oared T 10RDOr, .haslet sed Dru;yu4 �j,,de�y14 (AM their 5.'. *gent (sir theip4. . They hove iron net n re. al. nese! in.Ir.cuor, are neve th5adere m the abler w their e b Os �r r d Me ."eters. M amoral y ler be thee so pre 1 ore. 4peeo Ie ■-..rued by any w weir acre'. pnMr�M.( I t •OT mash =leer od e b their ep.rM.tr over ted n,din.ry err ern then l sem rhmn.ennr, droop d the .4514 di.■reen, roar ..p(...,,, rne.rwt, bas, w d. !noose /lee M Weigh*, emi- r errs d re Imam then tri smear rel pe.n' arena . we., tn11/ on. weonn, 4M pn.tec0n4 a etre •red Meer OM, r e the rural he:nn1 "ea Torr are re only Ariane. that treated mike arrangements for ridding ti 'Hew de you do, Mir Mary r said s aearetary + e anigagngat ate to Mir her o e d' tin a sal. i Th stud, tanning tip to a lady on the street. Fiefys,andl■t the nett match the dossing '1 am well, 1 thank you. How are rant was plloed at the the opposite corner you 1' -.f the cricket -ground, at least three hun- '1'. well, bot father is sigh, and so is *red yards from the lady's windows. 1m - little Jas, and that is why I did'nt come 1m - erne ne the secretary's astaniehmene at r. wining the neat morning • second letter, to Sunday school yesterday.' l muttons, but regretting that they wore of 'ADI I'm sorry oa epald'st eons thanking him for his "obviously kind in. h0114rotass aro Jou m 1 do avail, as the 'calla see the gentlemen's The child opened her eyes with eurpnee legs. with a telescope, just as plainly at end a disappointed look same epos her hefo e." fare, 'Why, I am in your ol..I' the laid, and it was all she raid do to keep from There u • decree.. in the bteabth of crying. Her teeeher had never missed ducultivated this year in Inland. In1A60, her, did not even know her, for .he had the number of acres grown was 920,176, r end aha returns of this year'" crop show a not called herby name. diminution of ab.at 34,600 acres. The Miss Mary saw her slbt.ke in a extent of geed ender flex this year to, moment, and .wanted to make it up. Bo therefore, !w than in any rear mince l Af2, doe nidi . hen the number of mores was returned set '!tuns me, my dear, I see who you 150,070. ITS DOW, but you NT* sot been long in my ohm, you ksow, and I have so many, Tnl DDC D5 (1RAMMU/T.-Wilde Y0111St '- name hu recently, became so prominent rently. 'Phones McVey' amid the link girl. is well knows is England. Ho married 171 anme to your hoose, and sees you the daughter of a Sootohman, Mr. Mao - and Jessie Ihia week,' veld Mita Mary. klenon, who was the head of the elan, She west, sed serried custards and sod died but • foe wok' age kit/ to J.11tie, 414 • nice hook for There is jet this difference between a Florenee, but it was Pnme time before file and a hen - the fel. eacklr Acton, e h. felt lett, STs that the sensitive and the hen not till after the egg is hod,- .hild had forgottoe (he knowledge that Bi14i.ga. b the avHish oevaPlmign(Mlin- her own teacher did Ilei reeegnise her oe -Cm in Me red Raver sew tanking r well and the harasser" will be nnnvn- W WV wok an wPo IIkIYa lyase I the etre". !cal womb rte+ ry , tat' -Lr. it al ip = , 11 s hoped weft Whew* }!"teat fayh bar cera firs way •daft That we rill shoal es irel7 eseap. 1444. prv, :