HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-05-06, Page 14ROMPING ROSIE HAUGH hoists her leg over the cross bar of her bike to take off on the ride-for-cancer, Sunday. Old fashioned Rosie was the only lady, of the 14 who rode, to wear a skirt for the trip. Birth rate zooms on Dashwood farm 411111111111111111111W ucs: BARGAINS 1970 FORD LTD 4-door hardtop, power steering and brakes, radio, tinted glass, air conditioning, 1969 METEOR MONTCALM 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering. 1969 METEOR RIDEAU 500 2.door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering, radio, rear speaker, defogger, vinyl top. 1967 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2+2, 2-door hardtop, power steering and brakes, vinyl top, automatic, V-8, wire wheel covers. 1967 MERCURY MONTCLAIR ,2-door hardtop, power steering and brakes, radio, 1967 THUNDERBIRD LANDEAU 2-door hardtop, automatic, AM/FM radio, power windows, vinyl top 1967 METEOR RIDEAU 500 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio. 1965 FORD GALAXIE 500 4-door hardtop, automatic, radio. OPEN EVENINGS 7:00 to 9:00 Monday through Friday HENSALL MOTORS LTD. HENSALL 262-2604 P.V.C. CORRUGATED 26" VINYL PANELS Shatterproof Transluscent IN GREEN WHITE or YELLOW Use them as room dividers indoors, as privacy 'screens, balcony rail- ings, or fencing outdoors. 8' Size 10' Size 12' Size $2.35 $2.95 $3.55 For Inside the Home, Use.... A.B.S PLASTIC PIPE and FITTINGS For bathtub, toilet, sink or any indoor drainage sys- tem. Can be installed quick-ly, easily. AVAILABLE AT MOST CONKLIN YARDS Lasts For Years! Clear All Heart REDWOOD SIDING TOK TREATED FOR LONG-LASTING BEAUTY 8" WIDTH 1/4 " THICK $4300 PER 100 FOOT BOARD MEASURE mmiasomm 10" WIDTH 1/4 " THICK $49 00 PER 100 FOOT BOARD MEASURE CONKLIN'S OFFERS A COMPLETE SELECTION OF THE FINEST SIDINGS AVAILABLE IN CANADA OLORLOK $4950 PER C X-ninety*siding SQUARE IN YOUR CHOICE OF LAP OR PANEL SIDING EASY TO INSTALL . . . LASTS FOR YEARS COLORLOK is available in White, Green, Sunray Yellow and Desert Sand . . . with fade-resistant color "locked in" to retain the like-new appearance for years! It is unaffected by the worst weather conditions . , . shrugs off scorching sun, driving rain, freezing cold and hail! Should it ever need a cleaning, simply rinse it off with ordinary water. COLORLOK offers you complete versatility with respect to style, whether your preference is Lap siding or Panel siding. Equally adaptable to traditional, contemporary and modein architectural design, COLORLOK is always in perfect harmony with its surroundings. Just think! You'll save hundreds of dollars in re- paintin g costs because of Colorlok X-Ninety siding's ,super tough plastic finish, bonded to Masonite's famous X-Ninety hardboard siding base. Remember it's fully guaranteed for ten years against cracking, blistering, peeling and checking. The hard, durable surface' is virtually maintenance free. Can be easily cleaned with water. From the Steel Company of Canada— stela) SIDING Witt the 20-Year Transferable Guarantee Made from Ultra-Stelcolour pre- finished steel, Stelco siding will last and last and last and last It's guaianteed against detri- mental corrosion, cracking, chip- ping, peeling or flaking arising as a direct result of defects occur- ring in the course of manufac- turing, Stelco siding is' a great buy! $46 5° PER 100 SQUARE FEET RANCH RED, WHITE, ESTATE GREEN' AND AUTUMN BROWN, GEORGIAN BLUE, PRAIRIE TAN AND ANTIQUE IVORY Rugged, "Carefree", Beautiful— Choice of 2 Styles . . . 4 Colors! DESERT SAND WHITE SUNRAY YELLOW GREEN KAISER 46 ALUMINUM SIDING 00.. ft) CHMC -APPROVED 4'd 10 COLORS INCLUDING WOODGRAIN PATTERNS El Ends maintenance Kaiser Aluminum Siding won't pe'el, rust or crack — ends painting worries. You save money, and at the same time, enjoy many extra leisure hours. o Economical to Install Beautiful Kaiser Aluminum siding covers any surface — wood, stucco, brick or frame — makes any style of home, new or old, sparkle with modem, everlasting beauty. New snap lock feature means better, faster installation. Modern, bright and pastel colours to choose from, with a full selection of accessories. H Greater comfort Kaiser Aluminum siding makes your home cooler in summer, warmer in winter. It has been proven that fuel bills can be reduced as much as 30°/o. E 20-year transferable guarantee This guarantee is exclusive with Kaiser A 20- year transferable guarantee If you should decide to sell your home, the guarantee is automatically transferred to the new owner which means you add substantially to the resale value. 111 14.4 111111N & HORIZONTAL 41/ IN VERTICAL ACRYLIC FINISH P.M. PIPE The Plastic Pipe You Install With a Saw and Paint Brush P.V.C. pipe is unaffected by frost; it won't rust or rot and it lasts for years! It's lightweight, easy to work with — perfect for below-grade installations such as foundation footing drains, sewers and drain lines, septic tanks and downspout leaders to dry wells. COPPER PIPE AND "BIG 0" FLEXIBLE DRAIN PIPE STOCKED AT MOST CONKLIN YARDS C.M.H,C. APPROVED STANDARD DUTY 3" PERFORATED PIPE FOR DRAINAGE BEDS-10' Length STANDARD DUTY 3" SEWER PIPE — 10' Lengths STANDARD DUTY 4" SEWER PIPE — 10' Lengths '2.99 '4.22 $5.44 KINGSVILLE LA SALLE RIDpETOWN WEST LORNE V/Q0D5LEE EXETER AMHERSTBURG BELLE RIVER COMBER COTTAM HARR9W GODERICH KINCARDINE KINGSVILLE CASH AND CARRY STORE 733-2341 734-7868 674-5465 768-1520 829-2600 235-1422 736-2,151 728.2320 687-2401 839-4777 _738-2221 524-8321 , 396-2703 733.2341 teterigiwinti NO MONEY DOWN! WE WILL INSTALL SIDING or Arrange for a Contractor FREE ESTIMATES On Entire Job, GRAND BEND 238-2374 OWEN souNp 376-8781 SOUTHAMPTON 797:8245 THEDPORD 296.4991 Built-in Economy . . . No painting for at least 10 years! We guarantee it! Won't crack or blister! Won't check or peel! INSTALL IT AND FORGET IT! DAYMOND Solid VINYL SIDING 59 Never needs paint! Is remarkably tough. Won't conduct electricity. No fading, rotting $5 8 PER mildew. No loose or bursting seams; no adhesive bleeding. The color is clear through. SQUARE By MRS. IRVIN RADER Four sets of twins in two years eight months. It happened on the farm of V. L. Becker. In 1968 he purchased a hereford cow. That sameyearshe had twins; in 1969 she had twins; in 1970 she had twins; last Sunday, May 2, she had twins. Now it looks as though she has competition, because a holstein cow gave birth to twins on the same farm. FASHION SHOW The 4-H girls modelled their "Separates for Summer" at a fashion show April 28 for the mothers and members of Dash- wood W.I. Mrs. Gordon Bender, Marjorie Schenk and Cora Van Raay were commentators. The girls also served lunch. WI Members of Dashwood W.I. accompanied by their husbands or a friend visited Dashwood Industries at Centralia, April 27, where they enjoyed dinner, a tour of the plant, and explanations by key men of the plant. A movie followed. All received souvenirs of the occasion. PERSONALS Fred Messner returned home from St. Joseph's hospital, London, last Wednesday. Mr, & Mrs. Bob Cornelius and Mark, Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn Tieman. Mrs. Laura Datars spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Earl Be claimed the report is un- clear and would not be un- derstood by many elected and private individuals in the af- fected areas. Prof. John T. Horton, hired by the Midwestern Ontario Regional Development Council to aid them in commenting on the report to the province, emphasized at the group's annual meeting his "discussion paper" did not represent the final word on the government's plan. "I'm merely priming the pump to give you a few ideas before the actual draft is presented in June," he told the MORDA members. He stresssed his comments should not be regarded as "throwing rocks at the provincial Datars and family, Grand Bend. The car wash that was to be held last Saturday was rained out. Weather permitting it will be held in the same place this Saturday. Don't forget the Dash- wood Bantams. A Mrs. Mabel Gossman and George Gossman attended the Krananburg-Gossman wedding in Kitchener, Saturday. The bride is Mrs. Gossman's grand- daughter. Staffa girls win honors By MRS. J. TEMP LEMAN Judy Jeffery who received her provincial honors at the 4-H Achievement Day in Mitchell, is a member of the Staffa I, 4- H club. Linda Miller and Ruth Jeffery both received their county honors. Patti Norris and Joanne Ross from Staffa No. I club presented a skit Safety in Your Home. Staffa No. III club presented a skit, First Aid in the Home with all members participating. PERSONALS Edna and Janet Miller, Lon- don, spent the weekend with their parents Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Miller. Mrs. Sam Norris is in Toronto staying with her grandchildren, Nancy and David Lyall, while their mother, Mrs. Ethel Lyall is in the hospital, government," but as "con- structive criticism." Since the province and MORDA were to be partners in the plan, each partner should be able "to speak his mind" to give an honest response to the plan, he said, The report, prepared by the department of treasury and economics' regional development branch, was turned over to MORDA last July to get the "grassroot" views to the plan. It points the way feture economic planning and development for the area with industry, service and housing among the major topics covered. But Prof. Horton, a member of the university's school of urban and regional planning, criticized the report as being "not suf- ficiently clear and complete" for individuals to understand the assumptions, implications and conclusions linked to it. "The task of understanding the report, comprehending the complexity of factual in- formation, interpreting the data and. co-ordinating all.of the ideas frequently appears to be beyond the capabilities of many individuals and local councils," he said. He called upon the province to provide more assistance in explaining the plan and urged the government to provide more time, adequate staff and funds needed to collect, digest and prepare a "worthwhile" brief. He commended the province for "its. avowed interest in oh, taining public "grassroot" volvement", but said the pressing need was for the. government to indicate the participation it wants and .ex- pects from the people of the region. He said a continuing program of planning education was necessary if some of the severe. limitations of present procedures are to be overcome. "The province will have to decide if it wants a genuine partnership with the people pf the region in a continuing program for their future, or simply a "token" involvement by people ill-equipped to take part and limited by impractical time allowance." He attacked the reports' assignment of priorities, pointing put needs were top briefly identified and generalized to be evaluated accurately. MORDA elects Hayter, hear about brief Former Stephen township Reeve James C.' Hayter of Dash- WOO was named president of the Midwestern Ontario Regional Development Council at the annual meeting held in Stratford last. week. Other officers are: past president, David Kilberg, Listowel; vice-presidents, Charles Thomas, Brussels; Allan F. Ross, Harriston; J, A, Stephen, St. Marys; and secretary-treasurer, Aid. Betty McMillan, Stratford, The guest speaker, a University of Waterloo planning consultant came down hard on the Ontario government's "design for development" in the Midwestern Ontario region.